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Page 1: Without health, life is not life; - Amazon S3 · 2016-11-15 · Without health, life is not life; it is only a state of languor ... tried numerous home remedies, you have likely been
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Without health, life is not life; it is only a state of languor

and suffering - an image of death.Abraham Lincoln

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What’s In…

Welcome to the Fungus Destroyer Protocol!

I am glad you’ve gotten the inspiration of

going ahead and buying this product, and

thus joining the community of happy, healthy

readers, who went exactly through what

you’re going now. Our journey will help you

better understand your condition and it will

guide you to a personalized solution that

will have visible effects within a  few short

days. This will allow you to regain a  youthful

general health in short order.

In order to guide you to a  fungus-free life,

here’s what’s included within the Fungus


a) A clearly explained and easy to follow protocol

b) Recipes so you can plan ahead every move and make sure your treatment succeeds

c) An FAQ series to help you find answers to most of the questions you might have while or after reading the eBook

and… additionally….

e) A printer-friendly short guide, for you to carry with you.

You can download it visiting

again the Members Area,

clicking here. This black and

white little guide will offer

you the essential info you

need to know for following

the protocol and has an

easy to carry with you


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Also, in the next few chapters, I will provide

you with scientific evidence for the treatment

as well as details on how recently conducted

scientific studies apply to your specific situation.

I also want to open my heart to you and tell

you more about specific cases in which people

just like you have found relief in the Fungus

Destroyer Protocol. Because we’re all friends

here and we met due to an unfortunate and

overwhelming condition, I will tell you more

about my tragic personal experience with

fungus. Other members of the community

agreed on sharing their experience and tell you

their stories, hoping that they will help you,

give you more courage and determination to

cure your fungus infection for good! Our goal

here is to successfully accomplish a carefree

life, without itching, redness or pain, without

the dependency to side-effect filled drugs.

If this is a goal that you would also like to

accomplish, you’re in the right place. I  can

help you accomplish it! You can do it! And

I will tell you in the next pages exactly how.

Don’t forget that, anytime you need some help

or you need to talk to someone about your

experience with fungus or the protocol, the

community has a Contact-Me-I’m-Here Group of

volunteers to answer your emails 24 hours a day,

7 days a week. To reach them, simply send an

email to: [email protected].

Thus being said, let’s not waste any time and

carry on.

Here’s to your health,

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication

may be reproduced, distributed, or

transmitted in any form or by any means,

including photocopying, recording, or other

electronic or mechanical methods, without

the prior written permission of the publisher,

except in the case of brief quotations

embodied in critical reviews and certain other

noncommercial uses permitted by copyright


Although the author and publisher have

made every effort to ensure that the

information in this eBook was correct at

press time, the author and publisher do not

assume and hereby disclaim any liability to

any party for any loss, damage, or disruption

caused by errors or omissions, whether such

errors or omissions result from negligence,

accident, or any other cause.

This eBook is not intended as a  substitute

for the medical advice of physicians. The

reader should regularly consult a physician

in matters relating to his/her health and

particularly with respect to any symptoms

that may require diagnosis or medical

attention. The statements presented here

have not been evaluated by the Food and

Drug Administration. Neither the retailer nor

the author are engaged in rendering medical

or similar professional services or advice

via this website or in the product, and the

provided advice is not meant to replace the

professional medical advice.

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Table of contents

3 What’s In…

5 Disclaimer

7 Introduction

17 My Father’s Story: Origins of this Protocol

23 Why This Protocol is so Effective

32 Mark’s Story: Finding Happiness After Fungus

36 The Fungus Destroyer Protocol

48 Anna’s Story of Survival

54 Foods that Boost Effectiveness

61 Andrew’s Story About Learning the Hard Way

66 Recipesfora Healthy,FungusFree Body

83 Frequently Asked Questions

93 Conclusion

95 About the Author

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The latest research proves that your nail or

skin fungal infection has NOTHING to do

with the fungal spores, which that many folks

wrongly believe is to be the root cause.

Instead, what we know as fungal infections

are actually a  condition that is caused by

something that’s breeding in your blood. And

if you don’t do something about it soon, it

might be too late.

The REAL  root cause of your nail or skin

fungus, was finally exposed by using this

special blood investigation device called

“a dark field microscope”.

Your nail or skin fungus in fact, has to

everything to do with something which is

breeding in your blood... and if you don’t do

anything about it... it may be too late.

I was driven to pursue my investigation

because I  had patients whose nail fungus

eventually led to blood poisoning and liver

failure. It was devastating and it happened

simply because I was not aware of this

lifesaving information you are about to learn


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The fact is that you should NEVER, EVER

ignore a nail or skin fungal infection because

the infection is actually only the physical

manifestation of something much more

serious going on inside your body. Make no

mistake — aby ignoring it, you are ignoring

the symptom for something much worse.

Moreover, in Fungus Destroyer Protocol

eBook, I will share with you the tragic story

from someone very dear to me, someone

who suffered from toe fungus assumed that

it was merely an unsightly condition that had

no real impact on their health. Because this

person let the condition go untreated except

for taking antifungals from Big Pharma, they

eventually needed a  liver transplant.

But I’m not just going to share with you only

the latest research and personal stories.

I’m also going to give you the solution that could one day save your life!

This breakthrough cure is actually a  simple

antifungal protocol that was developed by

a  famous Chinese doctor. And, as incredible

as it may sound, this solution cures ANY

fungal infection that ails you within just 12

hours. This includes all fungal infections from

nails, to skin, to internal infections, and it

works even if you have suffered from the

fungal infection for 20 years or more.

This solution has already been medically

proven to work in 99,7% of cases. Moreover,

it has been used successfully by more than

forty-one thousand folks and counting. And

best of all, this solution doesn’t involve taking ANY nauseating drugs, expensive laser treatments or painful surgery. This is why

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the $13 billion antifungal industry is fighting

tooth and nail to keep this solution hidden

from you. This large pharmaceutical companies

have been outraged by the fact that this

simple solution has begun to leak out.

So, even if you have visited multiple

conventional doctors and naturopathic healers,

even if you have taken strong antifungals and

tried numerous home remedies, you have likely

been disappointed with the results just like

so many other people. That’s because these

solutions are either merely treating a  symptom

of what is really wrong with you or they are

not effectively treating anything at all. The solution I will provide you with is a complete solution that is all natural and safe.

First off, I want you to understand that

I  know very well what you are going through.

If you are reading this eBook, it means that

you are looking for relief from a  fungal

infection. Well, guess what? You’ve found

it! I  know because, I  have spent the last

thirty years of my life studying nothing but

fungal infections. We are taught to think

of them as no big deal but I’m here to tell

you, that’s not the whole truth. If you suffer

from debilitating fungal infection just like

thousands of Americans do, this eBook can

change your life. You see, these infections

can last for years and cause you to suffer

the embarrassment of thick nails and dealing

with a bad case of jock itch. Not only does

this make you feel miserable, it affects the

quality of your life. If you suffer from even

a minor fungal infection, you may have to

constrain your activities, even if you’ve always

been an active person. This means that you

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will probably miss out on all sorts of family

events. If left untreated, it will likely to the

point where it can even threaten your life.

For anyone who relates to stories like these

and who has spent even a minute of their

life suffering from a  fungal infection, this

eBook will be eye-opening and life-changing.

I’m confident of this because I  have seen

with my own eyes the information contained

in this eBook completely transform the

lives of people and make it possible for

them to enjoy all the things that they had

been missing out on. I  understand exactly

what you are going through and I want to

help you feel good and lead an active life.

Therefore, I will be your guide through this

experience and I  introduce you to information

that will free you from the misery that comes

with a  severe fungal infection. I will show you

how to heal your body from the inside out,

all naturally, and without the dangerous side

effects that come with other treatments.

However, right from the outset, I will urge you

to be patient and read everything in this eBook

very attentively before you start your protocol.

I’m sure you will have some questions right from the start.

f Is this really going to work for me?

f How long should I wait?

f Why did you write this eBook?

f Is this protocol going to be expensive?

All of these are very good questions and

I  am sure you are anxious and curios about

what comes next. Moreover, I’m the first

to admit that you have every reason to

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be cautious and I  understand every single

emotion you might have related to the claims

I make in this eBook. Everyone I  have ever

met who has spent a  lifetime suffering from

chronic fungal infections has also spent

a  lifetime looking for relief. For most of

these people, this quest has generally led

to a  lot of disappointment. However, when

I  introduced them to the Fungus Destroyer system, a highly-customizable protocol for beating all types of fungus, and I  have only

seen success.

So, let me begin with some answers:

f The Fungus Destroyer is dedicated to those who are determined to permanently eliminate their environmental fungi of all types… you name it.

f The system is a permanent cure and, generally, you will begin to feel relief within 48 hours. If you do not see any difference, don’t get discouraged. Be patient and continue the system protocols as specified until you have completed it.

f And side effects? No way. Every single item in this system is natural and healthy. The actual secret behind this system lays in the combination of the foods you are going to eat each day and the natural substances you apply to any affected areas. This is the key to why this system is so successful. It doesn’t rely on pumping chemicals into your body but, rather, changing the chemical makeup of your body naturally just by making yourself healthier.

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f All the foods that you will find in the following pages are easy to find in any supermarket or grocery store and are not particularly expensive either. In fact, you probably eat many of them already. What’s important is the daily quantity and the other foods you consume them with. This system will allow you to quickly eliminate ANY environmental fungus that you may suffer from — permanently! I know it sounds amazing but it is true.

The truth is that fungi affect millions of people

in the United States alone — the poor souls

who suffer from chronic fungal infections such

as used to be the case for me, the fungus is

a dreaded experience in which symptoms are

not just inconvenient, they are debilitating.

But these legions of adults, fungi are so

severe it interferes with their quality of life.

The fungi — whatever it is that sets off the

symptoms — may affect them more severely

than others and may be harder to avoid.

Defining a  «severe» fungal infection and

pinpointing how many people are affected,

can be difficult. However, the Fungus

Destroyer will present you with proven

techniques to relieve your symptoms not

temporarily, but permanently.

The scary truth is that anyone can get

a  fungal infection, even people who are

healthy in every other way. That’s because

there are thousands of kinds of fungi in the

environment, and people are told that they

get it by coming in contact with fungal

spores. However, these infections are actually

the result of an underlying illness, not fungal

spores. And especially when it comes to

people with weak immune systems, these

infections are much more likely to be deadly.

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Infections that happen because a person’s

immune system is weak are called

opportunistic infections. These illnesses

might be caused by more than 300 causes.

And just like a predator kills the weakest

of the pack first, many fungal infections are

opportunistic infections.

Some people are born with a weak immune

system. Others may have an illness that

attacks the immune system such as patients

suffering from HIV/AIDS.  In other cases,

some medications, like corticosteroids or

cancer chemotherapy, can also lower the

body’s ability to fight infections, thus leading

to fungal infections.

If you suffer from a weakened immune system, you should be aware that fungal infections can are a  constant danger if you

don’t take the right precautions to protect your body. If you are educated about the

true nature of this danger, you might even

be more adept at knowing how to fight off

these fungal infections than even your doctor

recognizes. This may be just what you need

to prevent serious complications.


With all the other serious health dangers out

there, like diabetes and cancer, having a  rash

on the back of your arm or a yellowed nail

from toenail fungus might seem like it is pretty

insignificant. Since toenail fungus usually isn’t

painful, most people put off seeking treatment

because they figure there are more important

things to worry about. While most people

assume that they are otherwise healthy and

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may just think of it as a cosmetic problem.

However, it’s important to understand that

ignoring a  fungus-infected toenail could have

health consequences that goes far beyond

appearances. In fact, there are several potential

complications from fungal infections.

Body pain. Over time, a nail or a  spot on your

skin that is infected with fungus can be0come

thick and misshapen, causing pain. It can even

make it difficult to move when wearing shoes

or clothing over the affected area.

Spread of the fungus. Often times, untreated

fungus can spread to the surrounding skin.

If this happens on your feet, this may result

in athlete’s foot, a  condition marked by

itchy, red, cracked skin. If you wear shoes

and socks all day and one of your toenails

is infected, it can spread very easily because

fungus thrives in

a warm, dark, moist

environment. But

the problem doesn’t

stop at the ground

level. In fact, the

fungus can also

spread to your genitals, where it becomes

jock itch. This is a  condition that can affect

both men and women.

Widespread infection. This complication of

an untreated fungal infection is of particular

concern for people

with diabetes

and other chronic

conditions that will

cause your immune

system to weaken.

For example, if

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a  toenail fungus spreads to the skin and

causes it to crack, bacteria can get in and

cause additional infections. And if that is not

bad enough, this

may cause cellulitis,

a condition that

produces swollen,

red, tender skin. If

this happens, the

infected area must be treated with antibiotics.

In severe cases of cellulitis, the infection often

enters the bloodstream. Once this happens,

it can be deadly. Just think of it, this can all

start from a  simple fungal infection

Loss of nails. If you have toenails that

are infected with fungus and you leave it

untreated, it can separate from the nail bed.

