world of warplanes newcomers manual

Newcomer Guide to World of Warplanes 1 Made by Glog Newcomer guide to World of Warplanes This guide is original work of Glog97. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY!

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Startup guide for World of Warplanes players


Page 1: World of Warplanes Newcomers Manual

Newcomer Guide to World of Warplanes

1 Made by Glog

Newcomer guide to

World of Warplanes This guide is original work of Glog97.


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Table of Contents

1.0 Get the game running ................................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Downloading ....................................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Login ................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.3 GUI (Game User Interface)................................................................................................................. 5

1.3.1 Main GUI ..................................................................................................................................... 5

1.3.2 Main Tabs .................................................................................................................................... 6

1.3.3 Ingame GUI ................................................................................................................................. 8

2.0 Options .............................................................................................................................................. 9

2.1 Controls ............................................................................................................................................. 10

2.1.1 Joystick ...................................................................................................................................... 10

2.1.2 Control scheme .......................................................................................................................... 11

2.2 Graphic settings ................................................................................................................................ 12

2.3 Battle ................................................................................................................................................. 13

3.0 Your first flight! ......................................................................................................................... 14

3.1 Starting a game ................................................................................................................................. 14

3.2 Dogfight practice .............................................................................................................................. 16

3.3 Superiority mode ............................................................................................................................... 17

4.0 Dogfight .......................................................................................................................................... 18

4.1 Classes .............................................................................................................................................. 18

4.1.1 Fighters ...................................................................................................................................... 18

4.1.2 Heavy fighters ............................................................................................................................ 19

4.1.3 Ground attack aircraft ................................................................................................................ 20

4.2 Tips ................................................................................................................................................... 21

4.3 Gun range .......................................................................................................................................... 21

4.4 Button use ......................................................................................................................................... 22

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5.0 Game mechanics ........................................................................................................................ 24

5.1 Matchmaking system ........................................................................................................................ 24

5.2 Damage models ................................................................................................................................. 24

5.3 Spotting system ................................................................................................................................. 24

5.4 Economics ......................................................................................................................................... 25

6.0 Your obligations ......................................................................................................................... 26

6.1 RESPECT THE NDA! ...................................................................................................................... 26

6.2 Report bugs you find! ....................................................................................................................... 26

6.2.1 DxDiag? How do I attach it? ...................................................................................................... 27

7.0 Other ................................................................................................................................................ 32

7.1 Community ........................................................................................................................................... 32

7.1.1 Groups ........................................................................................................................................ 32

7.1.2 Forum Title: ............................................................................................................................... 34

7.3 Update log ......................................................................................................................................... 35

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1.0 Get the game running

1.1 Downloading Log in to WoWp portal

Download the installer

Run the installer it as administrator and let it update.

1.2 Login When the launcher updates, it will install the game, then you click play and

it will start the game

Now insert your e-mail and password (WoT ones) and click connect, first

you must agree to EULA the first time you are logging in.

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1.3 GUI (Game User Interface)

1.3.1 Main GUI

1. Aircraft Filter

2. Your Friends and Chat channels

3. Aircraft you can select

4. Here you start the battle and also change the battle type.

5. Game notifications, mostly results from games played and credits/exp spent.

6. Current aircraft specifications.

7. Amount of gold, credits and free experience.

8. Main Menu.

9. Your nickname, here you can click to buy premium or convert experience.

10. Players ingame / Players in queue.

11. Here you can invite your friends to "Flights" similar to platoons in WoT.

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1.3.2 Main Tabs You have your default "Hangar" Tab, explained above, "Tech Tree" and

"Achivements" tab

Tech Tree tab:

Here you can spend experience and credits earned to acquire new aircraft, when

you click any of the planes you are taken to the "Modules" tab.

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When you click any of the planes you get the "Modules"


In order to get the next aircraft, you have to buy some modules while other are

optional. Study and test various configurations for yourself to see what fits you


You also have to first spend experience to resarch the modules before you buy

them, each module changes your specifications, for example, if I were to put the

rockets on my plane, I would have to buy them, after mounting them they would

increase my weight thereby slowing me down.

