wise giving guide

Wise Giving Guide A Pathway To Effective Donations Better Business Bureau Serving Eastern Missouri & Southern Illinois Charity Information Service Summer 2011

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Wise Giving GuideA Pathway To Effective Donations

Better Business BureauServing Eastern Missouri & Southern Illinois

Charity Information Service

Summer 2011

The Better Business Bureau’s Charity Information Service (CIS) evaluates organizations according to the Council of Better Business Bureaus’ Wise Giving Alliance 20 Standards for Charity Accountability. It produces reports on local organizations that solicit funds.

These organizations have been the subject of inquiries received by the BBB and are considered public charities with 501(c)3 status with the Internal Revenue Service.

About BBB’s Charity Information Service

BBB Guide Points The Way To Informed DonationsMay 2011

Next time a charity sends you a letter or calls you asking for money, take a few minutes to check them out before you write a check or give them your credit card. Is the charity going to use your funds wisely? The BBB can help you make that determination.At the BBB, we have been evaluating

charities since 2002. We look at a nonprofit’s financial statements and annual reports, and we ask charities to answer a questionnaire. Nonprofits who meet our 20 Standards of Charity Accountability may qualify to use the

BBB Accredited Charity seal, which can be displayed on the charity’s website and used in printed materials.The BBB’s Wise Giving Guide is our semi-annual report on

charities within our 92-county region comprising Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois. In this guide, you will find a listing of 586 nonprofits in the region. Of those, 152 met all of our standards. All but a handful of those have agreed to become BBB Accredited Charities. BBB Accredited Charities’ names are printed in bold in the charity listings, which start on Page 4.

Michelle L. Corey

In the following pages, you wil find a list of the 20 Standards. Below, we have given some information about the BBB’s Charity Information Service and some tips to make your dollars work harder. The charity listings indicate whether a charity has met all

the standards and if not, which standards they have failed to meet. In some cases, charities have not responded to our request for information and are noted as “no response.”At the St. Louis BBB’s website, you can view the latest

reports in the section for Charities and Donors. Go to www.stlouis.bbb.org/ and click on “Check Out A Business or Charity” for the latest information.We hope you will find this guide useful. Feel free to share

it with your friends and families.Sincerely,

Michelle L. CoreyBBB President & CEO

• Check with outside sources before giving. Donors can check out charities with the BBB or their state government’s charity registration agency, usually a division of the attorney general’s office.

• Mistaken identity. Just because the organization includes the words “police” or “firefighter” in the name does not mean that any member of a local force is involved. Many veterans’ charities include virtually the same words in different order or slightly different form. Make sure you’re donating to a legitimate group.

• Telemarketing cautions. Telemarketing can be a costly

BBB Offers Tips For Wise Givingmethod of fundraising if it’s not carefully managed. Ask for written information on the charity’s programs and finances.

• On-the-spot donation decisions. Be wary of excessive pressure in fundraising. Don’t be pressured to make an immediate donation. Charities should welcome gifts at any time.

• Donating cars. Find out how much of the auction price for donated cars actually goes to the charity. Sometimes the charity receives only a small portion of the resale price. Be mindful of the IRS

rules on the deductibility of such gifts.

• Clear program descriptions. Look for a clear program description of the organization’s activities in its appeals and on its Web site. For example, if the appeal says the charity is helping veterans, does it explain how (e.g., financial, housing, and/or counseling, etc.) and where it is doing so?

For more information on charities and businesses, call the BBB at 314-645-3300 or go to stlouis.bbb.org.

In certain instances, CIS will investigate and provide reports on organizations that solicit under the guise of a charity or professional fund-raising entities that solicit on behalf of others.

Inclusion on or omission from these lists should not be interpreted as either approval or disapproval. For updated information or a copy of a report, go online to www.bbb.org and click on “Check Out a Business or Charity.”


that meet all 20

Standards for



may qualify to

use the

BBB Accredited

Charity Seal


BBB’s 20 Standards for Charity AccountabilityGOVERNANCE AND OVERSIGHT

The governing board has the ultimate oversight authority for any charitable organization. This section of the standards seeks to ensure that the volunteer board is active, independent and free of self-dealing. To meet these standards, the organization shall have:

1. A board of directors that provides adequate oversight of the charity’s operations and its staff. Indication of adequate oversight includes, but is not limited to, regularly scheduled appraisals of the CEO’s performance, evidence of disbursement controls such as board approval of the budget, fund raising practices, establishment of a conflict of interest policy, and establishment of accounting procedures sufficient to safeguard charity finances.

