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  • 7/25/2019 WOSM Programme Policy_E







  • 7/25/2019 WOSM Programme Policy_E


  • 7/25/2019 WOSM Programme Policy_E


    World Organizationof the Scout MovementOrganisation Mondiale

    du Mouvement Scout

    Copyright 1990 - 1992, WorldScout BureauReproduction is authorized to nationalScout associations which are membersof the World Organization of the ScoutMovement. Others should requestpermission frompublishers.

    World Scout BureauP.O. Box 241,1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland

    [email protected]

    http:/ / www.scout.org

    T H IS D O C U M E N T IS A




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  • 7/25/2019 WOSM Programme Policy_E



    WORLD PROGRAMME POLICY 3Definit ion of Youth Program m e 3Process of Youth Program m e developm ent 3Delivery of Youth Program m e 3Responsibility of a nat ional Scout associat ion 4

    Responsibility of the World Organizat ion of the Scout M ovem ent 4INTRODUCTION 5Background 5What is the World Program m e Policy? 6Why a World Program m e Policy? 6Evolut ion of Youth Program m e 7

    EXPLANATION 9Int roduct ion 9What is Youth Program m e? - a def init ion 1 0

    The process of Youth Program m e developm ent 1 1The delivery of Youth Program m e 1 2The responsibility for Youth Program m e of a nat ional Scout associat ion 1 2The responsibility for Youth Program m e of the World Organizat ion of the Scout M ovem ent 1 2

    REFERENCES 13APPENDICES 151. The National Programme Commissioner 152. The National Programme Committee 163. The World Programme Committee 174. The World Scout Bureau, Geneva and Regional Offices 18


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    At the 31 st World Scout Conference in Melbou rne, Australia in January 19 8 8 , a document called Tow ards a Strategy for Scouting was presented and adopted.That document described six major issues whichare obstacles to the development of Scouting in many parts of the world. These issues include Mission and Youth Programme.


    There is a potential danger of departing from the mission of Scouting, as described in the Constitution, namely:

    1. An educational movement which uses recreational means to achieve its aims - and not simply a recreational movement w hich tends to be how it is perceived...

    2. A movement intended to prepare an individual to mak e a posit ive contr ibution to society, and therefore closely related to social realit ies - and not divorced from them ...

    3. A movement for young people of all ages, which is particular ly suited to the adolescent age-group - and not pr imarily a children's movement.

    These three essential and inter-related elements of the mission of Scouting risk being subordinated or lost, which would constitute a threat both to the role and image of Scouting. They are therefore of criticaland general concern, and have important implications for practically all aspects of the work of national associations.

    Youth Programme

    Weakness in the area of Youth Programme, which is the means by which Scouting's purpose is achieved and is the key to attracting and retaining members, is perhaps the single most important issue facingScouting.

    1. There is a lack of understanding of w hat constitutes Youth Programme in Scouting. It is often mistaken for simply activ it ies, or the progressive scheme , ignoring other elements such as education,method, structure and style. Moreover, leaders, in particular those who are new to Scouting, often do not understand that the programme is based on the principles of Scouting and is the means to achievingthe purpose of Scouting.

    2. There is a need to continuously develop and deliver an educational youth programme adapted to the needs of young people in the society in w hich they live, and based on the fundamentals and method ofScouting.

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    Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy - Page 1


    BY THE 32nd


    The Conf er ence

    recogn izi ng tha t Youth

    Programme is the pri ncipal

    means of achi evin g the pur pose

    of Scouti ng and i s the key to

    attractin g and r etain in g


    mind ful that the documen t

    Towards a Strategy for

    Scouti ng identi fi ed weakn ess in

    the ar ea of Youth Programme as

    perhaps the single most

    importan t issue facing Scouting

    adopts the s ta tementcontai ned i n Confer ence

    document No. 6 as the Wor ld

    Progr amme Pol icy*

    st rongl y u rges Na t i ona l

    Scout Organi zat i ons to take

    th e necessar y steps to

    r ef lect th i s pol icy in thei row n pol ic ies and

    pr ocedu r es and to dedicate

    adequate r esour ces to the

    developm ent and d el iver y of

    thei r Youth Progr amme

    r equests the Wor ld Commi t -

    tee to ta k e all necessar ysteps to cont inue to pr ov ide

    supp or t to nat ional Scout

    associat ions in th is f i eld.

    * Text reproduced on pages 3 and 4 o f the p resent


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    Page 2 - Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy

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    Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy - Page 3



    POLICYAdopted by the 32nd World Scout

    Conference, Paris, 1990


    Youth Programme is the totalityof wha t youn g people do i n

    Scouti ng (the activi ties), how i t is

    done (the Scout method) and the

    reason why it i s done (the pur-


    Totality:Youth Program m ecovers the com plete span of a

    young person's experience in the

    M ovem ent. It is aprogressive

    processof education and personal

    developm ent.

