will wilder: the relic of perilous falls by raymond arroyo

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Fans of Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Peter Lerangis’s Seven Wonders series will embrace this first epic adventure in a rollicking new series by a New York Times bestselling author. Will Wilder is a mischievous, headstrong twelve-year-old with an otherworldly gift—he alone can see the nefarious creatures encroaching on Perilous Falls. For nearly a century, a sacred relic has protected his hometown from the raging waters surrounding it. But when Will “borrows” the relic for his own purposes, he accidentally unleashes an ancient evil. As boats sink and hideous creatures crawl from the rising waters, Will must set things right before it is too late. With the help of his sweet (if lethal) Great Aunt Lucille, the curator of a museum of powerful artifacts, Will proves that the actions of one twelve-year-old boy can change the world. Praise for Will Wilder: The Relic of Perilous Falls• “Suspense, adventure, humor, a compelling story, and characters that fired my imagination. Great fun and great frights.” —Dean Koontz, #1 New York Times bestselling author• ”You’ll love this wild and thrilling tale. It DOES NOT STOP!” — Dave Barry, #1 New York Times bestselling author• “Will Wilder is a brand-new, refreshing, entertaining, intrepid young hero who magically combines humor and genuine suspense. And I love Great Aunt Lucille!” —Mary Higgins Clark, New York Times bestselling author and “Queen of Suspense” • “Laugh-out-loud humor, palpitation-inducing suspense, and cliffhangers galore await readers young and old. Who knew the battle between good and evil could be so much fun?” —William Peter Blatty, author of The Exorcist• “Monsters! Prophecies! Ancient relics! This is a wildly inventive book, and Will Wilder is just the kind of hero you want when the small town of Perilous Falls turns out to be the most important place in the universe.” —Frank Cottrell Boyce, author of Millions and Cosmic.


  • Youll love this wild and thrilling tale. It DOES NOT STOP! Dave Barry, #1 New York Times bestselling author




    Will Wilders

    Relic Rescue



    Your next WILD adventure awaits . . . Exclusive Sneak Peek!

  • Hang on to your pith helmets! Keep reading for a sneak peek. . . .

    Hang on to your pith helmets! Keep reading for a sneak peek. . . .

    Dont think Im crazy.When I was four years old, I started seeing fuzzy things

    shadows, to be exactout of the corners of my eyes. Theyd appear at school, down near the Perilous River, even at my friends houses. My mom took me to the eye doctor, but he told us there was nothing wrong with my visionand that I needed more sleep. Over the years I convinced myself that the shadows were nothing to worry about.

    Then, at my little brothers birthday party this year, I saw something so scary that I couldnt ignore ita hulking black form darker than anything I had ever seen before. Thankfully, my aunt Lucille knew exactly what that shadow wasand its a whole lot crazier than I ever imagined! It turns out that I can see things nobody else can, dark things. And this supernatural gift might just protect the world from some (very creepy) ancient evils. I told you it was crazy!

    Then I accidentally made things worse this week when I tried to help my brother by borrowing a sacred relic that is believed to protect Perilous Falls. Well, the minute I grabbed the thing, the river waters rose, boats sank, and these scaly croc creatures started crawling up and down Main Street. Aunt Lucille tells me I awakened the Darkness and endangered the whole town. This was not part of the planhonest.

    I now have to set things right before its too lateand I havent even told you about the prophecy!

    Join me. I need all the help I can get. And I promise itll be an adventure!










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  • R A Y M O N D A R R O Y O



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    Hang on to your pith helmets! Keep reading for a sneak peek. . . .

    Hang on to your pith helmets! Keep reading for a sneak peek. . . .

  • This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,

    events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Text copyright 2016 by Raymond ArroyoJacket art copyright 2016 by Jeff Nentrup

    Illustrations copyright 2016 by Antonio Javier Caparo

    All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Crown Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Random House Childrens Books, a division of

    Penguin Random House LLC, New York.