2. A board of directors with a minimum of five voting members.

3. A minimum of three evenly spaced meetings per year of the full governing body with a majority in attendance, with face-to-face participation. A conference call of the full board can substitute for one of the three meetings of the governing body. For all meetings, alternative modes of participation are acceptable for those with physical disabilities.

4. Not more than one or 10% (whichever is greater) directly or indirectly compensated person(s) serving as voting member(s) of the board. Compensated members shall not serve as the board’s chair or treasurer. [Publicly soliciting churches and other houses of worship: see the Implementation Guide for further information about the application of this standard.]

5. No transaction(s) in which any board or staff members have material conflicting interests with the charity resulting from any relationship or business affiliation. Factors that will be considered when concluding whether or not a related party transaction constitutes a conflict of interest and if such a conflict is material, include, but are not limited to: any arm’s length procedures established by the charity; the size of the transaction relative to like expenses of the charity; whether the interested party participated in the board vote on the transaction; if competitive bids were sought and whether the transaction is one-time, recurring or ongoing.


An organization should regularly assess its effectiveness in achieving its mission. This section seeks to ensure that an organization has defined, measurable goals and objectives in place and a defined process in place to evaluate the success and impact of its program(s) in fulfilling the goals and objectives of the organization and that also identifies ways to address any deficiencies. To meet these standards, a charitable organization shall:

6. Have a board policy of assessing, no less than every two years, the organization’s performance and effectiveness and of determining future actions required to achieve its mission.

7. Submit to the organization’s governing body, for its approval, a written report that outlines the results of the aforementioned performance and effectiveness assessment and recommendations for future actions.


This section of the standards seeks to ensure that the charity spends its funds honestly, prudently and in accordance with statements made in fund raising appeals. To meet these standards, the charitable organization shall:

8. Spend at least 65% of its total expenses on program activities.

9. Spend no more than 35% of related contributions on fund raising. Related contributions include donations, legacies, and other gifts received as a result of fund raising efforts.

10. Avoid accumulating funds that could be used for current program activities. To meet this standard, the charity’s unrestricted net assets available for use should not be more than three times the size of the past year’s expenses or three times the size of the current year’s budget, whichever is higher.

[Meeting certain public disclosure requirements described in the Implementation Guide may enable a charity to satisfy this standard.]

An organization that does not meet Standards 8, 9 and/or 10 may provide evidence to demonstrate that its use of funds is reasonable. The higher fund raising and administrative costs of a newly created organization, donor restrictions on the use of funds, exceptional bequests, a stigma associated with a cause and environmental or political events beyond an organization’s control are among factors which may result in expenditures that are reasonable although they do not meet the financial measures cited in these standards.

11. Make available to all, on request, complete annual financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. When total annual gross income exceeds $250,000, these statements should be audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. For charities whose annual gross income is less than $250,000, a review by a certified public accountant is sufficient to meet this standard. For charities whose annual gross income is less than $100,000, an internally produced, complete financial statement is sufficient to meet this standard.

12. Include in the financial statements a breakdown of expenses (e.g., salaries, travel, postage, etc.) that shows what portion of these expenses was allocated to program, fund raising, and administrative activities. If the charity has more than one major program category, the schedule should provide a breakdown for each category.

13. Accurately report the charity’s expenses, including any joint cost allocations, in its financial statements. For example, audited or unaudited statements which inaccurately claim zero fund raising expenses or otherwise understate the amount a charity spends on fund raising, and/or overstate the amount it spends on programs will not meet this standard.

14. Have a board-approved annual budget for its current fiscal year, outlining projected expenses for major program activities, fund raising, and administration.


A fund raising appeal is often the only contact a donor has with a charity and may be the sole impetus for giving. This section of the standards seeks to ensure that a

charity’s representations to the public are accurate, complete and respectful. To 3

annually, a means (e.g., such as a check off box) for both new and continuing donors to inform the charity if they do not want their name and address shared outside the organization, and providing a clear, prominent and easily accessible privacy policy on any of its websites that tells visitors (i) what information, if any, is being collected about them by the charity and how this information will be used, (ii) how to contact the charity to review personal information collected and request corrections, (iii) how to inform the charity (e.g., a check off box) that the visitor does not wish his/her personal information to be shared outside the organization, and (iv) what security measures the charity has in place to protect personal information.

