words of tithing from the pews2016/09/04  · one ($10.00 donation), roses at the tabernacle ($10.00...

1 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2016 TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME -LABOR DAY, WE HONOR ALL WORKERS It’s September. It’s Labor Day Weekend. School Begins. We’re back to work. Our Parish moves into high gear. The busy seaso n is here so try to enjoy this holiday weekend first; get in some precious Labor Day hours of fun, taking it easy on Sunday afternoon (after Church!) and on Monday. Labor Day is a welcome holiday. But like our other major American holidays, we have to keep reminding ourselves just what the holiday is all about. We honor men and women who work hard to earn a living for their families. Employees have the right to organize themselves and negotiate with their employers. The Labor Day holiday is largely the creation of the 19 th and 20 th century American labor union movement. It is connected to our own Catholic Church because the Popes of the modern era, beginning in 1891 with Pope Leo XIII’s pioneer encyclical, RERUM NOVARUM, have strongly endorsed the right of employees to organize and negotiate for good wages, safe working conditions appropriate benefits, and just treatment of each worker as a person of dignity and worth. Pope Pius XI, Saint John XXIII, Blessed Paul VI, Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and now Pope Francis have all taught a similar message about the dignity of human labor and the primacy of each person’s dignity in t he workplace. The Second Vatican Council addressed these themes as well. We recall that Saint Joseph, the Carpenter, is the patron of all workers on his May 1 st Feast Day as Saint Joseph the Worker . The American Bishops speak to our country every year on Labor Day: “ We must advocate for jobs and wages that truly provide a dignified life for individuals and their families, and for working conditions that are safe and allow for a full flourishing of life outside of the workplace. Unions and worker associations, while imperfect, remain an essential part of the effort, and people of faith and goodwill can be powerful leaven to ensure that these groups, so important in society, continue to keep human dignity at the heart of their efforts.” The labor movement’s purpose and the vision that our Church embraces in the workplace is a noble one. The labor union movemen t has benefited millions of families in our country and around the world and we honor these gains. Many of our own families have benefited from these gains. Saint John Paul II taught extensively about the dignity of every working person and the positive place our personal work has in building a better world in God’s sight. Just relationships between employers and their employees embody the Church’s call for a just and compassionate w orld. We celebrate every honest job, blue collar or while collar, mostly hard physical labor or largely intellectual effort. Labor Day honors all of these jobs. We continue to pray for millions of working people and their families in our country and in other lands who, through no fault of their own, cannot find a decent job because there just aren’t enough jobs in the economy to accommodate everyone who wants and needs work. There is still so much more to be done in our country so that everybody can celebrate Labor Day with their families while having a good job and receiving a living wage. May God guide our nation in the great task of creating a more just economy that truly honors the dignity of work and the right of every worker to decent employment. Please enjoy Labor Day Weekend. Be proud that our Catholic Church has a comprehensive and challenging vision of the economic order, and the enduring value of human work and the dignity of every working person. Thank God for the work that He enables you and me to do in our own lives for the good of our families and for society itself. Happy Labor Day! Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Pray For Us! God Bless, Father Herb On Monday, September 5, Labor Day, there will be one Mass only at 9:00 AM in the Church. The Rectory Office is closed. There will be NO bingo on Sunday, September 4 th . WORDS OF TITHING FROM THE PEWS: From the pastor: Jesus gives us Mary, His Mother, to be our Mother. Mary loves each one of us with a mother’s love. God’s giving to us knows no bounds. Our gifts to Him are our humble and generous response to His love for each of us. Words on tithing from the Pews: With Tithing, we teach our children that they, too, have an obligation to give back to God and to be thankful for everything given to them with their money, their hands and their hearts. Thank you for your sacrifice of Tithing! MASS ATTENDANCE Mass attendance for August 27/28: 1549 OUR DAILY MASS CHAPEL AIR CONDITIONER IS OUT OF ORDER The air conditioner for our Daily Chapel is out of order and needs some serious repairs. Our parish is now soliciting bids for this work. Until repairs are complete, we will have our daily Masses and other Chapel scheduled events in the main church. We regret any inconvenience this may cause anyone. We look forward to returning to our Daily Chapel once the repairs are complete. Thank you for your patience. ELECTRONIC GIVING WITH FAITH DIRECT With the arrival of autumn, I invite you to join Faith Direct, our parish’s electronic eGiving program. Our to-do-lists can get lengthy this back-to-school season, but Faith Direct’s eGiving program can give you one less thing to remember each week no more envelopes to find and checks to write before you go to Mass. Visit www.faithdirect.net and use our church code: NJ745 or call 1-866-507-8757. Thank you for your continued support of our parish family! God Bless You, Father Herb AFTER SCHOOL TEACHER OPENINGS AT ALL SAINTS ACADEMY All Saints Academy, Parsippany, has openings for September 2016 for NJ certified elementary, special education or early childhood teachers and teacher aides for its After School Care Program. Positions are part time, Monday through Friday, 2:30pm 6pm. Responsibilities include organizing and supervising approximately forty children, preschool through grade 7, in an extended day setting. Please contact our All Saints Academy's principal, Mrs. Judy Berg, at 973-334-4704 or [email protected] to apply.

