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  • My BiBle Fun GRADES 1&2STuDenT BOOK

    WinTeR 2013-14SunDAy SCHOOl


    We know you care about kids…We do, too! That’s why we attempt to ensure that all crafts, toys, and gizmos meet or exceed national safety standards—and are produced by manufacturers that don’t use child labor or abuse their labor force. You can order Group resources knowing that in addition to caring for your kids, you’re also caring for children elsewhere.

    Let’s keep kids safe!We strive to provide products that are mechanically reliable and hold together during normal, intended usage. Items are also checked for fl ammabil-ity, and both paint and surface coatings are checked for heavy metals—including lead.You can help your children stay safe by seeing that toys and gizmos are used as designed, for the purposes designed, and that any broken pieces are disposed of promptly and properly. We value your feedback. If you become aware of a problem affecting the safety of any of our products, please inform us immediately.

    FaithWeaver NOW® Bible Curriculum, Grades 1 & 2, Winter 2013-2014Copyright © 2001 and 2013 Group Publishing, Inc.2013 edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the publisher, except where noted in the text and in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, visit

    Visit our website:

    CreditsContributing Authors: Linda Anderson, Lynda Gavitt Armour, Meg Livingston Maehl, and Amy SimpsonEditors: Jennifer Hooks, Lee Sparks, Ali Thompson, Chris Yount JonesCopy Editors: Erica Feucht, Deborah Helmers, Becky Helzer, Andrea ZimmermanChief Creative Offi cer: Joani SchultzCover Design and Art Direction: Jeff SpencerInterior Design Team: Jeff Brunacci, Randy Kady, Rebecca SwainCover Photography: © Manager: Pam Clifford

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica™. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

    ISBN 978-1-4704-0212-0

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13Printed in the United States of America.

    001 USA 0813

  • Lesson

    11Solomon Tells of Psalm 72:1-19

    Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • < What great things does Jesus do?

    < What needs does Jesus help our family with?

    < What can we do to thank Jesus for what he does?


    Bible Passage: Psalm 72:1-19

    Long ago, God told some people

    the things Jesus would

    do when he came. One person God told wa

    s Solomon.

    Solomon wrote about Jesus in Psal

    m 72. Some of the

    things he said about Jesus were tha

    t he would deliver

    the needy, rescue them from oppressi

    on and violence,

    and take pity on the weak and needy

    . He would take

    care of all our needs and help us be c

    lose to God.

    Key Verse: “For there is one God and on

    e mediator

    between God and men, the man Chris

    t Jesus”

    (1 Timothy 2:5).

    Bible Point: Jesus does great things.

    What I learned today:What I learned today:

    Q:Who is our mediator with God?


    Family To-Do List for Jesus As a family, write a list of the needs you depend on Jesus to provide for you. Then, as you see Jesus providing those things for your family, draw a big star next to the item on your list. At the end of the week, pray together to thank Jesus for taking care of all your needs.

    What Would Jesus Do? During your family time, read current events in a

    newspaper or online. Discuss what Jesus might do to help in each of

    the situations you find. Then, as a family, pray that

    Jesus would intervene in those situations.


    This week kids committed to asking Jesus to help them with specific problems. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on this commitment!



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  • Lesson

    22Isaiah 7:13-14; Matthew 1 :18-25

    Good Plans Book

    An Angel

    Fold here




    43 2 1

    Good Plans Book

    “My Family”“God’s Plans for Me”“This Was Good” “My Church”

    Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

    Appears to Joseph

  • Lesson

    33 Luke 2: 1-20; Hebrews 1 : 1-4 Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • < Why was Jesus born?

    < In what special ways does our family honor Jesus’ birth at Christmas?

    < Who can we tell about Jesus?

    What I learned today:What I learned today:

    Bible Passage: Luke 2:1-20; Hebrews 1:1-4

    When the census was announced, Joseph and Mary h

    ad to go to

    Bethlehem, even though Mary was goi

    ng to have a baby soon. They

    traveled and traveled. When they got to Be

    thlehem, it was time for

    Mary to have her baby, but there wa

    s no room at the inn. So Mary

    had her baby in a stable and placed

    the new little boy in a manger to

    sleep. And guess who that baby was? Righ

    t! It was Jesus!

