wincc smarttools tutorial

03.04 Contents Printout of the Online Help i Smart Tools Contents 1 EasyLanguage ..................................................................................... 1 1.1 Brief Description ........................................................................................ 1 1.2 Installing EasyLanguage ........................................................................... 2 1.3 Prefaces .................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Export Function ......................................................................................... 5 1.5 Import Function.......................................................................................... 6 1.6 Link File Structure (Import/Export File)...................................................... 7 1.7 Supplying the Language Information......................................................... 8 1.8 Control Characters .................................................................................... 9 2 Variable Export/Import ...................................................................... 11 2.1 Brief Description ...................................................................................... 11 2.2 Installation ............................................................................................... 12 2.3 Operation ................................................................................................. 13 2.4 The Variable Export/Import ..................................................................... 14 2.5 Connections............................................................................................. 15 2.6 File Structures ......................................................................................... 16 2.7 Tag........................................................................................................... 17 2.8 Appendix.................................................................................................. 19 3 The Tag Simulator ............................................................................. 21 3.1 Brief Description ...................................................................................... 21 3.2 Usage of the Tag Simulator ..................................................................... 22 3.2.1 Simulation of Tags without Process Peripherals ..................................... 22 3.2.2 Simulation of Tags with Process Peripherals Connected ....................... 22 3.3 The Simulator Functions ......................................................................... 23 3.4 Installing the Simulator ............................................................................ 24 3.5 Starting the Simulator .............................................................................. 24 3.6 Add/Remove Tags ................................................................................... 25 3.7 Configurability of the Functions ............................................................... 26 3.8 Activate/Deactivate Tags......................................................................... 27 3.9 Displaying the Tags ................................................................................. 28 3.10 Load/Save Simulation Data ..................................................................... 29 3.11 FAQ ......................................................................................................... 30 4 Dynamic Wizard Editor ...................................................................... 31 4.1 Brief Description ...................................................................................... 31 4.2 Method of Operation................................................................................ 32 4.3 Installation ............................................................................................... 35 4.4 Structure .................................................................................................. 36 4.4.1 Toolbar .................................................................................................... 37 4.4.2 Editing Window ........................................................................................ 39 4.4.3 Help Editor ............................................................................................... 40 4.4.4 Output Window ........................................................................................ 41 4.5 Structure of a Dynamic Wizard Function ................................................. 42 4.5.1 Dynamic Wizard Dialog ........................................................................... 43 4.5.2 Linking Header Files and DLL's............................................................... 44 4.5.3 Language Dependent Definitions ............................................................ 45 4.5.4 Wizard Flags............................................................................................ 46 4.5.5 Properties List.......................................................................................... 47 EMail:[email protected] The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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03.04 Contents

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1 EasyLanguage ..................................................................................... 1 1.1 Brief Description ........................................................................................ 1 1.2 Installing EasyLanguage ........................................................................... 2 1.3 Prefaces .................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Export Function ......................................................................................... 5 1.5 Import Function.......................................................................................... 6 1.6 Link File Structure (Import/Export File)...................................................... 7 1.7 Supplying the Language Information......................................................... 8 1.8 Control Characters .................................................................................... 9

2 Variable Export/Import ...................................................................... 11 2.1 Brief Description ...................................................................................... 11 2.2 Installation ............................................................................................... 12 2.3 Operation................................................................................................. 13 2.4 The Variable Export/Import ..................................................................... 14 2.5 Connections............................................................................................. 15 2.6 File Structures ......................................................................................... 16 2.7 Tag........................................................................................................... 17 2.8 Appendix.................................................................................................. 19

3 The Tag Simulator ............................................................................. 21 3.1 Brief Description ...................................................................................... 21 3.2 Usage of the Tag Simulator..................................................................... 22 3.2.1 Simulation of Tags without Process Peripherals..................................... 22 3.2.2 Simulation of Tags with Process Peripherals Connected ....................... 22 3.3 The Simulator Functions ......................................................................... 23 3.4 Installing the Simulator ............................................................................ 24 3.5 Starting the Simulator .............................................................................. 24 3.6 Add/Remove Tags................................................................................... 25 3.7 Configurability of the Functions ............................................................... 26 3.8 Activate/Deactivate Tags......................................................................... 27 3.9 Displaying the Tags................................................................................. 28 3.10 Load/Save Simulation Data..................................................................... 29 3.11 FAQ ......................................................................................................... 30

4 Dynamic Wizard Editor...................................................................... 31 4.1 Brief Description ...................................................................................... 31 4.2 Method of Operation................................................................................ 32 4.3 Installation ............................................................................................... 35 4.4 Structure .................................................................................................. 36 4.4.1 Toolbar .................................................................................................... 37 4.4.2 Editing Window........................................................................................ 39 4.4.3 Help Editor............................................................................................... 40 4.4.4 Output Window........................................................................................ 41 4.5 Structure of a Dynamic Wizard Function................................................. 42 4.5.1 Dynamic Wizard Dialog ........................................................................... 43 4.5.2 Linking Header Files and DLL's............................................................... 44 4.5.3 Language Dependent Definitions ............................................................ 45 4.5.4 Wizard Flags............................................................................................ 46 4.5.5 Properties List.......................................................................................... 47 EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.6 System Interface...................................................................................... 48 4.5.7 Global Variables ...................................................................................... 50 4.5.8 Options List.............................................................................................. 51 4.5.9 Trigger List............................................................................................... 53 4.5.10 Display of the Parameterization .............................................................. 56 4.5.11 Wizard Functions for Parameter Entry .................................................... 57 CreateStatic............................................................................................. 57 CreateEdit................................................................................................ 59 CreateSpinEdit ........................................................................................ 61 CreateListBox .......................................................................................... 63 CreateCheckBox ..................................................................................... 66 CreateFrame ........................................................................................... 68 CreateRadioButton .................................................................................. 70 CreateFileBrowser................................................................................... 72 CreateVarBrowser / CreateVarBrowserEx.............................................. 75 CreatePackageBrowser/CreatePackageBrowserEx ............................... 78 CreateObjectBrowser .............................................................................. 80 4.5.12 Wizard functions for generating dynamics .............................................. 82 GenerateBLOB........................................................................................ 82 DeleteBLOB............................................................................................. 85 SetAction ................................................................................................. 86 AddTimeTrigger....................................................................................... 87 AddVarTrigger/AddVarTriggerEx ............................................................ 89 SetValidateFct ......................................................................................... 91 EnumProperty/EnumPropertyEx ............................................................. 93 4.5.13 Wizard WinCC Functions ........................................................................ 95 GetProjectName...................................................................................... 95 GetPictureName...................................................................................... 96 GetDefaultWNFPath................................................................................ 97 GetObjectName....................................................................................... 98 InsertXRefSection.................................................................................... 99 4.5.14 Wizard Progress Functions ................................................................... 101 CreateProgressDlg................................................................................ 102 Progress_SetStatus............................................................................... 103 Progress_Steplt ..................................................................................... 104 Progress_SetPos................................................................................... 105 DestroyProgressDlg .............................................................................. 106 4.5.15 Wizard Windows Functions ................................................................... 107 GetParent .............................................................................................. 108 GetWindowRect..................................................................................... 109 MoveWindow......................................................................................... 110 SendMessage........................................................................................ 111 GetWindow ............................................................................................ 112 ShowWindow......................................................................................... 113 MessageBox.......................................................................................... 114 4.6 Examples............................................................................................... 116 4.6.1 Demo Wizard......................................................................................... 116 How to create the Dynamic Wizard function for the demo Wizard........ 117 How to add the "Demo.wnf" script to the data basis ............................. 118 How to create the help text.................................................................... 119 4.6.2 Making Motor dynamic .......................................................................... 120 How to create the Dynamic Wizard function for the Motor.................... 121 How to add the "Motor.wnf" script to the database ............................... 122 Making the Customized Object "Motor" Dynamic ................................. 123 How to create the structure and the structure variables........................ 125 EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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5 WinCC Documentation Viewer ....................................................... 127 5.1 Brief Description .................................................................................... 127 5.2 Installing WinCC Documentation Viewer............................................... 128 5.3 Description............................................................................................. 129 5.4 Creating the emf file(s) .......................................................................... 130

6 WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant .................................................. 131 6.1 Brief Description .................................................................................... 131 6.2 Installation ............................................................................................. 132 6.3 General.................................................................................................. 133 6.4 Known Functions (Script Management) ................................................ 134 6.5 Project Selection.................................................................................... 137 6.6 File Selection ......................................................................................... 138 6.7 Conversion ............................................................................................ 139 6.8 Advanced Settings................................................................................. 140

7 Registry Files OnlOff.reg, OnlOn.reg ............................................. 143 7.1 Brief Description .................................................................................... 143

8 WinCC Communication Configurator ............................................ 145 8.1 Brief Description .................................................................................... 145 8.2 WinCC Communication Configurator .................................................... 145 EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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03.04 EasyLanguage

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1 EasyLanguage

1.1 Brief Description

EasyLanguage is a tool for exporting and importing language-dependent objects into and out of WinCC process screens. EasyLanguage provides support in the creation of multilanguage screens by permitting you to export the language-dependent objects in a WinCC process screen to allow them to be translated outside of WinCC.

The objects managed by the WinCC Text Library are not processed by EasyLanguage . EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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EasyLanguage 03.04

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1.2 Installing EasyLanguage

EasyLanguage can be installed in two different ways:


1. Select "User defined" during setup of WinCC. The "Components" dialog will open.

2. Click in the left-hand window on the "Smart tools" component. Select "EasyLanguage" in the right-hand window.

3. Click on the "Next" button. Follow the instructions in the dialogs. The EasyLanguage application is started by "SIMATIC" > "WinCC" > "Tools".

Alternative Procedure

You can also install the EasyLanguage application from the WinCC CD.

1. Switch to the WinCC CD in the directory "WinCC\Setup\Products\CC_Smarttools\". Double-click setup.exe.

2. Select "EasyLanguage" in the "Components" dialog. 3. Click on the "Next" button. Follow the instruction in the dialogs.

This program can only be used in a meaningful manner, if WinCC has been installed as well. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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03.04 EasyLanguage

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1.3 Prefaces


EasyLanguage provides the option to translate the language-dependent objects from the process pictures of WinCC in an ASCII file. An exception to this are language-dependent objects managed by the WinCC Text Library.

The ASCII file is created by the EasyLanguage export function in a csv format (comma separated values) and can be reimported using the import function.

The ASCII file is translated using a text editor (e.g. Windows Notepad) or another application which can read and write csv files (e.g. MS Excel).

Special aspects when using MS Excel to process data

If MS Excel is used, in the Regional Settings on the Control Panel the semicolon (";") must be used as the list separation character so that Excel can properly read and write the csv files. MS-Excel uses the list sepatation character entered on the Control Panel, although the default setting is region-specific. The default setting for English is the comma and for German the semicolon. When saving the file, it must be saved in "csv" format. In particular the separation characters ";" and "|" must not be changed. The vertical line ("|", ASCII-124) is required to separate multi-lined text (in text fields and buttons). The line break in the object is converted to the symbol "|" during export because the file can otherwise not be edited in MS Excel or an editor. When imported, the text properties in the "|" are converted back into line breaks. Additionally the csv file may not be opened by double-clicking in Explorer. Otherwise Excel converts all lines beginning with a letter into text lines (between simple quotation marks). Then open files cannot be edited in columns in Excel and are therefore useless for the import when saved by Excel. You must a csv file in Excel via File/Open where "Text Files (*.prn,*.txt,*.csv)" must be selected as file type.

Operating modes

EasyLanguage provides the option to export the language-dependent objects of the process pictures of WinCC to a link file and, after translation, to reimport this filed.


The export function is used to create the link file. After exporting, all objects have the properties "Text" and "ToolTip" in all selected languages. The languages for export are selected in a list field which presents all languages installed in the WinCC project. It is therefore necessary to install the target language beforehand via the WinCC Text Library. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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The import function reads in the link file with the translated texts and transfers the changes to the corresponding objects.

Program operation

EasyLanguage provides the languages German and English for program operation. Which language is used depends on the language set in WinCC Explorer. A language change to Runtime is not provided.


EasyLanguage is a dialogbox-based application which provides the available operation options for the most part via buttons. The operating mode (Export or Import) is selected via the buttons of the operating mode change.

Operating mode change When exporting, a link file is created which contains all objects with "Text" and "ToolTip" properties of the selected WinCC process pictures. When importing, an existing link file can be selected which is imported into the corresponding WinCC project (is in the link file header). Use the "Start" button to run the selected process (Export or Import). You can only use the "Start" button if all the required selections (WinCC project, csv file, pictures, languages) have been made. Picture objects can only be imported and exported if the corresponding WinCC project is open and activated. EasyLanguage automatically opens and acticates the selected WinCC project so that some time can pass until the actual process begins.

Note: To be able to observer the messages from other applications, e.g. Graphics Designer, you must move the EasyLanguage window on top from the middle of the screen. If EasyLanguage activates the project, all program modules are also loaded which you defined in the start-up list. EasyLanguage only requires the Runtime of Graphics Runtime. Therefore it is recommended that only Graphics Runtime and Text Library Runtime are activated in the start-up list to use EasyLanguage. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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1.4 Export Function

To execute the export function, a WinCC project must be selected.