This is a condition known as onycholysis. If

this happens, the loose portion of the nail

will have to be removed because there is no

way to reattach it.

However, even if

an infected toenail

doesn’t become

loose, it may still

need to be removed

if the fungus doesn’t go away with traditional

treatments. In this case, the most common

procedure called an avulsion is used to remove

the entire nail. In extreme cases, the nail is

removed permanently through a procedure

called a matrixectomy. This destroys the

growing center at the base of the nail, either

surgically or chemically, so it won’t grow back.

Here’s the bad part. The only medical cures

that you are going to get from your doctor

are either ineffective or poisonous to your

system. While it is true that Big Pharma has

come up with chemicals such as Lamisil,

they don’t seem to mind that their product

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also has the ability to kill the patient, which

would make it much worse than the infection

itself. Just think about that for a moment.

You get an illness that has a  less than 18% chance of killing you and you cure it by taking a chemical that has a better than 31% chance of damaging vital organs. That is completely insane. Only a  crazy person would

take that kind of chance to gain so much less

than what you are risking, knowing the odds.

I’m sure you have many other questions

and, because of that, after you read the

eBook. Although I  have tried to address

all the information in a  complete manner,

I  understand that there is always more

to learn. However, if you do have further

questions, you can always contact one of our

fungal fighting team members at

[email protected].

Additionally, you will find a  question and

answer section with the most frequently

asked questions that users of Fungus

Destroyer have addressed to me so far.

I  have provided clarifications in clear and

simple answers to set your mind at ease.

In the meantime, let’s begin this journey of

education and relief from fungal infections. As

you will see, in the next pages, I will give you all

the info you need to better understand yourself

and your fungal problems. This system is

designed to be flexible and adaptable to people

with different needs. In designing this system,

I never lost sight of the fact that it has to

make people happy as well as healthy, without

constraining them. So, I am extremely confident

that you will find the answer to all your fungus

related questions as well as your personalized

fungus solution, in the next few chapters.

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My Father’s Story: Origins of this Protocol

For the last thirty years, I  have spent every

single moment of my professional career

researching this one single disease: fungal


You see... for me, it became personal.

In 1992, when I was 24 years old and enrolled

in a  top medical school, I watched my father

develop severe foot fungus on both feet.

It started as an innocent yellow nail. Soon

after, all the nails started changing color and

became brittle. And then the fungus began

spreading. Eventually it was so bad that

he even found it difficult to walk. It broke

my heart to see him unable to even enjoy

a simple stroll in the park with my mom and

he missed did miss it dearly.

Soon, the nail fungus had become so

unbearable that he even developed

problems sleeping because of it. He was

tossing and turning all night, unable to sleep

even for 10 minutes straight. He tried all

the popular remedies and, because I  was

in medical school at the time, we would

spend hours talking about the progress of

his condition. It was incredibly frustrating

because nothing seemed to be working.

Right from the start, all his efforts seemed

to be in vain.

In the end, his nails were completely gone.

The fungus had won. But what’s worse is that

he also started developing other seemingly

‘unrelated’ conditions. He began losing his

hair and he also developed a  severe dandruff

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problem. On top of all that, he began to

develop skin lesions on his neck and back.

At that time, his doctors never imagined

that all of these symptoms were actually

connected. They simply prescribed him

Lamisil as an oral medication to treat the

toe fungus, along with a host of other

medications like antibiotics to treat his

psoriasis. This turned out to be a HUGE


For a brief time, it seemed like the drugs

were helping to reverse the disease. But then

the side effects began to kick in. My father

started to suffer from fevers and sudden

chills throughout the day. Then he began

having problems eating, because sores were

invading his throat. It was awful and I  still

wince just thinking about how he suffered.

I recall that, at one point, he began to lose

an average of 8 pounds in a week. He was

withering away and he looked like a  shadow

of the man he used to be. The light in his

eyes then began to fade away, and he was

constantly complaining of feeling exhausted.

Then one day, he suddenly felt a  sharp

stomach pain, and went to the toilet. To his

horror, the urine came out dark. We rushed

him to the doctor and he was informed that

he had jaundice and that his liver was failing.

He needed a  liver transplant soon, or his life

will was in danger.

You see, the drug cocktail that his doctor had

prescribed was destroying his liver. Looking

at him lying on the hospital bed, with the

blood gone from his face and an IV needle

stuck in each hand, I was furious to think that

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this all had all come about because of some

nail fungus.

But the worst was yet to come. Because he

was a  little older, my father was listed as

a  “low priority” on the transplant list, and there

was a huge line of younger people in front

of him who also needed a  liver. So, while we

hopelessly waited, my dad’s liver problem kept

worsening. Soon, he began to retain fluid under

his skin. The condition began taking a  toll on

his mind and he experienced several dementia-

like episodes. Eventually, the doctors just

gave up on him and shipped him to a county

hospital to die. Eventually, he was given Last

Rites, and in just a  few weeks, he passed on.

This may seem like an extreme case, and it

was. But, in this Fungus Destroyer, I’m going

to prove to you that this was not an isolated

case. You may not be aware of it, but many

other people have had similar experiences

when dealing with what they initially thought

was a harmless fungal infection.

When my father died, I went through a  turmoil

of emotions. I grieved with a heavy heart. But

I also felt something else. I  felt MAD. I was

extremely angry at the irresponsible doctor

for prescribing such a dangerous drug cocktail

to my father. It destroyed his liver and killed

him. I was mad at how my dad was not given

a second chance at life just because of his age.

And I was mad at myself because I had been

unable to do anything to help my father, even

though I was a medical student.

My entire life became an obsession over finding a cure to this deadly fungal infection.

After all, I was a promising medical student at

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that time, always being in the top 10% of the


This was an event that changed my life. On

the weekends, I  began spending every waking

hour researching the causes and the potential

cures for fungal infections like the one that

had led to the death of my father. I was

obsessed. But even more than that, I was

shocked at what I  learned.

Even though it is almost never mentioned as

a major health problem, fungal infections are

a devastating disease that affects more than 30

million Americans. And the more research I did,

the more I could not believe what I was learning.

You see, what I kept noticing was that all of

the university money out devoted to fungus

research, along with all the academic studies,

and even all the peer reviewed papers that were

being published ignored or skewed the results

of their own scientific tests. In fact, everything

seemed to be geared to the Big Pharmaceutical

corporations and promoting their latest drugs.

This wouldn’t be a big deal if these drugs were

actually safe and effective. But the fact is that

that’s not the case at all. All these Drugs — as

I  know from what happened to my father —

produce dangerous side effects that are

proven to poison and kill you in the long run.

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Allow me to quote from that notice:

“The purpose of today’s FDA Public Health Advisory is to alert healthcare professionals to serious risks associated with the use of Sporanox and Lamisil [...] Both Sporanox and Lamisil have been associated with serious liver problems resulting in liver problems and death.”

The implications of this notice should make

your hair stand on end. What they are telling

you right there in black and white is that the

cure they want you to pay good money for so

they can line their pockets is actually poison

that can kill you.

In fact, below are some of the actual

warnings that the drug companies put on

their own drugs that are meant to treat

people with fungal infections:

“May cause extremely high morning blood pressure [...] the kind that may lead to strokes/heart attacks in bed.

May cause insomnia, nausea, headaches, joint pain, internal bleeding, impotence, dark urine, which may indicate liver problems

May cause head chills, leg tingling, rash on leg and arm, elevated blood pressure

May lead to Parkinson’s disease, neurological problems, blindness”

I have to tell you, it made my blood boil! It

made me sick to think that the doctors that

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I  admired and trusted with the life of my

father were partly responsible for engaging

in these disgusting business practices all to

promote ineffective and dangerous drugs put

out by Big Pharma.

But it was true then, and it is true now: Big

Pharma controls EVERYTHING that is being


In fact, the major pharmaceutical companies

are actually the top contributors to academic

fungal research. And because they are

the ones with all the cash, they’re the ones

making all the rules!

What this meant to me personally, as

a medical student, was that I was training

to be nothing more than just another one

of their little “worker ants”, with our medical

degrees and the trust that patients have in

us. Well, I was determined not to be part

of this system. Instead, I was determined to

find a  treatment that was safe and effective.

It was my way to redeem myself after the

death of my father. If I  could do that, then he

would not have died in vain.

Well, I’m proud to say that I  succeeded. And

this eBook is the culmination of those efforts.

It contains information that will allow you

to get rid of your fungal infection for good

without destroying your body. I’d like to think

that dear ol’ dad would be proud.

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Why This Protocol is so Effective

Here’s a good question: Why do majority of the people who suffer from fungal infections are older folks? I mean, the statistic is

stunning: Over thirty million Americans suffer

from toe and nail fungal infection. They are

so contagious that you can supposedly get it

by simply walking barefoot at the pool, the

beach, public showers or locker rooms. In fact,

you can get it anytime you get in contact

with someone who has it. Not only that, nail

fungus can sometimes live on objects for up

to 12 months. And even though fully 10

percent of Americans suffer from this disease,

you are much more likely to develop a  fungus

problem after the age of 45.

But here is the important question that

we should all be asking: Shouldn’t anyone

who got in contact with the spores get infected? I mean, fungal

spores are literally

everywhere. If the

medical establishment

was so sure they

knew the cause of this

type of infection, their

explanation should

make sense. However, their explanation does

not make any statistical sense.

I’ll tell you the reason why that is. The fact is,

any nail fungal infection has very little to do

with fungal spores, or surface infection and

has everything to do with your immunity and

allowing pathogens to breed in your blood.

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A healthy body generally can’t catch nail or skin fungus but for, if your body is acting like a  ‘pathogen breeding ground’ with a weak immune system, you are statistically much more likely to get it. That is also the

reason why it is extremely difficult to cure

nail or skin fungus. Many folks have been

living with this condition not just for years,

but for DECADES.

If you think this is amazing, what you are

about to read may make you cry with joy

because it has already been the magic key to

curing fungus infections permanently for more

than 41,000 people.

While doing my research, I  began to out

to other doctors (including naturopathic

surgeons) and other medical researchers who

have expertise on this subject. One of the

research associates

from Harvard Medical

School referred

me to an 83-year-

old Chinese doctor

who used to teach

as a professor in

a medical school

in California. However, today he is living in

China, working as a doctor. His name is Dr.

Jiang Xi Liu.

Now, you probably never heard of Dr. Jiang,

but he’s kind of a celebrity doctor to almost

a billion people in China, which, in a way,

makes him more famous than Brad Pitt.

When the sick are backed to a corner and

conventional medicine can offer no more hope,

the Chinese people go to Dr. Jiang for help.

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I got in touch with Dr. Jiang, and flew over

to his place in Nanjing, China to meet him.

Dr. Jiang said he was 83 years old, yet he

looked like he was barely in his sixties and

he was full of energy. We started talking, and

I  soon became deeply interested in his story.

Dr. Jiang was once a professor in a medical

school. However, he was skeptical of the

mainstream view of conventional medicine. He

had come to believe that while conventional

medicine has its purpose, alternative medicine

(including his specialty, Chinese medicine)

also has its uses as well. He set about trying

to combine the two fields together, to help

the patient heal in a  complete sense — mind,

body, and soul. The problem was that this

‘unique’ view caused many other conventional

doctors in communist China to shun him.

He left the medical school, and moved back

to his hometown in Nanjing, China to start his

own practice. He started building a  reputation

by identifying the causes and prevention

of almost every disease. He was frequently

published in Chinese medical journals, and

invited to speak at the top Chinese medical

universities such as Peking Union Medical

College and Nanjing University of Chinese


After sharing what I  had discovered about

nail and skin fungus being a  symptom of

a  systemic infection, Dr. stated:

“Most doctors just treat the superficial symptoms, and think it’s the root cause. But in reality, it all starts from the inside”.

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Then Dr. Jiang also — raised another question

that left the crowd in stunned silence. The


“If fungus spores are everywhere, and it is so infectious, then why would people have just one nail or a  few nails affected, and not all of them on the same hand?”

This was not just a question that Dr. Jiang

pulled out of the air. It was a problem that

he had been ruminating on for a  long time.

Here is the explanation he came up with:

As you already know, fungus growth is

actually a  symptom, not the root cause

of any infection. And any waste products

outside in nature attract bacteria and fungi.

Therefore, the root cause of the infection must be inside the body.

Body waste deposits in any of the parts of

the body leads to the same result, whether

it be in the toes, or hands. This is a well-

documented fact in Chinese medicine. For

example, if the large toes have fungus,

this directly relates to an internal infection.

Namely, to liver and spleen congestion. The

second and third toes relate directly to the

stomach and pancreas, the fourth one to the

gallbladder, and the small toe to the urinary

bladder. This is documented fact people!

To clear a  fungus, you have to clear out the

waste from the main organs and systems,

so that there is no extra fungal, or bacterial

activity. This also goes for any other parts

of the body. Applying topical remedies on

your toenail fungus or skin fungus will do

absolutely nothing for it.

