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  • 8/6/2019 Woyzeck 1.0


    The G. Buchner Sideshow Company presents The True Tragical Tale of Franz


    A cold-blooded murder told in a random order adapted from numerous sources by Patrick Tangredi

    A different show each night!

    The following scenes (with the exception of the opening Wheel of fortune and the Closing Death

    may be played in any order as determined by the audience each evening.

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    The Wheel of Fortune (from Mueller Sc 2, Sc 4 & Sc. 5)

    When the show is actually cued by the house manager the following begins:

    There are various carnie style booths in the PAC lobby. Maybe food (We could raise $ for ACTFtrip for whoever gets to go?) maybe a game, maybe See the pickled punks- preserved deformedbabies in jars, the hand of a real mummyclassic timeless carnie chintz.

    Fair booths. Enticing, suggestive lights from off. We have an opportunity to sucker the audiencewith shadow here- creating living silhouettes of impossible things (Possibilities, with room formore input: Two headed person, a horned devil tailed creaturemaybe we can mine the tarot forother sideshow possibilities?) People mingling.We hear singing but cant tell from wherescratchy, could be recorded, could be live, hard to tellwhats being sung. A sad, slow sideshow song.

    Alternate ideas for the random order of scenes:Our psychic hands cards out to patrons. She intercedes at the en of a scene, asking for peoplewith these cards in the audience to bring them forward and place them on the Wheel of life (Shecan repeat regularly that they can buy replicas of their cards, or others after the show ($))

    Preshow Bally: (repeated many times, every five minutes, as cued when at least 5-10 new peopleappear).Step right up and welcome welcome welcome to the True-story Entertainment Company Sideshow. We

    are unlike any sideshow you have ever seen! Tonight and tonight only you will see the true, tragic,

    terrifying, troubled tale of one man and one man only. But tonight will be unlike any other night

    because tonight, and tonight only, YOU will choose the sequence, the order, the you, the paying

    audience will determine the unfolding of the very plot itself! This true story happened many years

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    ago-one Franz Woyzeck murdered his girlfriend, the mother of his baby child by knife! But was he

    mad, or was he driven to it by the madness of the twisted world around him? Tonight YOU decide!

    Have you got your ticket? Among the many acts that will help us tell the tale areMarie, the

    beautiful toast of the crowned heads of Europe- a seductress who can avoid death by knife in the box

    of deathor can she? See for yourself! Strength- the man all men want to be and all women just

    want! Dr. Fear, his experiments will make your stomach turn! Andres The other, half man, half

    woman, all mystery! Captain Cat, born with a hair all through her body, because her mother was

    scared by a lion in the jungles of Kat-mandu! Hear her roar! And Woyzeck himself, the hardest

    working hunger artist in the world- hes only eaten peas for the last 4 weeksis he mad, is he

    dangerous, is he responsible for what hes done? His story is old and yet as fresh as todays

    newspaper! Its all foretold in these cards, for each card chosen will tell a piece of the story of

    Woyzecks cruel murderWho will he kill? When will he kill? Why does he kill? Tonight, and tonight

    only we will give these cards to you, and youll give them back to us to tell us which stories will go


    Its all on the inside, lets go-be going!

    The true story of this murder was written down almost 200 years ago! But the playwright died before

    he finished it- and no one knows what really happened, or how, or when the order of these events

    has been a secret of the ages until tonightTonight, and tonight only YOU can solve the riddle, YOU

    can put the pieces of the puzzle together and tonight YOU will see what no one has ever seen before or

    will see again.

    The odds of seeing this exact show again are approximately 2,453,951 to 1!

    (Note to self: Call Gary Parker, or Bob, I need real odds)

    Inside you will see the sideshow, and inside, for the first time ever, YOU will see the show on the other

    side of the sideshow-the show behind the show! Theres many sides to every story, and many sides to

    every show, but THIS story will only be told onceits all on the inside, lets go-be going, its all in the

    12-in-1, 12 scenes, one admission, its all on the inside, get your tickets here

    There are 7 wonders of the ancient world, 7 wonders of the modern world and 7 wonders of the

    sideshow and theyre all here, here tonight, here for the price of one admission ticket!See the wonders and the horrors of the world at your doorstep for a small fee.

    See the lioness that walks upright, like a woman! Art improving upon nature! Our cats a real kitten,

    if you know what I mean! (Crowd laughs with him/her).

    See the astronomical horse- a wonder of the modern world-it can tell you anything: Your age, what

    your ailments are, and how many children you have.

    And last but not least- get your fortune read by La Granda, the one, the only, the highest advisor to

    the crowned heads of EuropeLa Granda, psychic to the most powerful people on this planet, if not

    othersLa Granda

    While we wait we have the horse show- people are interviewed- name, birthdates or number of

    children. Essentially the interviewer cues the horse (in silhouette) by choosing the question (Horse,

    Im thinking of the month of this persons birthIm thinking. (And however many words they say

    after that is the number- say its May (5) they say 5 words- Canyouhearmythoughts? (Horse

    stomps 5 times) Thats 5, were you born in the 5th month sir? (Yes!) Amazing!