    What:Youth Program m e encom -passes allactivities in w hich

    young people in Scouting take

    part. They m ust be attractive and

    challenging to young people.

    How : Youth Program m e, funda-

    m entally, uses the Scout method

    in carrying out its activities.

    Why:Youth Program m e is the

    m eans of achieving the purpose of

    Scouting, based on its fundam en-

    tal principles.

    The Youth Program m e of anassociation should be evaluated

    regularly. A m ajor review should

    be carried out at least every 5-10


    A Youth Program m e resulting

    from this process of program m e

    developm ent w ill reflect the unityof Scouting through its purpose

    and m ethod, w hich are funda-

    m ental; and the diversity and

    flexibility required to respond to

    the variety of social, geographical,

    econom ic and other situations.


    Youth Program m e is im plem ented

    through a partnership betw een

    young people and adult leaders,

    taking into account the partici-

    pants' interests, needs and abili-


    A high quality Youth Program m e,

    w hich is attractive to young

    people and is perceived to be

    relevant to the social reality in

    w hich it is offered, w ill also

    attract adult leaders com m itted to

    supporting its im plem entation.


    Program m e developm ent is the

    process of regularly reappraising

    and adjusting the Youth Pro-

    gram m e of a national Scout

    association to suit the changing

    needs and aspirations of youngpeople in their society and thus

    im prove its quality.

    Youth Program m e developm ent


    reflection on the purpose,

    principles and m ethod ofScouting;

    analysis of recent trends in the

    needs and interests of young

    people and the society in

    w hich they live;

    consideration of the aim s,

    objectives and priorities of the

    national Scout association;

    evaluation of practical experi-

    ence w ith the current Youth

    Program m e.

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    Page 4 - Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy

    Those responsible for YouthProgram m e and Adult Leader

    Training in a national Scout

    association should, together:

    analyse the role of leaders,

    identify their training and

    personal developm ent needs,

    evaluate the effectiveness of

    that personal developm ent in

    term s of its im pact on the

    im plem entation of the Youth

    Program m e.


    The developm ent and delivery of

    an effective Youth Program m e

    w hich achieves the purpose of

    Scouting is the responsibility of

    each national Scout association.

    In each association there should

    be a N ational Program m e Com -

    m issioner and an appropriate

    N ational Program m e Com m ittee

    (or equivalent titles) charged w ith

    this responsibility as their m ain

    task and backed by the necessary

    financial and hum an resources.

    associations through the provi-sion of inform ation, through

    the creation of opportunities

    for exchange of experience

    and through im proved com -

    m unications betw een key

    volunteers and professionals

    engaged in program m e devel-

    opm ent and delivery through-out the w orld.

    Adequate specifically designedsupport m aterials (handbooks,

    etc.) m ust be available to support

    the im plem entation of the Youth

    Program m e.

    The national Scout association

    should ensure that those respon-

    sible for Youth Program m e andAdult Leader Training cooperate



    The responsibility of the W orldO rganization of the Scout M ove-

    m ent in relation to Youth Pro-

    gram m e is tw ofold:

    To prom ote unity in the Scout

    M ovem ent through the Youth

    Program m e in national Scout

    associations w hich expressesthe fundam entals of Scouting

    and m aintains its specific


    To stim ulate the ongoing

    developm ent of the Youth

    Program m e in national Scout

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    Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy - Page 5

    society and the fundamen talsof Scouti ng.

    The W orld Program m e Policy is

    also based on the W orld O rgani-

    zation of the Scout M ovem ent's

    priorities outlined in the docu-

    m entTow ards a Strategy for

    Scouting. That docum ent identi-fied w eakness in the area of

    Youth Program m e, w hich is the

    principal m eans by w hich Scout-

    ing's purpose is achieved and is

    the key to attracting and retaining

    m em bers, as perhaps the single

    m ost im portant issue facing Scout-

    ing; and m ade Youth Program m ethe first priority in W O SM 's sup-

    port to national Scout associa-


    Taking these factors in to consid -

    era tion , the World Comm ittee

    concluded, in 1989, that the

    development of a Wor ld Pro-gramme Policy, as a fr amework

    for the work of nati ona l Scou t

    associati ons in thi s fi eld , was


    This docum ent has been prepared

    by the W orld Program m e Com m it-

    tee and the Program m e Service of

    the W orld Scout Bureau, to sup-port the adoption and im plem en-

    tation of the W orld Program m e


    INTRODUCTION BACKGROUNDThe W orld Program m e Policy

    responds to the request contained

    in Resolution 3/88 of the 31st

    W orld Scout Conference, (M el-

    bourne, 1988) w hich stated:

