
WAC on Track Women‟s Activity Club Winterthurerstrasse 18 8610 Uster 043 305 9250 www.wac.ch www.wac.ch Volume 16, Issue 10 March 2012 The Club is a multifunctional organisa- tion whose purpose is to meet the social, educational and personal needs of its members. The Club is designed to encourage international friendship, support and sharing.

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WAC on Track

Women‟s Activity Club

Winterthurerstrasse 18

8610 Uster

043 305 9250


Volume 16, Issue 10 March 2012

The Club is a multifunctional organisa-

tion whose purpose is to meet the

social, educational and personal needs

of its members. The Club is designed

to encourage international friendship,

support and sharing.

WAC on Track Page 2

WAC Board of Directors

Editor‟s Note Editor‟s Note Nancy DoddsNancy Dodds

The “WAC on Track” is also a means for members communication. If you have a story to

share, a fun experience, a recommendation, a joke, or anything else you would like to share

with other members, please email it to

[email protected]

Y o u c a n a l s o p l a c e a d s , c l a s s i f i e d s a n d u s e t h e W A C

notice board (free one line ad for WAC members) in the WAC on Track.

Deadline for the March 2012 edition is February 20th 2012.

“WAC on Track” Deadlines and Contributions“WAC on Track” Deadlines and Contributions

Full page ad: 150 SFr

Half page ad: 80 SFr

Quarter page ad: 50 SFr

Inserts: 150 SFr

WAC Notice board

(one month / max. A5 / members: free*

*give to COM to add date & place on

the board.

WOT Classifieds - (max. 5 lines )

Members: 10 SFr

Non Members: 30 SFr

Advertising RatesAdvertising Rates


Carol Conzelmann 044 940 02 93

[email protected]

Vice President

April Koller 078 839 01 62


Susan Junod 043 266 92 89


Susan Keller 044 822 3246

Activities Chairperson

Heike Adler 044 793 13 80

Marketing Chairperson

Angie Menendez 079 258 53 18

Membership Chairperson

Ana Wyman 055 534 00 58

[email protected]

WAC Office

Club Office Manager 043 305 9250

Jennifer Langkjaer [email protected]

office hours: Mon, Wed & Fri: 9:15-12:15

Learning Tree School

School Director 043 305 9250

Ida Imbach [email protected] or

[email protected]

office hours: Mon - Thurs: 9:00 - 12:00

Good communication between the board

members and the membership of the WAC is

important for the continued growth and

improvement of the club. If you have any

concerns or questions, please feel free to contact

Dear Members,

After publishing more than 20 Editions of Wac on Track,

the time has come to pass the flame. Worryingly, not

many candidates are at the door!!! As far as I know no

one has volunteered yet for this privilege. Remember,

that each member is a force of change in our club

and additionally, if a position stays empty, the service

that this position provides, might just

disappear. Editor is one of several that remains open,

but many more opportunities are there for you

too, please take the challenge.

March is our AGM and with it comes a new Board

and Chair committee. A small description of our

candidates is worth checking (p 7, 8). You might have

noticed that our March WoT also adorns the revised

proposal for our club logo as well as a summary of where

we stand thus far (p. 9) .

I would also recommend Sharon's tip as well as our very

own Ms Money Penny (p19) aka Raquel Billiones.

As for me it has been a privilege working as Editor

and give all the best wishes to my successor. Please keep

on reading ...

Page 3

WAC on Track Page 4

ViceVice--President’s NotePresident’s Note April KollerApril Koller


I hope you all are enjoying your Sports Break

(and that nothing gets broken)! I am excited

to report that as we head into the AGM we

have a complete slate of wonderful, enthusi-

astic women who have stepped up to serve as

Board members. We are also making great

progress on filling the Chair positions.

Thanks to everyone who has already volun-

teered. I can tell that you have a lot of ex-

citement and great ideas to bring to the

WAC. We’re still looking for a few good

women, so give it some thought and sign up if

you can help the WAC.

I’d also like to encourage every member to

vote before or at the AGM on March 27th.