    Meanwhile, there were some shepherds in a near

    by field, watching

    their sheep. (What a job!) An angel appeare

    d in the sky and told the

    shepherds that a Savior had been born.

    They meant Jesus! Then the

    whole sky filled with angels! That would have

    been so cool! Well, the

    shepherds were so excited that they hurried

    to Bethlehem right away.

    They found baby Jesus, just as the angels had said. T

    hen they ran to

    tell others the good news that Jesus, the Messiah

    , had been born!

    Key Verse: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and

    the truth and the

    life. No one comes to the Father except through me

    ’ ” (John 14:6).

    Bible Point: Jesus was born to be our Savior.

    Q:Why did Mary and

    Joseph have to

    go to Bethlehem?A:

    because there was a census

    Singing the Good News This season is one of the best times for families to sing together. Cue up some Christmas music, and

    spend an evening singing as a family. Pay special attention to the words, and try to name all the carols that refer to telling the good news of Jesus’ birth.

    Give Thanks Other people have shared with us the good news of Jesus’ birth and God’s promises, just as the angels shared their good news with the shepherds. As a family, write the names or draw pictures of the people who have been like the angels in your lives, and who have taught you more about God. Say a prayer as a family, giving thanks to God for the folks who have shared their faith with you.

    Today kids committed to one of the following Daily Challenges. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on his or her challenge! (Have kids circle their choice below.)

    • Tell a friend at school why Jesus was born.

    • Tell a neighbor why God sent Jesus to us.

    • Tell a relative who Jesus is.



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  • Matthew 2: 1-12

    Foreign Visitors Jesus



    Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • Q:What city did the wise men stop in before they went on to Bethlehem?

    A: Jerusalem

    What I learned today:What I learned today:

    Stars That Lead Us As a family, cut several stars out of yellow construction paper. Then take turns hid-ing the stars somewhere in your home for others to find. Look for a hiding spot

    that will remind you of God and his Word, such as in a bookshelf next to a Bible, tucked behind a picture of Jesus, or with a family devotion book. Each time someone finds a star, gather and worship Jesus. You might say a prayer together, sing a praise song, or each tell one thing you love about Jesus.

    Bible Passage: Matthew 2:1-12

    Soon after Jesus was born in Bethlehem

    , some Magi, or wise men,

    saw a special star in the sky. So

    they went to Jerusalem and asked,

    “Where is the one who has been born

    king of the Jews? We have seen

    his star.” That upset King Herod b

    ecause he wanted to be the only k


    King Herod learned that the Chris

    t would be born in Bethlehem. So he

    told the Magi to go to Bethlehem

    to find the baby and then to come

    back to Jerusalem to tell him where

    Jesus was. He said he also wanted

    to go to worship Jesus. But we know be


    The Magi were led by a star again,

    this time to the house in Be


    where they found Jesus with his mo

    ther, Mary. They bowed down

    and worshipped Jesus and gave him gif

    ts of gold, incense, and myrrh.

    Before the wise men left Bethlehem

    , they were warned in a dream no


    to go back to King Herod. Too

    bad, King Herod!

    Key Verse: “For there is no differenc

    e between Jew and Gentile-the

    same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesse

    s all who call on him, for, ‘Everyone

    who calls on the name of the Lord

    will be saved’ ” (Romans 10:12-13).

    Bible Point: Anyone can worship Jesus


    < Why do we worship Jesus?

    < Who can our family tell about

    Jesus? What will we say?

    < Why can anyone worship Jesus?

    This week kids committed to inviting someone to attend worship services with them. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on this commitment!



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  • Lesson

    55Matthew 2:13-23

    Joseph Takes His Family to Safety in Egypt

    D nai cu eG D nai cu eGGiving Giving

    Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • Bible Passage: Matthew 2:13-23

    After the Magi visited Jesus, God warned

    them in a dream not

    to return to King Herod and tell him where Jesus w

    as. When Herod

    realized that the Magi weren’t coming back, he g

    ave an order to

    kill all the baby boys in Bethlehem-assuming Jesus w

    ould be among

    the babies killed. But God had sent an angel

    to appear to Joseph in

    a dream. The angel warned Joseph that Herod would

    try to kill

    Jesus and told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus

    to Egypt for safety.

