windswept blaze races through saw mill river road salvage yard 10/yonkers... · arlene longden and...

Windswept Blaze Races Through Saw Mill River Road Salvage Yard H«rald Statesman, Yonkers, N. Y., Fri., June 25, 1954 11 c 86 Complete Fay Speaks I Citizenship Is Discussed 6 t h Grade At At Class Day At 13's Class Day For 104 Schoo , Five In School 19 City Judge Fay was guest speaker at todays Class Dav program at School Nineteen on Jackson Street where 105 sixth graders were "graduated." On behalf of the sixth grades. Donna Daria and John Anderson gave Miss Katherine C. Whelan, principal, a gift. Robert Gomez welcomed the- guests. Jay Laff, Walter Holow- czak, Ellen Yuska. Lillian Porta and Richard Manual read the class wills, Ethel Mae Wash- hurne was program announcer and Joseph Lansing. Betty Ann Picken and Virginia Spatta. graduating class annuoncers. Michele Ercole and Edward Kuryluk played accordion selec- tions, Gail Focht, James Riley and Barbara Marino were di- ploma children, Richard Fernan- des, Harvey Imhof, Michael Pelepako. Paul Vergalitto and Philip Wirchansky "were flag bearers, the sixth graders sang and gave a playlet and the sixth grade choir sang. Mrs. Katherine Hint on was soloist and William E. Worthing- ton of the Yonkers Savings Bank distributed hanking certi- ficates. Miss Zita Lally, a former teacher, and David Smith, gen- eral secretary of the YMCA, were honor guests. Miss Whelan presented sixth grade certificates to the follow- ing "graduates:" William Alhright, Ann Ander- son. John Anderson. Dolores An- ton. Martin Auerback. Louis Az- zolino. William Borachok, Rob- ert Carlson, Marie Cipolla, Joyce Collins, Richard Costanzo, Donna Daria. Dorothy Dauenheimer, Helen DeLean. Theresa Di Caprio, Michelle Ercole, Rose Ettinger, Barbara Fenyo, Richard Fernan- ctes. Betty Ann Fiore, Nancy Forel. Stanley Frank, Harris Gelber. Robert Gomez, Joseph Greenwald. George Haley. Carol Hanczcr. Garfield Hathaway, Walter Ho- lowczak. Avis Hufnagel, Harvey Imhof. Antoinette Jarosz. Ruth Johnson. R o s e m a r y Kennedy, Leslie Kohn. Josephine Kolomi- chuk, Margaret Kovack, Edward Kuryluk, Richard La- bick. Patricia LaCroix. Jay Laff, Geraldine Landers. Joseph Lan- sing. Thor Lopez, Richard Man- ual, Ronald Manzo, Edward Mar- tha!, Undsey Maxwell, Carmeia Mt*no. David Miksad. Gail Mnrrissey, Margaret Mmth^rgfr. Kathleen Mullane, Ai^nn MowsUkas, Patricia ;amee, Carol Nyarady. i'h to Nya ra dy. George Marten* Oshalim. Rich- • <j i*%ii»t. . Sylvester Pegram. Mrhnel Pelepako. Marie Phelan. Betty Anne Picken, Lillian P « r t '•, Catherine Rambalski, Thomaa Rommel. June Robbins. Virginia Roberts, Catherine Rooney. Charles Semelis. Ronald Sheedy, Peter Siracusa, Fred Siudym. Howard Slyer. Donna Smith, Virginia Spatta, Fosea*nnStarro, Christine Stingl. Carol Stone, D i a n e Sullivan, William Tamraz. William Tebor- sky. Anthony Troia, Marianne T r o i a, Georganna Turenchalk, Bernice Vaughan, Joseph Vendi- telli. Paul Vergalitto, Ethel Washburne. Loretta Washington, Thomas Wazolek. Roger White, Douglas Williams, Ann Winkler, Patricia Wszolek. Philip Wirchansky, Karen Wirth, Julia Wojcicki, Barbara Wright. Joan Yearwood. Ellen Yuska, John Zayah. Joseph Zoda. Doris Zywotchenko. "Is Citizenship Important?'* was discussed by a group of pupils at todays Class Day ex- ercises of School * Thirteen on McLean Avenue where 104 sixth graders were 'graduated." Miss Mamie V. Herald, princi- pal, welcomed the guests and Mrs. Elfrida S. Reid. supervisor of instruction in the elementary grades, distributed sixth grade certificates. Sixth graders sang. Sherry Lazare was soloist and the school glee club and orchestra entertained. W. E. Worthington of the Yonkers Savings Bank gave out banking awards and the Rev. Emlen H. Zellers of South Pres- byterian Church gave the invo- cation. The "graduates" are: Jeffrey Adler. Paula Albanese, Jane Bauer, Robert Benjamin, Glen Bickelman. Mary Bonito. Donald Boyle, Carol Bronstein, Carol Carmasin, Connie Caslar. Paula Cassell. Arlene Cazzola, Anthony Cerrato. Loretta Cianelli. Elaine Cle- ment, Barbara Cluhe, Frances Coan. Mary Ann Cody. Jerilyn Cohen, Dorothy Cullen, Leslie Davidson, Peter Davis, Helen DeGasperis. Rrenda Dickov. Wil- liam Dietzel. Catherine Dillman. John Drohan, Roger Duncan. Susan Eeker. Janet Eliassen. Pe- ter Ellison, Martin Epstein, Bar- bara Fine. Robert Fowkes. Rob- ert Freda. Norman Gantcher Evelyn Gellman. Carol Giorda- nelli, Paul Gitelson. Sheila Gitlitz. Jack Goldfrank. Beryl Gorbman, William. Gor- man. Diane Judith Greenberg. Alice Greenfield. Barbara Grieve. Richard Haroutunian. Isabelle Harraghy. Dennis Harty, Bar- bara Hesselberg. Roger Hibbard. Katherine Hirsch. , Andrew Joppa, Marion Kerr. Richard Kramer. Edward Krent- sa, Barbara Kwasnica. Laurel LaMonica. Sherry Lazare, Em- nest Lee. Raymond Lewis. Fred- erick Lohse. Ann Lopez, William MacBeth. Brian MacKenzie. Michael Markman, Arthur Mathews, Arthur Matthews. Francis McCleneghen. George Minervini, Robert Miningharr., Christine 'Moir, Allen Morris. Barbara Moss. Donald Palmer. Joseph Parkis.i Valerie Patne, Kenneth Pokorny, Barbara Pola- chek. Denis Raffa. Carol Sue Rib- ner, Charles Rohb, Dianne Robb, Susan Roos. Lynda Ross, Betty Salzanb, Paul Scheid. Earl Schreier, Douglas Schuster. Philip Schwalbe, Sally Schwartz. Stanley Schwartz. Jay Silver- man, Edward Spiegel. Peter Spitalnik, Adam Steinberg. Ron- ald Sylvestri, Dominica Troia, Carolee Troy, Joan Truppi, The- odore Van Nahl, Geraldine Ven- turini, Michael Weinfield, Mar- garet Lynn Westerfield. Minervini Gives Diplomas To 93 8th-Graders At 16 Dr. Virginio Minervini. a mem- ber and immediate past presi- dent of the Board of Education, presented diplomas to 93 eighth grade'graduates of School Six- teen on North Broadway at com- mencement exercises today. Mary Jane Schmidt and John Reid received scholarship awards from Mrs. Milton Wolfe, retiring president of the Parent-Teacher Association. Phyllis Malmbord. Alan Coyne. Arlene Longden and Roy Ash- mall staged a playlet, "Fifty- four Fantasia," predicting "oc- cupations and interests" of the graduating class members in 1974. Mary Jane Schmidt welcomed the guests, John Reid gave the class message. James Furrie, Roger DeAngelis and Henry Be,loin made up the color guard and the school orchestra played. School- Superintendent Stanley S. Wynstra spoke. The Rev.. Herbert. C. Green- land of Morsemere Methodist Church gave the invocation and the Rev. Nicholas Moore of the Church of Christ the King, the benediction. The graduates are: Joseph Albuam, Brent Amund- son, Robert. Acquilino. Roy A. «Ashmall, Robert Bernhard, James A. Burton, Thomas Bush, Rich- ard J. Capraro. Anthony Richard Celente. Bruce Charlton, Wil- liam R. Cheney, Donald G. Cheyne, Richard James Conboy. Alan R. Coyne. James William Curtis. Peter Dillon, David Es- bond Dunkerton. Beverley R. Edie, Harry Franklin, Eugene. F. Garner. Louis P. Graner, Jay R. Griffin, John Allen Heldman, Paul Wil- liam Holze, Peter Kachmar. Thomas Nicholas Kossifos. Rich- ard Lane. John B. Lofts Jr., John McKelvey. James Oliver McPherson, James J. Malcolm. Howard M. Manstream. Clifford Maryea, William Bruce Mateer. Francis Charles Morrone. David E. Nowicki. Peter C. Ozarowski. Florencio Pellon. Richard John Peterson. Vincent J. Pietropaolo Jr., Richard W. Pottherg, Peter Alan J. Roma- nych, John Barlow. Reid Jr.. Thomas D. Sheridan, Richard J. Steiniger, Russell A. Syska. Wil- liam Syska, Cammie Tickell. Robert Gordon VanTassell. Rich- ard Frederic Vesperman. Thom- as Lloyd Whittaker, David G. Will. Belle Lynda Ayres. Janet Alice Bell. Mary Bierwirth. Mary Frances Bollent, Colette L. Chapman, Marguerite M. dow- ry, Ann Costantino. Angela Courtney. Bettina D'Amato. Mar- jorie May Duesel. Elizabeth Eckhart. Clare Fischer, Geral- dine Gallo. Dorothea Haupt, Susan Ellen Herald, Martha Linda Hess, Mary Iannone, Kathleen Anne Kalosky, Arlene Mae Kerr, Grace Victoria King. Mary Louisa Langford. Diann M. Lohrfink, Arlene Dorothy. Long- den, M ar >' ,Tane McKenna. Mar- gory A. MacDonald. Martha G. Mahood, Christina Phyllis Majm- borg. Linda Mazzaferro, Maureen E. Malone, Mary Ann Misley, Jo- ann E. Moulton, Phoebe Ann Palmer. Joan Pitches, Anne Ma- rie Rossell, Laverne A. Sauve, Mary Jane Schmitz, Sheila Revette. Virginia Sigafoos, Eliz- abeth Ann Staruck, Eva Mae Alice Thiel. Ann Burden Thomas. HURT IN STREET FIGHT Sylvester Penzo, thirty-eight, of 285 Riverdale Avenue, suf- fered a fractured nose in a fight in front of 115 Lockwood Avenue at. 11:53 P.M. yesterday, police report. He was treated at Yon- kers General Hospital. Penzo told police he did