words beyond barron's - gre

Word List - 1 1. Apoplexy: Stroke; loss of consciousness caused by too much blood in the brain. 2. Arch: Chief; first (as in Arch-Bishop) 3. Antimassacare: covering on the back of sofa 4. Abulia: inability to take decisions (irresolute) 5. Akimbo: to stand with hands on hips 6. Alfresco: an open theater 7. Avant-garde: group of artists whose work is based on the newest ideas & methods 8. Bliss: complete happiness 9. Billow: large wave of water; a great swell or surge (of smoke) 10.Barmecidal: illusionary gifts 11.Bromide: platitude; chemical compound used to calm excitement. 12.Broil: cook by direct heat 13.Blackball: vote against; ostracize 14.Blue: gloomy; depressed 15.Base: morally bad; inferior in value or quality 16.Bridle: harness fitted about horse’s head; check; curb 17.Bar: legal profession; railing in a courtroom 18.Braid: plait 19.Coruscate: Reflect 20.Chinwag: to speak in night 21.Callus: area of thick hard skin 22.Chaperon: older person who accompanies and supervises unmarried woman 23.Commune: small community whose members share work & income.

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Word List - 1

1. Apoplexy: Stroke; loss of consciousness caused by too much blood in the brain.

2. Arch: Chief; first (as in Arch-Bishop)

3. Antimassacare: covering on the back of sofa

4. Abulia: inability to take decisions (irresolute)

5. Akimbo: to stand with hands on hips

6. Alfresco: an open theater 

7. Avant-garde: group of artists whose work is based on the newest ideas & methods

8. Bliss: complete happiness

9. Billow: large wave of water; a great swell or surge (of smoke)

10.Barmecidal: illusionary gifts

11.Bromide: platitude; chemical compound used to calm excitement.

12.Broil: cook by direct heat

13.Blackball: vote against; ostracize

14.Blue: gloomy; depressed

15.Base: morally bad; inferior in value or quality

16.Bridle: harness fitted about horse’s head; check; curb

17.Bar: legal profession; railing in a courtroom

18.Braid: plait

19.Coruscate: Reflect

20.Chinwag: to speak in night

21.Callus: area of thick hard skin

22.Chaperon: older person who accompanies and supervises unmarried woman

23.Commune: small community whose members share work & income.

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24.Corpus: collection

25.Crinkle: wrinkle

26.Chaplain: clergyman attached to chapel

27.Castrate: remove the sex organs (of a male animal or person)

28.Compassion: sympathy for the suffering of others

29.Coroner: public official who investigates any death other than natural

30.Clipper: sailing vessel built for great speed

31.Crotchet: make by looping thread with a hooked needle

32.Deserts: what someone deserves

33.Draught: current of air (through a room or to a fire)

34.Dowse: use a diving rod to search for underground minerals or water 

35.Dyslexia: word blindness; learning disorder marked by impairment of ability to read

36.Dainty: delicate; delicately beautiful; fastidious

37.Defalcate: embezzle

38.Representational: showing things as they actually appear in life

39.Siren: apparatus for making sounds; woman like creature luring sailors

40.Regent: a person who governs in place of ruler who is ill, absent or still a child

41.Pang: sudden sharp feeling of pain

42.Unregenerate: making no attempt in changing one’s bad practices.

43.Mystic: of hidden meaning and spiritual power 

44.Finery: beautiful clothes for special occasions

45.Hem: surround tightly so that movement is impossible

46.Swell: long wave of water that moves continuously without breaking

47.Swagger: walk or behave in an overconfident manner 

48.Jejune: beginner; amateur; tyro; novice; greenhorn

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49.Jamboree: festive gathering

50.Tocsin: alarm bell

51.Snow dropper: thief of clothes on cloth line

52.Lucubrate: to study hard in night

53.Epistle: letter 

54.Liturgy: public display of religious drama (op. secular )

55.Hereafter: life after death

56.Scrimmage: disorderly fight between two or more people

57.Scrappy: quarrelsome

58.Homely: not looking good; unattractive

59.Vain: full of self admiration; conceited; without result ( N . vanity)

