words and their power (1985)

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Ruth Phelps

The Rosicrucian OrderAMORC

San Jose, California

MJ-160 285

M l W ft Al ifl f IHItAf IWIAIftAflA liAlftflllrtf IAI ttfUftAltflf IfMWf I

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 MJ-160 Rosicrucian Order - AMORC  ANALYTICAL DISCUSSIONS (Supplementary Lecture)


 by Ruth Phelps

The power of words consists primarily in the fact that they are signs or symbols used to express or convey to another individual the ideas and emotions of the speaker. Their power is in the meaning. We use 

 words in science, art, music, philosophy, religion. Words and their  meanings are problems in advertising, politics, business, and back- fence conversation. Because language consists of symbols and signs, 

 many of the principles of semantics apply also to symbolism. Language involves our ideas, emotions, and behavior; hence, a study of semantics reveals certain psychological principles.

Semantics is the study of the meanings of words and language. It is the business of each to learn to understand what we mean by the words 

 we use and what other people mean. This is the twofold purpose of this discourse: first to understand what we mean and why we say what 

 we do, and second to understand what other people mean by what they say, and why they say it. Semantics is a study that applies to all facets of life, and one that can be carried on for a lifetime. The power of 

 words is in their meaning, and semantics is a study of the principles  behind the meaning. It will show us that the meaning is the definition given in the dictionary plus our own emotions and ideas.

 We could give many examples of problems involving semantics. In the 

last several years many nations have become independent politically.The attitude of the government of the United States toward these struggles for independence may be expressed by any one of, say, three words, rebellion, revolution, or independence. If in a certain case, we use the word rebellion instead of independence, our official attitude would  

 be different. More important, perhaps, the attitude of the people of the United States, as well as other countries, would be influenced by the choice of words.

 A newspaper account of an accident is often derived from police reports  which are in turn based on eyewitness reports. The newspaper report is not first hand, and each step of the process may omit details and add  

to or change the resulting report because people see things differently and they say them differently.

 Advertisements in any medium use words which might be called "signal  words" to induce the listener to buy a product. The words used are im portant, but so are the pictures, music, and associations, to say nothing of the attitudes of the person hearing and watching, or reading.

Johnny, age two, learns his language from his family by the imitation  method. Along with words, he learns the meanings and values. He learns  what is right and what is wrong, what is true, what God is, what red is.

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 Words and Their Power

It may take a while to sort out the different meanings of red in: He's red with anger; he's a red; the red cover on the book; and the book they read. Johnny and Jane both have their language colored by the family, 

 but each is an individual adding ideas and emotions to those generally 

accepted by the family.

Humans are symbolizing animals. They are constantly substituting one thing for another in order to identify, represent, explain, or express another. One way we do this is by spoken or written words. Language arises from two needs and functions. First, people are gregarious, sociable, and need each other. Each of us has to convey our ideas and emotions to others with whom we associate. These ideas and emotions include everything from the simplest, most basic physical needs and activities to the height of mystical experience. Second, as a symbolizing creature, each person uses this symbolizing function to formulate his awareness of self and not-self. We make order out of perceptions and experiences part

ly by putting them into words which are often unspoken.

 We may say then that the power of words consists in their meaning, but that their function is twofold. Words help to make order and enable the individual to formulate order out of the chaos of impressions he receives. 

 Words are used in turn to express to others what we think, feel, and do.

The language or dialect of a group is created by the group; that of one group differs from that of another. Within a group the language must, in the main, be mutually agreed upon, or it would not be understandable. If an individual uses words which no one else understands, he might as well save his breath.

The group creates the nature and form of the language and imposes it on the members of the group. An individual may have some influence in changing the language, in adding new expressions, for example, but to a greater extent, each person's thoughts and feelings will be molded by the language of the group and is an expression of thought and emotions and attitudes of the group. Words express our scientific, religious, philosophic concepts, even our perceptions, but these in turn are affected by language and its 

 meaning. People make the language, but the language affects the thinking and behavior of groups and individuals.

This applies not only to racial and national groups, but to smaller ones  within larger groups, to geographical, political, economic, vocational, and other groups. Peace and understanding in this complex world depend  

 partly on the ability to recognize and use the principles underlying differences and modes of expression.

