wrf si (the wrf standard initialization) hwrf specific !!!

WRF SI (The WRF Standard Initialization) HWRF specific !!! Dusan Jovic -- NOAA/NCEP/EMC

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Dusan Jovic -- NOAA/NCEP/EMC. WRF SI (The WRF Standard Initialization) HWRF specific !!!. Main WRF SI tasks. Creates (localize) domains Define location, projection, resolution “static fields” preprocessor: interpolates terrain, landuse, ... - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: WRF SI (The WRF Standard Initialization) HWRF specific !!!

WRF SI(The WRF Standard Initialization)

HWRF specific !!!

Dusan Jovic -- NOAA/NCEP/EMC

Page 2: WRF SI (The WRF Standard Initialization) HWRF specific !!!

Main WRF SI tasks● Creates (localize) domains

– Define location, projection, resolution

– “static fields” preprocessor: interpolates terrain, landuse, ...

● Decode input grib files (used for IC / BC)input grib files for IC can be different from those used for BC, or LSM

● Horizontal interpolation from input grid to model grid (rot. lat-lon in NMM case)

● Vertical interpolation (usually from P to hybrid-P coordinate)

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Required software● Fortran 90 compiler● C compiler● netCDF (libraries, include files and ncdump)● make● perl

Required Input Files● Static data ( topography, landuse ...)


● Grib Data (GFS, Eta, ...)

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How to install and run WRF SI

● untar the distribution file (will create HWRFV1 directory, SI is in NMMSI)

● configure and compile SI– edit install.scr

– /usr/bin/perl ./srcroot/install_wrfsi.pl \ --source_root="/emc2/wx20du/WRFEMC/HWRF/NMMSI/srcroot" \ --installroot="/emc2/wx20du/WRFEMC/HWRF/NMMSI/setup" \ --path_to_netcdf="/usrx/local/netcdf3.5" \ --geog_dataroot="/emc2/wx20py/wrfsigeog" \ --machine="ibm"

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Environment variable

Description Default location

SOURCE_ROOT the-source-root-directory ./wrfsi

INSTALLROOT the-installroot-directory ./wrfsi

GEOG_DATAROOT where-terrestrial-data-are $INSTALLROOT/extdata

EXT_DATAROOT where-degribbed-data-are $INSTALLROOT/extdata

DATAROOT where-all-case-directory-is $INSTALLROOT/domains

MOAD_DATAROOT where-one-case-directory-is -TEMPLATES where-the-template-directory-is $INSTALLROOT/templates

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● set compiler options in srcroot/src/lib/w3lib.source_ei/Makefile andsrcroot/src/lib/w3lib.source_ei/clib.h

● run install.scr

● after compilation is done, in the$INSTALLROOT/bin


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● edit paths in $EXT_DATAROOT/static/grib_prep.nl

&gpinput_defs SRCNAME = 'GFDL','ETA','GFS','AVN','AVNLSM','RUCH','NNRP', 'NNRPSFC','SST', SRCVTAB = 'GFDL','ETA','GFS','AVN','AVNLSM','RUCH','NNRPSFC','NNRPSFC','SST', SRCPATH = '/export/lnx280/wd20dj/HWRF/NMMSI/gribdata/GFDL', '/export/lnx280/wd20dj/HWRF/NMMSI/gribdata/ETA', '/export/lnx280/wd20dj/HWRF/NMMSI/gribdata/AVN', '/export/lnx280/wd20dj/HWRF/NMMSI/gribdata/AVN', '/export/lnx280/wd20dj/HWRF/NMMSI/gribdata/AVNLSM', '/rt0/rucdev/nrelwind/run/maps_fcst', '/path/to/nnrp/grib', '/path/to/nnrp/sfc/grib', '/public/data/grids/ncep/sst/grib', SRCCYCLE = 6,6,6,6,12,12,24, SRCDELAY = 3,4,4,3, 0, 0,36,/

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grib_prep gridgen_model



WRF SI main programs (overview)

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Grib pre-processing (decoding)

● decodes only desired grib messages(using Vtable)

● reformats and writes 2d files in binary intermediate format suitable for hinterp

● domain independent

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$INSTALLROT/etc/grib_prep.pl \ -d ${INSTALLROT}/extdata \ -i ${INSTALLROT} \ -s ${YEAR}${MONTH}${DATE}${CYCLE} \ -l ${FLENGTH} \ -t ${FREQBC} \ ${MOD}

$EXT_DATAROOT/static/grib_prep.nl$EXT_DATAROOT/static/Vtable.$MOD$EXT_DATAROOT/work/$MOD/GRIBFILE.AA ...