    Crown and the colophon are registered trademarks of Penguin Random House LLC.

    Visit us on the Web! randomhousekids.com

    Educators and librarians, for a variety of teaching tools, visit us at RHTeachersLibrarians.com

    Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication DataArroyo, Raymond.

    The relic of Perilous Falls / Raymond Arroyo. First edition. pages cm. (Will Wilder ; [1])

    Summary: A thrill-seeking twelve-year-old boy with a mysterious family heritage who discovers ancient objects of rare powerand must protect them from the terrifying demons

    who will do anything to possess them Provided by publisher.ISBN 978-0-553-53959-2 (trade) ISBN 978-0-553-53960-8 (lib. bdg.)

    ISBN 978-0-553-53961-5 (ebook)[1. Adventure and adventurersFiction. 2. RelicsFiction. 3. SupernaturalFiction.

    4. FamiliesFiction. 5. PropheciesFiction.] I. Title.PZ7.A74352Re 2016 [Fic]dc23 2015006124

    Printed in the United States of America10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    First Edition

    Random House Childrens Books supports the First Amendment and celebrates the right to read.

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    The Courtyard of Hell

    Ortona, ItalyDecember 20, 1943

    Nazi bombs hurled half the dome of the Basilica di San Tommaso Apostolo to its marbled floor, exposing a smoke- filled night sky. Even the stars failed to pierce the darkness hanging over the church. Shattered marble and brick, busted statues, and splintered chairs rose on all sides like ugly snowdrifts. A biting cold filled the dilapidated church. Aside from the dust, the only thing moving among the rubble was a darting figure.

    A young man, trailed by shadows, scaled a ruined wall that had once served as the cathedrals entrance. He moved with speed and precision. He wore the green uniform of an American soldier and a round brimmed helmet on his

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  • 2 Will Wilder: The Relic of Perilous Falls

    head . Reaching the top of the debris, he lay flat, studying the chalky pit before him .

    For the last three hours he had fought through the nar-row streets of Ortona, desperate to reach the bombed- out church . An elite team of German paratroopers The Green Devils had taken control of the town days earlier . Crawl-ing on his belly for much of the journey, the soldier pains-takingly advanced block by terrible block, alone . Each time he dashed into the open, Nazi snipers fired from multiple positions . He was quick, but there were few places to hide .

    Crumbled buildings blocked alleys, and clouds of debris made a clear view of the church all but impossible . Lifeless bodies filled the cobblestone streets . The soldier pressed a sleeve to his nose throughout the journey to block out the unbearable stench . The closer he got to the church, the worse the smell . At least it was a familiar scent . Like rotting fish, it had always been the first sign for him the sign of what was to come .

    The American soldier had reached the town with the First Canadian Infantry Division after being separated from his platoon in Sicily a week earlier . But his Canadian allies knew nothing of his personal mission: to get inside the Basilica of St . Thomas the Apostle in Ortona before it was too late . Now he finally rested on its ruins .

    From the canvas satchel on his back he drew a flashlight, aiming its beam at the wrecked high altar below . Chunks of the ceiling had smashed the main altar in two, so the top stone now formed a dilapidated V . He jerked a handkerchief

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    from his pocket and covered his nose . The stink was inten-sifying . With his free hand he pulled a pair of gloves and a velvet pouch from the satchel . Then he made his move .

    Silently, the soldier leapt down the hill of debris and turned sharply to the left, crouching between a huge piece of the roof and the altar . With the flashlight he studied the damaged marble .

    The front of the altar had shattered, exposing a shiny gold casket . The soldier carefully freed the bent chest from the broken stone . On the lid was a delicate painting of St . Thomas the Apostle, his hand raised in a blessing . The sol-dier removed his scuffed pith helmet, ran a hand through his thick black hair, and pressed his ear to the top of the chest . He balanced the flashlight on the edge of the con-tainer, the light catching his sharp cheekbones and wild green eyes . Slipping a knife blade into the keyhole on the front of the box, he waited to hear a familiar click . After a few attempts the lock gave way and he pried open the centuries- old, warped golden lid .

