worshipful masters workshop generational leadership understanding generational membership and...

Worshipful Masters Workshop Worshipful Masters Workshop Generational Leadership Generational Leadership Understanding Generational Understanding Generational Membership and Leadership Membership and Leadership Issues Issues Ill. Michael Smith, 33° JGW SGIG in South Carolina January 24, 2015

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Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopGenerational LeadershipGenerational Leadership

Understanding Generational Understanding Generational Membership and Leadership Membership and Leadership


Ill. Michael Smith, 33° JGWSGIG in South Carolina

January 24, 2015

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopOur Fraternal BondsOur Fraternal Bonds

Brothers we have so much in common!Brothers we have so much in common! Our obligations to God and each other.Our obligations to God and each other. The mystic tie of the FraternityThe mystic tie of the Fraternity Brotherly love of true Masons. Brotherly love of true Masons. Life Journey!Life Journey! Passion for our philanthropies!Passion for our philanthropies! Rich Masonic History around the WorldRich Masonic History around the World Lifelong Learning!Lifelong Learning!

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopGenerational LeadershipGenerational Leadership

Key Concepts Discussion

What are the key issues facing our fraternity today?

What is the value of Membership in Freemasonry?

Does Freemasonry meet members needs today?

How does your Lodge Gain new members?

Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorshipful Masters WorkshopRecognizing Our DiversityRecognizing Our Diversity

Session Agenda Share Membership Trends Share Membership Trends

4 Generations of Members – Please Stand 4 Generations of Members – Please Stand Up!Up!

Generational IntroductionGenerational Introduction To which group do I belong? To which group do I belong? Who are we?Who are we? Characteristics of eachCharacteristics of each generation generation Fraternal ImplicationsFraternal Implications

Working Together / Leading Together!Working Together / Leading Together!

Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorshipful Masters WorkshopDefining the GenerationsDefining the Generations

Generation Birth Dates


% Working

TraditionalsInfluences – WWII Great Depression

1900 – 1944Loyal / Devoted

76 Million


56% Membership56% Membership

Baby BoomersInfluences – Post WWII Economic Boom, High Competition for Jobs

1945 – 1964Optimistic / Dedication

80 Million


26% Membership26% Membership

Generation XInfluences – Family Instability, Latch Key Childhood

1965 – 1980Skeptical / Independent

46 Million


5% Membership5% Membership

Gen Y/MillennialInfluences – Information Boom, Early Age leadership in family

1981 – 2000Hopeful / Wired to the World

76 Million

15% 1% Membership1% Membership

Sources: Express Business Solutions, US Census and AASR - SJ 2008

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopMembership Analysis Membership Analysis 20082008

Source: MSANA.com 2007

Membership Trend 1925 - 2005











Conference of Grand Conference of Grand MastersMastersMembership Analysis Membership Analysis 20082008










Chart Title

Total N10 Model N11 Model PA

Traditional Group (000’s)Traditional Group (000’s)

824.8 769.9 634.9824.8 769.9 634.9

56% Of Total Membership

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshop TraditionalsTraditionals – Loyalty (69+) – Loyalty (69+)

Core Need: Membership / Responsibility Remember your first televisiontelevision?

Survived difficulty (Depression, WWII) Value

Stability Security Community Patriotism Reverence of God

Like structure and form

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshop TraditionalTraditional Relationships Relationships

Stability & Loyalty Core: Membership and ResponsibilityCore: Membership and Responsibility Characteristic: Structured (Military) Characteristic: Structured (Military) Trust hierarchy, standards, and norms.Trust hierarchy, standards, and norms. Straight up and to the point with tasks Straight up and to the point with tasks Respect their experience! LISTEN Respect their experience! LISTEN Share the task and results. RecognitionShare the task and results. Recognition Social and MentoringSocial and Mentoring

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopHow to Engage and RetainHow to Engage and Retain

TraditionalsTraditionals Offer tasks geared to skills sets.Offer tasks geared to skills sets. Develop Roles and ResponsibilitiesDevelop Roles and Responsibilities Stick to the Plan and SchedulesStick to the Plan and Schedules Respectful Language Dislike VulgarityRespectful Language Dislike Vulgarity Dress Appropriately (Provide Formality)Dress Appropriately (Provide Formality) RESPECT Experience – LISTEN!RESPECT Experience – LISTEN!

Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorshipful Masters WorkshopBaby Boomers Baby Boomers – Optimists (50 – 68)– Optimists (50 – 68)

Core Need: Work ethic, TransformationCore Need: Work ethic, Transformation Remember your first Remember your first CCoolloorr Television Television??

Competition for work created work ethicCompetition for work created work ethic Value Value

Fairness to allFairness to all Improving thingsImproving things Accomplishment of goals. Recognition.Accomplishment of goals. Recognition.

Like to find work-life balance as they ageLike to find work-life balance as they age

Conference of Grand Conference of Grand MastersMastersMembership Analysis Membership Analysis 20082008

Baby Boomer Group (000’s)Baby Boomer Group (000’s)

464.3 449.5 416.8464.3 449.5 416.8

31.5 % of Membership

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopBaby Boomer Baby Boomer RelationshipsRelationships

Transformational & Optimistic Core: Strong Work Ethic (Competition) Characteristic: Idealistic - Fairness Build Trust: Why do we do it this way? Like to restructure or improve things Aging and want balance in life Retiring now and in the next decade. Fun and Social interaction

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopHow to Engage and RetainHow to Engage and Retain

BoomersBoomers Value their experience! Listen to themValue their experience! Listen to them

Recognize their contributionsRecognize their contributions Provide leadership opportunitiesProvide leadership opportunities Politically Correct environmentPolitically Correct environment ASKASK them—Don’t them—Don’t TELLTELL them them Follow proper etiquetteFollow proper etiquette

Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorshipful Masters WorkshopGeneration X Generation X – Skeptical (38 -– Skeptical (38 -49)49)

Core Need: Independence / FreedomCore Need: Independence / Freedom Remember your first Remember your first PersonalComputerPersonalComputer??

Most misunderstood generation due to skeptical Most misunderstood generation due to skeptical nature ( Latchkey Kids )nature ( Latchkey Kids )

Tech savvyTech savvy Like to get the job done and move onLike to get the job done and move on Flexible schedulesFlexible schedules

Conference of Grand Conference of Grand MastersMastersMembership Analysis Membership Analysis 20082008

Generation X Group (000’s)Generation X Group (000’s)

136.4 160.2 161.7 136.4 160.2 161.7

9.2% of membership

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopGeneration X Generation X RelationshipsRelationships

Entrepreneurial & SkepticalEntrepreneurial & Skeptical Core Need: Independence (Cultural Shifts)Core Need: Independence (Cultural Shifts) Characteristic: Resourceful & IndependentCharacteristic: Resourceful & Independent Let them do the task creatively and move onLet them do the task creatively and move on Like variety and stimulationLike variety and stimulation Casual and relaxed environmentCasual and relaxed environment Less structureLess structure Want more social engagementWant more social engagement

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopHow to Engage and RetainHow to Engage and Retain

Gen X’ersGen X’ers Quick feedback on their projectsQuick feedback on their projects Allow them to multi-taskAllow them to multi-task Don’t micromanage their workDon’t micromanage their work Provide technology and toolsProvide technology and tools Offer a balance between work and social Offer a balance between work and social

activitiesactivities Listen to their ideasListen to their ideas

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshop MillennialsMillennials – Wired (18 – 37) – Wired (18 – 37)

Core Need: Respect & EngagementCore Need: Respect & Engagement Remember your first Remember your first iPODiPOD??