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Page 1: WORDS OF TITHING FROM THE PEWS2016/09/04  · one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation). Please call or stop into



TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME -LABOR DAY, WE HONOR ALL WORKERS It’s September. It’s Labor Day Weekend. School Begins. We’re back to work. Our Parish moves into high gear. The busy season is here so try to enjoy this holiday weekend first; get in some precious Labor Day hours of fun, taking it easy on Sunday afternoon (after Church!) and on Monday.

Labor Day is a welcome holiday. But like our other major American holidays, we have to keep reminding ourselves just what the holiday is all about. We honor men and women who work hard to earn a living for their families. Employees have the right to organize themselves and negotiate with their employers. The Labor Day holiday is largely the creation of the 19th and 20th century American labor union movement. It is connected to our own Catholic Church because the Popes of the modern era, beginning in 1891 with Pope Leo XIII’s pioneer encyclical, RERUM NOVARUM, have strongly endorsed the right of employees to organize and negotiate for good wages, safe working conditions appropriate benefits, and just treatment of each worker as a person of dignity and worth. Pope Pius XI, Saint John XXIII, Blessed Paul VI, Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and now Pope Francis have all taught a similar message about the dignity of human labor and the primacy of each person’s dignity in the workplace. The Second Vatican Council addressed these themes as well. We recall that Saint Joseph, the Carpenter, is the patron of all workers on his May 1st Feast

Day as Saint Joseph the Worker .

The American Bishops speak to our country every year on Labor Day: “We must advocate for jobs and wages that truly provide a dignified life for individuals and their families, and for working conditions that are safe and allow for a full flourishing of life outside of the workplace. Unions and worker associations, while imperfect, remain an essential part of the effort, and people of faith and goodwill can be powerful leaven to ensure that these groups, so important in society, continue to keep human dignity at the heart of their efforts.”

The labor movement’s purpose and the vision that our Church embraces in the workplace is a noble one. The labor union movemen t has benefited millions of families in our country and around the world and we honor these gains. Many of our own families have benefited from these gains. Saint John Paul II taught extensively about the dignity of every working person and the positive place our personal work has in building a better world in

God’s sight. Just relationships between employers and their employees embody the Church’s call for a just and compassionate world. We celebrate every honest job, blue collar or while collar, mostly hard physical labor or largely intellectual effort. Labor Day honors all of these jobs. We continue to pray for millions of working people and their families in our country and in other lands who, through no fault of their own, cannot find a decent job because there just aren’t enough jobs in the economy to accommodate everyone who wants and needs work. There is still so much more to be done in our country so that everybody can celebrate Labor Day with their families while having a good job and receiving a living wage. May God guide our nation in the great task of creating a more just economy that truly honors the dignity of work and the right of every worker to decent employment.