Selecting a WinCC Project If you click on the "Find..." button, the standard file selection dialog will open. After the selection of the project, the list-boxes "Existing Screens" and "Existing Languages" will display all PDL files of the WinCC project and installed languages. The selection of the screens and languages (into the list-boxes "Selected Screens" and "Selected Languages") is carried out with the buttons between the list-boxes.

Selection of the Languages and Screens The export is initiated by clicking on the "Start" button, which will create a link file with the selected screens/languages. During the export process, the currently processed screen/object will be displayed.

Note: Before the export, all screens that are open in the Graphics Designer will be closed without saving. Because of this, all changed screens must be saved before starting the export, otherwise changes made will be lost. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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1.5 Import Function

To import the screen objects, the operating mode must be switched to "Import". Afterwards, the link file can be selected.

Operating Mode - Switching After selecting the link file, the screens and languages contained in it will be displayed.

The list box "Selected Screens" displays all screens contained in the link file. If you do not want to import all screens (e.g. if the file has only been translated partially), you can remove the unwanted ones with the selection buttons.

The list box "Selected Languages" offers one of the languages contained in the link file for the import. If necessary, another language can be selected using the selection buttons. The selection of only one import language has been provided, because a translation usually involves two languages (e.g. English to German), where one language is the original language (in our example English) that is not necessary to be imported again. If more than one language is to be imported, the import process must be started multiple times. During the import process, the currently processed screen/object will be displayed. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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1.6 Link File Structure (Import/Export File)

The link file is divided into the following sections:

[Header] [Project] [Languages] [Pictures] [Picture: "Screen Name"]

The [Header] section contains the date and time of the export. In the [Project] section, the WinCC project associated with the link file is entered. For the import data transfer, this WinCC project will be offered for selection. In the [Languages] section, all languages selected for the export are entered. For the import, these languages will offered for selection. The [Screens] section lists all (exported) screens contained in the link file. For the import, these screens will be offered for selection.

Note: The Sections [Header] [Project] [Languages] [Pictures] may not be changed by the translator, since this information is required for the import process.

The translation process takes place in the [Picture: "Screen Name"] section. Each screen contained in the link file has its own [Picture: ...] section.

Format of the [Picture: ...] section

The first line in a Picture section is the header line. It contains the following entries that appear only once:

Object: Name of the screen object Index: The index of the screen object when used with a radiobutton or check box

Furthermore, it contains an entry for each language.

"Name_of_Language": Text in the respective language FontName: Name of the font used FontSize: Size of the font FontBold: Text is in bold font FontItalic: Text is in italic font FontUnderline: Text is underlined



In the following lines, the language information for all of the screen objects will be listed with the "Text" property. Immediately following them (without a caption), the language information of all screen objects with the "ToolTip" property are listed. These entries can be recognized by the "T" identifier placed after the object name. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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1.7 Supplying the Language Information

The translation of screens is performed by modifying the text lines in the [Picture: ...] sections of the link file.

In the following example, the label of a button is entered for the English version and the font size and style (from standard to bold) is changed.

Text line after the export of the text for German and English

Button1;0;Öffnen;Arial;10;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;TEXT;Arial;10;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE . . .

Tool tip line after the export of the text for German and English

Button1;T;Bedienung;; Text line with English text and modification of the font size and style

Button1;0;Öffnen;Arial;10;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;Open;Arial;12;TRUE;FALSE;FALSE . . .

The tool tip line after the translation

Button1;T;Bedienung;Operation; EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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1.8 Control Characters

The "csv" file uses the semicolon (";") and the vertical line ("|") as control characters – therefore these characters may not be used in the WinCC project.

";" (Semicolon):

The semicolon separates the properties in a command line. This character must not be used in the texts that are exported or imported.

"|" (Vertical Line):

This character represents a line break in static texts of the export/import file, since the actual control character used by WinCC cannot be used in a text file. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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03.04 Variable Export/Import

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2 Variable Export/Import

2.1 Brief Description

The program exports to a corresponding ASCII file all of the connections, data structures and tags from the currently open project. They can then be imported to a second project. The ASCII format allows the files to be processed by a spreadsheet program before the import. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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2.2 Installation

Variable Export/Import can be installed in two different ways:


1. Select "User defined" during setup of WinCC. The "Components" dialog will open.

2. Click in the left-hand window on the "Smart tools" component. Select Variable Export/Import in the right-hand window.

3. Click on the "Next" button. Follow the instructions in the dialogs. The Variable Export/Import application is started by "SIMATIC" > "WinCC" > "Tools".

Alternative Procedure

You can also install the Variable Export/Import application from the WinCC CD.

1. Switch to the WinCC CD in the directory "WinCC\Setup\Products\CC_Smarttools\". Double-click setup.exe.

2. Select "Variable Export/Import" in the "Components" dialog. 3. Click on the "Next" button. Follow the instruction in the dialogs. This program can only be used in a meaningful manner, if WinCC has been installed as well. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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2.3 Operation


1. Start WinCC and open the project from which you want to export the tags. Start the "VAR_EXIM.EXE".

2. Select the path and name of the file to which you want to export. Initially, only the name of the file without extension is required.

3. Set the mode to "Export" 4. Click on "Execute". Confirm your entries in the message box 5. Wait until "End Export/Import" appears in the status field 6. You can view the generated files by setting the corresponding switches "tag"

(tags), "con" (connections), "dex" (structures) and "diag" (log book)

Empty groups will not be exported.

The underscore (_) is reserved for the generation of names. File names must not contain underscores.


1. Start WinCC and open the project into which you want to import the tags. 2. All channel drivers must be present in the project to which the connections are

being imported. Therefore, add any drivers that are missing to the project. 3. Start the "VAR_EXIM.EXE". 4. Select the path and name of the file from which you want to import. Initially,

only the name of the file without extension is required. If you use the selection dialog, click on one of the three exported files.

5. Set the mode to "Import" or "ImportOverwrite". In "ImportOverwrite" mode, any tag in the destination project, which has the same name as a tag that will be imported, will be overwritten. In "Import" mode, on the other hand, a message will written in the logbook file, the tag in the destination project remains unchanged.

6. Click on "Execute". Confirm your entries in the message box 7. Wait until "End Export/Import" appears in the status field 8. View the generated data in WinCC tag management.

An import in either mode is not possible when WinCC Runtime is active.

The technical details of "Tag Export/Import" are described in the remaining sections. Knowledge of these chapters is not required for the standard case, where the target computer has the same project configuration as the WinCC project from which the export has been made. Knowledge of the WinCC tag structure is required if you want to add new tags or modify existing ones in the ASCII files. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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2.4 The Variable Export/Import

The "Variable Export/Import" tool is an independent application, which is based on the WinCC-API. It can be used for the export of all WinCC tags of a project into ASCII files and for the import of tags into a second project. In the process, three files are generated

• [name]_cex.csv for the logical connections

• [name]_dex.csv for the structure descriptions

• [name]_vex.csv for the tag descriptions

In the files, a header will be generated that provides information about the generated data. During import, these three files will be read back automatically.

The file [name]_cex.csv is imported first, since the tags can only be generated if the corresponding connection already exists. This is followed by the data structures, which are defined in the [name]_dex.csv file. These are user-defined data types that must be declared before creating a tag of this type. Following that, the tag definitions will be read from the [name]_vex.csv file.

Tag groups cannot be created independent of a tag. If a group does not exist, it will be created automatically with the tag. Because of this, no group file is created during export. If your project contains groups without tags, they will not be exported.

During the creation of a tag, its address, among other things, is configured that determines the physical location of the tag in the PLC. This address depends on the channel of the connection and on the connected PLC. During configuration, the WinCC Explorer provides the user with a channel-specific entry dialog box. When editing an import file of "Tag Export/Import", these specifics must be considered. Exported tags can only be safely imported to a second WinCC project, if this project has the same configuration as the project from which the data has been exported. If data is imported to a project, the addresses of already existing tags might have to be corrected manually. However, it cannot be ruled out that it may be possible to import tags from a project with a different channel configuration. The success depends on the channel and the PLC!

The exported structure types, on the other hand, are hardware-independent. All channel-specific or connection-specific parameters such as Connection, GroupName or Address Information will not be considered. These parameters are defined once the structure tag is created.

Note the following when Exporting Address Strings in szSpecific

During the creation of the tag, the address string is checked by the channel-specific software. These Channel-DLLs expect a certain syntax, which is country-specific and must not be changed. Because of this, address strings are enclosed by additional quotation marks " " during the export, which are removed during import. This ensures that applications such as MS Excel do not modify the address information (problem with the list separator). EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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2.5 Connections

A connection can only be imported, when the corresponding channel driver has been configured. In addition, the parameters in the file [name]_cex.csv must match with the configured channel driver.

Should the target computer use a different channel than the project from which the exported data originates, then this is the first modification that must be made to the exported data.

Follow this procedure to easily determine the required connection data: Configure all connections on the target computer and start the export. The parameters of your target computer will now be contained in the file [name]_cex.csv.

Logical Connection Example:

Conname Channel Unit Common Specific Flag VerbAS1 Industrial

Ethernet General "" 0

VerbAS2 Profibus-FMS General "" 0

The second line shows the logical connection of an Industrial Ethernet driver from the Simatic S7 Protocol Suite. The third line contains the logical connection of a Profibus-FMS driver.

Below #ConName is the name of the logical connection. In the exported file, this logical connection name can be found in the data of the tags. This logical connection is used for the communication with the PLC to access external tags from the process. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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2.6 File Structures

File structure of the file [name]_dex.csv:

#Structure Name

Type-ID Creator-ID Project Path

Rule_1 1001 2500 C:\Testdaten\Proj.mcp #Varname C.Vartype C.CreatorID C.VarLength etc. NewTag1 ... ... ... ... NewTag2 ... ... ... ... NewTag3 ... ... ... ... etc. ... ... ... ...

#: Comment Character #Structure Name:

The next line contains the name of a file structure with structure-specific parameters. The project path is only included for the documentation from which project the data has been exported. Data is imported automatically to the currently open project.

#Varname: The lines below contain the elements of the file structure until a new "#Structure Name" line is detected or until there are no more defined lines. Each line contains all parameters that are required for the definition of a tag.

Note for Users of the WinCC API:

The first line contains as the column title the names of the parameters from the corresponding file structures of the API calls. In an MS Excel spreadsheet, the data can then be displayed clearly. If a name consists of a letter followed by a period, this is done to facilitate the assignment to the API calls.


C.nnnnnn is contained in the substructure "Common" P.nnnnnn is contained in the substructure "Protocol" L.nnnnnn is contained in the substructure "Limits" S.nnnnnn is contained in the substructure "Scaling" EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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2.7 Tag

Tags and connections consist of a general and a specific section. The specific section is always provided by the corresponding Channel-DLL. Although this section may be missing during configuration (it must be defined before activation), all objects will be ignored during import, whose specific section is missing. During export, these missing sections are replaced by " * ".

Importing Tags of a User-Defined Type

A predefined WinCC tag is identified by a data type, whose value lies between 1 - 18.

A user-defined structure type receives the TypeID as the data type, which is assigned by the data manager during the creation of the data structure. This TypeID is greater than 1000.

A structure type is defined by its name and data type.

The name of the data structure is identical on the export and import computers. The TypeID, however, needs or will not be identical.

To create a tag of the structure type, an assignment of the TypeID to the structure name has to be made.


The structure types are exported in the file [name]_dex.csv.

#Structure Name

Type-ID Creator-ID Project Path

ExternStr1 1046 0 G:\Testdaten\...

#Varname C.Vartype C.CreatorID C.VarLength C.VarProperty ... Variable1 1 0 2 ... ... Variable2 2 0 1 ... ... Variable3 3 0 1 ... ... Variable4 4 0 2 ... ...

The tags are exported in the file [name]_vex.csv.

#Varname Conn Group Spec Flag CTypeInstExStr1 VerbLp GruLp DB200,DBB10 0 1046 InstExStr1.Variable1 VerbLp GruLp DB200,D10.0 0 1 InstExStr1.Variable2 VerbLp GruLp DB200,DBB10 0 2 InstExStr1.Variable3 VerbLp GruLp DB200,DBB10 0 3 InstExStr1.Variable4 VerbLp GruLp DB200,DBB10 0 4

In the file [name]_dex.csv, a structure type with the name ExternStr1 and the TypeID 1046 is defined. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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In the file [name]_vex.csv, a structure tag with the name InstExStr1 and the type ExternStr1 is defined. The assignment (that it is an ExternStr1 structure type) is made via the value in the CType column, which contains the TypeID 1046 of this structure type.

To import a structure tag, the structure type must be contained in the file [name]_dex.csv and the tags of this type in the file [name]_vex.csv.

"Tag Export/Import" memorizes the Name-TypeID assignment, which allows the structure tags to be instantiated, even if the TypeID on the target computer is different.

If you want to import tags of the "User-Defined" type without reading the data structure during import (e.g. no [name]_dex.csv file), the target computer's TypeID of this data structure must be added manually into the csv file. In this case, the TypeID is determined with the help of the exported file [name]_dex.csv of the target computer (as described above).