    Jesus was saved! And after King Herod died, an an

    gel again appeared

    to Joseph in a dream. The angel told Joseph

    that he could go back

    to Israel. Joseph went to Nazareth where Jesus woul

    d be safe.

    Key Verse: “The Lord is good, a refuge in

    times of trouble. He

    cares for those who trust in him” (Nahum 1 :7).

    Bible Point: God guides us.

    < Why does God guide us?

    < How has God led our family in the past?

    < How can we follow God’s guidance as a family?


    Q: In the first dream, where did

    God tell Joseph to take his family?

    Family Map Work together to create a “family map.” Together, draw a map of the journey your family has taken over the years. Include births, moves you’ve made, schools you’ve attended, pets you’ve had, job changes, and any other significant family events. As you review the map, talk about ways God has guided you as a fam-ily over the years. Then discuss your future plans as a family and how you can trust God to guide you. Spend some time praying together for God’s guidance in the future.

    What I learned today:What I learned today:

    plans as a family and how you can trust God to

    Today kids committed to one of the following Daily Challenges. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on his or her chal-lenge! (Have kids circle their choice below.)• Do you need God’s help at school? Pray each morning that God will guide you.

    • Do you need God’s help with a family member? Pray each morning that God will guide you.

    • At the end of the week, think of how God has guided you. Draw or write a card thanking God for his help.

    journey your family has taken over the years.



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  • Lesson

    66Matthew 3: 13-17

    Jesus Is

    rI Tn oD curI Tn oD cttii oonn ssJJeessuuss


    Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • Introducing Jesus As a family, think of someone who needs to know Jesus. Come up with a creative and sensitive way to introduce that person to Jesus. Maybe you’ll invite the person to

    church, give the person a Bible, or simply show God’s love to the person. Then, as a family, begin praying for an opportunity to introduce that person to Jesus.

    Introduction Stories Have family members introduce each other to the rest of the family, mentioning likes, dislikes, and personal char-acteristics. Then let each person tell how he or she was introduced to Jesus and how he or she has come to understand who Jesus is.

    < Who is Jesus?

    < Who introduced you to Jesus?

    < Why is it important to know that Jesus is God’s Son?

    Bible Passage: Matthew 3:13-17

    When John the Baptist was baptizing p

    eople in the Jordan River, he was

    surprised when Jesus came to him and w

    anted to be baptized. Jesus

    hadn’t told anyone he was God’s Son ye

    t, but John the Baptist knew who

    he was. John tried to convince Jesus

    that Jesus should be the one bap


    John, not the other way around. Bu

    t Jesus insisted it was the righ

    t thing

    to do. So John baptized Jesus. Then John

    got another surprise. God spoke

    in a voice from heaven, saying, “This is

    my Son, whom I love; with him I a


    well pleased.” And so Jesus-God’s Son

    -was introduced to the world!

    Key Verse: “In the beginning was

    the Word, and the Word was with God,

    and the Word was God” (John 1 : 1).

    Bible Point: Jesus is God’s Son. Q: What did Matthew compare the Holy Spirit

    to in this Bible passage?A:a dove

    What I learned today:What I learned today:

    This week kids committed to introducing someone to Jesus (instead of choosing Daily Challenges). Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on this commitment!



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  • Lesson

    77 John 1 :35-42Peter and Andrew

    Meet Jesus

    is invited to become a child of God!


    (John 1:12).

    “Yet to all who received him,to those

    who believed in his name,he gave the right to become

    children of God”

    of GodLC ih d of GodLC ih d

    liw lI lt leeIwill t ll

    Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • Bible Passage: John 1:35-42

    Lots of people listened to what John had to say and wanted to know more

    about God. When John was with two of his disciples, he saw Jesus. He

    pointed to Jesus and said, “Look! The Lamb of God!” John’s friends left to

    follow Jesus. One of those disciples was named Andrew. After getting to know Jesus, Andrew knew Jesus was the Messiah the people had been

    waiting for. Andrew couldn’t wait to tell others about Jesus!