Please enjoy Labor Day Weekend. Be proud that our Catholic Church has a comprehensive and challenging vision of the economic order, and the enduring value of human work and the dignity of every working person. Thank God for the work that He enables you and me to do in our own lives for the good of our families and for society itself. Happy Labor Day!

Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Pray For Us! God Bless, Father Herb On Monday, September 5, Labor Day, there will be one Mass only at 9:00 AM in the Church. The Rectory Office is

closed. There will be NO bingo on Sunday, September 4th


WORDS OF TITHING FROM THE PEWS: From the pastor: Jesus gives us Mary, His Mother, to be our Mother. Mary loves each one of us with a mother’s love. God’s giving to us knows no bounds. Our gifts to Him are our humble and generous response to His love for each of us. Words on tithing from the Pews: With Tithing, we teach our children that they, too, have an obligation to give back to God and to be thankful for everything given to them with their money, their

hands and their hearts.

Thank you for your sacrifice of Tithing!


Mass attendance for August 27/28: 1549


AIR CONDITIONER IS OUT OF ORDER The air conditioner for our Daily Chapel is out of order and needs

some serious repairs. Our parish is now soliciting bids for this work. Until repairs are complete, we will have our daily Masses and other Chapel scheduled events in the main church. We regret any inconvenience this may cause anyone. We look forward to returning to our Daily Chapel once the repairs are complete. Thank you for your patience.

ELECTRONIC GIVING WITH FAITH DIRECT With the arrival of autumn, I invite you to join Faith Direct,

our parish’s electronic eGiving program. Our to-do-lists can

get lengthy this back-to-school season, but Faith Direct’s

eGiving program can give you one less thing to remember

each week – no more envelopes to find and checks to write

before you go to Mass. Visit www.faithdirect.net and use our

church code: NJ745 or call 1-866-507-8757. Thank you for your continued support of our parish family!

God Bless You,

Father Herb


ALL SAINTS ACADEMY All Saints Academy, Parsippany, has openings for September 2016 for NJ certified elementary, special education or early childhood teachers and teacher aides for its After School Care Program. Positions are part time, Monday through Friday, 2:30pm – 6pm. Responsibilities include organizing and supervising approximately

forty children, preschool through grade 7, in an extended day setting. Please contact our All Saints Academy's principal, Mrs. Judy Berg, at 973-334-4704 or [email protected] to apply.

Page 2: WORDS OF TITHING FROM THE PEWS2016/09/04  · one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation). Please call or stop into


MONDAY 1 Corinthians 5: 1-8 Gospel: Luke 6: 6-11

TUESDAY 1 Corinthians 6: 1-11 Gospel: Luke 6: 12-19

WEDNESDAY 1 Corinthians 7: 25-31 Gospel: Luke 6: 20-26

THURSDAY Micah 5: 1-4a Gospel: Matthew 1: 1-16

FRIDAY 1 Corinthians 9: 16-19, 22b-27 Gospel: Luke 6: 39-42

SATURDAY 1 Corinthians 10: 14-22 Gospel: Luke 6: 43-49

SUNDAY Exodus 32: 7-11, 13-14

1Timothy 1: 12-17 Gospel: Luke 15: 1-32

SANCTUARY LAMPS/FLOWERS You may have the Sanctuary Candles in the Church, Chapel or Adoration Chapel burn in memory of a loved one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation).

Please call or stop into the rectory office.

September 4-10, 2016

Sanctuary Lamp in the Church is for Richard Locilento Sanctuary Lamp in Mary’s Daily Chapel is for People of

the Parish

Sanctuary Lamps in the Adoration Chapel are In

Thanksgiving, and for Gregory Loff, Charles Hathaway, Ana


Tabernacle Roses in the Church: Vincent B. O’Hara


FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 – TEAM 3 Anne Monahan, Claudette Pavel, Claire Borkowski, Marie Weber

MASSTIMES.ORG FOR VACATIONS When you go on vacation this summer or anytime, don’t leave God behind. Go to www.masstimes.org , put in an address or zip code and you will come up with a list of Churches in that area and their mass schedules.