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1.3.3 Ingame GUI

1. Friendly team, shows their planes, tiers, nicknames and points. 2. FPS and Ping. FPS (frames per second) this shows how many frames/sec you see, the more the better, it's usualy normal when it's above 40 FPS, this depends on mainly on you GPU/CPU. 3. Chat. 4. Target window, here you can see the enemy you are targeting. 5. Your ammo, speed, HP and altitude. 6. The supremacy bar, it fills for whichever team has more kills, when it reaches 100% you win the game. 7. Radar area, displays all units around you friendly in green, enemy in red. 8. Map. 9. Enemy team, shows their planes, tiers, nicknames and points. 10. This is the ingame timer, it begins counting down from 15:00 to 00:00, when timer reaches 00:00 the game ends in a draw.

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2.0 Options You have Controls, Graphics, Volume, Battle and Game tab, I will be covering

three of five, Controls, Graphics and Battle options. There is no reason to explain

the volume tab, and Game tab isn't functional in this version of the game.

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2.1 Controls Just a mention that this game is still in Closed Beta and some control modes are

easy, while some have a steep learning curve.

2.1.1 Joystick

World of Warplanes has very good joystick settings, BUT it much easier to fly with

a mouse/keyboard. I tend not to use joystick in this game. For you who want to

take your chances, you should click "adjust joystick axis in the controls tab.

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2.1.2 Control scheme

Before you do anything you need to select what is you prefered control scheme,

you can choose between:

1. Gamepad

2. Joystick

3. Keyboard

4. World of Tanks Mouse

5. Mouse Version 0.4.1.

World of Tanks mouse, which is the control mode that I would recommend to

anyone who is starting out, has VERY weird keybinds, I have no idea who the hell

thought it's a good idea to bind roll to arrows... but what I'm trying to say is that

you should rebind all the keys to your fitting before you start playing.

I should also mention that what you see in the game is not representative of the

final product, in fact it's far from it. They have changed and they will keep

changing the controls until they find the perfect way to do it (at least I hope so).

I never tried using the gamepad, but at this stage of the game I must say that

playing with the joystick is in most cases a disadvantage. But as I said before, try

all modes for yourself and see what's best for you.

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2.2 Graphic settings

Not much to say here, if u don't have very strong PC better keep it at low/very

low for FPS rate that is important while dogfighting.

So you have your everyday graphics options, if you want to save some FPS you

can try to tweak shadows and filtering

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2.3 Battle

Here you can customize your HUD, this can be helpful ingame and is good to take

a look at it before playing your first game. Also try experimenting till you find the

perfect thing for you. Here's a screenshot of my HUD setup:

That's it for options, let's proceed to running the game and your first dogfight!

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3.0 Your first flight!

3.1 Starting a game First of all you need to change the game mode, you have single and standard

battle, standard battle puts you in queue against other players, solo battles are

battles against bots, it is recommended to fly a few test runs before going in with

other players. Here are some screenshots:

Selecting ---> Loading screen ---> The HUD u set up before

You best run a few single battles with bots to get familiar with the controls

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3.2 Dogfight practice

OK, you are starting, the timer is ticking, you are finally here!

Time to try out some maneuvers and do some target practice to get in condition.

Notice how the supremacy bar started filling up? This is a substitute for WoT flag

capturing, if teams are passive supremacy will decide the winner, although in

most cases it's just wiping out the enemy team

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3.3 Superiority mode

Let me put it this way:

The team with most points has the advantage, the team that has their superiority

bar on 100% wins first (or just kill all planes). The way you remove superiority by

killing other aircraft or ground targets.

You see how you get a message when you destroy and aircraft or a ground target,

the game lets you know that you are having the advantage, and that your team

will be getting more and more supremacy, as long as you are in the lead.

For advanced tactics visit Captain King's Advanced Fighter Tactics and check Basic

Combat Flight Maneuvers 1 and Basic Combat Flight Maneuvers 2 for more basics.

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4.0 Dogfight 4.1 Classes

In WoT we have Light, Medium and Heavy tanks, SPG's and TD's, here there are 3


1. Fighters (same as Carrier based fighters)

2. Heavy fighters

3. Ground attack aircraft

4.1.1 Fighters 1. Fighters are agile and fast, can make sharp turns but lack the firepower of

ground attack aircraft and heavy fighters, they also don't have rockets or bombs

very often. If you want to be fast, shooting down other planes, this is the class

for you!