not know his opponent. Class Day exercises for 86 sixth graders at School Five on Lockwood Avenue were held Wednesday. Laura Woodward welcomed the guests. Kurt Prior, Diana Taberer, Victor Geiger. Sandra Lowgren. Gale Haun. Mary Jan Vander Meer, Maryann Salerno, Susan Graff and Vito Varga gave the class history. Dorothy Kenny read from the Bible. Joanne Wagner, Stephen Kole- sar, Martin Van Sickles, Vicki Flower and Sandra Zurow re- cited poems; Ruth Holman. Ellen Slingerland and Judy Waldman played piano solos: Donald Thorn, a guitar solo, and Louise! Petrash, an accordion solo; Janet Johnson danced, John Reimen, Kurt Prior and Anthony Pasqua made up the color guard and the school orchestra played. On behalf of the Senior Coun- cil, Mrs. George Petetin present- ed gifts to Miss Mary Stuart and Miss Mary Burlingham, sixth grade teachers who are retiring. Miss Eljah Parmerter, principal, introduced School Superinten- dent Stanley S. Wynstra, Dr. Rocco E. Rescigno, director of secondary education, and Mrs. Ralph Cathcart, wife of the president of the Senior Council. The sixth graders are: Mari« Antonucci, Robert Beicrle, Paul Bechtold Raymond Beiter. William Brown, Cather- ine Carboni, Lois Capobianco, Joan Clark, Anna Connelly, Mar- ilyn Coyne, Anthony Darretta. David Denault. Joseph DeLasho, Terry DiGiovanni, George Fetch- ko. Viokj Flower. Corrine Gajdu- sek, Victor Geiger. Michael Gia- como. Otto Giannico. Peter Gil- len, Susan Graff. Carmine Gua- dagno, Robert Hamilton. Jane Henderson, Sterling Ham- ilton, Gale Haun, Ruth Homan. Donald Iannuzzi. Janet John- ston. Shirley Kallop, Dorothy Kenney. Mary Kerr, Arlene Kin- nally, Stephen Kolesar, Andrew Korchma. John Koski, Janet Krenza. James Latham. Peter Leyh, John Leddy, William Le- lash, Sandra Lowgren. Signe Lowgren, Sam Marotta, John Mastrovito, Maryann Melciiorrie. Margaret Mencorini, Andrew Merritt. Patricia Morrison. Alice Mur- phy, Dolores Paliotta. Anthony Pasqua Louise Petrash, Curtis Prior, John Podlewski, Diana Pruyn, Eveleen Quinn, Peter Rescigno. John Rieman, Mary Rogan. Margaret Rotunno. Mary- ann Salerno. William Salotto, Ellen Slingerland, Sherry Ann Steel. Shirley Stratton. Diana Ta- berer, Donald Thorn. James Vander Meer. Mary Jane Vander Meer. Martin Van Sickles. An- toinette Velucci. Dorothy Ve- trano, Vito Virga. Joanne Wag- ner. Judith Waldman, Karla Webber, Kenneth Woodward, Peter Wivorkoski. James You- mans. Donna Zapp. Barbara Zirkler. James Zottoli and San- dra Zuraw. ROARING FLAMES dwarf firemen battling the two-alarm blaze at the Melrose Salvage Corporation, 401 Saw Mill River Road. Chief William C. Garvin, left, with white hat and sports jacket, directs fire- fighters as they press forward with a hose line. Damage was "considerable." 48 Awarded I School 8 Graduates 104 Realty Men Visit Schlobohm Houses Members of the Yonkers Real Estate Board Inc. were guests of the Schlobohm Houses Moth- ers' Guild at luncheon yesterday at the huge federal public hous- ing project. Palisade Avenue. After luncheon the members were conducted on a tour of the project and shown several apart- ments by Emmett Burke, secre- tary-director of the Municipal lousing Authority. Pulse Of The City MARRIAGE LICENSES (Official City Hall Record) Lueiano-Bozzl—Frank J. Luci- ano, twenty-eight, mechanic, 173 Linden Street, and Anna Marie Bozzi, twenty, secretary, 45 Ket- tell Avenue. Broaddtis-Taylor — Richard O. Broaddus. twenty, U. S. Air Force, 557 Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive, New York City, and Mar- garet T. Taylor, seventeen, 165 Linden Street. Corcoran -1 ehlly • James F. Corcoran Jr.. twenty-four, clerk. 55 Chestnut Street, and Cathryn Fehily, twenty-two, 3058 Bailey Avenue, the Bronx. Zickler-Tyra—Charles R. Zick- ler .W., twenty-eight, builder. 839 Central Park Avenue, and Al- berta Tyra, twenty-nine, clerk. 12 Stanlev Avenue. Krentsa - Murphy — F r a n k Krcntsa. twenty-eight, welder. 290 McLean Avenue, and Mau- reen Murphy, twenty-two, 137 \i Morningside Avenue. Adamn-nenar—George R. Ad- ams, twenty-one, metallurgist. 211 Fov Chapel Road. Pitts- burgh, Pa. and Dorothy Jean I 1 fa thm G*»d Old Hmmmtrtimt . . • Yon e*a rssllT Ravs hy R>modeHn« and R>«ty,lni TOOT Tnn many »w Patterns In Cost*. Cap**, Jurketn, Stole* 1M* Aft •*** HUGUENOT FURRIERS "Fvr" Woaf nVm/vfr/ Specialist* 148 Alhburton Ave, YOnVert 3-9354 Tompklni-Whalen—William L. Tompkins, twenty-four, naval officer. 184 Douglas Avenue, and Joan M. Whalen. twenty-three, bookkeeper. Glenwood Gardens. Egly.laco T Lauren»on — William Egiziaco, thirty-four, machine operator, 81 Post Street, and Margaret Laurenson. thirty-one. machine operator. 2 Adrian Ave- nue. New York City. Muwente-Llberatore—Peter L. MrCbukev-Cllne -Charles A. Muscente. twenty-seven, opera-jfive. secretary, McCluskey, twenty-two, student, tor. 159 School Street, and Chris- Place. 25 Devon Way. Hastings, and!ti np Liberatore. twenty-seven, Carolyn E. Cline, twenty, 163 operator. 150 School Street. Nftsbltt-Kftdchel—Douglas Nes- Denar, twenty-three, 42 Courter Avenue. Banich-Mayo —Peter Baruch, twenty-four, dairy farmer. 22 Hamilton Avenue, and Pat Mayo, twenty-four, 257 Valentine Lane. Murphy-Lowell — Donald Mur- phv. twenty-eight, post office em- ploye, 58 Morningside Avenue, and Joan Lowell, twenty-one. registered nurse, 35 ?*.astvicw Avenue. 15 Intervale Place, and Alyda C. Schleer. twenty-five. 307 West Sprague Avenue. Spokane, Wash. Karaman-PsElenta — William Karaman. twenty-nine, trimmer, 207 Hawthorne Avenue, and Jo- sephine Pazienza. twenty, secre- tary, 107 Beech Street. Anderaon-McGronsn—Leo M. Anderson Jr„ thirty-one. attor- ney. 10 Bryn. Mawr Place, and Patricia A. McGronan. twenty- 50 Albermarle B Air and 16 Ramsey Avenue. Mnrphy-SutcHffe — Francis X. Murphy, twanty-four. salesman. 420 North Broadway, Pitman, N. J . and Barbara J. Sutcliffe. twentv-three. 94 Cowles Avenue. Staalak-Hughf* - William S'asiak. twenty-two. U. S. Force, 31 Moquette Row, Joan Hughes, iwenty-ohe Moquette Row. Bognskl - DeBrocky Stanley BoRUski. twenty-five, assembler. 20 Mder Street, and- F.lizabeth M DeBrockv. twenty-two. tele- phone operator. 146 High Street. GlanU-LeKa«hman — Harold Glantz. twenty-five, advertising. 3861 Bailey Avenue, the Bronx, and Phvllis LeKashman. twenty- one, teacher, 5129 Post Road, the Bronx. VolplrelH-Semple Volpicelli. twenty-eight, student '^ Yonkers Avenue, and Jessie JjSemple. twenty-one. clerk-typi**. * 20 Highland Avenue. Flynn-Rinnan — \Killiam E. « Flvnn. twenty-five, meter reader. * f, Convent Avenue, and Elizabeth * * * *i 2020 Walton Avenue, the Bronx. J;and Marilyn S. Klein, twenty bitt, twenty-three, apprentice. 67 Halcyon Terrace, New Rochelle, and Esther Kaschel. twenty-four. secretary. 107 Edgewood Avenue. DIDiiHo-CasaJe —- Anthony Di- Lullo, twenty-two. bricklayer. 141 Beech Street, and Alice Casale. twenty, dressmaker. 145 Beech Street. KraAovie-Swflkert — Edward Krasovic. twenty-four, bus chauf- feur. 341 Nepperhan Avenue, and Helen R. Sweikert, twenty-five. Kamten-Freeman—Charles H. Karsten. twenty-two, U.S. Army. Southhold, N. Y.. and Helen R. Freeman, twenty, student, 594 Palisade Avenue. FIRE RECORD Y'eaterday 1:30 P.M. bish. 1:41 P.M. 48 Falrvlew Street; shed. 6:29 P.M. pan of meat. Todav 12:35 A.M. Ludlow Dock, rub- Mulford Garden*; Certificates At School 12 Forty-eight sixth graders were "graduated" from School Twelve on Ashburton Avenue at Class Day exercises today. Jean Hudacek, president of the Junior Council, was chair- man; Marion Lazarus, vice presi- dent of the council, gave a prayer, Joseph Cyrulik, captain of the Safety Patrol, led the pledge of allegiance. Class Day talks were given bv Virgil Hayes. Geraldine Fitz- gerald. Gary Custis. Eileen Dris- coll, Marilyn Repasky. Barbara Valedes. Lyana Coretti. Timo- thy Konkol, Elizabeth Darville and Joseph Cyrulik. Miss Agnita C. Wallace, prin- cipal, introduced Mrs. Elizabeth E.Turbin, director of elementary edacation, who distributed the sixth grade certificates. Miss Wallace gave out Safety Patrol awards and Miss Phyllis Mynar- ski of the Yonkers Savings Bank, banking certificates. The school choir and the sixth grades sang and the school orchestra played. The "graduates" are: William G. Becker. Carl Cala- brese. Lila Campbell. James Chillo, Robert Controne, Lvana Coretti, Dorothy Cowan, Gary Custis, Joseph Cyrulik. ?:iiza- befh Darville. Elaine Davis, San- dra Demchak. Eileen Driscoll, Arlene Ferine. Geraldine Fitz- gerald, Andrew Gianzero. Joseph Gillert. Virgil Hayes. Jean Huda- cek, Rita Johnston, Steven Kauf- man, John King, Timothy Kon- kol, Marion Lazarus. Fred Mannino. John