working with files and dir in php

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  • 8/7/2019 Working With Files and Dir in PHP


    Working with Files in PHP, Part 3

    by John Coggeshall


    Welcome back. In my last article I introducedhow to use PHP to read and write binary files. This week,

    I'll introduce the concept of working with directories in PHP, including creating new directories, changing

    directories, and getting a file list for a given directory using PHP's pseudo directory object. We'll be

    starting from reading directories from a list, and then we'll discuss creating new directories or changing

    the current directory using PHP's directory manipulation functions. Let's get started.

    The Directory Object

    Working with directories in PHP is done through the use of a pre-defined pseudo object built internally

    into PHP called dir. This object has two member variables, $handle and $path, which represent the

    handle to the directory (for use in other functions) and the actual path of the directory (as a string). Along

    with these two variables, the dir object also has three member functions, read(), rewind(), and


    Creating the Directory Object

    Before we get into the specific member functions and their purposes, let's first take a look at how to create

    a directory object. Like any other object in PHP, instances are created with the new statement. In this case,

    when creating dir, it also needs a single parameter, which represents the directory being examined:

    Now that our directory class is created, the instance ($mydir) can be used in the same fashion as any

    other object. Our primary goal, of course, is to list all the files in the provided directory, so we'll start


    Reading Files from the Directory Object

    With the dir object created, let's take a look at its primary method: read(). This function reads one entry

    from the given directory at every call and returns it as a string, or the boolean value false if there are no

    more files to read. To use this function to read every file within a directory, simply use it within a while

    loop as follows. (We assume $mydir still exists.)

    The above code fragment might look a bit strange, especially to the beginner developer and warrants a

    little extra explanation. Within the while statement above, a number of things are happening. First, we

    assign the result of the read() method call to the variable $file. Since that statement is enclosed within

    parenthesis, the value stored in $file is then used in the comparison for the while statement. Another

    oddity in the above fragment is the use of the !== operator (not equals, except with an additional equal

    sign). It's not a typo. This operator ensures that not only is a given value equal to (or in this case, not

    equal to) another value, but that they are also of the same variable type. Without this type of comparison,

    the while loop would end prematurely if a directory (or filename) existed with the name of false. In plain

    English, we read the current filename into $file, dropping out of the loop if there are no more files to

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    With all of the files in the given directory now displayed, the directory reference must be closed using the

    close() method. The entire example is shown below:

    You may have noticed that thus far we have not discussed any way of re-reading the contents of a

    directory without creating a new instance of the dir object. Thankfully, creating a new instance of the dir

    class is unnecessary. That's what the rewind() method is for. When this method is executed, the

    placeholder used to determine the next file in the directory listing is reset to the beginning, allowing you

    to re-access the file list as shown:

    More Fun with Directories

    Now that you know how to access the files within already existing directories, let's take a look at how tocreate new directories, change into existing ones, or determine if a given filename is a directory.

    Determining If an Entry Is a Directory

    In the examples I've shown you thus far, each entry returned from our example $mydir object was labeled

    as Filename in the output. Although acceptable for a simple demonstration, it is very likely (if not certain)

    that some of the entries are subdirectories, not files. To differentiate between the two, use the simple but

    useful function is_dir(). This function takes a single parameter (an absolute or relative pathname) and

    returns true if the path refers to a directory and false if it refers to a file.

    Note: In case you are unsure what the difference between an "absolute" and "relative" pathname is, let me

    clarify. An absolute pathname is the complete path to the desired directory or file starting from the root of

    the filesystem. In UNIX-like systems, this would be something like /complete/path/to/file .

    Conversely, a relative pathname starts from the current directory (usually the same directory as the script

    being executed) and would be something like ../path/to/file.

    Here's our previous example, modified to distinguish between entries returned:

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    Notice that the complete path of the entry that we would like to check was provided to the is_dir()

    function. Without this, none of the entries would be processed properly since is_dir() would be looking

    only in the current directory, not necessarily the directory being read by $mydir object.

    Changing the Current Directory

    Of course, there are times when it would be useful to change the current directory in order to perform file

    manipulations, etc. In order to accomplish this, we'll use the PHP function chdir(). chdir() function

    takes a single parameter, the directory to change to, and returns either true or false indicating if PHP

    successfully changed into the desired directory.

    Creating and Removing Directories

    The last thing we'll discuss today is the creation and removal of directories from within PHP scripts. Both

    of these functions will only work properly on UNIX-like systems in directories that have write access

    granted for the user executing the PHP script (usually the Web server, i.e. nobody). Next time, I'll discuss

    file permissions in detail. For now just be aware of the limitation.

    Creating a directory in PHP is done with the mkdir() function. This function takes two parameters as

    shown below:

    mkdir($dir_to_create, $permission_mask);

    $dir_to_create represents the absolute or relative path of the directory to create, and

    $permission_mask represents the permissions to give that directory. Since permissions won't be covered

    in detail until our next issue, we'll use 0777 (world-access) for our permission level and will create our

    directory in /tmp/, which is always available to everyone. Beware that this means that anyone with access

    to the system can both read and write to the files and directories we create.

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