A ballot box will be located in the Club Room

soon with instructions re: voting. Not only do

we need to elect these women, we also need

to vote on the WAC logo change. So, please

take a few minutes to vote!

If you notice something different about the

WAC, it might be that we just finished paint-

ing the middle reading and writing room.

Hopefully, that fresh color brightens it up a

little. Next, we’re planning to paint the Club

Room beginning at 9am on Saturday, March

3rd. We could really use some more help, so

please contact me if you can assist

([email protected] or 078 839 0162).

Finally, the raffle team is kicking into high

gear to make sure that you get some good

prizes at the raffle in June. If any of you

have prizes you’d like to donate, please con-

tact me or leave them in the office with Ida

or Jen.

It has been a pleasure serving as your Vice

President this year. We are so blessed by

the WAC and the friendships we made here.

We will greatly miss this little community. All

the best to you in the years to come!

Page 5

School NewsSchool News Ida ImbachIda Imbach

Welcome back!!

We hope you had a nice winter break –

whether it was to ski, chase the warmth or

hibernate (like me)!

We are now ready for the next phase of

activities at the LTCS.

We will have our class photos taken on the

week of March 12. We hope to have the

picture sales before our Spring Break. The

proceeds of our pictures will go to our PTA

fund which is used for the improvement and

support of the school.

We will also have another Usborne Spring

Book Sale on Wednesday, March 21. After a

very successful sale in December, Michelle

will be back with loads of new books – just in

time for Easter!

Before we go on holiday, we will have our

Parent-Teacher conferences. This will take

place the week of April 16. The Reading and

Writing classes may possibly start one week

earlier. Please look out for the sign up

sheets which will be posted outside the

classroom doors in April.

We will also have our spring vacation

program from April 23 - 27. This will be led

by Ms. Bettina and Ms. Heather. The sign up

sheets are posted on the bulletin board


Last , but not least, our Lunch Club has

spaces available again. It runs on Mondays,

Tuesdays and/or Thursdays. It’s fun for the

children and gives you, the parents, a longer

break! Please see Jennifer or me for any


Have a nice March!

Gate use I am afraid I need to bring to all WAC users'

attention the way in which the new gate is

being used - or more accurately mis-used!

After the new fencing and gate were

installed last October the gate has required

fixing 3 times, the company that installed

the gate has now started to question the way

it is being "bashed about" as the reason for

this amount of breaks rather than their


I recently spent a short while looking on to

the entrance from my car on a couple

different time slots - one morning and one

Wednesday afternoon. I have to say that it

is quite clearly being mis-

used both as something with

which children swing about

on and also in the way

pushchairs are rammed on to

open up the gate and also in the way it is left

to bash back closed.

The changes were made with the safety of

children as paramount and it is really

disappointing to see the way in which it is

treated by some. Can I remind all users of

the WAC to be considerate of the way in

which our facilities are used, especially the

gate, we adults should take responsibility for

educating children in the same way also.


WAC on Track Page 6

Page 7

President Candidate

My name is Carol Conzelmann and I hope that

many of you at the WAC already know me. For

those who don‟t, I‟m standing for a second (and fi-

nal!) year as President and would like to briefly in-

troduce myself.

I‟m originally from the UK, but work and love have

motivated me to become a bit of a globetrotter –

I‟ve lived in Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai and

am now settled with my Swiss husband Stefan in

Wermatswil, just up the hill from Uster. Although

having an extended Swiss family does help, Switzer-

land is still not the easiest place to settle into, and

whilst I hope I‟m slowly getting integrated into

the local community I also find the WAC to be a

wonderful place to feel „at home‟, to speak and

know I‟m making sense (at least most of the

time…) and to meet people from all over the

world. My 7 year old son Matti was born in Du-

bai and loves to have English-speaking friends at

the WAC. Lia is 2 and she just adores pre-

school, the WAC teachers all do an outstanding

job and the friendly, welcoming atmosphere is

very precious to us.