A single mother of 3 children needs of school clothes. If you can help, she would be grateful: Girl 14: T-shirt-Woman’s Large, Pants-Woman’s Large, basketball sneakers size 10, socks size 9/10, 3 1&1/2” binders. Boy 13: T-shirts-Men’s Medium, Pants-Men’s Medium, basketball sneakers size 10, shorts Men’s Large, 4 3 subject

notebooks. Boy 12 – T-shirts Men’s Large, pants Men’s Medium, basketball sneakers size 10, ankle socks size 10. A parishioner needs a ride to the doctor. A woman is in dire need of a car. This is a tall order, but maybe you can help. Please call the Rectory at 973-334-2090 if you are able to help. Thank you and God bless you!



MEN, PLEASE SAVE THE DATE The Diocese of Paterson Men’s Conference will be held on Saturday, October 15 at St. Paul Inside the Walls in Madison. Join us from 8:30AM – 1:00PM for the opportunity to enhance men’s spirituality and encourage them to be more involved with their parishes. Former NFL receiver, Danny Abramowicz; Peter Herbeck, Director of Renewal Ministries; and Pete Burak, Director of Young Adult

Outreach for Renewal Ministries will make presentations. The conference will conclude with Mass celebrated by Bishop Serratelli. Visit insidewalls.org for more information.


MONDAY, September 5-Saint Theresa of Calcutta, Religious 9:00AM – Wilfred R. Siconolfi, Nicanor Bandibas (2nd Anniv.), Jean Apgar

TUESDAY, September 6 6:45AM – People of the Parish 8:00AM – Carroll Seitz, Rogelio Dumuk

WEDNESDAY, September 7 6:45AM – Carman Gillis, Romeo Dumuk, Jr.

8:00AM – Joseph Marotta, Carol M. Trapp, Mary Larner (70th Anniv.)

THURSDAY, September 8-The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

Mary 6:45AM – George A. Schwarz 8:00AM – Special Intention for Cindy Nausid, Joseph Azzarelli (1st Anniv.)

FRIDAY, September 9-Saint Peter Claver, Priest 6:45AM – William Byrne

8:00AM – Rev. Carl A. Young

SATURDAY, September 10 8:00AM – Mark & Santina DiPietro, Aldrich J. Ceresnak, Sal D’Uva 5:30PM – Victims of 9/11 (15

th Anniv.), Eleanor Carlton, Barbara

Dianuzzo, Ann Cywinski 7:00PM – Luis & Ramon Neira, Luis Sanchez, Orlando Rafael Vargas, Leopoldo Alvarez Garcia

SUNDAY, September 11-24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 AM – Victims of 9/11 (15th Anniv.), Robert Regensburger 9:00 AM – Victims of 9/11 (15th Anniv.), Joseph Zeffiro, 10:30 AM – Victims of 9/11 (15th Anniv.), Helen Dodzik, Robert V. Bisson, Kathleen Tillyer (15th Anniv.) 12:00 PM – Victims of 9/11 (15th Anniv.), Michael Pescherine (15th Anniv.), Teresa Gajewicz 7:00 PM – Victims of 9/11 (15th Anniv.), John Strumolo, Sr., George Bareille



“A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even

an hour spent communing with Jesus in the Blessed

Sacrament?” “Run to the feet of Jesus in the Blessed

Sacrament.” St. Padre Pio.

Adorers are needed for 8 AM on various mornings. If you can

help fill one of these hours, please call Kim at 973-402-1289.



Saint Peter’s Golden Age will meet at the Community Center

on Monday, September 19th at 11:00 AM – All are welcome!