[+] Very agile

[+] Fast

[+] Long WEP

[+] Best aircraft if used properly

[+] Small size = small target

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[-] Low HP

[-] Lower firepower than other 2 classes

[-] Raped by strafe fire from HF and GAA

4.1.2 Heavy fighters 2. Heavy fighters, unlike fighters are slower, heavier and have LOT more HP than

fighters, but they compensate lack of agility with raw firepower, a moment of

barrage from these heavy guns will rip you apart if player knows what he's

doing, also many of HF's have tailgunners that snipe fighters that are on your



[+] Big Firepower

[+] More HP than fighters

[+] Tail gunner

[+] Ammo

[+] Playable by newbs, awesome when in the hands of a good pilot

[+] Always wins fighters head on!


[-] Lack of agility, easily tailed

[-] Slow speed and climb rate

[-] Loose close dogfights most of the time due to slow turn speed/climb rate

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4.1.3 Ground attack aircraft 3. Ground Attack Aircraft, this class is LOVED by the teammates, they can take

ground targets in no time, in 30 sec, 1 GAA can kill 5-6 ground targets and get a

GREAT advantage for his team. And the cons are...very slow, veeeery big turns

and total lack of agility.


[+] HUGE help to the team

[+] Big amount of HP

[+] Lots of credits for dealing lots of damage to base!

[+] Tail gunner

[+] Noob friendly


[-] Cannot dogfight

[-] Usually dies when targeted by a good player

[-] Can't survive 2 min without a wingman

[-] NO AGILITY, Turning takes FOREVER!

[-] Terrible speed and climb rate

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4.2 Tips

1. Never do a head on against an enemy with greater firepower

2. Think about your plane, are you for B&Z or close dogfight!

3. Never fly in a straight line for longer than 2 sec

4. Never continue the chase if you have someon on your tail.

5. Never chase more than one enemy, finish off what you started

6. Choose what control system is best for you.

7. If you aren't in a complete head on situation (enemy focused some1 else),

HOLD your fire and get GOOD aim on this tail and rip him apart when you get


8. Don't crash into an enemy (do kamikaze ) unless you are 1% or so HP.

4.3 Gun range

As you know, this isn't WoT and you CAN'T shoot across the whole map if you just

see the enemy. The gun range of every plane is different, but it's around 750m on

starting planes. Now, if you're going head on you start shooting as soon as you

see that you're closer than 800m and DON'T stop. When tailing someone it's a

whole different story, you get to ~200m from him and THEN open fire (unless he

is low HP, then you can shoot from 500-1000m and get lucky. The important thing

is that guns deal more damage the closer you are.

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4.4 Button use

LMB, Space or Joy Fire: Fire


S: Turn off engine

E: Flaps control

L Alt: View player names/plane models

F: Sniper mode

T: Select target

Tab: Change target

M: Show Map

Enter: Chat

Tab: Change chat

I: Invert axis

L Ctrl: Push to talk

1-4: Fire weapon group

F1: Help

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They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s a screenshot of F1 menu

from the game:

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5.0 Game mechanics

5.1 Matchmaking system

The game selects aircraft similar to your tier from the queue and puts you in one

battle. There are different sized maps for different tiers of aircraft.

5.2 Damage models

Pretty close to WoT one, all modules have certian amount of HP and all can get

damaged/lost, the main difference from WoT is that here, when certian parts are

destroyed they fall off so u die no matter how much HP you have

5.3 Spotting system

The main pain in the *** here are the clouds, they reduce visibility by a lot, so If

you could see an enemy form 2500m on the open, you might see him when he is

500m ahead if you/he were in a cloud! This can/is used by most pilots with more

agile planes to avoid head on with heavy ones.

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5.4 Economics

Credits are also very similar to WoT, you get x amount of credits for x amount of

damage, kills, assists etc. You are also paying for repairs for your vehicle, so try

not to get killed.

Don’t worry, after playing for ~10 hrs you will have spare cash:

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6.0 Your obligations

6.1 RESPECT THE NDA! This is the one rule that you MUST OBEY!!! READ THE NDA and never break it!

We had multiple people break NDA recently and they ALL GOT THEIR WOT and


NDA is lifted! You may post anything that is 0.4.1 and later, where ever you


6.2 Report bugs you find!

This is NOT a finished game and you are here to test it, any bugs you find you

should report on the forums.