Since joining the WAC 4 years ago, I‟ve been ac-

tive in a few different roles – Library volunteer,

WAC on Track editor, Secretary, Playgroup Leader

and now President. It‟s sometimes challenging jug-

gling family commitments with a voluntary job, but I

love having the chance to use what‟s left of my brain

and work with so many lovely people. I hope we‟ve

kept things running well over the past year, and I‟m

happy to have both old and new faces in the WAC

leadership team for the year ahead. I‟m honored to

be a part of this club and thank you for your trust in

me and in our wonderful team.

Hope to see you at the AGM!

Candidate Introduction

Secretary Candidate

My name is Susan Junod and I am running for the

second year running for the position of club secretary. I am English and moved from London to

Switzerland with my Swiss husband almost 3 years


I have twins, one boy and one girl, called Mathilda

and Thomas who turn 5 years old at the end of


I started coming to the WAC soon after we

moved to Switzerland when the twins attended the

Friday morning playgroup. They then progressed

on to the morning pre-school one day a week and

the WACkelörhli spielgruppe one afternoon a

week. They are now in their first year of

Kindergarden and attend the WAC Explorers class

on Thursday afternoons. Mathilda and Thomas

love the WAC and have a great time here.

I think the WAC is a great place for the whole

family and I am happy to give something back to

the club by running for club Secretary again this


WAC on Track Page 8

Candidates Introduction

Membership Secretary

Hello, I'm Sue. I'm English and have been living in Switzerland for nearly 3 years. I'm married to Wez and we have 2 children; Isobel is 2 and a half and Zack is nearly 1. I'm a big fan of hiking and skiing (so I moved to the right place!), I love doing crafty things like knitting and cardmaking, and also the occasional triathlon or run. I'm a primary school teacher who's currently taking time out to be a full time Mum. Although we've lived in Switzerland a while, we're new to Uster and really looking forward to getting to know the town and spending lots of sunny days down by the Greifensee. I look forward to meeting you!

My name is Stephanie Weber and I am originally from Los

Angeles, California. My husband Roberto (Rob) is a faculty

member at the University of Zurich. We are Americans and we

moved here in May, 2011 with our two daughters, Graciela

(Grace) age 5, and Alejandra (Ally) who turns 2 in March. We

previously lived in Pittsburgh, PA where my husband taught

economics at Carnegie Mellon University. After living in Barcelona

for a stint in 2006, we decided someday we'd like to try a more

permanent move to Europe. This wonderful opportunity came

last year, and here we are. My husband has cousins who are Swiss

so we have help navigating our new terrain. Prior to becoming a

stay-at-home Mom, I worked as an Administrative Coordinator at

Carnegie Mellon University for several years. My last position was

working in the Office of the President as a laison with its Board of

Trustees and external advisory boards. I enjoy playing the piano, traveling and, for those of you who've met me already, talking!

We've greatly enjoyed meeting people and participating in

activities at WAC. We look forward to meeting more new

friends and giving back to the wonderful community here. The

playgroups, Swiss Spielgruppe WACkelöhrli, and now German

classes are just a few of the opportunities at WAC that have

made a difference in how quickly we've come to feel at home.


Dear Members,

My name is Judy & I‟m helping to run the Library in the Basement of

the WAC. I‟m originally from California (U.S.A.) & came to live in

Switzerland 2+ years ago when my Swiss husband decided to move

here. I first discovered the WAC when my son took a wonderful

Reading & Writing Class at the WAC during our first year here.

From the beginning I have volunteered at the WAC Library & have

enjoyed it immensely. Hope to see you someday in the Library too.

I apologize that our Library Opening Hours are not many, but the

Library is entirely staffed by volunteers. If you ever wish to become

a Library Volunteer, feel free to e-mail me or the WAC Office.

There is always room for more volunteers to keep the library open

one more hour/week.

Page 9



On behalf of the WAC board I‟d like to thank all of you who took the time and trouble to send us your

feedback about our proposed new logo. In total, we received around 30 comments, and read each and

every one carefully.