The property of a tag is displayed in the column CPro (as a decimal value in the exported file [name]_vex.csv). The following tag properties exist:

Tag Property Decimal Value

Hexadecimal Value

Internal Tag with project-wide Update

2 2

Internal Tag with computer-local Update

8194 2002

External Tag 4 4

If, for example, internal tags with a computer-local local update are exported from WinCC, but internal tags with a project-wide update are to be imported back into WinCC, the value (in the export file) of the tag property in the CPro column can be changed from 8194 to 2 for the appropriate tags. Following that, the modified export file is saved and then imported into WinCC. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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2.8 Appendix

Tag Fields ---------------- Varname: char szVarName[MAX_DM_VAR_NAME +1]; Conn: char szConnection[MAX_DM_CONNECTION_NAME +3]; Group: char szGroupName[MAX_DM_GROUP_NAME +1]; Spec: char szSpecific[MAX_DM_VAR_SPECIFIC +1]; Flag: DWORD dwFlags; Common Ctyp: DWORD dwVarType; // Variable type CLen: DWORD dwVarLength; // Variable length CPro: DWORD dwVarProperty; // Variable property internal/external CFor: DWORD dwFormat; // Format conversion Protocol: P1 : BOOL bTopLimitErr; // error in top limit P2 : BOOL bBottomLimitErr; // error in bottom limit P3 : BOOL bTransformationErr; // transformation error P4 : BOOL bWriteErr; // write error P5 : BOOL bWriteErrApplication; P6 : BOOL bWriteErrProzess; Limits values LF1: double dTopLimit; LF2: double dBottomLimit; LF3: double dStartValue; LF4: double dSubstituteValue; Limits flags L1 : BOOL bTopLimit; // use substitute value on top limit L2 : BOOL bBottomLimit; // use substitute value on bottom limit L3 : BOOL bStartValue; // use substitute value on start L4 : BOOL bConnectionErr; // use substitute value on error connection L5 : BOOL bTopLimitValid; // value top limit is valid L6 : BOOL bBottomLimitValid; // value bottom limit is valid L7 : BOOL bStartValueValid; // value start is valid L8 : BOOL bSubstValueValid; // value substitute is valid Values for the field Ctyp ------------------------- BIT 1 SBYTE 2 BYTE 3 SWORD 4 WORD 5 SDWORD 6 EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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DWORD 7 FLOAT 8 DOUBLE 9 TEXT_8 10 TEXT_16 11 RAW 12 ARRAY 13 STRUCT 14 BITFIELD_8 15 BITFIELD_16 16 BITFIELD_32 17 TEXTREF 18 Description of connection fields -------------------------------- Conname: char szConnection[MAX_DM_CONNECTION_NAME +3]; Unit: char szUnitName [MAX_DM_UNIT_NAME+1]; Common: char szCommon [MAX_DM_CON_COMMON +1] Specific: char szSpecific [MAX_DM_CON_SPECIFIC +1] ; EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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3 The Tag Simulator

3.1 Brief Description

The Tag Simulator is used to simulate internal tags and tags.

A typical area of application for the Tag Simulator is the testing of a configuration without connected process peripherals or with connected process but without a running process.

Without connected process , only internal tags can be simulated.

If the process has been connected, the Tag Simulator can supply values directly to the process tags. This allows you to perform a function test of the HMI system using the original hardware.

The updating time for tag values is one second. A modification takes effect on activating the functions or changing the project folder.

A maximum of 300 tags can be configured.

Another possible application for the Tag Simulator is the implementation of a project for demonstration purposes. A process connection is often not available for the presentation of the HMI system. In these cases, the simulation will control the internal tags.

A detailed description of the Tag Simulator can be found in the corresponding online help.

Safety Note: The Tag Simulator writes the process values to the connected PLC. This means that a reaction of any connected process must be considered. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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3.2 Usage of the Tag Simulator

A typical area of application for the Tag Simulator is the testing of a configuration without connected process peripherals or with connected process peripherals but without a running process.

3.2.1 Simulation of Tags without Process Peripherals

Without connected process peripherals, only internal tags can be simulated. To simulate the process off-line, the following procedure is recommended:

1. Make a backup copy of your project by copying your project folder and renaming it to, for example, xxx_sim. Use this backup copy as your test object. Open WinCC with this copied project.

2. Use the functions “Cut” and “Paste” to add the tags, which you want to simulate, to the internal tags. Do not use “Copy” and “Paste”, otherwise WinCC Explorer will automatically generate an extension to the tag names to ensure that they are unique in the project. The address information of the tags that are declared as internal tags will thus be lost.

3. With the aid of the simulator, the tags can now be supplied with values. 4. Once the test phase is over, you can continue your work with the original


3.2.2 Simulation of Tags with Process Peripherals Connected

If process peripherals have been connected, the simulator can supply values directly to the process tags. This allows you to perform a function test of the HMI system using the original hardware, such as e.g.

checking limit value levels or the output of messages.

Test the continuity of alarms, warnings, error messages and check status displays.

Preset, read and modify digital and analog inputs and outputs.

Alarm Simulation. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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3.3 The Simulator Functions

The simulator provides 6 different functions to support the project engineer. With these functions, it is possible to supplied the configured object with realistic values.

To support the testing of different cases, the simulator has 6 functions. Each individual tag can be assigned to one of these 6 functions.


As a nonlinear periodic function.


To simulate jumps in a control input.


The Random function delivers randomly generated values.


An up counter that restarts at its minimum value once it has reached its maximum.


A down counter that restarts at its maximum value once it has reached its minimum.


A slider with which the user can set a fixed value. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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3.4 Installing the Simulator

The Tag simulator can be installed in two different ways:


1. Select "User defined" during setup of WinCC. The "Components" dialog will open.

2. Click in the left-hand window on the "Smart tools" component. Select "EasyLanguage" in the right-hand window.

3. Click on the "Next" button. Follow the instructions in the dialogs. The Tag simulator is started by "SIMATIC" > "WinCC" > "Tools".

Alternative Procedure

You can also install the Tag simulator application from the WinCC CD.

1. Switch to the WinCC CD in the directory "WinCC\Setup\Products\CC_Smarttools\". Double-click setup.exe.

2. Select the entry "WinCC Tag Simulator" in the "Components" dialog. 3. Click on the "Next" button. Follow the instructions in the dialogs.

3.5 Starting the Simulator

The simulator Simulation.exe can either be started via Windows Explorer, or you can enter it in the startup list of WinCC Explorers, whereby it will automatically start whenever a project is activated.

An activated project in WinCC Explorer is required for the proper operation of the simulator. If the simulator has been added to the startup list of the project, this prerequisite is satisfied automatically. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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3.6 Add/Remove Tags

Add a New Tag

Via the menu commands "Edit/New Tag", tags can be added to the simulation. For this purpose, the tag selection dialog of the WinCC Explorer will be called, in which the desired tags from the active project can be selected. If new tags are to be created, this can be performed in the tag selection dialog as well. By confirming the selection via the "OK" button, the previously selected tag will be entered into the "Properties" tab of the simulator. There it can also be specified, in which manner the tag value is to change.

For the final transfer into the simulator, the "Tags" tab has to be selected before adding the next tag.

The configured tag simulation can be saved in a configuration file with the file extension "sim".

Removing a Tag

To remove a tag from the list of the simulator, select the tag and then the menu commands "Edit/Remove Tag". The selected tag will then be deleted from the list of simulated tags without asking for further confirmation. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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3.7 Configurability of the Functions

The parameters of the functions can be set individually for each tag.


For the Sine function the value range can be set using the Amplitude parameter.

The zero point for the value range can be specified with Offset.

The period is set with the Oscillation Period parameter (set value * Cycle Time).


The Setpoint parameter is used to set the value to which the function settles.

The Damping parameter specifies how much the value can deviate from the setpoint when the damping is set to zero.

The Oscillation Period specifies the time interval. After the time interval elapses, the oscillation will begin again.


The parameters Low Limit und High Limit are used to specify the interval for the random numbers.


The parameters Start Value and Stop Value are used to specify the Interval for the up counter.


The parameters Start Value and Stop Value are used to specify the Interval for the down counter.


The parameters Min and Max are used to set the adjustment range of the slider. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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3.8 Activate/Deactivate Tags

To insure a smooth transition from offline configuration to online configuration, each of the tags can be individually activated or deactivated via their own check box.

If a tag is activated, its value will be calculated by the simulation and passed to WinCC Explorer.

If the check box is not marked, the simulation will not pass any value WinCC Explorer. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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3.9 Displaying the Tags

To simplify the control of the tags during the configuration phase, the following information will be shown on the "Tags" card:

• Current WinCC project

• Name of the Tag

• Assigned function

• Status (active / inactive)

• Current saved value

If the name of a tag is selected, additional parameters will be shown on the "Properties" card. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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3.10 Load/Save Simulation Data

The simulation data can be saved to be available the next time that the simulator is started. This done using the menu items "File/Save", or "File/Save as...".

A simulation configuration that has been saved can be loaded using the menu item "File/Open".

When the simulator is started, the last configuration used for this WinCC project will be loaded. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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3.11 FAQ

Error with DM-API, DLL not found

If an error related to DLL's occurs while starting the simulator, it may be that the necessary path information has not been added to the AUTOEXE.BAT. Please check if the following entry is present in the path statement of this file:

SET PATH = .....;“WinCC-Drive”:\“WinCC-Directory”\bin

e.g: SET PATH=C:\SIEMENS\WINCC\BIN; EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4 Dynamic Wizard Editor

4.1 Brief Description

The Dynamic Wizard Editor is a tool for creating your own Dynamic Wizards. With Dynamic Wizards, you can automate repetitive configuration sequences. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.2 Method of Operation

The Dynamic Wizard brings additional functionality to Graphics Designer. It assists the user in handling frequently reoccurring configuration sequences. This reduces the configuration effort and the risk of configuration errors.

The Dynamic Wizard consists of a variety of Dynamic Wizard functions. A large number of Dynamic Wizard functions are already supplied. And these can be further extended with functions that you create yourself.

An editor is included for creating your own Dynamic Wizard functions. This editor is the program dynwizedit.exe. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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All of the Dynamic Wizard functions are stored in a data basis (...\WinCC\wscript\Dynwiz.cwd) on the hard disk. The Dynamic Wizard has a standardized display and user-interface for selecting and parameterizing the Dynamic Wizard functions. After a Dynamic Wizard function has been selected, Dynamic Wizard will load it into memory and start it. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Dynamic Wizard and the Dynamic Wizard Functions – The Interface

The link between Dynamic Wizard and the Dynamic Wizard function is made using a system interface in the Dynamic Wizard function. The structure of this interface is defined. This interface contains information, which Dynamic Wizard can evaluate. The fundamental content of the interface is:

Reference to the process function

The process function is the intended function of the Dynamic Wizard. It contains the "service", which a Dynamic Wizard function offers the user, e.g. the creation of an action on a graphic object.

Options List

The Options List defines the parameters, which are required for the process function. They also define how they are specified via the dialog's user interface.

Trigger List

The Trigger List defines the trigger, which should be linked to the generated object. They also define how they are specified via the dialog's user Interface. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.3 Installation

The Dynamic Wizard Editor can be installed in two different ways:


1. Select "User defined" during setup of WinCC. The "Components" dialog will open.

2. Click in the left-hand window on the "Smart tools" component. Select "Dynamic Wizard Editor" in the right-hand window.

3. Click on the "Next" button. Follow the instructions in the dialogs. The Dynamic Wizard Editor is started by "SIMATIC" > "WinCC" > "Tools".

Alternative Procedure

You can also install the Dynamic Wizard Editor from the WinCC CD.

1. Switch to the WinCC CD in the directory "WinCC\Setup\Products\CC_Smarttools\". Double-click setup.exe.

2. Select "Dynamic Wizard Editor" in the "Components" dialog. 3. Click on the "Next" button. Follow the instructions in the dialogs. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.4 Structure

Dynamic Wizard Editor has the following elements:

Menu Bar

The menu bar contains the functions of the Dynamic Wizard Editor. The menu bar is always visible.


The toolbar can be made visible when needed and can be moved to any place on the screen.

Editing Window

The Editing window is only visible, when a Dynamic Wizard function is open for editing or a new one is being created. Each function will be opened in its own Editing window. Several editing windows can be open at the same time.

Output Window

The Output window can be displayed when needed. It contains the results of the "Generate CWD", "Read Wizard Script" and "Compile Script" functions.

Status Bar

The status bar can be displayed when needed. It provides information about the keyboard settings and gives the position of the text cursor in the Editing window.

Dynamic Wizard

The Dynamic Wizard allows you to use C actions to dynamize an object. When the Wizard is executed previously prepared C actions and trigger events are specified and stored in the object's properties EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.4.1 Toolbar


The toolbars enable you to execute actions quicker. You do not have to make several selections through the menus until you reach the required function.


Icon Explanation

Creates a new Dynamic Wizard function.

Opens an existing Dynamic Wizard function (*.wnf).

Saves the Dynamic Wizard function.

Cuts the marked text and copies it onto the clipboard.

Copies the marked text onto the clipboard.

The content of the clipboard will be pasted at the location of the text cursor.

Prints the contents of the active editing window.