60.Patrimony: property inherited from father 

61.Consternation: great shock; dismay

62.Peevish: bad tempered; irritable

63.Overture: musical introduction to a long musical piece

64.Smudge: dirty mark with unclear edges made by rubbing

65.Fiend: evil spirit; devil

66.Maroon: leave helpless on a deserted island

67.Padre: chaplain (in the armed forces)

68.Edifice: building of imposing size

69.Emasculate: weaken; castrate

70.Effulgent: shining brightly; brilliant

71.Elysium: place or condition of bliss

72.Emblazon: ornamentally rich

73.Trance: hypnotic state; ecstatic state; detachment from one’s physical surroundings

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74.Flighty: capricious; often changing

75.Ram: male sheep

76.Intrigue: make secret plans; plot; arouse the curiosity

77.Interjection: exclamation

78.Swear: vow; promise; use profane oaths; use offensive words

79.Squeamish: easily shocked or sickened by unpleasant things

80.Feline: of member of the cat family

81.Fetish: object believed to have spiritual power; objective of excessive attention

82.Pilfer: steal things of small value

83.Freebooter: pirate or plunderer who makes war in order to grow rich

84.Shear: remove by cutting

85.Jetsam: things thrown from a ship

86.Pinnate: small boat

87.Gild: covered with a thick layer of gold

88.Genus: division of animals or plants below a family & above a species

89.Gerontology: study of the sociological phenomena associated with old age

90.Geriatric: medical treatment & care of old age

91.Natal: connected with birth

92.Slick : make smooth and glossy

93.Gnarl: protruding knot on a tree

94.Hideous: repulsive to the sight; ugly; repugnant

95.Primate: group of mammals including humans

96.Shack: crude cabin

97.Mongrel: plant or animal of mixed breed

98.Pedigree: line of ancestors; ancestry; lineage

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99.Idyll: short poem idolizing rural life

100. Incinerate: burn to ashes

101. Indulge: yield to; gratify; allow oneself a special pleasure

102. Humor: indulge; comply with the wishes of 

103. Ingénue: young innocent girl

104. Grouch: bad tempered complain

105. Toll: sound slowly at regular intervals

106. Entourage: group of attendants; retinue

107. Straggle: stray or fall behind; spread out in a scattered group

108. Roué: lecherous man

109. Willowy: flexible

110. Slink: move furtively

111. Suitor: man who is courting a woman

112. Peddle: move about selling

113. Scion: detached plant shoot used in grafting; descendant

114. Phalanx: group of men packed together 

115. Plebiscite: direct vote by the entire electorate

116. Referendum: direct vote by all the people

117. Prance: move about in a spirited manner 

118. Interstice: narrow space between things

119. Metrical: written in form of poetry

120. Meter: arrangement of words in the form of poetry

121. Providence: divine care; god’s care

122. Squelch: produce a splashing sound

123. Psychosomatic: of the influence of mind on the body

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124. Gangrene: decay of body tissues cause by insufficient blood supply

125. Rake: immoral or desolate person

126. Maraud: move in search of plunder 

127. Herald: messenger; sign of something to come

128. Penology: study of prison managements and criminal rehabilitation

129. Memoir: autobiography; biography

130. Mass: Christian religious ceremony

131. Rhapsody: musical composition of irregular form

132. Pulpit: raised platform used for preaching (in a church)

133. Score: written form of musical composition; group of 20

134. Hull: dry outer covering of a seed

135. Plane: carpenter’s tool for smoothing and leveling wood

136. Sledge: large sled drawn by work animals

137. Sleight: large vehicle drawn by a horse over snow/ice

138. Legato: (of music) played smoothly

139. Tardy: slow; sluggish; not on time

140. Furrow: long; shallow trench made by plow

141. Tribune: official of ancient Rome elected by the plebeians to protect their rights

142. Tread: walk; trample

143. Vicar: parish priest; representative

144. Voodoo: religion practiced chiefly in Haiti

145. Warp: twist out of shape

146. Pare: trim; cut away outer covering

147. Wisp: small bunch (of hair); faint streak (of smoke)

148. Plaintiff : petitioner (in court of law)

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149. Nuzzle: cuddle; snuggle

