william branham - the man and his vindication (new)

www.williambranhamstorehouse.com THE MAN, HIS COMMISSION AND HIS VINDICATION COMPILED BY THE MIDNIGHT CRY © 2010 The Midnight Cry. All Rights Reserved Please refer to our website for the Terms of Use

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This brief account of the life of William Branham focuses on how God dealt with him from an early age to prepare him for the work to which he was called. We detail the very public and supernatural vindication of his ministry that was prophesied within both the Pentecostal, Methodist and Mormon church circles, long before his conversion. It is but a portion of the most amazing true story that you will ever read.


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The Man, His Commission and His Vindication





Carefully catalogued and available on five DVD’s

for US$29.95, delivered to your door. Christ shows Himself alive in our generation! Jesus Christ had more success through William Branham’s Ministry than He did through His own, such was the extent and the wonderment of the miraculous that accompanied this modern day prophetic ministry which even overshadowed the legendary Old Testament Seers of the Bible. William Branham single-handedly spearheaded the worldwide Healing Revival of the late 1940’s and early 50’s, from which came forth the major ministries of the day such as Oral Roberts, TL Osborn and AA Allen etc., and changed the direction of the full Gospel Christian Church forever. But to what purpose? A prophet to the Gentiles Before the Gospel had been rejected by the Jews and the Holy Ghost had turned to the Gentiles, and long before the Christian Church had lost the power of God that was so ably demonstrated by the early disciples, Jesus spoke of a future prophetic ministry to be sent to “restore all things” in readiness for His second coming, ie., a future forerunner. He went on to warn that generation that they had missed their day of visitation because John the Baptist (Christ’s first forerunner) had “come already and they knew him not.” (Mat 17:11-12). Could history have repeated? Might we also have missed our day of visitation? The most amazing true story ever William Branham’s life story is the most amazing true story of the supernatural you will ever read. It is your chance to update and build your faith to a new level. He left us a Gospel Message to restore God’s people to the original Apostolic faith and power, even to enter into rapturing faith. His Message is today fulfilling it’s purpose to encourage, sustain and transform believers into Christ’s likeness before His return. This vital insight, wisdom and spiritual counsel is for all Christian believers who are earnest in their desire to walk closer with Christ, coming as it does from a man who manifested the love, humility and power of Christ the likes of which has not been known since the Master Himself walked the shores of Galilee. Against the Odds The Jewish nation is back in her homeland after an absence of 1900 years just as their prophets foretold millennia ago. The devout Jews are looking for their Mashiach (Messiah) to return, world social and other conditions are deteriorating rapidly. Evil is taking hold at an alarming rate. The Gentile nations have experienced (and ignored) a God-given, vindicated prophetic ministry which demonstrated the works of Christ more than any has done before. Revival fires are burning low and storm clouds are gathering. What can be next? Bible readers know that at such a time, Jesus Christ promised to return to receive a people who had made themselves ready for His coming (the wise virgins). Christ has shown Himself alive in our day and if you have ears to hear, you should be in haste to prepare because the hour of His return is upon the world. The comprehensive William Branham Storehouse Collection contains;

1188 Anointed Audio ‘Message’ sermons plus transcri bed text. These can now be read or heard by simply clicking a link on an Index. Please note that through the generosity of the people who complied this material, this part of the collection is free of charge to you.

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A Powerful Searchable ‘Message Database’ program. Quickly and easily find all references to any topic, word or phrase that interests or concerns you in any Sermon or 20 other associated major Message Publication (including A Man Sent from God, A Prophet Visits South Africa, The Acts of the Prophet, etc.) and the complete text of the King James Version Bible. The William Branham Memorial Photograph Album This new self playing digital album has over 700 catalogued, timeless photos, including some never published before. It is an extensive record of people and places where notable events or miracles occurred. The photos allow you to understand William Branham’s ministry and the Divine Healing revival almost as if you had been there. Meet those who were healed and absorb the background information.

The ‘Tucson Years’ Photograph Album 1963-1965 The arrival of Brother Branham and his family in Tucson in January 1963, began a series of incredible events, the likes of which have no precedent. God visited His servant in amazing ways. Over 200 photos trace these happenings in detail and the photos are accompanied by extensive background information.

