words and their synonyms

WORDS AND THEIR SYNONYMS 1. ABSCISSION- act of cutting off 2. ARTLESS- natural without artificiality 3. ADROIT- adept, dexterous, skillful 4. ADULATION-excessive praise 5. ARRANT- impudent, being completely such, rude 6. ARCANE- mysterious, abstruse 7. ALCHEMY- wonderful transformation 8. ADUMBRATE- intimate, suggest, to foreshadow vaguely 9. ANTITHETICAL- opposite 10. AMENABLE- agreeable, responsive to suggestion 11. AGGRANDIZE- to increase in intensity, aggravate 12. ABJURE- to renounce or reject solemnly 13. ABERRANT- deviating from the norm 14. ADULTERATE- to reduce purity by combining with inferior ingredients 15. ARREST- to suspend, to engage 16. ASSIDUOUS- delight, hard-working 17. APPROPRIATE- confiscate 18. ASSUAGE- to appease or to lessen esp. pain 19. ARABESQUE- complex, ornate design

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A list of words and their synonyms for suitable for vocabulary build up


Page 1: Words and Their Synonyms


1. ABSCISSION- act of cutting off

2. ARTLESS- natural without artificiality

3. ADROIT- adept, dexterous, skillful

4. ADULATION-excessive praise

5. ARRANT- impudent, being completely such, rude

6. ARCANE- mysterious, abstruse

7. ALCHEMY- wonderful transformation

8. ADUMBRATE- intimate, suggest, to foreshadow vaguely

9. ANTITHETICAL- opposite

10. AMENABLE- agreeable, responsive to suggestion

11. AGGRANDIZE- to increase in intensity, aggravate

12. ABJURE- to renounce or reject solemnly

13. ABERRANT- deviating from the norm

14. ADULTERATE- to reduce purity by combining with inferior ingredients

15. ARREST- to suspend, to engage

16. ASSIDUOUS- delight, hard-working

17. APPROPRIATE- confiscate

18. ASSUAGE- to appease or to lessen esp. pain

19. ARABESQUE- complex, ornate design

20. ASPERSION- act of defamation, maligning

21. ASTRINGENT- severe, harsh, tightening effect on living tissue

22. APOTHEOSIS- deification, the perfect example

23. ASPERITY- severity, roughness, acrimony

24. ASCETIC- practicing rigid self denial

Page 2: Words and Their Synonyms

25. ACERBIC- having sour or bitter taste

26. ACCRETION- growth, build up

27. APPRISE- give notice to, inform

28. AUSPICIOUS- favourable, successful

29. APOSTATE- one who abandons, long-held religious or political convictions

30. BANE- cause of injury

31. BALEFUL- sinister, pernicious

32. BLITHE- carefree, merry, cheerful

33. BLUNDISH- to coax by flattery, toady, frown

34. BEDIZEN- to adorn

35. BELIE- to give a false impression of

36. BENT- proclivity, inclination

37. BOOR- a rude or insensitive person

38. BROOK- to tolerate

39. BROACH- to bring up, to begin to walk about

40. BOMBASTIC- pompous, grandiloquent

41. CHIC- stylish and fashionable

42. CALUMNIATE- slander, to make false accusation

43. CENSURE- criticise severly

44. CAPRICIOUS- erratic, unpredictable manner

45. CARET- insertion, mark

46. COLOR- to change as if by dyeing, influence

47. CADGE- mooch, to sponge

48. CHARRY- wary, cautious

49. CHAUVINIST- one blindly devoted to a group

Page 3: Words and Their Synonyms

50. COALESCE- to fuse or unite

51. CHOLERIC- tending toward anger

52. CHIMERA- an illusion

53. CHICANERY- subterfuge, trickery

54. OPPOSITE- appropriate, relevant

55. STINT- to restrain, be frugal, sparing

56. SPLENETIC- bad- tempered, irritable

57. STENTORIAN- extremely loud and powerful

58. SUCCOR- assistance, relief in time of distress

59. SUNDRY- various, miscellaneous, separate

60. STRIATED- STRIPED, grooved, banded

61. STOLID- calm, impassive

62. STANCH- to stop the flow of a fluid

63. SPECIOUS- seeming true, misleadingly attractive

64. SPURIOUS- false, counterfeit

65. STOIC- steadfast, indifferent, unaffected by pleasure or pain

66. STRUT- structural support used to brace a formwork, brace or support

67. STYMIE- to block, thwart

68. SUCCINCT- brief, concise

69. SOPHISTRY- fallacious reasoning, plausible but faulty logic


71. SUPERCILIOUS- disdainful, arrogant

72. SUPPLANT- to take the place of something

73. SUPPLIANT-asking humbly, beseeching

74. SUPPLICANT- beggar, one who pays or begs for something

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75. SURFEIT- to feed or supply in excess

76. TAMP- to plug, to drive in

77. TABLE- to remove from consideration ( esp. In parliament)

78. TORQUE- a force that causes rotation

79. TORPID- lethargic, sluggish

80. TRAVESTY- mockery, parody, caricature

81. TURPITUDE- depravity, baseness

82. TRANSIENT- fleeting, brief

83. TURGID- swollen, bloated, pompous

84. TURBID- muddy, clouded, to the point of being opaque

85. TRENCHANT- sharply perceptive, keen, clear cut

Listen with deep interest

If we could conduct and experiment

as for you, you speak and I get locked up. just take it on the literal scale without attaching any

symbolic essence to it