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Windward Church of the Nazarene 2014-2015 Annual Reports

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  • Windward Church of the Nazarene



    Annual Reports

  • Windward Church of the Nazarene Statistical Report


    **All Statistics Will Be Updated on This Document by Friday, February 27**

    Worship Weekly Average

    Saturday Service Sunday Service WNA Chapel Youth (Thurs) Children (Wed)

    SDMI Weekly Average

    Sunday School Ohana Groups/Discipleship Youth (Thurs) Children (Wed)

    Membership 2014 Total

    Gains Losses

    2015 Total Nazarene Youth International (NYI) Members Nazarene Missions International (NMI) Members

  • Windward Church of the Nazarene Pastors’ Reports

    2014-2015 Pastor Jerry Appleby, Ordained Minister The CROSS is a Christian symbol that points both vertically and horizontally. This is key in the renewal of any Church or Christian as they endeavor to have a revitalized connection with God. Christianity is most relevant when the life of unselfish love and compassion is infused into all areas of human existence. When people are living a holy life, it will be evident in all their relationships. The Christian is called into a vertical relationship with God that grows and is nurtured daily, but on this journey we must also develop a horizontal relationship with neighbors, co-workers, family members and community residents. We have just spent a year creating and growing a better vertical relationship with God and His kingdom. In this new year we are looking forward to becoming more horizontally involved. WE BELIEVE that God has given us a new MISSION—-one that will continue to bring us together on weekends to praise and worship Him. These times will be like a service station where His presence will so fill us with compassion that Monday through Friday we will scatter through the community displaying His Love and living out the Good News of Jesus Christ. In 2015 WE BELIEVE God is compelling us to repair and cultivate our relationship with people in this community. We are confident that as we extend God’s love, barriers will begin to crumble. When a Christian pursues justice, peace, and genuine friendship, the Holy Spirit overturns oppressive forces that are destroying lives and has prevented people from responding to Christ, but most importantly, our actions should mirror God’s compassion. Windward Church includes much, much more than a group of people who worship on the weekends. Years ago, God started expanding His work here and it continues to grow. It now includes Windward Nazarene Academy, Bay View Golf Park, our congregation and the community:

    • Our school principal, Kay Hishinuma, is doing an outstanding job! And I believe we have the finest school staff we have ever had. Academics are important at WNA, but living out the principles of Christ are even more emphasized. Nathan has taken the leadership to involve the students in feeding the homeless at A’ala Park, and this year they have plans to use the WNA garden and other resources to provide for the needy in Kaneohe and as a tool to teach the children to be part of a sustained effort in service. They have an exciting summer planned for the students as they partner with Bay View Golf Park, HEARTS, the intern program, and other resources in the area.

    • The church has been doubly blessed when Larry and Lori Dunn and their 2 children moved here from Florida to give leadership to the Golf course. There are many things that could be celebrated in this area, but one that should be highlighted is that Bay View is the first in the islands to offer foot golf! This is proving to be a great family activity. Mark Ono continues to be invaluable as he gives leadership in many areas at Bay View.

    • Sarah DePhillips has given leadership to the Windward garden. Volunteers came and cleared a football size space to begin a program that will one day feed a lot of hungry people. A small group of dedicated people come weekly to maintain and harvest this area. Through grant opportunities piloted by Richelle Kim and the coming of Ryan Tink this month, we envision this will expand as we work cooperatively with WNA and other organizations to further meet community needs.

  • In 2015, WE BELIEVE God is giving Windward Church of the Nazarene a new purpose and vision. Through the Power of the Holy Spirit:

    1. Stretch our arms to bless this community by helping those in need. This will include looking for ways to assist the homeless. We will also continue to pray for guidance that God will reveal what path we should take to reach out to the multiple low income apartment complexes in the shadow of our church.