Displays more information about Dynamic Wizard Editor.

Creates the Dynamic Wizard data (CWD). This function is used to read in all available Wizard scripts for the currently set language and prepare them for editing in the Dynamic Wizard. The generated file is stored in the WinCC installation path (Installation path\wscripts\dynwiz.cwd).

Reads the Wizard scripts and makes them available to the Dynamic Wizard.

Sets the language in which the Wizard script will be configured. The languages supported in WinCC are made available, independent of the installed languages. Changing the Wizard language does not affect the overall system or the configuration interface.

Changes the object. The Dynamic Wizard, which is also available in the editor for test purposes, is dependent on the various properties of an object in the Graphics Designer. To test a new or an existing Wizard script, this function can be used to switch to an existing object in an existing picture. Using the newly selected object, the Dynamic Wizard is EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Icon Explanation adjusted to display only those Wizard scripts which are applicable to this object.

Displays all of the Dynamic Wizard scripts for the selected language. Additionally, in this dialog box, existing Wizard Scripts can be deleted from the list.

Opens the Help Editor

Compiles the script. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.4.2 Editing Window


Dynamic Wizard functions are created and edited in the Editing window.

Color coding

Color codes the displayed C code as follows:

Color Meaning Example blue Keyword #define, void green Comments // this is a comment red Strings "First Element" black other C code OnOption1 EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.4.3 Help Editor


Using this dialog box, a help text can be stored for each page generated by the Wizard script. It is only possible to store a help text for an existing Dynamic Wizard.

Elements of the Help Editor

Element Explanation Wizard Group The list box is used to specify the group (= tabbed card) in which

the Dynamic Wizard is found. Wizard Name The list box is used to specify the Dynamic Wizard for which the

help text will be created. Page The list box is used to specify the dialog page for which the help

text will be created. Help Text The help text is entered in this field. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.4.4 Output Window


The Output window contains the results of the "Generate CWD", "Read Wizard Script" and "Compile Script" functions.

The Output window is of assistance when searching for errors in the scripts.

If there is an error in a script, the displayed message will appear as follows:

...\WinCC\wscripts\wscripts.enu\DemoWiz1.wnf(6):error(003a): 'include': invalid function definition

Description: ...\WinCC\wscripts\wscripts.enu\ The directory in which the "*.wnf" file

is saved. DemoWiz1.wnf(6) The file name and line number in

which the error occurred. error(003a): 'include': invalid function definition

Error number and description of the error. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5 Structure of a Dynamic Wizard Function


A Dynamic Wizard function must have a predefined structure. It is structured in accordance with the necessary components.

1. Linking Header Files and DLL's 2. Language Dependent Definition 3. Wizard Flags 4. Properties List 5. System Interface 6. Global Variables 7. Options List 8. Trigger List 9. Display of the Parameterization EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.1 Dynamic Wizard Dialog


Each Dynamic Wizard function has its own specific functionality. Thanks to the fact that functions have a predefined structure, all functions have a similar sequence and dialog user interface. The Dynamic Wizard dialog consists of several dialog pages.

• Dialog "Welcome to the Dynamic Wizard"

• Dialog "Select Trigger"

• Dialog "Set Options"

• Dialog "Finished!" EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.2 Linking Header Files and DLL's


A header file contains declarations of constants, data types, variables and functions.

The header files are linked to the function with the #include instruction. The most important link is to the dynamic.h file, which declares among others the functions that are used to design the user interface of the Dynamic Wizard.

DLL files (Dynamic Link Library) are executable routines, which can be loaded by a program, when it needs their functionality.

The DLL files are linked to the function with a #pragma instruction so that they can be used.

The following paths are set in the Dynamic Wizard Editor:

WinCC's header files: ...\WinCC\aplib\

DLL's of WinCC: ...\WinCC\bin\

If the files are in another directory, the full path must be given in the #include and #pragma instructions. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.3 Language Dependent Definitions


The standard functions of the Dynamic Wizard functions are available in three languages; German, English and French. When the language is switched in WinCC Explorer, the corresponding language version of the Dynamic Wizard functions is also selected.

Within the paths




a WNF file must exist for each Wizard function.

When created, all language dependent definitions should be arranged in this section. This makes it easier to create other language versions. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.4 Wizard Flags


These Flags are used to define configuration type for which the Dynamic Wizard function applies.


Flag WIZARD_FLAG_OCX For all OCX files WIZARD_FLAG_ALL_PROJECT_TYPES For all projects WIZARD_FLAG_SINGLEUSER_PROJECT For single-user projects only WIZARD_FLAG_MULTICLIENT_PROJECT For client projects only WIZARD_FLAG_MULTIUSER_PROJECT For clients without project data only EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.5 Properties List


In the properties list, you can specify the types of objects for which the Dynamic Wizard function can be used. This is accomplished by entering a list of object properties. If an object has at least one of the listed properties, the Dynamic Wizard function can be used on this object.

Each entry in the Properties List consists of two parameters:

• The name of the property e.g. Backcolor

• WinCC Data Type

If the Properties List is empty, the Dynamic Wizard function can be used on all object types. The properties list must be present in every case even if it is empty. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.6 System Interface


The System Interface is used to set the properties of the new Dynamic Wizard function.

Parameter Description

Explanation 1 The first parameter specifies the tabbed card on which the Dynamic Wizard

function should appear. 2 The second parameter specifies the name under which the Dynamic Wizard

function should appear. 3 The third parameter is always NULL. 4 The fourth parameter gives the name of the icon that should be used for the

Dynamic Wizard function. 5 The fifth parameter is a help text with a more detailed description of the

functionality of the Dynamic Wizard function. 6 The sixth parameter is a list of the names of the functions created for the

individual option pages. This list must be terminated with a NULL entry. A maximum of five option pages can be created. For more information, please see "Options List". EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Explanation 7 The seventh parameter is the name of the processing function, which will be

called when the "Finish" button is clicked. The process function is the intended function of the Dynamic Wizard. It contains the "service", which a Dynamic Wizard function provides for the user, e.g. the creation of an action on a graphic object.

8 The eighth parameter is the name of the function, which summarizes the settings made on the option pages and is shown to the user before they click on the "Finish" button. For more information, please see "Display the Parameterization".

9 The ninth parameter is a list of the triggers to be shown on the trigger selection dialog. For the most common applications, there are macros which will complete the trigger list. For more information, please see "Trigger List". EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.7 Global Variables


A global variable must be defined for each parameter that is set on the option pages. In this manner, the parameters that are set will be known and available for use in all of the functions that are created.

It is only possible to pass data between system functions by using global variables. This is always necessary when trigger and/or option parameters must be passed to the processing function. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.8 Options List


Options are parameters, which are necessary for the functionality of the Dynamic Wizard function. Options do not require a trigger.

Options are defined in the system interface's Options List. The Options List includes – for each option – the name of the associated options function e.g. "OnOption1".

The Options List is terminated by a NULL pointer. A maximum of five options may be defined in the list.

Options Function

Dynamic Wizard lists the options functions one after the other in accordance with their order in the Options List. The "Set Options" dialog will be displayed for each options function. This dialog is then used to program the user interface of the Dynamic Wizard.

Wizard system functions are used for programming the Dynamic Wizard. For more information, please see "Wizard-System-Funktionen".

In the "Set Options" dialog, there is an area in which static text, input fields and other input boxes can be arranged. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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In the "Set Options" dialog, the area is completely filled by lines 1 to 15.

The associated options function appears as follows: EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.9 Trigger List


Triggers are only necessary in connection with actions applied to a graphic object.

Triggers are defined in the system interface's Trigger List. The Trigger List contains an entry for each trigger.

Each entry consists of two parameters: The first parameter is the trigger's name, which will be shown on the user interface e.g. press left mouse button. The second parameter gives the name of the associated trigger function.

The Trigger List is terminated by a NULL pointer. A maximum of fifty triggers may be defined in the list.

There are predefined macros for the most frequently used triggers.

Macro JCR_TRIGGERS Trigger event

DECLARE_JCR_TRIGGERS Mouse click, left mouse button, right mouse button

JCR_ZYCL_TRIGGERS Cyclic trigger DECLARE_JCR_ZYKL_TRIGGERS Picture cycle, Window cycle, Upon change, 250 ms, 500 ms, 1 second, 2 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, Custom cycle 1, Custom cycle 2, Custom cycle 3, Custom cycle 4, Custom cycle 5



The "Select trigger" dialog is generated from the Trigger List. All of the trigger names are displayed for selection in a list box. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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After a trigger has been selected, the Dynamic Wizard will call the associated trigger function. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.10 Display of the Parameterization


Trigger and options parameters can be viewed in the "Finished !" dialog. In this manner, the user has the possibility of checking the parameterization again and, if necessary, correcting it.

The Windows SetWindowText function can be used to output a text in the display field in the "Finished!" dialog. The display field is 12 lines high. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.11 Wizard Functions for Parameter Entry CreateStatic


In the "Set Options" dialog, a static text will be displayed at the coordinates x,y.


HWND CreateStatic (int x, int y, char* "Text")


Parameter Explanation int x Gives the value of the x-coordinate. int y Gives the value of the y-coordinate. char* Text Gives the text, which should be output.

Return Value

Return Value HWND Returns the handle of the object.


The following excerpt from the "Demo.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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char* DynWizEditStatic = "Enter text:"; ... .. void OnOption1(void) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; HWND hWnd = NULL; ..... if (bFirst == TRUE) { strcpy(g_szEdit,DynWizEdit); bFirst = FALSE; } //Static Text CreateStatic(0,5,DynWizEditStatic); ..... ...... } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools CreateEdit


In the "Set Options" dialog, an input field will be displayed at the coordinates x,y. A text can be entered in the input field.


HWND CreateEdit ( int x, int y, char* pText )


Parameter Explanation int x Gives the value of the x-coordinate. int y Gives the value of the y-coordinate. char* pText Pointer to an input buffer. The input buffer can be preset to a

value. This will be shown in the input field.

Return Value

Return Value HWND Returns the handle of the object. pText Input buffer contains the entered text.


The following excerpt from the "Demo.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. An input field will be displayed in the "Set Options" dialog of the "Demo Wizard". EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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char* DynWizEditStatic = "Enter text:"; char* DynWizEdit = "Sample text"; ... .. char g_szEdit[256]; void OnOption1(void) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; HWND hWnd = NULL; ..... if (bFirst == TRUE) { strcpy(g_szEdit,DynWizEdit); bFirst = FALSE; } //Static text for the input field CreateStatic(0,5,DynWizEditStatic); //Input field hWnd = CreateEdit(0,20,g_szEdit) GetWindowRect(GetParent(hWnd), &rect); MoveWindow(hWnd,0,20,(rect.right-rect.left),21,TRUE); ..... ...... } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools CreateSpinEdit


In the "Set Options" dialog, an input field with a knob will be displayed at the coordinates x,y.

The input field is used to enter an integer value in the input variable.


HWND CreateSpinEdit (int x, int y, int* pValue, int Min, int Max, int Base )


Parameter Explanation int x Gives the value of the x-coordinate. int y Gives the value of the y-coordinate. int* pValue Pointer to an integer input variable. The input variable can

be preset to a default value. int Min Lower limit for the input value int Max Upper limit for the input value int Base Numerical format for the input:

10 = decimal entries 16 = hexadecimal entries

Return Value

Return Value HWND Returns the handle of the object. pValue Input variable contains the entered text.


The following excerpt from the "Demo.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. An input field with a knob will be displayed in the Demo Wizard's "Set Options" dialog. You can set a value between 0 and 1000 in this field. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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char* DynWizSpinStatic= "Enter a value (0 - 1000):"; char* DynWizEdit = "Sample text"; ... ... char g_szEdit[256]; void OnOption1(void) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; HWND hWnd = NULL; ..... if (bFirst == TRUE) { strcpy(g_szEdit,DynWizEdit); bFirst = FALSE; } ... ... //Static text for the input field with knob CreateStatic(0,50,DynWizSpinStatic); ... //Input field with knob hWnd = CreateSpinEdit(0,65,&g_iSpinEdit,0,1000,10); MoveWindow(hWnd,0,65,(rect.right-rect.left)/4,21,TRUE); ... ... } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools CreateListBox


In the "Set Options" dialog, a list box will be displayed at the coordinates x,y. Several possible entries can be listed for selection in the list box. With a click of the mouse, you can select an entry.


HWND CreateListbox (int X, int Y, char* Headline, int NumLines, int* pSelect )


Parameter Explanation int x Gives the value of the x-coordinate. int y Gives the value of the y-coordinate. char* Headline Title of the list box int NumLines Number of lines in a list box. The following must be given:

NumLines = Number of lines + 1 (1 =“ NumLines = “16) int* pSelect Pointer to the results variable

Return Value

Return Value HWND Returns the handle of the object. pSelect The number of the selected entry. The number is the index in

the listing (beginning with 0).


The following excerpt from the "Demo.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. A list box will be displayed in the "Set Options" dialog of the "Demo Wizard". The list box can show up to three lines. Since there are more than three entries, a scroll bar will be displayed.