19. Clearly disclose how the charity benefits from the sale of products or services (i.e., cause-related marketing) that state or imply that a charity will benefit from a consumer sale or transaction. Such promotions should disclose, at the point of solicitation:

• the actual or anticipated portion of the purchase price that will benefit the charity (e.g., 5 cents will be contributed to abc charity for every xyz company product sold),

• the duration of the campaign (e.g., the month of October),

• any maximum or guaranteed minimum contribution amount (e.g., up to a maximum of $200,000).

20. Respond promptly to and act on complaints brought to its attention by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance and/or local BBBs about fund raising practices, privacy policy violations and/or other issues.

meet these standards, the charitable organization shall:

15. Have solicitations and informational materials, distributed by any means, that are accurate, truthful and not misleading, both in whole and in part. Appeals that omit a clear description of program(s) for which contributions are sought will not meet this standard.

A charity should also be able to substantiate that the timing and nature of its expenditures are in accordance with what is stated, expressed, or implied in the charity’s solicitations.

16. Have an annual report available to all, on request, that includes:

• the organization’s mission statement,

• a summary of the past year’s program service accomplishments,

• a roster of the officers and members of the board of directors,

• financial information that includes (i) total income in the past fiscal year, (ii) expenses in the same program, fund raising and administrative categories as in the financial statements, and (iii) ending net assets.

17. Include on any charity websites that solicit contributions, the same information that is recommended for annual reports, as well as the mailing address of the charity and electronic access to its most recent IRS Form 990.

18. Address privacy concerns of donors by providing in written appeals, at least


Charity Name(Bold = Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)

Meets Standards

Standards Not Met

Unable to Verify

Review in Progress

No Re-


2000 Feet XA Better World XA Child Is a Child XA New Cornerstone XA R C H E S XAcademy of Science St. Louis XAccion Social Comunitaria XActivecare XAct Now Rescue XActs 1 8 Mission Society XAdam Morgan Foundation XAdapt Ability XAdequate Housing for Missourians XAdopt A Pet Shelter XAffton Historical Society XAgape Ministry of Warrenton XAim High St Louis XAll Inclusive Care Adult Day Care Agency XAlliance Francaise De St. Louis XAlliance on Mental Illness XAlmost Home XALS Association St. Louis Regional Chapter XAlternatives to Living in Violent Environments XAlton Symphony Orchestra XAlzheimer's Awareness Foundation XAlzheimer's Disease and Related DisordersAssociation, St. Louis Chapter


BBB Giving Guide To Charities In Eastern Missouri And Southern IllinoisCharity Name

(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)Meets

StandardsStandards Not Met Unable To

VerifyReview In Progress



Amer Haitian Bon Zami Inc XAmerican Cancer Society XAmerican Civil Liberties Union of Eastern Missouri XAmerican Diabetes Association XAmerican Heart Association Heartland Affiliate XAmerican Kennel Club Museum of the Dog 3,6,8,10,12,16American Kidney Fund XAmerican Lung Association of Eastern Missouri XAmerican Parkinson Disease Association Greater St. Louis Chapter


American Red Cross St. Louis Area Chapter XAmerican Youth Foundation XAmericorps St. Louis XAnimal House Fund XAngels' Arms XAnimal Protective Association of Missouri XAnnie Malone Children & Family Service Center XAnnie's Hope The Bereavement Center for Kids XAnti Defamation League XApostolic Church of Belleville XApostolic Worship Center xApplied Scholastics International XArea Resources for Community and Human Services XArt on the Square XArt Saint Louis XArthritis Foundation Eastern Missouri Chapter XArts and Education Council of Greater St. Louis XAssistance League of St. Louis XAssociation of the Miraculous Medal XAssociation On Aging With Developmental Disabilities XAsthma and Allergy Foundation of America St. Louis Chapter