150. Crepuscular: active at dawn and dusk 

151. Blunderbuss: ancient weapon; a clumsy person

152. Envenom: to cause bitterness and bad feeling

153. Lance: spear; spike; javelin

154. Epistolary: concerned with letters

155. Poised: calm; collected; self-possessed

156. Epitomized: typified; characterized; personified

157. Hidebound: rigid in opinions

158. Restorative: a tonic

159. Pontificate: speak pompously or dogmatically

160. Torpid: inactive; lazy; stagnant

161. Legion: in large numbers

162. Libertarian: someone who opposes tyranny

163. Byline: the line that tells you who wrote the article

164. Liniment: soothing lotion

165. Immoderate: excessive; extreme

166. Precinct: district of a city

167. Truant: shirker; someone absent without permission

168. Lummox: clumsy person

169. Lynch: assassinate; kill; illegal hanging

170. Inconspicuous: not easily seen; subtle; not noticeable

171. Dike: dam; embankment

172. Inductee: novice; beginner 

173. Anthropocentrism: putting man at one’s centre of philosophy

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174. Smorgasbord: a Swedish buffet of cold dishes

175. Purloin: steal

176. Vestigial: not developed

177. Dotard: foolish old man

178. Furrow: groove

179. Staunch: loyal; faithful; dependable

180. Drawl: speak slowly with words running together 

181. Misrepresentation: deliberately deceiving

182. Stevedore: dockworker 

183. Persnickety: fastidious; fussy

184. Egalitarianism: belief in equality

185. Receptacle: container; vessel; holder 

186. Beret: type of cap

187. Caret: punctuation mark signifying something has been omitted

188. Anodized: electroplated; coated with a thin layer of metal

189. Canonical: orthodox

190. Millinery: hats and hat making

191. Throwback: exhibiting primitive, or ancestral traits

192. Daguerreotype: forerunner of the photograph

193. Limerick: short amusing poem

194. Acolyte: disciple; flower or attendant

195. Faddish: whimsical; following a fashion

196. Hack :chop roughly; person who writes to earn money; hired house

197. Tare: weed; allowance made for container when weighing

198. Lacuna: gap; missing part ( pl. lacunae)

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199. Commingle: mix

200. Adumbrate: outline; indicate

201. Fledge: grow feathers; leave nest

202. Picayune: insignificant; of little value

203. Hawser: thick rope or cable

204. Arson: deliberate, criminal starting of fires

205. Ironclad: cannot be altered

206. Lint: fluff; soft material used to cover wounds

207. Syncopation: type of musical rhythm with missed beats

208. Homiletics: art of preaching and giving sermons

209. Odometer: instrument to measure distance covered

210. Jamb: door post

211. Chorales: simple hymns

212. Chantey: type of song sung by sailors

213. Plaque: surface deposit on teeth; decorative plate or sign

214. Aisle: corridor; passageway

215. Discountenance: disallow

216. Shangri-la: imaginary remote paradise on earth

217. Bumptious: self-assertive

218. Dastard: coward

219. Milquetoast: a timid, shrinking, apologetic person

220. Poltroon: coward

221. Recreant: coward; betrayer of faith

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222. Fustian: pompous; bombastic