The influence of words consists to some extent in the use of such psychological and mystical principles as association, suggestion, correspondence, concentration, and visualization. The ideas and emotions which one associates with such common words as love, virtue, liberal, house, and  

 mysticism make them mean something different to me than they would to you. Mysticism in the sense of belief in direct knowledge of God or the Universal Mind and union with this Mind, and mysticism in the sense of

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 Words and Their Power

unscientific or unintelligible thought— as it is sometimes used— are quite different. If we associate fuzzy thinking with mysticism, it 

 means one thing; if we associate mystical union and basic mystical  principles with it, that means something else.

 When we say, "The tree is beautiful" or "It is a cold day" what we real- ly mean is "I feel the tree is beautiful" or "I am cold today." We are 

 projecting our own thoughts and feelings to the world outside ourselves, to the tree or the weather. If Mr. A is angry with Mr. X and does not 

 want to admit it, he may say that Mr. X is angry at him and project his own emotion to Mr. X. Part of understanding ourselves and others is understanding and using the principles behind such expressions.

The word and its meaning are related through association, suggestion, or correspondence. We associate the color red with things that are forceful, heat producing, such as fire, anger, and danger. We speak of red- 

hot news; we make danger signs of red. We associate opposites such as hate and love, good and evil. We call certain buildings houses because 

 we associate certain common characteristics of these particular buildings. Then we synthesize these associated things in our minds and create the classification of house. We say the cosmos is an organism or maybe a mechanism because the revolving planets remind us of an organism or 

 mechanism; we associate the two. However, if we carry the analogy too far, we may have misconceptions.

 We may associate things which happen at the same time, or which are connected with the same place. Association is within the mind and self- 

 propelling; that is, association breeds more association. It goes on 

 more or less automatically and unconsciously unless we make an effort to understand it.

Suggestion is giving an idea or emotion to or accepting it from another  person or group. It is the basis of many social, political practices and   behavior. Often the suggestion is meant to be accepted uncritically and  automatically. When a teacher explains something to a class, this may be a suggestion; the class learns the lesson. Autosuggestion involves one 

 person who is both suggesting and receiving, and any of us may do this  without realizing it. Often the suggestion is in the form of words  whether conscious or not. The more we are aware of this, the less we are slaves to our own and others' ideas, emotions, and behavior.

Correspondence is both a function in itself and the basis of functions such as association. An object may be thought to correspond to another 

 because of its shape or its function. A series may seem to correspond to another series. The inner, mental, or spiritual self may be said to correspond to the physical or outer self. The particles of matter are said  to correspond to the cosmos.

 We concentrate on what we think and do and consequently on the words used  to express ideas, emotions, and behavior. An athlete concentrating on 

 what he is doing performs better than one who does not. The reader of a  book or an advertisement concentrating on it may make it more effective or less, depending partly whether he understands the words and accepts

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them and on whether he is aware of this or not. Concentration and visualizing what we want may help to bring it about, but if we unconsciously visualize what we fear, it may help to bring that about too. Often we put into words those ideas or things we want or do not want without realizing 

 we are doing this. If we did know and analyze the words, we would better 

understand our thinking and behavior and that of others. None of these functions are good or bad in themselves; it is our use of them or misuse 

 which are that.

 We can learn to understand ourselves and others by analyzing and consciously understanding our ideas and behavior as they are expressed in words. Language is a tool and is only as useful as we make it. When we begin to take our attitudes and beliefs for granted, then we most need to analyze them, ourselves, and our language. When we catch ourselves using the same 

 words and phrases to express concepts, emotions, perceptions, and behavior, then too we need to analyze them, our words, and ourselves.

 Automatic, habitual verbal responses may indicate that we are not questioning our attitudes and language, that we are not thinking for ourselves but are responding in well and long conditioned ways based on experiences and  attitudes we have not reconsidered and analyzed. All of us are guilty of accepting conditioned thinking and behavior, including verbal responses.

It is a rare individual who is capable of deliberately and objectively rooting out accepted beliefs, taking a good look at them and reconstructing attitudes and responses from the foundations up. If we are going to live in the world we want and develop psychologically and mystically, we 

 must be painfully and over a long time aware of and reconstruct our percepts, ideas, emotions, and our verbal expressions and responses. In 

order to reconstruct, we must know what we are now, what we want, what we have accepted uncritically, what we have grown up with, and that we have 

 put these in verbal form, and then use words to help in the reconstruc

tion .

