women’s show series creating impact

WOMEN’S SHOW SERIES CREATING IMPACT This presentation includes an audio component. Please turn up the volume on your computer. Click your mouse or the space bar to advance to the next slide. PRESENTATION # 5

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PRESENTATION # 5. This presentation includes an audio component. Please turn up the volume on your computer. Click your mouse or the space bar to advance to the next slide. Women’s show series creating impact. PRESENTATION # 5. Women’s Show Series Creating impact. CREATING IMPACT. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Southern Ideal Home Show

Womens show seriescreating impactThis presentation includes an audio component. Please turn up the volume on your computer. Click your mouse or the space bar to advance to the next slide.

PRESENTATION # 5Womens Show SeriesCreating impactPRESENTATION # 5

2Presentation #5, Creating Impact, is about taking the information you learned in Great Exhibit Design to the next level.CREATING IMPACTStopLookListen Remember

Here is what you would like your exhibit to do to show guests.

Make them stop as they walk down the aisle.Make them look to see what your exhibit is all about.Make them want to listen to what you have to say.Make them remember your company after they get home.3CREATING IMPACTLight it up.

The first thing that will make your exhibit stand out from the rest is good lighting. Yes, there will be lighting in the exhibit hall, but the best exhibits will add lighting to highlight what they are all about.4CREATING IMPACT

When I speak to people about lighting their exhibit, I suggest they think about how artists illuminate their work in galleries and exhibits.5CREATING IMPACT

You want your light to make your exhibit pop. Backlighting is a great way to make your exhibit stand out.6CREATING IMPACT

And while its not fancy, track lighting or other lighting will often do the trick.8CREATING IMPACTLight it up.Brighten it up.

After you light it up, you want to brighten it up.9CREATING IMPACT

Dont be afraid to use bright colors. 10CREATING IMPACT

Color can set your exhibit apart and attract attention.11CREATING IMPACTLight it up.Brighten it up.Tell them what you do.

Your next job is to tell them what you do. 12CREATING IMPACT

Typically, this is done with signs. I dont think there is any doubt that this company can handle your next party and deliver fabulous cakes for any occasion.13CREATING IMPACT

This pharmaceutical company has an island space. Strong signage drives it home.14CREATING IMPACT

We all recognize Hanes. Strong signage with the company name and added visuals of clothing lines throughout their display, spell out, in no uncertain terms, exactly what they do.15CREATING IMPACT

This company sells tools, but not ordinary tools. They clearly sell pink tools designed specifically for women!

16CREATING IMPACTLight it upBrighten it up.Tell them what you do.Tell them who you are.

Thats not to say that you should not tell them who you are. Thats also very important.17CREATING IMPACT

Ford wants to make sure that you know you are in the Ford exhibit and exactly what the Freestar symbolizes.18CREATING IMPACT

This is a great exhibit, but will you remember who they are?19CREATING IMPACT

20You will get a sign with your exhibit. It looks like the one in this photo. I like to think of this sign as something to help you find your exhibit space when moving in. If you have anything better, bring it. If you do not have anything better, have a sign made.CREATING IMPACT

I think you want your sign to reflect who you are. These signs look like framed pieces of art.21CREATING IMPACT

22Backlit signs are great.CREATING IMPACT

And if you sell a known brand, its always good to make those names prominent as well.23CREATING IMPACTLight it up.Brighten it up.Tell them what you do.Tell them who you are.Show them what you do.

After you tell them what you do, and tell them who you are, you want to show them what you do. There are many ways to do that.24CREATING IMPACT

Take a look at this exhibit for a company that sells gutters. What are they selling? Not gutters. They are selling that if you buy their gutters, you do not have to risk your life each fall cleaning out the gutters you have.25CREATING IMPACT

This is an interesting story. This kitchen installer said that every year, show guests would come up to him and say, Im in the market for cabinets, but not the ones youre showing. He would then have to explain that he installs all types of kitchens. Then one year he decided to display two kitchen settings, one very traditional and one very contemporary. His message now, without having to say it, is I can do this, and I can do this, and I can do everything in-between.26CREATING IMPACT

Another way to show people what you do is with photographs. People love photographs.27CREATING IMPACT

28This is part of an exhibit by Patio Enclosures. Each year, they used to build a sunroom in the show. And each year, not unlike the kitchen company, people would say I want a sunroom, but not this one. So they stopped building sunrooms in their exhibit and replaced them with modular units to show all the different types of sunrooms they build.CREATING IMPACT

Ideally, you want to use a combination of product and photographs.29CREATING IMPACTLight it up.Brighten it up.Tell them what you do.Tell them who you are.Show them what you do.Show them how you do it.

