witchy woo masterclass - real life witchery


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hosted by

Ivy Rose Latchford

Page 2: WITCHY WOO MASTERCLASS - Real Life Witchery

Witchy Woo Masterclass




Wicca is _________________________________________________________________________________________

Paganism is______________________________________________________________________________________

Witchcraft is ____________________________________________________________________________________

Magick is ________________________________________________________________________________________

What is Wicca

• Pagan Tradition – earth-centric spirituality / not Christian

• Ortho__________

• History of Wicca

o Not ancient – started in the _______________ in Great Britain

o ___________________________

▪ Said he was initiated into an ancient coven of unbroken lineage

▪ Melds ancient Celtic influences with ceremonial magic (OTO)

• Conflated with Eclectic Paganism

o Share some ritual features due to Wicca’s history

• What makes Wicca, Wicca

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Witchy Woo Masterclass


o Honor polar deity (Goddess and God)

o Wiccan ritual outline

o Celebrate 8 _______________/ holidays

o Celebrate _____________/ moons

▪ BTW- Strict traditions – only in covens – hierarchical

▪ Has to be initiated into the lineage so it’s unbroken forever

o Wiccan Rede – An it Harm None, do as ye will. [advice]

Logistics: Hierarchy and Group Practice

• No central dogmatic _______________________

• Solitary

• Groups

o BTW Trad- Co-ed

o Hierarchical

o Leadership

o Degree System

▪ 1- _______________________________

▪ 2- _______________________________

▪ 3- _______________________________

Foundational Concepts

• __________________________

o Several types of meditation, including guided meditation, silent meditation and

moving/ chanting meditation

• __________________________

o When you can visualize something, it’s easy to put energy toward. When people

first learn about how to manipulate energy, visualization helps

o Helps with guided visualization

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Witchy Woo Masterclass


• __________________________

o Connects with earth / seasons

o Helps with sensing and projecting energy

• __________________________

o The answers are inside of us

o No ________________________________

Elements and Energy

• Energy is used in most of what we do in Wicca

o Where does energy come from?

For example:

o Set up circle and call energy of the elements

o We call the energies into our circle when we do ritual

o We use their attributes to effect change on the physical plate

o Each element has specific things attributed to it

o ___________________ elements (+ 1 bonus)

o We can extrapolate and attribute things to each of the elements

▪ Water- _______________ (what does water do)

▪ Fire- _______________ (what does fire do)

▪ Air_______________ (what does air do)

▪ Earth- _______________ (what does earth do)

Physical Tools and Altar

• ___________________- used to cut/ manipulate energy

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Witchy Woo Masterclass


• ___________________- purify and symbolize earth

• ___________________- cleansing and symbolizes water

• ___________________- activation and symbolizing fire

• ___________________- purifying, helps w/ mindset and symbolizes air

• ___________________- represents all of the elements and is used to charge things on

• ___________________- represents water, or chalice for part of the ceremony

• ___________________- for offerings to gods, spirits, ancestors, etc.

• __________________ symbols or candles

Gods and Goddesses

o We honor a god and goddess that are equal

o Duotheistic or Polytheistic

o Hard Polytheism ________________________________________________________

o Soft Polytheism

o Honor different pantheons – usually not blending in one ritual

o We honor (at least) a Lord and Lady, and everyone may honor them differently

o The Lord and The Lady

o Cernunnos and Aradia

o Other pantheons – Irish, other Celtic, Greek, Roman, Norse, Slavic, Egyptian,

Sumerian, etc.

o In addition to honor gods at ritual, some also create a relationship with a specific god or

goddess. This is usually called one’s patron god or goddess

o Devotion

o Offerings

o Research and poetry

o We don’t just reach out to a god/dess because want something.

