woodward lothrop your i - library of congress...white dresses little white dresses of nainsook linon...

WASHINGTON HERALD TUESDAY JULY 16 1907 J i THE 5 t d I I- I Woodward Lothrop NenfYork WASHINGTON Paris During the heated term store will close at 5 oclock Saturdays at I Customers shopping by phone please call Main 5300 and ask for Mail Order Department Orders will be given immediate and careful attention I Boys Wash Suits at Special Prices average boy requires sev eral of these practical suits for summer whether he stays at home or goes to the seaside or country We direct at tention to the following lots in white and desirable colored ma terials offered at prices greatly be- low the usual Bop Washatfo S Us Weese stile In thee up to 13 years Rnufett MIlt up to years plain white and osfercd 150 each Value 250B- aps Washable Suits best grades bteuse aid XUmka etytee wWte aad cetera rfses up to 12 years 195 each Value 295 235 each Value 395 295 each Value 450 335 each Value 500 Bays WactoMe Norfolk Suite khaki oteth aid ttfeite gakLtoa ekes S t K fcsfckwboeistr tiwcora- rtth each writ 325 each Value 500 Boyt K E Btt s s swat rariety of pet tonw aim up te 16 j rs- N 5oc each Washable Trousers 290 to 100- v Overalls 29C to 500 Bathing Suits 500 to 300 Childrens Dainty White Dresses little White Dresses of nainsook linon in sheer qualities for hot weather with low neck and short sleeves Some are made very plain others quite elaborately all are neat and moderately priced too Dream of MtaMofc gathered at tie neck lace on seek sat items EM OC Lowneck Dtcsees of ladfe ttara with tf LO tucks to form yoke Bach 1UU Lowneck DMM of satesook yoke of tn ks and huertion feee oe seek and J j Qjr 1 T Lrwncx DKMW el India HBOR with short waist trimmed arowtd neck vMh ncB- tiTfh lace OR Beck aad atoerc Eacfa1 bard style btrtha flnMMd witt eabroM arid ruffle Bae- hIreneck Drettoi of India MM Reek uua sieeres tdnuaod with beadtes and tf nitKin Each 1OL- wneck Dicates of ladk Unoa wfth ke of ticks and iaofrHoa skkt totehcd with CO ETA Third floor st Womens White Petticoats are showing a most at line of White Pet imported and do mestic of cambric lawn and percale embodying the latest and most beautiful effects in trim mings consisting of handwork laces embroideries tucks scallops- c applied in the newest and most attractive ways Petticoat of canbric trtMwl with Jan ruffl of tucks air broidery E ch- PeUfcoate of cwBbric trtamei with full raffle of taeks and Wind imbiBidery al with fee Qjch plO PKticMte of cambric Utaamd with full of Wind and open embroMeir k wish tf O OC Valeacieaaec lace Each of French percale with hand r- eabrafdcrcd MiUojM OB tome Each Petticoats of cambric awl lawn triawMd with full sawn rums finished with tueks and blind and open e bre4d nr also with fit lace ruflte o 7C Each i P Petticoats of cambric with fmbroidetT Uteaaed nif r- Pettfcoate of cambric and lawn trtaMBcd with LoU Cjin ETA lace ruffiw Each iJ O0 tO Handmade Petticoats etebcratdr trimmed with 1500 to 7500 Third flooc 1 V Third OeITeatk It i PRETTY daintyand Low k Jten IwDtclt nr of IIeb 150 wb and nIIie of B8d1 cIt WEe i 100 Pet lC1t 2 19 300 to 1000 EleTe 5t V THE r F P7 I f Zadla ftuus wIjt 3is aa- p rue fes Esch hand cmbaeldny sad 3ce ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ = = = A Very Stylish New Oxford I E place on sale today sev eral lines of Patent Calf Blucher also Demi or Dull Calf Oxfords These are very smart Oxfords on a new and very stylish last and are made and fin- ished in an excellent manner Suitable for house or street and especially appropriate for seaside wear A splendid value at 300 the pair Third fleer T Dth st Toilet Articles For Summer Use Articles covering possible want and need the warm weather are here and the little prices make the buying easy A good supply before leaving town will save- a great deal of annoyance and in convenience- All Toilet Articles bearing our name are made especially for us of the best materials and are conscien tiously recommended as being pure and harmless Put up in con venient sizes for traveling or home use Soaps- W Ls Orkjtaol Bewptct Soap cake Kt- eiltaea lN W Ls aad Afeaond Seal cake Sc aam sfc W Ls Rose Watw Qfoariae Sup cake 8 swan We W Ls Palm OH So So W Ls Hmwr Seam cake Me decea JLOO W Ls CIne eake We deMBLOO W L Tnfchh Bath Seap cake dwea c- Cwti CwtAa lb bar 60e Sponges SIlk Si OBge9 each Je to 100 Unbleached Sponges sack Sc t LM- Blsachtd Spoegw each Jc t ItaMfeB Rubber Spawgas ee h Jo te L UMMrcowb VarfTCttUM euh Sc JOc- Twkbh Wash Oaths eaeh Se 6 far Jfc PiNkish Wash C3oO sack 8e 4 fw Sfe- Loofah Bilk MUU pair Jtc Brushes Bath BrastoM with strap and toas baadl c te JLS Cactus Fiber Bath awl Fleah BPHAM oa h te Nail Braehes ea h tfe to JL69- CmapJesteH BrtMfcw afh Se t SLOG Clothes Bmsbes each Oc te JUS- Shairisg Brwfeee each Se te 100 Miscellaneous Brooms each Sponge each 2fc J13S- TraraWng cases sOk load sateoo LM to 128- Waah Cloth Cases silk aid aateoa Se aad Me Tooth Brash case silk oaeh JOc Stabber Complexion Brushes each 19a Hot Water Bags eaeh 50c to JUi- Rwbber Air Pillows ecu tS5- Rabber Air CuehioB ee 150 and ers oacb TbemMJite MBk Warmers oaeh JLW- Thermalit Bags each Jlil CutleryS- teel Mastewe Scissors pair 50c to SlS Steel Nail FIlM bone bondtes 4 s te 1X0 Steel Cuticle Knim boae kvudic each Jde Stiff NaH Kites joaeh Be aad Sc- Ftexibte saIL FBis oaoh Sc aad Sic Steel Corn KniT each Oc lid L Safew Corn Knives each L 0- Twecaars pair Me to ISc K B Guaranteed Razors each J100 Star Safety set Gillette Safety Razors 12 Mate set 5CO Main SoorG st 11 Colonial Extra Fancy Creamery Butter Comes only to us In Washington It Is emphatically unlike the various grades of butters to be had almost anywhere In a word It Is the best butter we are able to buy It appeals especially to those who are particular and really appreciate an un usual quality In sanitary packages 5 lbs 160 lb 33C Fifth fleer j omens Ox- fords TOILET MId fie Seal II SP Sue Wash Cloths dee sack Jar te SOc Bags to oM- an to Lli J Razors to 500 A sid r sake i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ = < Sale of Cowhide Suit Cases At the Manufacturers Price OTWITHSTANDING the very decisive advance in the price of leather we have consummated the purchase of a lot of genuine Cowhide Suit Cases which we are offering at the price we usually pay for them These cases are the popular 24inch size cloth lined have inside straps riveted and best brass lock They are made on a light steal frame and shown in two colors russet and brown 395 each Regular price 559 A splendid case for either mens or womens use BaMCMBt E Krtle BUg S WOODWARD LOTHROP 4 N are 1 J = IN THE SOCIAL WORLD Mr and Mrs Joseph JL Keene Wedded Fifty Years s CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Spacious Residence in Shepherds Iloud Scene of Brilliant Reception M and 31nie de Lima Will Leave This Week for Europe Admiral Renter Joins to Ottawa The residence of Mr and Mrs Joseph R- Koono in Shepherds road was the scone last evening of a large and brilliant re- ception from 7 to 10 oclock in celebration- of the fiftieth anniversary of their wed ding Tho spacious dwelling was most artistically decorated for the occasion with palms ferns arid smilax which formed a background for huge clusters of cut flowers In the drawingroom Bride roses banked the mantels and the receiv- ing party stood yellow streamers adding- an appropriate tOlch of color to the dec- orations while yellow daisies against a tOllage background and gold and white table appointments carried out the color scheme In the diningroom the hallway and reception parlor A string orchestra placed in a bower of palms In the piazza f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ also enhanced the bcautyof the entertain- ment Mr and Mrs Keeno were assisted In re- ceiving their guests by their daughter Miss S Loula Keene and Mrs Keenes sister and hor daughter Mrs Louisa V Robinson and Miss Bertha L Robinson of Baltimore Mrs Keeno wore a soft gown of steel gray silk trimmed with rare lace and chiffon and Mrs Rob- inson was In gray silk trimmed with duchosse lace Miss Keones gown was of white tulle over taffeta with ruchings of lace and Miss Robinson wore a prirceeee gown of white silk mull over taffeta elaborately trimmed with Valenciennes lace The assistants were Mrs Louisa J Robinson of Baltimore Miss Bertha Louise Robinson of Baltimore Mrs C B Sullivan Petworth D C Miss Molly Petworth D C Miss Ethel Smith Washington D a Mrs Alice M Biandford Washington Mrs George Wil son