Markus, Robert McCue, Ruth Mulcabey. Thomas O'Brien, Stanley Olek- sowicz. Thomas Orce. George Patterson, Patricia Pease, Ron- ald Pohorence, James Powell. Marilyn Repasky. Stephen Skin- ner. Kenneth Spence, Jerome Spencer, Suzanne Thompson, Chester R. Toone. Arthur T. Tuthill. Barbara Valedes. Mary Jane Visosky. Anne Walton, Gail W. Wikel. JoAnn Williams, Rob- ert Zegray. CO. CONFERENCE NEW YORK - Westchester Civ- il Defense chiefs conferred yes- terday with state authorities on 'Operation Alert", the nationwide C. D. test conducted earlier this month, and on defense activities generally. With Patriotism As Theme Commencement exercises at School Eight on Bronxville Road had a patriotic theme today as 104 eighth graders were gradu- ated. Jeanne LaRorde and Diane Churchill were "America" and "Liberty": Diana GisolfV sang a French song; Stephen Morgin- son, a German song: George Brown, an Irish selecting, and Elaine Romancino. an Italian song. Jane Henckr>l led a prayer. Gary Elmer and Christine Ben- nett, were pages nnrt Philip Nolan. Ted Morehouse and Don- ild Curless. ushers- Commander William F. Lally. a member and former president of the Board of Education, pre- sented the diplomas, School Su- perintendent Stanley S. Wynstra spoke and Mrs. Henry Gripeko- ven. president of the Parent- Teacher Association; Mrs. Rob- ert LaBord? and Mrs. Rosamond Crawford, director of public school cafeterias, distributed awards. The graduates are: Richard G. Armistead. Char- lotte B a k e r . Robert Barrett. Herbert H. Bartling Jr.. Carol A. Beman. Andrea Bennett, Bar- bara Britz. John Brock. George H. Brown, Patricia Brown, Susan Burney. H o w a r d W.. Calkins. Diane Ellen Churchill. Constance Ann Clapkin, John J. Clifford. Glenn Willis Collier. Christine Condit. Michael Connets. Ronald Dollinger. James Donohue, William Dris- coll. Karen Edwards, Diane Eggleton. Donna Elmer, Susan Evans, Elsie E. Fating, Richard Allen Feitelson. Lynne Fields, George W. Fischer, Audrey Fisher. A. Gerard Gaetjens, Robert J. Giampino. Anthony L. Giordano. Diane Gisolfl, Anne Marie Gorman, Barbara Gray, Price Gripekoven. Eric Harkna. Elizabeth Heep. Jane Henckel, R u t h Hengst, Mark B. Hoffberg, Keith T. Holman. Theodore Howe Jr., Ronald S. Jaye, Robert F. Jen- nings, Karol Nannette Jones. Joseph Grant Kerwin, Doris Mae K i n g . R o g e r S. Kirby. Rudolph J. Kohler. Ellen P Kratz. Jeanne La Borde. Roslyn Lederman. Dale C. Leech, Fran- cia Lew, Wilford Lynch, Susan G MacKinnon, Fred Malawista. Salvntore J. Maniameli. Judy R. Martin, Michael Bailey Maw, Robert Mertl Jr.. Susan Met- calfe, Howard B U r i 11 Miller. Prtcr Moohs. Joyce Mockov, Stephen L. Morginson, Ann Colleen Ness- lage, Drew Nicholson, Kay Nickell, Richard O'Dell. Roger Odwak. Mary O'Leary, Carl Ed- ward Petrillo, John Albert Picci- fino, William G. Prosser. William Renner, Dean C. .Rohrcr. Elaine C. Romancino, Louis Rudolph Sachs. Betty Ann Samuels, Peter Schiminski. Harold F. Schmidt. Louis W. Shank Jr. Martha Lee S i k e s , Nancy Simon. James S°"thall. Linda S p e c t o r , E l s a Stromenger, Michael A. Stefano. William A, Stowe, Robert Sullivan, Robert Clark Sullivan. Kay Swanson. V. Ann Telford. Clifford Theiss. Pamela Greer Tompkins, James J. Trotta. Richard L. Weaver. Laura Weis. Louise Wildev. Philip Williams. Sheilah Wilson. FlamesShoot Up 100 Feet, Much Smoke Flames, towering 100 feet in the air. coupled with a blanket of nauseating smoke covering a wide area, gave firemen from nirte companies a tough battle early today when a two-alarm blaze swept through the depot of the Melrose Salvage Corpora- tion. 401 Saw Mill River Road. Hundreds of tons of baled paper, rags, a wide assortment of metal and other articles stored as "junk" were in the plant at the southwest corner of Saw Mill River 4 Road and Iselin Street. Richard Conlin, a retired Yon« kers policeman, discovered the fire and sent in the first alarm hy telephone at 1:27 A.M. Conlin is a guard at the Square Root Company, an electronics concern adjoining the junk yard on the south. Chief William C. Garvin or- dered the second alarm at 1:31 A.M. Assistant Chief Peter Di- note aided him in directing the firefighters. Despite the wall of flames and embers, blown by a. strong wind, the firemen con« fined the blaze to the junk yard. Slight water and smoke damage occurred at the Square Root building. Loss Is 'Considerable' The Chief has not as yet de* termined the cause of the fire. He has not estimated the mone* tary loss but said it is "consider' able." Public Safety Commissioner Milton E. Goldman. Deputy Com- missioner James E. McCue anc" Sergeants Michael Girasch anc" Lester Brent directed a large detail of police and members o' the Auxiliary Police Corps whe rerouted traffic and maintained fire lines. A number of Auxiliary Fireman assisted the regular firefighters. Detective John McKeon of the Parkway Police, a resident o Nepera Park, aided the .firemer while off duty and distributee milk to the firemen and police- men after the Dellwood Dairy sent it. The Salvation Army's Mobile Kitchen served hot coffe. Am brose S. Havey 3d, chairman a' the Disaster Committee of Yon- kers Chapter, American Ret' - Cross, answered the seconC alarm. Baled Papers Checked Firemen used hose lines from all four sides of the property tr confine the flames. It was neces- sary to keep'a company with r hose line at the scene all nigh'. to untie baled papers and mak< certain all smouldering particle had been extinguished. Besides a one-story bricl building, a dozen or more wooden sheds and lean-tos in variou parts of the big yard were afir< when firemen from Engins 10 O] Saw Mill River Road, first com pany on the scene, reached th flre. Chief Garvin paid tribute tr Assistant Chief Dinote and th firemen for their efficient worl which saved the fire from spread ing to nearby lumber yards anc other business establishments. Sixth Ward Club Takes G.O.P. IVame The Sixth Ward Club this week changed its name to the Sixth Ward Republican Club. President Frank Reagan reports. Its next, meeting will be in the third week of September. Mr. Reagan reported on the club's clambake to be held at the Ridge Road picnic grounds Saturday, Aug. 28. and the an- nual boat trip to Rockaway on Thursday. Aug. 26. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO DEALERS IN WINDOW SHADES OFFICE OF THE BOARD OP EDUCATION „„,, YONKERS. N. Y. June 24. 1954 Th» Bo»rd of Educ»tlon will recetvr u»led bids until 3 00 P. M. Ei*t«rn Day Hint 8»vin»s Time. Tuesday. July «. 1954 for fuml»hlnf and lnstalllnr new win- dow ihadei In the Southeast Yonker Junior-Senior Hlih School. Kneelanc Avenue. In accordance with the sped flcatloni dated June 21. 1954. now on fllei In the office of the Secretary o_ the Board of Education, 138 South Broadway. Yonkers NY. Said specification* may be obtained br prosp*ctlv8 bidder* upon application tr the Secretary of the Board of Education. OEOROK 8CHEELE JR Secretary * Purchasing Agent («—24-iV J. UCHTENBERO. Auctioneer, xelle July 1. 1954, 10:00 A M. 201 South Broadway. Yonkers. N. Y . Ford Victoria M rU48Vlll284 retaken from Vincent 8<5UllUnU - ,ft-M> CONTRACTORS WarbQrtnn -'and waitress. 405 Nepperhan Avenue. 'Lamartirx* Avenues: fals* alarm. Ferrill J. Kreao-Alfann — John Kreso twenty-six. grouper. 17 Trinity Street, and Grace Alfano, twenty, clerk. 46 Fox Terrace. Tarell-Alrstone — Robert 1 Parell. forty-sfwen. maintenance. 1006 Taton Avenue, Brooklyn, and Annie Alrstone. forty-one. practical nurse, 11W Saw Mill River Road. Katr-WeVw—William 3 Katz. twenty-eight, teacher. 4O10 Chip- P*WA Drive. Madison. Wis . and Lihetta Weiss, twenty-one, 26 Hopke Avenue. Hastings. Fsjr"»rHvftry>w* — Nicholas- A RrennAn. twenty-six, clerk-typist. ,3^6 Voss Avenue. Michel-Klein—Moses Ahraham Michel twentv-three. accountant, p Brown, forty-four, senior clerk. 418 Walnut Street Hndd-FalUar*—Lawrence Paul t one, student. I Lawrence Street. ;Hudd, twenty-four, chauffeur ftansone-RolesAf — Anthony P 600 Warburton Avenue, *nA Lucy XjSsnsone. twenty-two. installer. 67 FatlUc* •ISeminary Avenue, and Lillian M 1:27 A.M. first alarm for 401 Saw Mill River Road; damage considerable. 1:31 A.M. second alarm for 401 Saw Mill River Road. 2 38 AM. Park Hill Avenue and School Street; automobile 5:JW A.M. opposite Greystone Station; rubbtah. LEGAL NOTICE8 tit CITY or YON Council will hearing on Tuesday. Jul The Common NQTICK KIP CORPORATION "I* YONKtftS ouncll will give a pub >sday. July *'h 1954. at o'clock P. M. in th« common Council Chambers City Hall in rela- Uon to a Otn»ral Ordtnanrt, which reads as foUows. AN ORDINANCE AMENDINO QENERAL OBD1NANCS NO 24-1953 THr CITY OP YWKIR*. *• Y *Q?"NO ORDI- NANCE OP 1953, IN RtUATlON TO AMUSEMENT CENTER* The City of" Yonkers. In Common Council convened, hereby ordaina And f r s-i 8»cM«n I. Section 4-8 of Oenera! "inane* Hi 3 4 1 0 * 3 is hereby amend. ird of EducatKvn at tb# "Wcw >r iCfunty of Westchettar. ' ervlsme PrllKipsl. Central Ave. r % ft|/Jj|g r, ) (, tf „, M . DAUY CITY PIMAStCI RtPORT June 14. !»