Atai Orphanage Fund XAtelier Studio CMS XBackstoppers Inc XBar Plan Foundation XBarc XBarnes Jewish Hospital Foundation XBallet Midwest XBasket of Hope XBelle Center, Inc. XBereaved Parents Of The U S A XBethesda Health Group, Inc. XBetter Family Life, Inc. XBeverly Farm Foundation XBeyond Housing XBig Brothers Big Sisters of Central Missouri XBig Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri XBig Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Illinois XBirthright Counseling, St. Louis, Inc. XBlessing Basket Project XBoone Center Inc. X

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress



Bootheel Counseling Services, Inc. XBoy Scouts Greater Saint Louis Council XBoys & Girls Club of Bethalto XBoys & Girls Club of the Capital City XBoys & Girls Club of the Columbia Area XBoys Hope Girls Hope XBrain Injury Association of Missouri XBridgeway Behavioral Health XBurns Recovered Support Group XButtons & Bows Preschool Development Center XCall For Help Inc XCampbell House Museum XCampus Ministry U S A XCancer Victims Fund XCardinal Ritter Senior Services XCaring Solutions XCarney's Kids Foundation XCat Network XCatch a Falling Star XCatholic Charities of Saint Louis XCatholic Family Services XCatholic Social Services of Southern Illinois XCatholic Urban Programs XCedars at the JCA XCenter for Head Injury Services XCenter for Hearing & Speech XCenter For Life Solutions XCenter for Survivors of Torture and War Trauma XCenter for Women in Transition XCentral Institute for the Deaf XCHADS Coalition for Mental Health XChallenge Unlimited XCHAMP Assistance Dogs XChesterfield Arts XChild Center Marygrove XChild Day Care Association of St. Louis XChild Evangelism Fellowship XChild Rescue Network XChildren's Foundation of Mid-America XChildren's Home & Aid Society of Illinois XChildren's Home Society of Missouri XChildren's Hope International XChildren's Miracle Network XChildren's Relief Mission XChoices for People Center XChoose Life of Missouri XChristian Activity Center XChristian Homecare Services XCinema St. Louis XCircle of Concern XCircle of Hope Foundation X

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder) Meets

StandardsStandards Not Met Unable To

VerifyReview In Progress


Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress



Circus Harmony XCity Academy XCivic Education Foundation XClarkson Eyecare Foundation XCoca-Ctr Of Creative Arts XCollege Bound XColumbia Police Foundation XCommunity Action Agency of St. Louis County XCommunity Counseling Center 14,16,17,18Community Health Charities XCommunity Health in Partnership Services XCommunity Helping Ministry 6,8,11,14 7Community Living, Inc. XComprehensive Behavioral Health Center of St. Clair XComputer Rescue 911 XComtrea 6,13,16,17,18 7,9Connections to Success XConservation Federation of St. Louis XContemporary Art Museum XContemporary Living Options XCoordinated Youth Services XCope Twenty Four XCornerstone Center for Early Learning XCovenant House Missouri XCraft Alliance XCreative Concepts for Living XCrossroads Community Recovery Center XCrider Center for Mental Health XCrime Victim Advocacy Center of Saint Louis XCritical Mass for the Visual Arts XCrohn's & Colitis Foundation of America XCultural Festivals 6,7,14,16,17,18D R E Learning Centers Organization XDelta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments


Disability Resource Association, Inc. XDisabled Children's Association XDisciples Benevolent Services XDiversity Awareness Partnership XDoorways XDouglass Community Services XDown Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis XDream Factory St. Louis XDream Team Community Service Inc XEagle's Nest Ministries XEarth Angel Aviators XEarth Share of Missouri XEast Central Missouri Area Health Education Center XEastern Missouri Coalition of Police XEdunomic Village International XEmmaus Homes, Inc. X