Of the comments received, there were a few main areas of concern and these we‟ve addressed as fol-


Description – the proposed wording „International Community and School‟ was felt to be poten-

tially confusing as it is similar to the ICS (Inter-Community School) which is based in Zumikon and of

course has no connection with the WAC. In order to avoid any confusion and distinguish ourselves,

we‟ve changed the wording to „International Club and School‟

Colors – many people commented that the colors are rather dark and green is too predominant. The

colors are actually brighter than it appeared on the print out on the WAC notice board (down to the

WAC color printer). We‟ll make sure that the correct colors are shown on the final version for voting.

We‟ve added in a yellow line to make the logo look brighter and more appealing.

Child-friendliness - some wanted to see happy faces on the family. This is hard to do as it makes the

logo very detailed and hard to see from a distance or when printed small. However we have turned one

of the children into a toddler, to more accurately reflect the kind of activities for very young children the

WAC offers. We hope this also makes it look more child-friendly.

Black & white version - commented that when printed in black & white, it just looks grey and unread-

able. There will be a special black & white version with clear contrasts to use as needed, which will be

posted on the WAC notice board.

Formats – some questioned how the logo would look in different formats. The version shown so far

was a letterhead. We‟ll be posting other formats (mock up advert, badge and business card) on the no-

ticeboard for everyone to see.

Many of those who wrote liked the new look, and felt it did look more modern and contemporary.

There were also some fears that it is too different and obviously there is still a lot of affection for our

current logo, which we‟ve lived and worked with for many years. We know that change isn‟t always easy,

and it‟s also not always the right thing. However we do feel that moving the image of our Club forwards

is a good thing, both for the outside world and for our own membership. Of course it has to be a logo

that the majority of our membership feel happy with – which is why you, our members, have the chance

to vote over the coming weeks leading up to our AGM on March 27th.

Please come to the WAC to see the proposed new logo for yourselves, and place your vote in the ballot

box in the Clubroom.

Thanks once again for reading,

Carol on behalf of the WAC board

WAC on Track Page 10

Page 11


Answering the phone in Switzerland is a

discussion point that often comes up amongst

Expats. Depending on our country of origin,

many of us are accustomed to picking up the

phone with a pleasant “hello!”. Well this is a no-

go in Switzerland, and is in fact considered quite

rude and offensive to the Swiss.

It is normal and polite in Switzerland to state

your last name when answering the phone. For

instance, I should pick up the phone with a

friendly: “Warthmann”.

Personally, it stills feels strange answering with

just my surname. I have reached a compromise,

where I feel more comfortable answering the

phone with my full name “Sharon Warthmann”.

Before you shoot me down in flames, think

about the logical reasons that the Swiss do this,

so that you can possibly also feel comfortable

answering the “correct way” in Switzerland:

When on the phone, the Swiss like to know who

they are talking to, and so it is accepted and

expected that you announce to each other who

is on the phone. If you dial any Swiss company or

business, they always say their name, and in turn

expect you to announce yourself. When you

come to think of it, it is actually being very

helpful and friendly towards each other.

Likewise when phoning a private residence, it is

helpful knowing one has dialled the correct

number and that the person you intend to talk

to, is on the other side. Inevitably, answering

with just “hello”, leads to the exasperating

conversation where the caller has to ask, ”sorry,

who is on the phone?”, and then in your best

German, you have to explain or introduce

yourself anyhow. It saves time, frustration and

annoyance, by just announcing your name when

you pick up the phone.

Save yourself the headache, and just clearly state

who you are when you pick up your phone. You

will get used to it, and in fact come to appreciate

it. J. And of course, we do also want to be

respectful of the Swiss behaviours and habits.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Sima Xie will be hosting a Chinese Hot Pot


Friday, March 9th, 7:00-9:30 PM.

On the menu: Meat Pot , Spicy Pot, and Vegetarian


Cost: CHF 15 per person, all proceeds go to the


Max 12 people so sign up soon on the bulletin board.

WAC on Track Page 12


Disclaimer: Members, their families and guests are

reminded that participation in WAC activities is entirely

on their own discretion and/or risk. Neither the

Women’s Activity Club nor its representatives shall be

held responsible for damage, injury or loss incurred by

the use of Club property or participation in club events.