«« Receipt*- 1*54 Taws « llf»o;»'. Oth»r receipt* , A«f*.~4 Kolpsar. twenty, business ma- OHO.HOitiiOiii*^"' operator, 21 Hark Street. TMs! r***ipt* raenittHa Fagnano. f.fty-two. WptTVtiW.I&S'Sa w£i 433 R<»llpv\je Avenue, and Mar s?~fai c»p*«it *»»*i. T^'al ca»h ._«^__ ISM T»TM C<Mi*et>»n» Total ISM I* PerceB'ate nf UewWmrt TeAal ISM loUM deM . FloatJWI few T«t snttMrHtlof H --•»• CspKa) notes «. « : = . - ia4.S2n.SS JM asas- rw^nty-onp. salesgirl. 257 Warraitiori Avenue fsn*k-Pchlp*r — John Panek Jr., thirty-two. sales manager. • - * Ordln addint the foliowin in — AMDlEMINT CtNTKR any Indoor place or inclosura in which Is maintained or operated for tha amuse-1 ment. patronage or recreation of 'he public any rAin-coni rolled amaaement dence of any deeertption. and particu- larly but not by way of limitation, the rp# commonly known as fcatat* •> hasebaH. football and Mn paji »- •• men' tames. Se/tion J Sedion ft-C if Oenertl Or<!!r.ancf No 24- 19.V1 is hertb* am»n<!. ed bt »ti!\r\t t-m»iltat»ty t>r»reeiint >h» entry Art nr Antique - Shop'' the fol- , r - '! n t entry "M -»o an 4S AMttaiMENT OtNTEfi ' . „ ''TV ?»i Ricentlon use m the as ~* •Jtr2Sil5 trt ^> "• 'P*rmltt»d us*t »n th« c ,. J4MJnfT7|tM t »on» district, %nn no 'not 14 1AV31A SA t^tmitted uaei in P «/<ne dttti " rtion !0-c-«ooi of o*n- Nd J4 - i*M it herebt follow* ^ent Center. Sowi. y»t Allays Dance Hall, indoor Rnorts P#cr»at(«nal SuittiM. Skatfnt Arena to a SA Dia*M«t. ^n 4 This ordlaanc* ahail take e#c' after *tM (PObUcattir s« -». VJ 'red M law.. WIIXIAM H ORAY JR , Cfti ci»-k Sf*,-tsl »on» dts tnui i a,730.4*1 as rji.^Ji 5 '"*"!! Bl SS < ! « U ( M M „flS4MSO0«l amended 'o read as 10-C-60 A3—Amu sea ?M) <Y*0 O- ; ssr^sooel LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE t o co^mtAcroRs" NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that Mated proposals arc aoufnt and n- quaattd for th« p«rform*no« aceordlrn to apeeuicatlona of a oeruin contract *o let t>y the Board of Education. Union Pre* School D.itrict No. T. Town of Gr««nburjh. Weatchetter County. New York, for the reconstruction and Improve- rrtnt of the Washington Avettua School Of the dlatrlcf. Se»l»d proposalt *-ill ha raeaKed by •aid Board the Rupe Hue School. Central A^eru* and Harvard Drive. Hartsdaie New York until ft P M.. KD.S.T.. Wednead*>. June -Vth. 19S4. and WW he Immediately thereafter publicly opened sod r»*A in the lfbrajy •f said Central Avtnoe schn«> tr.formatun for Nddert. form of pro- poaal. drs«inf» tpeeincatloni. form ft eontract and tAh*r contract documeftt map he examined at the ofnoa of the Supervtalrt Pnncin*j Central As-enue Scheie!, Central Avenue and Harvard Drive. Hartadale. Nrw Yortt, on and after Monday. June 14th. 19S4 and •» he oht»:n*d fmen aa»d office hy each hdder upon deposit of turn ft Twetitv. flv-e <«aSW»i dollar* Depoatts will > re- turned to hVddm upon return of doni. roenfs in awvd onevditvaei WHWn thfrtT fi<i afe' ip*nint of Mdt. The sforeesid dr*«1rt< sp*clff<"«»!o«a aod <xv»itf»ct dontments mav also he evamlrved at the TVsife Plan Rooov 1>0 tseat Od Rxr+f. New Vert. New York. 00 -end af»r Monday, .'vsne 14tb. iaM The R-rvs-d of Education reaervea the ri|ht to re)»ct any and a" hsds. or »»» portion of any had. or to accery Rn one f-st. in Ms rsdfment. will Ne for the t**t I s u n t l l of t^# achoot district Dated Hartsds'e, New York Juna lfHh. 19M BOASD OP F.DICATICW • VTOV PPEE S«3«OOL DrSTBICT NO T TOWN or GBEEymnacH HTSTCHrESTWl COCVTY N T BY DoneJd f MacEaftwra Prttldent CERTIFICATE ON CONTINUED USE OF PARTNERSHIP NAME OF 'JOHN WATTENBERQ CO." pursuant to Article 7 of the Partnership Law of the State of New York. . WHEREAS, the buMnes« of Ihe firm of "John Wattenbert Co ." a partner- ship, which has transacted business in this state, continues to be conducted by certain of tha partners therein, and WHEREAS, the bustne«s heretofore conducted by said Arm is to be con- ducted hereafter by the undersigned in the name of John Wattenbert Co ' NOW. THEREFORE, the undersigned. Ii. pursuance of the statute In such case made and provided, do make. »i(n and acknowledte this certificate and decitre that the persons lntendin* to deal under the name of "John Watunber* Co."' with 'heir respective placet ot residence are as follows; Frtncea Watlenber». 33 Loudoun 8t Yonkers NY. Mmuei Silverman. IS Bayley Ave.. Yonkers N Y IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals' thla 2Sth day of May 1»M FRANCES WATTENBERO. 'US > SAMUEL SILVERMAN. t L S » State of New York. i NOTICE TO FENCING OFFICE OP THE BOARD OP EDUCATION - YONKERS. N. Y. June 23. 1954. The Board of Eduntion will receive sealed bids until WEDNESDAY. July 7. 1954 at 1100 A. M. Eaatern Daylltht Saving Tlmt for the proposed work of replacing broken, mltslng and rusted fencing. Includlnt painting and all in- cidental work at Schools Nos. 5. 9. 14. 15. IS 19 and Hawthorne Jr Hlih School located in the City of Yonkers. N. Y . in accordance with the specifics., tlon now on file In the office of How. ard A. Kelly. Supervisor of Build'.nts. Board of Education, 13S South Broad, way. Yonkers. New York. Sstd specification may he obtained at the office of the Supervisor of Buildings, OEOROE 8CHEELE IS Secretary. Board of Education (A—25-2A1 1954. be- WAT- fore me personally came FRANCES TESBF.RO and SAMUEL SILVERMAN to me known to pa the individuals de scribed fn and who e»ecut*d the fore . tcdng instrument and they duW severally >'',- acknowledged to ma that they executed •.. lha same EDWARD LAUTTRBACH. Nn'arv Public in the 8ta<e of New York Appointed tchester Countv. Itaton expires March CORPORATION NOTICE CITY OF YONKERS The Common Council will give a pub- he hearing on Tuesday. July 6th. 19M at 8 o'clock P M, in the Common Council Chambers City Hall. <n rela- tion to tha foUowlnt parte or portions of a special tttlnate of the Board of Education dated March 11th 1954 Item A. ttensootary Schools.„ Tetf« books for schools; textbooks for offlta of Supervisor ot Instruction in Ele« mentary Orcdes. Instructional equip- ment and science equipment—142.189 00 Item B Secondary. School a—O'tdes T-ll. Textbooks. Juntor^nd s»nlor hlth schoo'.i »rieoc» equipment and install** tlon-174 915 22, WILLIAM H ORAY. JR Ci'y Clerk (8— 21 CORPORATION NOTICE CITY OF YONKERS The Common Council for West Corr.missie 30. ISM. »s—4-ii-is-as' THE P EW TO' 8 iRK hv ih» Orsf* of Ood. and independent DANIEL TRAOSl JOetPH TRAOENY I CARS1S1ERQ ..ISSA CARBlStl |tC*Ol^ MA7.7 . MA7.7JI CAV ERO House ONO MA?7«f MARY SIMONF APE RFREBY CJTKP TO SHONS, hefore th» a.4.'.'oca s • Cour'. »^er Counit »lll give a pub- heartng on Tuesday. July 6th 1954. a o'clock P M in the Common Council Chambers. City Hall, in rela- tion to a tpoeial estimate for the Board of Education, in the amount of 110*50. to cover t*e coat of purchase, installa- tion and servicing for one year of tfclrty or more refrigerated milk storage boxes, Uid boxes to be equipped with ft lock* tnt dalce WILLIAM H ORAY JR aty fes, CORPORATION NOTICE CITY OF YONKERf. The Common Cou He hearing on Tue at ft eejoek P 1 I Chamber*. Clt removal « R'..::oo Road unctl win give a puh. esdar, JuJ» « t h ,«y,. vc n '.he common Cttv Hal! in - Ion »•> tha removal of private street* OiOfll ion »> known l>dge~?nt ire the Surroca » We»trh»4ler C«Hjn«t » Co.jf July ?0ih •i^s lie Plains on at 10 30 A M why s certain writing dat»d D»<emh»- THORNS ALFF-RT resMHnt »i *»»-» l»4th Btreet FTmnio* New York should not e* probated s< '-• Tes ce»»#<5 of " real Dated A'»»|'»1 and BeaJftd rtov 1 CHAVLES R oRrptnrnia WgBiBK ^j^'V/^o^ .... 8.25^-2, Drive and Ledgemont Terrace from the official man of the City «f Yonk*< WttLIAM H ORAY JR * Ork CORPORATION NOTICE ^ m CITY «F YONKERf T*-e r-ommon Cosirtril will give a »»iV e»nng on Tuesday Joty «th 1»M- f.t 8 ocjock P M tn t v e rv-««M nctl CYBsmbers City Hall. tn ^f*ls- If* 14*3 and endlnt D*73T«, wMtr the manda'ory salary r*su\ rnenu of «*cMon J\03 of th* Sdetar WTLLIAM H OlUy. to, Cltw He"* ' Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: Windswept Blaze Races Through Saw Mill River Road Salvage Yard 10/Yonkers... · Arlene Longden and Roy Ash-mall staged a playlet, "Fifty-four Fantasia," predicting "oc cupations and