    AH- CHOO! The soldiers sneeze echoed through the church . Outside, cannon fire and gunfire lit up the night sky in bursts . He dimmed the flashlight and spun his head around . Peering into the darkness, he searched for the thing he could feel approaching . But he saw nothing . Remaining stone still, he desperately tried to hold back another sneeze .

    AH- CHOO!He had to be quick . One of them, maybe more, was near .

    Opening the golden casket, the soldier, wearing cotton

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    gloves, lifted out the bones of the Apostle Thomas. First the skull, then the ribs, arm bones, pieces of the legs, and fi-nally the remains of the hands one of which had touched the side of Jesus. He placed each relic in the velvet sack, then bundled the sacred load into his satchel.

    Herr Jacob Wilder, a gravelly, pinched voice called out from above.

    Startled, the soldier tilted his flashlight upward. Block-ing a statue of Jesus, a six- foot- tall Nazi officer in a long black leather coat straddled the broken altar stone. His skin had a yellowish tint. A trail of dried blood started at a wound on the left side of his face and ran down into a burgundy- stainedcollar. Dust covered his head and clothing.

    The stench nauseated Jacob Wilder.I will not hurt you, Jacob. The Brethren told me I would

    find you here, the Nazi wheezed in accented English. Have you got them all?

    Jacob Wilder secured his satchel and yanked the gloves from his hands, saying nothing. He palmed the pith helmet, placing it on his head as he stood.

    I am here to assist, the Nazi hissed, jumping down from the altar. The Brethren asked me to ensure your safe passage out of the city. Do you have the bones?

    Your name? Wilder demanded in a low, firm voice, pulling the brim of his helmet low. He backed up a few feet, as if preparing for a fight. What is your name?

    The Nazi clacked his tongue as if chastising the Ameri-can for lacking manners. Captain Gerhold Metzger of the

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    SS, he said stiffly . I am a collaborator with the brothers at Montecassino, he whispered . The officer smiled, but it never reached his eyes .

    Wilder pinched the bridge of his nose, stifling a sneeze . Your name, beast?

    I told you: Metzger, the Nazi gasped, stumbling toward the young soldier . It is imperative that we see the bones . His eyes darted from side to side . The skeleton in your bag could be the bones of a pious monk or some beggar with no family . How do you know they belong to the apostle? Let us have a look for confirmations sake .

    Quiet! Wilder said evenly . Give me your name now .It is hard to know what is true . If you believe those to

    be the actual bones of Thomas the Apostle, let us see them, the Nazi pressed, choking on every word . A bright young man like you already knows the truth . Would a saint allow this to happen to his shrine? The Nazi released a guttural laugh, his arms jerkily indicating the wreckage surrounding them .

    As if wielding a weapon, Jacob Wilder raised a small vial filled with clear liquid and splashed it across the front of the Nazi . Reveal your name, serpent! Come out of him!

    The officer quaked and grimaced, madly attempting to scrub away the fluid streaking down his face and uniform . His whole body trembled . Then, as if he were a balloon sud-denly drained of air, the Nazi crumpled to the ground . In his place stood a pale young man with long, gleaming white hair, a suit nearly as white as his skin, and yellowed eyes .

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    His elongated, bloodless fingers were adorned with dia-monds, emeralds, sapphires, and rubies .

    Your name? Jacob Wilder said forcefully .Must we? the silky voice, neither male nor female,

    responded . The name will do you no good . Then his ex-pression changed to shock . You can see me? the creature muttered with some worry . He waved a jeweled hand in the air and began to squeal, You see me!

    The black aura around your disguise gave you away . Hu-mans dont have those . Youre a liar and the father of lies .

    The demon smirked and casually looked down on the deflated Nazi officer . Is there nowhere for us to rest our weary head? Poor fellow died three days ago . It seemed the ideal time to raise him again . Well, you work with what you have . He glanced up at Jacob and hovered in his direction . Young Wilder, you have strengths and gifts . A Seer, are we? How nice .