The Compassionate Friends, a self-help group for bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents will be meeting on

Thursday, September 8th, 2016 at Saint Christopher’s Church,

1050 Littleton Road (Rt. 202), Parsippany at 7:30 PM in

Room 101. Program: Speaker: Lisa Athens, Grief Specialist.

For more information, please call Lily Capriglione at 973-568-


Page 3: WORDS OF TITHING FROM THE PEWS2016/09/04  · one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation). Please call or stop into


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH 12:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 1:15PM – Baptisms – Church 3:00PM – St. Padre Pio Prayer Group – Church 5:30PM – Bingo – Parish Center


-LABOR DAY-Rectory Closed 7:30PM – S.I.N.E. – Spanish Room


8:00AM – ASA First Day of School

6:30PM – Men’s 30-60 Year Olds Basketball – Parish Center

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH 6:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 7:00PM – Boy Scout Troop 72 - Cafeteria 7:30PM – Spanish Bible Class – Spanish Room 7:30PM – Adult Bible Sharing – Church Hall


6:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center

7:30PM – Spanish Choir – Chapel 7:30PM – Adult Choir – Church/Church Hall 8:30PM – Men’s Basketball – Parish Center


10:00AM – ASA Opening Liturgy – Church 4:00PM – Wedding Rehearsal – Church 6:00PM – Set Up for Deacon Anniv. Celebration – Parish Center 7:30PM – Spanish Prayer Group – Chapel

7:30PM – Caregivers Support Group - Convent


10:00AM – Deacon Anniversary Mass – Church/Church Hall 11:00AM – Deacon Anniversary Celebration – Cafe/Parish Center 2:30PM – Wedding - Church 4:00PM – Confessions – Church 4:15PM – Prayer & Life Workshops – Church Hall 5:30PM – Firemen’s Mass - Church

7:30PM – AA – Church Hall 8:00PM – Indian Sports – Parish Center



The Diocesan Commission for Catholic Filipino Ministries

(DCCFM) is honoring two Filipino Saints – St. Lorenzo Ruiz

and St. Pedro Calungsod on Saturday, September 17th at St.

Clare Church, 69 Allwood Road, Clifton, NJ 07014. Most

Reverend Arthur J. Serratelli, Bishop of Paterson, will be the

principal celebrant at the Holy Mass. Please come at 12:30

PM for the Rosary and Novena followed by Mass at 1:00PM.

Fellowship and a simple program will immediately in the Parish Hall. Come and celebrate with us!



We are very happy to host the Volunteer Firefighters from

Districts 4 and 5 at the 5:30 PM Mass this coming Saturday. Our firefighters protect all of us and our parish is so proud that

they want to come together at Mass where we will pray in

thanksgiving for their important service to our community and

pray for their safety at all times. We honor the men and

women of Districts 4 and 5, all firefighters & all emergency


Please join us to honor our firefighters if you are able to do so.

This is the same weekend that we remember and honor the


anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on

our country when so many brave firefighters were among the

thousands who died or were injured on that terrible day.

For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose

under heaven…

…a time to born

Lauren Kate DeRitter

…a time to die

Tsui Chen Kao Lu, Angela Isola, Donna Keown

…a time to heal

Fr. William Santeliz, Fr. Leo Carey, Fr. Ron Sordillo,

Joan Franke, Noah Lorencovitz, Marie Pasquale,

Kathy Skarupa

…a time to love

“…and a time of peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

Our email [email protected]

Registration for CCD, grades K through 9 for the 2016-2017

school year began on June 1st. Please visit our parish website –

saintpetertheapostle.org – for a registration form.

