workplace based assessments and how to use the · pdf fileworkplace based assessments and how...

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes HSST Webinar No 2 8 th December 2015 Workplace based assessments and how to use the OLAT Delivered on behalf of the NSHCS Mike Thomas Professional Lead – Blood and Infection Science, NSHCS Alex Levine Educational Systems Administrator, NSHCS

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Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

HSST Webinar No 2 8th December 2015

Workplace based assessments

and how to use the OLAT

Delivered on behalf of the NSHCS Mike Thomas

Professional Lead – Blood and Infection Science, NSHCS

Alex Levine Educational Systems Administrator, NSHCS

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

Academic Rewards Bachelor with Honours

Level 6 qualification and normally requires three years of full-time study to to obtain a minimum of 360 credits.

Masters Level 7 qualification awarded to candidates who have attained a minimum of 180 credits, 60 credits of which comprise an extended piece of research or similar in-depth study.

Professional Doctorate Level 8 qualification that integrates professional and academic knowledge. It is awarded to candidates who have successfully completed a taught and research programme of study comprising 540 credits at Levels 7 and 8, with a minimum of 360 credits at Level 8. The research is submitted in the form of a 60,000 word thesis and (where appropriate) portfolio, completed within 3 to 5 years (for students studying full-time).

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

HSST A doctoral level programme

Masters level

Doctoral level

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

Work place learning

• Learning is a part of everyday life

• Learning happens in

a community of practice

• Learning happens

through participation

Graduate Masters Doctoral

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

Learning through experience Experiential Learning

“Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” (Kolb, 1984). Experience is achieved through workplace learning.

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

An apprenticeship The 70:20:10 model of learning

The 70:20:10 isn’t a ‘rule’. The model simply describes learning as it naturally happens and then offers means to accelerate and support that learning: • as part of the daily workflow; • through working and sharing with

colleagues and experts; • through structured development


“It all boils down to learning, but not the sort of learning you experienced at school (or university). No, it’s learning as a life skill. You’re learning all the time, taking in new information and making sense of it. You learn from experience, from conversations with peers, and from the school of hard knocks. You’re in charge of it, not a teacher or institution.” (extract from the first draft of Real Learning, a book Jay Cross was working on when he died on Friday 6 November 2015)

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

The e-Portfolio recording your learning

• A record of your professional development and experience

• Specific to your work practices and role

• Reflective and evaluative content, not just a record

• Confidential • Useful as a historic, current

and future learning tool • Dynamic document which

can be tailored to specific needs

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

OLAT e-Portfolio Online Learning and Assessment Tool

• A place to supply evidence for, and gain sign off of workplace based learning assignments.

• A place to store those on-going reflections about and evidence of progress in the workplace.

• Maintaining an independent collection of your reflections and evidence.

• Designed to enable standardised work based assessments across programmes

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

Roles and responsibilities

You Your Supervisor The School You are the driver and person responsible for providing evidence of progress throughout your progression through HSST – this includes OLAT Nothing happens on OLAT unless you interact with it to generate that evidence. Use the system in a timely way that complements the experiences that you are receiving. You will need to successfully evidence assessments and competencies in order to exit the training successfully

OLAT Definitions: Training Officer has oversight of your account to: • Offer guidance and support • Review your progress • Review responses of


Supervisors have similar access to Training Officers but are only relevant to STP for rotations. Trainers are only able to access those assessments and competencies you nominate them for All those involved in assessing you should sign off your evidence in a timely manner

• Has oversight of all user accounts on the system

• Regularly reviews

progression and your interaction with the system

• Can see everything on a

users account

• Will contact you and your supervisor if you are not progressing as expected to offer guidance and support

• We offer support and guidance but will not adopt a policing role

Work place assessments Yr DClin

Sci FRC Path

Formative: for learning

Summative: for progression


Part 1

12 DOPSa, 2 CRs1, 1 MSF2 APR3

2 12 DOPS, 2 CRs, 1 MSF APR


Part 2

8 OCEs, 4 CBDs, 1 CR, 1 MSF, mock OSFA/OSCSA4



8 OCEs, 4 CBDs, 1 CR, local assessment of ICS project

OSFA/OSCSA (or FRCPath Part 2) + APR


2 professional development events, 1 CR, 1 MSF

ICS report and presentation (or FRCPath Part 2) + Final APR

1Critical reflection 2Multisource feedback (360) 3Annual Performance/Progression Review 4Objective Structured Final Assessment or Objective structured clinical skills assessment

• WPBAs on OLAT are DOPS, OCE, CBDs and MSF and are all used to provide evidence for progression and will be assessed through Annual Performance Review.

• There are no defined numbers of WPBAs that need to be undertaken. Numbers in published documents are advisory only and should be negotiated with the educational supervisor as a part of an individual training plan.

• An Innovation in Clinical Science project is expected to be completed.

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

The Tools: MSF Multi-source Feedback

Offers a sample of attitudes and opinions of colleagues on your performance and professional attitude. Provides data for reflection on performance and gives useful feedback for self evaluation. An opportunity for self reflection on performance against perceived performance by colleagues. Identifies areas of development which you may not be aware of. Identifies areas of strength and good practice which you can build on.

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

The Tools: DOPS Direct Observation of Practical/Procedural/Professional Skills or Delivery of Professional Services Developed from tools used in medical education At STP it was all about being observed undertaking practical skills or procedures AT HSST this definition is extended to include the assessment of your professional skills and/or the delivery of projects Curriculum specific examples are available on OLAT Where your evidence doesn’t map to suggested DOPS on OLAT they can be recorded elsewhere on the system

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

The Tools: OCEs Observed Clinical Event

Usually takes place in a clinical setting with a patient present or with non scientific professionals. Reviews your interaction, history taking, communication skills, physical and clinical examinations skills, clinical judgement, organisation and efficiency, professionalism and overall clinical care. Pre-defined examples linked to the curriculum. Rating scheme may or may not be appropriate in each case

Rating criteria:

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

The Tools: CBD Case Based Discussion

Structured teaching and feedback in a particular area of clinical or scientific practice by evaluating decision making and the interpretation and application of evidence. Identify 2 cases which you have had an involvement in and list these on OLAT. Prepare both cases and your assessor then decides which to discuss with you. Covers the context, professional, ethical and governance framework of practice, and allows you to discuss why you acted as you did.

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

The Tools: Competencies

Upload evidence to demonstrate you have met the learning objectives of the module. What is acceptable is open to discussion between you and your supervisor. It should be of suitable standard to meet the knowledge expected of a consultant in your discipline. Once reviewed you will be unable to add any further evidence to that particular competency.

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

The Tools: Reflective Log

A facility for you to add additional information and to reflect on your personal development. A place to store information that doesn’t fit with pre-defined assessments. A way to study your own experiences to improve the way you work. A great way to increase confidence and become a more proactive and qualified professional. Will need to be reviewed off-line.

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes

Reviewing the evidence Work with your supervisor to ensure that the evidence provided is effective and appropriate for your personal training plan. Do not submit evidence against a competency for review until it is fully complete. OLAT provides a sliding scale assessment with pre-defined questions some of which may be inappropriate and should be answered as “unable to comment”. Evidence offered through reflective notes will need to be reviewed off-line. Avoid producing significant amounts of material;

• rationalise and summarise • add references • use the same evidence for more

than once Ensure that all your evidence is accounted for at your Annual Performance Review.

Supporting training, Maintaining standards, Improving outcomes