Windswept Blaze Races Through Saw Mill River Road Salvage Yard H«rald Statesman, Yonkers, N. Y., Fri., June 25, 1954 1 1

c 86 Complete Fay Speaks I Citizenship Is Discussed 6 th Grade At At Class Day At 13's Class Day For 104 S c h o o , F i v e In School 19

City Judge Fay was guest speaker at todays Class Dav program at School Nineteen on Jackson Street where 105 sixth graders were "graduated."

On behalf of the sixth grades. Donna Daria and John Anderson gave Miss Katherine C. Whelan, principal, a gift.

Robert Gomez welcomed the-guests. Jay Laff, Walter Holow-czak, Ellen Yuska. Lillian Porta and Richard Manual read the class wills, Ethel Mae Wash-hurne was program announcer and Joseph Lansing. Betty Ann Picken and Virginia Spatta. graduating class annuoncers.

Michele Ercole and Edward Kuryluk played accordion selec­tions, Gail Focht, James Riley and Barbara Marino were di­ploma children, Richard Fernan-des, Harvey Imhof, Michael Pelepako. Paul Vergalitto and Philip Wirchansky "were flag bearers, the sixth graders sang and gave a playlet and the sixth grade choir sang.

Mrs. Katherine Hint on was soloist and William E. Worthing-ton of the Yonkers Savings Bank distributed hanking certi­ficates. Miss Zita Lally, a former teacher, and David Smith, gen­eral secretary of the YMCA, were honor guests.

Miss Whelan presented sixth grade certificates to the follow­ing "graduates:"

William Alhright, Ann Ander­son. John Anderson. Dolores An­ton. Martin Auerback. Louis Az-zolino. William Borachok, Rob­ert Carlson, Marie Cipolla, Joyce Collins, Richard Costanzo, Donna Daria.

Dorothy Dauenheimer, Helen DeLean. Theresa Di Caprio, Michelle Ercole, Rose Ettinger, Barbara Fenyo, Richard Fernan-ctes. Betty Ann Fiore, Nancy Forel. Stanley Frank, Harris Gelber. Robert Gomez, Joseph Greenwald.

George Haley. Carol Hanczcr. Garfield Hathaway, Walter Ho-lowczak. Avis Hufnagel, Harvey Imhof. Antoinette Jarosz. Ruth Johnson. R o s e m a r y Kennedy, Leslie Kohn. Josephine Kolomi-chuk, Margaret Kovack,

Edward Kuryluk, Richard La-bick. Patricia LaCroix. Jay Laff, Geraldine Landers. Joseph Lan­sing. Thor Lopez, Richard Man­ual, Ronald Manzo, Edward Mar­tha!, Undsey Maxwell, Carmeia Mt*no. David Miksad.

Gail Mnrrissey, M a r g a r e t Mmth^rgfr. Kathleen Mullane, A i ^ n n MowsUkas, Patricia

;amee, C a r o l Nyarady. i'h to N y a r a dy. G e o r g e

Marten* Oshalim. Rich-• <j i*%ii»t. . Sylvester Pegram. Mrhnel Pelepako. Marie Phelan.

Betty A n n e Picken, Lillian P « r t ' • , Catherine Rambalski, Thomaa Rommel. June Robbins. Virginia R o b e r t s , Catherine Rooney. Charles Semelis. Ronald Sheedy, Peter Siracusa, Fred Siudym. Howard Slyer.

Donna Smith, Virginia Spatta, Fosea*nnStarro, Christine Stingl. Carol Stone, D i a n e Sullivan, William Tamraz. William Tebor-sky. Anthony Troia, Marianne T r o i a, Georganna Turenchalk, Bernice Vaughan, Joseph Vendi-telli. P a u l Vergalitto, E t h e l Washburne.

Loretta Washington, Thomas Wazolek. Roger White, Douglas Williams, Ann Winkler, Patricia Wszolek. P h i l i p Wirchansky, Karen Wirth, Julia Wojcicki, Barbara Wright. Joan Yearwood. Ellen Yuska, John Zayah. Joseph Zoda. Doris Zywotchenko.

"Is Citizenship Important?'* was discussed by a group of pupils at todays Class Day ex­ercises of School * Thirteen on McLean Avenue where 104 sixth graders were 'graduated."

Miss Mamie V. Herald, princi­pal, welcomed the guests and Mrs. Elfrida S. Reid. supervisor of instruction in the elementary grades, distributed sixth grade certificates.

Sixth graders sang. Sherry Lazare was soloist and the school glee club and orchestra entertained.

W. E. Worthington of the Yonkers Savings Bank gave out banking awards and the Rev. Emlen H. Zellers of South Pres­byterian Church gave the invo­cation.

The "graduates" are: Jeffrey Adler. Paula Albanese,

Jane Bauer, Robert Benjamin, Glen Bickelman. Mary Bonito. Donald Boyle, Carol Bronstein, Carol Carmasin, Connie Caslar. Paula Cassell. Arlene Cazzola, Anthony Cerrato.

Loretta Cianelli. Elaine Cle­ment, Barbara Cluhe, Frances Coan. Mary Ann Cody. Jerilyn Cohen, Dorothy Cullen, Leslie Davidson, Peter Davis, Helen DeGasperis. Rrenda Dickov. Wil­liam Dietzel. Catherine Dillman.

John Drohan, Roger Duncan. Susan Eeker. Janet Eliassen. Pe­ter Ellison, Martin Epstein, Bar­bara Fine. Robert Fowkes. Rob­

ert Freda. Norman Gantcher Evelyn Gellman. Carol Giorda-nelli, Paul Gitelson.

Sheila Gitlitz. Jack Goldfrank. Beryl Gorbman, William. Gor­man. Diane Judith Greenberg. Alice Greenfield. Barbara Grieve. Richard Haroutunian. Isabelle Harraghy. Dennis Harty, Bar­bara Hesselberg. Roger Hibbard. Katherine Hirsch. ,

Andrew Joppa, Marion Kerr. Richard Kramer. Edward Krent-sa, Barbara Kwasnica. Laurel LaMonica. Sherry Lazare, Em-nest Lee. Raymond Lewis. Fred­erick Lohse. Ann Lopez, William MacBeth. Brian MacKenzie.

Michael Markman, Arthur Mathews, Arthur Matthews. Francis McCleneghen. George Minervini, Robert Miningharr., Christine 'Moir, Allen Morris. Barbara Moss. Donald Palmer. Joseph Parkis.i Valerie Patne, Kenneth Pokorny, Barbara Pola-chek.

Denis Raffa. Carol Sue Rib-ner, Charles Rohb, Dianne Robb, Susan Roos. Lynda Ross, Betty Salzanb, Paul Scheid. Earl Schreier, Douglas Schuster. Philip Schwalbe, Sally Schwartz.

Stanley Schwartz. Jay Silver­man, Edward Spiegel. Peter Spitalnik, Adam Steinberg. Ron­ald Sylvestri, Dominica Troia, Carolee Troy, Joan Truppi, The­odore Van Nahl, Geraldine Ven-turini, Michael Weinfield, Mar­garet Lynn Westerfield.

Minervini Gives Diplomas To 93 8th-Graders At 16

Dr. Virginio Minervini. a mem­ber and immediate past presi­dent of the Board of Education, presented diplomas to 93 eighth grade'graduates of School Six­teen on North Broadway at com­mencement exercises today.

Mary Jane Schmidt and John Reid received scholarship awards from Mrs. Milton Wolfe, retiring president of the Parent-Teacher Association.

Phyllis Malmbord. Alan Coyne. Arlene Longden and Roy Ash-mall staged a playlet, "Fifty-four Fantasia," predicting "oc­cupations and interests" of the graduating class members in 1974.

Mary Jane Schmidt welcomed the guests, John Reid gave the class message. James Furrie, Roger DeAngelis and Henry Be,loin made up the color guard and the school orchestra played. School- Superintendent Stanley S. Wynstra spoke.

The Rev.. Herbert. C. Green­land of Morsemere Methodist Church gave the invocation and the Rev. Nicholas Moore of the Church of Christ the King, the benediction.

The graduates are: Joseph Albuam, Brent Amund-

son, Robert. Acquilino. Roy A. «Ashmall, Robert Bernhard, James A. Burton, Thomas Bush, Rich­ard J. Capraro. Anthony Richard Celente. Bruce Charlton, Wil­liam R. Cheney, Donald G. Cheyne, Richard James Conboy. Alan R. Coyne. James William Curtis. Peter Dillon, David Es-bond Dunkerton.

Beverley R. Edie, Harry Franklin, Eugene. F . Garner. Louis P. Graner, Jay R. Griffin, John Allen Heldman, Paul Wil­liam Holze, Peter Kachmar. Thomas Nicholas Kossifos. Rich­ard Lane. John B. Lofts Jr., John McKelvey. James Oliver McPherson, James J. Malcolm. Howard M. Manstream. Clifford

Maryea, William Bruce Mateer. Francis Charles Morrone.

David E. Nowicki. Peter C. Ozarowski. Florencio Pellon. Richard John Peterson. Vincent J. Pietropaolo Jr., Richard W. Pottherg, Peter Alan J. Roma-nych, John Barlow. Reid Jr.. Thomas D. Sheridan, Richard J. Steiniger, Russell A. Syska. Wil­liam Syska, Cammie Tickell. Robert Gordon VanTassell. Rich­ard Frederic Vesperman. Thom­as Lloyd Whittaker, David G. Will.

Belle Lynda Ayres. Janet Alice Bell. Mary Bierwirth. Mary Frances Bollent, Colette L. Chapman, Marguerite M. d o w ­ry, Ann Costantino. Angela Courtney. Bettina D'Amato. Mar-jorie May Duesel. Elizabeth Eckhart. Clare Fischer, Geral­dine Gallo.

Dorothea Haupt, Susan Ellen Herald, Martha Linda Hess, Mary Iannone, Kathleen Anne Kalosky, Arlene Mae Kerr, Grace Victoria King. Mary Louisa Langford. Diann M. Lohrfink, Arlene Dorothy. Long­den, Mar>' , T a n e McKenna. Mar-gory A. MacDonald. Martha G. Mahood, Christina Phyllis Majm-borg.