Cancellation Policy: WAC's goal is to provide as

many cost conscientious events and courses to our

members as possible without incurring financial losses.

Except where specifically stated, a No-Show Policy is in

effect for all courses and events at the WAC. Please

observe the deadline and cut-off dates before canceling

or withdrawing from such activities. Cancellations after

the deadline will be charged in full.

LITTLE FEET Monday 2-4 pm

Little feet welcomes kids from 0-2 years old. Mums, dads, carers and kids please come along for free play, fun and songs. New members always welcome. Little Feet is hosted by Laura Wigley and Anna Maree Smith 6 CHF per family( 10 CHF per non-member)

Page 13



For all those excursions around

Zurich and beyond, don„t forget

the revised WAC Excursion

Book, listing great days out in

and around the Zurich ar ea.

Available from the office or library for just 15


English children„s books at very

affordable prices. See the brochures

in the clubroom. Orders are

processed on the 10th of every

month. All orders help us get free

books and learning material for our


All enquires to Helen Mylius

044 915 4962

[email protected]

Mothering Matters

is a non-profit, bi-monthly journal for English-

speaking parents living in Switzerland with articles

and information on child-rearing topics, suggestions

and practical tips for child-related activities.

A year‟s subscription costs SFr. 33.

For more information, or to subscribe, go to


WAC on Track Page 14

Courses & Activities @ the WAC



6.30-7.30 pm

Cost 16CHF per

class for WAC




7-8 pm

Cost 10 CHF

per class


We are now forming new

groups to begin class in


contact jennifer

[email protected]





9.15-10.45 am


Currently no group

Cost 17 CHF per


Interested contact

Jen nifer

[email protected]



Once a month

on a


night at 8Pm

in the Club room.


[email protected]

Page 15


Tueasday afternoons

280 CHF for 15 lessons


Tuesday 2.30-3.00 pm

Interested contact

[email protected]


Ballet class

Fridays 4-5pm

Saturdays 10-11 am

Cost 15 CHF per


Tap class


9.30-10 am

Costs 7.50 CHF per class


One Saturday a month

9.30-12 am

For Boys aged 7-10 years

Cost 6 CHF per meeting

Interested contact

[email protected]



Tuesday and/

or Thursday





Cost 15 CHF per day per child


One Saturday a month

from 9.30 am

For girls aged 6 to 10+

Divided in age group


Contact [email protected]

WAC on Track Page 16

Wac in Motion Swapna Dani Patil

The WAC had a kids cooking course in

February which was a huge success. A

very big thank you to MIRIJAM and

MONIQUE for hosting the cooking

club and managing the kids as well as

the cooking. The children made a

delicious dinner and also a very

impressive 'snowman' dessert which

they carried home. The kids were also

entertained with crafts and games.

Thank you both once more and looking

forward for more :-) Meanwhile, March

has a kids movie night and easter

crafts coming up. Check out the notice

board for more details. For ladies out

there, you can now sign up for a

Chinese cook-and-eat evening at the

WAC which is very kindly hosted by

Sima on the 9th of March. Limited

space so sign up early to avoid


WAC Special Events team

Page 17

Recipe Nancy Dodds

Brocolli Enchiladas

By popular demand here it goes:

1 packet of 8 soft flour tortillas

450g broccoli cut in small floret

250 g ricotta

1 garlic clove pressed

1 tabspoon of cumin grinded

175 g Gruyere

50 g Parmesan

150g mozzarella shredded

1 egg

salt & pepper

125 ml of vegetable stock

1 portion mild tomatoes chili sauce

a bunch of fresh coriander chopped

3 tomatoes cut in cubes

1 spring onion finely sliced.

Preheat the oven at 190 c. Blanch your broccolis

for 2 minutes in boiling water, rinse in cold water

and reserve. In a bowl

mix together, your

ricotta, gruyere,

parmesan, cumin and

egg. Now, add

broccolis and season

to your taste. Gently

warm up your tortillas.