Please visit www.facebook.com/spayouthministry


5:30PM – Arminio, Arminio, Wingard

7:30AM – Torres

9:00AM – Davanzo, Bonadarowicz

10:30AM – Mersing, Mersing

12:00PM – Snyder, Snyder, Tamayo

7:00PM – Ippolito, Yturbe


POWERBALLS #1 $500 #2 $332



CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP-SEPT. 9 Caregivers, perhaps at times you feel your labor of love in caring for your loved one becomes stressful. Well, we invite you to come and join our wonderful group of caregivers who will meet this Friday,

September 9th from 7:30-9:00 PM in the Convent. You will find the group to be supportive, caring and compassionate. If you know someone who would benefit from our group, kindly share this information with them. If you have any questions, please contact Sr. Sylvia – 973-334-2090 or Pat – 973-334-4511 or Jeanne – 973-334-3578.



The Parsippany Health Department is offering a SMAC clinic on

Thursday, September 15th form 8:30-10:30 AM. This is a blood test that will determine cholesterol, glucose, liver and kidney function, blood count and more. This is a fasting test and registration is required. The fee is $21. Additional testing is available on the day of the screen for an additional fee. Please call the Health Department at 973-263-7160 to register.


SAINT ROSE OF LIMA CHURCH Last chance! Four to six spots remain on the spiritual, historical and cultural journey to Italy with Fr Owen this October 10-20. If interested, please call Great Experiences ASAP at 201-825-3725. Any questions, contact Stephanie Politi at [email protected] or call at 973-599-2944.

Page 4: WORDS OF TITHING FROM THE PEWS2016/09/04  · one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation). Please call or stop into




All Saints Academy welcomes all prospective

students and their families that seek the

academic, spiritual and social opportunities that

exist uniquely in our school community. We are currently

accepting new registrations for September 2016. All Saints

Academy is a nationally certified STEM school of the Diocese

of Paterson. Our school offers a comprehensive, multi-curricular, rigorous academic program, centered on values-

based education. A strong and loving Catholic identity

permeates the environment. A spirit of faith, respect and joy

are evident in our school. In addition to religious instruction,

students model Christian ideals through cooperative activities,

spiritual and liturgical celebrations, participation in

Sacraments, and community service outreach. An active

parent organization lends partnership and support to the school

community. The Early Childhood Center offers classes for

three and four year old children and has both full and half day

options. The elementary and middle school classes include kindergarten through grade eight. Contact our school

principal, Mrs. Judy Berg, at 973-334-4704, to schedule a tour

and admission information. Visit our web page:



TODAY - SEPTEMBER 4, 2016-3:00PM

Join us today, Sunday, September 4, 2016 at 3:00 PM for the

St. Padre Pio Prayer Group in the Church. It will consist of

Benediction, Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and reflection

on St. Pio’s life. Our St. Padre Pio Prayer Group is registered in San Giovanni Rotundo, Italy and was started by Fr. Leo

Fanning, who met St. Pio during World War II when he was

stationed in Italy. The St. Padre Pio Prayer group is held every

1st Sunday of the month (when possible) at 3:00 PM. Please

join us this afternoon for prayer and reflection at 3:00 PM in

our main Church.


Montville Unico Foundation presents The Feast of San

Gennaro from September 8 & 9 - 6-10 PM, Sept. 10 – 1-11

PM and Sept. 11 – 1 – 6 PM - – 90 Horseneck Road,

Montville, NJ (behind the public library), Food! Rides! Games! and More – Free Admission!! IT’S THIS WEEK!


The Book Club’s next meeting will be on October 12th at 7:30 PM in the Church Hall. We will discuss the novel, Saving Alex

by Alex Cooper. Everyone is welcome to attend. Coffee, tea &

dessert will be served.



In late August we upgraded our Perpetual Adoration Chapel in

the Convent. The Chapel and the hallway leading into and

near the Chapel have been completely repainted to maintain

and beautify this precious devotional space. The restroom has

been redone as well. Our Chapel lighting has been moderately

strengthened to make it easier on the eye for our Chapel

spiritual reading. The new lighting and painting are

deliberately done in soft shades of light and color to keep the

Chapel a quiet, gentle place for our prayer and adoration. The carpet is being cleaned, too. We hope these changes will

enhance your prayer experience when you pray in our Chapel.