 We must, of course, have an idea of what we want to be, put it in objective form including words, and we should then use visualization and concentration to put the idea in a creative form. We may by these methods 

 become more what we would like to be, and we can become more tolerant and  understanding of others. One of the important means in accomplishing understanding and development is the semantics of language, the study of 


Language may be used in many ways. When a scientist reports on experi ments in atomic physics or an astronomical discovery, he intends primarily to inform his colleagues, students, or the public. Whether the result is a technical report or a popular explanation, the desire is to tell others what is known, to increase their knowledge. In this scientific age, we tend to think that the scientific attitude is not only the best 

 but also completely objective. The scientist has emotions about his work and a desire to inform others. These may influence the experiments, but 

 much more they affect his report on them. This is true even if it is a strictly scientific report; it is more true of popularized works in scientific fields. In either case, the work itself is motivated by

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emotions to some extent, and the resulting verbal report or book will have emotional content which may be understood by being aware of the semantics involved.

On the other hand, when an author writes a story or poem, he intends  primarily to affect others. His work will consequently have more emotional content and appeal than that of the scientist. The tendency to equate objectivity and empirical information with science, and subjectivity and emotional appeal with novelists, for example, is only partly true. The novel, poem, or play may be intended to inform as well to have an emotional appeal.

The lawyer pleading a case or the politician running for office may want the jury or the public, as the case may be, to think his statements are objective and factual. Obviously they are both influenced by their desires, and this will show in the words and language used.

 When mother tells Jane or Johnny that what he or she is putting in the stomach will not be good for the child, she intends to influence behavior. She is informing, but as she does so, the language and what it means to the child will largely determine how effective her instructions are.

 We have said that language consists of signs and symbols. We may extend  this and say that language is a system of signs and symbols used by human 

 beings to communicate with each other or by one individual to formulate his ideas to himself. Language consists first of all in sounds and secondarily in written letters or signs. A word, according to the dictionary, is the smallest unit of speech that has meaning when used by itself.

Since language consists of signs and symbols, it is well that we know  what these are. A symbol is something that is used to represent something else. The circle, for instance, represents that which is without beginning or end. It may symbolize the sun. A book is sometimes used to sym

 bolize knowledge. A sign is a symbol used to identify something. It may  be words identifying a store, or a sign identifying a town. A signal is a sign used to imply or induce a reaction on the part of the perceiver.

 A red light at a railroad track tells the motorist he should stop. A sym bol represents, a sign identifies, and a signal implies a reaction. A   word can be used in any of these three ways, depending on the intention and context. The word red may symbolize heat or anger; it may be a sign identifying a color; in a stop sign at a street crossing it is a signal 

to stop.

 Words change in meaning in several ways. A word used as a sign may become a symbol or vice versa because of a need for new expressions. The 

 meaning may change because an individual or group changes in attitudes or  behavior. It may change simply for the sake of doing something new. In any case, such changes in words and their meaning and use indicate changes in people and their interrelationship. Some words used to identify ethnic groups are meant to be signals to arouse the derogatory attitude of the speaker. In reality they give away the narrow attitudes of their users, and to unprejudiced people they portray the narrow views of those using them. They characterize the speaker rather than the group spoken about.

 We need the sympathy and understanding to become conscious of such express- 

sions and eliminate them from our own vocabulary and take them for what

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they are when others use them. Words then become instruments of empathy and understanding simply by not using them or by substituting 

others in their places.

The power of words is in their meaning, but the meaning consists of our thoughts and emotions. The word by itself, without the thoughts and  emotions behind it, is nothing. The words are the expression of what we are, what we think and feel. The language we use tells others whether 

 we are thoughtful, sensitive, coarse, brutal, frivolous, selfless. It expresses our interests, our upbringing, and our characteristics unless 

 we have changed--consciously or unconsciously— ourselves and our language, The individual has it in his power to increase his understanding of himself and others, and to change his own attitudes and behavior. Understanding semantics, the meaning of words, is one way to do this.

Suggested Reading:

Bois, J. Samuel Hayakawa, S.I.

Hayakawa, S.I., ed. Johnson, Wendell Johnson, Wendell

Lee, Irving J.

 Morris, Charles

Sondel, Bess Sondel, Bess Terwilliger, Robert F.

Explorations in Awareness. Harper, 1957. Language in Thought and Action, second edi

tion. Harcourt, Brace & World, 1964. Paperbound.

Harper, 1954.Peoj pie in '

 Ver] bal ManHarper, 1946.

The Enchantment of Words. Collier,1965.

Language Habits in Human Affairs.iguage 1941.


Signs, Language and Behavior. Prentice-Hall, 1946.

The Humanity of Words. World, 1958. Power-steering with Words. Follett, 1964. 

 Meaning and Mind: A Study in the Psychology of Language. Oxford UniveriTty, 1968. Paperbound