223. Gasconade: bluster; boastfulness

224. Orotund: having a round resonant quality; inflated speech

225. Lave: wash

226. Prorogue: dismiss parliament; end officially

227. Moot: debatable

228. Blotched: discolored patch or blemish on the skin

229. Frowzy: slovenly; unkempt; dirty

230. Moldy: blighted; musty; decaying; rotten

231. Bedlam: mad house; any place or condition of noise or confusion

232. Curt: short or shortened/ brief, esp. to the point of rudeness; terse or brusque

233. Bonhomie: good natured; pleasant; affable manner; amiability

234. Exsiccate: dry up

235. Farcical: funny

236. Epiphany: any appearance or bodily manifestation of deity

237. Tergiversation: evasion; fickleness

238. Cranky: irritable; across/queer; eccentric/unsteady irritable

239. Contravene: go against a law, a custom; contradict; infringe on

240. Billingsgate: vituperation; abusive language

241. Pelf: stolen property; money or wealth in a contemptuous sense

242. Gauntlet: leather glove

243. Splenetic: spiteful; irritable; peevish

244. Soupcon: hint; taste

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245. Magpie: newsmonger 

246. Screed: long tiresome harangue

247. Biddable: obedient

248. Plangent: plaintive; resounding sadly

249. Rheumy: pertaining to discharge from nose and eyes

250. Affray: public brawl

251. Brouhaha: a loud confused roar from may sources

252. Lackey: footman; toady

253. Sequacious: eager to follow; ductile

254. Truckle: curry favor; act in a obsequious way

255. Mulish: stubborn; obstinate

256. Doughty: courageous

257. Duenna: attendant of young female; chaperone

258. Auspices: kindly endorsement and guidance

259. Toddler: beginner 

260. Apprentice: novice

261. Abecedarian: inexperienced

262. Éclat: brilliance; glory

263. Interstices: chinks; crevices

264. Sciolism: quackery; superficial information

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Word List - 2

1. Andirons :: metal supports in a fireplace for cooking utensils or logs

2. Bandanna :: large, bright-colored handkerchief 

3. Bête noire :: aversion; person or thing strongly disliked or avoided

4. Caparison :: showy harness or ornamentation for a horse

5. Carmine :: rich red

6. Carte blanche :: unlimited authority or freedom

7. Chattel :: personal property

8. Chiropodist :: one who treats disorders of the feet

9. Cockade :: decoration worn on hat

10.Cognomen :: family name

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34.Kith :: familiar friends

35.Lagniappe :: trifling present given to a customer 

36.Lapidary :: worker in precious stones

37.Mall :: public walk 

38.Matricide :: murder of a mother by a child

39.Meringue :: pastry decoration made of white of eggs

40.Mesa :: high, flat-topped hill

41.Mews :: group of stables built around a courtyard

42.Mien :: demeanor; bearing

43.Miscegenation :: intermarriage between races

44.Moiety :: half; part

45.Nave :: main body of a church

46.Necrology :: obituary notice; list of the dead

47.Nosegay :: fragrant bouquet

48.Palaver :: discussion; misleading speech; chatter 

49.Paregoric :: medicine that eases pain

50.Patricide :: person who murders his own father; murder of a father 

51.Parvenu :: upstart; newly rich person

52.Persiflage :: flippant conversation; banter 

53.Phial :: small bottle

54.Proboscis :: long snout; nose

55.Qui vie :: wide awake; expectant

56.Rapprochement :: reconciliation

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57.Refection :: slight refreshment

58.Rime :: white frost

59.Sangfroid :: coolness in a trying situation

60.Savoir faire :: tact; poise; sophistication

61.Scullion :: menial kitchen worker 

62.Shibboleth :: watchword; slogan

63.Shoal :: shallow place

64.Stein :: beer mug

65.Threnody :: song of lamentation; dirge

66.Trumpery :: objects that are showy, valueless, deceptive

67.Tumbrel :: a farm tipcart

68.Turnkey :: jailer 

69.Vellum :: parchment

70.Virago :: shrew

71.Votary :: follower of a cult

72.Wraith :: ghost; phantom of a living person

73.Afflatus :: inspiration

74.Agronomist :: scientist engaged in the management of land

75.Apologue :: moral fable

76.Atelier :: workshop; studio

77.Auscultation :: act of listening to the heart or lungs to discover abnormalities

78.Bassoon :: reed instrument of the woodwind family

79.Breviary :: book containing the daily prayers

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80.Buskin :: thick-soled half boot worn by actors of Greek tragedy

81.Caryatid :: sculptured column of a female figure

82.Casuistry :: subtle or sophisticated reasoning resulting in minute distinctions

83.Chiromancy :: art of telling fortunes by reading the hand; palmistry

84.Conch :: large seashell

85.Concordat :: agreement, usually between the papal authority and the secular 

86.Cormorant :: greedy, rapacious bird

87.Cruet :: small glass bottle for vinegar, oil, etc

88.Cul-de-sac :: blind alley; trap

89.Debenture :: bond issued to secure a loan

90.Demesne :: domain; land over which a person has full sovereignty

91.Desideratum :: that which is desired

92.Dishabille :: in a state of undress

93.Hustings :: meetings particularly to choose candidates

94.Imprimatur :: permission to print or publish a book 

95.Integument :: outer covering or skin

96.Jeremiad :: lament; complaint

97.Mélange :: medley; miscellany

98.Murrain :: plague; cattle disease

99.Offal :: waste; garbage

100. Offertory :: collection of money at religious ceremony

101. Orison :: prayer 

102. Paddock :: saddling enclosure at race track; lot for exercising horses

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103. Panoply :: full set of armor 