Linda Mazzaferro, Maureen E. Malone, Mary Ann Misley, Jo-ann E. Moulton, Phoebe Ann Palmer. Joan Pitches, Anne Ma­rie Rossell, Laverne A. Sauve, Mary Jane Schmitz, Sheila Revette. Virginia Sigafoos, Eliz­abeth Ann Staruck, Eva Mae Alice Thiel. Ann Burden Thomas. HURT IN STREET FIGHT

Sylvester Penzo, thirty-eight, of 285 Riverdale Avenue, suf­fered a fractured nose in a fight in front of 115 Lockwood Avenue at. 11:53 P.M. yesterday, police report. He was treated at Yon­kers General Hospital. Penzo told police he did not know his opponent.

Class Day exercises for 86 sixth graders at School Five on Lockwood Avenue were held Wednesday.

Laura Woodward welcomed the guests. Kurt Prior, Diana Taberer, Victor Geiger. Sandra Lowgren. Gale Haun. Mary Jan Vander Meer, Maryann Salerno, Susan Graff and Vito Varga gave the class history. Dorothy Kenny read from the Bible.

Joanne Wagner, Stephen Kole-sar, Martin Van Sickles, Vicki Flower and Sandra Zurow re­cited poems; Ruth Holman. Ellen Slingerland and Judy Waldman played piano s o l o s : Donald Thorn, a guitar solo, and Louise! Petrash, an accordion solo; Janet Johnson danced, John Reimen, Kurt Prior and Anthony Pasqua made up the color guard and the school orchestra played.

On behalf of the Senior Coun­cil, Mrs. George Petetin present­ed gifts to Miss Mary Stuart and Miss Mary Burlingham, sixth grade teachers who are retiring. Miss Eljah Parmerter, principal, introduced School Superinten­dent Stanley S. Wynstra, Dr. Rocco E. Rescigno, director of secondary education, and Mrs. Ralph Cathcart, wife of the president of the Senior Council.

The sixth graders are: Mari« Antonucci, R o b e r t

Beicrle, Paul Bechtold Raymond Beiter. William Brown, Cather­ine Carboni, Lois Capobianco, Joan Clark, Anna Connelly, Mar­ilyn Coyne, Anthony Darretta. David Denault. Joseph DeLasho, Terry DiGiovanni, George Fetch-ko. Viokj Flower. Corrine Gajdu-sek, Victor Geiger. Michael Gia-como. Otto Giannico. Peter Gil-len, Susan Graff. Carmine Gua-dagno, Robert Hamilton.

Jane Henderson, Sterling Ham­ilton, Gale Haun, Ruth Homan. Donald Iannuzzi. Janet John­ston. Shirley Kallop, Dorothy Kenney. Mary Kerr, Arlene Kin-nally, Stephen Kolesar, Andrew Korchma. John Koski, J a n e t Krenza. James Latham. Peter Leyh, John Leddy, William Le-lash, Sandra Lowgren. Signe Lowgren, Sam Marotta, John Mastrovito, Maryann Melciiorrie. Margaret Mencorini, Andrew Merritt.

Patricia Morrison. Alice Mur­phy, Dolores Paliotta. Anthony Pasqua Louise Petrash, Curtis Prior, John Podlewski, Diana Pruyn, Eveleen Quinn, Peter Rescigno. John Rieman, Mary Rogan. Margaret Rotunno. Mary­ann Salerno. William Salotto, Ellen Slingerland, Sherry Ann Steel.

Shirley Stratton. Diana Ta­berer, Donald Thorn. James Vander Meer. Mary Jane Vander Meer. Martin Van Sickles. An­toinette Velucci. Dorothy Ve-trano, Vito Virga. Joanne Wag­ner. Judith Waldman, Karla Webber, Kenneth Woodward, Peter Wivorkoski. James You-mans. D o n n a Zapp. Barbara Zirkler. James Zottoli and San­dra Zuraw.

ROARING FLAMES dwarf firemen battling the two-alarm blaze at the Melrose Salvage

Corporation, 401 Saw Mill River Road. Chief William C. Garvin, left, with white hat

and sports jacket, directs fire­fighters as they press forward with a hose line. Damage was "considerable."

48 Awarded I School 8 Graduates 104

Realty Men Visit Schlobohm Houses

Members of the Yonkers Real Estate Board Inc. were guests of the Schlobohm Houses Moth­ers' Guild at luncheon yesterday at the huge federal public hous­ing project. Palisade Avenue.

After luncheon the members were conducted on a tour of the project and shown several apart­ments by Emmett Burke, secre­tary-director of the Municipal lousing Authority.

Pulse Of The City MARRIAGE LICENSES (Official City Hall Record)

Lueiano-Bozzl—Frank J. Luci­ano, twenty-eight, mechanic, 173 Linden Street, and Anna Marie Bozzi, twenty, secretary, 45 Ket-tell Avenue.

Broaddtis-Taylor — Richard O. Broaddus. twenty, U. S. Air Force, 557 Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive, New York City, and Mar­garet T. Taylor, seventeen, 165 Linden Street.

Corcoran - 1 ehlly • James F. Corcoran Jr.. twenty-four, clerk. 55 Chestnut Street, and Cathryn Fehily, twenty-two, 3058 Bailey Avenue, the Bronx.

Zickler-Tyra—Charles R. Zick-ler .W., twenty-eight, builder. 839 Central Park Avenue, and Al­berta Tyra, twenty-nine, clerk. 12 Stanlev Avenue.

Krentsa - Murphy — F r a n k Krcntsa. twenty-eight, welder. 290 McLean Avenue, and Mau­reen Murphy, twenty-two, 137\i Morningside Avenue.

Adamn-nenar—George R. Ad­ams, twenty-one, metallurgist. 211 Fov Chapel Road. Pitts­burgh, P a . and Dorothy Jean


1 f a thm G*»d Old

Hmmmtrtimt . . •

Yon e*a rssllT Ravs hy R>modeHn« and R>«ty,lni TOOT Tnn — many » w Patterns In Cost*. Cap**,

Jurketn, Stole*

1 M * Aft • * * *


"Fvr" Woaf nVm/vfr/ Specialist*

148 Alhburton Ave, YOnVert 3-9354

Tompklni-Whalen—William L. Tompkins, twenty-four, naval officer. 184 Douglas Avenue, and Joan M. Whalen. twenty-three, bookkeeper. Glenwood Gardens.

Egly.lacoTLauren»on — William Egiziaco, thirty-four, machine operator, 81 Post Street, and Margaret Laurenson. thirty-one. machine operator. 2 Adrian Ave­nue. New York City.

Muwente-Llberatore—Peter L. MrCbukev-Cllne - C h a r l e s A. Muscente. twenty-seven, opera-jfive. secretary,

McCluskey, twenty-two, student, tor. 159 School Street, and Chris- Place. 25 Devon Way. Hastings, and! t i n p Liberatore. twenty-seven, Carolyn E. Cline, twenty, 163 operator. 150 School Street.

Nftsbltt-Kftdchel—Douglas Nes-

Denar, twenty-three, 42 Courter Avenue.

Banich-Mayo —Peter Baruch, twenty-four, dairy farmer. 22 Hamilton Avenue, and Pat Mayo, twenty-four, 257 Valentine Lane.

Murphy-Lowell — Donald Mur-phv. twenty-eight, post office em­ploye, 58 Morningside Avenue, and Joan Lowell, twenty-one. registered nurse, 35 ?*.astvicw Avenue.

15 Intervale Place, and Alyda C. Schleer. twenty-five. 307 West Sprague Avenue. Spokane, Wash.

Karaman-PsElenta — William Karaman. twenty-nine, trimmer, 207 Hawthorne Avenue, and Jo­sephine Pazienza. twenty, secre­tary, 107 Beech Street.

Anderaon-McGronsn—Leo M. Anderson Jr„ thirty-one. attor­ney. 10 Bryn. Mawr Place, and Patricia A. McGronan. twenty-

50 Albermarle

B Air and


Ramsey Avenue. Mnrphy-SutcHffe — Francis X.

Murphy, twanty-four. salesman. 420 North Broadway, Pitman, N. J . and Barbara J. Sutcliffe. twentv-three. 94 Cowles Avenue.

Staalak-Hughf* - William S'asiak. twenty-two. U. S. Force, 31 Moquette Row, Joan Hughes, iwenty-ohe Moquette Row. •

Bognskl - DeBrocky Stanley BoRUski. twenty-five, assembler. 20 Mder Street, and- F.lizabeth M DeBrockv. twenty-two. tele­phone operator. 146 High Street.

GlanU-LeKa«hman — Harold Glantz. twenty-five, advertising. 3861 Bailey Avenue, the Bronx, and Phvllis LeKashman. twenty-one, teacher, 5129 Post Road, the Bronx.

VolplrelH-Semple Volpicelli. twenty-eight, student '^ Yonkers Avenue, and Jessie

JjSemple. twenty-one. clerk-typi**. * 20 Highland Avenue.

Flynn-Rinnan — \Killiam E. « Flvnn. twenty-five, meter reader. * f, Convent Avenue, and Elizabeth * * *

*i 2020 Walton Avenue, the Bronx. J;and Marilyn S. Klein, twenty

bitt, twenty-three, apprentice. 67 Halcyon Terrace, New Rochelle, and Esther Kaschel. twenty-four. secretary. 107 Edgewood Avenue.

DIDiiHo-CasaJe —- Anthony Di-Lullo, twenty-two. bricklayer. 141 Beech Street, and Alice Casale. twenty, dressmaker. 145 Beech Street.

KraAovie-Swflkert — Edward Krasovic. twenty-four, bus chauf­feur. 341 Nepperhan Avenue, and Helen R. Sweikert, twenty-five.

Kamten-Freeman—Charles H. Karsten. twenty-two, U.S. Army. Southhold, N. Y.. and Helen R. Freeman, twenty, student, 594 Palisade Avenue.

FIRE RECORD Y'eaterday

1:30 P.M. bish.

1:41 P.M. 48 Falrvlew Street; shed.

6:29 P.M. pan of meat. Todav

12:35 A.M.

Ludlow Dock, rub-

Mulford Garden*;

Certificates At School 12

Forty-eight sixth graders were "graduated" from School Twelve on Ashburton Avenue at Class Day exercises today.

Jean Hudacek, president of the Junior Council, was chair­man; Marion Lazarus, vice presi­dent of the council, gave a prayer, Joseph Cyrulik, captain of the Safety Patrol, led the pledge of allegiance.