Several good people who love our Chapel asked to volunteer

to help get this work done. Thank you for your eagerness to

help. We decided, however, to have this work done by

professional contractors to minimize the amount of time that

we would have to close the Chapel and to make sure that we

can hold those doing the work accountable to the high

standards which are so necessary for the Adoration Chapel.

Several people have offered to make a contribution to help pay

for this important Chapel project. Already, we have received several substantial contributions towards the Chapel work.

Thank you very much. We certainly welcome and invite you

to make a financial gift to help us maintain and upgrade our

Adoration Chapel experience. Many who visit our Adoration

Chapel regularly, or even occasionally, really want to

contribute so they can express their gratitude to Our Lord for

His visible Eucharistic presence to us in our Chapel every day,

24 hours a day.

Thank you all for helping our parish make our Chapel an even

better oasis of quiet beauty and peacefulness where we meet

Jesus face to face in Eucharistic Adoration at any time of the

day or night. Please do come and visit with Jesus in our Adoration Chapel. He is here for us all.


Saturday, September 10th, the George Gramby Observance

Committee & Freedom House will be sponsoring Morris

County’s First Annual Recovery Walk. Start Time: 9:00 AM –

Ginty Field in Morris Township (rain date is September 18th at

3 PM). For more information, to register or make a

contribution, please visit www.grambyday.org or reach out to

Stan Prater at 973-539-0398.

“ ‘…Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of

mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40

Page 5: WORDS OF TITHING FROM THE PEWS2016/09/04  · one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation). Please call or stop into

Hablando español en San Pedro Apóstol – 4 de septiembre de 2016 –

23er Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario *****

Horario de las Misas: Confesiones: sábado: 4:00 pm a 5:00 pm

lunes a viernes: 6:45am y 8:00 am

sábado: 5:30 pm y 7:00 pm en español

domingo: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12 m y 7:00 pm

Intenciones de las Misas: Por favor, notificar a la oficina parroquial (973-334-2090) o al sacerdote (Padre Yojan) con una

semana de anticipación. El donativo para las intenciones es de $10.00.


Es septiembre. Estamos celebrando el fin de semana del Día del Trabajo. Comienza la escuela. Todo el mundo regresa a trabajar.

Nuestra parroquia se mueve a toda velocidad. Por favor, traten de disfrutar el fin de semana de fiesta y pasar algunas horas de

diversión, relajándose el domingo por la tarde (después de Misa) y el lunes.

El Día del Trabajo es un día de fiesta muy esperado. Pero como la mayoría de nuestros días de fiesta, tenemos que recordar de qué

se tratan. Separamos un día para honrar a los hombres y mujeres que trabajan muy fuerte para mantener a sus familias. Reconocemos

que los empleados tienen el derecho de organizarse y negociar con sus patronos. El Día del Trabajo es mayormente la creación del

movimiento de unión laboral americano en los siglos 19 y 20. Está también relacionado con nuestra Iglesia Católica por el hecho de

que los Papas de la era moderna, comenzando con en el 1891 con el Papa Leo XIII y su encíclica RERUM NOVARUM, han apoyado

fuertemente el derecho de los obreros a organizarse y negociar con sus patrones: buenos salarios, condiciones de trabajo seguras,

beneficios apropiados y simplemente trato justo al empleado como una persona digna y valorizada. Los Papas Pío XI, Juan XXIII,

Pablo VI, Juan Pablo II, Benedicto XVI y ahora el Papa Francisco, todos han educado en gran detalle el mensaje consistente sobre el

valor de la mano de obra y la premicia de la dignidad de cada persona en el ambiente de trabajo. El Concilio de Vaticano Segundo también aclaró estos temas. Recordamos a San José, el carpintero, el patrón de los obreros, el 1ro de mayo en la Fiesta de San José


Los obispos americanos le hablan a nuestro país todos los años en el Día del Trabajo: “Debemos abogar por el empleo y los

salarios que realmente proporcionan una vida digna para las personas y sus familias, por las condiciones de trabajo que sean

seguras y permitir un pleno florecimiento de la vida fuera del lugar de trabajo. Los sindicatos y asociaciones de trabajadores,

mientras que imperfecta, siguen siendo una parte esencial del esfuerzo para las personas de fe y buena voluntad que puedan ser

poderosa levadura y asegurar que estos grupos, tan importantes en la sociedad, sigan manteniendo la dignidad humana en el centro

de sus esfuerzos”.

