write an effective resume

020870A01_LT 1 020870A01_LT 1 Writing The Efective Resume  The F irst Step T oward Landing Your Next Job

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Writing TheEfective Resume

 The First Step TowardLanding Your Next Job

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Writing An Efective Resume

What information should be in a resume?

Characteristics of a successful resume

Functional or Chronological

Scannable resume

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What Inormation ShouldBe In A Resume?

!dentif" Yourself 


Continuing #ducation

Wor$ or %rofessional#xperience

&olunteer #xperience


Computer S$ills %rofessional 'ssociations

)ptional Sections


Special S$ills and 'bilities +eference Statement

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020870A01_LT 4

Characteristics O ASuccessul Resume

Focuses on s$ills ,ses action words to de-ne the

responsibilities of "our *ob.related experience

#as" to read and understand

&isuall" powerful and free of gimmic$s

)ne page/ or at most 0 pages long

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Characteristics O ASuccessul Resume

Language is grammaticall" correct

Spelling has been chec$ed

Formal St"le

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Resume Fau !a

 T"pos and 1rammar Slips

231reat attention to detail4

23%ro(en abilit" to trac$ down and correct erors4

23'm a perfectionist and rarel" if e(er forget etails4

2'ccomplishments5 Completed 66 "ears of highschool4

27on8t use 3!4 or 3me4

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Characteristics O ASuccessul Resume

9ust alwa"s be 6::; truthful

Contains no inappropriate personal information

%roduced on a computer

7ata presented in chronological order <unlessfunctional=

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Functional Resumes

7oesn8t go in chronological order

>ased upon competencies or s$ills ,sed for career changers or those with

uncon(entional wor$ histories <or executi(es=

29ight sa" 3Sales #xperience4 then list it

2 T"picall" brief with a simple list of positionsheld/ etc

27e.emphasies importance of speci-c *obs

7rawbac$s to this s"stem <not as popular=

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Scanna"le Resume

Watch bullet points <don8t alwa"s scan=

@ow about a dash . ? ,se labels or $e"words

Less is more

Aeep the design simple

9inimie use of abbre(iations

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Basic Chec#list

No spelling or grammar errors

Neat/ clean/ and professional loo$ing

Length should be 6.0 pages

9argins at sides and bottom

La"out ma$es reading eas" ,se of white space iseBecti(e

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Basic Chec#list

!mportant titles should be emphasied #xperiment

with fonts st"lesD "old/ italic/ and underlines Nomore than 0 or E diBerent sies

!nformation is logicall" recorded

,se 'ction &erbs for accomplishments results

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Basic Chec#list

>ullet points when possible for accomplishments

uantif" "our results whene(er "ou can

Format . chronological

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Writing An Efective Cover $etter

@ow to write a co(er letter


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%o& To Write A Cover$etter ' Rules

1i(e enough information to interest the reader/ don8t


+esearch the compan" 'ddress the letter to a

speci-c person

'nswer an ad if "ou ha(e G:; of the s$ills orbac$ground that the ad reHuires

9ention the person who referred "ou if appropriate

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%o& To Write A Cover$etter ' Contents

 Your address/ cit"/ state/ ip/ and telephonenumber


Name/ title/ compan"/ address/ cit"/ state/ and ipof 

person "ou8re writing to

1reeting/ followed b" a colon

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%o& To Write A Cover$etter ' Contents

%aragraph 65

2What "ou want

2@ow "ou $now about the organiation29ention enclosure of "our resume

%aragraph 05

2Concise o(er(iew of wor$ histor" and s$ills

that will help "ou perform the *ob %aragraph E5

2State con-dence in "our abilit"

21i(e information on how "ou can be contacted

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%o& To Write A Cover$etter ' Contents

%aragraph I5

2 #xpress appreciation

Closing/ signature/ and t"ped name

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S#illsSurviving and Ecelling in aBehavioral Based Intervie&

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First Im(ressions Count )

*o +ou ,a#e The Best Im(ression +ou Can?



2%h"sical Contact

2#"e Contact2Smile


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Characteristics o a

Successul Intervie&




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2+esearch the Job and compan"

2+e(iew the Job +eHuirements

2Anow "our +esume

2Anow Where You 're 1oing

2>e %repared to 1i(e >eha(ioral >ased

#xamples2'nticipate uestions

2>e %repared to Sell Yourself

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2&isualie Yourself !n the !nter(iew

2Anow this5

K There is no Huestion "ou cannot answer

K You are well suited to the positionK You will be an asset to the department


K #xtra copies of resume

K %aper and penK ' list of potential Huestions

K >reath mints

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Intervie& !resentation 

2>e %repared and +esponsi(e Foruestions

2 Ta$e Time to )rganie Your Thoughts29a$e #Becti(e #"e Contact and Smile2#xpress Con-dence in Your 'bilities2Consider #ach !nter(iew 'n 'd(enture

2>e 'ttenti(e to >od" LanguageKNo gumKWatch those pens

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$eave The Baggage AtThe *oor

2Shut the 7oor to %ersonal Trouble

27on8t Slam )rganiation

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Intervie& Content

2Listen Carefull" to the uestion2,nderstand >eha(ioral >ased

!nter(iewing2+ehearse Your 'nswers2Sell Yourself2Silence is 1olden/ Anow When to Stop

'nswering2 Tie Your >ac$ground to the %osition2Focus on Your 'ccomplishments2 Turn Wea$nesses !nto Strengths

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Behavioral BasedIntervie&ing

2%repare "our ST'+8S

2Situation or Tas$2'ction Ta$en

2+esult of Your 'ction

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Behavioral Based

-uestions2Can You Tell 9e 'bout ' Time

2 Thin$ Speci-c

27on8t Sa" 3,suall"/ 'lwa"s/ )r Ne(er4

2Sa" 3!4

2>e %repared to 'nswer the Negati(euestion

2Was The +esult %ositi(e? 9easurable?27on8t Forget To Smile

2>e Concise

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Sam(le -uestions

2 Tell 9e 'bout ' Time

K You %ersuaded Someone To 7o Something

K You Sol(ed a Small %roblem >efore !t

 Turned !nto Something LargeK You !nteracted With Someone 'nd Wished You8d !nteracted 7iBerentl"

K You Wor$ed Well in a Team

K You Wor$ed in a Team Where Not#(er"one Was %utting Forth The Same'mount )f #Bort

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Technical S#ills AreIm(ortant

2'ttention To 7etail

2Computer S$ills

2'nal"tical S$ills

2 Technical S$ills Speci-c to Your 7egree

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Sot S#ills Are .ustAs Im(ortant


2 Teamwor$




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Intervie& Follo&'/(

2Common !nter(iew 9ista$es

KComing ,nprepared

KNot Smiling or Showing #nthusiasmKNegati(it"

2 The Than$ You Note


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0 Ans&ers