Class Day talks were given bv Virgil Hayes. Geraldine Fitz­gerald. Gary Custis. Eileen Dris-coll, Marilyn Repasky. Barbara Valedes. Lyana Coretti. Timo­thy Konkol, Elizabeth Darville and Joseph Cyrulik.

Miss Agnita C. Wallace, prin­cipal, introduced Mrs. Elizabeth E.Turbin, director of elementary edacation, who distributed the sixth grade certificates. Miss Wallace gave out Safety Patrol awards and Miss Phyllis Mynar-ski of the Yonkers Savings Bank, banking certificates. The school choir and the sixth grades sang and the school orchestra played.

The "graduates" are: William G. Becker. Carl Cala-

brese. Lila Campbell. James Chillo, Robert Controne, Lvana Coretti, Dorothy Cowan, Gary Custis, Joseph Cyrulik. ?:iiza-befh Darville. Elaine Davis, San­dra Demchak. Eileen Driscoll, Arlene Ferine. Geraldine Fitz­gerald, Andrew Gianzero. Joseph Gillert. Virgil Hayes. Jean Huda­cek, Rita Johnston, Steven Kauf­man, John King, Timothy Kon­kol, Marion Lazarus.

Fred Mannino. John Markus, Robert McCue, Ruth Mulcabey. Thomas O'Brien, Stanley Olek-sowicz. Thomas Orce. George Patterson, Patricia Pease, Ron­ald Pohorence, James Powell. Marilyn Repasky. Stephen Skin­ner. Kenneth Spence, Jerome Spencer, Suzanne Thompson, Chester R. Toone. Arthur T. Tuthill. Barbara Valedes. Mary Jane Visosky. Anne Walton, Gail W. Wikel. JoAnn Williams, Rob­ert Zegray.

CO. CONFERENCE NEW YORK - Westchester Civ­

il Defense chiefs conferred yes­terday with state authorities on 'Operation Alert", the nationwide C. D. test conducted earlier this month, and on defense activities generally.

With Patriotism As Theme Commencement exercises at

School Eight on Bronxville Road had a patriotic theme today as 104 eighth graders were gradu­ated.

Jeanne LaRorde and Diane Churchill were "America" and "Liberty": Diana GisolfV sang a French song; Stephen Morgin-son, a German song: George Brown, an Irish selecting, and Elaine Romancino. an Italian song. Jane Henckr>l led a prayer.

Gary Elmer and Christine Ben­nett, were pages nnrt P h i l i p Nolan. Ted Morehouse and Don-ild Curless. ushers-

Commander William F. Lally. a member and former president of the Board of Education, pre­sented the diplomas, School Su­perintendent Stanley S. Wynstra spoke and Mrs. Henry Gripeko-ven. president of the Parent-Teacher Association; Mrs. Rob­ert LaBord? and Mrs. Rosamond Crawford, director of public school cafeterias, distributed awards.

The graduates are: Richard G. Armistead. Char­

lotte B a k e r . Robert Barrett. Herbert H. Bartling Jr.. Carol A. Beman. Andrea Bennett, Bar­bara Britz. John Brock. George H. Brown, Patricia Brown, Susan Burney. H o w a r d W.. Calkins. Diane Ellen Churchill. Constance Ann Clapkin, John J. Clifford. Glenn Willis Collier.

Christine Condit. M i c h a e l Connets. R o n a l d Dollinger. James Donohue, William Dris­coll. K a r e n Edwards, Diane Eggleton. Donna Elmer, Susan Evans, Elsie E. Fating, Richard Allen Feitelson. Lynne Fields, George W. Fischer, A u d r e y Fisher. A. G e r a r d Gaetjens, Robert J. Giampino.

Anthony L. Giordano. Diane Gisolfl, Anne M a r i e Gorman, Barbara Gray, Price Gripekoven. Eric Harkna. Elizabeth Heep. J a n e Henckel, R u t h Hengst, Mark B. Hoffberg, K e i t h T. Holman. Theodore H o w e Jr., Ronald S. Jaye, Robert F. Jen­nings, Karol Nannette Jones.

Joseph Grant Kerwin, Doris Mae K i n g . R o g e r S. Kirby. Rudolph J. Kohler. E l l e n P

Kratz. Jeanne La Borde. Roslyn Lederman. Dale C. Leech, Fran-cia Lew, Wilford Lynch, Susan G MacKinnon, Fred Malawista. Salvntore J. Maniameli. Judy R. Martin, Michael Bailey Maw, Robert Mertl Jr.. Susan Met­calfe, Howard B U r i 11 Miller. Prtcr Moohs.

J o y c e Mockov, Stephen L. Morginson, Ann Colleen Ness-lage, D r e w Nicholson, K a y Nickell, Richard O'Dell. Roger Odwak. Mary O'Leary, Carl Ed­ward Petrillo, John Albert Picci-fino, William G. Prosser. William Renner, Dean C. .Rohrcr. Elaine C. Romancino, Louis Rudolph Sachs. Betty Ann Samuels, Peter Schiminski. Harold F. Schmidt. Louis W. Shank Jr.

Martha L e e S i k e s , Nancy Simon. James S°"thall. Linda S p e c t o r , E l s a Stromenger, Michael A. Stefano. William A, Stowe, Robert Sullivan, Robert Clark Sullivan. Kay Swanson. V. Ann Telford. Clifford Theiss.

Pamela Greer Tompkins, James J. Trotta. Richard L. Weaver. Laura W e i s . Louise Wildev. Philip Williams. Sheilah Wilson.

FlamesShoot Up 100 Feet, Much Smoke

Flames, towering 100 feet in the air. coupled with a blanket of nauseating smoke covering a wide area, gave firemen from nirte companies a tough battle early today when a two-alarm blaze swept through the depot of the Melrose Salvage Corpora­tion. 401 Saw Mill River Road.

Hundreds of tons of baled paper, rags, a wide assortment of metal and other articles stored as "junk" were in the plant at the southwest corner of Saw Mill River4 Road and Iselin Street.

Richard Conlin, a retired Yon« kers policeman, discovered the fire and sent in the first alarm hy telephone at 1:27 A.M. Conlin is a guard at the Square Root Company, an electronics concern adjoining the junk yard on the south.

Chief William C. Garvin or-dered the second alarm at 1:31 A.M. Assistant Chief Peter Di-note aided him in directing the firefighters. Despite the wall of flames and embers, blown by a. strong wind, the firemen con« fined the blaze to the junk yard. Slight water and smoke damage occurred at the Square Root building. Loss Is 'Considerable'

The Chief has not as yet de* termined the cause of the fire. He has not estimated the mone* tary loss but said it is "consider' able."

Public Safety Commissioner Milton E. Goldman. Deputy Com­missioner James E. McCue anc" Sergeants Michael Girasch anc" Lester Brent directed a large detail of police and members o' the Auxiliary Police Corps whe rerouted traffic and maintained fire lines. A number of Auxiliary Fireman assisted the regular firefighters.

Detective John McKeon of the Parkway Police, a resident o Nepera Park, aided the .firemer while off duty and distributee milk to the firemen and police­men after the Dellwood Dairy sent it.

The Salvation Army's Mobile Kitchen served hot coffe. Am brose S. Havey 3d, chairman a' the Disaster Committee of Yon­kers Chapter, American Ret'-Cross, answered the seconC alarm. Baled Papers Checked

Firemen used hose lines from all four sides of the property tr confine the flames. It was neces­sary to keep'a company with r hose line at the scene all nigh'. to untie baled papers and mak< certain all smouldering particle had been extinguished.

Besides a one-story bricl building, a dozen or more wooden sheds and lean-tos in variou parts of the big yard were afir< when firemen from Engins 10 O] Saw Mill River Road, first com pany on the scene, reached th flre.

Chief Garvin paid tribute tr Assistant Chief Dinote and th firemen for their efficient worl which saved the fire from spread ing to nearby lumber yards anc other business establishments.

Sixth Ward Club Takes G.O.P. IVame

The Sixth Ward Club this week changed its name to the Sixth Ward Republican Club. President Frank Reagan reports. Its next, meeting will be in the third week of September.

Mr. Reagan reported on the club's clambake to be held at the Ridge Road picnic grounds Saturday, Aug. 28. and the an­nual boat trip to Rockaway on Thursday. Aug. 26.




BOARD OP EDUCATION „ „ , , YONKERS. N. Y. June 24. 1954

Th» Bo»rd of Educ»tlon will recetvr u»led bids until 3 00 P. M. Ei*t«rn Day Hint 8»vin»s Time. Tuesday. July «. 1954 for fuml»hlnf and lnstalllnr new win­dow ihadei In the Southeast Yonker Junior-Senior Hlih School. Kneelanc Avenue. In accordance with the sped flcatloni dated June 21. 1954. now on fllei In the office of the Secretary o_ the Board of Education, 138 South Broadway. Yonkers N Y .

Said specification* may be obtained br prosp*ctlv8 bidder* upon application tr the Secretary of the Board of Education.

OEOROK 8CHEELE JR Secretary * Purchasing Agent

(«—24-iV J. UCHTENBERO. Auctioneer, xelle

July 1. 1954, 10:00 A M . 201 South Broadway. Yonkers. N. Y . Ford Victoria M r U 4 8 V l l l 2 8 4 retaken from Vincent 8 < 5 U l l U n U - , f t -M>


WarbQrtnn -'and waitress. 405 Nepperhan Avenue. 'Lamartirx* Avenues: fals* alarm.

Ferrill J.

Kreao-Alfann — John Kreso twenty-six. grouper. 17 Trinity Street, and Grace Alfano, twenty, clerk. 46 Fox Terrace.

Tarell-Alrstone — Robert 1 Parell. forty-sfwen. maintenance. 1006 Taton Avenue, Brooklyn, and Annie Alrstone. forty-one. practical nurse, 11W Saw Mill River Road.

Katr-WeVw—William 3 Katz. twenty-eight, teacher. 4O10 Chip-P*WA Drive. Madison. Wis . and Lihetta Weiss, twenty-one, 26 Hopke Avenue. Hastings.

Fsjr"»rHvftry>w* — Nicholas- A RrennAn. twenty-six, clerk-typist. ,3^6 Voss Avenue.

Michel-Klein—Moses Ahraham Michel twentv-three. accountant, p Brown, forty-four, senior

clerk. 418 Walnut Street Hndd-FalUar*—Lawrence Paul

t one, student. I Lawrence Street. ;Hudd, twenty-four, chauffeur ftansone-RolesAf — Anthony P 600 Warburton Avenue, *nA Lucy

XjSsnsone. twenty-two. installer. 67 FatlUc* •ISeminary Avenue, and Lillian M

1:27 A.M. first alarm for 401 Saw Mill River Road; damage considerable.