Multimedia Experience all of the William Branham film footage, see his unfailing gift of discernment in action, view Rebekah Branham-Smith’s insightful slideshow and marvel at an additional 90 hours of audio and 25 hours of spellbinding video testimony of the miracles and the supernatural from over 30 eyewitnesses, or simply be uplifted by listening to selections of some 400 minutes of anointed campaign singing. The ‘Evidence’ Consider the newspaper reports, the many magazine articles, photographs, documents and eyewitness accounts, the written personal testimonies of healing, the amazing and the miraculous. Be encouraged by the biographies of spiritual giants of bygone eras or study the extensive materials detailing more than twenty five separate significant ‘Places and Events’ associated with William Branham’s ministry. Review the Timeline of the major milestones in William Branham’s life and his seven major prophecies of world events, the first five of which have already been fulfilled in detail. Los Angeles Earthquake Review new information about the ‘Big One’ to come & the judgement prophesised by William Branham.

Inspired Spiritual Insights Over 500 pages of William Branham’s inspired insights have been compiled and catalogued so you can review what he told us to expect and to prepare for as the coming of the Lord draws near. Bonus Items These include over twenty five classic Christian books that are sure to strengthen and encourage, plus various Bible study tools and several premium computer software programs to ensure you can easily access, search and view all the information and to find answers to your questions. Discover what William Branham really taught and believed and how this contributed to his outstanding success.

Study in the privacy of your own home Experience and share the love, humility, faith and hope that so motivated William Branham’s life and permeated his character. The William Branham Storehouse Collection DVD series is a rich, inexhaustible treasure, laden with spiritual food and insights for the hungry soul. Prayerfully listen and study in the privacy of your own home away from other influences – just you and God alone. Draw near and allow Him to lead you into all Truth.

Purchase your copy or find out more at www.williambranhamstorehouse.com

May God bless you abundantly, g{x `|wÇ|z{à VÜç For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16. © 2010 The Midnight Cry. All Rights Reserved

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THE MAN, HIS COMMISSION and HIS VINDICATION "He is very peculiar!" In 1960, Roy Borders was arranging services for William Branham in Yakima, Washington when one of the cooperating ministers asked if Brother Branham had any peculiarities. Roy began by explaining that a supernatural light, about a foot in diameter had appeared and hung over William Branham's bed on the morning he was born and that later while still a toddler, the Lord spoke to him out of a whirlwind. When seven years old, he received a vision of a bridge being built over the Ohio river and saw 16 men plunging to their deaths when a span collapsed. Roy went on to inform his enquirer that a blazing star had appeared just above Rev. Branham while he was baptizing converts in the same Ohio river before 3000 people, to which the astonished response was "He is very peculiar!" A poor family William Branham was the first in a family of nine boys and one girl. His parents were very young and greatly lacked in this worlds goods. His father worked when he could but drank heavily and the family remained poor with little education. William was barely three years old when he told his mother that they would one day live near a city unknown to him called New Albany. It was no small surprise to his parents when they later moved from Burkeville, Kentucky to Utica Pike, just 10 miles from New Albany, Indiana, where his father had gotten work. An outcast Williams early life was difficult. There was barely enough food or clothing to go around the growing family and the small community in which they lived shunned them because his father operated an illegal whisky still. When William was old enough to attend school, the other children made fun of him because he was so poor and could not dress as they did. God speaks from a whirlwind Although socially an outcast, God had His hand on the child and when only seven years old, he was attracted to a whirlwind that remained swirling through the branches of a tree on a still day. Suddenly a deep and powerful voice boomed from the tree saying to him "Don't ever drink or smoke or defile your body in any way. There will be a work for you to do when you get older". He was terrified and ran home screaming, never to pass by that tree again. Two weeks later while playing marbles with his brother Edward, God visited him again. This time he saw a vision of a bridge span collapsing during construction over the Ohio River, carrying 16 men to their deaths. Thirteen years later, this vision, like all the literally tens of thousands of other visions he received in his lifetime, came to pass and exactly 16 men lost their lives. As he grew older he did what he could to provide for the family and learned to trap rabbits, sell them for enough money to put food on the table and then buy more traps with any money left over. Eventually he quit school at seventh grade but his teenage years were no easier than his early childhood and they became further complicated by some experiences quite out of the ordinary. Born under a sign One day at a carnival, a gypsy fortune-teller called to him and told him that "There is a light following you," and that he was "born under a sign for a Divine call!" He wanted nothing to do with this but years later, after he had become a game warden in Indiana, he had a chance encounter

and concluded with, "Yes, he is verypeculiar!"