    2. Grow Windward church by creating opportunities for connection. You’ve now heard of our new plan

    to create groups surrounding the varied interest of everyone. If you enjoy sports, fishing, hiking, cooking, art or any other hobby —we know there are others in our church and the extended community that would enjoy getting together and sharing this connection with you.

    God has used so many to bring about His purpose this year. I have deep appreciation to a wonderful staff and to all the volunteers who have sacrificed valuable time to make things happen. As a CHURCH, GOLF PARK, ACADEMY & COMMUNITY, we are depending on PRAYER and the POWER of the Holy Spirit to help us make an impact for the Kingdom of God. The POWER of the Holy Spirit has no limits; He WILL enable us to do the IMPOSSIBLE.

  • Pastor Joy Lum Kee, Ordained Minister Praise be to God! I am on my elevnth year as children’s pastor and so very thankful to be able to serve our Windward Church of the Nazarene keiki and families! Thank you once again for allowing me this blessed opportunity! It just amazes me how fast time is flying! I feel like as we get older, the years are whizzing by too quickly! 2014 was a great year. I am so thankful for the many volunteers that continue to pour out Jesus’ love to our children. Whether it be watching the babies in the nursery, teaching preschoolers or elementary kids on Saturdays or Sundays, cooking, teaching or leading a group at Soul’d Out, or praying for our children… I want to THANK YOU! Thank you for making our church children your priority, thank you for time that you invest, thank you for your obedience to God’s calling and leading you to serve in children’s ministry! I am very aware that children’s ministry would not be able to run on its own. I am extremely thankful for each and every one of you! I am also very thankful for the teens that have come alongside to serve in a ministry where they once took part in It blesses my heart to see these teens “get” what serving is all about. We’ve been blessed with a high school group from Hawaii Baptist Academy who came out to work on their community learning service project at Soul’d Out for several weeks. One in particular really stood out, not because she was a student of mine in preschool, but because of her attitude and desire to do WHATEVER she could to serve! Mark Ono jokingly asked her to teach his Soul’d Out classes. Expecting her to say no, he was definitely surprised when she said okay! He couldn’t believe how well this 9th grade teenager did with our Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade kids! She was able to keep and hold their attention as she taught these kids about Jesus! I’m thankful that we are a church that can host high school students to assist and support with community service projects! Some of you may remember DJ and Vanessa Chinen. They were active kids in our children’s program. DJ is now a senior and Vanessa a junior at Castle High School. God does amazing things! During the summer, I went to Pulse and ran into DJ there. He came up to me and asked if I needed help at Soul’d Out! An answer to prayer… of course I said “yes!” He, along with his sister Vanessa and their friend Alyssa have been coming out to help as group leaders at Soul’d Out! Praise the Lord! We continue to have “pukas” within children’s ministry, but I know that the God we serve is our provider. He never leaves us nor forsakes us! I praise God for all that He does and all that He’s going to do! I welcome anyone who God calls to children’s ministry. If you feel that “tug” that comes from God, please don’t ignore it, come and talk to me! We also had an amazing summer intern from Point Loma. Meg Crisostomo came with a lot of energy and an open heart to serve alongside of me and minister to our WCN keiki. She did a great job with teaching Sunday school, Amped Up, and Soul’d Out. She took the lead with Vacation Bible School and mini putt. She also assisted with sleepovers, movie nights, swimming, game days, and ice palace. What a blessing to have the extra help during the summer! Our church keiki were also very active with our district kid’s events which included Fusion, our kid’s talent festival in February, children’s camp in March, and our overnight missions retreat in June. Fifteen of our kids participated in Fusion, 40 of our WNA/WCN keiki attended children’s camp where 9 children were able to go on full scholarship and 3 on partial scholarship, and about two dozen participated in our mission overnight retreat to Puerto Rico! I pray that lives were changed through these events and lifelong friendships have been made! One thing that we have done in the later part of 2014 was to go to Ann Pearl to minister to the residents there. Our children along with their parents came to sing and bless the grandmas and grandpas there with their cards and drawings. They had the opportunity to talk and fellowship with the residents. Our kids were so excited to meet Mrs. Kii, a 101 year old resident who is originally from Waipahu who now resides at Ann Pearl. We want to continue these relationships and foster these times of giving back to our community. We want to be a ministry that believes in outreach. Other outreach ministries that we have been a part of include Operation Christmas Child, First Fruits, and sponsorship of two Compassion International children, Lassane of Burkina Faso and Brenda from El Salvador. As we head into 2015, I look forward to the continued blessings from God. With this year’s theme being, “WE BELIEVE,” we, those in WCN children’s ministry, believes that we are Jesus’ hands and feet! We believe that we can make a difference… because WE are today’s future! May God bless you and your entire ‘ohana abundantly.