Even better than showing people what you do is showing them how you do it. If there is anyway you can demonstrate your product or service, you will get attention.30CREATING IMPACT

Demonstrations for some companies are easier than others.31CREATING IMPACT

32But anything that gives show guests a taste for what you do or what you sell is great. Anything that draws attention, is typically worth the effort.CREATING IMPACT

My definition of demonstration does not necessarily mean youre physically doing something. To me, this furniture company is demonstrating what they do by providing before and after samples.33CREATING IMPACT

This window film company is demonstrating what their product can do.34CREATING IMPACT

Blue Cross Blue Shield wants to answer health questions, and to talk about how they can be of service.35CREATING IMPACT

If you can get people engaged and the opportunity for one on onethat is the best impact. Use the senses.36CREATING IMPACT

Heres an exterminating company that brought all sorts of creepy bugs to the show. Both the kids and the parents loved it.37CREATING IMPACTLight it up.Brighten it up.Tell them what you do.Tell them who you are.Show them what you do.Show them how you do it.Finish it off.

The next thing you want to do is put the finishing touches on your exhibit.38CREATING IMPACT

By that I mean dress it up. If you are a cabinet company, put plates in the cabinets and accessories on the shelves. Let people see what it will look like in their home.39CREATING IMPACT

If you are a landscape company, create a landscape.40CREATING IMPACT

If you sell the latest purses and fashion accessories, give them a selection and place them at all heights. Make it exciting.41CREATING IMPACT

Heres an electronic game that wasnt simply on display. The companys exhibit provided space for people to try the games. Uniforms continued the brand, so that staff members were easy to find.42CREATING IMPACT

Another thing you can do is create a theme. This rug dealer created a Tommy Bahama theme, complete with Tommy Bahama shirts for their salespeople.43CREATING IMPACT

You can work together with other companies to make this happen. This company sells outdoor furniture, so they got together with a landscaper to create an outdoor living environment.44CREATING IMPACT

Heres a kitchen company that got together with an interior designer.45CREATING IMPACTLight it up.Brighten it up.Tell them what you do.Tell them who you are.Show them what you do.Show them how you do it.Finish it off.Make them remember.

The last thing you want to accomplish is to give them something to remember you.46CREATING IMPACT

47For some companies, this may be something the potential customer can take home, like literature. But be careful - two-thirds of brochures just left on counters to pick up are not read or kept. My advice is to hand it to people who show an interest, and do like this lady open it up and show the person why you are giving it to them. Then they will be more likely to keep it.


And while giveaways are good, whats really effective is a cant-miss element in your exhibit. This company is called Lighthouse Construction. 48CREATING IMPACT

Lets say youre a show guest, and you come to the show in part because you need a new air conditioning system. Odds are that you visited each heat and air company at the show. So after the show, they start calling you to follow up. The salesman says, Im with Knight Heat and Air. Were the folks who had the dragon on top of our exhibit. Theres little chance youll mix them up with another company.49CREATING IMPACT

We are the runaway rabbits! Whatever it is, do something to be remembered. Make your exhibit, your services, your smile memorable.50CREATING IMPACT

51Another thing you can do to be remembered is to show them something new or different. This company wanted to reach out and talk with people not familiar with their brands. The offered samples of their healthy food alternatives and organic products, and even conducted exercise classes for guests to participate in. CREATING IMPACT

This exhibitor sells tires. They invited women to get involved in their car maintenance and taught them how to test tire tread. Many women had never had someone show them how to do this, especially not in such a festive atmosphere.52