1:31 A.M. second alarm for 401 Saw Mill River Road.

2 38 AM. Park Hill Avenue and School Street; automobile

5:JW A.M. opposite Greystone Station; rubbtah.


tit CITY or YON

Council will hearing on Tuesday. Jul

The Common


CORPORATION "I* YONKtftS ouncll will give a pub

>sday. July *'h 1954. at • o'clock P. M . in th« common Council Chambers City Hall in rela-Uon to a Otn»ral Ordtnanrt, which reads as foUows. AN ORDINANCE AMENDINO QENERAL

OBD1NANCS NO 2 4 - 1 9 5 3 THr CITY OP Y W K I R * . *• Y *Q?"NO ORDI­NANCE OP 1953, IN RtUATlON TO AMUSEMENT CENTER* The City of" Yonkers. In Common

Council convened, hereby ordaina And f r s - i

8»cM«n I. Section 4-8 of Oenera! "inane* Hi 3 4 1 0 * 3 is hereby amend.

ird of EducatKvn at tb# "Wcw >r iCfunty of Westchettar. ' ervlsme PrllKipsl. Central Ave. r % ft|/Jj|gr,

)(,tf „, M .


Receipt*-1*54 Taws « l l f » o ; » ' . Oth»r receipt* , A«f*.~4

Kolpsar. twenty, business ma-O H O . H O i t i i O i i i * ^ " ' operator, 21 Hark Street.

TMs! r***ipt* raenittHa

Fagnano. f.fty-two. WptTVtiW.I&S'Sa w£i 433 R<»llpv\je Avenue, and Mar s?~fai c»p*«it *»»*i.

T^'al ca»h . _ « ^ _ _ ISM T » T M C<Mi*et>»n» Total ISM I* PerceB'ate nf U e w W m r t TeAal ISM l o U M deM . FloatJWI few

T«t snttMrHtlof H - - • » •

CspKa) notes

«. « : = . -ia4.S2n.SS JM a s a s -

rw^nty-onp. salesgirl. 257 Warraitiori Avenue

fsn*k-Pchlp*r — John Panek Jr., thirty-two. sales manager.

• - *

Ordln addint the foliowin i n — AMDlEMINT CtNTKR any

Indoor place or inclosura in which Is maintained or operated for tha amuse-1 ment. patronage or recreation of 'he public any rAin-coni rolled amaaement dence of any deeertption. and particu­larly but not by way of limitation, the • rp# commonly known as fcatat* •> hasebaH. football and Mn paji » - •• men' tames.

Se/tion J Sedion ft-C i f Oenertl Or<!!r.ancf No 24- 19.V1 is hertb* am»n<!. ed bt »ti!\r\t t-m»iltat»ty t>r»reeiint >h» entry Art nr Antique - Shop'' the fol-

, r - ' ! n t entry "M -»o an 4 S AMttaiMENT OtNTEfi

' . „ ''TV ?»i Ricentlon use m the a s ~* • J t r 2 S i l 5 t r t^> " • 'P*rmltt»d us*t »n th« c ,. J 4 M J n f T 7 | t M t »on» district, %nn no 'not

14 1AV31A SA t^tmitted uaei in P «/<ne dttti " rtion ! 0 - c - « o o i of o*n-

Nd J4 - i*M it herebt follow*

^ent Center. Sowi. y»t Allays Dance Hall, indoor Rnorts P#cr»at(«nal Su i t t iM. Skatfnt Arena to a SA Dia*M«t.

• ^n 4 This ordlaanc* ahail take • e#c' after *tM (PObUcattir s« -».VJ'red M law..

WIIXIAM H ORAY JR , Cfti ci»-k

Sf*,-tsl »on» dts


i a,730.4*1 as rji.^Ji5 '"*"!! Bl SS

< ! « U ( M M

„f lS4MSO0«l

amended 'o read as 10-C-60 A3—Amu sea

?M) <Y*0 O- ;




Mated proposals arc aoufnt and n-quaattd for th« p«rform*no« aceordlrn to apeeuicatlona of a oeruin contract *o b» let t>y the Board of Education. Union Pre* School D.itrict No. T. Town of Gr««nburjh. Weatchetter County. New York, for the reconstruction and Improve-rrtnt of the Washington Avettua School Of the dlatrlcf.

Se»l»d proposalt *-ill ha raeaKed by •aid Board the Rupe Hue School. Central A^eru* and Harvard Drive. Hartsdaie New York until ft P M.. KD.S.T. . Wednead*>. June -Vth. 19S4. and WW he Immediately thereafter publicly opened sod r»*A in the lfbrajy • f said Central Avtnoe schn«>

tr.formatun for Nddert. form of pro-poaal. drs«inf» tpeeincatloni. form ft eontract and tAh*r contract documeftt map he examined at the ofnoa of the Supervtalrt Pnncin*j Central As-enue Scheie!, Central Avenue and Harvard Drive. Hartadale. Nrw Yortt, on and after Monday. June 14th. 19S4 and • » he oht»:n*d fmen aa»d office hy each hdder upon deposit of turn ft Twetitv. flv-e <«aSW»i dollar* Depoatts will > re­turned to hVddm upon return of doni. roenfs in awvd onevditvaei WHWn thfrtT f i < i a f e ' ip*nint of Mdt.

The sforeesid dr*«1rt< sp*clff<"«»!o«a aod <xv»itf»ct dontments mav also he evamlrved at the TVsife Plan Rooov 1>0 tseat O d Rxr+f. New Vert. New York. 00 -end a f»r Monday, .'vsne 14tb. iaM

The R-rvs-d of Education reaervea the ri |ht to re)»ct any and a" hsds. or »»» portion of any had. or to accery Rn one f-st . in Ms rsdfment. will Ne for the t**t I s u n t l l of t^# achoot district Dated Hartsds'e, New York Juna lfHh. 19M







pursuant to Article 7 of the Partnership Law of the State of New York. .

WHEREAS, the buMnes« of Ihe firm of "John Wattenbert Co ." a partner­ship, which has transacted business in this state, continues to be conducted by certain of tha partners therein, and

WHEREAS, the bustne«s heretofore conducted by said Arm is to be con­ducted hereafter by the undersigned in the name of John Wattenbert Co '

NOW. THEREFORE, the undersigned. Ii. pursuance of the statute In such case made and provided, do make. »i(n and acknowledte this certificate and decitre that the persons lntendin* to deal under the name of "John Watunber* Co."' with 'heir respective placet ot residence are as follows;

Frtncea Watlenber». 33 Loudoun 8t Yonkers N Y .

Mmuei Silverman. IS Bayley Ave.. Yonkers N Y

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals' thla 2Sth day of May 1»M


State of New York. i



The Board of Edunt ion will receive sealed bids until WEDNESDAY. July 7. 1954 at 1100 A. M. Eaatern Daylltht Saving Tlmt for the proposed work of replacing broken, mltslng and rusted fencing. Includlnt painting and all in­cidental work at Schools Nos. 5. 9. 14. 15. I S 19 and Hawthorne Jr Hl ih School located in the City of Yonkers. N. Y . in accordance with the specifics., tlon now on file In the office of How. ard A. Kelly. Supervisor of Build'.nts. Board of Education, 13S South Broad, way. Yonkers. New York.

Sstd specification may he obtained at the office of the Supervisor of Buildings,

OEOROE 8CHEELE IS Secretary. Board of Education


1954. be-WAT-fore me personally came FRANCES

TESBF.RO and SAMUEL SILVERMAN to me known to pa the individuals de scribed fn and who e»ecut*d the fore . tcdng instrument and they duW severally >'',-acknowledged to ma that they executed •.. lha same

EDWARD LAUTTRBACH. Nn'arv Public in the 8ta<e of New York Appointed

tchester Countv. Itaton expires March


The Common Council will give a pub-he hearing on Tuesday. July 6th. 19M at 8 o'clock P M , in the Common Council Chambers City Hall. <n rela­tion to tha foUowlnt parte or portions of a special t t t l n a t e of the Board of Education dated March 11th 1954

Item A. ttensootary Schools .„ Tetf« books for schools; textbooks for offlta of Supervisor ot Instruction in Ele« mentary Orcdes. Instructional equip­ment and science equipment—142.189 00

Item B Secondary. School a—O'tdes T-ll. Textbooks. Juntor^nd s»nlor hl th schoo'.i »rieoc» equipment and install** t l o n - 1 7 4 915 22,



CITY OF YONKERS The Common Council

for West Corr.missie 30. ISM.


THE P EW TO' 8 iRK hv ih» Orsf* of Ood.

and independent



| t C * O l ^ MA7.7 . MA7.7JI





APE RFREBY CJTKP TO SHONS, hefore th» a.4.'.'oca s • Cour'.

»^er Counit •

»lll give a pub-heartng on Tuesday. July 6th 1954. a o'clock P M in the Common

Council Chambers. City Hall, in rela­tion to a tpoeial estimate for the Board of Education, in the amount of 110*50. to cover t*e coat of purchase, installa­tion and servicing for one year of tfclrty or more refrigerated milk storage boxes, Uid boxes to be equipped with ft lock* tnt d a l c e



The Common Cou He hearing on Tue at ft eejoek P 1

I Chamber*. Clt removal « R'..::oo Road

unctl win give a puh. esdar, JuJ» «t h , « y , . vc n '.he common

Cttv Hal! in -Ion »•> tha removal of private street* O i O f l l ion »>

known l>dge~?nt

ire the Surroca » We»trh»4ler C«Hjn«t » Co.jf

July ?0ih •i s lie Plains on at 10 30 A M why s certain writing dat»d D»<emh»-

THORNS ALFF-RT resMHnt »i *»»-» l»4th Btreet FTmnio* New York should not e* probated s< ' - • Tes ce»»#<5 of " real Dated A'»»|'»1 and BeaJftd

rtov1 CHAVLES R oRrptnrnia

WgBiBK ^ j ^ ' V / ^ o ^ • . . . . 8 . 2 5 ^ - 2 ,

Drive and Ledgemont Terrace from the official man of the City «f Yonk*<


CORPORATION NOTICE ^ m CITY « F YONKERf T*-e r-ommon Cosirtril will give a »»iV

e»nng on Tuesday Joty «th 1»M-f.t 8 ocjock P M tn tve r v - « « M

nctl CYBsmbers City Hall. tn ^f* ls -

If* 14*3 and endlnt D * 7 3 T « , wMtr the manda'ory salary r*su\ rnenu of «*cMon J\03 of th* S d e t a r

WTLLIAM H O l U y . to, Cltw He"*


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