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This is because all fungi and parasites MUST be destroyed INTERNALLY first, before you can worry about treating any unsightly blemish on the outside. If you only treat the blemish, the symptoms will return.

Next, Dr. Jiang discovered how to

permanently cure fungal infection, no matter

which part of the body is infected. The man

was basically a medical genius and through

sheer force of will, he came up with the only

effective natural fungal cure in the world

today. This is how he thought the problem

through to come up with his breakthrough


STEP 1: Doctor Jiang decided

that one must first eliminate the

internal fungal activity using natural

antifungals. These remedies work do

their job without any side effects. This is quite

unlike Lamisil, which can kill you.

Don’t worry, Dr. Jiang didn’t come up

with some obscure herb, or some odd

medicine that you need to go to get from

a  specialized Chinese medicine store. He

knew that the richest people in the world

were Americans and so he wanted to make

sure that his cure was appropriate for the

American market. Therefore, he made sure

that the ingredients in his Fungus Destroyer

Protocol can be found in any American


The most important of the antifungals that

Doctor Jiang identified can be found over

the counter at your local drug store. It’s

called ‘activated charcoal’. This substance

acts like a  ‘net’ that binds to fats and other

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things in your gut, and excrete them in your

stool. And one of the things they bind to

is fungal cell wall components, as well as

toxins, which are very good at re-entering

the colon.

Now, these fungal cells can circulate almost

indefinitely, and you can never really get

rid of them. So helping excrete them will

significantly help your body to heal your nail

or skin fungus. In fact, that’s an important

clue because that it tells you the fungal

infection isn’t caused by some kind of a  skin

infection, but that it is actually caused as

a  result of an internal systemic infection that’s

producing circulating toxins.

Remember, Dr. Jiang’s unique combination of

antifungals is proven to eliminate more than

60% of toxins on the first try.

STEP 2: Heal the damaged organ

with the essential nutrients, and

supercharge your immune system.

It may come as a  surprise to

some, but the body is always

trying to heal itself. In medical terms, it’s in

a  state of ceaseless regeneration.

Cells are always dying, but they are always

also constantly regenerating. Without this, the

miracle of the human body will would not exist.

However, the body of some folks cannot

do the healing job because of these toxins

and fungal infections. In scientific terms,

regenerative processes can only be overcome

by degenerative ones.

This means that only specialized nutrition

can nudge the body back into balance with

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vitamin, minerals, specific micronutrients and

allow the body’s natural healing process

to kick in. For example, if your liver is

diseased, Dr. Jiang discovered that the proper

prescription is a  special combination of food

and herbs. This mix of ingredients that have

has been found, both in research, as well as in

his practice, to stimulate the regeneration of

liver mass and function.

For example, licorice, or specifically the

compound Glycyrrhizin that is found within

it, is used to treat inflammation mainly in the

liver has antiviral as well as antitumor effects,

and improves liver function.

Another ingredient in the protocol for liver

cleansing and healing is Carvacrol, the

active ingredient in oregano. Not only is it

antifungal and antibacterial, in the medical

journal Phytomedicine, there was a  study on

the possible effects of Carvacrol obtained

from oregano oil on liver regeneration

after liver surgery or hepactectomy. The

researcher found that the liver regeneration

increased significantly for the subjects given

the oregano oil compared to the ones in the

control group.

Dr. Jiang also discovered what specifically to

look out for when looking searching for

Carvacrol. In fact, his dying words were,

“Never get the capsules!”

STEP 3: Apply natural topical

solutions to heal the wounds faster.

This is the last step if you want to

heal your nail fungus or any other

type of fungal infection fast.

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Specifically for nails, Dr. Jiang recommends

an incredibly effective ‘footbath’ for brittle

nails, comprising of apple cider vinegar,

beer, olive oil, and 4 other powerful

ingredients. Beer is also a  great source

of nail friendly minerals like potassium,

phosphorus and selenium, along with biotin,

which are all essential for strong and

perfectly healthy nails.

And apple cider vinegar is loaded with

minerals like iron, calcium, potassium and

magnesium, all of which are essential crucial

for re-growing stronger and thicker nails in

no time.

Olive oil helps in moisturizing the dry and

chipped nails cuticles from within.


I decided that I  had to see Dr. Jiang to pick

his brain about his views on the most effective

and easy way to cure fungal infections at

the source. I  traveled to China and made an

appointment to visit Dr. Jiang at his clinic.

I quickly discovered that usually Dr. Jiang

gives each patient a personalized prescription

after a visit to his clinic in Nanjing, China.

He says he does this because he needs

to do a  thorough examination first before

telling you exactly what to do take. But after

a  long conversation between two medical

professionals at the top of their game,

I persuaded Dr. Jiang to do the impossible.

Frankly, I was a bit embarrassed for insisting

so much. First, I  asked him to create

a  step-by-step program, that would allow

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even the most ordinary folks like you and

me to examine ourselves, and create the

personalized protocol we need to cure our

fungal the infection.

He looked at me like he wanted to punch me

right in the nose and said a firm “NO”.

Through an interpreter that I had hired, he

told me that diagnosing and prescribing is not

meant for anyone, aside from trained doctors

and medical professionals. But then I  told him

the story of my father. I broke down crying

and argued with him that doctors are humans

as well too and that anyone given the right

information can become their own ‘doctor’. He

stood there thinking about this. It was not the

‘communist’ way, to allow individuals to think

free thoughts. But the incredible possibilities of

what I was talking about began to seep through

the twisted political ideas he’d grown up with.

After I  told him that this could help

thousands of folks who probably will

never heard of him will probably never get

a chance to hear about him, or afford to

come to his clinic to get rid this terrible

disease, he grumbled and finally said “YES”.

So we got down to work and after 3 months

and hundreds of lab tests, the natural solution

that we had all hoped for was finally born.

We called it the ‘Fungus Destroyer Protocol.’

It’s the only scientifically proven way to

destroy any fungal infection permanently.

The following chapter will teach you

everything you need to know to destroy your

fungus the healthy way and be fungus free

for the rest of your life.

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Mark’s Story: Finding Happiness After Fungus

Mark is a 53-year-old from Tulsa. I  found his story inspiring and I’m sure you will to:

My experience with fungus began with

a  feeling I  tried to ignore: I  knew that

something wasn’t right. My wife knew, too.

I was exercising at the gym quite often,

trying to tone my abs. That’s probably

where I  picked it up initially. And although

my stomach was flat, my upper chest was

bulging. There were small red sores around

my neck. My wife told me repeatedly that

I  had similar sores on my back, probably

because whatever it was seemed to be

spreading. I was 50 years old at the time.

After Christmas that year, I  discovered that

one of my toenails had gotten thick and

yellow. That change concerned me, and those

words — something isn’t right — became

louder in my mind. I went to see our regular

doctor, a general practitioner, and at the end

of our visit I  asked him, “By the way, what

are these sores by my throat?”

My doctor knew right away that something

wasn’t right, and he knew not to ignore that

knowledge. He told me I had a  fungal infection

and prescribed some pills for me to take. Two

days later I ended up in the hospital. Tissue

samples were taken from one of the spots under

one of my arms, and I also had to drink a  lot of

water to flush the poisonous medicine out. The

results were sent to my general practitioner, and

he told me to come see him. He told me that

he was fairly certain I had the nastiest case of

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ringworm he had ever seen. He said he would

arrange for me to see a dermatological specialist

at a  local hospital. I  left the office as soon as

I could to call my wife.

That phone call was when the shock hit me.

Saying out loud, “I have fungus,” made it real.

Those were words I had never expected to say.

Something is right

My wife had seen an advertisement for the

Fungus Destroyer protocol on the internet

and decided to give it a  try. She reasoned

that because I  had already ended up in the

hospital for one of these treatments, they

might not be right for me. To this day,

I  believe that my wife’s decision to get the

Fungus Destroyer Protocol was one of the

best things that has ever happened to me.

When my wife and I  began to look over the

protocol, we immediately felt that something

was right. By now we knew better than to

ignore feelings like this. During that first visit

to the doctor, I was impressed by how much

he seemed to know about fungus but in

the end, his treatment almost killed me. The

Fungus Destroyer Protocol was clearly not

like this. No one was trying to hide anything,

and the author was blunt and to the point.

And after going through the Fungus

Destroyer Protocol for 10 days, it was time

to begin the next stage of treatment. That is,

I  knew that I  had to change the way I  gave

me body its nutrients. I  could no longer

eat fast food every day and gulp down all

different kinds of processed foods. It was

time to start taking care of myself.

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Getting over the fear

The treatment was what I would call “user

friendly.” I  didn’t have to go out and spend

a  ton of money, and I was able to continue

my work as an airplane mechanic. The fungus

troubles did inhibit my ability to walk around

in public without a  shirt for a while, but my

workplace made adjustments.

Between the support systems I  got

with the 24-hour support, as well as the

understanding of people at home, and at

work, going through fungus treatment never

felt overwhelming. My quality of life remained

fairly good. The activated charcoal was not

my favorite thing to drink, mostly due to its

color, and there were times when it didn’t

look so good coming out the other side, but

it stopped the fungal activity in my body,

I  can tell you that. Aside from just after the

first time I  drank it, I  did not experience

any nausea. My senses of taste has changed

a  little and I’m always on the lookout for

a good healthy recipe, but I  continue to call

the Health Support Team to take care of

these very minor issues.

I was scared at first. But Dr. Grant Anderson

did a good job in his writing to set me at

east by explaining everything I  needed to

know. His confidence combined with his

kindness somehow assured me that the

treatment would work.

Also, trusting in the Contact-Me-I’m-Here

Group was vital to my recovery. Those guys

were willing to take the time to listen to me

and answer any questions I  had. The people

there make it a  truly special place. They were

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with me every step of the way. The quality of

the care provided was outstanding.

I was also blessed to have my wife by my

side. She was always there for me. She

was never angry or upset, and she never

showed signs that she was disgusted by my

ringworm. She focused on what she needed

to do and protected me from anything

negative coming in my direction. She was

with me every step of the way.

Making my choice

People who suffer from fungal infections

should understand that we have the right to

choose treatments and be part of the decision

making process. With the Fungus Destroyer

Protocol, even if your doctor disagrees with

you, this is the right treatment for you.

My will to have healthy skin again saw me

through this difficult time. I want to continue

to be fungus free for my son, for my wife, for

our life together. My son was in college when

I  got ringworm. I  didn’t want him to have

to worry about me when he was studying.

Today I  have very healthy skin and can

do whatever work and play I want. In fact,

because I’m eating better, I’m more active

and I  look great. I’m back on the golf course,

back in the garden. We are busy at home

and have things we want to do. We are living

our lives, and I  couldn’t ask for anything

better than that.

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The Fungus Destroyer Protocol

Now I will give you the complete the

protocol that will allow you to live a  fungus-

free life. It’s a  specific day-by-day guide.

This is hugely important, because not only is

dosage important, but consuming the right

nutrients at the right time is the only way

to get essential combinations of nutrients to

your organs when it matters the most.

This program that Dr. Jiang and I  have

come up with will supercharge your immune

system, heal your damaged organs, and

regenerate your toes and skin.

It is important to remember that the solution

I  am proposing is completely natural and

side effect free. On top of all that, it’s your

first and only real chance at destroying your

fungal infection while regaining the freedom

and the peace of mind that you’ve been

denied for months, years or even decades of

your life. All it takes is 10 minutes a day and

the fungus will be gone forever.

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GOAL: To internally eliminate the fungal infection and toxins from within.

Activated charcoal is a potent natural

treatment that is used to trap toxins and

chemicals in the body, thus allowing them to

be flushed out so the body doesn’t reabsorb

them. This substance is made from a variety

of sources, but when used for natural healing,

it’s important to choose activated charcoal

that has been made from coconut shells or

other natural sources.

Activated charcoal works by trapping toxins

and unwanted chemicals in millions of tiny

pores. It’s important to understand that

activated charcoal doesn’t absorb the toxins.

Instead it works through the chemical process

of adsorption. In the body, absorption is

the reaction of elements such as nutrients,

chemicals and toxins, soaked up and

assimilated into the blood stream. Adsorption

is the chemical reaction where elements

bind to a  surface. There is no substance that

is better suited to this task than activated


The porous surface of activated charcoal

has a  negative electric charge that causes

positive charged toxins and gases to bond

with it. The nooks and crannies in this

substance are created through a  heating

process. It’s important to understand that

activated charcoal is not like the charcoal

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used in your barbecue grill! Barbecue charcoal is loaded with toxins and chemicals, and should NEVER be consumed. When it comes to healing your fungal

infections, you should only use certified

active charcoal.

How Do I Use Activated Charcoal?

Activated charcoal is a powder that can be

dissolved in water or you can take capsules

filled with it. By its very nature, charcoal

does not lend itself to being a dangerous

overdose. Because charcoal is neither

digested nor absorbed in your gastro-

intestinal tract, there is therefore no way of

overdosing on activated charcoal.