    The first thing Andrew did was run to tell his brother, Simon Peter,

    about Jesus. And Simon Peter followed Jesus, too!

    Key Verse: “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his

    name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1 : 12).

    Bible Point: Jesus is our friend.

    Part of the Family Look at your family members’ birth certificates or adoption papers that

    made them part of your family. Then talk about how people become part of the family of God. Create your own certificates similar to the one made in class so that every family member has a certificate showing that he or she is invited to become a child of God.

    Tell the News Start a VIP (Very Important People) list for your family. Write the names of family members and friends who need a friendship with Jesus. Commit to praying each day for these people and for the opportunity to help them become friends with Jesus.

    What I learned today:What I learned today:

    < What happens when we become friends with Jesus?

    < How can we become children of God?

    < Who can our family tell about Jesus so they can become children of God?

    Q:Who did Andrew

    tell about Jesus

    in this story? A:

    his brother, Simon Peter

    Today kids committed to one of the following Daily Challenges. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on his or her challenge! (Have kids circle their choice below.)

    • Talk with a parent about what it means to be a friend of Jesus.

    • Spend time in prayer, asking God to help you know Jesus as a friend.

    • Tell a friend at school what it means to become a child of God.



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  • Matthew 4:12-25sedNe sedNeMy My

    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).



    lpHelpHe Supplies Supplies

    About Jesus Spreads

    Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • Bible Passage: Matthew 4:12-25

    After Jesus started telling people abou

    t God’s love, people

    all over heard about him. He traveled around

    the area,

    teaching in synagogues, telling people the good n

    ews that

    God loved them, and healing people. People cam

    e from all over

    the area to follow him. They even came fro

    m other areas.

    People brought to Jesus those who were s

    ick and hurting.

    Jesus healed them.

    Key Verse: “Come to me, all you who are weary and

    burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mat

    thew 1 1 :28).

    Bible Point: Jesus wants everyone to follow him.

    What I learned today:What I learned today:

    < Why do people follow Jesus?

    < When have you followed Jesus?

    < How has Jesus helped our family?

    Pray for People in Need When the news about Jesus spread, many people came to him for healing. As a family, spend a few

    minutes making a list of people you know who need healing for illnesses, accidents, and troubles in their lives. Pray for them by name as a family and ask Jesus to heal them.

    “Follow Me” In our Scripture today, Jesus called people to follow him. Jesus still calls us to follow him. Have family members talk about times they’ve heard or felt Jesus calling them to follow him. Share specifics about how they knew it was Jesus, and what happened as a result of choos-ing (or not choosing) to follow him.

    Q:According to the Bible passage,

    news about Jesus spread all over what region?A:


    Today kids committed to one of the following Daily Challenges. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on his or her challenge! (Have kids circle their choice below.)

    • Think of someone you know who is “weary and burdened,” and then teach him or her the Key Verse!

    • What is the hardest thing you’re facing right now? Talk to Jesus about it each day this week.

    • Ask a grown-up to tell you about what it is like to follow Jesus in good times and bad times.



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  • 4










    Pictures Pictures

    Jesus Gives

    Matthew 5: 1-1 2


    Bl gss ie n sBl gss ie n s

    Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • Surprise Day Spend a day surprising each other by doing what the rest of the family doesn’t expect. For example, serve pizza for breakfast, walk back-ward through a room, and call one another by the wrong names. At the end of the day, talk about

    what it was like to be surprised all day. Then talk about how choos-ing God’s way will bring us surprising blessings.

    Beatitude Choices Be on the lookout for Beatitude choices in your family this week. Compliment family members each time you see them acting out one of the Beatitudes. For example, compliment family members when they put others first or act as peacemakers. At the end of the week, have a Beatitude party to celebrate living the way Jesus taught!

    Bible Passage: Matthew 5:1-12When Jesus lived on earth, he traveled around to preach, teach, heal, and show God’s love to people. Large crowds often followed him around. One time when Jesus was teaching people, he told the people how to be blessed by choosing God’s ways. They thought that power, wealth, and strength showed that God was blessing them. But Jesus popped their ideas! Jesus told them something different: Blessed are the sad, meek, followers of God, kind, pure-hearted, peacemakers, and mistreated.Key Verse: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever

    is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).Bible Point: God blesses us when we choose his ways.