104. Parapet :: low wall at edge of roof or balcony

105. Parturition :: delivery; childbirth

106. Peristyle :: series of columns surrounding a building or yard

107. Porphyry :: igneous rock containing feldspar or quartz crystals

108. Preciosity :: over refinement in art or speech

109. Recrudescence :: reopening of a wound or sore

110. Recusant :: person who refuses to comply

111. Salver :: tray

112. Sarcophagus :: stone coffin, often highly decorated

113. Satrap :: petty ruler working for a superior despot

114. Seraph :: high-ranking, six-winged angel

115. Sirocco :: warm, sultry wind blown Africa to southern Europe

116. Slattern :: untidy or slovenly person

117. Sobriquet :: nickname

118. Spoliation :: pillaging; depredation

119. Spume :: froth; foam

120. Tarn :: small mountain lake

121. Tatterdemalion :: ragged fellow

122. Teleology :: doctrine of final causes

123. Termagant :: shrew; scolding, brawling woman

124. Terrapin :: American marsh tortoise

125. Thaumaturgies :: miracle worker; magician

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126. Theosophy :: wisdom in divine things

127. Thyme :: aromatic plant used for seasoning

128. Tortilla:: flat cake made of cornmeal, etc.

129. Treacle :: syrup obtained in refining sugar 

130. Trencherman :: good eater 

131. Trio let :: eight-line stanza

132. Troglodyte :: cave dweller 

133. Trope :: figure of speech

134. Ukase :: official decree, usually Russian

135. Usufruct :: right of enjoying things belonging to another 

136. Valetudinarian :: invalid

137. Welkin :: sky

138. Benighted :: overcome by darkness

139. Bootless :: useless

140. Fain :: gladly

141. Lambent :: flickering; softly radiant

142. Lucent :: shining

143. Perforce :: of necessity

144. Risible :: inclined to laugh; ludicrous

145. Risqué :: verging upon the improper; off-color 

146. Roan :: brown mixed with gray or white

147. Sacerdotal :: priestly

148. Sapid :: savory; tasty; relish able

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149. Sapient :: wise; shrewd

150. Sebaceous :: oily; fatty

151. Sub Rosa :: in strict confidence; privately

152. Acephalous :: headless

153. Afferent :: carrying toward the center 

154. Deliquescent :: capable of absorbing moisture from the air and becoming liquid

155. Distaff :: female

156. Empyreal :: celestial; fiery

157. Ex officio :: by virtue of one's office

158. Fiduciary :: pertaining to a position of trust

159. Hyperborean :: situated in extreme north; arctic; cold

160. Interlocutory :: conversational; intermediate, not final

161. Lissome :: agile; lithe

162. Morganatic :: describing a marriage between a member of a royal family and a


163. Neap :: lowest

164. Parlous :: dangerous; perilous

165. Pennate :: having wings or feathers

166. Postprandial :: after dinner 

167. Prognathous :: having projecting jaws

168. Purblind :: dim-sighted; obtuse

169. Recherché :: choice, sought after; rare

170. Reticulated :: covered with a network; having the appearance of a mesh

171. Serried :: standing shoulder to shoulder; crowded

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172. Sudorific :: pertaining to perspiration

173. Tenebrous :: dark; gloomy

174. Vermicular :: pertaining to a worm

175. Vertiginous :: giddy; causing dizziness

176. Adduce :: present as evidence

177. Asseverate :: make a positive statement or solemn declaration

178. Champ :: chew noisily

179. Descant :: discuss fully

180. Pommel :: beat

181. Fealty :: A feudal tenant or vassal's (acknowledgement of the obligation of) fidelity to

his lord.

2  gen. Allegiance, fidelity.