Note: With the "CreateListbox" function, only the list box itself will be created. The content of the lines must be entered with the "SendMessage" function. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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char* DynWizListStatic= "Select an entry:"; ... int g_iListBox = 0; //Type definition of the elements in the list box typedef struct listboxItem { int iIndex; char szItemText[256]; }LB_ITEM, *PLB_ITEM; #define LB_NUM_LINES 5 LB_ITEM g_itemListBox[LB_NUM_LINES] = { { 0, "First Element"}, { 1, "Second Element"}, { 2, "Third Element"}, { 3, "Fourth Element"}, { 4, "Fifth Element"} }; void OnOption1(void) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; HWND hWnd = NULL; ..... EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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if (bFirst == TRUE) { strcpy(g_szEdit,DynWizEdit); bFirst = FALSE; } ... ... //Static text for the list box CreateStatic(0,162,DynWizListStatic); ... //List box hWnd = CreateListbox(0,177,"Headline",LB_NUM_LINES,&g_iListBox); MoveWindow(hWnd,0,177,(rect.right-rect.left),50,TRUE); //With the "CreateListbox" function, only the box itself will be created. The content of the lines must be //entered with the "SendMessage" function. for (i=0; i“LB_NUM_LINES; i++) { SendMessage(hWnd,LB_INSERTSTRING,(WPARAM)-1,(LPARAM)g_itemListBox[i].szItemText); } } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools CreateCheckBox


In the "Set Options" dialog, a check box will be displayed at the coordinates x,y. The check box can be used to activate an option. Multiple check boxes can be used in a single dialog.


HWND CreateCheckBox (int x, int y, char* Text, BOOL* pSelect )


Parameter Explanation int x Gives the value of the x-coordinate. int y Gives the value of the y-coordinate. char* Text Text, which is displayed to the right of the check box. BOOL* pSelect Pointer to the results variable The results variable should be

preset to a default value (True/False).

Return Value

Return Value HWND Returns the handle of the object. pSelect Activation status

FALSE = not activated TRUE = activated


The following excerpt from the "Demo.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. In the Demo Wizard's "Set Options" dialog, three check boxes will be displayed, which each represent one option. Each option can be activated individually. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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BOOL g_bCheck1 = TRUE; BOOL g_bCheck2 = TRUE; BOOL g_bCheck3 = TRUE; void OnOption1(void) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; HWND hWnd = NULL; ..... if (bFirst == TRUE) { ... } ... ... //Check Boxes iMid = (rect.right-rect.left)/2 ; CreateCheckBox(iMid,100,"CheckBox 1",&g_bCheck1); CreateCheckBox(iMid,116,"CheckBox 2",&g_bCheck2); CreateCheckBox(iMid,132,"CheckBox 3",&g_bCheck3 } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools CreateFrame


A rectangular frame will be displayed in the "Set Options" dialog. The upper left corner of the frame is set by the coordinates x,y. The lower right corner of the frame is identical with the lower right corner of the options dialog.


HWND CreateFrame (int x, int y, char* Title )


Parameter Explanation int x Gives the value of the x-coordinate. int y Gives the value of the y-coordinate. char* Title The title in the upper edge of the frame

Return Value

Return Value HWND Returns the handle of the object.


The following excerpt from the "Demo.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. A frame with the title "Frame" will be displayed in the Demo Wizard's "Set Options" dialog. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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void OnOption2(void) { //Frames CreateFrame(0,150,"Frame"); } ... ... EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools CreateRadioButton


In the "Set Options" dialog, a radio button will be displayed at the coordinates x,y. The radio button can be used to activate an option.

It is only reasonable to use a radio button when multiple radio buttons are used in a single dialog. Only one radio button can be active at a time.


HWND CreateRadioButton (int x, int y, char* Text, BOOL* pSelect )


Parameter Explanation int x Gives the value of the x-coordinate. int y Gives the value of the y-coordinate. char* Text The name of the option that is activated with the radio button.

The text will appear to the right of the radio button. BOOL* pSelect Pointer to the results variable The results variable should be

preset to a default value (True/False).

Return Value

Return Value HWND Returns the handle of the object. pSelect Activation status

FALSE = not activated TRUE = activated


The following excerpt from the "Demo.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. In the Demo Wizard's "Set Options" dialog, three radio buttons will be displayed, which each represent one option. Only one option can be activated. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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BOOL g_bOption1 = TRUE; BOOL g_bOption2 = FALSE; BOOL g_bOption3 = FALSE; void OnOption1(void) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; HWND hWnd = NULL; ..... if (bFirst == TRUE) { ... } ... ... //Radio Buttons CreateRadioButton(0,100,"RadioButton 1",&g_bOption1); CreateRadioButton(0,116,"RadioButton 2",&g_bOption2); CreateRadioButton(0,132,"RadioButton 3",&g_bOption3); } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools CreateFileBrowser


In the "Set Options" dialog, a browse button will be displayed at the coordinates x,y. A file name can be entered in the input field.

Clicking on the browse button opens a file selection dialog.


HWND CreateFileBrowser (int x, int y, DWORD Flags, char* Filter, char* file name )


Parameter Explanation int x Gives the value of the x-coordinate. int y Gives the value of the y-coordinate. DWORD Flags Control flags for the selection window:

FB_WITHPATH = file name with path FB_SAVE_AS = Instead of the "Open" dialog, the "Save as" dialog will appear.

char* Filter Filter for the display of data types in the file selection dialog's list box. By specifying the extension, you can specify the data type that will be displayed in the list box. A filter consists of a pair of strings. The first string is the EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Parameter Explanation filter name. The second string is the filter function in the form *.typ, where ‘typ’ is a file extension. Only those files that have this extension will be displayed in the list box. The first and second string are separated by a "|". Multiple filters can be chained, separated by a "|". The last filter will be terminated by a "||". Examples: char* Filter1 = "Graphic pictures (*.PDL) | *.PDL||";

char* Filter2 = "Documents (*.doc) | *.doc|" "Text files *.txt | *.txt|" "WNF files | *.wnf|" "All files (*.*) | *.*||";

No spaces are permitted at the end of the filter function.

char* File_name Input buffer for the file name. A path name can be preset as the default value. This default value has the following effect: The path name will be displayed by default in the input field. If you click on the browse button, the path will be set in the file selection dialog. If the file name has the extension ‘*.typ’, all of the files of this type will displayed in the list box.

Return Value

Return Value HWND Returns the handle of the object. File name Input buffer contains the file name


The following excerpt from the "Demo.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. In the Dialog Wizard's "Set Options" dialog, an input field will be displayed with a browse button. With a click on the browse button, the file selection dialog will open. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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char* DynWizFileBrowserStatic = "Select a file:"; char* DynWizFileBrowser = "C:\\Example_File"; char* DynWizFilter = "Text files (*.txt) | *.txt|" "All files (*.*) | *.*||"; ... char g_szFileBrowser[256]; ... void OnOption2(void) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; HWND hWnd = NULL; RECT rect; ... if (bFirst == TRUE) { ... strcpy(g_szFileBrowser,DynWizFileBrowser); First = FALSE; } ... ... //Static text for the input field with a browse button CreateStatic(0,95,DynWizFileBrowserStatic); //File Selection Dialog hWnd = CreateFileBrowser(0,110,FB_WITHPATH,DynWizFilter,g_szFileBrowser); MoveWindow(hWnd,0,110,(rect.right-rect.left),21,TRUE); } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools CreateVarBrowser / CreateVarBrowserEx


In the "Set Options" dialog, a browse button will be displayed at the coordinates x,y. A variable name can be entered in the input field. With a click on the browse button, WinCC's variable selection dialog will open. With the "CreateVarBrowserEx" function, it is also possible to parameterize a filter for variables. This filter is then used to restrict which variables are displayed in the variables selection dialog. It is possible to filter on the basis of data type, variable group, variable name and connection.


HWND CreateVarBrowser (int x, int y, char* VarName )

HWND CreateVarBrowserEx (int x, int y, LPDM_VARFILTER VarFilter, char* VarName )


Parameter Explanation int x Gives the value of the x-coordinate. int y Gives the value of the y-coordinate. LPDM_VARFILTER VarFilter Optional entry of a pointer to a variable filter. If a

NULL pointer is entered, no filter will be activated. The variable filter must be defined with the DM_VARFILTER structure. For further information, please see the WinCC ODK documentation.

char* VarName Contains the name of the variable. The variable name can be preset to a default value. This input will always be displayed.

Return Value

Return Value HWND Returns the handle of the object. VarName Input buffer contains the variable name


The following excerpt from the "Demo.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. In the Dialog Wizard's "Set Options" dialog, an input field will be displayed EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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with a browse button. With a click on the browse button, WinCC's variable selection dialog will open.

char* DynWizVarBrowser = "Example variable"; char* DynWizPicBrowserStatic = "Select a picture:"; ... char g_szVarBrowser[256]; ... void OnOption2(void) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; HWND hWnd = NULL; RECT rect; ... if (bFirst == TRUE) { ... strcpy(g_szVarBrowser,DynWizVarBrowser); First = FALSE; } ... ... //Static text for the input field with a browse button CreateStatic(0,95,DynWizFileBrowserStatic); //Variable Selection Dialog hWnd = CreateFileBrowser(0,110,FB_WITHPATH,DynWizFilter,g_szFileBrowser); EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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GetWindowRect(GetParent(hWnd), &rect); MoveWindow(hWnd,0,110,(rect.right-rect.left),21,TRUE); } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools CreatePackageBrowser/CreatePackageBrowserEx


In the "Set Options" dialog, a browse button will be displayed at the coordinates x,y. A name can be entered in the input field. The Package browser is activated by the browse button on the right edge of the input field. The type of data, Which should be displayed from the package, is specified by the flag or the ProgID.

With the "CreatePackageBrowserEx" function, you can pass a ProgID instead of a flag.


HWND CreatePackageBrowser (int x, int y, DWORD flags, char* Name )

HWND CreatePackageBrowserEx (int x, int y, char* ProgID, char* Name )


Parameter Explanation int x Gives the value of the x-coordinate. int y Gives the value of the y-coordinate. DWORD flags Currently only PB_PICTURE can be used. This

activates the picture selection. char* ProgID The Program ID of the component for which the

selection will be setup. If "WinCC.CCFileASOStub.1" is passed, the picture selection will be chosen.

char* Name Contains the name. The name can be preset to a default value. This input will always be displayed.

Return Value

Return Value HWND Returns the handle of the object. Name Input buffer contains the name


The following excerpt from the "Demo.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. In the Dialog Wizard's "Set Options" dialog, an input field will be displayed with a browse button. With a click on the browse button, the picture selection dialog will open. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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char* DynWizPicBrowserStatic = "Select a picture:"; char* DynWizPicBrowser = "Example picture"; ... char g_szPicBrowser[256]; ... void OnOption2(void) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; HWND hWnd = NULL; RECT rect; ... if (bFirst == TRUE) { ... 	strcpy(g_szPicBrowser,DynWizPicBrowser); First = FALSE; } ... ... //Static text for the input field with a browse button CreateStatic(0,50,DynWizPicBrowserStatic); //Picture Selection Dialog hWnd = CreatePackageBrowser(0,65,PB_PICTURE,g_szPicBrowser); MoveWindow(hWnd,0,65,(rect.right-rect.left),21,TRUE); } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools CreateObjectBrowser


In the "Set Options" dialog, a browse button will be displayed at the coordinates x,y. An object or a property name can be entered in the input field. With a click on the browse button, a selection dialog will open. You can search for and select an object or a property name in the selection dialog.


HWND CreateObjectBrowser (int x, int y, char* Title, DWORD flags, char* ObjectName )


Parameter Explanation int x Gives the value of the x-coordinate. int y Gives the value of the y-coordinate. char* title Title of the selection dialog. DWORD flags Two different flags can be passed:

OB_OBJECTS Display all objects OB_PROPERTIES Also show the properties.

char* ObjectName Input buffer for the object or property name. The input buffer can be preset to a default value.

Return Value

Return Value HWND Returns the handle of the object. ObjectName Input buffer contains the object or property name.


The following excerpt from the "Demo.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. In the Dialog Wizard's "Set Options" dialog, an input field will be displayed with a browse button. With a click on the browse button, the window object selection dialog will open. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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char* DynWizObjectBrowserStatic = "Select an object:"; char* DynWizObjectBrowser = "Object"; char* DynWizObject = "Window object selection"; ; ... char g_szObjectBrowser[256]; ... void OnOption2(void) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; HWND hWnd = NULL; RECT rect; ... if (bFirst == TRUE) { ... strcpy(g_szObjectBrowser,DynWizObjectBrowser); First = FALSE; } ... //Static text for the input field with a browse button CreateStatic(0,50,	CreateStatic(0,140,DynWizObjectBrowserStatic);); //Window Selection Dialog hWnd = CreateObjectBrowser(0,155,DynWizObject,OB_OBJECTS,g_szObjectBrowser); MoveWindow(hWnd,0,155,(rect.right-rect.left),21,TRUE); } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.12 Wizard functions for generating dynamics GenerateBLOB


The GenerateBLOB (BLOB = Binary Large OBject) function creates an action, which can be linked to a property of a graphic object. An action consists of 3 parts.

Prolog: This is the head of the C function.