    Programme Development

    The Con fer ence, recogni zi ng the

    crucia l importance of a relevant

    youth programme for the contin -

    ued growth of Scoutin g thoughout

    the world

    ur ges nati ona l Scout organi za-tion s to strengthen their pr o-

    gramme developmen t fun ctions

    and to take advan tage of

    avai lable ma teri als on pr o-

    gramme development,

    call s on the Worl d Committee to

    establ ish gui delin es for the

    programme development

    fun ction i n n ationa l Scout

    organi zations and to con tinue

    efforts to help them develop an d

    improve their youth pro-

    grammes, to reflect the needs

    and aspiration s of youn g

    people today, the needs of

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    Page 8 - Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy

    be expected to devote m uchdetailed attention to Youth

    Program m e needs. Such leaders

    w ill usually have appointed a

    N ational Training Com m issioner,

    to w hom responsibility for adult

    leader training has been

    delegated. But m ost often they

    have not appointed a N ationalProgram m e Com m issioner,

    w hose principal responsibility is

    the developm ent of the Youth

    Program m e.

    In the case of a team of section

    com m issioners (Com m issioner

    for Cubs, Com m issioner forScouts, etc.) the question be-

    com es one of overall leadership,

    responsibility and coordination.

    W ho fulfills this function? The

    Chief Scout or Chief Com m is-

    sioner? If that is the case, the

    sam e concerns described above


    Finally, w here N ational Training

    Com m issioners or training team s

    are also charged w ith Youth

    Program m e responsibilities, the

    concern is one of conflicting

    priorities. It is unlikely that both

    functions can be adequatelycarried out by one person or even

    one group of people. Adult

    Leader Training and Youth Pro-

    gram m e each require prim ary

    com m itm ent from dedicated

    volunteer and professional lead-

    ers w hose responsibilities are

    clearly defined and separate.

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    Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy - Page 9

    reach the young people w how ish to be Scouts.

    A support infrastructure,

    staffed by qualified and active

    leaders, to carry out pro-

    gram m e developm ent and

    m onitor the effectiveness of

    the program m es of each agesection.

    The W orld Program m e Policy

    relates to these four dim en-

    sions of Youth Program m e by


    Adefin iti on of Youth Prog-rammeshow ing the relation-

    ship of activities to the Scout

    m ethod and to the educational

    purpose and fundam ental

    principles of Scouting.

    The process of Youth Prog-

    ramme developmentand an

    em phasis on the im portance of

    continuous review and devel-

    opm ent of an educational

    Youth Program m e adapted to

    the needs of young people in

    the society in w hich they live.

    Scouts through the Youth Pro-gram m e w ill not m eet the de-

    m anding standards young people

    seek and deserve.

    These four elem ents of Youth

    Program m e are:

    A program m e for each age

    section com prising activities

    carried out according to the

    Scout m ethod and designed to

    achieve the purpose of Scout-


    Regular and system atic prog-

    ram m e developm ent to ensure

    these program m es rem ain up-

    to-date and in tune w ith m em -

    bersinterests, w hile rem aining

    faithful to the fundam ental

    principles and m ethod w hich

    are tim eless and universal.

    An appropriate delivery

    netw orkin the form of an

    adequate num ber of trained

    leaders to m ake sure the

    program m es of each age

    section are im plem ented as

    they w ere designed to be and

    EXPLANATION INTRODUCTIONThe Youth Program m e in Scout-

    ing is the total experience w hich

    Scouting offers to a young per-

    son. It is m ore than sim ply the

    activities that Scouts take part in.

    Through the Youth Program m e,Scouting provides its m em bers

    w ith a process of personal devel-

    opm ent to help them to becom e

    better citizens - of their village or

    city, their country and the w orld.

    The Youth Program m e com prises

    the wh at , howand why of

    Scouting; the activities them selves(cam ping, hiking, fish-farm ing or

    w hatever), carried out in accord-

    ance w ith the Scout m ethod, are

    sim ply the m eans of achieving

    the end: the purpose of Scouting.