    Q: What is today’s

    Bible passage called? A:

    The Beatitudes

    What I learned today:What I learned today:

    < What is a blessing?

    < What does it mean to be blessed when life’s difficult?

    < How can we help each other choose God’s ways?

    This week, instead of choosing a Daily Challenge, kids committed to choosing God’s way when they’re faced with a difficult situation. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on this commitment!



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  • Lesson

    010Matthew 5: 13-16

    Jesus Teaches

    That We Are to Be

    Salt and LightS nhi eS nhi e for Jesusfor Jesus

    Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • Family Salt and Light Go to your pantry and pull out several boxed or canned food items. Have family members look at the sodium content. Talk about how Jesus wants us to be “salt of the earth” in everything we do. Get a flash-light. Turn it on, and discuss ways Jesus shines his light into your family. Talk about ways you can reflect Jesus’ light to other people.

    Bible Passage: Matthew 5:13-16

    Jesus was teaching people about God. One of

    the things he told

    them was that everyone should

    be like salt and light in the world.

    That means that just as sal

    t helps bring out the good flavors i


    food, we can help bring out the goodnes

    s in people by helping them

    see Jesus. And when we let the ligh

    t of Jesus’ love show in every-

    thing we do, people will want to know

    about Jesus and praise him.

    Key Verse: “In the same way, le

    t your light shine before men,

    that they may see your good deeds an

    d praise your Father in

    heaven” (Matthew 5: 16).

    Bible Point: Help others see Jesus.

    What I learned today:What I learned today:

    < How can we help others see Jesus?

    < Who has shown Jesus’ love to you? How did that change your life?

    < How can our family shine for Jesus?

    This week kids committed to showing Jesus’ love to someone. Your child wrote his or her specific commit-ment here:

    A:a bowl

    Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on this commitment!

    Q:What thing did Jesus say we

    should not hide our light under?

    Shining Lights As a family, make a list of people you consider to be salt and light, just as Jesus said to be. Your list might include friends, family members, church workers, or even world figures past and present. Create a scrapbook with

    a one-page biography of each person you name, and add pictures if possible. Explain in your scrapbook why you’ve included each person and how he or she lives out Jesus’ instructions to be salt and light.



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  • Lesson

    1111Jesus Walks on Matthew 14:22-33

    W l ia nk gW l ia nk g on Water on Water

    Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • Bible Passage: Matthew 14:22-33

    Jesus had been teaching a big crowd by a lake. Af

    ter he taught

    the people, he told the disciples to get in

    their boat and go to

    the other side of the lake. Jesus stayed by hi

    mself to pray.

    Later that night-really late that night, as a ma

    tter of fact-

    the disciples’ boat was being bopped around by

    the wind. All

    of a sudden, the disciples saw someone coming

    toward them,

    walking on the water! What a sight!

    The disciples were really scared until the perso

    n spoke to them.

    The person was Jesus! Peter asked Jesus if he could c

    ome walk

    on the water, too, so Jesus told him

    to come. Peter walked on

    the water too! Well, at least for a little while

    . But then he

    noticed the wind and got scared tha

    t he would sink. And guess

    what happened? He started to sink! He called

    to Jesus for help,

    and instantly Jesus reached out and saved him. When

    they both

    got back in the boat, everyone worshipped Jesu

    s because they

    realized he is the Son of God. Jesus will be fai

    thful to us, just

    as he was to Peter. Cool!

    Key Verse: “If we are faithless, he will remain


    for he cannot disown himself” (2 Timothy 2: 13)


    Bible Point: Jesus helps us believe.

    < What happens when we doubt?

    < When has our family trusted Jesus?

    < How has Jesus been faithful to us?

    Q:Which disciple tried

    walking on the water?


    What I learned today:What I learned today:

    This week, instead of choosing a Daily Challenge, kids com-mitted to having faith that things would work out in a

    scary situation that was coming up. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on this commitment!