Whenever you take activated charcoal, it’s

imperative to drink 12-16 glasses of water

per day. Activated charcoal is a  substance

that draws out toxins from your body, sure,

but it also draws out water and it can lead

to dehydration if you don’t drink adequate

amounts of water in tandem. In addition, the

water helps to flush out the toxins quickly

and prevents constipation experienced by

some individuals.

Regular use of activated charcoal can remove

many types of unwanted toxins from your

body, leaving you feeling renewed and more

vibrant — often in just minutes! Activated

charcoal helps unwanted fungus move

through your system faster before they

spread and multiply, helping you feel better

faster. In addition, activated charcoal  flushes

out fungal spores from your system,

sometimes for decades.

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Where Can I Find Activated Charcoal?

Although you may have never heard of it,

activated charcoal is a  health promotion

substance that is readily available. You can

find it in either powder or capsule form at

most health food stores, pharmacies, and

even Wal-Mart. You can also order it over

the Internet from many alternative health



GOAL: To heal internal organs.

Dr. Jiang taught me that most of the

supplements out there are nothing but

garbage, or ‘sugar pills’. Sugar . . . that’s

nothing but poison to begin with. The latest

investigation by the FDA finds uncovered

that the majority of herbal supplements

at GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, and Target

don’t contain what they claim - instead

they are made up of cheap fillers like are

filled with cheap wheat and soy powder.

However, if you take an effective form of

the nutrient, you ensure the effectiveness

of the protocol and this leads to successful

results. This is simply because your body

is able to absorb the nutrients. This

completely destroys the fungus, ensuring

that it will not come back. Here are the

nutrients that you need to consume during

Step 2:

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Vitamin A helps regulate the immune system and protects from future

fungal infections by keeping skin and tissues in the mouth, stomach,

intestines and respiratory system healthy. Get this immune-boosting

vitamin from foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, red bell

peppers, apricots, eggs or foods labeled «vitamin A fortified,» such as milk or


Recommended Daily Allowance: 70 milligrams

Food options rich in this nutrient include (see later chapter for recipes):Arugula Salad with Olives & Pecans [vegetarian] (2 cups)

Paleo Sweet Potato Waffles (1 waffle)Prosciutto Egg Cups (2 cups)

Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Indian Spice [vegetarian] (2 cups)

Vitamin E works as an antifungal agent, neutralizes free radicals and may

improve immune function. Include vitamin E in your diet with fortified

cereals, sunflower seeds, almonds, vegetable oils (such as sunflower or

safflower oil), hazelnuts, peanut butter or spinach.

Recommended Daily Allowance: 30 milligrams

Food options rich in this nutrient include (see later chapter for recipes):Graham Crackers (4 crackers per serving)

Homemade Paleo Chocolate Bars (1 2-inch square per serving)Homemade Peanut Butter Cups (2 cups per serving)

Ultimate Oatmeal (2 cups)


Zinc helps the immune system work properly and may help infections

heal faster. Zinc can be found in lean meat, poultry, seafood, milk, whole

grain products, beans and nuts.

Recommended Daily Allowance: 50 milligrams

Food options in this nutrient include (see later chapter for recipes):Asparagus Omelet (2 eggs)

Black Bean and Mango Salad [vegetarian] (2 cups)German Pancakes (2 pancakes)

Lamb Burgers with Kalamata Olives (8 oz.)Pan Roasted Wild Salmon with Olives (8 oz.)

“Secret Ingredient” Meatloaf (8 oz.)


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GOAL: To heal outward signs of the fungal infection.

In order to cure the outward appearance of

fungal infections, use the treatment below

using a  variety of very specific substances.

For topical solutions, you can use a  ball of

cotton to gently massage the substance

into the affected area. This method should

be practiced twice a  day, and you will

see favorable results in a  matter of days.

If not treated right away, the fungal skin

condition can be very difficult to manage.

Additionally, it’s important to maintain good

hygiene and to wear loose fitting cotton

clothes, which allow air to pass through, can

really help prevent any further skin fungus


The following table will give you the method

you need to use to cure your specific type of

fungal infection:

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Type of fungus

Symptom of what?

Ingredient to cure

Amount of ingredient

Nail fungusInfection of the sweat

glands of the feetBeer foot bath

Soak 10 minutes twice daily (10 to 12 hours apart).

Yeast infectionInflamed glands or

liverLicorice root tea

Soak the affected part of your body using 1 cup twice daily (10 to 12 hours apart).

Pink eyeInfection of the lungs

or heartYogurt compress

Put compresses the amount of 2 tablespoons 3  times daily (morning, noon and evening, at

least 3 hours apart). Leave yogurt to action for about 20 minutes before gently removing it

with warm water.

RingwormInflammation of major

organOregano oil mask

Firmly rub 3 drops, diluted in 2 tablespoons of olive oil, twice daily, on the effected part

(10 to 12 hours apart).

Jock itchInfection of the

digestive systemTea tree oil mask

Apply liberal amounts topically twice daily (at least 5 hours apart).

Athlete’s footInfection of lower

glandsApple cider

vinegar mask

Soak the affected body part 3 times daily, every time in 1 cup of pure apple cider vinegar

(morning, noon and evening, at least 3 hours apart).

Skin sore Skin organ infection Coconut oil rubApply topically on affected area, using

1  teaspoon of coconut oil, 3 times daily morning, noon and evening, at least 3 hours apart.

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If you suffer from strange yellow color that

you see on your finger and toenails is not

only unattractive, but possibly harmful. It is

not uncommon for affected nails to become

rough and thick, along with the yellowing that.

So if you don’t want to take an ineffective

or dangerous prescription medication as

recommended by a Big Pharma doctor, what

do you do? Fortunately, Dr. Jiang and I  have

come up another option for folks who prefer

the homeopathic approach to medicine.

By combining dark beer, more commonly

known as Stout, white vinegar, and

acidophilus, you will create a medicinal soak

to immerse the affected nails in. Acidophilus is

a helpful bacterium that, when combined with

the alcohol in the beer, works together to

create an environment that is not conducive

to the continued growth of the nail fungus.

So what is it about this mixture that makes

it work to cure nail fungus problems so well?

By combining the vinegar and acidophilus,

you are creating a climate that is toxic for

the nail fungus. High acidity environments in

the vinegar kill off unproductive bacteria like

fungus, while still allowing beneficial bacteria,

like acidophilus to thrive and encourage

their pro-biotic tendencies to help fight off

infection. The alcohol in the beer also works

to soften the tissue around the nail as well

as the nail itself, therefor allowing the acidic

environment to permeate (enter) the nail in

order to do its job.

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f 1 tub or bowl large enough to soak the affected area (your feet or hands)

f 4 cups white vinegar

f 2 pints of Stout — Many beer companies make a stout or dark beer. Guinness is the most well-known.

f 1 sachet of acidophilus — the standard sachet potency is 125 billion organisms.

f Nail File* Use once a week* Once a week: Immediately after removing your hands or

feet from the mixture, (before washing with warm water and soap), use a nail file to file the affected nails down, to expose new nail. Return the affected area to the mixture for an additional half an hour so that the newly exposed nail is able to receive the medicinal properties of the mixture, inhibiting the further growth of the fungus. If you find that the area around their nails is sensitive to the soaking mixture, then reduce the frequency of treatment from twice a day to once a day.


Please note: Once you have made this

mixture, the same batch can be used

repeatedly for up to 48 hours. Don’t throw it

out right away.

f Mix the vinegar, stout and acidophilus in the soaking tub.

f Soak the affected area (infected nails on your hands or feet) for 30 minutes.

f After you have soaked the affected area for 30 minutes, remove your hands or feet from the mixture and wash the affected area with warm water and soap. Pat dry.

f Repeat these directions twice a day for between 3 to 6 weeks, or until the affected area clears up.

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This treatment should start to show efficacy

within 48 hours to one month, depending on

the individual and the severity of the fungal

infection. The treatment is most effective

when you strictly adhered to instead of

missing regular treatments and you combine

it with the Fungus Destroyer Protocol. Once

the fungus starts to clear up, the nail in the

affected areas will start to grow back strong

and clear. When you trim your nails, cutting

away the infected nail as you cure it, your

nails will grow in healthy behind the damaged

area. There should be no more yellowing or

thickness in the healthy nail. Please note that

it takes about 12 weeks for the nail to grow

in fully and replace itself from infected to

unaffected area.

The 7-day Fungus Destroyer Protocol

This is a  7-day protocol designed to bring

down your fungus levels quickly. You will

likely find that the infection disappears rather

quickly. However, it is important to perform

the entire protocol cycle at least once to

ensure that you do not have a  subsequent

outbreak. If desired, you can wait two days

and perform another cycle for good measure.

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Day Step 1 Step 2 Step 3


Mix one teaspoon of activated charcoal in water and drink. (Or take one capsule dose.)Once a day. In the morning, until 12pm.

Eat 1 serving of Vitamin A rich food.Eat 1 serving of Vitamin E rich food.

Apply dose recommended of appropriate skin healing treatment recommended in Fungus Infection Diagnostic Tool.


Mix one teaspoon of activated charcoal in water and drink. (Or take one capsule dose.)Twice a day. 8am — 12pm; 6pm — 9pm

Eat 1 serving of Vitamin A rich food.1 serving of Zinc rich food.

Apply dose recommended of appropriate skin healing treatment recommended in Fungus Infection Diagnostic Tool.


Mix one teaspoon of activated charcoal in water and drink. (Or take one capsule dose.)Twice a day. 8am — 12pm; 6pm — 9pm

Eat 1 serving of Vitamin A rich food.Eat 1 serving of Vitamin E rich food.

Apply dose recommended of appropriate skin healing treatment recommended in Fungus Infection Diagnostic Tool.


Mix one teaspoon of activated charcoal in water and drink. (Or take one capsule dose.)Once a day. In the morning, until 12pm.

Eat 1 serving of Vitamin E rich food.Eat 1 serving of Zinc rich food.

Apply dose recommended of appropriate skin healing treatment recommended in Fungus Infection Diagnostic Tool.

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Day Step 1 Step 2 Step 3


Mix one teaspoon of activated charcoal in water and drink. (Or take one capsule dose.)Twice a day. 8am — 12pm; 6pm — 9pm

Eat 1 serving of Vitamin A rich food.Eat 1 serving of Zinc rich food.

Apply dose recommended of appropriate skin healing treatment recommended in Fungus Infection Diagnostic Tool.


Mix one teaspoon of activated charcoal in water and drink. (Or take one capsule dose.)Once a day. 8am — 12pm

Eat 1 serving of Vitamin A rich foodEat 1 serving of Vitamin E rich food

Apply dose recommended of appropriate skin healing treatment recommended in Fungus Infection Diagnostic Tool.


Mix one teaspoon of activated charcoal in water and drink. (Or take one capsule dose.)Once a day. In the morning, until 12pm.

Eat 1 serving of Vitamin A rich foodEat 1 serving of Zinc rich food

Apply dose recommended of appropriate skin healing treatment recommended in Fungus Infection Diagnostic Tool.

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Anna’s Story of Survival

Anna is from Colorado and her story serves as a  cautionary tale about how dangerous anti-fungal drugs can really be.

Several years ago, when I was 45 years old,

I  started getting a  thick and yellow nail on my

big right toe. Of course I wanted to get rid

of it right away because I had a whole closet

full of open-toed sandals and you can’t wear

those if you’ve got ugly yellow nails at the

end of your toes. I’d been big into running and

I  figured I probably picked it up from an old

pair if gym socks. I went to the doctor and he

prescribed an over-the-counter pill that he said

would kill the fungus in a  few weeks. I began

taking the pills every day and I  soon noticed

that they made my stomach ache. One day

it became very painful, so I went home to lay

down, but the pain worsened. My sister took

me to the emergency room at a hospital in

Colorado Springs, near my home in Monument,

Colorado. I was in the hospital for four days

before the doctors finally decided that the

pills were affecting my kidneys. I  had an X-ray

taken, which showed the lesion on my kidney.

The doctor told me that I would have to have

surgery to remove that kidney.

After surgery, my doctor told me that if they

couldn’t get the “medicine” out of my system,

it would be in my brain or lungs. I  felt

reassured, though, after the surgery. I  thought

that the fungus was over.

I worked as a hair stylist and owned a  salon

for many years and you don’t want to be

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working in those places with bad nails.

Therefore, when the nail fungus came back,

I  decided I would have to go back on the

medicine that almost killed me. I was at

the salon one day and wasn’t feeling well

and so I  told the other stylists, who were

surprised because they knew it wasn’t like me

to complain. About an hour later, I  blacked

out while I was shampooing a  client. I went

to the emergency room, where the doctors

found a  lesion in my brain. They transferred

me to a hospital in Denver.

The brain tumor turned out to be a  side

effect from the fungus medication the doctor

had given me, but it was very large. I  had it

removed, and for about a  year I  had trouble

with my speech, often using the completing

wrong word for something. Walking also

became difficult. A year of speech and

physical therapy helped me make a  full


Besides that, I  had a gallbladder attack.