  • Pastor Will Campbell, Licensed Minister Hello Windward Nazarene Family and Friends!

    I am so excited to be brining to you my sixth report as Youth Pastor here at Windward Church of the Nazarene! Over these past six years, God has allowed me to love on, guide, and mentor young people at a very crucial stage in their life. 2014 was a BIG year for our WCN Youth Ministry. We saw the reorganization of our age group breakdowns. We moved away from a junior high and senior high separated youth group, and have now come together as one ministry under the name of PULSE. One major purpose of combining was to offer our senior high students the chance to connect and mentor our younger students as well as allow for our junior high students to connect and learn alongside our older ones. With any change comes hurdles, and we are allowing God to guide and lead us through those now.

    There were MANY exciting events that happened in this last year. Here are just a few of them:

    • Feb. 14-16 – WCN hosted our annual Youth Fest and NYI Convention at Bay View. This was an incredible opportunity to share with other district Youth Groups what is happening here at PULSE.

    • Mar. 1-5 – I was able to participate in a USA/Canada leadership meeting that helped in the planning of NYC2015 and other USA/Canada events.

    • May 29 - June 5 – I directed our District’s Jr. High and Sr. High Camp at Camp Homalani on the North Shore. This was an incredible week of revival in the hearts of our district youth. It marked the beginning of faith for some of our students, and a recommitment for many others.

    • May 19 – We welcomed 3 new summer interns, Kalena Pana and Lafaele Paselio, as well as Brad Kinoshita from Point Loma Nazarene University.

    • June 21 – I MARRIED RACHEL POWER! Since this day, Rachel and I have had the amazing opportunity of serving the church as a married couple. Rachel has taken on the position of Projects Manager in our District’s Compassionate Ministry; Kokua Compassion Group.

    • Aug. 30th – We participated in our District’s Wet ‘n’ Wild event

    • Sept. 12-13th – For the first time ever, we took a group of High School students to EXPLICIT Conference. This was an amazing conference centered on the topic of sex and dating. I am now on the planning board for EXPLICIT 2015.

    • Nov. 7-9 – 26 of our WCN youth and parents participated in Mission Maui where we helped serve the people and churches in Kahului and Pukalani.

    Aside from these exciting events, we were also able to baptize 3 of our teens and bring into membership 9! We were also able to kick-start our new PULSE Sunday School class which happens every other Sunday. This class has allowed for teens to connect on Sunday that normally would not. God has also sent us the most solid group of leaders that help to love and mentor our teens. I could go on forever about how God has been working in this last year, but it is with great anticipation that I look forward to 2015.

  • Pastors Larry & Lori Dunn, Ordained Ministers This is our first annual report as associate pastors here at WCN, and we are excited to be on staff and

    to a part of this great church! We feel privileged that God has called us to take on the assignment of

    managing Bay View. After arriving in June, our first task was to sit down with Pastor Jerry and the

    current operations manager, Eric Onodera, to assess Bay View’s needs and how we could better service

    the community while also enabling Bay View to be self-sustaining and profitable. The assessment

    showed the need for more revenue, including more play and also the start-up of a snack bar and a pro

    shop. The snack was implemented in the fall, and we have discovered that the prime time for golfers

    was Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, and especially weekends that include a Monday holiday. The

    snack shop hours were established and sales have grown, enabling us to get rid of the vending machines

    that were leased out and providing us with more revenue. Plans are for the snack shop to be open seven

    days a week as business increases.