$EXT_DATAROOT/extprd/$MOD:2004-08-31_00$EXT_DATAROOT/extprd/$MOD:2004-08-31_06 . . . .$EXT_DATAROOT/extprd/$MOD:2004-09-01_00

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&filetimespec START_YEAR = 0000 START_MONTH = 00 START_DAY = 00 START_HOUR = 00 START_MINUTE = 00 START_SECOND = 00 END_YEAR = 0000 END_MONTH = 00 END_DAY = 00 END_HOUR = 00 END_MINUTE = 00 END_SECOND = 00 INTERVAL = 21600/&gpinput_defs SRCNAME = 'GFDL','ETA','GFS','AVN','AVNLSM','RUCH', 'NNRP', 'NNRPSFC', 'SST', SRCVTAB = 'GFDL','ETA','GFS','AVN','AVNLSM','RUCH', 'NNRPSFC', 'NNRPSFC', 'SST', SRCPATH = '/emc2/wx20du/WRFEMC/HWRF/NMMSI/gribdata/GFDL', '/emc2/wx20du/WRFEMC/HWRF/NMMSI/gribdata/ETA', '/emc2/wx20du/WRFEMC/HWRF/NMMSI/gribdata/AVN', '/emc2/wx20du/WRFEMC/HWRF/NMMSI/gribdata/AVN', '/emc2/wx20du/WRFEMC/HWRF/NMMSI/gribdata/AVNLSM', '/rt0/rucdev/nrelwind/run/maps_fcst', '/path/to/nnrp/grib', '/path/to/nnrp/sfc/grib', '/public/data/grids/ncep/sst/grib', SRCCYCLE = 6,6,6,6,12,12,24, SRCDELAY = 3,4,4,3, 0, 0,36,/


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GRIB | Level| Level| Level| REGRID | REGRID | REGRID |Code | Code | 1 | 2 | Name | Units | Description |-----+------+------+------+----------+----------+------------------------------------------+ 11 | 100 | * | | T | K | Temperature | 33 | 100 | * | | U | m s{-1} | U | 34 | 100 | * | | V | m s{-1} | V | 52 | 100 | * | | RH | % | Relative Humidity | 7 | 100 | * | | HGT | m | Height | 1 | 1 | 0 | | PSFC | Pa | Surface Pressure | 2 | 102 | 0 | | PMSL | Pa | Sea-level Pressure | 11 | 1 | 0 | | SKINTEMP | K | Skin temperature (can use for SST also) |-----+------+------+------+----------+----------+------------------------------------------+



GRIB | Level| Level| Level| REGRID | REGRID | REGRID |Code | Code | 1 | 2 | Name | Units | Description |-----+------+------+------+----------+----------+------------------------------------------+ 144 | 112 | 0 | 10 | SM000010 | fraction | Soil Moisture of 0-10 cm ground layer | 144 | 112 | 10 | 200 | SM010200 | fraction | Soil Moisture of 10-200 cm ground layer | 11 | 112 | 0 | 10 | ST000010 | K | T of 0-10 cm ground layer | 11 | 112 | 10 | 200 | ST010200 | K | T of 10-200 cm ground layer |-----+------+------+------+----------+----------+------------------------------------------+

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Domain Localization

● localize domain, information in wrfsi.nl (hgridspec section)

● Run ones for each domain● Terrestrial data interpolator● New MAP_PROJ_NAME entry 'rotlat'● Creates one netCDF file static.wrfsi.rotlat

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$INSTALLROT/etc/window_domain_rt.pl \ -w $TYPE \ -t $TEMPLATE_ROOT \ -s $SOURCE_ROOT \ -i $INSTALLROT \ -d $MOAD_DATAROOT \ -c

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&hgridspec NUM_DOMAINS = 1 XDIM = 204,100,200 YDIM = 419,100,200 PARENT_ID = 1,1,2 RATIO_TO_PARENT = 1,4,4 DOMAIN_ORIGIN_PARENT_X = 1,36,36 DOMAIN_ORIGIN_PARENT_Y = 1,36,36 MAP_PROJ_NAME = 'rotlat', MOAD_KNOWN_LAT = HURLAT, MOAD_KNOWN_LON = HURLON, MOAD_KNOWN_LOC = 'center' MOAD_STAND_LATS = SLAT, 0.0, MOAD_STAND_LONS = SLON, MOAD_DELTA_X = 0.132867 MOAD_DELTA_Y = 0.119497 SILAVWT_PARM_WRF = 0. TOPTWVL_PARM_WRF = 2./&sfcfiles TOPO_30S = '/emc2/wx20py/wrfsigeog/topo_30s', LANDUSE_30S = '/emc2/wx20py/wrfsigeog/landuse_30s', SOILTYPE_TOP_30S = '/emc2/wx20py/wrfsigeog/soiltype_top_30s', SOILTYPE_BOT_30S = '/emc2/wx20py/wrfsigeog/soiltype_bot_30s', GREENFRAC = '/emc2/wx20py/wrfsigeog/greenfrac', SOILTEMP_1DEG = '/emc2/wx20py/wrfsigeog/soiltemp_1deg', ALBEDO_NCEP = '/emc2/wx20py/wrfsigeog/albedo_ncep', MAXSNOWALB = '/emc2/wx20py/wrfsigeog/maxsnowalb', ISLOPE = '/emc2/wx20py/wrfsigeog/islope',/


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i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 i=5 i=6 i=7 i=8












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i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 i=5 i=6 i=7 i=204












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i=1 i=2 i=3 i=IMi=IM-1






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Horizontal interpolation (hinterp.exe)