Brightwood Mrs Florence Boteler Washington Miss Bessie Clayton Bright wood Miss Louise Mitchell Baltimore Mrs William B McDonald Baltimore Miss Sadie White Brightwood Mr and Mrs Keene were married at Friendship D July 14 1S7 Mrs Keene was before her marriage Miss Sarah Elizabeth Conrad Her parents were among the oldest inhabitants of the District but she came or an old Virginia family She was born on the heights of Georgetown and has lived here continuously Her grandfather on her mothers side Capt Joseph H Timms distinguished himself during the war of the Revolution serving with La- fayette Mr Keene Is also x f an old Virginia family several of his relatives having served with distinction during the Revo- lution and war of 151214 His grand- father Thomas witS a ranking officer in the United States navy serv- ing during the entire Revolution Kb uncles Willis F and Roderick Trlplett saw service especially in the defense of Baltimore and were about the last of the old defenders tf die their deaths occurring only a few years ago Mr Keene was born in Clarke County Va and was educated in the common school and the University of Virginia He came to the District In M and for forty years was a teacher and supervisor in the public schools His work has always been highly in dorsed by every superintendent and school board under which he has served culminating in a grand reception by teachers on February 1 lt Mr and Mrs Keene wave three chil- dren J Everett Keene John G Keene secretary of the Brightwood Citizens Association and Miss S Louis Keene all of this city and three grand- children Joseph Arthur Keene Gerald Everett Keene and Dorothy Louise Keene alt children of Mr John Keene A number of presents in gold silver and cut and Bohemian glass were re- ceived one of the most interesting being handsome sliver candelabra a gift from the teachers of the Seventh division and others woo have been transferred to Bother districts all of whom have taught Mr Arenas de Lima the Portuguese charge and Mme de Lime who came to this country two months ago from Paris to take charge of the legation will leave this week for Now York They will sail for Paris on Saturday not wait ing for the return of the Portuguese Min- ister Viscount de Alte because of the delicate health of Mme de Lima After a sojourn in Paris M and Mme de Lima will go to their palatial home in Lisbon for a vacation Their departure will be a loss to Washington society During the absence of Viscount do Alto and M de Limo the affairs of the em- bassy will again for the second time be administered by Mr Gurgol do Amaral charge daffaires of the Brazilian Em- bassy who represented Portugal so cred itably last summer he having again been appointed charge this season Liaut Col Pedemelras military attache of the Brazilian Embassy has gone to Now York on a short business trip Rear Admiral George H Reuter U S N will leave Washington today for Ot- tawa where he will spend a week re turning here Saturday Mr Radler do Aquino naval attache of the Brazilian Embassy has returned from a visit to Chicago where he went Store closed 5 p m Saturdays Ip m Sil of every desired size and cost GAIT BRO Established Century Jewellers Silversmiths Stationers 1107 Pennsylvania Ave NO CREAM TASTES LIKE FUSSLLLS MANY Esteem be- coming C- Locker c Keene his livingDr STERLING Overa over Keene- r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Fussells Ice Cream and Ices ice cream a luxury alone Its a dish of feed value howerer trade FUSSELLS Ice is made in the most rQonnor with absolutely A whole- some as well as deli cious dessert All flavors Prompt serv ice I h nic I ¬ ¬ ¬ M T FUSSELL 1427 N Y Ave Phone M 1513 In the interests of the Brazilian navy He and Mmo Aquino will summer at one of the resorts on the Jorfiey coast Mr and Mrs William Corcoran Eustis will go to Long Island this week to spend the remainder of this month and August About tho first of September they will return to Leesburg and stay at Oatland until tho early winter Mr and Mrs Horace Wcstcott have re- turned from Carlhelm tho country place of Mr and Mrs W B Hibbs Loes burg and will go later to Join Mrs John Rogers on the North Shoro Announcement has just been made from Los Angeles Cal of the marriage of Miss Beanie Miistcad daughter of Mr and Mrs Benonl Mllatead to Mr Patrick- H Rayon Jr both of Washington The ceremony was perfQrmed in Los Angeles June 19 by Rev Juan Coballerln pastor of the Church of the Lady of Angels M N Hooper of Washington has arrived at Crawford House in the White Mountains for her summer outing Mr John Barrett of the Bureau of American Republics has returned to Washington from a visit to New York Mr Hilary A Herbert Jprmor Secretary- of the Navy has gone to Ontario for the Commander Robert E Peary tho arctic explorer has been visiting Mr Morris K Josup of Now York at Bar Harbor Mr and Mrs E R Cunningham have taken a cottage at Upper Dam Rangeley Lake Me for the season near Miss summer ¬ Mrs Flora B Caboll will leave Wash Inston to bo absent until September She will visit Lily Dale at Lily Dale N Y spend some- time at Chautauqua N Y and then go West to make a visit to her sister Mrs G W Smith iii New Albany and to her niece Mrs Ella Wright widow n Wright of St Paul Ind who now lives In Indianapolis Mrs and Miss Rita Mahoney will laavo for Noblesvllla Ind Thursday to visit formers daughter Mrs J P Har- ris where they will spend tho summer Mr and Mrs Brooke Baker who were married recently In Philadelphia having taken th beautiful country place of Seek Siebet Llangollen near Upperville in the Blue Ridge Mountains overlooking the Shenandoah Valley and are dispens- ing genuine Southern hospitality in the beautiful Virginia retreat which is so Ideal for a honeymoon summer Mr and Mr William W Burdette have given up the apartment they occu- pied during the winter and have moved into their handsome colonial cottage West View which IB situated at Pearce Station Va on the Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad Dr George D ICirkpatriek sailed yes terday for Switzerland to be gone for the summer The Assistant Secretary of the Navy Truman H Newberry Dr Maurice Kgan and Mr Jerome Bonaparte were among the box holders who witnessed initial performance of Miss Charlotte Walker M leading lady at the Belasco Theater Jut evening The Misses Gilbert formerly of M Rhode Island avenue are established at 1411 Rhode Island avenue for the summer Miss Fanny G McDowell formerly of 130S K street is with them DUKE DABRUZZI THANKFUL Italian Prince Pleased Over Treat- ment Received In America dAbruzst distinguished Ital- ian explorer and admiral who has just completed a visit to this country has to Secretary of the Navy Metcalf from Quebec expressing his great satis faction and delight t the manner In which h and the ofiteera and men un der his command were treated while in the United States and at the uniform cow tey that was extended to them 1I sends beet wishes to both Secretary and Mrs Metcalf HITCHCOCK WILL REMAIN Assistant Postmaster General Xot to Icnvc Department Postmaster General von r fyer yester day said that there is no truth in the report that Assistant Postmaster General Hitchcock is to retire Mr Hitchcock he said has had an offer from a large manu- facturing concern In New England and also has had an opportunity to enter the Treasury Department but prefers to re- tain his post in the Postoffice ARMY AND NAVY Army Orders Capt WILLIAM F CLARK Second Gawky de- tailed to pay department September vice GH CIIARLKS W pxjmMMter M l6 ed to Second Carafe RflrtRMlkm of lat Lfcwt DOLIH M MBTaVLF- I Scouts accepted to take aSset AM- Pir t Sergt THOMAS CAKNOK and Priest JOHN W TiLBY Troop G Fifth Cavalry fiwa to proper station Recruit OLIVER W GASH infantry recruit d pot Barracks traa ered to Hospital Corps as private Pint Lieut BLVERTOX E FULLER Twelfth Infantry fw detail as captain Fortysixth company ItjJliitptoe SoouU to proper station First Lfcat J ALFRED MOSS Twentysecond In- fantry from Fort WtefleH Scott to proper sta- tion Capt JOHN K MILLER Eighth Infantry de- tailed m nay department Atigutt 27 vice Capt WILLIAM F CREARY paymaster who if as staved to Eighth Infantry Capt MILLER to Mifltppiw Contract Surgeon CHAUXCEY L CHASE from Middlebnry to Fort Rodman Private JOHN M LKDA SUtyeiehth Cempany Coast Artillery Corps Fort Law ton transferred to Company H Third Infantry that poet Recruit ALBERT W HANCOCK carolry recruit depot Jefferson Barracks transferred to Hos- pital Corps as private to Precldio of San Francteoo for duty with Company Br Hospital Swond Lieut WILLIAM 11 DELL jr First Cav- alry from Fort Bliss to proper station Jfnvnl Orders Commander W BRAUXERSREUTHER detached Fourteenth Lighthouse District Cincinnati July 31 to daty as of ordnance in charge naval mngaxine lout Island and inspector of ordnance Watcrrliet Arsenal Lieut Commander W J MAXWELL detached Waterrliet Arsenal to command Marietta Lieut Commander G F COOPER detached In- diana home wait enters Lieut F MARTIN detached Indiana to Kentucky Lieut W R CUSHMAN detached naval station Honolulu to Chicago Ltrat V KIMBERLY to Nebraska July 3- Lieat T D PARKER to Naval Hospital New York Ensign B S ROOt detached Indiana to Maine EnelKn H POWELL to Illinois Ensign J S ABBOTT detached Indiana Moines Ensign L CRESAP detached Indiana to Kear sarge- MidshioBMn N L NICHOLS and L a SCHEIB LA to Georgia MidhipoMn 11 H RITTER and M J TORLIN SKI to New Jersey MOVEMENTS OF VESSELSThe following move menta of vessels hay been reported to tho Bu roan of Navigation Arrived Jnly 12 Saturn at La Union San Sal radar July 13 Concord at Shanghai Wolverine at Houghtou Charleston at Astoria Powhatan Cumberland and at Newport Buffalo at Mare Island July H WilmIngton at Shanghai Sailed July 13 Wolverine from Marquette for Hatghtoa Mich Charleston from Portland for Astflria Louisiana from Cape Cod By for North River New York City Powhatan and PonUac from Newport for navy yard New York Buffalo from Satualito fcr Mare Island Prairie from Hampton Roads for League Island July 11 Sioux from Newport for Boston Gal Tcstoa from Shanghai for Chefoo tomorrow As- sembly the r Duke the the Depart- ment It pxT who- M le pat Ii too Jea non Carp or A toDes Sioux a M t sc w1re ad- vantageous I ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Columbia Heights Citizens Raise 12500 for Site MANY ADVANTAGES URGED F If Warner Points Out Reasons Vhy Location on ShermanBarber Tract Would Be Ideal for the In stliutlon Cnnvuns for Money Will Be Continued by Committee Tho movement in the interests of the selection of the Columbia Heights site for the George Washington University received a further Impetus at a mooting of the citizens committee of the Colum bia HelgHtg Citizens Association which has the project under consideration at the Savoy Hotel lust Addresses detailing the advantages to bo obtained by the erection of the university on the ShermanBarber tract were made by B H Warner W E Andrews and Louis Shoemaker at the conclusion of which it was announced that approx imately 12506 hats been suscrlbed to the university by the residents and property owners of that locality provided the site on Columbia Heights Is selected B JL Warner the first speaker congratulated- the association upon Its endeavors to have the university restored to Its former locality The biggest mistake George Washing- ton University then Columbian Univer- sity ever made and one by which In my opinion it lost MCOOQO was in aban- doning its site on Columbia Heights said Sir Warner Acccanary Adjuncts Possible A campus and athletic fields are neces- sary adjuncts to a university and where- In the District of Columbia can a better location be provided than the one favored by the members of this association and the citizens of Columbia Heights It is the very best that it to heatlhful well drained prominent so as to be observed tourists and easily Jiccessible Here its students are within easy distance of the departments libraries said courts aad the sons for such a location are more potent then ever before A university should be as a city set upon a bin and commanding in situation George Washington University te among the leading educational institutions of the District and it that it should oc- cupy a site in keeping with its reputation Within th nsxt one or two decades the spirit of George Washington when in his he spoke of his desire to see estab- lished here a great university will be rec- ognized and the George Washington Uni- versity wilt receive legacies fend gift front many benefactors Other IlenMona Advanced Mr Andrews followed in advocacy of the site upon Columbia Heights Wash- ington he said is every day becoming more of an educational center end its universities should occupy commanding positions H urged that the cUtoens of the District Interest members of Congress In various projects of local interest not only with regard to the establish- ment of universities but other undertak- ings looking toward the betterment of Washington The cooperation of the citizens of the District was asked by Louis Shoemaker who said that upon them rested the greater part of the burden In making Washington not only the educational cen- ter of this country but of the worM Mr Shoemaker congratulated the associ- ation upon the progress made thus far Judge C S Bandy president of the as- sociation and chairman of the committee annOUnCes that he will appoint additional members to canvass that portion of Heights which covered in the endeavor to raise subscrip- tions for the university in the e ent that the site desired by the association Is chosen ARE YOU GOING AWAY Subscribers who leave the city temporarily sheukl have The Washington Herald mailed to them Addresses will be changed as often as requested You can not keep fully informed about af- fairs in Washington unless your paper follows you Before leaving mail or telephone your to this office YAMAMOTO SEES BOSTON Japanese Naval Strategist Visits Sliipliniltllnjc Work Agrnln Boston July 15 Japans naval Admiral Baron Yanmnioto by his suite arrived In Boston hts afternoon and was taken to tha ship- building plant at Quincy Three other autos conveyed the members of the party to Quincy party arrived at the Fore Rfver at 2 oclock and were taken through yard The Japanese officers asked few questions but showed the liveliest in- terest in what was told them and engines they saw Before their departure the visitors had a view of the turbine engines which Fore River Company Is building for a firstclass battle ship and an armored cruiser for the Japanese navy The baron was the geust at a banquet which was tendered by Gov Guild Union Club late this afternoon and he left for Man treal at 830 tonight MRS MENDENHAILS FUNERAL Services Will Take Place This 3Iorn ing at the Portner Dr Wallace RadcIIffe will officiate at the funeral of Mrs William K Menden hall which will be hold at The Portner- at 11 oclock this morning Mrs Mendenhall died Sunday She was seventytwo years of ago Her husband William Mendenhall Is employed In the General Land Office and Is a director of the Central National Bank She Is also survived by one son Frank of New York City j W BONUS READY night in b It ling Co- lumbia not yet beeR a dress strate- gist accom- PAnied ory atthe K i t UI win t htt otlu TI won tS ti IA ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mrs Lcnorn Eiscnmann Dead Mrs Leonora Eisenmann wife of Jacob EIsenmann of the dry goods firm of Elsenmann died Sunday night In her home 914 M street Funeral services will be held at 930 oclock tomorrow morn- Ing Denth of Boyd B Andrews Boyd B Andrews a clerk In the med- ical division of the Pension Bureau died yesterday following a short illness from appendicitis Mr Boyd was appointed to the bureau from Illinois February 3 1302 Funeral arrangements have not been completed One of glasses to see near and far 50 discount o n oculists prescriptions SPECIAL C1 PRICE A KAHN 835 F St N W NEAJ I j fiJ ¬ Last Night at the Local Playhouses Tile Beggar Student nt the New National Karl MHlockers tuneful and dramatic opera bouffe The Beggar Student seldom sung nowadays that Us pro- duction by the Aborn Company served to attract an unusually large midsum- mer audience to the National Theater last night The Beggar Student while termed a comic opera Is a sort of lyric version of The Lady of Lyons with a plot quite as Intense and sympathy pro- voking as that of BulwecLyttons Im mortal tragedy rounding of course to the now out of fashion but none the less gratifying happy ending With one or two exceptions the com- pany fairly outdid Itself In the adequate assumption of the characters Robert Lett as Gen Ollendorf gave the most legitimate portrait he has yet attempted though bin Interpolated topical song while funny enough of Itself violated the atmos- phere of the opera most ruthlessly His acting however was above reproach and won much deserved applause Harry Luckstone as Symon the beggar student was excellent and Harold Blakes really sweet tenor was heard most advan tageous in the role of Janlizky Edith Uradford was an effervescent Bronlslava and seemed in most excellent spirits as well as In superb voice Bea- trice Goldie was a charming Laura but her voice is unsuIted to the difficult arias allotted to the role In her duet with Mr Luckstone however she proved more at ease and voiced several high notes with confidence TUlle Sallinger was an ac- ceptable Countess Palmaclta and Phil Branson a comical jailer Frixie Cadiz as Lieut Poppenberg came to the front in a speaking part as a military dandy and Jack ONeill Walter Halbach Will- iam Loughran and C W Phillips com- pleted a most capable cast The opera is pleasing both on account of its excellent presentation and on ac- count of the fact that It is the novelty of the Aborn season WA Dons House at the Belaaco- 1lcnacs An ovatlonMke reception was tendered by the present at the Belasco Theater last night to MISS Charlotte Walker when she appeared as Nora Hebnar Ibsens celebrated drama A Dolls House It was her initial at the theater as the hpad of a midseason stock company and her popu- larity was vouched er by the record equaling turnout which greeted her pre- mier Thow who came perhaps with the sole Idea of seeing Miss Walker however were offered extra inducements for en- tertainment They witnessed the produc- tion of a remarkable play written by one who is probably the greatest of modern playwrights with one of his strangely attractive leading characters played by an actress who is just crossing the thresh- old of emotional possibilities Ibsens problem plays usually worked out with- in a constricted atmosphere and with commonplace characters are powerfully Interesting and in this instance that power is accentuated by the presence of three such capable portrayers as Miss Charlotte Walker Sydney Mather and Mr Edward Ellis The story Is of a woman who makes every sacrifice for love and does not receive adequate returns Nora Helmer puts herself In jeopardy of a felons fate by forgery committing the act for the purpose of obtaining money for the preservation of her husbands health and when exposure is threatened he from whom she was justified m expecting offers anger and blUer taunts In the hands of Miss Walker this pathetic figure is made strongly impressive and she displayed powers of emotional feeling which would be considered beyond her by those who have only viewed her in the light of a personally attractive actress with an inclination toward lighter roles She te entirely successful in exhibiting the complexity of the character and stir- ring the deeper feelings accruing to it without recourse to high pitch or undue theatrical device The whole performance presages a rich and accumulative feature the only fault being shared by Miss Walk- er with other leading members of the company in failing properly to measure the acoustic properties of the house which fault will no doubt be readily overcqme as the week progresses The character of Torvald Helmer was portrayed m a completely convincing manner by Mr Sydney C Mather and Mr Edward Ellis again demonstrated- his scholarly versatility by his work as Nils Krogstad while competent support was accorded by Mr Guy Coombs as Dr Rank and Miss Alice Butler as Miss Linden The audience was extreme ly demonstrative and when Miss Walker was recalled after the second she was the recipient of a number of floral testimonials DO YOU WEIGH YOUR ICE Wagon Drivers Charged with Xot Delivering All Paid For That the drivers of ice wagons are giving short weight without the knowl edge of the companies by which they are employed that they refuse to deliver Ice to those customers who insist upon weighing the commodity and that these conditions obtain generally are charges made to the Commissioners by E C R Humphries of 1217 0 street northwest who asks that steps be taken to protect the public from this systematic Mr Humphries calls attention to a recent purchase of ice which upon weighing he found to be 5 pounds less than the amount paid for The driver of another company he states has de cllned to serve him further notwith- standing he delivered Ice to the sur rounding neighborhood The reason for this says Mr Humphries Is that the driver became offended when told that tho Ice served to me was from two to four pounds short in weight I have changed my patronage to three compa nles including a private concern and I find them all alike It Is short weight with all of them It looks as If word has been passed around among the dispensers of ice that- I will Insist upon weighing my Ice and demanding what is due me and as a result I find trouble In getting any of these wagon men to deliver me the Ice I notwithstanding the fact that I stand ready with the cash Cot W C Haskell sealer of weights I audience iTt ap- pearance Ir com- fort pet 1 I I want s Is- o rob- bery ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ and measures said yesterday that the energy of his department in prosecu tions has resulted In noticeably better conditions as to the sale of Ice and that complaint and information concerning the Ice business will be welcomed and glvej prompt attention Watchmens Outing August C- At n meeting of the Night Watchmans Association recently It was decided to give an excursion to Marshall Hall on August 5 A game of baseball will be played between teams representing the watchmen and the Track and Roadway team of the Washington Railway and Electric Company Six prizes will be awarded for waltzing contests and twen tyfive other prizes are to be given for various contests The excursion will be on the order of an oldtime family picnic The committee in charge Includes A J Ronspies chairman J P Cochran secretary B F Klopfer treasurer J W DIckerson and W H Groves ¬ ¬ Closed at 5 Daily Saturdays at 1 P M- Use OR Colonial Glassware in Your Summer Home O other glassware is quite desirable for summer use as Old Colonial Clear bril- liant and exceedingly durable A of artistic designs in the following pieces Iced Tea Tumbler Iced Tea Plates Sherbet Glasses Lemonade Glasses Water Tumblers Goblets Punch Bowls Berry Botvls Fruit Stands Lemonade Pitchers Finger Ice Water Sugar und Cream Sets Candlestick Candelabra Crushed Ice Bowls Dulin Martin Co Pottery Porcelain China Glass Silver 1215 F St a 121418 G St TWO PARASOL BARGAINSYOU CANT AFFORD TO OVERLOOK 2 Wash Parasols Beautifully made em gf A broldered with II and insertion W v 3 Silk Parasols All colors fine quality P bargain youve II been waiting ipAf KROEGERS UMBRELLA STORE 618 NINTH STREET W Fleas Disappearli- ke magic when cats and dogs are dusted with Thompsons Insect Powder The welfare of your pets demands its use Keep- a supply in the house In airtight IOC I5c 25c and SOC Frank C Henry Prop 703 15th St V D ROSEN Dermatologist Directs attention to the distictir thorough scientific successful method 9npif jed for the treatment of Superfluous Hair Moles Freckles ENLARGED PORES LIVER SPOTS RED VEINS Birthmarks Scars c All facal bfesaubes removed fei permanently and paintaaly by elcctrolysia Special Sesaer Prices fw Ktxt TMflr Bays Entrance 1225 F Street Cor 13th Very few people are still unfamiliar with the Economya- nd Convenience ofTelephone Service 1h Contract Depart ment can give them some interesting and profitable facts The C P Telephone Co Recommended by all who use it Get yours today Evans Toilet Talcum Powder Berated and perfoaMd with Tiolet Everybody needs it in warm weath- er for prickly heat chafing sunburn and tender feet 1lbCan 25c 14 Ib Can lOc EVANS RELIABLE Drug stofc 922924 F Street N W an V Satisfactory Economical Fuel l Never fails to the hert results J used for The Big demand for Coke is eridence of the appzcciacioa of Its merits Wrll supply SBoabeU Lives Coke dettmed Sl- 4llUKh ls Large Coke deUvered 370 Urge Coke ddivend J53- JS BUshels Crushed Coke dclirend 309- Boabel3 Crushed Coke deHreted 150 V 60 Crushed Coke SO Washington Gaslight Co 1 P M Jugs j c hem- stitching silkthe tor cane Thompson Pharmacy bate I Coke a riTe when din yes 5fJ fill Imc Bethel delivered T so- L Bowls slam A ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > < > > > > < 413 Tenth St N W A Camping Trip I FOLDING COTS FOLDING CHAIRS SLEEPING BAiS HAMMOCKS CAMP STOOLS COOKING UTKNSILS STOVES CX owe its mccvw or failure to the equipamit auried We out furnish yon a ramping outfit that will in sure K tboronfbly enjnvablo trip The most complete M- sortiwnt lowert consistent I pries ¬ > SPORTING AND ATHLETIC GOODS UQ REPAIRING AND CLEANING Uono by us is unoxsalbJ 1 M N Hekimiart Co Gor 13ih and 8 Sis H tf PSoae y 2063Y alfords R I 909 Penna- v Avenue

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Post on 12-Sep-2020




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Page 1: Woodward Lothrop Your I - Library of Congress...White Dresses little White Dresses of nainsook linon in sheer qualities for hot weather with low neck and short sleeves Some are made




THE 5t

dI I-


Woodward LothropNenfYork WASHINGTON Paris

During the heated term store will close at 5 oclock Saturdays at I

Customers shopping by phone please call Main 5300 and ask forMail Order Department Orders will be given immediate and careful


IBoys Wash Suitsat Special Prices

average boy requires several of these practical suitsfor summer whether hestays at home or goes to the

seaside or country We direct attention to the following lots inwhite and desirable colored materials offered at prices greatly be-

low the usualBop Washatfo S Us Weese stile In thee up

to 13 years Rnufett MIlt up to years plainwhite and osfercd

150 each Value 250B-

aps Washable Suits best grades bteuse aidXUmka etytee wWte aad cetera rfses up to 12


195 each Value 295235 each Value 395295 each Value 450335 each Value 500

Bays WactoMe Norfolk Suite khaki oteth aidttfeite gakLtoa ekes S t K fcsfckwboeistr tiwcora-rtth each writ

325 each Value 500

Boyt K E Btt s s swat rariety of pettonw aim up te 16 j rs-

N 5oc each

Washable Trousers 290 to 100-

vOveralls 29C to 500Bathing Suits 500 to 300

Childrens DaintyWhite Dresses

little White Dressesof nainsook

linon in sheerqualities for hot weather

with low neck and short sleevesSome are made very plain othersquite elaborately all are neat and

moderately priced tooDream of MtaMofc gathered at

tie neck lace on seek sat items EM OCLowneck Dtcsees of ladfe ttara with tf

LO tucks to form yoke Bach 1UULowneck DMM of satesook yoke of

tn ks and huertion feee oe seek and J j Qjr1 T

Lrwncx DKMW el India HBOR with short waisttrimmed arowtd neck vMh ncB-tiTfh lace OR Beck aad atoerc Eacfa1bard style btrtha flnMMd witt eabroMarid ruffle Bae-

hIreneck Drettoi of India MM Reekuua sieeres tdnuaod with beadtes and tfnitKin Each 1OL-

wneck Dicates of ladk Unoa wfth ke ofticks and iaofrHoa skkt totehcd with CO ETA

Third floor st

Womens White

Petticoatsare showing a most at

line of White Petimported and do

mestic of cambric lawnand percale embodying the latestand most beautiful effects in trimmings consisting of handworklaces embroideries tucks scallops-

c applied in the newest and mostattractive ways

Petticoat of canbric trtMwl with Janruffl of tucks airbroidery E ch-

PeUfcoate of cwBbric trtamei withfull raffle of taeks and Wind imbiBideryal with fee Qjch plO

PKticMte of cambric Utaamd with full ofWind and open embroMeir k wish tf O OCValeacieaaec lace Each

of French percale with hand r-eabrafdcrcd MiUojM OB tome Each

Petticoats of cambric awl lawn triawMd with fullsawn rums finished with tueks and blind and opene bre4d nr also with fit lace ruflte o 7CEach i P

Petticoats of cambric withfmbroidetT Uteaaed nif r-

Pettfcoate of cambric andlawn trtaMBcd with LoU Cjin ETAlace ruffiw Each iJ O0 tO

Handmade Petticoats etebcratdr trimmed with

1500 to 7500Third flooc



Third OeITeatk It



daintyandLow k


IwDtclt nr of IIeb


wb and nIIie of B8d1




Pet lC1t 2 19

300 to 1000

EleTe 5t






Zadla ftuus

wIjt 3is aa-p


fes Esch

hand cmbaeldny sad3ce











A Very StylishNew Oxford

I E place on sale today several lines ofPatent Calf Blucher

also Demi or DullCalf Oxfords These are verysmart Oxfords on a new and verystylish last and are made and fin-

ished in an excellent mannerSuitable for house or street and

especially appropriate for seasidewear A splendid value at

300 the pairThird fleer T Dth st

Toilet ArticlesFor Summer Use

Articles coveringpossible want and need

the warm weatherare here and the little prices

make the buying easy A goodsupply before leaving town will save-a great deal of annoyance and inconvenience-

All Toilet Articles bearing ourname are made especially for us ofthe best materials and are conscientiously recommended as being pureand harmless Put up in convenient sizes for traveling or homeuse

Soaps-W Ls Orkjtaol Bewptct Soap cake Kt-

eiltaea lNW Ls aad Afeaond Seal cake Scaam sfcW Ls Rose Watw Qfoariae Sup cake

8 swan We

W Ls Palm OH So So

W Ls Hmwr Seam cake Me decea JLOO

W Ls CIne eake We deMBLOOW L Tnfchh Bath Seap cake dwea c-

Cwti CwtAa lb bar 60e

SpongesSIlk Si OBge9 each Je to 100Unbleached Sponges sack Sc t LM-

Blsachtd Spoegw each Jc tItaMfeB Rubber Spawgas ee h Jo te L

UMMrcowb VarfTCttUM euh Sc JOc-

Twkbh Wash Oaths eaeh Se 6 far JfcPiNkish Wash C3oO sack 8e 4 fw Sfe-

Loofah Bilk MUU pair Jtc

BrushesBath BrastoM with strap and toas baadl

c te JLSCactus Fiber Bath awl Fleah BPHAM oa h te

Nail Braehes ea h tfe to JL69-CmapJesteH BrtMfcw afh Se t SLOG

Clothes Bmsbes each Oc te JUS-Shairisg Brwfeee each Se te 100

MiscellaneousBrooms each

Sponge each 2fc J13S-TraraWng cases sOk load sateoo LM to 128-

Waah Cloth Cases silk aid aateoa Se aad MeTooth Brash case silk oaeh JOcStabber Complexion Brushes each 19a

Hot Water Bags eaeh 50c to JUi-Rwbber Air Pillows ecu tS5-

Rabber Air CuehioB ee 150 anders oacbTbemMJite MBk Warmers oaeh JLW-

Thermalit Bags each Jlil


teel Mastewe Scissors pair 50c to SlSSteel Nail FIlM bone bondtes 4 s te 1X0

Steel Cuticle Knim boae kvudic each JdeStiff NaH Kites joaeh Be aad Sc-Ftexibte saIL FBis oaoh Sc aad SicSteel Corn KniT each Oc lid LSafew Corn Knives each L 0-