    At one booth is the Psychic a Tarot card reader, who can work the crowd pre-show.

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    On a certain cue, Woyzeck enters.Once Woyzeck enters, she can kick out her current client and focus on him.Psychic: (To Woyzeck) Tonight we have a special event! I have handed 10 cards to members of ouraudience. Ten cards to tell the tale of a doomed man! Tonight, we have come to tell you his story!

    Woyzeck (He enters)

    WOY: Me?

    TT:You. I have a question for you. Would you choose your future, or is it chosen for you?WOY: I dont know. Let others choose it. Why not?PSYCHIC: (To audience) He has chosen. You have chosen. Tonight you will choose how we tell thismans story, for you will choose the order of his life! Who has the cards, please come forward! (they

    do). Now, place the cards in any order you wish upon the board, let the energy of the cards guide you!

    (they do with her encouragement)- and now we know-now his fate is sealed! Now it is time to see

    more of the show, and more of the man whos fate you have sealed!

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    The Emperor/Empress (from Mueller Sc 1)

    This takes place in the boneyard, the sideshow name for the place away from the show.

    I like the idea that we have an earthen (and/or straw) appearing floor. They should be enclosed,

    almost claustrophobic. Perhaps by the backs of banners, or canvas or tenting, Im open This scene

    feels like its late afternoon, maybe twilight. If we need a practical lighting source (lantern, candle)

    Im open to that too. It should feel like the darkness is in distinguishingly creeping in through the

    scene. We should hear but not see the midway (people, animals, indistinguishable sideshow music far

    off in the background.)

    Woyzeck is preparing to shave Cap the Sideshows part owner by sharpening a straight razor on a

    strop. Cap sits. On a makeshift surface is a bowl of water, lather brush, soap bar, towel & hand

    mirror and a costume shop style head with a wig. If a woman plays Cap, well have Woy shave

    something other than her face. (Legs, back of neck) At the top of the scene, Cap sits patiently but

    aware that Woy is rushing trying to prep the shaving lather, sharpen the razor and prim the wig,

    never finishing any, all to impress Cap with his diligence.

    This happens for many beats before Cap speaks. The wig that Woy puts on Cap is in preparation for a

    Bally we wont see, but Caps appearance is clearly important to him/her.

    Cap has a touch of a classical villain, is dangerously powerful, imposing, can instill fear with a glance.

    CAP: Slow down, Woyzeck! Not so fast! Take it one thing at a time! Youre making my head spin.What am I supposed to do with the ten extra minutes that youll save by rushing, huh? Think! You

    have thirty amazing years left to live. 360 months. 10,000 daysa quarter million minutes(Gets

    serious). What will you do with that overwhelming amount of time, hmmm? Hmmmmmm? Pace


    WOYZECK: Yes, Capn! (Begins to shave Cap)

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    CAPTAIN: When I think of all that time, of eternity, I fear for the world. A mans gotta keep busy!Busy hands are happy hands. But eternityis eternityis eternity. (Shudders.) But if you look at it

    another way- its not eternal at all, its just a heartbeat, when you really think of it. (Snaps fingers in

    Woys face). When I think of how the earth turns round a whole time in just one daywhat a waste

    of time! Where will it all end? I cant look at a wheel spinning without feeling lost and low.

    WOYZECK: Yes, sir, Capn sir!

    CAPTAIN: Woyzeck youre so frazzled! A real man doesnt act like that. A decent man who knowswrong from right! What do you say to that? Hmmmm? Hmmm? (Beat) Well say something! (Beat)

    Say anything! Hows the weather?

    WOYZECK: Yes, Capn! I mean, windy sir! Bad. Bad wind!CAPTAIN: (Sniffs the air-makes a sour face) I can smell your windI can hear it too-it sounds likethunder (indicates Woys stomach), it feels like a rat running up my spine-it makes me sick! (Beat)

    The wind must be a North-Southerly. AM I right? Hmmm?

    WOYZECK: Yes, Capn! North-Southerly! I thought so too.CAPTAIN: Hah! Ha ha ha! North-Southerly! Oh you are dumber than a bag of hammers, Woyzeck.(Stopping the shave and tapping Woys heart) But worse-you have no beliefs, no integrity, no morals!

    Morals are when people havemorality! You see? Now you- you have a child without a proper

    marriage! You should marry Marie! And get that child of yours baptized! Hmmm? (Woy hands Cap thehand mirror)

    WOYZECK: Sir, God doesnt care if no one baptizes a little worm when its born. God himself said,

    Suffer the little children to come unto me.

    CAPTAIN: What? What kind of crap is that? Hmmm? Not what he said of course, what you just said!WOYZECK: Im talking about being poor, Capn. Money. Scratch. If you have no scratch, Capn youvegot nothing! Scratch is God!! You cant put a man into the world with just morals! Im flesh and

    blood! But whether its this world or the next, poor is poor- I expect to get to heaven and go straight

    to work on making thunder!

    Cap gives Woy a look, making Woy realize hes forgotten his place. Woy settles and begins to put on

    Caps wig.