First Generations to Teach Older GenFirst Generations to Teach Older Gen Like to be involved and respectedLike to be involved and respected Need to contribute to the teamNeed to contribute to the team Like coaching/mentoring with the tools to do Like coaching/mentoring with the tools to do

the jobthe job Tech savvyTech savvy

Conference of Grand Conference of Grand MastersMastersMembership Analysis Membership Analysis 20082008

Millennial Group (000’s)Millennial Group (000’s)

28.2 102.4 270.0 28.2 102.4 270.0

1.9% of Membership

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshop

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopMillennialMillennial Relationships Relationships

Wired, Involved and Always On! Core Need: Fast Response & EngagementCore Need: Fast Response & Engagement Characteristic: Involvement (Information Age)Characteristic: Involvement (Information Age) First generation to teach older generationsFirst generation to teach older generations Must give quick response and feedbackMust give quick response and feedback Get the job done quick with creativityGet the job done quick with creativity Allow them to Lead—Listen to their suggestionsAllow them to Lead—Listen to their suggestions Build Loyalty and Trust.Build Loyalty and Trust. Searching for Deeper Meaning to Life!

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopHow to Engage and RetainHow to Engage and Retain

MillennialsMillennials Provide Orientation and TrainingProvide Orientation and Training Put them to work – Fast!Put them to work – Fast! Assign Mentors or CoachesAssign Mentors or Coaches Respect their ideas. Don’t Talk down to.Respect their ideas. Don’t Talk down to. Respond quickly to requestsRespond quickly to requests Provide latest tools and technologyProvide latest tools and technology Recognize their work and their results.Recognize their work and their results.

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopGenerational Leadership Generational Leadership ProcessProcess

DelegationDelegation Coaching & MentoringCoaching & Mentoring Membership RetentionMembership Retention Education and Training ProgramsEducation and Training Programs Philanthropy ProgramsPhilanthropy Programs Improved Communication EtiquetteImproved Communication Etiquette MEMBERSHIP GROWTHMEMBERSHIP GROWTH

Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorshipful Masters WorkshopRelevance to ALL FreemasonsRelevance to ALL Freemasons

Improved Masonic EducationImproved Masonic Education Increased Membership RetentionIncreased Membership Retention Improved Member CommunicationsImproved Member Communications Improved TeamworkImproved Teamwork Improved Mentoring of New MembersImproved Mentoring of New Members Improved Understanding of CharitiesImproved Understanding of Charities Improved Financial CommunicationsImproved Financial Communications

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopLeading Positive ChangeLeading Positive Change

““If you don’t take change by the hand, it If you don’t take change by the hand, it will take you by the throat!”will take you by the throat!”

— Sir Winston Churchill

Change occurs when leaders create the Change occurs when leaders create the vision and direction for the benefit of vision and direction for the benefit of those that they serve. those that they serve.

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopLeading Positive ChangeLeading Positive Change

• Watch carefully your thoughts, they will become your Watch carefully your thoughts, they will become your words.words.

• Watch your words, for they will become your actions.Watch your words, for they will become your actions.

• Watch your actions, for they will become your habits.Watch your actions, for they will become your habits.

• Watch your habits, for they will define your character.Watch your habits, for they will define your character.

• My Brother, your character defines your destiny!My Brother, your character defines your destiny!

- F. Hrabowski.- F. Hrabowski.

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshop

Generational StrengthGenerational Strength Each Generation Strengthens Us !

How well we work together will determine How well we work together will determine

our survival!our survival!

How well we understand each other will How well we understand each other will secure our success !secure our success !

Membership Growth Strategies – NOW!Membership Growth Strategies – NOW!

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopGenerational LeadershipGenerational Leadership

Key Concepts What are the key issues facing our fraternity today?

What is the value of Membership in Freemasonry?

Does Freemasonry meet the needs of members today?

How does your Lodge Gain new members?

Worshipful Masters Worshipful Masters WorkshopWorkshopOur Fraternal BondsOur Fraternal Bonds

Brothers we have so much in common!Brothers we have so much in common!

Thank YouThank You

And May God Richly Bless Your Lodge And May God Richly Bless Your Lodge andand

Our Fraternity!Our Fraternity!