Twecaars pair Me to IScK B Guaranteed Razors each J100

Star Safety setGillette Safety Razors 12 Mate set 5CO

Main SoorG st

11 Colonial ExtraFancy Creamery Butter

Comes only to us In Washington It Isemphatically unlike the various grades ofbutters to be had almost anywhere In aword It Is the best butter we are able tobuy

It appeals especially to those who areparticular and really appreciate an unusual quality In sanitary packages

5 lbs 160 lb 33CFifth fleer










Wash Clothsdee


Jar te SOc

Bags to

oM-an to Lli


Razors to 500


sid r











Sale of Cowhide Suit CasesAt the Manufacturers Price

OTWITHSTANDING the very decisive advance in the price ofleather we have consummated the purchase of a lot of genuineCowhide Suit Cases which we are offering at the price weusually pay for them These cases are the popular 24inch size

cloth lined have inside straps riveted and best brass lock They aremade on a light steal frame and shown in two colors russet andbrown

395 each Regular price 559A splendid case for either mens or womens use

BaMCMBt E Krtle BUg S








Mr and Mrs Joseph JL Keene

Wedded Fifty Yearss


Spacious Residence in ShepherdsIloud Scene of Brilliant ReceptionM and 31nie de Lima Will LeaveThis Week for Europe AdmiralRenter Joins to Ottawa

The residence of Mr and Mrs Joseph R-

Koono in Shepherds road was the sconelast evening of a large and brilliant re-

ception from 7 to 10 oclock in celebration-of the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding Tho spacious dwelling was mostartistically decorated for the occasionwith palms ferns arid smilax whichformed a background for huge clusters ofcut flowers In the drawingroom Brideroses banked the mantels and the receiv-ing party stood yellow streamers adding-an appropriate tOlch of color to the dec-

orations while yellow daisies against atOllage background and gold and whitetable appointments carried out the colorscheme In the diningroom the hallwayand reception parlor A string orchestraplaced in a bower of palms In the piazza






also enhanced the bcautyof the entertain-ment

Mr and Mrs Keeno were assisted In re-

ceiving their guests by their daughterMiss S Loula Keene and Mrs Keenessister and hor daughter Mrs Louisa VRobinson and Miss Bertha L Robinsonof Baltimore Mrs Keeno wore a soft

gown of steel gray silk trimmedwith rare lace and chiffon and Mrs Rob-inson was In gray silk trimmed withduchosse lace Miss Keones gown was ofwhite tulle over taffeta with ruchings oflace and Miss Robinson wore a prirceeeegown of white silk mull over taffetaelaborately trimmed with Valencienneslace The assistants were Mrs Louisa JRobinson of Baltimore Miss BerthaLouise Robinson of Baltimore Mrs C BSullivan Petworth D C Miss Molly

Petworth D C Miss EthelSmith Washington D a Mrs Alice MBiandford Washington Mrs George Wilson Brightwood Mrs Florence BotelerWashington Miss Bessie Clayton Brightwood Miss Louise Mitchell BaltimoreMrs William B McDonald BaltimoreMiss Sadie White Brightwood

Mr and Mrs Keene were married atFriendship D July 14 1S7 MrsKeene was before her marriage MissSarah Elizabeth Conrad Her parentswere among the oldest inhabitants ofthe District but she came or an oldVirginia family She was born on theheights of Georgetown and has livedhere continuously Her grandfather onher mothers side Capt Joseph HTimms distinguished himself during thewar of the Revolution serving with La-fayette

Mr Keene Is also x f an old Virginiafamily several of his relatives havingserved with distinction during the Revo-lution and war of 151214 His grand-father Thomas witS a rankingofficer in the United States navy serv-ing during the entire Revolution

Kb uncles Willis F and RoderickTrlplett saw service especially in thedefense of Baltimore and were aboutthe last of the old defenders tf dietheir deaths occurring only a few yearsago Mr Keene was born in ClarkeCounty Va and was educated in thecommon school and the University ofVirginia He came to the District InM and for forty years was ateacher and supervisor in the publicschools

His work has always been highly indorsed by every superintendent andschool board under which he has servedculminating in a grand reception byteachers on February 1 lt

Mr and Mrs Keene wave three chil-dren J Everett Keene JohnG Keene secretary of the BrightwoodCitizens Association and Miss S LouisKeene all of this city and three grand-children Joseph Arthur Keene GeraldEverett Keene and Dorothy LouiseKeene alt children of Mr John Keene

A number of presents in gold silverand cut and Bohemian glass were re-ceived one of the most interesting beinghandsome sliver candelabra a gift fromthe teachers of the Seventh divisionand others woo have been transferred to

Bother districts all of whom have taughtMr

Arenas de Lima the Portuguesecharge and Mme de Lime who cameto this country two months ago fromParis to take charge of the legationwill leave this week for Now York Theywill sail for Paris on Saturday not waiting for the return of the Portuguese Min-ister Viscount de Alte because of thedelicate health of Mme de Lima Aftera sojourn in Paris M and Mme de Limawill go to their palatial home in Lisbonfor a vacation Their departure will bea loss to Washington society

During the absence of Viscount do Altoand M de Limo the affairs of the em-bassy will again for the second time beadministered by Mr Gurgol do Amaralcharge daffaires of the Brazilian Em-bassy who represented Portugal so creditably last summer he having again beenappointed charge this season

Liaut Col Pedemelras military attacheof the Brazilian Embassy has gone toNow York on a short business trip

Rear Admiral George H Reuter U SN will leave Washington today for Ot-tawa where he will spend a week returning here Saturday

Mr Radler do Aquino naval attache ofthe Brazilian Embassy has returnedfrom a visit to Chicago where he went

Store closed 5 p m Saturdays I p m


of every desiredsize and cost

GAIT BROEstablished Century

Jewellers Silversmiths Stationers1107 Pennsylvania Ave


MANY Esteem






























FussellsIce Cream

and Ices

ice cream a luxuryalone Its a dish offeed value howerer


is made in themost rQonnorwith absolutely

A whole-some as well as delicious dessert Allflavors Prompt service


h nic





M T FUSSELL1427 N Y Ave Phone M 1513

In the interests of the Brazilian navyHe and Mmo Aquino will summer at oneof the resorts on the Jorfiey coast

Mr and Mrs William Corcoran Eustiswill go to Long Island this week tospend the remainder of this month andAugust About tho first of Septemberthey will return to Leesburg and stay atOatland until tho early winter

Mr and Mrs Horace Wcstcott have re-

turned from Carlhelm tho country placeof Mr and Mrs W B Hibbs Loesburg and will go later to Join Mrs JohnRogers on the North Shoro

Announcement has just been made fromLos Angeles Cal of the marriage ofMiss Beanie Miistcad daughter of Mrand Mrs Benonl Mllatead to Mr Patrick-H Rayon Jr both of Washington Theceremony was perfQrmed in Los AngelesJune 19 by Rev Juan Coballerln pastorof the Church of the Lady of Angels

M N Hooper of Washington hasarrived at Crawford House in the WhiteMountains for her summer outing

Mr John Barrett of the Bureau ofAmerican Republics has returned toWashington from a visit to New York

Mr Hilary A Herbert Jprmor Secretary-of the Navy has gone to Ontario for the

Commander Robert E Peary tho arcticexplorer has been visiting Mr Morris KJosup of Now York at Bar Harbor

Mr and Mrs E R Cunningham havetaken a cottage at Upper Dam RangeleyLake Me for the season





Mrs Flora B Caboll will leave WashInston to bo absent untilSeptember She will visit Lily Dale

at Lily Dale N Y spend some-time at Chautauqua N Y and then goWest to make a visit to her sister MrsG W Smith iii New Albany and toher niece Mrs Ella Wright widow n