    Wilder said nothing . He looked down at the demons startlingly white suit, seemingly lit from within . The color was consistent except for the lower part of the pants, which were streaked with dirt and blood . Sharp animal hooves peeked from beneath the cuffs, where feet should have been .

    Your gifts are extraordinary and look how the Breth-ren use you . Theyve made you a common thief, sent to loot the spoils of others! the demon jeered . He shook a lengthy finger in Jacobs face . Stealing is still a sin, you know .

    The soldier remained silent .Why so quiet, Wilder? Your dear brothers lack our spe-

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    cial gifts . They see nothing . Oh, they play at their rituals, but we have powers theyll never understand . Why are you not the leader of the Brethren? I could help you become leader . They would all follow you instead of that bearded fool . . . . The demons yellow eyes flashed . You question Abbot Anthony the Wise, dont you?

    Jacobs face flushed . That is what you say . He looked straight ahead, not at the demon .

    Of course you question Anthony . . . . Look where his leadership has gotten you . The world your Brethren created lies in ashes . Their prophecy has failed . The Sinestri have risen, and we are conquering the world . Sieg Heil! Jacob, we are here for you now . Let us see the trinkets in your bag .

    Jacob Wilder extended his flat hands in front of him, touching his thumbs and index fingers together in the form of a triangle . He inhaled deeply .

    Your fortress in America burns, even at this moment, the demon whispered soothingly . There is nothing to re-turn home to, Wilder . Gathering the bones of the dead wont help you now . But as leader you could rebuild some-thing new

    A red flash lit up the remaining walls of the Basilica of St . Thomas the Apostle for several seconds . Two Nazi artillery-men noticed the strange light from their second- story win-dow a block away from the church .

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    Is that a flare? a short soldier holding his rifle out the window asked his superior .

    Lifting a pair of binoculars to his eyes, a young bony offi-cer scanned the edges of the church . He struggled to see by the flashing cannon fire . There is a man running on that wall . Shoot! the officer screamed .

    Looking through the scope of his weapon, the sharp-shooter saw nothing . Each time an explosion lit up the scene, there was only debris .

    Sir, if someone was there, he is gone, the short soldier said, lowering his rifle . Or maybe it was only a shadow .

    It was a man, I tell you, the officer said, falling into a nearby chair and rubbing his eyes . He had a light- colored helmet not like the Canadians . I saw him!

    Could have been a statue in the church, the sharp-shooter replied, unconcerned .

    No . This was no statue .On late watches, sir, the eyes can play tricks on us .His hands were glowing, the officer sputtered like a

    scared child . The mans hands were red and they were glowing!

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  • A ll Will Wilder meant to do was ride the donkey at his eight- year- old brothers backyard birthday party . He didnt mean to hurt anyone, he didnt mean to unlock his destiny, and he certainly didnt mean to see the shadows. But that is exactly what happened . Life often came at Will while he was focused on something else .

    Since Will was twelve and nearly five feet tall, his par-ents thought he had outgrown riding the donkey they had rented for his brother Leos birthday .

    Arent you a little old for a donkey ride, Will? Its for the kids . Cmon, Deborah Wilder said, playfully mussing his spiky black hair in their sweltering backyard . She had a thin face like Wills, full lips, and blue- purple eyes that even the hardest of hearts could not resist for long . It was no wonder her TV show, Supernatural Secrets, had so many


    A Ride in the Yard

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    fans. Youre getting so big, the donkey could ride you! Why dont you and your friends go finish that catapult thing youve been working on? She gave him a quick one- armed hug and made her way back toward the party guests.

    Mom, please, just one time around the yard or maybe down the block, Will begged.

    No, youll kill it, you big ox! she said over her shoulder with a smirk. Deborah swept back her straight brown hair and bent down to fix Wills six- year- old sister Marins pink dress.