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress


Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress



Employment Connection XEndangered Wolf Center XEnergyCare XEnrichment Services of Dent County, Inc. XEpilepsy Foundation of the St. Louis Region XEpworth Children & Family Services XEvery Child's Hope XFaith Beyond Walls XFaith Village XFamily Advocacy and Community Training XFamily Health Center XFamily Resource Center XFamily Shield Ministries 8,14Family Support Network 3,18Feed My People XFinancial Fitness Services XFirst Tee of St. Louis XFocus St. Louis XFood Bank for Central & Northeastern Missouri XFood Outreach XForest Park Forever XForest ReLeaf of Missouri XFoster Care Coalition for Greater St. Louis, Inc. XFoundation for Autism Services Today and Tomorrow XFoundation for Homeless Veterans XFour Sho Four Kids Foundation XFranklin County Area United Way XFriends of Kids with Cancer XGambrill Gardens Inc XGateway Consortium Foundation XGateway Council of Hostelling International - USA XGateway Greening XGateway Hemophilia Association XGateway 180: Homelessness Reversed XGateway Legal Services, Inc. XGateway Pet Guardians XGene Slay's Boys' Club of St. Louis, Inc. XGifted Resource Council XGirl Scouts of Eastern Missouri XGirl Scouts of River Bluffs Council XGirls Incorporated of Saint Louis XGive Kids a Smile XGood Samaritan House XGood Shepherd Children and Family Services XGrace Chapel Ministries XGrace Hill Neighborhood Services XGrace Place Retreat Ministries XGrand Oak Hill Community Corporation XGreat Rivers Land Trust XGreat Things Inc Foundation XGreen Center X

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress


Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress



Greenway Network 6,7,16Guardian Angel Settlement Association XHabitat for Humanity Saint Charles XHabitat for Humanity Saint Louis XHarris House XHarrison's Hope XHaven of Grace XHavenHouse St. Louis XHeat Up St. Louis 3,6,7,11,12,13,16,18 9Hellenic Spirit Foundation XHelping Hands Healing Hearts XHerbert Hoover Boys & Girls Club XHi Tech Charities 1,6,12,13,14,16,18 7,8,9HIS KIDS 3,4Hispanic Festival Inc XHome Buyers Assistance Foundation XHome Services Incorporated XHope Adoption Agency XHope Happens 11Hope Unlimited XHopewell Center XHospice of Southern Illinois XHousing Options Provided for the Elderly HOPE XHoyleton Youth & Family Services 1,4,6,7,16,17,18Human Support Services XHumane Society of Missouri XHumane Society of Saint Charles XHumanitri XHyde Park Neighborhood Services XIL MO Rescue XIllinois Center for Autism XIllinois Federation for Right to Life XImmigrant and Refugee Women's Program XIndependence Center XInroads XInstitute For Family Medicine XInstitute for Science and Health XInternational Institute of Metropolitan St. Louis XIsaac Bruce Foundation XJack & Jill of America Inc St. Louis Missouri Chapter XJackie Joyner Kersee Center XJamestown New Horizons XJefferson City Day Care Center XJefferson City Rape & Abuse Crisis Services XJefferson County Community Partnership 6,8Jefferson County Rescue Mission XJewish Federation XJob Point XJoe's Place XJudevine Center Autistic Children XJuneteenth Jazz & Heritage Festival X

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress


Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress



Junior Achievement of Mississippi Valley, Inc. XJustine Petersen Housing & Reinvestment Corp. XKid Smart Tools for Learning XKids' Chance Inc of Missouri XKids in the Middle XKids Under Twenty One XKilo Diabetes & Vascular Research Foundation XKingdom House XKirkcare XLa Clinica Latino Community Health Center XLand of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation XLaw Enforcement Education Program XLeague of Women Voters Information Service XLearning Tree Intergenerational Center Inc. XLeftovers Etc XLegal Advocates for Abused Women XLegal Services of Eastern Missouri XLemay Child & Family Center XLessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House XLet's Start 11Leukemia & Lymphoma Society XLewis & Clark Community Development XLife Skills Foundation XLift for Life Academy 6,7,16,17,18Lighthouse for the Blind XLincoln County Council on Aging XLittle Angels Learning Center XLittle Sisters of the Poor 1,6,7,16Living Independently Now Center 16,17Living Well Foundation XLoaves & Fishes XLooking for an Angel XLove Basket XLoving Hearts Outreach Thrift XLoyola Academy of St. Louis XLutheran Association for Special Education XLutheran Child & Family Services of Illinois XLutheran Church Missouri Synod 6,7,16,18Lutheran Family & Children's Services of Missouri XLutheran Hour Ministries XLutheran Senior Services XLydia's House, Inc. 1,6,7,16,17,18Madison County Urban League XMagdalen Community Improvement Corporation XMagic House XMagnificat Center XMake-A-Wish Foundation of Missouri XMarch of Dimes Foundation XMarian Middle School XMardi Gras Foundation XMary Ryder Home X