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with an astrologer who did her best to tell him that he was born under a sign as a gift to mankind and that his destiny lay in the West. Her presence troubled him greatly and he flatly rejected her ideas. She told him that she could see a special golden aura surrounding him and by this was able to tell him the exact hour and date of his birth because it was connected to the same conjunction of heavily bodies that had led the wise men to Christ. She wondered why a Christian minster had not told him of this before. Of course this shocked William but he wanted nothing to do with religion and abruptly broke off the encounter. A boxing career As he entered his 20's, he happened to be present when a canary was let loose in a room. As it flew past his head, he reached out and snatched it out of the air. The feat was seen by a boxing trainer who was impressed with William’s remarkable hand speed and invited him to train to become a professional boxer. He retired undefeated after fifteen consecutive fights, which included fourteen victories. This training would help prepare him to take the heavy blows that were later to come his way. Ordered to a higher purpose He loved the outdoors and to hunt and fish and in these pursuits, we observe that even his physical skills were ordered to a higher purpose. His marksmanship was extraordinary. He would travel hundreds of miles to go on a hunting trip with just 7 bullets; 6 to sight in his rifle and 1 to kill the game and he killed fifty five head of game without missing a shot. When playing darts, he could easily throw repeated bulls eyes, but preferred use this talent to throw lower scores so that the other person could have the pleasure of winning. True to these types, God's Word through this prophet, never missed it's mark. Unusual name Many have noted the symmetry of the number of letters of the name 'William Marrion Branham' which can be expressed thus, '7 + 7 + 7'. In Biblical terms, the number seven is strongly associated with perfection or completion of purpose and it's association with this seventh Messenger to the seventh and final Gentile church age is symbolic and entirely appropriate. His family name is also reminiscent of the ancient name of 'Abraham' which means "father of nations" and the phonetic relationship between ‘Branham’ and ‘Abraham’ is obvious. Never before in the history of the Christian church has a minister risen to prominence with a seven letter surname ending in 'ham.' "You're a real odd fellow!" In later years, William Branham underwent a brain scan which revealed a balance of wave patterns unlike anything that the doctors had come across before. They told him "You're a real odd fellow!," when they realized that he could dream a dream while yet being wide awake. Brother Branham explained to them that he had been made thus so he could see visions with his subconscious mind while remaining fully awake. In this attribute, he was just like the Old Testament Seers. The character of Christ Also like the Old Testament prophets, his life was a sign to the age to which he was sent. His character, born out of great adversity and trials, was humble and unassuming yet so full of compassion and the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost and so able to handle every situation, that some that loved him dearly began to believe he was Jesus Christ, just as centuries before, there had been those who confused John the Baptist with the Messiah.

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Gas poisoning In 1931, he was overcome by gas fumes while testing gas meters at the New Albany Gas Works. He revived but the poisoning turned his stomach sour and he was left with blurred vision and headaches. Medical specialists told him that his trouble was really appendicitis and they wanted to operate. Recalling an experience eight years earlier when his legs had been mangled by an accidental shotgun blast from which he was not expected to live, he very reluctantly agreed to the surgery. Three minutes to live The surgery was completed but the anesthetic leaked from the spinal block until his heart was beating only seventeen times per minute. The surgeon gave him three minutes to live and they drew the curtains around the bed and waited for death to take the young life. For William, the scene began to change and he heard a sound coming like wind blowing through leaves. It grew stronger and he thought, "This is it." A voice spoke to him and said, “I called you and you would not go.” It repeated this three times. He didn’t know how to pray, but said to God, “I’ve been told that You're a great Doctor, above all the doctors. If You'll just let me live, I'll never be ashamed of You no more. I'll scream it from housetops, from street corners...I’ll tell everyone about it." From that hour William’s skin color began to recover as his heart beat strongly again. When the surgeon came to check his progress, he acknowledged that God had indeed visited the boy. His conversion The surgery did not improve the effects of the gas poisoning which instead grew worse. The doctors could do nothing more and he began to anxiously seek God about his strange life and the crisis he faced. His desperation came to breaking point while on his knees in an old damp shed by his house. There he told God how ashamed he was of his life and how much he wanted God to talk to him. As he waited for an answer, a strange feeling came over him and as he raised his head, hanging in mid air before him was a brilliant amber light in the form of a cross. A voice spoke in an unknown language and the light vanished. In fear William prayed that the light would return if the cross meant that his sins were forgiven. When it returned, the feeling was different and it seemed his body was being pelted with warm rain. A huge load lifted from him and he felt free as never before. Ordained to the Ministry The road to full health was slow and greatly tested William's faith but God met his need of healing and true to the commitment he had made, he was baptized in Christian Baptism according to Acts 2:38 by Dr Roy Davis, the Pastor of the local Missionary Baptist Church. Towards the end of 1932 Dr Davis ordained William as a minister of the Gospel of Christ. Some while later he was asked to ordain women to the ministry. He refused because he could find no such practice permitted by the Bible's teachings and resigned from the Baptist Church rather than be forced to compromise on Truth. The Pillar of Fire appears On Sunday June 11, 1933, a blazing, pulsating amber colored star appeared visibly in the sky over William's head while he was baptizing some 130 converts in the Ohio River at Jeffersonville IN. This 'Pillar of Fire' descended with the sound of a rushing wind before 3000 people. Some ran in fear, others trembled. A voice spoke from this Star and told the young preacher that,