    Families of Faith At the begin-ning of the week, meet together as a family. Have each family mem-ber share one or two events that are going to happen during the week—especially events that might cause some stress or concern. Pray together about

    those events. At the end of the week, sit down and share how God was faithful during the week.



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  • Lesson


    ld H





    Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • < What can you learn from the way Jesus treated Zacchaeus?

    < How do we know Jesus still loves us even when we sin?

    < Who is someone that you have a hard time accepting? What can you do this week to show the love of Jesus to that person?

    Bible Passage: Luke 19:1-10

    Zacchaeus couldn’t believe his ears when he heard

    the news: Jesus was passing through his town! He

    wanted to see him really badly, but what would

    Jesus think of him? Nobody in town liked Zacchaeus. He was always cheating people out of their money so

    that he could get rich! He was also really short. The

    only way he could see Jesus when he came to town

    was by climbing up a tree!

    As Jesus passed under the tree, he looked up and

    called Zacchaeus. No one, including Zacchaeus, could

    believe their ears! How did Jesus know his name, and

    what in the world did he want with such a sinner?

    Jesus told Zacchaeus that he would be staying at

    Zacchaeus’ house. Zacchaeus almost fell out of the

    tree when he heard this! He climbed down and prom-

    ised Jesus that he would try to make good choices

    from then on. He promised to pay back all the people

    whom he had stolen from.

    Key Verse: “Here I am! I stand at the door and

    knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I

    will come in and eat with him, and he with me”

    (Revelation 3:20).

    Bible Point: Jesus accepts everyone.

    What I learned today:What I learned today:



    Neighborly News

    Take a walk

    together through your

    neighborhood this

    week, and try

    to stop by at least

    a few houses you may

    never have stopped at before. Introduce

    yourself to your neighbors—ask about their

    families, their interests, and their concerns.

    Your act of love will be sure to show the light

    of Christ to those who may never have seen it


    a sycamore-fig tree

    • Think of someone at school who no one seems to like. Befriend that person.

    • Is there someone you have a hard time getting along with? Pray and ask God to help you see that person like Jesus does.

    • Ask your mom or dad about how they became friends with someone they thought was very different.



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  • Lesson

    Mark 10:13-16

    Jesus Blesses the

    In ArmsH siIn ArmsH siChildren

    Important ReflectionsImportant Reflections

    1313 Grades1 & 2 Grades1 & 2

  • Bible Passage: Mark 10:13-16

    Jesus was traveling around the countr

    yside, teaching

    the people about God. Everywhere Jesu

    s went, there

    were lots and lots of people trying to

    get close to him.

    One day there were parents in the crow

    d who were

    trying to get near Jesus so he could ble

    ss their chil-

    dren. Jesus’ disciples told the parents

    to get away.

    But when Jesus heard that, he wasn't

    happy! He told

    the disciples to let the little children

    come to him

    because the kingdom of God belongs to

    anyone who

    trusts God like a little child. So Jesus o

    pened his arms

    to the little children, and he blessed th

    em. They were

    important to Jesus, and so are you!

    Key Verse: “Let the little children co

    me to me,

    and do not hinder them, for the kingd

    om of God

    belongs to such as these” (Mark 10:1


    Bible Point: Everyone is important to


    What I learned today:What I learned today:

    < How do you know you are important to Jesus?

    < What other kids can we bring to Jesus?

    < What do you have to do to get to Jesus?

    Q:What did the disciples

    do when the parents

    brought the children to Jesus?

    A:They tried to keep the children away.


    Today kids committed to one of the following Daily Challenges. Help your child weave faith into life this week and

    follow through on his or her challenge! (Have kids each circle their choice below.)

    • Take your mirror home, and every time you look in it, remember that you’re important to Jesus!

    • Show a neighbor that he or she is important to Jesus—and to you—by delivering some goodies and an encouraging note.

    • Teach your family members the Key Verse, and tell them that they are important to Jesus!



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    Nice Notes Decorate a small lunch sack or shoe box, and place it some-where special in your home. Each day, family members can write notes to each

    other explaining why they’re important to each other, and they can put the notes in the sack or shoe box. At the end of the week, read the notes aloud. Then talk about how each person in the family is important to Jesus.

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