
WRITING Card 1. You teacher has announced a short story competition. The story must end with the sentence 'It was the trip I would always remember'. Write your story (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas: 1. when and where you went on a trip; 2. who you went with; 3. what impressed you most during the trip. Card 2 You want to make friends with smb on the Internet. Write an email to your new pen-friend (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas: 1. your appearance; 2. your character; 3. your interests. CARD 3

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Writing


You teacher has announced a short story competition. The story must end with the

sentence 'It was the trip I would always remember'. Write your story (at least 50 words).

Use the plan below and your own ideas:

1. when and where you went on a trip;

2. who you went with;

3. what impressed you most during the trip.

Card 2

You want to make friends with smb on the Internet. Write an email to your new pen-

friend (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

1. your appearance;

2. your character;

3. your interests.


You have just seen a new film. Write an email to your Mend about it (at least 50

words). Use the plan Mow and your own Ideas:

1. what kind of film it is;

2. its short description;

3. whether you enjoyed watching it:

Card 4

You ага going on a camping trip up in the mountains. Write an email to your friend

about preparation for the trip (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your own


1. how you will get there;

2. suggest going together;

3. ask him/her for advice about things to take.

Page 2: Writing

Card 5

A new gym has been opened recently in your school. Write an email to your friend

about it (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

1. who can join the gym;

2. the types of trainings;

3. the clothes needed.


A teen magazine is running a competition about adults who inspire us. Write an article

about the adult family member you admire (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and

your own ideas:

1. who the person you admire is;

2. what kind of person he/she is;

3. what you admire about him/her.

Card 7

You have two tickets for a concert of your favourite singer. Write і message to your

friend (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

1. tell the time and the place of the concert;

2. tell some facts about this singer;

3. invite your friend to go with you


Write a short article to your school magazine about your favourite actor/actress

(at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your own Ideas:

1. what he / she is famous for;

2. his/her career;

3. your personal feelings about him /her.

Page 3: Writing


Your friend has moved to another town. Write an email to him / her (at least 50

words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

1. apologise for not writing sooner;

2. tell the news about yourself;

3. ask questions about him /her.


Your friend has invited you to the concert next Saturday but you can't go. Write

the text message to your friend (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your

own ideas:

1. thank your friend for the invitation;

2. tell him / her why you can't go;

3. suggest meeting another time.


Write about an interesting place you've visited last summer (at least 50 words). Use the

plan below and your own ideas:

1. name of the place;

2. its sights;

3. your impression.


Your school has its own rules. Write about them (at least 50 words). Use the plan

below and your own ideas:

1. things you must do;

2. things you mustn't do;

3. a school uniform.

Page 4: Writing


Write about your favourite book (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your own


1. the title and the author;

2. short description of the plot;

3. why it is worth reading.


Imagine you are a travel agent. Write an advert about any famous place in

Ukraine (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

1. its name and location;

2. its sights;


You spent a holiday at your relatives in the country last month. You enjoyed it very

much. Write an email to your relatives (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and

your own ideas:

1. thank your relatives for the invitation;

2. say what you liked best;

3. invite them to visit you.