Example: #include "apdefap.h" void OnLButtonDown(char* lpszPictureName, char* lpszObjectName, char* lpszPropertyName, UINT nFlags, int x, int y) { The prolog depends on the trigger, which is used to start the action (in the example above: press left mouse button)

Epilog: This is the end of the C function and consists of the character ‘}’.

Root segment: This part contains the actual functionality of the C function. Example: ProgramExecute("notepad.exe");

The function generates and compiles the action's C code. The results of the compilation is a p-code. This will be interpreted and processed by the WinCC Runtime system. In the event that the C code has errors, no p-code will be generated.

The function generates a BLOB in which the parts of the action (i.a. C code, p-code, trigger, ...) are save. Before the Wizard function quits, the BLOB must be deleted. For further information about deleting the BLOB function, please see "DeleteBLOB".


AP_BLOB GenerateBLOB (char* Prolog, char* Epilog, char* Format, ... )


Parameter Explanation char* Prolog Prolog of the action as ASCII string. char* Epilog Epilog of the action as ASCII string. char* Format The root segment of the action as an ASCII string or format

string in accordance with the standard function "printf".

Note: The C code is generated with the C function "sprintf". The parameter is treated as a format string, therefore format control characters (e.g. \ % ") will be evaluated. If these should be placed in the C code (e.g. as a format string for a "printf" call in an action), you must precede them with a "\". EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Example: \ \ \ % \% " \"

Return Value

The function returns a structured variable of the type AP_BLOB with the following structure components:

Structure Component Return Value DWORD dwPCodeSize Length (in bytes) of the generated p-code LPVOID lpPCode Pointer to the generated p-code int nErrors Number of compiler errors int nWarnings Number of compiler warnings


The following excerpt out of the "Execute Programm.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function. The Wizard function generates a C script that starts another application (in the example: notepad.exe).


... void OnGenerate(void) { PCMN_ERROR pError; AP_BLOB *blob; char code[500]; char sError[500]; .. Slash2DblSlash(g_Bild, strlen(g_Bild)); .. sprintf(code,"%sProgramExecute(\"%s\");",ifcode,g_Bild); .. //Prolog blob = GenerateBLOB("#include \"apdefap.h\"\r\n" "void OnClick(char* lpszPictureName," "char*lpszObjectName,char* lpszPropertyName," "UINT nFlags,int x, int y) {", //Epilog "}", //Root segment code); BEGIN_JCR_BLOBERRORS SetAction(NULL, blob, g_Trigger); EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Generated C script:

#include "apdefap.h" void OnLButtonDown(char* lpszPictureName, char* lpszObjectName, char* lpszPropertyName, UINT nFlags, int x, int y) { ProgramExecute("notepad.exe"); } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools DeleteBLOB


The GenerateBLOB function generates a BLOB. At the end of the Wizard function, the BLOB must be deleted. The DeleteBLOB function is used to delete the BLOB.


void DeleteBLOB (AP_BLOB* blob)


Parameter Explanation AP_BLOB* blob Pointer to the "GenerateBLOB" function's result



DeleteBLOB(blob); EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools SetAction


An action will be hanged on the specified trigger of the selected graphic object.

If the trigger is an event, it will be specified directly in the calling parameter.

If the dynamisation of a property serves as the trigger, the trigger must first be registered in the BLOB with the AddVarTrigger or AddTimeTrigger function.

Note: If the action should not be linked to the selected object, but rather another object, the API function PDLCSSetAction must be used. For further information about the PDLCSSetAction function, please see the WinCC ODK documentation.


BOOL SetAction (char* Property, AP_BLOB* Blob, DWORD Trigger )


Parameter Explanation char* Property Name of the property. Always use the English name of the

property. In the case of an event trigger, always pass a NULL pointer.

AP_BLOB* Blob Pointer to the event variable of the "GenerateBLOB" function.

DWORD TriggerID ID of the trigger: NOTDEFINED = Trigger is registered in the BLOB MOUSECLICK = Mouse click MOUSELBUTTONDOWN = Press left mouse button MOUSELBUTTONUP = Release left mouse button MOUSERBUTTONDOWN = Press right mouse button MOUSERBUTTONUP = Release right mouse button KEYBOARDDOWN = Press keyboard key KEYBOARDUP = Release keyboard key OBJECTCHANGE = Object changed PROPERTYCHANGE = Property changed PICTUREOPEN = Picture selection PICTURECLOSE = Picture deselection

Return Value

Return Value BOOL Return value TRUE = function successfully executed.

FALSE = function not successfully executed.


See the example in the GenerateBLOB function EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools AddTimeTrigger


The function adds a "Cyclical Trigger" to the action.


BOOL AddTimeTrigger (AP_BLOB* Blob, char* Name, DWORD TriggerType, DWORD GraphCycleType, DWORD CycleID )


Parameter Explanation AP_BLOB* Blob Pointer to the "GenerateBLOB" function's results

variable. char* Name Name of the event. This can be any ASCII string.

The name will be displayed in the action's window as the event name.

DWORD TriggerType Type of cyclical trigger: 2 = Time cycle (standard cycle) 4 = Graphic object cycle

DWORD GraphCycleType Type of graphic object cycle: 0= Window cycle 1 = Picture cycle

DWORD CycleID Trigger cycle: 0 = Upon change 1 = 250 ms 2 = 500 ms 3 = 1 s 4 = 2 s 5 = 5 s 6 = 10 s 7 = 1 min 8 = 5 min 9 = 10 min 10 = 1 h 11 = Custom cycle 1 12 = Custom cycle 2 13 = Custom cycle 3 14 = Custom cycle 4 15 = Custom cycle 5

Return Value

Return Value BOOL TRUE = function successfully executed. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Return Value FALSE = function not successfully executed.


The time between two occurrences of the action is 1s.

BOOL FctRet; .. FctRet = AddTimeTrigger(blob, "1 sec", 2, 0, 3); EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools AddVarTrigger/AddVarTriggerEx


The function adds a "Variable Trigger" to the action.


BOOL AddVarTrigger (AP_BLOB* Blob, char* EventName, char* VarName )

BOOL AddVarTriggerEx (AP_BLOB* Blob, char* EventName, char* VarName, DWORD CycleID )


Parameter Explanation AP_BLOB* Blob Pointer to the "GenerateBLOB" function's results

variable. char* EventName Name of the event. This can be any ASCII string.

The name will be displayed in the action's window as the event name.

char* VarName The name of the WinCC variable, which triggered the event or is involved in the triggering.

DWORD CycleID Trigger cycle: 0 = Upon change 1 = 250 ms 2 = 500 ms 3 = 1 s 4 = 2 s 5 = 5 s 6 = 10 s 7 = 1 min 8 = 5 min 9 = 10 min 10 = 1 h 11 = Custom cycle 1 12 = Custom cycle 2 13 = Custom cycle 3 14 = Custom cycle 4 15 = Custom cycle 5 For the AddVarTrigger function, the value CycleID = 4 is fixed. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Return Value

Return Value BOOL TRUE = function successfully executed.

FALSE = function not successfully executed.


You have entered the variable ‘StartTurbine1’ as the trigger in the "Variable Trigger". The action will start as soon as the value of this variable changes.

BOOL FctRet FctRet = AddVarTriggerEx(blob,"Turbine Start","StartTurbine1",0); EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools SetValidateFct


The name of a validate function will be passed to the Dynamic Wizard. With the validate function, it is possible to check the options and trigger parameters. In the event of a negative result, it is possible to request that they be reentered.

The validate function will be called, when the "Continue" button is clicked on in the "Select Options" dialog or the "Set Trigger" dialog. In the event that the results are positive, the current dialog will be closed and the next will be displayed. In the case of a negative result, the current dialog remains open. The proper parameter must be entered before it is possible to continue.

The validate function is effective from the time that it is set in the Dynamic Wizard. It is then also effective for the later Options dialogs. If no or a different validate function should be effective, a dummy function (with positive validation results) or another validate function must be set.


BOOL SetValidateFct (LPCSTR FctName)


Parameter Explanation LPCSTR FctName Name of the validate function as an ASCII string.

Return Value

Return Value BOOL Results of the validation check

TRUE = positive results. FALSE = negative results.


The following excerpt from the "Instanzobjekt.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function.

The Wizard function has been extended by a validation function.

... ... // Validation Option 1 BOOL ValidateOpt1(void) EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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{ // Property Selected return (strcmp(g_NewInst, "")); } void OnOption1(void) { HWND hWnd; RECT rect; DM_VARFILTERdmFilter = {DM_VARFILTER_TYPE, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; SetValidateFct("ValidateOpt1"); sprintf(g_NewInst, ""); .. } EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools EnumProperty/EnumPropertyEx


The EnumProperty function lists the properties of an object. With the EnumPorpertyEx function, you can specify the properties to be listed for an object.


BOOL EnumProperty (char* FName, LPVOID pItem, DWORD dwFlags );

BOOL EnumPropertyEx (LPCTSTR Projectname, LPCTSTR Picturename, LPCTSTR Objectname, char* FName, LPVOID pItem, DWORd dwFlags );


Parameter Explanation LPCTSTR Projectname Pointer to the name of the project, including the

directory and file extension. LPCTSTR Picturename Pointer to the name of the picture, whose objects

should be listed. A distinction is made between upper and lowercase.

LPCTSTR Objectname Pointer to the name of the object char* FName Name of your callback function, which should be

called once for every object property. LPVOID pItem Pointer to application-specific data, which is

passed to the callback function. This pointer will not be evaluated by the function, rather is made available to the callback function.

DWORD dwFlags dwFlags specify the property types to be listed. Currently, the following entries are possible: PropertyHasDynamic (Value: 0x0001)	The list will only contain object properties which have a dynamic. PropertyHasEvents (Value: 0x0002)	The list will only contain object properties, which have an event. PropertyIsDynamicable (Value: 0x0003)	The list will only contain object properties, which are dynamicable.

Return Value

Return Value BOOL TRUE = Lists the properties of an object

FALSE = Error EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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The following excerpt out of the "Dynamic Property.wnf" file demonstrates the use of this function.

... ... // Callback Function BOOL EnumFct(char *property, VARTYPE vt, LPVOID pItem) { sprintf(g_prop[SendMessage((HWND)pItem,LB_INSERTSTRING,(WPARAM)-1,(LPARAM)property)],property); return TRUE; } void OnOption1(void) { HWND hWnd,LBHwnd; RECT rect; static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; if(bFirst) { ... } ... CreateStatic(0, 10,"Properties of the current object :"); LBHwnd=CreateListbox(0, 30, g_Headline, 8, &g_indexProperty); EnumProperty("EnumFct", LBHwnd, 3); GetWindowRect(GetParent(LBHwnd), &rect); ... EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.13 Wizard WinCC Functions GetProjectName


Determines the path of the current WinCC project.


LPCSTR GetProjectName ( void )

Return Value

Return Value LPCSTR Pointer to the ASCII string of the MCP file


LPCSTR Name; Name = GetProjectName();

The function returns e.g. the following result: C:\Siemens\WinCC\WinCCProjects\Example.mcp EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools GetPictureName


The name of the current picture (*.pdl) will be determined.


LPCSTR GetPictureName ( void )

Return Value

Return Value LPCSTR Pointer to the ASCII string of the PDL file


LPCSTR Name; Name = GetPictureName();

The function returns e.g. the following result: TurbineControl.PDL EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools GetDefaultWNFPath


Determines the path of the current WNF directory.


LPCSTR GetDefaultWNFPath ( void )

Return Value

Return Value LPCSTR Pointer to the ASCII string with the path name


LPCSTR Name; Name = GetDefaultWNFPath();

The function returns e.g. the following result: C:\Siemens\WinCC\wscripts\wscripts.enu\ EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools GetObjectName


Determines the name of the graphic object selected in the current picture.


LPCSTR GetObjectName ( void )

Return Value

Return Value LPCSTR Pointer to the ASCII string with the object name


LPCSTR Name; Name = GetObjectName();

The function returns e.g. the following result: Button1 EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools InsertXRefSection


The function inserts a section in accordance with the Xref-notation in to the source code, so that the variables and picture names that are passed are entered as defines.


BOOL InsertXRefSection (char * SourceCode, char* TagName[], int TagCount, char* PictName[], int PictCount)


Parameter Explanation char *SourceCode Code buffer, in which the Xref section should be

inserted char *TagName[] NULL or a field of variable names, which should

be inserted in the Xref section. int TagCount The number of variable names in the field

TagName[] char *PictName[] NULL or a field of picture names, which should be

inserted in the Xref section. int PictCount The number of picture names in the field


Return Value

Return Value BOOL The return value tells whether the function was

successfully executed. char *TagName[] The field of the defines for the variables given in

the same location char *PictName[] The field of the defines for the pictures given in

the same location


char* szPictureArray[1]; char szPictName[255]; char szSourceCode[1100]; EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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strcpy(szPictName, "Newpdl.pdl"); szPictureArray[0] = szPictName; strcpy(szSourceCode, ""); InsertXrefSection(szSourceCode,NULL,0,szPictureArray,1);

The function returns the following result:



// syntax: #define PicNameInAction "PictureName" // next PicID : 1 #define PIC_0 " Newpdl.Pdl" // WINCC:PICNAME_SECTION_END szPictureArray[0]: "PIC_0" EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.14 Wizard Progress Functions


The progress functions serve to display the progress (in %) of a processing procedure in a "Progress Box".

