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- Wind Power + Hydro Power -Advanced and Reliable Technology


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Advanced and Reliable Technology from Germany

San José, 17 November 2009

Dipl. Ing. Harald Bosse, .hb. renewables

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- Wind Power + Hydro Power –Advanced and Reliable Technology

from Germany

Given atthe German-Costarican

Chamber of Industry and Commerce(The German Chamber Network)

San Josè - Costa Rica - 2009

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Personal Introduction

Dipl. Ing. Harald Bosse (MSc honours)

Civil Engineer and HydrologistWorking in the Renewable Energy Sector since 1996With special emphasis on wind energyAlso covering bio fuels, hydropower and energy efficiency tasks

Independent planning and consulting office in North Germany since 1993:§ Development and planning of wind farming schemes§ Authorized for licencing procedures with government agencies§ Environmental impact studies – acoustic and visual immission§ Economic viability studies – due diligence assistance§ Structural analysis and constructive outlays (foundations)§ CDM-procedures – project idea notes – baseline studies § Evaluation of international cooperation and development projects

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Main Topics

§ Time stamps on German wind energy technologyon the way to a legal framework for national wind power development

§ Insight into the German wind market developmentEconomic facts – diagrammes and tablesJob machine: the wind power industry

§ Some technical aspects of wind energy converters (WEC) and their accessory equipmentTechnical developments – sizes – yields

§ Grid integration - onshore + offshore§ Special applications for wind energy

small wind power plants – salt water desalination –hybrid technology

§ A short view on hydro power§ What lessons can be learned?

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Time Stamps in The History of WindpowerThe use of windmills dates back to milleniumsin ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and China (one of oldest human techniques)

e.g. 800 B.C. – windmills with vertical axis in Persia

First known windmills in Northern Europe in 1100 A.D. imported technology from the Mediterranean

A well known picture: The Holland type windmill dating back to the 17th century

Holland-Windmill-Gifhorn (c)FrankTrudwig

Persian windmill in Karasan

EARLY ELECTRICITY GENERATION BY WIND IN GERMANY1929 Hermann Honnef’s wind generator designs1942/49 first wind test fields in Thuringia and Wurttemberg1950 first 7.2 kW wind energy converter in serial production1957-1965 production ofHuetter rotor 100kW

Honnef‘s wind tower – height 500 m (1929)Early wind test field near Weimar (1942)

Hütter WECs – 100kW (1957)

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A German Story of Success: The Way to The Electricity Feed In Law

§ 1981 to 1984: construction of the GROWIAN : 3MW – 102m height – costs > 100 Mio DMThe Federal Minister of Public Works, Mr. Matthoefer, on the occasion of its inauguration:„We know that it will not pay for itself, but we are only doing it to prove to those wind power supporters that it will not work“BUT:§ 1974: Establishment of Society for Wind Energy Research, later: BWE§ 1975 to 1986: 200 Mio. DM government aid for 70 wind projects§ 1986: approx. 500 WECs of 30kW each are installed§ until 1986: 400 WECs AEROMAN 10kW sold to the US (at DM 100.000 per unit)§ 1988: several wind farms on the North Sea coast near Cuxhaven go into operation:

10 WECs – 55kW – 15 WECs – 30kW (investment: 6 Mio DM)Germany: total installations reach 5 MW

§ 1989: Federal Ministry of Research and Technology announces “100MW wind programme”§ 1989: 200 WECs with 500 MW in total under planning in Northern Germany

first WEC in the Alps in 1.750m height§ 1990: Jade windfarm near Wilhelmshaven: 2MW – investment 25 Mio. DM

erection of first WEC in Berlin in joint venture with public utility§ 1/1/1991: The “Electricity Feed In Law” comes into force

under the government of Chancellor Kohl(Source of historical facts: Achmed Khammas: The Book of Synergy, 2007)