"As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ,

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your Message will forerun His second coming." Do the work of an evangelist. A small but growing flock of faithful believers began to gather each week to hear their Pastor bring them the Word of Life. Around June/July 1933, on the morning he laid the comer stone of the Branham Tabernacle at the corner of 8th and Penn Streets. Jeffersonville, Indiana, God spoke to him again and instructed him that he should do the work of an evangelist. He was just 24 years old. Brief years of happiness In 1934, he married Hope Brumbauch and the following year they were blessed with their first child, Billy Paul. The next year, Sharon Rose was born and despite their lack of worldly possessions, these were brief years of happiness for the young Pastor and his family. The visions began to occur more frequently and often they concerned the disabled or seriously ill who after prayer, would invariably be healed of their afflictions. There were many notable miracles that took place yet despite these events, the visions were such a departure from the regular ministerial experience that Christian ministers whom Brother Branham respected, firmly advised him to keep away from such stuff. This advice was unsettling and his unusual life caused him growing concern. Disobedience exacts a heavy price In 1936, in order to please his Mother in Law, he turned down wonderful invitations to enter the evangelistic field to which he had been called. Little did he realize the terrible price he and his tiny family would pay for his disobedience to God. By August 1937, his father had died and Hope and second child Sharon Rose had departed this life through illness. Through this triple agony, God tested His young servant and began to teach him the obedience that would be necessary to fulfill the monumental calling upon his life. The anointing of the Holy Ghost seemed to depart him and for a time his prayers went unanswered. It was not until 1940, that the anointing would return. He could not understand his own unusual life nor the way he was being dealt with. What was the strange Presence that he felt from time to time? Was it of God or not? The answer was to remain in doubt for five further years, during which the visions began to come in greater number, each one triggering increased anxiety. Final desperation In 1941, William Branham and Meda Broy married after a long friendship during which she had cared for Billy Paul and they began married life in the two front rooms of a house on 8th St, Jeffersonville, IN. In early March 1946, William's concern about his strange life came to a head. As he arrived home for lunch from his work as a game warden and walked around the house, a whirlwind started in the top of a maple tree in the front yard. It seemed to tear violently at the tree and he staggered against the house as it came down through the tree like a great rushing wind. When he recovered, the day was still calm and inexplicably, neither the tree nor the house had been damaged. In desperation he told his young wife that he was going to his secret cave in the woods near the city of Charlestown, IN., to seek God and would not return until he had received the answers he had sought for so long. The Angel appears Late into the night, after pouring out his heart to God, he again felt that strange Presence which increasingly seemed to fill the darkness of the cave until a pencil of light appeared hanging in the