Wright of St Paul Ind who nowlives In Indianapolis

Mrs and Miss Rita Mahoney will laavofor Noblesvllla Ind Thursday to visit

formers daughter Mrs J P Har-ris where they will spend tho summer

Mr and Mrs Brooke Baker who weremarried recently In Philadelphia havingtaken th beautiful country place of SeekSiebet Llangollen near Upperville inthe Blue Ridge Mountains overlookingthe Shenandoah Valley and are dispens-ing genuine Southern hospitality in thebeautiful Virginia retreat which is soIdeal for a honeymoon summer

Mr and Mr William W Burdettehave given up the apartment they occu-pied during the winter and have movedinto their handsome colonial cottage

West View which IB situated at PearceStation Va on the Great Falls and OldDominion Railroad

Dr George D ICirkpatriek sailed yesterday for Switzerland to be gone forthe summer

The Assistant Secretary of the NavyTruman H Newberry Dr Maurice

Kgan and Mr Jerome Bonaparte wereamong the box holders who witnessed

initial performance of Miss CharlotteWalker M leading lady at the BelascoTheater Jut evening

The Misses Gilbert formerly of M

Rhode Island avenue are established at1411 Rhode Island avenue for the summerMiss Fanny G McDowell formerly of130S K street is with them


Italian Prince Pleased Over Treat-ment Received In America

dAbruzst distinguished Ital-ian explorer and admiral who has justcompleted a visit to this country has

to Secretary of the Navy Metcalffrom Quebec expressing his great satisfaction and delight t the manner Inwhich h and the ofiteera and men under his command were treated while inthe United States and at the uniformcow tey that was extended to them

1I sends beet wishes to both Secretaryand Mrs Metcalf


Assistant Postmaster General Xot toIcnvc Department

Postmaster General von r fyer yesterday said that there is no truth in thereport that Assistant Postmaster GeneralHitchcock is to retire

Mr Hitchcock he said has had anoffer from a large manu-

facturing concern In New England andalso has had an opportunity to enter theTreasury Department but prefers to re-

tain his post in the Postoffice


Army OrdersCapt WILLIAM F CLARK Second Gawky de-

tailed to pay department September viceGH CIIARLKS W pxjmMMter

M l6 ed to Second CarafeRflrtRMlkm of lat Lfcwt DOLIH M MBTaVLF-

I Scouts accepted to take aSset AM-

Pir t Sergt THOMAS CAKNOK and PriestJOHN W TiLBY Troop G Fifth Cavalryfiwa to proper station

Recruit OLIVER W GASH infantry recruit dpot Barracks traa ered to HospitalCorps as private

Pint Lieut BLVERTOX E FULLER TwelfthInfantry fw detail as captain Fortysixthcompany ItjJliitptoe SoouU to proper station

First Lfcat J ALFRED MOSS Twentysecond In-

fantry from Fort WtefleH Scott to proper sta-

tionCapt JOHN K MILLER Eighth Infantry de-

tailed m nay department Atigutt 27 vice CaptWILLIAM F CREARY paymaster who if asstaved to Eighth Infantry Capt MILLER toMifltppiw

Contract Surgeon CHAUXCEY L CHASE fromMiddlebnry to Fort Rodman

Private JOHN M LKDA SUtyeiehth CempanyCoast Artillery Corps Fort Law ton transferredto Company H Third Infantry that poet

Recruit ALBERT W HANCOCK carolry recruitdepot Jefferson Barracks transferred to Hos-

pital Corps as private to Precldio of SanFrancteoo for duty with Company Br Hospital

Swond Lieut WILLIAM 11 DELL jr First Cav-

alry from Fort Bliss to proper station

Jfnvnl OrdersCommander W BRAUXERSREUTHER detached

Fourteenth Lighthouse District Cincinnati July31 to daty as of ordnance in chargenaval mngaxine lout Island and inspector ofordnance Watcrrliet Arsenal

Lieut Commander W J MAXWELL detachedWaterrliet Arsenal to command Marietta

Lieut Commander G F COOPER detached In-

diana home wait entersLieut F MARTIN detached Indiana to KentuckyLieut W R CUSHMAN detached naval station

Honolulu to ChicagoLtrat V KIMBERLY to Nebraska July 3-Lieat T D PARKER to Naval Hospital New

YorkEnsign B S ROOt detached Indiana to MaineEnelKn H POWELL to IllinoisEnsign J S ABBOTT detached Indiana

MoinesEnsign L CRESAP detached Indiana to Kear

sarge-MidshioBMn N L NICHOLS and L a SCHEIB

LA to GeorgiaMidhipoMn 11 H RITTER and M J TORLIN

SKI to New Jersey

MOVEMENTS OF VESSELSThe following movementa of vessels hay been reported to tho Buroan of Navigation

Arrived Jnly 12 Saturn at La Union San Salradar July 13 Concord at Shanghai Wolverineat Houghtou Charleston at Astoria PowhatanCumberland and at Newport Buffalo atMare Island July H WilmIngton at Shanghai

Sailed July 13 Wolverine from Marquette forHatghtoa Mich Charleston from Portland forAstflria Louisiana from Cape Cod Byfor North River New York City Powhatan andPonUac from Newport for navy yard NewYork Buffalo from Satualito fcr Mare IslandPrairie from Hampton Roads for League IslandJuly 11 Sioux from Newport for Boston GalTcstoa from Shanghai for Chefoo





Duke the



ItpxT who-


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Columbia Heights Citizens

Raise 12500 for Site


F If Warner Points Out ReasonsVhy Location on ShermanBarber

Tract Would Be Ideal for the Instliutlon Cnnvuns for Money WillBe Continued by Committee

Tho movement in the interests of theselection of the Columbia Heights sitefor the George Washington Universityreceived a further Impetus at a mootingof the citizens committee of the Columbia HelgHtg Citizens Association whichhas the project under consideration atthe Savoy Hotel lust Addressesdetailing the advantages to bo obtainedby the erection of the university onthe ShermanBarber tract were madeby B H Warner W E Andrewsand Louis Shoemaker at the conclusionof which it was announced that approximately 12506 hats been suscrlbed to theuniversity by the residents and propertyowners of that locality provided the siteon Columbia Heights Is selected B JLWarner the first speaker congratulated-the association upon Its endeavors tohave the university restored to Its formerlocality

The biggest mistake George Washing-ton University then Columbian Univer-sity ever made and one by which Inmy opinion it lost MCOOQO was in aban-doning its site on Columbia Heightssaid Sir Warner

Acccanary Adjuncts PossibleA campus and athletic fields are neces-

sary adjuncts to a university and where-In the District of Columbia can a betterlocation be provided than the one favoredby the members of this association andthe citizens of Columbia Heights It isthe very best that it to heatlhful welldrained prominent so as to be observed

tourists and easily Jiccessible Here itsstudents are within easy distance of thedepartments libraries said courts aadthe sons for such a location are morepotent then ever before A universityshould be as a city set upon a bin andcommanding in situation

George Washington University te amongthe leading educational institutions of theDistrict and it that it should oc-cupy a site in keeping with its reputationWithin th nsxt one or two decades thespirit of George Washington when in his

he spoke of his desire to see estab-lished here a great university will be rec-ognized and the George Washington Uni-versity wilt receive legacies fend giftfront many benefactors

Other IlenMona AdvancedMr Andrews followed in advocacy of

the site upon Columbia Heights Wash-ington he said is every day becomingmore of an educational center end itsuniversities should occupy commandingpositions H urged that the cUtoens ofthe District Interest members of CongressIn various projects of local interestnot only with regard to the establish-ment of universities but other undertak-ings looking toward the betterment ofWashington

The cooperation of the citizens of theDistrict was asked by Louis Shoemakerwho said that upon them rested thegreater part of the burden In makingWashington not only the educational cen-ter of this country but of the worMMr Shoemaker congratulated the associ-ation upon the progress made thus far

Judge C S Bandy president of the as-sociation and chairman of the committeeannOUnCes that he will appoint additionalmembers to canvass that portion of

Heights whichcovered in the endeavor to raise subscrip-tions for the university in the e ent thatthe site desired by the association Ischosen