GROWIAN – 1984 to 1988400 hrs running time

45 kW built in Aug 1991already running 18 years

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Legal Framework: The Renewable Energy Sources ActThe Electricity Feed In Law of 1991: a sound basis for investments into the Renewable Energies (RE):§ All renewable energies covered, except geothermal and large hydropower§ Fixed feed in tariffs (90% of average sales price per kWh, approx. 0.17 Pfg/kWh)§ Purchase commitment for public utilities – power purchase agreements (PPA)§ No government aid – self regulatory effects – no administration costs

The Renewable Energy Sources Act (“EEG”) of 2000 (amended: 2004 + 2009):Enhancements of Chancellor Schroeder government to strenghten RE development.§ Fixed feed in tariff structure, differentiation of tariffs for all RE

(2000 - wind: 8.7 €ct/kWh), inc. geothermal power and offshore windpower§ Introduction of reference thresholds and tariff degression (2% per year)§ Improved legal status of independent power producers (IPP)Amendments 2009:§ Imposed obligation to extend and to strengthen grid to IPP§ Right of utility to control and adjust feed acc. to grid needs, primacy of RE§ Improved pricing structure (wind: 9,2 €ct/kWh, degression: 1%), § Introduction of repowering and improved technical services boni (0.5 €ct/kWh each)

Overall objective: Granting Priority to Renewable Energy Sources

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Status 2009: Windpower in Germany

of gross production: 7.25 %of net production: 8.25 %

share of national electricity generation

CO2-production avoided 2008:34.6 Mio. tons

gross production: 616,000 GWhnet production: 542,000 GWhdifference: 74,000 GWh

44,690 GWhcapacity factor: 21%

Annual Windpower Generation vs. National Energy Yield

average MW per WEC

1.2 MW/WEC2008 only: 1.9 MW/WEC

24,695 MWInstalled Rated Power

20,674 WECsNo. of WECs

(source: Molly, DEWI,2009)STATUS REPORT 30.6.2009

Kyoto II: 40% by 2020wind power will play a major role

Kyoto I: 21% by 2012targets reached in 2007

Intended CO2-Reduction:The German Share

71,000 GWhcapacity factor: 41%

81,000 GWhcapacity factor: 21%

Expected Annual Wind power Generation

20,000 MW45,000 MWInstalled Rated Power by 2020

Off-shore InstallationsOn-shore InstallationsNATIONAL TARGETS (source: BMU)

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The Concept of Fixed Tariffs: The Base of Investment Security

The EEG creates political framework conditions for viable project developments:§ Creates a clear project planning environment

Land AcquisitionDevelopment of costsMargins of fluctuationReturn of investment

§ Lessens investment risks and costs§ Guarantees clear conditions for

operation over 20 years§ Avoids additional administrational costs§ Enables technological developments§ Supports Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME)

Graph shows values 2009 amendment, level 1in 2009 is: 9,2 €ct/kWh, degression: 1% (initial remuneration)

Payment of level 1 for 5 years plus hold-off interval of generally more than 10 years acc. to reference yield of WEC-typethen level 2, 2009: 5,02 €ct/kWh (base remuneration)

The most successful concept of fixed feed-in tariffs has been adopted in 18 EU countries and among others, by China, Brasil, Japan, Kenya

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The RE Price per kWh – A Burden for Customers ?Status 2008:EU27 average price: 15.3 €ct(kWhDE average price: 19.5 €ct/kWhRE average reimbursement: 11.7 €ct/kWhEEX base load price max: 9/08 8.8 €ct/kWhEEX base load price min: 5/09 3.1 €ct/kWh(source: Eurostat)

RE share for standard consumer:~ 1.0 €ct/kWhEqual to: 4200 Mio. € or ~ 40.0 €/a*consBenefit of CO2-reduction (ECX-spot price 13.0 €/t) ~ 450 Mio. €

Hidden costs due to RE:§ grid extension and modernization§ grid connection offshore windfarms§ transmission losses and reactive energy provision§ balancing energy due to fluctuation of wind power supply§ reduction in operation of available power stations§ internal administration costs to utilities and regulatory board2008: ~ 10% of direct costs (TU-Berlin, 2008)conservative estimates foresee an increase of these costs

Thus:The political will to fight climate change sets the benchmarks for remodelling the energy market structure§ Extension of the RE share as part of a modern energy mix§ Increase of efficiency of national power generation§ Modernization of national power plant park§ Introduction of modern flexible turbines technology§ Improvements in day-to-day, hour-to-hour power demand

prognosis And on behalf of wind energy:§ Repowering of old WECcs with modern grid stabilizing facilities§ Improved methods for wind prognosis (15 min forecasts)The 2009 amendments of the EEG are facing these demands

wind power share of grid load

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The Wind Industry – A Job Machine with A Growing Perspective

NB:The German added value to the wind power plant and component production, and the indirect participation, is mainly based on small and medium sized enterprises (SME).It strenghthens the backbone of any national economy:Wind power is a middle market industry

Economic data excerpt: German Wind Industry 2008 (2007) World Wind Power: 27,050 MW (+38%)World Wind Power Value: 27,300 Mio. € (+24%) Domestic content: 7,950 Mio. € (+30%)Domestic content inc. services: 9,700 Mio. € (+28%)Direct employment(manufacturers + component suppliers): 37,000 jobs (+19%)Employment (all inc.): 90,000 jobs (+ 7%) since 2004: 73%

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The German Wind Energy Converters’ MarketWEC classification§ Multi-Megawatt-Class over 1.000 kW § Medium Size WECs from 100 to 1.000 kW§ Small WECs under 100 kW

German production share of WEC-typesavailable in the German market§ Multi-Megawatt-Class 33 of 45 products

3 WECs above 5.0 MW § Medium Size WECs 6 of 9 products§ Small WECs 19 of 22 products

average rated power per WEC installed:

since 1991 1.2 MW/WECin 2008 only: 1.9 MW/WEC

average cost per MWinstalled:

1,250 €/kW

Export orientationof the German WEC-production (2008)§ Export share 81% = 6,400 Mio.€

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A Glimpse of Wind Power Technology

Power control: pitch – stall(no stall-controlled WECs in the German market any more)

Gearbox - asynchronous generatordifferent gearbox systems - planetary drive upcoming

No Gearbox - synchronous generatorring generator - heavier weight

Graphics: BWE/adapted

To name a few engineering development targets:

§ mass/weight reduction at higher yields§ blade optimization for low wind speeds

§ gearbox lifetime improvement§ flexible grid integration features

§ service friendly environment

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Think Big: Offshore Typical Parameters of Offshore WECs§ Wind zone IEC TC88 - class 1§ Nominal power 5 MW§ Hub height 80 to 100m§ Rotor diameter over 80m§ Sea water depths 25 m

(jackets up to 50 m in planning)§ Distance to shore: 25 km

(plans: over 100 km)§ Overall weight: ~ 1,000 tons§ Est. annual yield: 17,000,000 kWh§ Est. costs: 2,500 to 3,000 € per kW

Typical design of OWEC foundations

monopile – tripod – jacket (+ gravity)

Offshore windpower:A boost to

the coastal and marine industries

Source: Foundation Offshore Windenegy

Source: Windpower Monthly 09/09

Source: Windpower Monthly 09/09

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Offshore Wind Energy + Grid Integration – A National TaskThe North Sea coordinated sea grid blueprint: Direct current (DC) lines design to interconnectNorway, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands and UK

The major challenge today is to reduce the cost for the grid connection of large scale offshore wind farms:

Direct current technology (HVDC) for offshore wind power is a solution for low power loss transmission at long distances

The German share of it èSource: Windpower Monthly 09/09

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Offshore Wind Energy + Grid Integration – A National TaskGerman North Sea projects inGerman Exclusive Economic Zone:19 offshore windfarms licenced§ 16 in North Sea§ 3 in Baltic Sea (not shown)

4 grid connections§ ~ 300 km HCDC§ ~ 150 km 3 phases ACtargets 2015:§ ~ 40 wind farms§ ~ 20 GW rated power

Special attention:Sea cables crossNational Park Wadden Sea

Source: BSH - Hamburg

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Offshore Wind Energy + Grid Integration – A National Task

The Foundation Offshore Windenergy: ALPHA VENTUS12 x 5 MW = 60 MW rated powerAverage water depth: 30 mCable to land: 60 kmExpected annual yield: 200 GWh/aFirst feed in: August 12, 2009

Source: Foundation Offshore Windenegy

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Offshore Wind Energy + Grid Integration – A National TaskReasons for grid reinforcement:§ RE system integration, esp. offshore wind§ Improvement of east-west grid integration§ Modernization of existing transmission linesTasks until 2015 (acc. to DENA study):§ 850 km new extremely high tension lines

(380kV-lines, 5% of exist. length)

§ 400 km reinforcement of existing lines§ Voltage distributors - offshore transfer points

(phase shift transformers)

§ Improvement of dynamic grid stability§ Load management schemes

(day-to-day / hour-to-hour load prognosis)

§ Estimated costs 1,100 Mio. €Political Demands:

National coordination of 4 German transmission line operatorsPolitical course settings made in EEG’ 2009 amendments

Source: DENA 2005

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Planning Aspects

Site factors for wind energy harvesting:wind - site – grid

+ legal framework on standard power purchase tariffs è investment security

Land use planning for potential development:§ Wind Gauging +

National Wind Resources Mapping§ Site Identification +

balancing of differing land use interests § Grid vicinity + connectivity

5.000 m

Search area for windfarms

Environmental Aspects of WECs§ Impact on attractivity of landscape§ Birds (Avifauna) + Bats§ Noise emission§ Shadow and visual impact

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Construction + Services – Participation of Local Enterprises§ Planning and consulting services§ Construction works§ Operational and maintenance servicesprovide a good part of job facilities in the wind power industry.A splendid opportunity for local and regional enterprises’ participation and its development.Wind Power is a Middle Market Industry

Source: own archive Source: BWE pictures archive Source: own archive

Source: own archive

Source: own archive

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Small is Beautiful – Schumacher’s Still AliveSmall WECs from 1kW up to 75 kW§ State-of-the-art-technology§ Low wind speeds§ Low noise§ Easy maintenance

Design study 25kW © griebel 2006 An attractive option for developing countries

1 kW – 2.5 kW

Despite higher specific costs for smaller rated power compared to grid connected plants, yet:§ Indispensable for efficient electrification

of rural and remote places§ Suitable for human settlements and urban

environments§ Ideal for electrical water pumping systems § Optimal use in modular hybrid systems

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Wind, Water and Others – Windpower TeamworkingSea water desalination plants:An urgent need for arid zone countriesTwo wind-powered desalination technologies on German market allow fluctuating wind sources to produce fresh water continuously:§ Reverse osmosis (RO)

with energy recovering system§ Mechanical vapor compression (MVC)

with pressure variation

RE in isolated areasHybrid systems using modules ofSolar – Wind – Biodiesel – Batteries

MVC-plant (shown):Seawater Desalination + Wind Power PlantNominal Output 300 kWDestillate Production Up to 20m³/h

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Germany and Costa Rica – Hydro Power Statistics Germany – supplies 50% of world hydro power

Hydropower installation: 4,700 MW in 7,700 hydropowerstations

Hydropower generation: 21.3 TWh in 2008

Share of gross energy production: 3.5%

Capacity factor: 51.7%

Small hydropower share - plants < 5 MW: 390 MW in 7,300 HPS

Costa Rica – almost CO2-emission free

Hydropower installation:approx. 1,500 MW (2008)

Hydropower generation: 6.54 TWh in 2006

Share of gross energy production: 82,1%

Hydro power potential almost completely utilized (pot: 520 MW = 10%)

limits due to environmental protection

Riparian rights idle:Estimated 20000 sites for small hydropower available

High hydro power potential still to be developed(pot: 5,800 MW = 81%)

Small water power technology for decentralized supplies

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EEG - Hydropower

8.657.652 – 5 MW

8.658.65500 kW – 2 MW

11.6712.67Up to 500 kW

Modernized + revitalized facilities

New facilities2009 EEG amendmentsTariff in €ct/kWh

§ The principal of ecological tenability and acceptance of hydroelectric power generation

§ Remuneration only in line with verifiable improvement of ecological quality of the used river system (§6 EEG)

§ Degression of feed in tariff for hydro power facilities above 5 MW: 1% per year

3.50Over 50 MW

4.34Up to 50 MW

5.80Up to 20 MW

6.32Up to 10 MW

7.29Up to 500 kW

2009 EEGTariff in €ct/kWh

Renewal and capacity increase of facilities

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Ongoing Technical Aspects

Combined Wind + Hydropower

§ Surplus wind energy feeds water retention basins of pumped storage power stations

One of newest developments:Renewable Energy

Model Region Harz Mountains

§ Kaplan-turbine designs above 600 MW

§ Up-to-date scientific approach to turbine and component optimization

§ Cavitation monitoring systems

§ Numerical simulations for cavitation reduction and surge chambers

§ Higher environmental compatibilityfish passes, re-naturalization

Fish-friendly Kaplan design – Wanapum (US)e.g.: cavitation monitoring and prediction

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Water Wheels - Small Hydro Power Plants - Environmental Safe

All pictures by courtesy of the manufacturer

Weir transformed into hydro power plant with 36 water wheel units (overshot)

Before – after

Water wheel integration

Before – after

Weir transformed into fish pass with 2 water wheel units (undershot)

§ Modern manufacturing

§ Easy site assembly

Modular water wheel system

Ideal for location with low flow gradients and fluctuating discharges

§ Economical development of sites up to 50kW

Innovative technical design:§ Stainless steel construction,

also combined with wooden bodies§ Efficient flow characteristics ,

optimized wheel paddle shapes§ Ventilated buckets (low cavitation)§ Adaptable to any discharge§ Low rotational speed, safe to fish migration§ Mountable on swimming pontons

The term “water wheel” positively accounts for§ energy generation in harmony with nature§ soft tourism § historical sensibility

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Are There Lessons To Be Learned for the Costa Rican Endeavour ?The must to fight climate change needs clear commitment of political forces to RE.

Costa Rica is highly committed.

Today Wind power is the key technology when winning the race.

Hydro power is best in providing base loadswhile avoiding CO2-emissions at the same time.

It is a national task to create a secure environment for viable investments in RE.

A well-adapted legal framework and clear national guidelines provide solid conditions for planning and investment security.

Thus: Decentralized wind energy farming and small hydro power schemes

§ will create a new economic perspective for the national industry

§ will form a sound environment for participation at local and regional level,

§ will strengthen the middle market forces,

§ will create new sustainable jobs.

Germany is Costa Rica’s partnerand has experience on both political and technological level

whilst paving the way to enduring climate protection.

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WWW . Recommended Links

Facts on German Windpower - Manufacturers – Suppliers –

cue: companiesGerman Wind Energy Association (BWE)

www.wind-energie.decue: the new portal for the wind energy market

Bundesverband Deutscher Wasserkraftwerke e.V. (BDW)

cue: the portal of independent hydropower facilitiesFederal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

www.bmu.decue: climate / energy

Federal Ministry of Economics and

cue: energy policyRenewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) 2009 in English and Spanish)

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Thank you very much for your attentionFor further questions or remarks please contact me at desk


Dipl. Ing. Harald BosseSchmiedekamp 15 | D-38536 Meinersen | Germany

t: +49 (0)5372 972797 | f: +49 (0)5372 972799e: [email protected]