Fill each individual

tortilla with the broccoli mixture, fold and place

in a lightly buttered baking dish. 8 filled and rolled

tortillas should fill your baking dish. Now add the

stock to it and the chili sauce, you can spread the

mozzarella on top. In the oven it goes for 30

minutes. In the meantime, mix in a separate bowl

the tomatoes, spring onions and coriander. This

salsa will be serve along the enchiladas. Bon


WAC on Track Page 18

Page 19


My husband always teases me for being a bargain

hunter. But if you have 2 active kids, penny-

pinching becomes a habit. So over the years,

we‟ve discovered ways and means of having fam-

ily fun without it costing us an arm and a leg.

Cheap show tickets for Coop Family Card


I thought it‟s just another plastic card to carry

around in my wallet. But the Coop Hello Family

Card is actually something worthwhile to have.

It‟s not just the family discounts you get on your

weekly groceries. The card also entitles you to

big discounts to tickets for family-friendly shows.

As an example, last year, Coop Family Card

holders were entitled to 20% discount to tickets

for the musical Heidi and the children‟s opera

Aladdin. Unfortunately, my boys were not inter-

ested in both shows. But in February this year,

we got discounted tickets for the Batman Live

Show at Hallenstadion – at 25 CHF off for each

ticket! That‟s 100 CHF savings for a family of 4!

Here‟s how you can avail of these discounted


Register online for a free Coop Hello Family

Card at http://www.coop.ch. You‟ll get

the card sent by mail.

Subscribe to the weekly Hello Family email

newsletter to get info about the special


Book the tickets as early as possible at an

official ticketing office. Unfortunately,

these cheap tickets cannot be booked

online but most of these can be bought at

any train station ticket counter.

Cheap family ice hockey tickets

Many ice hockey clubs offer family tickets at bar-

gain prices. The Kloten Flyers, for example, regularly offers family discounts for their home

matches on Sunday afternoons. Normal seat

tickets cost about 40 CHF per adult and 19 CHF

per child under 16. A family ticket can cost as

low as 48 CHF for 2 adults and up to 4 kids un-

der 16! You can reserve these online and pick up

them up at the ticket counter 30 min before the

match. Check out http://www.kloten-flyers.ch/

In addition, keep your eyes and ears open for

football family tickets (as low as 25 CHF for a

family of 2 adults and 4 kids max) which are of-

fered at least once each season by the league


Cheap traveling within Switzerland

With a Coop Supercard or Hello Family card,

you can buy REKA checks at big Coop branches

at 3% discount. The checks can be used to pay

(just like cash) while traveling within Switzerlan.

Most public transport ticket machines also ac-

cept REKA checks as payment. For checks worth

1000.00 CHF, you only pay 970.00 CHF.

A 30 CHF savings may not seem much but if you

pay your GA tickets, annual and monthly train

passes, halbtax cards, junior cards as well as tick-

ets for shows, museums, zoos and theme parks,

ski passes, ski school fees, and ski rentals with

REKA checks, these add up to several thousand

of francs a year. For that amount, a 3% discount

can make a big difference. Note that there is a

limit to the amount of REKA checks you can buy

at Coop – 1000.00 CHF per day. If you need

more than that, just come back the following day

and buy more!

WAC on Track Page 20

LIBRARY NEWS Judy Burckhardt

New for this month, we

are going to experiment

with trying to get our New

DVD‟s circulating faster

among our members. So if

you borrow a New DVD

(one that is part of this

month‟s or the next

month‟s New DVD List) &

you return that New DVD in 1 week to the Librar-

ian personally, you can get 1 CHF off for your next

DVD rental. Just make sure to tell the Librarian

that this is a New DVD that is being returned in 1

week when you hand it to her. (Sometimes it gets

so busy in the Library, that the Librarian may not

notice it.)

Here are some of the new DVD‟s for March:

Midnight in Paris (newest Woody Allen Film), Crazy

Stupid Love, Sherlock (modern re-telling of Sherlock

Holmes), Johnny English Reborn, Gift of the Night

Fury (20 min. sequel to How to Train Your

Dragon), Mr. Men & Little Miss, and the Gruffalo‟s

Child (the sequel to The Gruffalo).