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air before him. The light grew stronger until it became a vivid, pulsating ball of yellowish green flame. Petrified with fear, William's terror heighted at the sound of footsteps on the cave floor. A tall powerfully built man with shoulder length hair and wearing a white robe stepped from beneath the blinding light. He had a kindly expression and seeing William's terror, he spoke in reassurance and said, "Do not fear…." Immediately William recognized the voice that had spoken to him since a child but this time it was not a vision, the man was real. "I am sent from the presence of Almighty God to tell you that your peculiar birth and misunderstood life has been to indicate that you are to take a gift of Divine healing to the peoples of the world. If you will be sincere when you pray and can get the people to believe you, nothing shall stand before your prayer, not even cancer. You will pray for kings and potentates and you will preach to multitudes all over the world. For this cause you were born." William asked how this could be seeing he was poor and uneducated and the Angel told him, "As the prophet Moses was given two signs to prove he was sent from God, so you will be given two signs. First, when you take a persons right hand in your left hand, you will be able to detect the presence of any germ caused disease by vibrations in your left hand and to tell them what's wrong. Don't try to think your own thoughts; it will be given you what to say. Then you must pray for that person. If you will stay humble and sincere, it will come to pass that you will be able to tell the very secrets of their hearts. Then the people will have to believe you." The Divine Healing revival begins Within six months of the Angels Commission, the public demonstration of the first sign or gift bestowed upon William Branham had resulted in a literal eruption of faith, firstly across America and then around the world, with God confirming the ministry by many miraculous healings. By the end of 1947, the Healing Revival had begun in earnest and never before in human history had there been such a spontaneous and widespread outpouring of blessing. It would last until the middle of the next decade. Miracles and outstanding healings took place on a scale unknown, many of which are described as they happened during the sermons included in the William Branham Storehouse Collection. Late in 1949, the second sign appeared. Night after night, secrets that only God could know were made known to suffering individuals and never once was the discernment in error in what later amounted to tens of thousands of cases. No man would stand before him In 1952, the Angel would tell him that his ministry would parallel Joshua of old who had led the Israelites to the promised land during the last part of their wilderness journey, and that like Joshua, no man would be able to stand before him all the days of his life as he declared a Message to prepare a people for the second coming of Christ. Last sign to the Church Just as Melchisedec appeared to Abraham before the fire fell on Sodom and told Abraham what his wife Sarah was thinking in the tent behind Him, and just as Jesus Christ had revealed the sins of the woman at the well before the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, William Branham told us many times that the discernment of the secrets of men's hearts was the true sign of the Messiah, i.e., the same thing that Jesus did when here on earth, and was the last sign that the Gentile Church would receive to warn of Christ's return and the oncoming judgment. Church activity and even healing of the sick would continue, but the last sign had been given.

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God testifies of His gifts While the miracles and healings confirmed William Branham’s Commission over and again, God also testified of this in other remarkable ways. Houston Texas, January 21, 1947

In 1947, Brother Branham told of an earlier meeting in Houston where one morning a lady had run into the back and stopped the service. She had her neighbors baby with her which had legs crippled from infantile paralysis. The baby’s grandfather had been an old Methodist preacher who had been dead twenty years but while alive, he had often said that before the ending of the Gentile dispensation, God would give the Gift of healing to the Gentile Church the same as He had given to the Jews. Three times that morning, the child’s mother had dreamed of a black cloud that had rolled back and her father had stepped forward and told her to “'Rise and take the child and go to the Houston Gospel Tabernacle. The gift of Divine healing is there.” She was so weak with sickness herself that after she had discovered that the address was real, she had a neighbor take the child to the meeting and the child was healed.

Camden, Arkansas January 21, 1947

Brother Braham followed the story he told in Houston, TX., with an account an old grey headed colored man who in desperation, had earlier stopped him as he was leaving a meeting at Camden, Arkansas. The old man had had his eyes destroyed by an explosion twelve years before. However, just two nights before the meeting, he had seen his mother in a dream, even although she had been dead some twenty years. She was a Christian and in the dream she told him that “God had sent His gift of Divine healing, and it was at Camden, Arkansas,” and “not to let the ‘Reverend’ go by.” After a word of prayer from Brother Branham, the old man with tears rolling down his cheeks, began to bat his eyes, saying to his wife "Honey, ain't that an automobile setting right there?"

San Antonio, Texas. Also in early 1947, as Brother Branham began to move amongst the Pentecostal people, he found himself walking out across the platform on his first night ministering at a cathedral in San Antonio, Texas, when a man in the gallery gave a message in tongues like it was being fired from a gun. Another man who was a stranger to the first, gave the interpretation and said "Thus saith the Lord. The man that's walking to the platform is going forward with a ministry that was ordained of Almighty God and as John the Baptist was sent as the forerunner of the first coming of Jesus Christ, so he carries a message that will bring about the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ."

Santa Rosa, California.