I was in severe pain. At the hospital, I  had

my gallbladder removed and the doctor told

me it was probably because of the fungus

medication. I  felt very unwell and remained

in the hospital for 18 days while my doctors

tried to figure out how to proceed. Finally,

my sister checked me out of the hospital,

obtaining my medical records before we left.

When we read my records, we saw that

someone had written that I  should consult

a gynecologist for a  yeast infection. I  called

my gynecologist and she saw me right away.

There was a mass in my pelvic area. She did

a hysterectomy and found that the kidney

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problem had spread to my ovaries, my

fallopian tube, and pelvic area.

My gynecologist sent me to a  fungal specialist

in Colorado Springs. In his exam room, he

introduced himself to my daughter and me

and said, “You have a broken down kidney

because of all the fungal medication you’ve

been taking. I would say you have months to

live.” He said he could prescribe a medication

that I  could take “in the meantime” to lower

the fungal outbreaks I was experiencing.

Something was seriously wrong with my body

and that’s all he could do!

That was in September. In the parking lot,

I  cried about not making it to Christmas. But

my daughter wouldn’t hear it She insisted that

we weren’t done. She was not going to leave

it alone, and told me that I  shouldn’t either.

Why would they care?

Soon after that appointment my daughter

called to tell me she’d found something

called the Fungus Destroyer Protocol. To

be honest, it’s a good thing I  didn’t come

across this treatment first because I’m a  real

skeptic. I was raised to believe in what I was

told by authority figures and so the idea of

doing some sort of “alternative cure” did not

sound like a good idea to me. But one thing,

and one thing only, made me reconsider.

My daughter is very smart! She said that it

claimed to be an all-natural cure that had

the power to heal without harming other

parts of my body. I was trying to accept that

I  had three months to live. We didn’t have

the money for another expensive treatment.

I was ready to give up hope. However, she

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reassured me that it was not expensive and

we could start treatment right away.

By the next day my daughter called to tell

me we were starting that day. I  protested

because I  didn’t want to spend money on my

care when I was going to die so soon. She

explained that the Fungus Destroyer Protocol

used activated charcoal, which was very

effective at flushing all the toxins out of my

body, which could potentially heal my kidney.

I was dumbfounded.

When we started paging through the Fungus

Destroyer Protocol, it hit me that I was in

the right place. I’d been planning my funeral

on the way, and suddenly I  had hope again.

My mother, who is in her 90s, traveled to be

with me, and she said the same thing as soon

as she arrived.

A path to survival

When I  started reading Dr. Grant Anderson’s

words, I  realized that no one had a  right to

tell me that I  had three months to live. I  had

internal bleeding around my liver, and during

surgery to fix that problem, my doctors

tried to get me to take chemicals to fix it.

I  felt ready to give up during that time. But

I  called the Health Support Team to ask some

questions about whether or not the Fungus

Destroyer Protocol was right for me. They

really helped get me through by helping me

find strength and hope.

Though the Fungus Destroyer Protocol

has gotten rid of my fungal problems and

healed my liver to the point that I was able

to survive, the truth is that I  did a  lot of

permanent damage to my system by using

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those Big Pharma drugs. But I will stick with

the all-natural advice I’ve gotten from The

Fungus Destroyer Protocol and hope that my

health continues to improve.

What gives me hope

The knowledge given to me with the Fungus

Destroyer Protocol was invaluable. My family

has been the best at giving me hope. I  have

gone through many difficult treatments and

recoveries, and they have never left my side.

My daughter has been there for me, along

with her husband. I  have four sisters and

a brother who have also been there, along

with my mother. They come and cook healthy

food with me, which is always nice.

But there is one other thing that keeps me

strong: the need to speak out about the

dangers of Big Pharma drugs. I  speak with

others coping with a  fungus who want to

hear about my journey. These connections

have given me so much strength to continue

staying strong. I  have so much thanks for

what those conversations have given me,

even though I’m the one who’s supposed to

be helping others!

I have four beautiful grandchildren, ranging

in age from five to 11. Today—seven years

after someone told me I  had three months to

live—I am still going to their soccer games,

their dance recitals, and all our holiday

celebrations. What could be better? I  am

grateful for moment.

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Natural solutions have always been available to us, we didn’t know about it. Medicine evolved mostly in the 20th century. We have pills that claim you will lose weight. We have gyms at every street corner, we have magical, yet restrictive, diets. Still, according to the Food Research and Action Center, two thirds of the Americans are overweight or obsese. If you are one of the Americans who confronted such weight problems, here is your solution: The Wine for Weight Loss.

I don’t know about you, but I hate going to the gym and I also hate giving up my favorite foods. This is where the Pound Melter comes in as a perfect solution: this protocol will help you lose weight, without yo-yo dieting, without going to the gym and without giving up on the sweet or creamy rich foods we love so much.

Too good to be true?

Give it a try!

Check out this incredible product right here!

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Foods that Boost Effectiveness

When it comes to healing your body from

an infection and protecting it against the

next one, good nutrition is essential to

a  strong immune system. By giving your

body proper nutrition, you gain protection

from environmental illness such as a  fungal

infection and other health problems including

arthritis, allergies, abnormal cell development

and cancers. Help protect yourself against

a  future fungal infection and boost your

immunity by including these nutrients in your

everyday eating plan.

Delicious Foods that Fight Fungus

In fact, there are many highly potent foods

that contain a  series of unique fungus-

fighting compounds that will help you

regain a healthy flora balance inside your

body. These are the foods you should eat

on a  regular basis to get your fungus from

coming back

For example, there are specific vegetables,

herbs and spices that will destroy any fungus

trying to get into your body:

f Garlic: Garlic is one of the most potent anti-fungal foods thanks to

a phytonutrient called allicin. Be sure to

enjoy garlic fresh — allicin is destroyed by


f Cruciferous Vegetables: The family of

crucifers — including arugula, broccoli,

Brussels sprouts, watercress, cabbage

and others—contain potent fungus-

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fighting phytonutrients. But that’s not

all. They’re also practically devoid of

carbohydrate, and provide fiber to work

as a prebiotic for “reflorestation” of your

good gut bacteria.

f Oregano & Other Herbs: Culinary

herbs don’t simply offer flavor, but

also antioxidants and anti-fungal

phytonutrients. Oregano seems

to be of particular importance

containing two antimicrobial agents

called carvacrol and thymol that fight

Fungus and other pathogens. Liberally

add organic herbs to your food and

consider an oregano supplement, such as


f Cloves: Cloves contain a powerful anti-

fungal agent called eugenol that has been

found to kill Fungus and other yeasts.

This pungent spice also ranks number one

in antioxidants. They contain powerful

phytonutrients that ward off fungus. To

get the most fungus-fighting benefit, stir

ground cloves, cinnamon and cayenne

into hot tea. Try organic spice teas

containing cloves such as Yogi Detox Tea.

f Cayenne Pepper:  Contains an important

compound called CAY-1 that attaches to

fungal membranes, where it causes cell

components to leak, eventually killing

the cell. Cayenne also gives a boost to

your circulation and promotes cleansing.

Simply add a dash of cayenne to a cup of

warm water with lemon juice and drink

between meals.

f Insoluble Fiber: Ensuring you get

sufficient insoluble fiber in your diet will

help accelerate the elimination of toxins

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(including the yeast that are dying off)

from your colon. Stagnant waste material

is a breeding ground for Fungus and

other gut-harmers.

f Tea: True teas, such as green tea,

white tea, black tea and oolong tea,

contain tannins, which are powerful anti-

fungal agents.  But tea is also high in

fluoride. For this reason, I recommend

getting a tea tincture like that from Body

Ecology or herbal teas containing the

fungus-fighting spices like cloves and


f Cinnamon: This spice is actually

a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal

and anti-microbial agent. In laboratory

tests, growth of yeasts that were

resistant to the commonly found in anti-

fungal medication fluconazole was often

stopped by cinnamon extracts. Cinnamon

is also packed with antioxidants, ranking

#2 of all of the foods tested.

Fungus-Fighting Probiotic Foods

Probiotics are foods that contain live cultures

such as bacteria that are actually good for

you. Believe it or not, your body is actually

an entire ecosystem and if you did not have

these live cultures in your body, you wouldn’t

last too long. By boosting their presence

inside your system, you supercharge your

immune system and greatly improve your

chances of preventing fungal infections and

staying healthy.

f Raw Cultured Dairy: While dairy should

initially be avoided in the first two

days of the protocol, raw, cultured

organic dairy products like plain

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yogurt, kefir, and buttermilk will be

beneficial later on. That’s because they

contain probiotics and enzymes that

you don’t find in pasteurized dairy, plus

healthy fats that promote gastrointestinal

healing. Ask your doctor about food

allergy and intolerance testing (like

ALCAT or ALATESS) to rule out dairy

allergy or intolerance that can actually

contribute to Fungus.

f “Real” Fermented Veggies: Real lacto-

fermented sauerkraut is a good source

of beneficial probiotics and vitamin C.

The majority of fermented veggies—like

pickles, horseradish, sauerkraut, etc.—use

vinegar as a yeast promoter and are heat-

processed. However, “real” fermented

veggies are made simply by adding

salt and are “magically” inoculated with

atmospheric bacteria. This is called lacto-

fermentation. The process produces

probiotics like Lactobacillus plantarum,

which crowd out Fungus and help to

restore balance. Buy fresh-fermented

foods from your local farm or try Bubbies


Fats That Fight Fungus

Contrary to what you have probably been

told all your life, enjoying healthy fat is

a cornerstone of good health. There are

several types of healthy fat that research has

been shown to specifically support a healthy

digestive system — omega-3s, saturated fats

and omega-9s.

f Omega-3s: These essential fats make up

cell membranes, and as such, support the

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integrity of the intestinal wall. They also

aid in flora balance. Boost your omega-3’s

by enjoying sardines, mackerel and wild

salmon and taking a fish oil supplement

like Carlson’s Fish Oil.

f Saturated Fats: Also essential for the

integrity of the intestinal mucosa, choose

“clean” saturated fats including:

f Raw, Grass-Fed Butter is known to be

highest in butyric acid—the primary

energy source for the gut that helps

to reduce inflammation. Grass-fed

butter also contains lauric acid—a

powerful antimicrobial and antifungal


Raw Organic Coconut oil  contains  three

potent fungus-fighting compounds:  lauric acid, caprylic acid  and capric acid. Virgin

coconut oil is a powerful Fungus fighter

thanks to three anti-fungal compounds.

f Omega-9s: Found in borage oil, flax oil,

olive oil, and evening primrose oil, these

fats help boost immunity and prevent

Fungus from becoming systemically

invasive. Olive oil and avocado oil are of

special importance due to anti-fungal

compounds called phenols.

Hydrate & Repair with Protein and Pure Water

The sad fact is that we live in an environment

that is absolutely filled with impurities. In

order to most effectively cleanse your body,

it is good, from time to time, to flush it out

with clean proteins and pure water. Let me


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“Clean” Proteins: In times of illness or

repair, your body requires additional

amounts of protein. Be sure you are

choosing clean protein sources to rebuild

your cells and guard against hidden fungal-

promoters. Opt for grass-fed beef, wild-

caught fish, pastured eggs, poultry and pork.

Also be sure your meat is free of additives

and preservatives.

Pure, Contaminant-Free Water: Keeping

yourself well hydrated with pure water that’s

free of chemicals is crucial for flushing the

tract and maintain regularity. Aim for ten 8

ounce glasses a day and add lemon to boost

your pH balance.

In addition to filling up on these fungus

fighters, it’s also very important to be

conscious of your environment and the origin

of your food. Here are a  couple of more tips:

1. Keep It Dry: Fungus thrives in wet,

warm places, so be sure to disinfect your

bathroom on a regular basis and clean

your air filters.

2. Wash Fruits & Veggies Well: Because

fungus is present on the outside of fruits

and vegetables, it’s important to wash

them well.

3. Avoid Mycotoxins: Some crops—like

grains and peanuts— are contaminated

with mycotoxins (fungal toxins). While

it is a good idea to initially eliminate

grains initially during the protocol,

keep this in mind when you’re ready to

reintroduce them after day three. As for

peanuts, choose those grown in the dry

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arid climate of New Mexico and other

parts of the Southwest which are less

susceptible to cancer-causing mycotoxin

called aflatoxin.

4. Drink Organify Green Juice, a real revelation on the immunity system boosters bio-market. Organifi is a powerful superdrink that a doctor friend

recommended me while I was compiling

the Fungus Remover and it’s a personal

secret I’m willing to share with you. The

Organifi Green Juice is unlike any other

supplement out there. It’s packed with the

most important vitamins, antioxidants and

amino acids, and it will give you the boost

you need to start healing your entire


To get your very own Organifi Green Juice

(and to learn more useful information), click the image below. You’ll be taken to the

presentation page of Organifi, where you can buy it and have it shipped

to your home.


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Andrew’s Story About Learning the Hard Way

Andrew is a  jack of all trades from Louisiana. I  found his story to be inspirational. You will too.

