wpc bits-n-pieces 27/01/2020 - whickhamphotographic.club

WPC Bits-n-Pieces: 27-01-2020: Next Friday Projects and Panels: Recent Presentations: Various News Items. Page 1 of 11 WPC Bits-n-Pieces 27/01/2020 “What’s on next Friday at WPC” Friday 31st January Members / Projects / Panels Evening Normally compared by our Sue Hingley, unfortunately Sue cannot make the 31 st. Opportunity remains however for members to bring along and discuss their ongoing Projects / Panels work. Definition: Sue has previously advised: Definitions of Projects and Panels: Project: An unlimited number of images, built up over time, and relating to a particular theme / topic /event / place etc. Slide Show: An automatic PDI sequence of images portraying a theme, a place or an event, maybe with added music or other soundtrack. Panel: A specific set of a limited number of images (usually between 3-15 images) relating to a particular topic, theme, event/place etc where particular attention has been given to the order in which images are put and their visual relationship to each other, to enhance the way in which the panel illustrates the nature and feel of that theme/topic. The images in a panel together convey something more that any single image would on its own. Material for the meeting: images shown as a sample of a project you are working on may be presented individually or all at the same time as mounted prints, or individually as PDI's with up to 20 images a panel can include between 3 and 15 images which are all seen at the same time, and often in rows of 3-5 images. This is best done as prints but if you want to present a panel as a PDI all the images need to be in a single jpeg file (as done for our portfolio competition) a slide show can include a larger number of images compared with a project or a panel, and should run for approx. 7 minutes maximum (please ensure that the slide show has not been put together using Power Point - our computer does not support PP) Certainly, we have at least one volunteer so far with Brian Haddock advising how he took the idea of Street Photography with him on a foreign holiday after being motivated by Dave Mason of Canterbury’s talk at WPC in October. Please come along and bring your own work for discussion – if you have not quite enough work to show as a Project or Panel – showing your images as per a normal members night is always welcome. Members who have not shown work recently (or even at all) are especially invited.

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WPC Bits-n-Pieces: 27-01-2020: Next Friday Projects and Panels: Recent Presentations: Various News Items. Page 1 of 11

WPC Bits-n-Pieces 27/01/2020 “What’s on next Friday at WPC”

Friday 31st January Members / Projects / Panels Evening

Normally compared by our Sue Hingley, unfortunately Sue cannot make the 31st.

Opportunity remains however for members to bring along and discuss their ongoing Projects / Panels work. Definition: Sue has previously advised: Definitions of Projects and Panels: Project: An unlimited number of images, built up over time, and relating to a particular theme / topic /event / place etc. Slide Show: An automatic PDI sequence of images portraying a theme, a place or an event, maybe with added music or other soundtrack. Panel: A specific set of a limited number of images (usually between 3-15 images) relating to a particular topic, theme, event/place etc where particular attention has been given to the order in which images are put and their visual relationship to each other, to enhance the way in which the panel illustrates the nature and feel of that theme/topic. The images in a panel together convey something more that any single image would on its own. Material for the meeting:

• images shown as a sample of a project you are working on may be presented individually or all at the same time as mounted prints, or individually as PDI's with up to 20 images

• a panel can include between 3 and 15 images which are all seen at the same time, and often in rows of 3-5 images. This is best done as prints but if you want to present a panel as a PDI all the images need to be in a single jpeg file (as done for our portfolio competition)

• a slide show can include a larger number of images compared with a project or a panel, and should run for approx. 7 minutes maximum (please ensure that the slide show has not been put together using Power Point - our computer does not support PP)

Certainly, we have at least one volunteer so far with Brian Haddock advising how he took the idea of Street Photography with him on a foreign holiday after being motivated by Dave Mason of Canterbury’s talk at WPC in October. Please come along and bring your own work for discussion – if you have not quite enough work to show as a Project or Panel – showing your images as per a normal members night is always welcome. Members who have not shown work recently (or even at all) are especially invited.