This is the very purpose of AT, GAT, CBT and OBT...FINDING BUGS and testing the

game! Here are important things you should know for submitting bugs:

1) It's desirable to have ATTACHED screenshots in your report

2) Have python attached

3) Look the forums first, if there is a bug that you wanted to report just reply to

the existing topic!

4) It's good to have FRAPS or something like that for easier screenshot extraction

5) It's recommended to have DxDiag attached in the topic or in the signature.

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6.2.1 DxDiag? How do I attach it? -DxDiag ("DirectX Diagnostics") is a diagnostics tool used to test DirectX

functionality and troubleshoot video- or sound-related hardware problems.

DirectX Diagnostic can save text files with the scan results. These files are often

posted in tech forums or attached to support emails in order to give support

personnel a better idea of the PC the requester is using in case the .


How to get DxDiag:

1)First you go to your search or run tool, and enter DxDiag, once you run it you

will get this:

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2)You save all the info and name it DxDiag (default):

Next, you open up the forums, you go to any thread, or PM, and then you start a

reply, you click "More reply options" and attach your DxDiag:

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1) First you will click Choose Files;

2) After you finish the upload you will press Preview Post

1) You select your DxDiag;

2) Click "Open".

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Once you clicked preview post, you Right Click the red DxDiag.txt and select "Copy

link location.

1) Now you go to my settings;

2) And select Signature.

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1) You type DxDiag and select it

2) Click "Link" Icon in the taskbar

1) Paste the link you copied before (DxDiag attachment) and click "OK"

2) Click "Save Changes"

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7.0 Other

7.1 Community

7.1.1 Groups


Admins are gods of the forums, they talk to their worshipers (us) with news and

contests, and also arrange the forums!

Community Manager

These guys are doomed to working with us, they are in charge

Super Moderator

Super Mods are (unlike mods) in charge of the whole forum and not certian

sectors, they are like FBI, while mods are just local PD


Moderators (Mods) are in charge of keeping order in certian sectors of the forums

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Developers are people (as their name says) that work on game development, but

some(many) of them are often on forums and in touch with the community

Senior Alpha Test Veteran

Senior Alpha Test Veterans (SATs) are ATs rewarded title "senior" for:

“According to the flight activity, forum Alpha and open sections participation,

Skype conference, feedback quality and due to their long participation in Alpha

testing some Alpha testers are promoted to senior Alpha testers........All the senior

Alpha testers will be given extra gifts from me personally and bonuses from



Translators are here to translate, although I think there aren't any on WoWP yet

Alpha Test Veteran

Alpha Test Veterans (ATs) are ATs with given Veteran status for being in AT before

GAT(Global AT)

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Alpha Tester

Alpha testers are players that joined GAT

Newsletter team member

These guys arrange the newsletter

Beta Tester

Testers of the World of Warplanes Beta


Ordinary members of WoWP forum

7.1.2 Forum Title:

Airman Basic 0-10

Senior Airman 10-30

Master Sergeant 30-100

Senior Master Sergeant 100-500

Command Chief Master Sergeant 500-1000

Second Lieutenant 1000-2000

First Lieutenant 2000-.....

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7.2 Special thanks to:

Glenn_King for Advanced tactics guide, Crash_Tailspin for Basic maneuver guides

7.3 Update log 24.2.2012.

Created the guide

Added GUI explanation

25.2.2012. Added "Other" section and "Update Log"

Added 13. and 14. to GUI explanation

Added ingame GUI/HUD explanation


Added "4.0 Game machanics" Added "6.0 Troubleshooting" Added "Table of content" Added "7.2 Community"


Added "3.6 Basic dogfight guide with classes pro's and con's


Added "3.6.2 Tips"


Changed 3.6 Basic dogfight guide to 4.0, and all further has been changed (4.0 --> 5.0; 5.0 --> 6.0 .....)

Added "Gun range" to 4.0


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Changed name "Basic dogfight guide" to "Dogfight" Added headers! Added "4.4 Button use"


Made a PDF. version of the guide! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Complete overhaul of the guide, updated to 0.4.1 version of the game.