When I  discovered I  had a  severe case of

jock itch, it came as a  complete shock.

I  was 48 at the time, and I  thought I  was

pretty healthy. The biggest health problem

I  had was trouble swallowing less than

a  couple of beers at a  sitting. I  liked to

drink a  lot but otherwise I  was a  pretty

healthy guy. But when I  showed my wife

Patty what was going on downstairs,

she was concerned. She got me to see

a  dermatologist. He took one look and

found a  nasty spot, which he swabbed for

testing. When the test results came back,

I  got the news that it was fungus.

The dermatologist then sent me to a  local

hospital, where I  scheduled an appointment

to get some prescription drugs. But Patty and

I  really didn’t like the way we were treated

there. We felt like cattle…just a number.

Then on a  Sunday afternoon, the week

before I  was to have my surgery, we

got a  call from my sister-in-law. She had

been on the internet and had seen an

advertisement for the Fungus Destroyer

protocol and thought it was a  solution

we should check out. At first, I  was fairly

embarrassed that my Patty was filling in my

sister-in-law about my jock itch, so I  told her

I  preferred to go to the doctor and use his

treatment. Big mistake!

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Fighting against the odds

The doctor prescribed a  strong medicine

and told me I would have to stop drinking

alcohol for two whole months because my

kidneys would be working so hard to flush

out the poison in the medicine that they

wouldn’t have time for a  couple of beers. This

wasn’t what I wanted to hear but I  figured

the doctor knew what he was doing. But

what happened in short order was the drugs

they had me taking started to make me

sick. Every day I woke up feeling like I  had

chugged a bottle of Jack Daniels the night

before. I was supposed to take two pills

a day but when I  did, I  all the sudden had

trouble keeping my food down. Of course

I went back to the doctor and he gave me

a  full physical and discovered that my liver

was reacting very badly to the pills. He

told me to stop taking them and, instead,

prescribed some foul smelling cream to rub

on the dark brown sores between my legs.

I  have to tell you, this thing was beginning to

turn into a  real nightmare.

All through my treatment, my doctors

did their best to try to explain things and

keeping me informed. The problem was that

nothing they tried seemed to be working.

Every time they prescribed an expensive

cream to put on the rash, it would work for

a  day or two but then the symptoms would

just come back. The doctors spent a  great

deal of time making excuses. As long as

I  had questions, they had a  story to tell me

about how everything was going according

to plan. But beep down, I  knew that just

wasn’t the case.

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I appreciated how thorough my doctors

were with my treatment but after a while, it

just felt like they were guessing. I mean, for

Christ’s sake, these guys were supposed to

be specialists and they were having trouble

curing a  simple case of jock itch? The worst

part about it all was that the fungus got so

bad that it began to spread to other parts

of my body. I  had no idea anything could

be that contagious. It got in my eye and

I  developed pink eye for a  time. I  got it in

my mouth and developed a nasty sore that

made my tongue swell up. And somehow,

it even got between my toes making it

almost unbearable to wear shoes. I  couldn’t

believe how miserable this whole thing was

making me. Finally, my doctor came to me

and told me that what I was experiencing

was a  case of drug-resistant fungus and

he recommended that I  receive radiation

therapy. “It will reduce the chances of it

returning.” That’s all he needed to say to

change my mind. As soon as I  heard that,

I  knew that the only thing to do would be to

go the natural rout and go with the Fungus

Destroyer Protocol.

I soon discovered that the Fungus Destroyer

Protocol is a  holistic approach to help me

fight fungus on its own, without dangerous

chemicals or radiation. It was a way to get

at the root cause of the infection, and much

more than simply treating the outward

manifestation. For example, I  learned about

how to eat in a way that not only makes me

a healthier person, but also makes my body

a hostile environment for nasty fungus. The

health support team was fantastic too! They

were always quick to get back to me about

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any questions I  had and provided words of

encouragement as well, which meant a  lot.

We were really impressed with the fact that

the Fungus Destroyer Protocol had worked in

the past to cure so many other people of their

fungus problems. That fact really gave me the

confidence in the program I needed to stick

with it until the end. Financially, the fact that it

was so affordable really helped too.

I am so happy that that I  decided to go with

the natural option. And besides, with the

Fungus Destroyer Protocol, not only would

I  not have to give up my beer drinking, There

was no need to go to dinner with friends

and have to explain that I wasn’t drinking

that night because I was trying to get rid of

a  nasty case of jock itch. But, by far, the best

part is that the protocol worked like a  charm!

I  feel better now. Everything is good! I  leaned

on God and my faith to get through it. And

I  had great support from Patty. She was

always there for me. One thing she always

said when I  needed to go to dietary changes

was, “If you’re changing the way you’re

eating, well I  guess that means that I’m going

to have to change the way I  eat too.” She

truly went through it with me.

Fungus brought a world of change for me.

For a  long time, I  felt stuck in my job. I  felt an

obligation to the people that worked there to

keep things going, so I  stayed. When my jock

itch got too bad to keep going and managing

the business, I got out of the job. Once I got

better, I didn’t want to go back. There was

a  lot of stress and I figured I was ready to

move on and try something new. Eventually

I  started my own business.

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Fungus definitely gave me a new outlook

to see what’s important, and the important

thing is family and doing things you want to

do. Money is not important… things are not


I firmly believe God still has work for me to

do, and a  lot of that is giving hope to other

people. I  am a pastor at my church. To help

others, give them hope and let them know

there is light at the end of the tunnel is


Since I  completed the Fungus Destroyer

Protocol, I’ve gotten to enjoy some incredible

moments in my life. I  officiated at my

daughter’s wedding. I got to walk her up the

aisle, then turn around, stand up there and

marry her off too. Patty and I  also celebrated

our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. In June,

I  celebrated my five-year anniversary being

fungus free.

I continue to manage my own electronic

security business, in addition to do handyman

jobs and woodworking. My life is full of faith

and love for my family. And I’ve got the

Fungus Destroyer Protocol to thank for it all.

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Recipesfora Healthy,FungusFreeBody

Most of the time, fungus lives in balance with

other microorganisms in your body and is

harmless. But when our natural bodily flora

fails to control fungus, an overgrowth can

occur — producing a wide range of health

effects which can include:  fatigue, mood

swings, learning and behavioral disorders,

depression, carb and alcohol cravings, “brain

fog”, itching, memory loss, sinus infections,

food intolerance, oral thrush, vaginitis,

athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch, diaper rash,

canker sores, kidney and bladder infections,

and even gastrointestinal disturbances

including IBS, colitis and GERD.

A lot of the reason this happens is

because we are surrounded with highly

processed foods that are high in  sugar

and carbs,  antibiotics,  antacids  and

ulcer medications,  pregnancy, alcohol

consumption, oral  contraceptives and steroids,

foods containing molds  (like vinegars,

cheeses, mushrooms, yeast, soy food and

others),  estrogen mimics  (like pesticides and

BPA in the food supply), and  food allergies

and intolerances  can all encourage fungus to

proliferate. Yes, believe it or not, all of those

things are found in trace amounts of the

processed foods you eat.

On the other hand, if you eat properly,

your diet can also provide powerful defense

against fungus and help get your system

back in balance. This chapter is devoted

to showing you how to make your own

healthy foods that will help your body ward

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off fungal attacks long after you have gone

through the Fungus Destroyer Protocol. And

you can do it simply by eating delicious and

healthy food.

A fungus-fighting diet starves fungus by

depriving it of its favorite foods sources

— sugar  and high glycemic  carbs — as well

as foods that contain  yeast or molds  that can

encourage fungus growth. It’s also important

to enjoy an abundance of nature’s fungus

fighting foods — including garlic and onions, 

oregano, cruciferous veggies,  coconut oil,

ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and cloves  as well

as green tea  and black tea.

In addition to starving fungus, you need

to provide your body with the nutrition it

needs to make your friendly flora flourish. 

These include  traditional lacto-fermented

foods  like sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi,

and kefir and yogurt made with salt and

natural fermentation. Avoid pasteurization

and vinegar. These traditional foods provide

prebiotics and probiotics that feed the

healthy bacteria in your gut, helping to

crowd out fungus and restore your digestive


Here are the specific criteria for Fungus

Fighting Recipes:

f LOW SUGAR: Less than 5 grams of sugar

per serving

f LOW CARB: Contains less than 15 grams

of carbs per serving

f NO MOLDS: Foods containing molds

due to processing or storage, as well as

those foods that may produce “crossover

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reaction” must be avoided. These

include: Vinegar, Alcohol, Dried Fruits,

Mushrooms, Peanuts, Cheeses, Yeast,

Pickled Vegetables


a rich source of any of the following anti-

inflammatory and anti-fungal fats such as

coconut oil

f RICH IN FUNGUS-FIGHTING FOODS: Contains any of the following anti-fungal

foods: Garlic, Broccoli, Onions, Brussels

Sprouts, Shallots, Leeks, Cabbage, Bok

Choy, Oregano, Turmeric, Ginger, Green

Tea, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coconut Oil.

Over the long term, after you have rid

your body of its fungal infection through

the Fungus Destroyer Protocol, use this

information to create a  fungus-fighting diet

that is customized to suit your particular


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Arugula Salad with Olives & PecansBy keeping a few simple ingredients on hand and doing a little prep work at the beginning of

the week – you can enjoy restaurant-quality salads every day. Not only will you save money, but

you’ll enjoy fungus fighting meals to boot

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. Prepare the salad and salad dressing. In a small bowl, whisk the balsamic vinegar with the oil (reserving 1 tsp. for later) and mustard to emulsify. Season with salt and pepper.

2. Place the arugula in a medium bowl and drizzle with 1 tsp. oil. Gently massage to coat the leaves, then sprinkle with a small amount of sea salt. Toss in the shredded carrots and olives. Drizzle with dressing and chopped pecans.

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì 2 Tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil

Ì 1 Tbsp organic balsamic vinegar

Ì 1 tsp Sea Salt

Ì 8 small organic Kalamata olives, halved

Ì 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

Ì 3 cups organic arugula

Ì ½ ounce pecans, chopped

Ì 1 tsp mustard powder

Ì ½ cup shredded organic carrots

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Asparagus OmeletThis omelet has a trifecta of fungus fighting ingredients to make sure you successfully ward off a

future infection.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. In a small, safe nonstick skillet, heat ½ cup filtered water to boiling.

2. Add asparagus and cook 30 seconds, just until bright green. Drain, plunge asparagus into cold water to stop cooking, drain again. Set aside on a plate and sprinkle with salt.

3. Return pan to medium heat and add oil, swirling to coat.

4. Add onions and cook, 2-3 minutes until translucent. Pour onions onto a plate. Return pan to skillet.

5. Whisk eggs vigorously and pour into pan over medium low heat.

6. Let the eggs cook for up to a minute or until the bottom starts to set. With a heat-resistant rubber spatula, gently push one edge of the egg into the center of the pan, while tilting the pan to allow the still liquid egg to flow in underneath. Repeat with the other edges, until there’s no liquid left.

7. Now place asparagus and onions in the center of the egg pancake. With your spatula, lift one edge of the egg and fold it across and over, so that the edges line up. Cook for another minute, but don’t overcook or allow the egg to turn brown.

8. Serve.

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì ½ small organic red onion, diced

Ì 4 large pastured-eggs

Ì ¼ tsp. sea salt

Ì 2 tsp. organic extra virgin olive oil

Ì 6 spears, small organic aspsragus, cut into 1 inch pieces

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Black Bean and Mango SaladThis vegetarian option also has a lot of fungus fighting ingredients to make sure you successfully

ward off a future infection.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. In a large bowl, combine the drained and rinsed black beans, the diced bell pepper, green onions, minced jalapeno and fresh cilantro.

2. In a separate small bowl, whisk together the olive oil and lime juice (and the hot sauce if you’re using hot sauce instead of fresh jalapeno pepper).

3. Pour the olive oil and lime juice mixture over the bean mix, and gently toss together until well mixed.

4. Once the ingredients are well combined, carefully and gently fold in the diced mango and season lightly with sea salt or kosher salt.

5. Serve.

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì 1 15.8 ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed

Ì 1 cup sweet red, orange, or yellow bell pepper, diced

Ì 6 green onions, thinly sliced

Ì 1 seeded Jalapeno pepper, minced or hot sauce to taste

Ì 1/4 cup cilantro leaves, chopped

Ì 1/4 cup fresh lime juice

Ì 1 tablespoon olive oil

Ì 2 cups mango, diced

Ì sea salt or kosher salt, to taste

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German One Pan Pancakes (Grain Free, Gluten Free)Unlike the traditional German variation of this recipe (which uses wheat flour, milk and eggs)

I have relied on low glycemic, gluten free almond flour, shredded coconut and protein-packed

organic eggs to make a hefty pancake that will keep you full for hours. Top with warmed organic

blueberries or apples sauteed in butter and cinnamon for a deliciously sweet breakfast that’s

surprisingly low in carbohydrates.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

2. Put the coconut oil in an 11x13 baking dish and put in the oven for about 5 minutes, until melted.

3. Combine the rest of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl and pour into the hot pan.

4. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the center is cracked and the sides are pulling away from the pan.