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Looking back – Recent WPC Nights

Thank you to David and Carol Stout who in January shared with us their Oriental Experience in an entertaining joint presentation amplified by their excellent images. A “feel” of the countries visited was certainly portrayed during the evening but what could not be represented without group entry to a sauna was the high temperatures and humidity present in these tropical regions. The “cure” however of cooling liquids was regularly on display in some of their candid pictures (I’ll drink to that)! Top 3 images by Carol

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WPC Bits-n-Pieces: 27-01-2020: Next Friday Projects and Panels: Recent Presentations: Various News Items. Page 4 of 11

Above: Memorial Park, Saigon. Below Golden Rock Pagoda encased in gold with multiple treasures hidden within. Both by David

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Paduang Woman by David Stout

Mini-Shows – 1 slot remaining Taking tea and viewing a member (or two’s) print work at the back of the hall during break time has again proven popular, to the extent that there is only 1 free slot remaining: Members evening on 21st February. Interested in showing your prints to an appreciative audience in a relaxed atmosphere? Please advise Gerben at [email protected]

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What was on Last Friday An automatic slideshow with music from last year’s PAGB Open, Nature and Small Clubs was enjoyed along with print Mini shows at the back of the hall. With the PAGB show lasting only 40 minutes the opportunity was taken for award winning images from a previous show to be discussed in detail Alan Wilson introducing Nature and Peter Dixon the Open section. This provided a great opportunity for dialogue, debate and learning opportunity with some cracking one liners coming from the audience. Thank you to all who took part.

Though other WPC images were given “accepted” marks in the respective competitions, only two were included in the slideshow. Alan Fowler’s “Making Your Own Fun” from 2019 and Carol Stout’s “Cat Nap” 2018.

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Competitions Reminder - Hand-In Deadline: Round 3: 07th February

It seems like requests for your competition entries are coming thick and fast – and they are! Next deadline is a fortnight(ish) away for our final internal competition: Round 3 of the Club Print and PDI Competition where scores are totalled leading to highest overall entrants gaining the Tom Heads/Trevor Ermel Trophies as well as points going towards the Club Competitor of the Year. No worries if you have not achieved highest scores – or even have not entered previous rounds. Come 06th March, Judge Keith Archer CPAGB of Ryton Camera Club shall still be providing constructive feedback on round 3 entries while awarding certificates to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Highly Commended images. PDI’s to Les Hill at [email protected] please and prints to the box.

Gateshead Council – Library Archive Gateshead Central Library advise they now have an exciting new space for people to view the unique local history collection held by the Council. Ctrl+click Gateshead Archive open

WPC Bits-n-Pieces: 27-01-2020: Next Friday Projects and Panels: Recent Presentations: Various News Items. Page 8 of 11

Rules of Composition – Link to PictureCorrect

We often hear images discussed by judges and presenters regards “Rule of Thirds”, “Leading Lines”, “Symmetry” and other descriptive terms, but what does all this mean? Author Tony Murtagh of e-magazine https://www.picturecorrect.com gives his version regards Rules of Composition Ctrl+Click any of the above for a read.

NCPF Club Championships 2020

Coming up soon is the NCPF Club Championships which shall be held at Clara Vale on Sunday 09th February doors open 12:00 for a 12:30 start.

Entry is free, teas’ and biscuits provided plus the opportunity to see how our WPC work stands alongside our peer clubs from throughout the region. To help those sitting at the back of the hall Prints are also projected as well as (of course) the pdi entries.

Shy about travelling alone - WPC are well represented within NCPF, present on the day with various tasks will be Joseph Duffy (President), Alan Wilson, (Portfolio Secretary) with Keith Kirkland and Lynda Golightly running the kitchen.

What is it all about: The Club Championships are held each year to find the top projected image and print clubs in the NCPF area. It is a competition for club entries with marks given to each entry leading to “winners” of a league identifying which club(s) will represent NCPF within upcoming PAGB competitions. Awards are also given to a few “best” images” the afternoon is a great way to see the bigger picture in a friendly (competitive) setting.

It is to be held next on Sunday 9th February 2020 at

Clara Vale Village Hall, Clara Vale, Tyne and Wear. NE40 3SY

WPC “In the News” Club President David Richardson has been in talks with Tracey Evans of Gateshead Council as well as Friends of Chase Park regards how we can help with a Photographic Competition open to the public. Flyer below, Gateshead website https://www.gateshead.gov.uk/article/7033/Chase-Park or Chase Park Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfChasePark/ Along with Tracey a WPC member shall judge each month’s submissions. If you do not fancy entering yourself, why not take a photography learning friend or family member along for some photographic guidance. Small cash prizes are up for grabs for under and over 18 categories with best images published in a future calendar.

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Want to know about Judging?

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That’s all for now, want anything published – please advise. See you Friday 31st January for Members/Projects/Panels evening. (Reminder: bring some work – especially if you have not shown recently). All the Best Alan Alan Wilson Secretary, Whickham Photographic Club Whickham Community Centre, Front Street, Whickham, NE16 4JL, U.K. Mobile: 0781 4333844 or Landline: 0191 4220705 e-mail: [email protected]