See Movie Flyers for further info.

Happy St. Patrick‟s Day!

Warm Regards,

Page 21


The clubroom schedule has now been moved to a google

calendar. To reserve or rent the room for your event

please send an e-mail to [email protected].


February‟s subzero temperatures made for a wonderful experience for Girls Club this past month.

Our plan was to apply all that knowledge we learned last month on how to keep warm while having

fun in the outdoors during winter by going ice skating. It was a bit spontaneous but we decided to

take advantage of the rare opportunity to ice skate on the Pfaffikon lake. The temperatures were still

very cold but we had the whole lake to skate across if we so chose. It was a very scenic winter won-

derland. After, we enjoyed each other‟s company and the warmth of the Langkjaer‟s home along with

some delicious sausages. Thanks again to the Langkjaer‟s for hosting such a great event!

Coming up:

March 3: Opera workshop for the diamonds

March 10: Regular Girls Club meeting 9:30 at the WAC.

WAC on Track Page 22

Business Sima Xie Meier

Please give back a little bit while taking

I got a call from a lady (sorry I didn’t remember her

name), she asked me about the Business

Chairperson Position in WAC. By the end of our

talk, she told me that she would take this position;

and she said thanks to me. On the fact I should say

thanks to her, because she is interested in doing

something for the WAC; she is planning to donate

her time and energy to keep the WAC running

smoothly and colourfully! We all have children,

they occupy most of our time and energy. In spite

of the little time left to ourselves, there are still

people who give up their free time to help others; to

organize interesting events for others! They are our

board members, our chairpersons, our class

representatives, and all volunteers! Because of their

work, we are able to exchange information, make

friends and build up a “new society”; we can make

our life more fun than only being with children!

These uninterested volunteers don’t get any

payment, but they deserve our big respect!

End of March will be the election of new board

members and chairpersons for 2012-2013. Some of

the “old” board members and chairpersons will

leave their positions; some will continue to work.

To those who are leaving, we would like to say

many Thanks to you! Thanks for your time and for

your great work! To those who are going to

continue, beside Thanks we are also moved! It’s

easier to spend our own time helping and

entertaining others in a short time; but it’s very

difficult to do it in a long term! To those who are

still thinking to take any of the positions, please

don’t hesitate; it will be a quick and good way to

get many positive experiences and friends!

After one year working as business chairperson, I

will leave this position for the coming year. I want

to thank all of you for your support, your help, your

interest, and your affirmative feedback! Your smile

is the best price for me!

Finally, I would like to ask all members: please

help the teachers to clean up a little bit before

leaving with our children; it takes only a few

minutes, but it means a lot to our tired teachers!

Please clean up the mess made by our children; the

good environment belongs to all of us! Please clean

up the cups, spoons after using; nobody is the

cleaning lady, everybody is the owner in our school

and club! Please treat WAC as our home! Please

give a little bit while we are taking!

Page 23


Friday, March 9th Chinese Hot Pot Evening 7-9.30pm

Friday, March 16th Movie Night 6-8pm

Tuesday, March 27th AGM 7.30-9pm

Saturday, March 31st Easter crafts 2-5pm

Friday, May 11th Kids‟ Disco 6-8pm

Saturday, June 30th WAC BBQ

WAC on Track Page 24




9.30-11.30 am


9.15-10.45 am



4-5 pm



10-11 am

4 5


3-9 years old



6.30-7.30 pm



6 7




@ 8pm



9.30-11.30 am


9.15-10.45 am



4-5 pm



10-11 am


9.30-12.00 am




3-9 years old



6.30-7.30 pm



13 14





9.30-11.30 am


9.15-10.45 am



4-5 pm



6-8 pm



10-11 am

18 19


3-9 years old



6.30-7.30 pm



20 21





9.30-11.30 am


9.15-10.45 am



4-5 pm



10-11 am

25 26


3-9 years old



6.30-7.30 pm





7.30-9.00 pm






9.30-11.30 am


9.15-10.45 am



4-5 pm



10-11 am



2-5 pm