5. Slice and serve warm with fresh fruit or pure maple syrup.

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì 4 Tbsp. virgin coconut oil

Ì 1 c. almond meal

Ì ¼ tsp. Celtic Sea Salt

Ì 12 large pastured eggs, beaten

Ì 1 c. fresh shredded, unsweetened coconut

Ì 1 tsp. cinnamon

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Homemade Graham Crackers (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free)

This cracker is jam packed with fungus fighting ingredients to keep your system free and clear.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. Preheat oven to 225 degrees F.

2. In a medium bowl, combine almond meal, flax seed meal, erythritol, cinnamon, baking powder and salt. Mix well.

3. Add in coconut oil, egg, yacon and vanilla and stir to form a dough.

4. Transfer to freezer and chill 10 minutes.

5. Place chilled dough on a sheet of unbleached parchment paper. Top dough with another sheet. Roll out dough between sheets of parchment to 1/8 inch thick. Make sure dough is of even thickness on interior and edges to prevent burning.

6. Remove top layer of parchment. With a sharp knife, score dough into 2 inch crackers.

7. Place parchment paper on cookie sheet and transfer to the oven.

8. Bake one hour or until firm and edges are crispy. Turn off oven and leave crackers in oven another half hour to an hour.

9. YIELD: Makes 20 2-inch squares

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì 2 tsp. organic vanilla extract

Ì 2 tsp. organic cinnamon

Ì 1 tsp. non-aluminum baking powder

Ì 1 large pastured egg

Ì 2 Tbsp. organic virgin coconut oil, melted

Ì 1 ½ c. ground organic almond flour

Ì 8 Tbsp. organic flax seed meal

Ì 4 Tbsp. Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Zero

Ì 1 Tbsp. Navitas Naturals Organic Yacon Syrup

Ì ¼ tsp. Celtic sea salt

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Homemade Paleo Chocolate Bars Okay, this may not seem like health food at first glance. But the truth is that high-quality dark chocolate

with a high cocoa content and a  low sugar content is some of the healthiest food you can eat.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. In a medium bowl, combine coconut oil with stevia drops. Stir well to combine.

2. Whisk in cocoa powder and coconut milk. Stir well until thick.

3. Pour mixture into candy molds, a glass container or onto an 8x8 pan lined with parchment.

4. Transfer to freezer to set. Store in the refrigerator or freezer.

5. YIELD: 4 ounces (8 servings of ½ ounce each)

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì 4 Tbsp. virgin coconut oil, melted

Ì 10 drops SteviaClear Liquid Stevia

Ì 2 Tbsp. Native Forest Organic Classic Coconut Milk

Ì 9 Tbsp. organic, natural unsweetened cocoa powder

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Homemade Peanut Butter Cups Again, be sure to use dark chocolate with a high cocoa content and a low sugar content.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. In a medium saucepan, combine cocoa powder, coconut oil, and nut butter over very low heat. Stir occasionally until mixture is completely liquefied.

2. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla and coconut sugar. Add stevia to taste.

3. Pour mixture into silicone candy molds, silicone muffins cups, or paper mini muffin liners in a mini muffin pan.

4. Transfer to freezer to set (about 15 minutes).

5. Pop the peanut butter cups out of silicone molds

6. Store them in airtight container in freezer or refrigerator.

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì 6 Tbsp. unsweetened organic cocoa powder

Ì 0.125 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt

Ì 1 1/3 Tbsp. Navitas Naturals Organic Palm Sugar

Ì 3 Tbsp. virgin coconut oil

Ì ½ tsp. vanilla extract

Ì 3 Tbsp. Maranatha Natural Peanut Butter - with Salt (Creamy)

Ì 10 drops SweetLeaf SteviaClear Liquid Stevia

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Lamb Burgers with Kalamata Olives In just four ounces of lamb provides an excellent source of five key nutrients — including 49%

of the RDA for cancer-fighting selenium and 41% of the RDA for heart-healthy vitamin B12. But

that’s not all. Lamb is also rich in healthy fats including monounsaturated fats (those credited with

the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet), fat-burning conjugated linolenic acid and a healthy

helping of omega-3 fats too.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. First, prepare gremolata by combining mint, parsley, garlic, lemon juice and zest. Set aside.

2. Prepare grill or grill pan to medium-high or use Flavorwave (preferred method).

3. In a large bowl, combine the lamb, olives, salt, pepper and oregano. Form patties that are ½ inch thick. Cook the burgers for 3-4 minutes per side if using grill/grill pan, or 6-8 minutes total at 350 degrees F in Flavorwave, or until desired doneness.

4. Serve with gremolata

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì ½ tsp. Celtic sea salt

Ì ½ tsp. dried organic oregano

Ì ½ tsp. freshly ground black pepper

Ì ¼ c. fresh parsley, chopped

Ì 1 whole organic lemon, juice and zest

Ì 8 Tbsp. fresh mint, chopped

Ì 1/3 c. kalamata olives, chopped

Ì 1 Tbsp. organic extra virgin olive oil

Ì 1 ½ pounds grass-fed ground lamb

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Paleo Sweet Potato WafflesContrary to popular belief, a healthy breakfast is NOT cereal, toast and juice. In fact, a breakfast

like that will spike blood sugar levels and throw your body into fat-storage mode, not to mention

promote fungal growth and dangerous inflammation. While farm-fresh eggs and pastured bacon

make a wonderful breakfast, this standby can get a little, well, boring! And food boredom often

means overeating… and eating the wrong kinds of food, at that!

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. In a medium bowl, add eggs, egg whites, sweet potato, stevia and coconut milk. Using an immersion blender, blend the ingredients to a smooth consistency. You can also blend the ingredients in a blender or Magic Bullet on high speed for one minute or until smooth.

2. In a small bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients – baking soda, salt, coconut flour and cinnamon.

3. Mix dry ingredients into wet ingredients and blend on high to fully incorporate.

4. Preheat your waffle iron. (NOTE: Be sure to use a cast iron waffle pan or a PFOA/PFTE free waffle iron). Spray with coconut oil spray before use.

5. Ladle ¼ to 1/3 cup onto the preheated iron, close the lid and cook for approximately one minute (time will vary according to waffle iron or pan and temperature settings).

6. Serve with grass-fed Kerrygold Butter and a drizzle of homemade sugar-free maple syrup

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì 1 c. egg whites

Ì 1 medium organic sweet potato, roasted

Ì 5 Tbsp. Native Forest Organic Classic Coconut Milk

Ì 20 drops SweetLeaf SteviaClear Liquid Stevia

Ì 0.125 tsp. Sea Salt

Ì ½ tsp. organic cinnamon

Ì 4 large pastured eggs

Ì 8 Tbsp. Bob’s Red Mill Organic Coconut Flour

Ì 1 tsp. baking soda

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Pan Roasted Wild Salmon with OlivesSalmon is a healthy choice that also happens to be packed full of nutrients that will help you stay

fungus free.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

2. Add oil to a medium oven-proof saute pan and heat over medium high heat.

3. Rinse salmon, pat dry and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

4. When oil is shimmering and pan is hot, add the salmon fillets - skin side up - to the pan. Cook 2-3 minutes. Do not turn.

5. Add the olives to the pan around the fish and stir gently, cooking 2 more minutes.

6. Flip the fish.

7. Place the pan in the oven to complete cooking to desired doneness (2 minutes for medium-rare; 4 minutes for medium-well).

8. Remove from oven and top with fresh basil.

9. Serve.

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì ¼ tsp. Celtic sea salt

Ì 16 small organic Kalamata olives

Ì 2 Tbsp. fresh organic basil leaves, thinly sliced

Ì 1 Tbsp. organic avocado oil

Ì ½ tsp. freshly ground black pepper

Ì 24 oz. wild Alaskan salmon

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Prosciutto Egg CupsThese prosciutto egg cups are a nutrient-packed, high-protein, fungus fighting portable breakfast

that can be made ahead of time and enjoyed all week long. Best of all, they can be filled with

a variety of delicious ingredients to suit your taste. I’ve used organic spinach, onion and cherry

tomatoes here, but mushrooms, roasted peppers, sausage or bacon would be delicious, as well.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. Preheat oven to 375 F and line a muffin tin with liners.

2. In a safe, nonstick skillet, add the oil and heat over medium heat. Add the onions and saute until translucent.

3. Add the spinach and saute 2 minutes to wilt. Set vegetables aside to cool slightly.

4. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs and coconut milk. Add the coconut flour, a little at a time and whisk to combine. Mixture will thicken up a bit. Season wit salt and pepper. Stir in vegetables.

5. Line each muffin cup with a slice of proscuitto, taking care to cover the sides and bottom.Spoon batter into the proscuitto cups and top with cherry tomatoes.

6. Transfer to oven and bake 18-20 minutes.

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì 8 large pastured eggs

Ì ¼ cup organic coconut milk

Ì 1 Tbsp Bob’s Red Mill Organic Coconut Flour

Ì 2 cups organic spinach

Ì 12 paper thin slices pastured prosciutto

Ì 2 Tbsp virgin coconut oil

Ì ½ small organic onion, diced

Ì 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

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“Secret Ingredient” MeatloafThis is a healthy version of an old classic that will supercharge your immune system so it’s ready

to fight off a fierce fungal attack.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Heat a medium, safe nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.

3. Add the oil and swirl to coat the pan. Add the onion and celery and cook until soft, for about 6 minutes.

4. Add the garlic and cook until fragrant. Remove from heat.In a blender, puree the liver.

5. Whisk the eggs in a large bowl.

6. Add all ingredients and gently but thoroughly mix with hands.

7. Put the composition in the refrigerator to let flavors marry for 4-6 hours).

8. Place the meatloaf in a large loaf pan set on a rimmed cookie sheet.

9. Bake for 1 hour 30 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 160 degrees F.

I N G R E D I E N T S : Ì 1 pound pastured pork, ground

Ì 16 oz. pastured chicken livers

Ì 2 stalks organic celery, finely diced

Ì ½ Tbsp. organic dried thyme

Ì 2 tsp. smoked paprika

Ì 1 Tbsp. blackstrap molasses

Ì 8 tsp. Coconut Secret Coconut Aminos

Ì 1 Tbsp. organic raw apple cider vinegar

Ì ¼ Tbsp. Olivado Macadamia Nut Oil

Ì 1 Tbsp. organic dried oregano

Ì 1 pound grass-fed ground beef

Ì 4 cloves organic garlic, crushed

Ì ½ tsp. freshly ground black pepper

Ì 1 tsp. Sea Salt

Ì 1 medium organic onion, finely diced

Ì 2 tsp. organic dried parsley

Ì 2 large pasture-raised eggs

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Ultimate OatmealThis is a healthy version of an old classic is packed with Vitamin E to supercharge your immune

system so it’s ready to fight off a fierce fungal attack.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. In a medium saucepan, bring the water and milk to a boil. Stir in the steel-cut oats and salt and cook a few minutes to thicken. Reduce the heat and simmer uncovered for 30 minutes stirring occasionally.

2. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan bring the apple juice to a boil, add the raisins, and cook a few minutes to help them plump. In a mixing bowl, with a whip attachment combine the heavy cream, brown sugar, and cinnamon and whip until stiff. Keep chilled.

3. Remove the cooked oatmeal from the heat and serve piping hot in bowls. Sprinkle the plumped raisins on top of the oatmeal and spoon a dollop of the brown sugar cinnamon whipped cream in the center and serve.

4. Notes about the recipe: To cut some of the cooking time, soak the oats in water overnight by bringing the water to a boil, turn off the heat, and add the oats. Cover the pot and let sit overnight. The next morning cook on low heat 9 to 12 minutes stirring occasionally

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì 2 cups water

Ì 2 cups milk

Ì 1 cup Irish steel-cut oats

Ì 1 pinch salt

Ì For the topping:

Ì 1/2 cup apple juice

Ì 1/2 cup golden raisins or dried cherries

Ì 1/2 cup heavy cream

Ì 1 teaspoon brown sugar

Ì 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon

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Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Indian SpiceWhile this recipe is sumptuous (and packed with antioxidants) when using Indian spices, you can also

make whole roasted cauliflower with any of your favorite spices for a different twist. Try smoked

paprika (and top with crumbled blue cheese just before serving for a smoky-cheesy flavor), mustard

and dill for a Scandinavian twist or chili powder, oregano and cumin for a Mexican-inspired side.

I N S T R U C T I O N S :

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Grease a small baking sheet with coconut oil.

2. Trim the base of the cauliflower, removing the woody stem and green leaves.

3. In a wide medium bowl, combine the coconut milk with the salt, pepper, spices, lime zest and juice.

4. Holding the cauliflower by its base, dunk the cauliflower into the bowl, using your hands to coat the entire head.

5. Place the cauliflower on the prepared baking sheet. Transfer to the oven and roast 40 minutes, or until exterior is dry to the touch.

6. Let the cauliflower cool slightly, then slice into wedges.

I N G R E D I E N T S :

Ì 1 head organic cauliflower

Ì 1 Tbsp. organic cumin

Ì 1 Tbsp. organic garlic powder

Ì 2 tsp. organic turmeric

Ì 2 Tbsp. organic chili powder

Ì 2 tsp. sea salt

Ì 1 Tbsp. organic lime juice

Ì ¼ cups organic coconut milk

Ì ½ tsp. organic black pepper

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Frequently Asked Questions

When I  first came out with the information

contained in this eBook, I  began to receive

emails and direct messages social media

posts from people who were excited about

the information, but who had questions.

I would love to answer all of the questions

that are out there but there are simply too

many to cover here. It really is a  testament

to how many people suffer from fungus and

how many people are looking for an effective

solution. Here are some of the most common

questions I  receive and my answers to them:



The fungus that is growing on your nails

and skin are merely a symptom of what’s

happening inside your body. This was proven in

numerous studies, using a dark field microscope

to see what is going on in the blood of folks

who suffer from fungus infections.

And what is happening in the body? There

is a  systemic or whole body inflammation

and infection happening. For example, if your

large toes have fungus, this is related to liver

and spleen congestion. The program will get

more in depth on this.

To clear a  fungus, you have to first clear out

the waste from the main organs and systems so

that there is no extra fungal or bacterial activity.

All fungi/parasites MUST be destroyed

INTERNALLY first, then on the outside.

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Well, as I  explained during the presentation,

the antifungal industry is a $13 billion a  year

industry business. Patients spend $1,800

a year on antifungal medications.

But what they’re unaware of is that they

spend literally spend millions and millions of

dollars each year to ensure that academic

medicine focus only on the drugs that make

them money, and not on the drugs that will

actually help you them get better permanently.


This program is for anyone suffering from

a  fungal infection, be it a nail, skin or even

internal like Candida. This program is also

diabetic friendly. In fact, many folks wrote to

us saying that this program actually helped

them recover from their diabetes. It is not

surprising, since a  large part of the program

focuses on restoring the damaged organs in

the body.


Well, it depends on the individual, but the

average time to get your fungal infection

cured is about a week. Some severe ones

may take a  few weeks, while others may just

take 2-3 days.

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Simply put, as wood burns there is often

not enough oxygen to allow for complete

combustion. The water and volatile organic

compounds (VOCs) evaporates off, and the

carbon in the wood distills into the black

charred coals we see when we put the fire

out. As the fire smolders for a  period of

time, the wood slowly dries and eventually

changes into charcoal.

Activated charcoal  is  normal charcoal  that

has been  “activated” with oxidizing gases,

such as steam or air, at high temperatures.

This oxidative process further breaks down

the charcoal’s internal surfaces. This increases

its adsorption  ability by creating an internal

network of even smaller pores rendering it

three to five times as effective as regular

charcoal. However, charcoal is not produced

from wood alone.  Coconut shells, other nut

shells, sawdust, hardwood, coal, peat, and

bamboo  are the most common starting

materials for making activated charcoal. Many

other materials have been tried, but generally

are not as economical.


In many cases, the answer is yes. Activated

charcoal is designed in such a way that it

electrostatically attracts some chemicals

and micro-organisms. As a group, most

compounds that are toxic to the body are

attracted to charcoal. Because most drugs are

electro-chemically configured in a way similar

to toxins and other deadly compounds,

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activated medicinal charcoal taken orally will

sometimes absorb prescription medications

and over-the-counter drugs. This is both

a desirable and undesirable effect.

On the positive side, because of its strong

attraction to many drugs, activated charcoal

is used all the time in Emergency Rooms

to counteract the effects of poisoning

from overdosing on medication, whether

the person has done it accidentally or

intentionally (as in attempted suicide).

Activated charcoal is also used in many

drug detox programs to absorb the buildup

of drugs in the body. For our purposes,

I  have used activated charcoal for the

Fungus Destroyer Protocol because of its

ability to remove toxins from your body.

This prepares the individual to receive the

benefits of a  more holistic approach to

recovering health without the body also

having to cope with the side effects of

poisonous drugs.

On the other hand, if you are concerned

that activated charcoal will interfere with

the desired effect of prescription or non-

prescription drugs, I  recommend that you

take activated charcoal no closer than 1 to 1

½ hours before or 1  to 1 ½ after taking drug




It’s impossible to say categorically that

charcoal does not depreciate the level of

nutritive absorption in any way. But, both

clinical research on patients in hospitals and

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numerous animal studies have shown charcoal

poses no threat to nutritional uptake. While

science has yet to prove this conclusively,

it seems better to say that if there is any

absorption of nutrients, it is so negligible that

it has yet to be shown to hurt your health.

For instance, charcoal has been used for

centuries as a  fecal deodorant for patients

with ileostomies and colostomies. In spite of

the fact that they may often take charcoal

orally three times daily for years, it has never

been demonstrated to nutritionally affect

these individuals who are already at risk of

nutritional deficiency.

In one animal study, Dr. Murry Fleeks,

a  famous Southern gerontologist, and his

colleagues, demonstrated that the lifespan

in older laboratory rats increased up to

36% by feeding them charcoal in their diet!

Toxins, including free radicals, have been

shown to play a  significant role in aging.

But these “loose canons” will create a  stable

matrix with charcoal in the gut until they

are eliminated from the body. Researchers

concluded that the binding up of these

toxins in the intestinal tract before they are

absorbed or reabsorbed into the system may

be one way that allowed the rats to live

longer and healthier.

There are some stories that activated

charcoal will interfere with the absorption of

artificial supplements. Again, if you have any

concern that activated charcoal is blocking

the absorption of essential food elements

or artificial supplements into your body,

then simply adjust the intake of activated

charcoal so as not to conflict, as in the case

of drugs.

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Yes, so far as is I  know, activated charcoal

may be taken during pregnancy and lactation

and it will have no ill effects.


By its very nature, charcoal does not lend

itself to being a dangerous overdose. Because

charcoal is neither digested nor absorbed in

your gastro-intestinal tract, there is therefore

no way of overdosing on activated charcoal. 



Charcoal is neither digested nor absorbed

in your gastro-intestinal tract. Because

of this, there are no known adverse side

effects to the use of activated charcoal.

Eating or drinking activated charcoal orally

will naturally turn your stool black. For

those of you who have a  predisposition to

constipation, taking activated charcoal might

have a  binding affect if you do not drink

sufficient fluids. For others, charcoal may

work as a  laxative and flush out your system

rather easily.

As already mentioned, activated charcoal

may interfere with drug medication so pay

attention to when you take your medicine

and when you take your charcoal. All of

the published research I  have ever seen on

the subject suggests charcoal needs to be

at the cornerstone of your fungus fighting


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The only hazards associated with activated

charcoal are those that have happened when

it is used in hospitals. Only three hazards are

generally listed in this situation — aspiration,

bowel obstruction, or constipation. In each

of the reported cases activated charcoal

was identified by association with either

the accidental perforation of the windpipe

during magrofication, the use of some

drug resulting in bowel obstruction, or

dehydration of the patient that resulted in

severe constipation. It should be noted that

the complications attributed to charcoal

were always the result of medical error on

the part of the hospital staff.


No. Those recipes are provided for your

convenience. However, if they do not meet

your dietary needs, you can eat according

to your own preferences. The key is to get

the proper amount of the key nutrients on

the days indicated by Step 2 of the Fungus

Destroyer Protocol.



Vitamin A: Get this immune-boosting vitamin

from foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots,

kale, spinach, red bell peppers, apricots, eggs

or foods labeled “vitamin A fortified,” such

as milk or cereal. A couple of apricots or an

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appetizer-sized spinach salad before dinner

will do the trick.

Vitamin E rich foods include fortified cereals,

sunflower seeds, almonds, vegetable oils

(such as sunflower or safflower oil), hazelnuts,

peanut butter or spinach. A handful of

sunflower seeds or a  large bowl of whole-

grain cereal for breakfast will do the trick.

Zinc can be found in lean meat, poultry,

seafood, milk, whole grain products, beans

and nuts. A cup and a half of skim milk or

a handful of nuts in the evening will do the



In order to cure the outward appearance of

fungal infections, use the treatment below using

a variety of very specific substances. For topical

solutions, you can use a ball of cotton to gently

massage the substance into the affected area.

This method should be practiced twice a day,

and you will see favorable results in a matter

of a days. If not treated right away, the fungal

skin condition can be very difficult to manage.

Additionally, it’s important to maintain good

hygiene and to wear loose fitting cotton clothes,

which allow air to pass through, can really help

prevent any further skin fungus conditions.

The following table will give you the method

you need to use to cure your specific type of

fungal infection:

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Type of fungus

Symptom of what?

Ingredient to cure Amount of ingredient

Nail fungus

Infection of the sweat glands of the feet

Beer foot bath Soak 10 minutes twice daily (10 to 12 hours apart).

Yeast infection

Inflamed glands or liver

Licorice root tea Soak the affected part of your body using 1 cup twice daily (10 to 12 hours apart).

Pink eye Infection of the lungs or heart

Yogurt compress Put compresses the amount of 2 tablespoons 3 times daily (morning, noon and evening, at least 3 hours apart). Leave yogurt to action for about 20 minutes before gently removing it with warm water.


Inflammation of major organ

Oregano oil mask Firmly rub 3 drops, diluted in 2 tablespoons of olive oil, twice daily, on the effected part (10 to 12 hours apart).

Jock itch Infection of the digestive system

Tea tree oil mask Apply liberal amounts topically twice daily (at least 5 hours apart).

Athlete’s foot

Infection of lower glands

Apple cider vinegar mask

Soak the affected body part 3 times daily, every time in 1 cup of pure apple cider vinegar (morning, noon and evening, at least 3 hours apart).

Skin sore Skin organ infection

Coconut oil rub Apply topically on affected area, using 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, 3 times daily morning, noon and evening, at least 3 hours apart.

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For most mild to moderate cases of fungal

infections, the Fungus Destroyer Protocol

will clear up your fungal infection in 7 days.

However, for more severe cases, it will take

longer to completely clear up the infection.

In these cases, after completing a  cycle of

the Fungus Destroyer Protocol, you can take

up to 2 days off before starting another

cycle. Continue this process until the fungal

infection is cleared up.



You have absolutely nothing to worry about

because you are also covered by our 60 Days

“100% Cured or Money Back” guarantee.

Simply go through the program and see with

your own eyes how your fungal infection starts

to disappear. Notice how your itchiness and

pain gone begin to fade within a  few couple of

hours and how you finally regain your normal

life again within days... Just like 41,000 of our

satisfied customers who have gone through

the program had experienced did.

If you are unsatisfied for any reason (it’s

rare but it happens) send us an email in

the member’s area, and you’ll get a prompt

refund, no questions asked. We’ll still be

friends. You have nothing to risk at all. Like

I  said, this is a  100% risk-free investment.

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When I  first met Dr. Jiang, he informed

me that there was an epidemic of fungal

infections going around both the United

States and China. It had begun in the

U.S. around the year 1956 when the big

pharmaceutical companies began promoting

new and dangerous fungal remedies. At that

time, people really trusted these companies

and assumed they knew what they were

talking about. However, because these

remedies were so ineffective, the fungal

epidemic quickly spread to both developed

and undeveloped countries around the

world. Today, millions of people worldwide

are now suffering from moderate to severe

fungal infections and they have no idea how

to cure them. And that number is going

up every day. Meanwhile, the incidence of

fungal infections has increased in all age

groups, including children. In fact, fungal

infections have gotten so bad that they are

now leading to numerous other diseases and

the interaction between genetic, metabolic,

social, cultural and environmental factors

are possible cofactors. On top of all that,

the medical corporations keep offering up

cures that are even more dangerous than

the disease. This is how my father died and,

I  have to tell you, I’m still angry about it.

What you need to know is that there is

evidence that has emerged over the last

20 years that confirms the hypothesis that

Dr.  Jiang developed about the true causes

of fungal infections. The most widely studied

infectious agent possibly linked to fungal

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disease is adenovirus 36. Adv-36 causes

infection in animals. The bottom line of all

this research is that fungus is a problem that

first has to be cured from inside the body

before you can successfully treat its outward


And if you have had it, it is imperative for

your health, your self-esteem, your self-image,

and dozens of other aspects of your life that

you do what you have to do to get fungus

out of your system. As scary as all of this is,

my work with Dr. Jiang and the benefits that

research has brought to me and my family

has convinced me that this protocol holds the

key to defeating fungus for good. That’s why

I  am making a passionate plea to you right

now. Do this protocol! You will not regret it!

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About the Author

Dr. Grant Anderson is a  highly respected

trained physician. He has dedicated his

life to discovering the true causes and

developing a  cure for fungal infections. This

quest took Dr. Grant to China where he

met a nationally renowned fungal expert.

This book is the result of many years of

collaboration, research, and hard work.