El propósito del movimiento obrero y la visión que abarca nuestra Iglesia en el lugar de trabajo es noble. El movimiento sindical

ha beneficiado a millones de familias en nuestro país y alrededor del mundo; y honramos estas ganancias. Muchas de nuestras

familias se han beneficiado de estas ganancias. San Juan Pablo II educó bastante acerca de la dignidad de cada obrero y del lugar positivo que nuestro trabajo personal tiene en construir un mundo mejor a la vista de Dios. Simplemente las relaciones entre

empleados y patronos encarnan el llamado de la Iglesia para un mundo justo y compasivo. Celebramos cada empleo honesto, de

cuello azul o cuello blanco, mayormente el de mano de obra físicamente fuerte o de gran esfuerzo intelectual. El Día del Trabajo

honra todos los trabajos.

Seguimos orando especialmente por millones de personas y sus familias que trabajan en nuestro país y otros países que, por causas

ajenas, no pueden encontrar un trabajo decente, porque no hay suficientes puestos de trabajo en la economía, para dar cabida a todo el

que quiera y necesite trabajar. Todavía hay mucho más por hacer en nuestro país para que todos puedan celebrar junto a sus familias

el Día del Trabajo, teniendo un buen trabajo y recibiendo un salario digno. Que Dios guíe a nuestra nación en la gran tarea de crear

una economía más justa, que realmente le haga honor a la dignidad del trabajo y los derechos de todo trabajador a un empleo digno.

Por favor, disfrute el fin de semana del Día del Trabajo. Esté orgulloso de que nuestra Iglesia tiene una visión amplia y desfiante

del orden económico, y el valor perdurable del trabajo humano y la dignidad de cada persona que trabaja. Gracias a Dios por el

trabajo que nos permite ejercer en nuestras vidas, por el bien de nuestras familias y el de la sociedad misma. ¡Feliz Día del Trabajo!

Dios los bendiga, Padre Herb

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The Feast of San Gennaro Sponsored by

S.J. Priola Funeral Service Lake Hiawatha, NJ

September 8th – 11th 90 Horseneck Road, Montville, NJ 07045

(Behind the public library)

Thursday 6:00pm - 10:00pm

Friday 6:00pm - 11:00pm

Saturday 1:00pm - 11:00pm

Sunday 1:00pm - 6:00pm


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Page 7: WORDS OF TITHING FROM THE PEWS2016/09/04  · one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation). Please call or stop into
Page 8: WORDS OF TITHING FROM THE PEWS2016/09/04  · one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation). Please call or stop into

RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Have you thought about becoming Catholic?

Are you a baptized Christian (Catholic or non-Catholic) who never received the sacraments of

Eucharist and/or Confirmation?

The RCIA process is a journey of faith through the initial stages of asking and seeking through

study and discussions about Catholic teaching and our way of life.

~ Come and see ~

Let us walk with you on your journey of faith.

Our parish will soon begin a new journey to share the richness of the Catholic Church and our

parish family.

Our program will begin on Monday, September 19th

at 7pm in the Rectory. If you cannot

make it that Monday evening come the following week.

We meet every Monday evening.

If you are a parishioner and know someone who has been thinking about becoming Catholic,

please let them know about our program and ask them to inquire.

To register or obtain more information, please contact:

Chris Leone, RCIA Coordinator

[email protected] or (908) 528 0865.

Page 9: WORDS OF TITHING FROM THE PEWS2016/09/04  · one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation). Please call or stop into