When creating the progress display (CreateProgressDlg), the beginning and ending values plus an increment must be defined. The beginning value corresponds to a progress of 0%, the ending value a progress of 100%. The increment specifies the steps in which the progress can change.

As a rule, the beginning value = 0 and the increment = 1. The ending value is the number of steps in the procedure.

For each processing step the progress will be increased by one increment (Progress_StepIt) or set to a defined value (Progress_SetPos).

At the end of the processing procedure, the progress display must be cleared (DestroyProgressDlg).

A text can be displayed in the progress display (Progress_SetStatus), e.g. the text "Creating the graphic object". This can also be changed during the processing procedure to distinguish between the parts of the procedure.

As a rule, it is not possible to divide the processing procedure so that the display presents the progress as a linear function in time. However, this is also not necessary. The fact that the display indicates that progress is being made is adequate. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools CreateProgressDlg


In a progress display, the progress of a processing procedure will be presented in a range of 0..100%.


PROGRESS_DLG CreateProgessDlg (int nLower, int nUpper, int nStepInc )


Parameter Explanation int nLower Beginning value of the progress (corresponds to 0

%) int nUpper Ending value of the progress (corresponds to 100

%) int nStepInc Increment of progress

Return Value

Return Value PROGRESS_DLG Handle of the object EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools Progress_SetStatus


A text will be entered in the progress display as a title.


void Progress_SetStatus (PROGRESS_DLG hDlg, char* ActionName )


Parameter Explanation PROGRESS_DLG hDlg Handle of the object char* ActionName Text of the title EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools Progress_Steplt


The progress of a processing procedure will be increased by one increment.


void Progress_Steplt (PROGRESS_DLG hDlg )


Parameter Explanation PROGRESS_DLG hDlg Handle of the object EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools Progress_SetPos


In a progress display, the progress will be set to defined value. This value must lie between the beginning and ending values.


void Progress_SetPos (PROGRESS_DLG hDlg, int nPos )


Parameter Explanation PROGRESS_DLG hDlg Handle of the object int nPos Value of the progress EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools DestroyProgressDlg


The progress display will be closed.


void DestroyProgressDlg (PROGRESS_DLG hDlg )


Parameter Explanation PROGRESS_DLG hDlg Handle of the object EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.5.15 Wizard Windows Functions


The following presents a brief description of the Windows functions, which can or must be used in conjunction with the Wizard system functions (in particular for entering parameters in the window functions).

For further information, please see the Microsoft Developers Studio /Win32 SDK Programmer’s Reference. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools GetParent


Determines the handle of the parent window e.g. the handle of the Options window.


HWND GetParent (HWND hWnd )


Parameter Explanation HWND hWnd The handle of the window for which the parent

window should be determined.

Return Value

Return Value HWND Handle of the parent window

NULL = There is no parent window. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools GetWindowRect


Determines the size and coordinates of a window e.g. the size of the Options window.


BOOL GetWindowRect (HWND hWnd, LPRECT lpRect )


Parameter Explanation HWND hWnd Handle of the window LPRECT lpRect Pointer to a structured results variable

Return Value

Return Value BOOL TRUE = function successfully executed.

FALSE = function not successfully executed. LPRECT lpRect Structured results variable of the LPRECT

structure with the structure components: LONG left: x-coordinate of the upper, left corner LONG top: y-coordinate of the upper, left corner LONG right: x-coordinate the lower, right corner LONG bottom: y-coordinate the lower, right corner EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools MoveWindow


The position and dimensions of a window will be changed e.g. the position and the size of the input fields in the Options window.


BOOL MoveWindow (HWND hWnd, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, BOOL bRepaint )


Parameter Explanation HWND hWnd Handle of the window int x x-coordinate of the upper, left corner int y, y-coordinate of the upper, left corner int nWidth Width int nHeight Height BOOL bRepaint TRUE = The window will be repainted.

Return Value

Return Value BOOL TRUE = function successfully executed.

FALSE = function not successfully executed. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools SendMessage


A message will be sent to a window. The function will e.g. be used to fill a list box.


LRESULT SendMessage (HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )


Parameter Explanation HWND hWnd Handle of the window UINT Msg, Type of message:

LB_INSERTSTRING = Insert text in a list box WPARAM wParam 1. Message parameter:

-1 = The text will be appended at the end. LPARAM lParam 2. Message parameter:

Pointer to the text

Return Value

Return Value LRESULT Handle of the object EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools GetWindow


Determines the handle of the window that is in a specific relationship with another window (original window).


GetWindow (HWND hWnd, UINT uCmd )


Parameter Explanation HWND hWnd Handle of the original window UINT uCmd Relationship

GW_HWNDFIRST = top window

Return Value

Return Value HWND Handle of the window found or NULL EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools ShowWindow


Sets the type of a window's display.


ShowWindow (HWND hWnd, int nCmdShow )


Parameter Explanation HWND hWnd Handle of the window int nCmdShow The window's display status

SW_HIDE = not visible

Return Value

Return Value BOOL TRUE = window was visible

FALSE = window was not visible EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools MessageBox


The function serves to display a message to the user, when an error has occurred or user intervention is necessary.

The message will be displayed with user-specific message text, title and button.


int MessageBox (HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpText, LPCTSTR lpCaption, UINT uType )


Parameter Explanation HWND hWnd Handle of the parent window

NULL = Message has no parent window. LPCTSTR lpText Message text LPCTSTR lpCaption Text of the title UINT uType Type of box

MB_OK = Message with an ‘OK’ button MB_OKCANCEL = Message with two buttons – ‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’

Return Value

Return Value int ID of the activated button:

IDOK = ‘OK’ button activated IDCANCEL = ‘Cancel’ button activated

Example EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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int RetMsg; RetMsg = MessageBox (NULL, "Error when calling the API functions", "System error", MB_OK); EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.6 Examples


In the course of this description, we will create two examples of Dynamic Wizard functions.

4.6.1 Demo Wizard


In the "Demo.wnf" file, we will create a Dynamic Wizard named "Demo" Wizard. This Dynamic Wizard shows the basic functions that are available to enable the user to conveniently enter data. The Demo Wizard, however, does not perform an action. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools How to create the Dynamic Wizard function for the demo Wizard


A WinCC project must be open.


Procedure 1 In the Windows Explorer copy the "Demo.wnf" file from the directory

"Siemens\ WinCC\ documents\ german" to the directory "Siemens\ WinCC\ wscript\ wscript.deu".

2 Start the Dynamic Wizard Editor. 3 On the File menu of the Dynamic Wizard Editors select "Open". The file

selection dialog box opens. 4 Mark the "Demo.wnf" file. Click "Open". The "Demo.wnf" file is displayed in

the editor window. 5

Click the icon in the toolbar to compile the script. The result is displayed in the output window. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools How to add the "Demo.wnf" script to the data basis


In order to use the Dynamic Wizard function "Demo.wnf" in Graphics Designer, this must be linked into the Dynamic Wizard's data basis.

To accomplish this, the following steps are necessary,

1. Read the Wizard script 2. Create the cwd file


Steps 1

Click on the icon in the toolbar. The file selection dialog box will open. 2 Select the "Demo.wnf" file. Click on the "Open" button. 3

Click on the icon in the toolbar to regenerate the data basis. 4 In the "View" menu in the Dynamic Wizard Editor, select "Dynamic Wizard".

5 Click on the tabbed card "Example". Double-click on the entry "Demo

Wizard". EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools How to create the help text


In this section, we will create a help for the "Select Trigger" dialog.


Steps 1

Click on the icon in the toolbar. The help editor will open. 2 In the field "Wizard - Group", select "Example". 3 In the field "Wizard - Name", select "Demo Wizard". 4 In the field "Page" , select "TriggerPage" 5 In the "Help - Text:" field enter the following text: "Select trigger

In this dialog, you can specify the event for which an action should be performed."

6 Click on "OK" to close the help editor. 7 Run the Demo Wizard. In the "Select Trigger" dialog, click on the "Help"

button. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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4.6.2 Making Motor dynamic


In the "Motor.wnf" script file, a Dynamic Wizard called "Make Motor Dynamic" is created.

Note: This was created especially to make a user object call Motor dynamic and cannot be applied to any other kind of object. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools How to create the Dynamic Wizard function for the Motor


A WinCC project must be open.


Procedure 1 In Windows Explorer open the "" Winzip file in the directory

"Siemens\ WinCC\ documents\ german". 2 Extract the "Motor.wnf" file into the directory

"..\WinCC\wscripts\wscripts.deu". 3 Extract the "Motor_dyn.pdl" file into the directory

"..\WinCC\WinCCProjects\Name desWinCCProjekts\GraCs". 4 Start the Dynamic Wizard Editor. 5 On the File menu of the Dynamic Wizard Editors select "Open". The file

selection dialog box opens. 6 Mark the "Motor.wnf" file. Click "Open". The "Motor.wnf" file is displayed in

the editor window. 7

Click the icon in the toolbar to compile the script. The result is displayed in the output window. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools How to add the "Motor.wnf" script to the database


To be able to use the Dynamic Wizard function "Motor.wnf" in the Graphics Designer, this must be integrated into the database of the Dynamic Wizard.

To do this, the following steps are necessary,

1. Importing the Wizard script 2. Creating the cwd file


Procedure 1

Click the icon on the toolbar. The file selection dialog box opens. 2 Select the "Motor.wnf" file. Click "Open". 3

Click the icon on the toolbar to create the new database. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools Making the Customized Object "Motor" Dynamic


The Motor customized object is linked to a WinCC structure tag of structure type "MotorStruct" via the "Dynamic Motor" dynamic wizard. The various C-actions and tag connections are created on this object. This wizard cannot be used on other object types.


• Create an internal tag "T08i_course_wiz_selected" of data type "Text Tag 8-bit character set".

• Create a structure with the name "MotorStruct" and three internal elements called "Active", "Hand" and "Error" with data type BIT.

• Create an internal tag named "STR_Course_wiz1" of data type "MotorStruct".


Procedure 1 Open the Graphics Designer. Select the "File" menu then the "Open" option.

Select the "Motor_dyn.pdl" picture in file selection dialog. 2 Select the Motor customized object. The "Example" tab control offers the

"Dynamic Motor" wizard.

3 Start the Dynamic Wizard. Click on the "Continue" button in the "Welcome to

the Dynamic Wizard" dialog. The "Set options" dialog opens up. 4 Click on the Browse button in the "Set options" dialog. The tag selection

dialog opens. Select "STR_Course_wiz1" as the structure tag. Click "OK" to close the dialog.

5 Click on the Continue button in the "Set options" dialog. The "Finished!" dialog opens. Click on "Finish" button to close the dialog.

6 Save the picture. Start the Graphics Designer Runtime. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Procedure 7 The buttons can be used to simulate the tag values of the selected motor. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Smart Tools How to create the structure and the structure variables


In this section, we will show how the "MotorStruc" structure and the structure variable "STR_Course_wiz1" are configured. The structure and the structure variable are used in the example "Motor dynamization" verwendet.


Steps 1 In the "Structure types" popup menu, select "New structure type" aus. The

"Structure Properties" dialog will open 2 Rename the structure to "MotorStruc". Click on the "New Element" button

and create an internal variable "Active" with the data type "BIT". 3 Click on the "New Element" button and create an internal variable "Hand"

with the data type "BIT". 4 Click on the "New Element" button and create an internal variable "Error"

with the data type "BIT". Click on "OK" to close the dialog. 5 In the Navigation window, click on the "+" in front of the "Tag Management"

icon. In the "Internal Variables" popup menu, select "New Variable". Create a WinCC variable "STR_Course_wiz1" with the data type "MotorStruc". EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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03.04 WinCC Documentation Viewer

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5 WinCC Documentation Viewer

5.1 Brief Description

Print jobs from the WinCC report system can be rerouted to a file. For larger amounts of data, a file is generated for each report page.

With the WinCC Documentation Viewer, these files can be displayed and printed out. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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5.2 Installing WinCC Documentation Viewer

The WinCC Documentation Viewer can be installed in two different ways:


1. Select "User defined" during setup of WinCC. The "Components" dialog will open.

2. Click in the left-hand window on the "Smart tools" component. Select "WinCC Documentation Viewer" in the right-hand window.

3. Click on the "Next" button. Follow the instructions in the dialogs. The WinCC Documentation Viewer is started with "SIMATIC" > "WinCC" > "Tools".

Alternative Procedure

You can also install the WinCC Documentation Viewer from the WinCC CD.

1. Switch to the WinCC CD in the directory "WinCC\Setup\Products\CC_Smarttools\". Double-click setup.exe.

2. Select the entry "WinCC Documentation Viewer" in the "Components" dialog. 3. Click on the "Next" button. Follow the instructions in the dialogs.

Note: If a WinCC project is in runtime, only the "emf" files of this project can be viewed and printed out. If WinCC is not active, all "emf" files can be opened and printed out with the WinCC Documentation Viewer. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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5.3 Description

Print jobs from the WinCC report system can be rerouted to a file. For larger amounts of data, a file is generated for each report page.