● uses wrfsi.nl for domain information

● reads output files (binary “intermediate” format) from grib_prep

● reads netCDF file from gridgen_model(static.wrfsi.rotlat)

● horizontally interpolates 2d fields(interpolation method for “soil” (LSM) fields can be different from other fields)

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$INSTALLROT/etc/wrfprep.pl \ -d ${MOAD_DATAROOT} \ -i ${INSTALLROT} \ -s ${YEAR}${MONTH}${DATE}${CYCLE} \ -f ${FLENGTH} \ -t ${FREQBC}

$MOAD_DATAROOT/static/wrfsi.nl (project_id,filetimespec,interp_control)$MOAD_DATAROOT/static/static.wrfsi.rotlat$MOAD_DATAROOT/siprd/$MOD:2004-08-31_00 link to$EXT_DATAROOT/extprd/$MOD:2004-08-31_00

$MOAD_DATAROOT/siprd/hinterp.global.metadata$MOAD_DATAROOT/siprd/hinterp.d01.2004-08-31_00:00:00$MOAD_DATAROOT/siprd/hinterp.d01.2004-08-31_00:00:06 . . . .$MOAD_DATAROOT/siprd/hinterp.d01.2004-09-01_00:00:00

binary files

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Vertical interpolation (vinterp.exe)

● uses wrfsi.nl to determine number of vertical levels andvalues of sigma

● reads output files from hinterp.exe

● performs vertical interpolation

● outputs netCDF files (one for each BC time step) to be read by real.exe

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$INSTALLROT/etc/wrfprep.pl \ -d ${MOAD_DATAROOT} \ -i ${INSTALLROT} \ -s ${YEAR}${MONTH}${DATE}${CYCLE} \ -f ${FLENGTH} \ -t ${FREQBC}

$MOAD_DATAROOT/static/wrfsi.nl (interp_control)$MOAD_DATAROOT/siprd/hinterp.global.metadata$MOAD_DATAROOT/siprd/hinterp.d01.2004-08-31_00:00:00

$MOAD_DATAROOT/siprd/wrf_real_input_nm.d01.2004-08-31_00:00:00$MOAD_DATAROOT/siprd/wrf_real_input_nm.d01.2004-08-31_00:00:06 . . . .$MOAD_DATAROOT/siprd/wrf_real_input_nm.d01.2004-09-01_00:00:00

netCDF files

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&interp_control NUM_DOMAINS = 1, DOMAIN_ID_LIST = 1, PTOP_PA = 5000, HINTERP_METHOD = 1, LSM_HINTERP_METHOD = 0, NUM_INIT_TIMES = 1, INIT_ROOT = 'GFDL', LBC_ROOT = 'GFDL', LSM_ROOT = 'AVNLSM', CONSTANTS_FULL_NAME = '', VERBOSE_LOG = .true., OUTPUT_COORD = 'NMMH', LEVELS = 1.0, .9919699, .9827400, .9721600, .9600599, .9462600, .9306099, .9129300, .8930600, .8708600, .8462000, .8190300, .7893100, .7570800, .7224600, .6856500, .6469100, .6066099, .5651600, .5230500, .4807700, .4388600, .3978000, .3580500, .3200099, .2840100, .2502900, .2190100, .1902600, .1640600, .1403600, .1190600, .1000500, .0831600, .0682400, .0551200, .0436200, .0335700, .0248200, .0172200, .0106300, .0049200, .0000000, OUTPUT_VARS = 2, OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE = 'WRF',/


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$INSTALLROOT/bin/siscan hinterp.d01.2004-08-31_00:00:00 Scanning hinterp.d01.2004-08-31_00:00:00 Domain Metadata Information -----------------------------------------------------Domain Number ......... 1Parent ID ............. 0Dynamic Init. Source .. SIStatic Init. Source ... SIValid Date (YYYDDD) ... 2004244Valid Time (sec UTC) .. 0.0Origin X in Parent .... 1Origin Y in Parent .... 1Nest Ratio to Parent .. 1Delta X ............... 19871.3Delta Y ............... 19871.3Top Level ............. 5000.0Origin Z in Parent .... 1X dimension ........... 204Y dimension ........... 419Z dimension ........... 20 ---------------------------------------------------

Variables found: NAME STAG DIM NX NY NZ UNITS DESCRIPTION -------- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ---------------- --------------------------------PRESSURE 0 1 20 0 0 Pa Pressure levels used for verticaT 4 3 204 419 20 K TemperatureU 4 3 204 419 20 m s{-1} UV 4 3 204 419 20 m s{-1} VRH 4 3 204 419 20 % Relative HumidityHGT 4 3 204 419 20 m HeightSM000010 1 2 204 419 0 fraction Soil Moisture of 0-10 cm groundSM010200 1 2 204 419 0 fraction Soil Moisture of 10-200 cm grounST000010 1 2 204 419 0 K T of 0-10 cm ground layerST010200 1 2 204 419 0 K T of 10-200 cm ground layerPMSL 4 2 204 419 0 Pa Sea-level PressurePSFC 4 2 204 419 0 Pa Surface PressureSKINTEMP 1 2 204 419 0 K Skin temperature (can use for SS End of file reached.

siscan and ncdump utilties

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