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Witchy Woo Masterclass



• Ritual Outline

1. Creating/cleansing space

2. Cast Circle / Seal Circle

3. Call Quarters

4. Evoke deities (evoke vs invoke)

5. Lore/ SOP

6. <center of the ritual>

7. Meditation and/ or divination

8. Cakes and ale

9. My trad- Blessing Circle

10. Releasing the Quarters (not dismissing or banishing)

11. Releasing the Deities (invite them to leave)

12. Open the Circle

• Sabbats - celebration

o Yule (Winter Solstice)

▪ Longest night

▪ Reborn sun

▪ Themes: ________________________

▪ Foods: ________________________

o Imbolc (Brighid’s Day)

▪ First signs of spring

▪ Honoring the Celtic Goddess Brighid- fire, forge and inspiration

▪ Themes: ________________________

▪ Foods: ________________________

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Witchy Woo Masterclass


o Ostara (Spring Equinox)

▪ Light and dark equal length

▪ Spring in bloom – flowers

▪ Themes: ________________________

▪ Foods: ________________________

o Beltane (May Day)

▪ Love and lust holiday

▪ God and Goddess hook up

▪ Themes: ________________________

▪ Foods: ________________________

o Litha (Summer Solstice)

▪ Longest day

▪ Pinnacle of energy, especially sun energy

▪ Themes: ________________________

▪ Foods: ________________________

o Lammas or Lughnasadh

▪ (loaf mass) ________________ Harvest – bread and corn

▪ Lughnasadh- funeral games for God Lugh

▪ Foods: ________________________

o Mabon (Autumn Equinox/ Harvest Home)

▪ Day and night are of equal length

▪ Second Harvest- _______________ harvest

▪ Gratitude- ________________________

▪ Foods: ________________________

o Samhain

▪ Veil between this world and the otherworld has thinned

▪ Third/final harvest- ___________ harvest

▪ Ancestor honoring

▪ Foods: ________________________

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Witchy Woo Masterclass


• ___________________________

o There are different names for each full moon (pink moon, red moon, honey

moon) due to Native American tribes

o Used for working rituals – like spells

o In my coven- we take turns creating the center of the ritual depending upon the

need of the member


o Definition of magick : using energy or non-physical means in some way to create a

change on the physical plane

o There are several types of ways we use magick:

o ___________ magick: when we cast a circle to create a safe boundary, or call

quarters or call deities

o Magick in _______________ , aka workings:

▪ Magickal theory – laws of magick ie: law of return

▪ Raise energy – kinetic, using visualization

▪ Directing it

▪ Catalysts ( _______________________________________________________________ )

• Crystals

• Herbs

• Sigils

• Colors

• Candles

• ________________________ has attributes or correspondences you can


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Witchy Woo Masterclass


Reflection Questions

What traditions are prevalent where you live?

What parts of the ritual outline resonate with you?

What parts would you exclude?

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Witchy Woo Masterclass


What sabbat themes resonate with you?

What sabbats do you already celebrate in one way or another?

What is one activity and one food you could prepare for each sabbat?

Winter Solstice- ________________________________________________________________________________

Imbolc- _________________________________________________________________________________________

Spring Equinox- ________________________________________________________________________________

Beltane- _________________________________________________________________________________________

Summer Solstice- ________________________________________________________________________________

Lammas- _________________________________________________________________________________________

Autumn Equinox- ________________________________________________________________________________

Samhain- _________________________________________________________________________________________

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Witchy Woo Masterclass


What tools (if any) do you already use?

What tool do you use most often?

Do you have an altar?

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Witchy Woo Masterclass


If you have an altar, when was the last time you refreshed it? If not, what could you put on a

future altar?

Do you feel close to any deity?

What are some ways you could commune with deity?

What deities did your cultural ancestors honor?

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Witchy Woo Masterclass


What have you done in the past to honor the moon?

What are 5 things you could do an at esbat?

How could you define magick?

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Witchy Woo Masterclass


Which catalysts (stones, crystals, scents, colors) call to you?

What do you think about the law of return? Threefold law? Karma?

What will be the next steps on your spiritual path?