Subscribers who leave the citytemporarily sheukl have TheWashington Herald mailed tothem Addresses will be changedas often as requested You cannot keep fully informed about af-fairs in Washington unless yourpaper follows you

Before leaving mail or telephoneyour to this office


Japanese Naval Strategist VisitsSliipliniltllnjc Work Agrnln

Boston July 15 Japans navalAdmiral Baron Yanmnioto

by his suite arrived In Bostonhts afternoon and was taken to tha ship-

building plant at QuincyThree other autos conveyed the

members of the party to Quincyparty arrived at the Fore Rfverat 2 oclock and were taken throughyard The Japanese officers askedfew questions but showed the liveliest in-

terest in what was told them andengines they saw

Before their departure the visitors hada view of the turbine engines whichFore River Company Is building for afirstclass battle ship and an armoredcruiser for the Japanese navy The baronwas the geust at a banquet which wastendered by Gov Guild Union Clublate this afternoon and he left for Mantreal at 830 tonight


Services Will Take Place This 3Iorning at the Portner

Dr Wallace RadcIIffe will officiate atthe funeral of Mrs William K Mendenhall which will be hold at The Portner-at 11 oclock this morning

Mrs Mendenhall died Sunday She wasseventytwo years of ago Her husbandWilliam Mendenhall Is employed Inthe General Land Office and Is a directorof the Central National Bank She Isalso survived by one son Frank of NewYork City






It ling

Co-lumbia not yet beeR

a dress

strate-gist accom-PAnied




i tUI



























Mrs Lcnorn Eiscnmann DeadMrs Leonora Eisenmann wife of Jacob

EIsenmann of the dry goods firm ofElsenmann died Sunday night In herhome 914 M street Funeral services willbe held at 930 oclock tomorrow morn-Ing

Denth of Boyd B AndrewsBoyd B Andrews a clerk In the med-

ical division of the Pension Bureau diedyesterday following a short illness fromappendicitis Mr Boyd was appointed tothe bureau from Illinois February 3 1302

Funeral arrangements have not beencompleted

One ofglasses to seenear and far

50 discounto n oculistsprescriptionsSPECIAL C1PRICE

A KAHN 835 F St N W


j fiJ


Last Night at theLocal Playhouses

Tile Beggar Student nt the NewNational

Karl MHlockers tuneful and dramaticopera bouffe The Beggar Student

seldom sung nowadays that Us pro-duction by the Aborn Company servedto attract an unusually large midsum-mer audience to the National Theaterlast night The Beggar Student whiletermed a comic opera Is a sort of lyricversion of The Lady of Lyons with aplot quite as Intense and sympathy pro-voking as that of BulwecLyttons Immortal tragedy rounding of course tothe now out of fashion but none theless gratifying happy ending

With one or two exceptions the com-pany fairly outdid Itself In the adequateassumption of the characters RobertLett as Gen Ollendorf gave the mostlegitimate portrait he has yet attemptedthough bin Interpolated topical song whilefunny enough of Itself violated the atmos-phere of the opera most ruthlessly Hisacting however was above reproach andwon much deserved applause HarryLuckstone as Symon the beggar studentwas excellent and Harold Blakes reallysweet tenor was heard most advantageous in the role of Janlizky

Edith Uradford was an effervescentBronlslava and seemed in most excellentspirits as well as In superb voice Bea-trice Goldie was a charming Laura buther voice is unsuIted to the difficult ariasallotted to the role In her duet with MrLuckstone however she proved more atease and voiced several high notes withconfidence TUlle Sallinger was an ac-ceptable Countess Palmaclta and PhilBranson a comical jailer Frixie Cadizas Lieut Poppenberg came to the frontin a speaking part as a military dandyand Jack ONeill Walter Halbach Will-iam Loughran and C W Phillips com-pleted a most capable cast

The opera is pleasing both on accountof its excellent presentation and on ac-

count of the fact that It is the noveltyof the Aborn season

WA Dons House at the Belaaco-1lcnacs

An ovatlonMke reception was tenderedby the present at the BelascoTheater last night to MISS CharlotteWalker when she appeared as NoraHebnar Ibsens celebrated drama ADolls House It was her initial

at the theater as the hpad of amidseason stock company and her popu-larity was vouched er by the recordequaling turnout which greeted her pre-mier

Thow who came perhaps with the soleIdea of seeing Miss Walker howeverwere offered extra inducements for en-

tertainment They witnessed the produc-

tion of a remarkable play written by onewho is probably the greatest of modernplaywrights with one of his strangelyattractive leading characters played byan actress who is just crossing the thresh-old of emotional possibilities Ibsensproblem plays usually worked out with-in a constricted atmosphere and withcommonplace characters are powerfullyInteresting and in this instance thatpower is accentuated by the presence ofthree such capable portrayers as MissCharlotte Walker Sydney Matherand Mr Edward Ellis

The story Is of a woman who makesevery sacrifice for love and does notreceive adequate returns Nora Helmerputs herself In jeopardy of a felons fateby forgery committing the act for thepurpose of obtaining money for thepreservation of her husbands health andwhen exposure is threatened he fromwhom she was justified m expecting

offers anger and blUer taunts Inthe hands of Miss Walker this patheticfigure is made strongly impressive andshe displayed powers of emotional feelingwhich would be considered beyond her bythose who have only viewed her in thelight of a personally attractive actresswith an inclination toward lighter rolesShe te entirely successful in exhibitingthe complexity of the character and stir-ring the deeper feelings accruing to itwithout recourse to high pitch or unduetheatrical device The whole performancepresages a rich and accumulative featurethe only fault being shared by Miss Walk-er with other leading members of thecompany in failing properly to measurethe acoustic properties of the housewhich fault will no doubt be readilyovercqme as the week progresses

The character of Torvald Helmer wasportrayed m a completely convincingmanner by Mr Sydney C Mather andMr Edward Ellis again demonstrated-his scholarly versatility by his work asNils Krogstad while competent supportwas accorded by Mr Guy Coombs asDr Rank and Miss Alice Butler asMiss Linden The audience was extremely demonstrative and when Miss Walkerwas recalled after the second shewas the recipient of a number of floraltestimonials


Wagon Drivers Charged with XotDelivering All Paid For

That the drivers of ice wagons aregiving short weight without the knowledge of the companies by which they areemployed that they refuse to deliver Iceto those customers who insist uponweighing the commodity and that theseconditions obtain generally are chargesmade to the Commissioners by E C RHumphries of 1217 0 street northwestwho asks that steps be taken to protectthe public from this systematic

Mr Humphries calls attention to arecent purchase of ice which uponweighing he found to be 5 pounds lessthan the amount paid for The driver ofanother company he states has decllned to serve him further notwith-standing he delivered Ice to the surrounding neighborhood The reason forthis says Mr Humphries Is that thedriver became offended when told thattho Ice served to me was from two tofour pounds short in weight I havechanged my patronage to three companles including a private concern and Ifind them all alike It Is short weightwith all of them

It looks as If word has been passedaround among the dispensers of ice that-I will Insist upon weighing my Ice anddemanding what is due me and as aresult I find trouble In getting any ofthese wagon men to deliver me the Ice I

notwithstanding the fact that Istand ready with the cash

Cot W C Haskell sealer of weights









































and measures said yesterday that theenergy of his department in prosecutions has resulted In noticeably betterconditions as to the sale of Ice and thatcomplaint and information concerning theIce business will be welcomed and glvejprompt attention

Watchmens Outing August C-

At n meeting of the Night WatchmansAssociation recently It was decided togive an excursion to Marshall Hall onAugust 5 A game of baseball will beplayed between teams representing thewatchmen and the Track and Roadwayteam of the Washington Railway andElectric Company Six prizes will beawarded for waltzing contests and twentyfive other prizes are to be given forvarious contests The excursion will beon the order of an oldtime family picnic

The committee in charge Includes AJ Ronspies chairman J P Cochransecretary B F Klopfer treasurer J WDIckerson and W H Groves



Closed at 5 DailySaturdays at 1 P M-

Use OR Colonial

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