    In order to increase play, we have worked alongside Salem Media to advertise via the radio. The

    budget for advertising was limited, but we have been able to get a lot of exposure, especially to

    announce our new activity called Footgolf. Footgolf was suggested to us by a golfer who lives on the

    mainland, and it involves full-size cups that accommodate a soccer ball. All ages can play it, and it

    doesn’t affect our golf business; it enables us to better serve the community that is filled with kids and

    families who love soccer. Our grand opening tournament is March 26, so please pray for good weather

    and a huge turnout.

    The pro shop renovations have begun and plans to alter the existing floor plan of the downstairs

    starter’s office and the administrative offices are in full gear. The work is being done thanks to our

    Menehunes, the work team at WCN!!! Praise God for their tireless efforts and desire to see Bay View

    succeed! The grand opening for this project is the third week of May, even if we are still waiting and

    expecting for God to help us generate funds for filling the pro shop with logoed merchandise.

    We have seen Him at work over the last nine months and it never ceases to amaze us how He provides

    and guides those who earnestly seek Him.

  • Jamie Grubert, Licensed Minister Coming up to completing my second year here at Windward, I cannot believe how fast time really flies. I feel like it was just a few months ago that I arrived on island, and I can’t begin to describe to each of you how grateful I am for welcoming me to the beautiful ‘aina. Hawaii has been such a beautiful place to serve in ministry; not just because of the natural beauty, but because of the ‘ohana I’ve found at Windward Nazarene.

    As you experienced with Jenn, my role as Executive Assistant has been a ministry of support—not only the church, but to Windward Nazarene as a whole that includes Bay View and the school as well. To be honest, I was a little nervous coming in, especially knowing all that the position entails, and now after almost two years at Windward, I can say that I’m finally getting the hang of all that we do within our church, school, golf course, community and district. I’ve enjoyed being on the committees for our annual events such as Spring Fest, Bay View Golf Tournament, and 10.31 Fun Fest, as well as working with Polly to create the Advent devotional book, and I am so thankful for those who faithfully volunteer for each of these projects! We couldn’t do what we do without the parents and youth who are always so willing to jump in to help.

    As a licensed minister, I believe that supporting local ministries is priority, so I’ve committed to participating regularly in the following areas here at Windward Nazarene:

    • Garden Hour on Wednesdays at the Sydney Akase Community Garden • Working with the our junior high PULSE ladies on Thursdays and Sunday afternoons • Assisting with WNA Chapel and Soul’d Out when needed • Participating my own ‘ohana group’s activities that reach out to local young people • Assisting the JOYFUL Club with publications and meetings

    I was also elected last year to be the NYI (Nazarene Youth International) secretary for the Hawaii Pacific district, and that has been such a privilege to be so involved with the youth across the islands. Through this position, I’ve had the opportunity to work with pastors from all of our churches, and getting to participate in their own communities alongside them. NYI had such a huge impact on my life growing up, and I am pleased to have a part in giving back on the leadership side.

    Speaking of NYI, I was selected to go to Third Wave, an NYI leadership conference, in January, which took place very near and dear to my heart—Costa Rica! At this conference, I was able to connect with youth leaders from around the world and share with them our ministries happening here on island. Another huge MAHALO for all who helped support my ticket; I couldn’t have gone without you!

    Thank you all for your support as I learn and grow as a Nazarene minister. This year I was privileged to have a “first” in my ministry experience by officiating a wedding over the Christmas season, and my own pastoral studies have been on schedule this year; I hope to seek ordination as early as 2016, God-willing.

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