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress


Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress



Masonic Home of Missouri XMathews-Dickey Boys' & Girls' Club XMeals on Wheels of Greater St Louis XMeds & Food for Kids XMental Health Association of Greater St. Louis XMeramec Community Mission XMERS/Missouri Goodwill Industries XMetro Theater Company XMetro Vision Ministries XMichael Anders Prison Ministry XMid American Transplant Association XMid East Area Agency on Aging XMiriam Foundation XMission Continues XMission Missouri XMissouri Botanical Garden XMissouri Child Identification Program XMissouri Coalition for Budget & Policy Priorities XMissouri Coalition for the Environment XMissouri Council of the Blind XMissouri Federation of Police Chiefs XMissouri GASP XMissouri Humanities Council 3,7,16,17,18Missouri Police Chiefs Association XMissouri Police Chiefs Charitable Foundation XMissouri Right to Life XMissouri Sheriffs' Association XMissouri State Troopers Association Scholarship Trust XMissouri Wonderland Camp Foundation XMissourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment XMultiple Sclerosis Foundation XMutts N Stuff XN A A C P XN B A Woodhaven XNational Children's Cancer Society XNational Council of Jewish Women St. Louis XNational Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse XNational Kidney Foundation of Eastern MO & Metro East


National Multiple Sclerosis Society Gateway Area Chapter


National Railway Historical Society XNational Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows XNatural Born Givers XNature Conservancy XNeighborhood Assistance Corp of America XNeighborhood Houses XNew Hope Foundation XNew Life Evangelistic Center 1,4,11,14NextStep for Life XNikki Bradford Dance Ensemble XNortheast Community Action Corp 1,16,18

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress


Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress



Northeast Independent Living Services XNorth Grand Neighborhood Services XNursery Foundation of Saint Louis XNurses for Newborns XOasis International Ministries XOfficers Against Drugs XOld North St. Louis Restoration Group XOne Hundred Black Men of Metropolitan St. Louis XOpen Door Animal Sanctuary XOpen Hearts Inc XOpen Space Council for the St. Louis Region XOpera Theatre of St. Louis XOperation Brightside XOperation Cobra XOperation Food Search Inc XOperation Homefront XOperation Liftoff Inc XOperation Spot XOptimist International Foundation XOur Lady's Inn XOur Little Haven XPAKT Community Resource Center XParalyzed Veterans of America, Gateway Chapter XParaquad, Inc. XParents as Teachers National Center, Inc. XParkside Meadows 5,13,14,16 6,7,9Pathways to Independence XPayback, Inc. XPet Placement XPeter and Paul Community Services, Inc. XPets Alone Sanctuary XPinecrest Camp & Conference Center Inc XPit Bull Rescue Central 3,6,14,16,17,18Places for People XPlanned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region XPony Bird, Inc. 7Posh Puppies Rescue & Adoption Center XPreferred Family Services XPrison Performing Arts XProgressive Youth Connection XProject COPE 16,17,18Project Headway XProtect Every Pet XProvident Counseling XPujols Family Foundation XQueen of Peace Center XRainbow House XRainbow Village 8Ready Readers XRebuilding Together St. Louis XRecreation Council of Greater St. Louis 6,14,16,17

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress


Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress


Rescued Racers XRespond Inc XRide on St. Louis XReliv Kalogris Foundation 11Riverbend Head Start & Family Services XRonald McDonald House Charities of Metro St. Louis, Inc.


Ronald McDonald House Charities of Mid-Missouri XRoom at the Inn XRussell House XS S M Rehab Foundation XSafe Connections XSafe Harbor Animal Sanctuary XSafety Council of Greater St. Louis XSaint Louis Art Museum XSaint Louis ConnectCare XSaint Louis Effort For AIDS XSaint Louis Lead Prevention Coalition XSaint Louis Men's Group Against Cancer XSaint Louis Powerhouse Church XSaint Louis Symphony Orchestra XSaint Martin's Child Center XSaint Patrick Center XSalvation Army Midland Division XSaving Aiding Loving Teaching XScholarship Foundation of St. Louis 11Service International XSexual Health and Reproductive Education XShakespeare Festival St. Louis XShare Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Inc 17Shawn Hornbeck Foundation XShelby County Senior Citizens Association XSheldon Arts Foundation 6,14 7Sherwood Forest Camp XShining Rivers School XShow Me Aquatics & Fitness XSIDS Resources Inc XSignature Healthcare Foundation XSmall Victories XSmall World Adoption Foundation Inc XSociety of Saint Vincent De Paul XSouthern Illinois Tigers XSouthwestern Illinois College Foundation XSpecial Children XSpecial Education Foundation XSpecial Olympics Missouri XSpringboard to Learning XSri Lanka Association XSSDN XSt. Andrews Resources for Seniors XSt. Charles West Band Booster Club X