Later in 1947, he encountered a further confirmation of the calling on his life when he met a man and his wife who were evangelists with the Assemblies of God Church and who had earlier received gifts of the Spirit to speak in unknown tongues and also give the interpretation. In 1925 they had been in prayer when one was moved upon to give a message, whereupon the other had given the interpretation. They wrote down the interpretation which read;

"Thus saith the Lord, in the last days before the coming of the Lord, I'll send My servant, William Branham, up the West Coast praying for the sick bearing a gift of Divine healing”

They had been in the habit of storing their prophecies in a suitcase in their attic and it was not until 1947, that the husband had come home before dinner and happened to read a

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newspaper article which reported on William Branham’s campaign in Santa Rosa. The ministers name somehow seemed familiar and after dinner he retrieved the old suitcase and found the piece of paper on which the prophecy had been written. Determined to be certain, they made their way to the campaign meetings in Santa Rosa where in the hope of getting to talk to the minister, the husband created somewhat of a stir by attempting three times to join the prayer line which was reserved only for sick people. When the disturbance came to William Branham’s attention, he asked the man what he wanted. “How do you spell your last name?” was the response. “B-R-A-N-H-A-M” Excitedly the man exclaimed "Mother, that's it. That's it!" A lady came forward and they produced the piece of paper, yellowed with age, on which their prophecy had been written and which confirmed that the spelling was the same as they had been given 22 years before.

Tulsa, Oklahoma

In June, 1947, as Brother Branham is holding a Divine Healing campaign in the city, a message in tongues is again interpreted, this time by a Sister Anna Schrader, stating that as John the Baptist was sent as a forerunner of the Lord’s first coming, so was He sending forth William Branham and others like him to move the people and prepare them for His second coming.

Mormon Word of God – Seattle

Brother Branham reported in 1951 that one night in Seattle, he had been met by a man who gave him a book called the “Mormon Word of God,” while telling him “Your in the wrong Church.” Brother Branham said that the book contained a very old prophecy which stated, "In the last days Germany would adopt Nazism etc ..," and then went on, "In that day, let William Branham be called and set aside in humility for the service that I have called him to."

Mormon Word of God – Brigham Young University, Utah

Dawson Riley was a guide who went game hunting with Brother Branham, and had a Mormon friend named Val. Val attended Brigham Young University in Utah and Dawson reported that while Val was reading in a secured part of the University library, he came across a book called the "Mormon Word of God". On page 55, a prophecy was recorded by a man who had been rejected as a heretic. It read;

"In the last days my servant William Branham will come down the west coast healing, preaching, and doing miracles in My Name."

Los Angeles, California, (Clifton’s Cafeteria)

As William Braham was concluding a sermon to a Christian Business Men's Fellowship Breakfast on the morning of February 11, 1961, a young Baptist man by the name of Danny Henry was moved upon by the Holy Ghost to put his arms around Brother Branham and say “Brother Branham, I hope this don't sound sacrilegious, but that could be made the 23rd chapter of Revelations.” No sooner had he had said that and despite knowing nothing of the supernatural, he started speaking in a language unknown to him.

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Immediately Annette Long, a French woman from Baton Rouge, Louisiana stood to her feet and said. “That doesn't need any interpretation. That is clearly French.” Whereupon, Miss Marianne Buess, a French Mademoiselle from Lausanne, Switzerland declared the message through Danny Henry to be clear and beautiful French. Victor Le Doux, a Frenchman and French interpreter to the United Nations was also present and affirmed, "Certainly, I'm a Frenchman, and that was perfect French." William Branham had the two women hold their peace and write down what they had heard while Victor Le Doux volunteered his own transcription. All three statements were in perfect agreement, even down to the punctuation. This is what was said;

"Because thou hast chosen the narrow path, the harder way, (thou hast walked in your own choosing), Thou hast picked the correct and precise decision and it is My way. Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of heaven awaits thee. What a glorious decision thou has made. This in itself is that which will give and make come to pass the tremendous victory in the love Divine."

Time is short As his life was nearing it’s end, William Braham told several of the people close to him that he could not remain with them much longer. A review of the major Messages that he delivered over the last months of his life shows that the last several of these came in unusually quick succession. Time seemed to be pressing but this is not surprising because ours is the Age when the days must be “shortened” (reduced in number), for the elects sake if there are to be any righteous left to be saved. (Mat 24:22). The generation that has seen Israel restored to her homeland would not pass away until all things had been fulfilled. (Luke 21:29-33). The Gentiles have now experienced a God given prophetic ministry the likes of which has not been seen before while against all the odds, the Jewish nation is back in her homeland after an absence of 1900 years, just as their own prophets foretold millennia ago. Even now, devout Jews are looking for their Mashiach (the Jewish concept of their Messiah) and are desiring to re-establish the Temple worship again. Bible readers know that there is little prophecy left to be fulfilled before God turns His attention back to the Jews and judgment falls upon the Gentile nations that spurned the Gospel in their day. May God bless you abundantly, g{x `|wÇ|z{à VÜç