With the WinCC Documentation Viewer, these files can be displayed and printed out.

Note: If a WinCC project is already activated when starting the WinCC WinCC Documentation Viewer, only the emf files of the activated WinCC project can be displayed and printed out. If a WinCC project is open - but not activated - when starting the Viewer, all emf files can be displayed and printed out. When deactivating runtime, the viewer will always be closed.

The WinCC Documentation Viewer is divided into three areas:

At the top, you find the menu bar. Via the Direct Help, menu command explanations can be displayed.

The toolbar is located directly below the menu bar. Frequently used function such as going to the next or previous page are accessible via icons. Via the Direct Help, icon explanations can be displayed.

In the window, the current document will be displayed. The display can be magnified in two levels via the mouse.

At the bottom, you will find the status bar, which displays information about the current operation. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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5.4 Creating the emf file(s)


Print jobs from the WinCC report system can be rerouted to a file. For larger amounts of data, a file is generated for each report page. The print output takes place in one or more ".emf" files. The files are named <nnnnn>.emf and stored in the path, where <nnnnn> represents a sequential, five-digit number.

The name of the path is made up of the following components: of the project path (e.g. "C:\VFSWinCC\PRT\") and <Tray> + <YYYYMMDDHHMM> (YYYY = Year, MM = Month, DD = Day, HH = Hour, MM = Minute).

If you enter "PDdaten" in the "Tray" field, the following path structure will be created for the print job within the project folder.


Steps 1 Within the WinCC editors, select the "Project Documentation Setup"

command from the "File" menu. 2 In the "Print Job Properties" dialog, click on the "Printer Setup" tab. 3 On the "Printer Setup" tabbed card, mark the "File (*.emf)" check box. If you

do not want send the output to the printer at the same time, deactivate the "Printer" check box.

4 In the "Tray" field, enter the path in which the file should be saved. Close this dialog via the "OK" button.

5 In the "File" menu, select "Print project documentation". The print output takes place in one or more ".emf" files. The files will be saved in the path with the names Page<nnnnnn>.emf, where <nnnnn> is a sequential, five-digit number. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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03.04 WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant

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6 WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant

6.1 Brief Description

WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant is a tool which browses scripts for picture names and tags and supplements the relevent scripts so that the WinCC component Cross Reference finds the picture names and tags and then lists them in the cross reference list. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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6.2 Installation

The WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant has a German, English and French user interface.


1. Select "Customized" when installing WinCC. The "Components" dialog box opens.

2. In the left window, click the component "Smarttools". Select the " WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant" entry in the right window.

3. Click "Next". Follow the instructions in the dialog boxes. To start the WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant, go to "SIMATIC" > "WinCC" > "Tools".

Alternative Procedure

It is also possible to install the WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant from the WinCC CD.

1. Switch to the WinCC CD in the directory "WinCC\Setup\Products\CC_Smarttools\". Double-click setup.exe.

2. Select the "CrossReferenceAssistant" entry in the "Components" dialog. 3. Click "Next". Follow the instructions in the dialog boxes. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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6.3 General

WinCC is able to create CrossReference lists. So that the tags in the function calls are recognized properly when creating these lists, WinCC was extended by a configuration rule which provides the following:

To be able to search and replace the tag and picture names ued in the C actions, the script must be written as follows:

At the beginning of the script, all tags and picture names used must be declared in two sections.

These sections are structured as follows:

// WINCC:TAGNAME_SECTION_START // syntax: #define TagNameInAction DMTagName // next TagID : 1 #define ApcTagName1 "TagName1" // WINCC:TAGNAME_SECTION_END

// WINCC:PICNAME_SECTION_START // syntax: #define PicNameInAction PictureName // next PicID : 1 #define ApcPicName1 "PicName1" #define ApcPicName2 "PicName2" #define ApcPicName3 "PicName3" // WINCC:PICNAME_SECTION_END

You must call the default functions to read and write the tags via the defined tags and pictures.

GetTagDWord (ApcTagName1); OpenPicture(ApcPicName1); SetPictureName( ApcPicName2, "PicWindow1", ApcPicName3);

If the configuration rule is not followed, no CrossReference lists can be created because the tag and picture references in the scripts cannot be resolved.

With the aid of the WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant all function calls known in the Script Managment are replaced by the format described above. Only project functions, pictures and actions are converted.

The Runtime environment for the WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant is WinCC. If WinCC is not running or the project to be converted is not loaded, WinCC is started by the WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant or the project is loaded. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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6.4 Known Functions (Script Management)

By default, the following functions are recognized by the Wizard and will be converted:

Functions with tags as parameters:





























GetTagRawWait() EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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SetTagSByteState() EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Functions with a picture name as a parameter:









GetLinkedVariable() EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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6.5 Project Selection

Clicking "..." opens the OpenFile dialog box which enables you to select any project. By clicking "Current Project", the WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant tries to import and display the project currently loaded in WinCC. If WinCC is not running or no project is loaded, it is started or the required project is loaded.

If a different project is loaded, it is closed and the required project loaded. This proces can possibly take some time.

As soon as text is entered in the input line at the "Select a WinCC Project:" prompt, you can click "Next >". Then the specified project is checked to see whether it is a valid WinCC project. If the project is not valid, the focus is set on the input line and a message window opens with an explanation of the corresponding error.

Clicking "Cancel" exits the WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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6.6 File Selection

All pictures, project functions and C actions belonging to the project are displayed in the right list of the dialog box. In the default setting, all files belonging to the project are converted.

The user can decide to exclude certain files from the conversion to possibly add them later. Deleting files from the conversion list is done by (multiple) selection of the corresponding files in the "Files to be converted" list and the clicking the "<--Remove" button.

Deleted files are displayed in the left list and can be added to the conversion again. To do this, the list must be selected in the "Select the files" list. These are then added to the right list "Files to be converted" again after clicking "Add-->".

After selecting the files, click "Next >". The specified files are then read and analyzed.

Clicking < Back takes you back to the Project Selection. Clicking "Cancel" exits the WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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6.7 Conversion

The last page of the Wizards one the one hand enables you to make Advanced Settings (see Advanced Settings), and on the other hand to view the progress and the file currently being processed as beginning conversion.

Clicking < Back takes you back to the File Selection. Clicking "Cancel" exits the WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant.

To start sctipt conversion, click Finish. After conversion begins, you cannot go back (< Back), or click Advance Settings.

What percentage of the conversion has been complete is displayed by a progress bar during the conversion. You can also see which file is being currently converted.

During conversion the process is as follows: The scripts are examined for function calls which expect picture or tag parameters. If such a function is found in the script, the character string passed on as parameter is replaced by a define (see Configuration Rules).

Which functions expect picture or tag parameters is checked via a script management file. There all of these functions must be entered in this file and thereby introduced to the system. The list of these functions can also be extended via the script conversion and standard functions which also expect picture and tag parameters (Advanced Settings)

When the conversion is finished, a summay is displayed which provides information about how many function, pictures and scripts in the pictures were converted.

If an error occurs, you can find more detailed information about the error cause by viewing the log file created during conversion. This file is in the project directory and is called CCCrossReferenceAssistant.log. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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6.8 Advanced Settings

If required you can activate functions you created yourself.

In the "Select a function with tag and picture parameters:" list all project functions are dislayed. If the "Display Standard Functions" checkbox is activated, the default functions in WinCC are displayed.

The user can select a function from the function list which a tag or picture expects as parameter at a certain position. All functions selected here are included in a project-specific script management file.

The CrossReferenceAssistant only recognizes such functions as funtions with picture and tag parameters which have been introduced to the system as such. So that the calls of customized functions which expect tag parameters, can be adapted in accordance with the Configuration Rules, these must be included in the script management in the course of the conversion.

The "Funktions of the Script Management" dialog box displays all functions already in the script managment. When this dialog box is displayed, the standard and project configuartion files are read out and the common contents of both files displayed.

To now name a function expecting a tag or picture parameter erwartet, you must first select it from the "Select a function with tag or picture parameters:" combination field.

Then using the parameter list you can define whether the special parameter represents a tag or a picture. By clicking "...", a popup menu opens which presents the user with the choice whether the selected parameter is a tag or a picture.

This process must be repeated for all parameters to which both criteria apply.

"Add function -->" confirms the input and adds the selected function to the list on the right side of the dialog box. If you make a mistake, you can undo it by selecting the functions from the "Functions of the script management" list and then using "<-- Remove selected functions" delete them from the list. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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By clicking "Close" the group information is written to the configuration files and the changed information in taken into consideration when converting and the dialog box close. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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03.04 Registry Files OnlOff.reg, OnlOn.reg

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7 Registry Files OnlOff.reg, OnlOn.reg

7.1 Brief Description

The options package "Process Control Runtime" includes a start interface, with a button that allows you to call the online help during runtime. From this online help, Windows system operations can be executed, even if they have been locked.

Via the file OnlOff.reg, this access to the Windows system operations can be locked by hiding the button used to activate the online help. If you open this file, the necessary entries will be made to the Windows registry.

To undo this process, open the file "OnlOn.reg". The button for calling the online help will be displayed again.

Installation Procedures

1. Both files are located in the "Smarttools\CC_Onloff" folder on your product CD-ROM.

2. Copy the entire folder "CC_OnlOff" from the product CD-ROM to the path "WinCC\SmartTools" located on the hard drive on which WinCC has been installed. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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03.04 WinCC Communication Configurator

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8 WinCC Communication Configurator

8.1 Brief Description

The WinCC Communication Configurator (CCComunicationConfigurator.exe) is a tool with which WinCC communication parameters can be set to the available network environment in a simple manner.

8.2 WinCC Communication Configurator

The WinCC Communication Configurator (CCComunicationConfigurator.exe) is a tool with which WinCC communication parameters can be set to the available network environment in a simple manner.

It is expedient to use WinCC Communication Configurator whenever there is no Ethernet LAN with a transfer rate of 100 Mbps. We recommend you to use the configurator even when the connection is sporadically unstable as a result of high-load situations (such as no connection to the data servers, I/O fields without a displayed value).

The WinCC communication is configured with standard parameters so that it reacts very sensitively to communication errors, e.g. in order to report any faults which occur to the user quickly or also to ensure a short "failover" time to the redundant server in the case of a client computer.

On a network having low transfer rates or a high network/CPU loading, the stability of the logical network connections of WinCC are affected by this error-sensitive behavior, since the expected feedback times cannot be achieved in the lower-level mechanisms of lifebeat monitoring.

The Communication Configurator adapts the communication parameters to the existing scenario so that optimum harmonization is guaranteed between error sensitivity and connection stability.

Note: If the WinCC Communication Configurator is used in this manner, it must be done on the WinCC client and on the WinCC server. The Communication Configurator only modifies the settings for WinCC communication but not the parameters set for the communication connections of the operating system.

Field/option Description Ethernet LAN (100 Mbps) This is the default setting.

Can be used with Ethernet LANs having a transfer rate of 100 Mbps.

Ethernet LAN (10 Mbps) For Ethernet LANs having a transfer rate of 10 Mbps.

ISDN (MultiLink) For networks having a transfer rate of 128 Kbps. ISDN For networks having a transfer rate of 64 Kbps. EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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Field/option Description Modem (<64 Kbps) For networks or communication links having a

transfer rate < 64 Kbps. Check box "Use high load operation mode"

Causes fine-tuned settings of the configurator in order to counteract sporadic connection instabilities as a result of high load situations.

"Default" button Sets the setting to the default value "Ethernet LAN (100 Mbps)" EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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03.04 Index

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.emf 130

.emf File 130

A Amplitude 26 ASCII File 3 ASCII-Datei 14

C Communication Configurator 145 Control Characters 9 Conversion 139 Cross Reference 131, 133 csv Format 3

D Damping 26 Data structure 17 Decrement 23, 26 Dynamic Wizard Editor 32

Editing Window 39 Help Editor 40 Installation 35 Output Window 41 Structure 36 Toolbar 37

Dynamic Wizard Function 42 Structure 42

E EasyLanguage 3 Excel 3 Export 3, 5, 13, 14, 15, 17 Export Function 3, 5 Exporting 3, 13

F File Names 13 File Selection 138

File Structure 16 File Structures 16 Function Test 21 Functions 134

I Import 3, 6, 13, 14, 17 Import Function 3, 6 Importing 3, 13, 14 Increment 23, 26

L Language Information 8 Link File 7 Low Limit 26

M MS Excel 3

O Offset 26 Operating Mode 3 Operating mode change 3 Oscillation 23, 26 Oscillation Period 26

P Print Job Properties 130 Print Jobs 129 Process Peripherals 22 Process Pictures 3 Process Tag 22 Project Selection 137

R Random 23, 26 Report Page 129 EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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S Script 133 Script Conversion 139 Script management 140 Semicolon 9 SetValue 26 Simulation 21 Simulator 21 Sine 23, 26 Slider 23, 26 Start Value 26 Stop Value 26 Structure types 17

T Tag Simulator 21 Target Computer 15, 17 Translation 3

U Upper Limit 26

V Variables 17 Vertical Line 9

W WinCC CrossReferenceAssistant 131, 133 WinCC Protocolsystem 129 EMail:[email protected] document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete