wk 2 story book


Upload: cheyenne-boss

Post on 05-Aug-2015




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Before I started the MCBS program I wasn’t enrolled in school at all, I had no clue what to do!

I was a new graduate and decided to take a year off. After that year was over, I sat to myself and thought "Okay Cheyenne, what do you want to go for? What career do you think will give you the most fun and success?

I had always thought I wanted to be an actress or movie writer. That is something I still dream of and would love to accomplish!

However I realized that I really just wanted to be apart of the media! As a child I never saw myself being stuck in some boring desk job, working just to live, I wanted to make sure it would be a job I loved.

I desired to be around important people or people who themselves wanted to be something big! Because of that I started to discover my talent in Public Relations and found that I am really good at what I do.

Even though it was not acting or screen writing, it was a feeling I couldn't ignore! Because of that I started looking for schools to attend to get me started, there were no schools in my state that even offered PR.

After some time of research I found Full Sail University and enrolled there, even though I knew I couldn't go on campus just yet, the online program convinced me that I would learn just the same.

I was worried I would be wasting my time and that I wasn't sure if this is what I wanted to do. Until finally I started working with my first local artist and I could see what great job I was doing!

And ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media I discovered my place in this big world!