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress



Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress


St. Clair County CASA XSt. Louis Animal Rights Team XSt. Louis Arc XSt. Louis Area Foodbank XSt. Louis Area Jobs with Justice XSt. Louis Ballet XSt. Louis Blues 14 Fund XSt. Louis Community Empowerment Foundation XSt. Louis Connecting and Assisting Neighborhoods XSt. Louis Crisis Nursery XSt. Louis Dancers Academy XSt. Louis Earth Day XSt. Louis Fisher House XSt. Louis For Kids XSt. Louis Internship Program XSt. Louis Jewish Community Center XSt. Louis Learning Disabilities Association XSt. Louis Municipal Opera XSt. Louis Organizational for Changing Men 9,11,16,17St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness XSt. Louis Public School Foundation XSt. Louis Regional Asthma Consortium XSt. Louis Regional Crimestoppers XSt. Louis Regional OASIS XSt. Louis Science Center XSt. Louis Society for the Physically Disabled XSt. Louis Society for the Blind XSt. Louis Sports Foundation XSt. Louis Transitional Hope House XSt. Louis Volunteer Lawyers & Accountants for the Arts XSt. Louis Wheelchair Athletic Association XSt. Louis Zoo XSt. Martha's Hall XSt. Vincent Home for Children XStages St. Louis XStarr Manor Assistant Living XStella Maris Child Center XStray Rescue of St. Louis XSts Joachim and Ann Care Service XStudioSTL XStump Mitchell Foundation XSunnyhill Incorporated 9Sunshine Ministries XSupport Dogs XSustainable St. Louis XTeach for America XTeam Activities for Special Kids XThe King's Daycare Center XThe Repertory Theatre of St. Louis XThe Shelter XThe Singer Institute Community Connections Program X

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress



Therapeutic Horsemanship XThrive St. Louis XTouchpoint Autism Service XTrailnet XTransport Museum Association XUnion Avenue Opera Theatre XUnion Sarah Senior Citizen Center XUnion West Florissant Housing Solutions XUCP Easter Seals Heartland XUnited Methodist Village Retirement Communities XUnited Services XUnited Volunteers Inc XUnited Way Callaway County XUnited Way of Greater St. Louis 3United Way of Mark Twain Area XUnited Way of South Central Missouri 12,13,18 9University City Children's Center 6,17,18Urban Future XUrban League of Metropolitan St. Louis XUrban Studio XUsher Syndrome Foundation XUSO of Missouri XVariety the Children's Charity of St. Louis XVenus Envy XVeterans for Peace XVictims Injured by Sexual Abuse Fund XVision for Children at Risk XVisiting Nurse Association XViva Vox XVoices for ChildrenVoluntary Action Center XWalker Scottish Rite Clinic 18Warren County Fine Arts Council XWeb Innovations & Technology Services XWellness Community of Greater St. Louis XWestern Egyptian Economic Opportunity Council XWild Bird Rehabilitation XWildlife Center of Missouri XWillow's Way XWings of Hope XWomen in Charge XWomen's Safe House XWorld Bird Sanctuary XWorldwide Inventory Network XWyman Center, Inc. XY M C A of Greater St. Louis XY M C A of Southeast Missouri 5,6,7,14,16,17,18Youthbridge Community Foundation XYouth & Family Center XYouth in Need XYouth Lifeline America X

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress



[email protected]


Youth Technology & Education Center 8,16YWCA of Metropolitan St. Louis XZonta Club of St. Louis X

Charity Name(Bold=Meets Standards & BBB Seal Holder)


Standards Not Met Unable To Verify

Review In Progress


Main Office211 N. Broadway, Suite 2060

St. Louis, Mo. 63102(314)-645-3300

Mid-Missouri Branch3610 Buttonwood Drive, Suite 200

Columbia, Mo. 65201(573) 886-8965

Better Business BureauServing Eastern Missouri & Southern Illinois

Charity Information Service