    CAPTAIN: Your problem is that you have no honor. No virtue! Sometimes I take a rest by thewindow after it rains. And I see a pair of nice girly legs in clean, bright white stockings gliding past

    Damn! I feel desire! I feel it rising in my loins! My loins, Woyzeck! Yes, Im flesh and blood too. But

    its my virtue, Woyzeck, which keeps me straight. I have to keep saying Youre virtuous, Cap,

    (Moved) youre good - youre good. (Woy interrupts the finals wig touches to pack up the shaving

    props except the bowl.)

    WOYZECK: Yes, Capn, Virtue. I havent got that. People like me only have what nature gave us. Butif I had tailored pants and a warm coat and the newest watch and I could talk like an educated man

    Id be virtuous like anyone else. Virtue is a great thing, its true. But me, Im a poor man. (Fighting

    tears). A poor good for nothing.

    CAPTAIN: (Stands, looks in mirror, satisfied. Beat. Takes Woys face in hands-sympathetically.) Poor

    Woyzeck Good Woyzeck! You are a good man, you are! Hmmm? Hmmmm? You just think toomuch. It eats at you. It wears you down.(Beat. Dips his hand in the water in the bowl. Slaps Woy.)Our talk has upset me! Go! But slowly. Slowly down the street! Hmmm? Hmmmmmm? (Woy exits.

    Cap looks at self in mirror. Beat beat beat. Laughs.) (End)

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    The Fool (from Mueller Sc 7)

    The inside of a 10-in-1 show, slightly roped off so the sideshow audience wont come too close.In dim (i.e. not focus stealing) silhouette behind them we see another 10-in01 act- a girl in thesword-box act, with the Drum Major doing the swords, and Marie in the box. Each time we see a *this indicates the sword going through the box, and seemingly through Marie. A crowd (theensemble) begins to gather upstage as if they are wandering from working act to working act. Docappears in a Drs coat, Woyzeck almost naked.

    DOC: Step lively! Come see the hunger artist! See the man whos eaten nothing but peas for three

    months. He sees things no one else sees, he hears things only dogs can hear, and he says things only

    a fool would say! Youve paid your money; now see the hunger artist, starving before you! He may

    not make it through the day; he may not make it through the hour! (*)

    WOY: (aside) Doc, I gotta go.DOC: (aside) Stay put you idiot.WOY: (aside) No, I mean go. To the honeypot.

    DOC: (aside) Here go in the cup. Ill make these stupid Larrys pay to smell it.WOY: (aside) In front of these people?DOC: (aside) I said go!When did you get so goddamn delicate? (To audience) Here he is, my patient

    of 2 years, a rare specimen indeed! His strength is almost completely gone! He can barely hold his

    water, and for a special treat, youll see his bodily fluids, deeply affected by his dedication to scientific

    study! Who among you could eat only peas for so long? This mans mind is like a steel trap (*) even

    diminished he can think faster than most of the scholars in the Far East. Woyzeck, who was the tutor

    of Alexander the Great?

    WOY: Aristotle.

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    DOC: You see, a genius, and his diet, nothing but peas! You can buy these same peas as you exit the

    show! Give them to your children, or plant them tonight, but dont be surprised if you wake up

    tomorrow and see a beanstalk in your back yard! (They laugh). Magical peas? No, scientific peas,bred to bring all that a body needs! (*) Heres proof! He can name each world leader and their

    children for you, just as he did for the dukes and duchesses of Denmark! But first, and he didnt do

    this for those crowned heads, I assure you-first he will urinate for your satisfaction. (He waits.

    Woyzeck has stage fright)WOY: (To aud.) Sorry. Im sorry, theres too many peopleI need to be alone when nature calls.DOC: Nature? Do you hear this idiot ladies and gentlemen? Nature? Free will is stronger thannature! (*) Mankind is free ladies and gentlemen; we are a free people in a free country helping to

    make a free world! Nature? No, we are the determiners in our world! But do you see me getting

    upset now!! And yet I control my nature like this, I calm myself, calm myself, calm myself, and you

    see, I am in control of my nature again. You see ladies and gentlemen, man has control, complete

    control, my pulse is now an even 60, here feel it. (He offers his arm; they take turns feeling for hispulse.) But this fool, his pulse is irratic-90 beats per minute and hes just standing here! (He offersWOYs arm, they take turns.) His pulse is weak because he lost his heart to a whore! (*)He thinksnature controls him, but like a dog in the street, he can only starve or bark for his supper. Bark fool

    bark!!WOY: Woof. Woof woof.

    DOC: Now, for the last time, piss for these good people!WOY: Icant. I just cant.DOC:And so you see good people the radial effects of this diet on this poor mentally deficient fool!Once a great thinker, now he cant even gather the will to wet his pants. (They laugh, someonethrows a coin at Woyzeck). Yes, good, show him you care! The last town threw food! Thats just

    cruel, but if you throw money, he may yet live another day just to see an egg frying in a pan when the

    sun rises! (They laugh again someone else throws a coin at Woyzeck).WOY: Thank you. My daughter thanks you. Ill buy her an egg with this, or maybe a chicken, whichcame first. Before he egg rose. Or the sun was hatched.

    DOC:Aha! Hes trying to philosophize. Quick, fool, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

    WOY: Id eat whichever came through the door first, Doctor. (Aud. Laughs)DOC: Hmmm. If a tree falls I the forest, and theres no one to hear it, does it make a sound?WOY: There was one?

    DOC: Interesting.What day is it, hmm? Quick! Is it yesterday or tomorrow?WOY:Woof. Is it the day before yesterday?DOC:Yes, it is, Woyzeck.What happened the day before yesterday?WOY: (As if hes seeing it happening now) The sun stopped at noon. Fire in the sky. Woof woof!DOC: Wonderful! Wonderful! Ladies and gentlemen you are lucky indeed! Hes having an attack, arare delusions aspectosis!! But our time is up, so if you wish to see more, youll have to come through

    again, these usually last a few minutes, so if you wish to see the full effect of the moon on this poor

    fool, rush out and come right back in!

    WOY: No, its today. Today is today. The sun is shining-Im OK. Im OK

    DOC: (aside) Shut up! (To crowd) Hes still seeing things! Its cloudy today, yet he sees the sun! Oh,

    were out of time already? Let them stay!

    (The audience is ushered out; one last coin is thrown, as someone shouts Fake! or Bullshit).DOC: (Calling after them) It may last all afternoon, so tell your friends! He may piss blood! And dontforget to buy those peas! The peas!

    WOY: The peas. Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold. Peas piping peppers pot, pie plates pole.DOC: Theyre gone. What the hells wrong with you? We had them.WOY: I need more money.

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    DOC:You need a swift kick in the ass.WOY: I justforgot what did yousay something?

    DOC:You need a real meal. You want some meat? (*) Ill send for it-WOY: I cant. Just peas. Hes putting that thing inside her.DOC: Save it for the rubes. Theyll be back in five, so get your head on straight.WOY: It comes off at night and rolls down the path. Like a peaDOC: Keep thebarking, they liked that. And that chicken through he door bit- that sold.WOY: I heard barking too. Chickens dont bark, do they? (*) She loves him? She lets him, she must

    love him, right?

    DOC:Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. I gotta take a leak (takes the bottle with him), Dont worry, Illsay its yours, youll still get your cut call me if they come back. (Exits)

    WOY: (Looks at his hands as lights fade).

    The Hanged Man (A free adaptation from Mueller Sc. 9)

    CAP & DR playing cards in the boneyard. A makeshift card table, a few sittables. Earthen floor.Straw? Bright light, like a single harsh bulb, maybe even a real one suspended. PROPS: a deck ofcards (tarot as playing cards might be nice-generic, not modern looking), peanuts as poker chips,with some walnuts as higher stakes. The silent first actions are played in a very preciserepeating rhythm.The Dr. bets. CAP considers. Adds to the kitty.Dr immediately bets 2 more. CAP considers. Adds to the kittyDr immediately bets 2 more. CAP considers. Adds to the kitty

    Dr immediately bets 2 more. CAP considers. Adds to the kittyDr immediately bets 2 more. CAP considers. Adds to the kittyCAP: You bet too fast. Youre trying to bluff.

    DR: You might be wrong. Then again, you might be wrong.

    CAP: So you were sort of a real Dr. once right?

    DR: Something like that. (Bets 2)CAP: So, Doc, It hurts when I do this. (Bets 2)DR: Dont do that. Thatll be a deuce. For the advice. Ill take the rest of this when you fold.

    CAP: Seriously- I keep getting panicked whenever I see my coat justhanging thereon a wall.

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    DR: (Reaches over puts fingers on CAPs throat) RelaxRelaxyoure tickers like a trip-hammer.CAP: So what do you think Ive got?

    DR: (Pauses) A pair of 8s probably. Johnny high. (Puts in 2 more peanuts)

    CAP: Funny. Youll have to put up more to find out. (Puts in 2 more peanuts) I mean am I sick?DR: Oh yeah. But youll live. Keep this up and youll have a stroke though.

    CAP: Seriously?

    DR: Yeah, but its good, youll be half paralyzed and well put it in the act. (Puts in a walnut)CAP: Its getting interesting now, isnt it?

    DR: Only if youre sick of working for peanuts.

    (WOY enters. They do not look up.)CAP: Ooh. Im so scared. People die from fright you know. Pure fright. Ive seen it on the midway.

    Some mark buys it when a snake charmer gets a little too smart with the pythonyou think theyre

    just faintingbut theyre meat before they hit the straw.

    Buried a few myself in the potato fields myself back in the day. (Puts 2 walnuts in the pot.)DR: You sure dont want the bulls finding a cold civilian. Thats bad for business. So is cheating.

    CAP: (Puts cards on face down on the table, slowly, threateningly rolls up sleeves.) So is talking outof your hat. Ive got nothing up my sleeve. They call this one Mr. Man-i-fold. Nothing up my sleeve,

    see?DR: (Puts cards face down on table, slowly, threateningly takes off hat.) They call this one Mr.

    Hollowhead. Nothing in my hat. See?

    Tense pause.

    DR: I raise. (All but 2 peanuts in).CAP: (All nuts in) I call.

    DR: Its your money.

    CAP: It will be. And yours will be buying me a nice hot dinner.

    WOY: (Steps forward) Dr. sir, can I have my pay?CAP: If hes got any left.

    WOY: Oh, then Capn sir, could you pay me, sir?

    DR: Well he wont have much to pay you withnot a peanut to piss in.

    Tense pause.WOY: Well, someones got to win.

    CAP: Are you telling us how to play?

    Tense pause.

    DR: Or maybe you want in on the action? Your salary-doubled if you guess whos got the smart cards.

    Double or nothing, but if its me, I cant pay you, Im broke.

    CAP: Tripled if I win. Even if I dont. Im your best bet, Woyzeck.

    Tense pause.

    CAP: Woyzeck you run around and cut through the world like a knife through butter, but you dont

    ever get anywhere. Do you know why?

    DR: I know why.

    CAP: I know why.

    WOY: I know why.CAP: Why?

    WOY: I dont believe in anything?

    CAP: You need to believe in yourself. You need to believe in the cards youre dealt. But you dont. And

    thats why you dont get anywhere. You must play the cards youre dealt.

    WOY: Im not playing. I dont have any cards.

    CAP throws deck at WoyDR: So who is it, Woyzeck? Who wins?

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    WOY: Oh, I couldnt guess. No, Ill just wait. Im just here to get paid.

    CAP: Guess! (Beat. CAP pulls out a gun-something small and old school) Im getting hungry.DR: You should try some peas. Woyzeck likes peas. Dont you, Woyzeck?

    WOY: Hungers not so bad-the first few days it is, but after a while, you just dont think about it


    CAP: (Aims gun at Woy) Do you want a new mouth to eat your peas with?

    WOY: Oh. OK. Sure. (Point to CAP) I think that you have all the cards. The good ones.DR: Come here Woyzeck. (He does, Dr. puts fingers on Woys throat somewhat threateningly) Yourpulse is erratic. Is that because your girl is screwing that musclehead?

    WOY: I dont know what you mean.

    DR: Youre a lousy liar. Youve got no poker face.

    CAP: Neither do you.

    DR: Show em.

    CAP: Twin kings.

    DR: Trip ladies. Sorry Woyzeck. (Takes hand from throat) Maybe youll get your nuts next week.WOY: (Eyeing Cap still with gun) Ill take whatever-CAP: Dont eyeball me.

    DR: Were you going to eat your pay? What about our little deal? No one wants to see a fat hungerartist

    WOY: Oh. OK. I wasnt going to eat- its just that my wife-

    CAP: Shes not your wife; she just had your kid. Dont get confused about that. Shes just a slut.

    DR: Let him speak-

    WOY: Shes a good girl. I see her, and shes kind. Always. Its kindness, sir. The men give her money,

    but its not much. Are you cold? Im cold. She needs the money for the baby.

    CAP: Children need mothers, not money. Get that kid a real mother, thats what you can do for it.

    DR: (Feeling Woys head) Youre freezing.WOY: Cold as hell in here, sirthat bitch (Shakingviolently) Its cold in hell! Its cold in here! Am I

    hot? Im hot!

    DR: (Examining carefully) You really havent been eating, have you?! Good Woyzeck, very good! Im

    giving you a raise next week. A little something extra. Keep starving yourself and theyll flock to seeyou.

    WOY: Nothing plus something is nothing. She has a plate full of nothing when I see her, and its just for

    me! You may as well give me the sky. The pale gray sky. I just want to put a nail up there and hang

    myself on it! And from there you can see the little dash between Yes and Yes -again. Did Yes make

    Yes or did No make Yes? I need to think about that. Are you hot? Im hot. Hotly cold.

    CAP: Then go get a coat.

    (WOY begins picking up cards.)CAP: Dont touch those, your hands are filthy!

    WOY: Yes sirs, sorry sirs. Thank you sirs. Goodnight sirs.

    (Woy leaves. Beat Dr. picks up the cards and DR. puts the nuts in his hat, pops one in mouth)CAP: You did the trip ladies last time. Watch that or hell catch on.

    DR: Hes cant remember his own name. Ill do it again next time, and hell apologize again. (beat) Arewe going to eat or what?

    CAP: Smells like a steak night.

    DR: Mmmm-mm! Dead meat. (They exit.)

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    The Chariot (from Mueller Sc 2)

    An ensemble member throws a bundle of twigs across the stage.Woyzeck and Andres begin gathering these twigs as if from bushes, they each have an almost fulllight sack/something to gather firewood. Andres hums shortnin bread.WOYZECK: You know this part of town is cursed, dont you, Andres? Look at this strip of thegroundwhere the toadstools are thick- thats the path where they roll heads each and every night.

    One time-someone thought the head was a hedgehog and picked it up. Three days and three nights

    passed-and he ended up in a pine box! You want to know who it was what did it? The skull and bones.

    ANDRES:(sings) 3 little babies lyn in the bed, 2 were sick & the others near dead-WOYZECK: Shhh! Listen! (Listens) Can you hear it, Andres? (Listens) Can you hear it? (Listens)Somethingmoving.

    ANDRES: (sings) Called up the Dr. the Dr. said-

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    WOYZECK: Its moving! Behind me? Under me! (Stamps the ground) Listen! Hollow! Its all hollowdown there! (Beat-whispers) Its-its the bonesmen! They are everywhere, they have power over


    ANDRES: I know. Its scary.WOYZECK: Strange. So still. (Takes an audible deep breath and holds it to be silent. Beat. Beat.Lets air out after long hold)ANDRES! Say something! (Stares out across landscape) The lights overthe town, so bright. Look the skies on fire and theres a storm of trumpets, cant you hear it?!

    Theres a chariot carrying the sun-drawn by a horse. Coming for us! (Grabs Andres and they hide)Dont look behind you!

    ANDRES: Woyzeck? Can you still hear it?WOYZECK: Silence. Pure silence. Like the world justdied. It all dies.

    ANDRES: (Finishes song) Feed them babies on shortnin bread. Hey, weve got to get back, cmon pal.(End)

    The World (from Mueller Sc. 23) The Grandmother

    The psychic from the pre-show enters. She holds a velvet black crate/box.

    This may be a part of the sideshow- perhaps under the title of Adults only! The true story of

    the fate of the world from the granddaughter of the great goddess herself!

    You bought your tickets. You paid the price. You came to hear a true story. The truth is here

    (Gestures to the box) if you have the ears to hear it. Once there was a girl. She had no father. Shehad no mother. Everyone was dead. There was no one left in the wide world over. Everyone was

    dead. So the little girl went out to look for someone. Night and day she looked. But there was no one

    left on this earth. She wanted to go to heaven. The moon looked down on her. A friendly moon. Soshe went to the moon. And when she arrived- (She pulls a small rotten looking chunk of wood fromthe box). When she arrived it was just a rotten piece of wood. (She sets the wood down on the stage)So she went to the sun. And when she got there(She pulls a small dry sunflower from the box).When she got there it was just a dried up old sunflower. (She sets the flower down on the stage) So

    she went to the stars. (She pulls a handful of golden glitter, but bigger-from the box. So when shegot to the stars- they were just little golden flies-) (She throws them up around the stage-here wemight consider some magical kind of lighting effect, we see the stars begin to appear)-stuck upthere as if they were caught in a spiders web. And when she wanted to get back to the earth (She

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    tips the box upside down) the earth was just an empty box. And she was all alone. (She sets thebox down on the stage) And she sat on the box. (She sits on the box).

    And she cried. And she sits there to this day.(She stares at the audience with a knowing glare, an intense, expectant glare shifting fromaudience members eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time.)


    The Lovers (from Mueller Sc 3)

    Woyzeck, Marie & Margaret. The town. Marie with her child at the window, Margaret watches.The retreat passes, Drum Major at its head. Perhaps the retreat is actually a sideshow procession,a sort of musical bally?MARIE: (Rocking the child in her arms) Do you hear it? Dad a dada! Theyre starting the show!Look! Ill have to go soon.

    The Drum Major passes with precision.MARGARET: Look at him, what a man! Hes built like a tree!

    MARIE: Hes more like a lion. (The Drum Major looks suggestively at Marie.)MARGARET: Your eyes are popping out of your head.MARIE: Sos your tongue, especially when the Drs around.

    MARGARET: Who do you think you are, talking to me like that? You think youre so pure? Withyour bastard baby and no ring! They say that you can still stare your way through seven pairs of


    MARIE: Bitch! (Slams the window) (To baby) Let tem talk about us. Theyll all call you a littlewhorebaby, but your beautiful face never fails to make me smile.

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    She sings a lullaby. Woyzeck arrives at window and knocks.MARIE:Whos there? Franz? Come in.WOYZECK: Cant. Im late as it is.

    MARIE:Working for the captain? Or the Doctor?WOYZECK:Yes.MARIE:You look so wild!WOYZECK: There was something out in the woods. Something strange. Dangerous. Isnt itwritten-And behold, there came forth a smoke from the land like the smoke of an oven?

    MARIE: Franz?WOYZECK: It followed me all the way to town.

    MARIE: Franz!WOYZECK: Here,I put some away for us-for you two, I mean, gotta go (Gives her money and leaves)MARIE: That man! So haunted by everything. Didnt even look at his childall that thinkings lashedhis mind like a whip. Hell crack one of these days.

    Why so quiet baby? Whats got you scared? The lights fadingusually the streetlights left onbut

    its dark nowall dark. Just shadows, gathering like the dead. (Sings) When the bough breaks the

    cradle will rock

    And down will fall cradleI cant stand it!

    The Tower (from Mueller Sc 8 DM/Marie)

    Marie and the DM are doing their Sword through the girl in the box are rehearsing the routine.

    He holds a sword; shes in the box. We can see the silhouette of Woyzeck watching silently,unmoving perhaps, but they do not notice him-though Marie may when he exits.

    DM: (Practicing his bally, brandishing the sword): And so ladies and gentlemen, now that ourexperts have shown that this is, in fact, a real sword, capable of cutting through layers of flesh, I shall

    insert it into this box, this box in which inside is this woman, who risks her life nightly and lives from

    the proceeds of your generosity!

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    MARIE: (Half mocking/half flirting) Ooh. Hold it up there above your head again, youre getting meexcited.

    DM: Let me finish it. And if she should survive tonight, you will get the opportunity to see her

    ravaged body, in its natural state, for a small gratuity And you give me the dress. (He does) As I

    slip in the sword.

    MARIE: Maybe you should come and get it?

    DM: Come on Marie, Im trying to set the rhythm.

    MARIE: Rhythm. Mmmm. Show me what you mean.

    DM: Just give me the dress.

    MARIE: (Again, half mocking/half flirting) Ladies and gentlemen, see the Borneo beast man! Chestof an ox! Mane of a lion! Hung like a horse? Gentlemen, keep hold of the ladies hands, they may

    wander to his side! Ladies, be forewarned, you may be compelled to leave your husbands!

    DM: Very funny. But Im learning this act now- so-the dress?

    MARIE: Did women really leave their husbands for you? Is that why you dont play the beast man

    anymore? Too many unhappy husbands? Too many satisfied wives. Did they satisfy you too?

    DM: Ive had a lot of satisfied customers. If you saw me in that outfit youd leave that poor idiot

    youre always with. Whats his name?

    MARIE: Woyzeck.DM: What does he do around here?

    MARIE: He starves for a living.

    DM: Who doesnt?

    MARIE: Hes a good man, but hes not you.

    DM: No one is. Does he know you talk to other men like this?

    MARIE: I dont talk to other men. Just you.

    DM: Thats not what Ive heard. The dress?

    MARIE: I cant find it, youll have to come and help me.

    DM: (Putting his hands in he box) Is this it?MARIE: No, thats me.

    DM: Is this it?

    MARIE: Wrong, its me again. A little lower. (While they play, Woyzeck gets up and exits)DM: Youve got that kid.

    MARIE: So what. Hes watching her. Or someone is. Im here.

    DM: (He starts to get rough) I can give you a lot of babies. A whole 10 in 1.MARIE: (Sniffs) Have you been drinking? Stop that.DM: (Rougher) Come on, youre an animal, everyone knows it, and they all talk about how you like it.

    MARIE: Pig! Get your hands off! Drunk!

    DM: Your mouth says no, but your eyes-

    MARIE: Are mine!

    DM: No, theyre the devils. Youve had him too havent you? You all want the beast-man, but not the

    beast. Youre like all the rest. (Beat) The dress?MARIE: Dont ever drink before the act! Never! (Hands him the dress). What does it matter its all

    the same.DM: And you give me the dress. And I say And now, for your amazement, I shall insert the rest of

    these swords


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    Strength from Mueller Sc 18

    Backstage as Woyzecks act has just finished the next act is nondescript (at present)- The DM isdrinking. Woy and Dr. enter. DM has been drinking. Dr. takes the bottle from him, has a swig.DR: This shitll kill you.

    DM: You would know.DR: Yes, I would. Anybody ever tell you never drink before the act?DM: Anybody ever tell you to shut up?

    CAP (Entering): Major- youre on in a few.DM: Yeah Ill be there.CAP: You sober?DM: (beat)Yeah Ill be there.

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    WOYZECK: Never drink before the act.DM: Shut your mouth!

    WOYZECK: Im not talking to you, Im just talking...DM: Who do you think youre talking to? Do you know who I am? If youre not Jesus himself youdbetter. Shut. Your. Mouth.

    WOYZECK: (Whistles)DM: Oh.You want a beating? Is that it?WOYZECK: (Looks blankly at him)DM: (They wrestle, Woyzeck loses).DM: Maybe I should leave just enough wind in you for a fart, huh? Wait-you dont need a beating, youjust need a good meal! (Grabs an apple from a nearby box) Here, eat this you skinny little shit! Eat it!(WOY screams in protest. DM Forces the apple into Woyzecks mouth. DM grabs a bottle of Brandyand forces Woy to drink) And heres some Brandy to wash it down! Drink!

    WOY: No! Only peas, only peas!!(DM forces Woy to drink, spills it all over as Woy cant or wont)

    WOYZECK: I thought you wanted me to shut my mouth?(Exhausted both men detangle themselves and recover).

    CAP: (Re-entering, ignoring the melee.)You ready?DM: (Sits up to catch his breath). In a minute.WOYZECK: One thing. One thing after another.

    Temperance (From Mueller Sc 11/14/17/22)

    Andres and Woyzeck. This scene is in process.




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    Death From Mueller Sc 24

    This scene is the last scene in the theatre, we hold this card until the end.

    The psychic and Woy enter.Woy is staring into space.

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    Psychic: Prepare yourselves. Things are not always as they seem. Some actions have no meaning.Some lives have no life. Some acts are truer than the truth, and some are simply acts. We now play

    the final card, the card known as Death. Prepare yourselves. We present the end of the mostly true

    story of Franz Woyzeck. A man beaten by life, a man lost in his own suffering. Such men exist.

    When no one speaks to such men, they will hear whatever voices will speak to them. Prepare

    yourselves. (She exits)

    WOY: What are you saying (beat) Dont stop. Dont stop. Kill the whore dead? I cant. Please.

