world war 2, scotland

By: Fadilla

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Post on 10-Jul-2015




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Page 1: World War 2, Scotland

By: Fadilla

Page 2: World War 2, Scotland

Blackout The blackout began 2 days before a war started. Under a blackout rule, everyone had to cover up their windows at night with black material to make sure know one spots any light inside the house. This made it hard for German bombers to find their target. Blackout times are printed in newspaper, the police patrol the streets after dark to make sure people keep to that rule. There have been a few accidents with people walking into street lights, trees and hurting themselves.

Page 3: World War 2, Scotland

Letters Families, that have any relatives serving in the armed forces, keep in touch my sending letters. Letters that are sent from the armed forces to their home are read by the government officials to make sure that no information is included that may be of use to the enemy if the letters were to fall in the wrong hands.

Page 4: World War 2, Scotland

Barrage Balloons Barrage Balloons help keep the German planes high in the sky making it harder for them to target their bombs. The balloon is very big and requires large open areas to keep them in.

Classroom Window All windows in the classroom have sticky tape criss-crossed over them to minimise the effects of flying glass if a bomb explodes. It sometimes apply to windows in Hong Kong if there is a typhoon.

Page 5: World War 2, Scotland

Hand Bell and Rattle The alarm sound for a gas attack is made with a rattle. In a gas attack the hand bell is sounded when the gas has faded and the air is safe to breathe. Because of the war the use of rattles at football matches is forbidden because of the danger of causing a false alarm. In school you had to make sure you had your gas mask with you at all times.

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Grocer’s Shop When people go out and find some food they have to bring their ration book. Sometimes there can be a shortage because the German submarines keep attacking Scotland’s navy ships that bring in food for people living there. Some people say that rationing is a fair system because it doesn’t really matter how much money or how much coupons you have you can’t have any more than the other people lining up with you.

Page 7: World War 2, Scotland

Cars Petrol are sent to Scotland by using sea tankers however the German, as you all ready know, just like sinking these vessels and not a lot of petrol would complete its’ journey to Scotland. The petrol that made its’ way to Scotland is needed urgently by the forces so there isn’t a lot of private cars. Cinemas Cinemas are a great way of escaping the nasty, terrible reality of the war. People love Hollywood films but British films are shown too. The great thing about the cinema is when you have bought your ticket you can sit and watch the film over and over again.

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Everyone in Britain was given a gas mask in a cardboard box, to protect them from gas bombs, which could be dropped during an air raids. Gas had been used in World War 1 and many soldiers had died or been injured because of that. There were fear that the gas maybe used on ordinary people. Posters were put all over the town to remind people to bring their gas mask wherever they go.

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