working mom and massage therapy

Myotherapy Healing Massage |Working Moms and Massage Therapy 1

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Post on 06-Jan-2017




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Myotherapy Healing Massage |Working Moms and Massage Therapy 1

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life of a working mom is not easy. Your day starts

early to prepare breakfast and send off your

children to school and then, after that you need to

prepare yourself for a long commute and spend at

least 8 hours at work. And while in the workplace

you are exposed to demanding work and experience stress. When

you come home the remaining house chores can’t seem to go

away: you need to cook dinner, clean, do some laundry and take

care of your children. There are also times when you wake up in

the middle of the night because the baby cries and before you

know it, your alarm is beeping signaling that another day has

come and you have to do the same routine all over again.

Working moms are human too. They need to relax and take a day

off. Taking good care of your body should be your first priority.

That’s why we introduce to you the top 5 reasons why working

moms should have a massage.


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Myotherapy Healing Massage |Working Moms and Massage Therapy 4

1. Relieve Stress

Almost all want to have a massage to relieve stress. When you

have your regular massage, you improve your vitality and state of

mind. If you want to know more about the stress-relieving

massage you can call our office now at 801-484-7624.

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2. Boost Energy

Not sleeping well and you’re working too hard?

After you had your massage you will experience being vitalized

and energized; for me it feels like waking up after a nice nap.

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3. Improve Overall health

Massage is good for blood circulation. It aids blood flow and also

delivers the oxygen to all the body cells, which we need for energy.

There are many studies that show that massage is also helpful for:


Digestive disorders.



Insomnia related to stress.

Myofascial pain syndrome.

Soft tissue strains or injuries.

Sports injuries and many more.

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4. Lift Mood

Many working moms may have difficult attitudes when working

all day due to stress at work or other factors that can change your

mood. According to our clients in the Myohealing Massage clinic,

a 1 hour massage once or twice a month is a great help for

rejuvenation and relaxation that make you calm and be more


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Myotherapy Healing Massage |Working Moms and Massage Therapy 8

5. Treat yourself

It is nice if you will have a ‘Me Time’ for yourself. Let’s say that

even if you are not experiencing trouble as a working mom, you

deserve to take a break.

all Myohealing or see our homepage

at to see our incredible

massage and experience the physical and emotional

benefits that I am talking about. You can write below any

comments and suggestions.