    (Pleads) Please, I cant. (beat) (Off we hear Marie laughing, perhaps as part of the onstage act- and a

    crowd laughing with her. Woy puts his ear to the ground) What? Shes laughing at me? Theyre all

    laughing at me? (Laughs a pathetic laugh)Im funny? Is that what they think? Im funny? That Im

    just a fool? (Laughs a pathetic laugh- get up off ground) I can hear you now, louder, louder, LOUDER!

    Kill her, stab her? Must I? Stab the goat bitch dead! What does the wind say (listens) Yes. You say

    so too? What can I do? Shoot her? Stab her?

    CAP:Woyzeck! Wheres Andres?WOY: Umm.

    CAP: Look. The Majors drunk again- we need Andres to do the sword box with Marie.WOY: Can I borrow your gun?CAP: What? No! Wake the hell up- I need someone to do the bit. Wheres Andres?WOY: Gathering sticks in the woods for your fire.

    CAP: Dammit. (beat) Youll do it?

    WOY: Do what?CAP: The sword box. Its easy, just let Marie guide you, she knows the act inside and out. Youve seenthe Major do it with her, right?

    WOY: (absently) Ive seen him do it with her. Right.CAP: All you have to do is a little patter, tell her shes going to get stabbed and to prepare herself,stick a few swords in the box and well do the blow off for the extra when theyre on their way out.

    Easy money.

    WOY: Do you have my pay from last week? OR the week before?CAP: Quit whining about your damn money-Ill pay you when I pay you-first things first, come on letsgo

    (The scene changes to the sword box-Marie stands in front of the box, posing in a skimpy butexotic outfit for the spectators-the following speech is done as Marie displays the box, under herbreath as CAP and WOY help spin the box or stand aside while she does so.)WOY: Marie.MARIE: (Ignoring Woy-to Cap) Hes drunk again isnt he?CAP: Hes in no shape to do the bit, Ill straighten him out later.MARIE:Well,did you find Andres?CAP: Cant find him, Woyzecks got it.

    WOY: Ive got it.

    MARIE: He doesnt know the routine, for christs sake!CAP:Were out of time, just help him through it.MARIE: Gimme a break. He cant even talk in front of people! He can barely stand up from starving-Is he in any shape to be holdng a sword?

    WOY: I can do it. They told me I could do it.MARIE:Who told you?

    CAP: No time! Ill bally, you two go!

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    And now, the show youve all heard about, all knew was too good to be true, the show youve been

    waiting for- the deadly, the delightful, the definitive Sword Box starring the devil girl herself, the

    temptress Marie!

    (Some spectators catcall, boo or shout take it off, baby-Marie retains her composure, smiles andopens the box.)WOY:Welcome to the show! Ill stab her for you!

    MARIE: Shut up! Let him do it!

    WOY: Let who?What do I do?MARIE:You just wait until I tell you Im ready, and you put the swords through the slots, but waituntil Im ready, OK? Then Ill hand you my clothes one piece at a time, and when you put the last one

    in- turn the box and collect the money as they come up to see how I did it.

    WOY: How did he do it to you? Did he take your clothes off? Did he love you? Was he drunk? Yourecold.

    CAP: (Ballys slightly inaudible upstage while the following exchange happens)MARIE:(Getting ready in the box) Give me a minute.WOY: Youre so cold, youre so cold youre dead, youre dead cold. (Picks up the sword-hears thevoices) Stab her? I hear you-stab her now? Yes? Now?

    MARIE: Not yet I said, Im not-(He slips a sword through the box- Marie grimaces in pain)WOY: Heres a necklace for you, with red beads all around your neck! Did he do it like this?MARIE: No!WOY: (Pulls the sword out and repeatedly plunges it into the box) Like this? Or like this?MARIE: No-

    CAP:What the hell have you done, what the hell have you done? Ladies and gentlemen, we apologizebut well have to stop the show! Is there a Doctor in the house? (The Doctor comes from backstagewith the brandy) Please, do not panic, well make sure she has the best care available(Woyzeck grabs the brandy and sits. As they attend to Marie, he begins to chug it- he begins tocough, clearly drowning from drinking too fast).Psychic enters

    DR: Shes not gonna make it, we need help here!CAP: Ill go with her, you find that fool.

    (Someone wheels her off, the box has wheel. Others begin closing the show down, dismantling orclosing curtains, whatever is there, The Dr. finds Woyzeck,DR: (Examines him.)Very interesting. Fascinating.CAP: (returning)You find him?

    DR:Yeah,hes dead. Drowned.CAP:DR:Wheres Marie?CAP: They took her up front. (beat) what do you think we do with skinny here?DR: We should stuff him. Make a good display- Drowned skeleton murderer. Hes been a goodearner for us-no reason to stop now. Hes still a good act, dead or alive.

    CAP: A good act. And we still dont have to pay him.

    (They laugh. They scoop him up and carry him away.)

    End TBA, maybe a curtain call, maybe not, well see as I comes together.

    At end we offer a blow off. People can see Marie as they exit-maybe make them pay to see her.