    A national Scout association

    w hich sets out to provide a high-quality Scouting experience for its

    m em bers m ust consider four

    inter-related dim ensions of Youth

    Program m e. All four dim ensions

    are essential; if any one or m ore

    of them is m issing or deficient,

    the quality of Scouting offered to

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    Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy - Page 11

    to contr ibu te to the development ofyoung people in achi evin g their

    ful l physical, in tellectual, social

    and spiri tua l poten tia ls as in di -

    viduals, as r esponsible citi zens

    an d as members of their local,

    national an d in tern ational com-



    Program m e developm ent is the

    process of regularly reappraising

    and adjusting the Youth Pro-

    gram m e of a national Scout

    association to suit the needs andaspirations of young people in

    their society and thus im prove its


    Program m e developm ent is based


    reflection on the purpose,principles and m ethod of

    Scouting; these constitute the

    foundation on w hich the Youth

    Program m e is built.

    analysis of recent trends in the

    needs and interests of young

    substantial change in the contentor design of the program m e.

    Am ong the critical indicators ofquality in Youth Program m e

    w hich m ay be considered in

    program m e developm ent are:

    an increase in m em bership

    penetration (ratio of m em bers

    to available youth population);

    an increase in the num bers of

    m em bers receiving certain

    advancem ent aw ards or ranks;

    an increase in participation in

    certain types of activities, for

    exam ple cam ps, jam borees;

    the visibility and positive

    im age of Scouting, both w ithin

    the M ovem ent and externally,

    and its perceived relevance

    and usefulness to society.

    The Youth Program m e of an

    association should be evaluated

    regularly, through form al andinform al m eans, and adjustm ents

    m ade as required. A m ajor review

    of the Youth Program m e should

    be undertaken at least every 5-10

    years; carried out according to

    the process described above, this

    w ould norm ally lead to m ore

    people and the society inw hich they live; in our rapidly

    changing w orld, the continued

    relevance of the Youth Pro-

    gram m e depends on an appro-

    priate response to this analysis.

    consideration of the aim s,

    objectives and priorities of thenational Scout association; this

    includes the form ulation of

    appropriate educational objec-

    tives for the Youth Program m e

    of each age section.

    evaluation of practical experi-

    ence w ith the current YouthProgram m e; this should take

    into consideration feedback

    from participating m em bers.

    A Youth Program m e resulting

    from this process of program m e

    developm ent w ill reflect the unity

    of Scouting through its purpose

    and m ethod, w hich are funda-

    m ental; and the diversity and

    flexibility required to respond to

    the variety of situations and

    m ilieux (social, geographical,

    econom ic, etc.) in w hich it oper-


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    Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy - Page 13


    sponsible for program m e devel-opm ent m ay follow .

    Session Plan s for a Programme

    Development Semin ar

    (Program m e Package N o. 2).

    Contains sam ple session plans for

    use in a national sem inar

    focussing on Youth Program m edevelopm ent. The training ses-

    sions are based on the sam e

    developm ent process that is

    described in Program m e Package

    N o. 1.

    How to In tegrate an Activity in to

    the Youth Programme(Program m e Package N o. 3).

    D esigned to help national Scout

    associations m ake their Youth

    Program m e m ore relevant and

    m eaningful for their Scouts and

    for the com m unities in w hich

    they live.

    How to Strengthen Commun ity

    Involvement i n the Youth Pro-


    (Program m e Package N o. 4).

    Contains guidelines w hich m ay

    be used by a national Scout

    association to strengthen com m u-

    A w ide range of publications areavailable from the W orld Scout

    Bureau to support those responsi-

    ble for Youth Program m e in

    national Scout associations.

    These include:

    Elements for a Scout Pro-

    grammeD esigned to help associations

    understand the rationale for the

    different approaches to pro-

    gram m e developm ent. The publi-

    cation explains the broad outline

    of the educational basis on w hich

    Scout program m es are based.

    Fun damental Pri nciples

    D escribes the basic elem ents

    upon w hich the unity of Scouting

    rests: its purpose, principles and

    m ethod.

    How to Develop a Youth Pro-

    gramme(Program m e Package N o. 1).

    D escribes a practical approach to

    developing the Youth Program m e

    in national Scout associations.

    The booklet describes a sim ple

    10-step process that those re-

    nity involvem ent in its YouthProgram m e.

    Programme Exchan ge

    A m onthly publication to share

    practical program m e ideas am ong

    leaders of national Scout associa-

    tions w ho are responsible for

    developing Youth Program m es.

    How to Improve Guid in g and

    Scouting for the Adolescen t Age


    For leaders responsible for devel-

    oping program m es for the ado-

    lescent age section. Published by

    the European Region.

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    Page 14 - Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy

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    Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy - Page 15


    The suggested qualifications for

    appointm ent as N ational Pro-

    gram m e Com m issioner are as

    follow s:

    K now ledge of how children

    and adolescents learn and of

    the needs and aspirations of

    young people.

    Creativity skills.

    Skills necessary to m otivate,

    coordinate and m anage oth-


    Ability to w ork in harm ony

    w ith others and to influence


    Strong Scouting background,

    w ith experience and/or train-

    ing in the field of Youth

    Program m e developm ent.


    The duties of the N ational Pro-

    gram m e Com m issioner should


    m ent, Scouting w ith handi-capped, into the Youth Pro-

    gram m e.

    Leadership of the N ational

    Program m e Com m ittee and

    responsibility for the training

    and developm ent of its m em -


    Strengthening the unity in

    Scouting through Youth Pro-

    gram m e by close cooperation

    w ith other N ational Pro-

    gram m e Com m issioners and

    w ith the W orld Scout Bureau.


    The N ational Program m e Com -

    m issioner should be responsible

    and accountable to the senior

    leadership of the association.


    The National ProgrammeCommissioner - a job description

    D evelop a National Program m ePolicy consistent w ith W orld

    Program m e Policy.

    Planning and coordinating at

    national level all aspects of

    Youth Program m e in the

    national association.

    Creating an aw areness, am ong

    leaders at all levels of the

    association, of w hat the Youth

    Program m e is and of its im por-


    Regularly evaluating and

    further developing the Youth

    Program m e to m eet the chang-

    ing needs of young people in

    their society.

    Producing handbooks for

    youth m em bers and adult

    leaders in all age sectors.

    Ensuring that the program m e isdelivered at a satisfactory

    quality level in each local unit

    of the association.

    Integrating specialized dim en-

    sions, such as environm ental

    education, com m unity involve-

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    Page 16 - Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy


    The duties of the N ational Pro-

    gram m e Com m ittee should be to

    assist and support the N ational

    Program m e Com m issioner in

    carrying out his responsibilities

    for Youth Program m e in the

    national Scout association.


    M em bers of the N ational Pro-

    gram m e Com m ittee should be

    responsible and accountable to

    the N ational Program m e Com m is-


    APPENDIX 2The National Programme Committee -

    a profile of members


    A qualified, up-to-date and active

    N ational Program m e Com m ittee

    should be com posed of m em bers

    w ho collectively m eet the follow -

    ing requirem ents:

    Strong Scouting background.

    Training and experience in the

    field of Youth Program m e.

    Expertise in youth issues and


    Representative of all pro-

    gram m e (age) sections.

    Representative of all geo-

    graphical areas and different

    cultures of the country.

    K now ledge and/or experience

    of educational policy and

    youth service in the country.

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    Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy - Page 17


    The appointm ent of m em bers of

    the W orld Program m e C om m ittee

    shall bear in m ind the need to

    ensure the broadest geographical

    and cultural representation possi-


    O ther related bodies (e.g. the

    W orld Training Com m ittee and

    any Regional Program m e Com m it-

    tees) should also be represented

    in the W orld Program m e Com m it-


    APPENDIX 3The World Programme Committee -

    terms of reference


    The W orld Program m e Com m ittee

    has the follow ing responsibilities:

    Prepare and recom m end

    general policies in the Youth

    Program m e field to the W orld

    Com m itee and the W orld


    D efine and prom ote desirable

    standards in program m e devel-

    opm ent and to encourage

    national Scout associations to

    adhere to and m aintain these


    Publish appropriate docum en-

    tation on Youth Program m e for

    use by national Scout associa-


    Prom ote, organize and support

    Youth Program m e events

    (sem inars, w orkshops, etc.)and activities.

    Provide leadership and sup-

    port to regional Youth Pro-

    gram m e bodies and to give

    direct assistance to national

    Scout associations in pro-gram m e developm ent.

    Advise the W orld Com m ittee

    on Youth Program m e activities.

    W ork in close cooperation w ith

    the W orld Training Com m ittee,

    the Com m unity D evelopm ent

    Consultative Panel and other

    com m ittees and task forces of

    the Educational M ethods

    G roup of the W orld Com m it-


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    Page 18 - Youth Programme: The World Programme Policy


    Provide services prim arily

    directed to those responsible

    for the developm ent of Youth

    Program m e at national level.

    Publish relevant docum enta-

    tion in the field of Youth

    Program m e.

    Provide direct assistance to

    national Scout associations on

    Youth Program m e revision and


    Carry out research related to

    Youth Program m e.

    Initiate and prom ote sem inars,

    w orkshops, roundtables, etc.

    to facilitate cross-fertilization of

    ideas, dissem ination of new

    experiences and program m e

    updating and evaluation.

    APPENDIX 4The World Scout Bureau, Geneva and

    Regional Offices - its role vis-a-visYouth Programme