    So now donkey rides have age restrictions? Will yelled after her. I didnt know that, Mom! Is there a height limit too? But Deborah Wilder paid him no attention. She had already mingled back into the crush of family, children, and neighbors in the fun part of the yard.

    Marin stuck her tiny pink tongue out at Will, both hands on her hips. Follow the rules, mithter. Follow the rules, she scolded with a lisp before cartwheeling away.

    Sulking in defeat, Will shuffled back toward his three friends, two boys and a girl, who were watching closely from the fence at the rear of the yard. Since when am I too big? Will believed he had at least another year, maybe two, before he would officially outgrow amusements like donkey rides. He knew he had to let them go eventually. But not now especially when money and prestige were on the line.

    Strike one, Will- man, Andrew Stout, a massive kid with blazing red hair, and one of Wills closest friends, bellowed. Wheres my five dollars?

    Im not finished yet, Will said.

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    Oh, no . Youre finished . I said you couldnt get on the donkey, and you aint on the donkey . So pay up . If you want to try again, itll be double or nothing .

    Can we check the law on this? interrupted a rail- thin boy with eyes that looked like black BBs behind his rectan-gular glasses . Simon Blabbingdale lightly poked Andrews side with one of the thick paperbacks he always seemed to be carrying . Is it legal for Sheriff Stouts adolescent son to bet on ponies at a birthday party? Simon unleashed a se-ries of high- pitched snorts, which he considered laughter . Nobody joined him . Simon and Will had been friends since the first grade . When no one in the cafeteria would sit next to the scrawny, curly- haired kid with glasses, Will did .

    Can it, Simon . Andrew flicked the paperback from his ribs and focused on Will . We made a deal, Will- man, so pay up . I need the money for our trip . The big kid extended his open palm .

    The Wilders had invited Andrew and Simon to join them in Florida at the National Pee- Wee Karate Championships . Leo, an accomplished brown belt, was to compete at the tournament in two weeks time . Will and his friends would tag along for moral support and hit a few amusement parks between matches .

    What if I told you that I just came up with a new way to get on the donkey? Will mysteriously threw out, his hands clasped behind his back .

    Lets see it . Double or nothing, Andrew said .Camilla Meriwether, a girl with wide green eyes, a long

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    chestnut- colored ponytail, and braces, rapped her knuckles on the fence behind her . Guys . Can we please try to act a little more mature? I mean, its embarrassing . If Wills par-ents dont want him riding the donkey, why cant we just have some cake and enjoy the party?

    Andrew and Will eyeballed each other, then in unison turned to Cami . Uh, no .

    Cami was the only girl Will spoke to in his entire class . She was kind, sort of cute, and always spoke her mind even if he rarely listened to her . Okay, well, while you little guys play your cowboy games, Im going to get some punch . She marched over to one of the refreshment tables .

    When Cami was out of earshot, Andrew spoke up . All right, get onto the donkeys back, Ill give you ten bucks . If you dont, you have to pay up . Deal?

    Will furrowed his brow and got in Andrews face . Deal . They shook on it and Will started to leave, but a swift tap on the arm from Simon stopped him .

    I was thinking, as long as everybodys making wagers, Simon said, looking over the top of his glasses, Ill buy you the first souvenir of our trip no more than five dollars if you race the donkey around the yard . You cant just ride it . Im talking a full gallop . If theres no gallop, you pick up the souvenir .

    Will considered the offer for barely a second . Im going to be ten dollars richer and score a free souvenir . Youre on too . He shot the boys a crooked smile, then ran off to ap-peal the donkey ban to the authority of last resort .

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    Dan Wilder, Wills father, with his tortoiseshell glasses and blue apron, stood at the barbecue pit on the deck me-thodically tending his perfectly spaced burgers . He laid them out like houses on a map at one of his city planning meetings . Dan Wilder was an architect, a city councilman, and a planner for the town of Perilous Falls . He had a re-fined sense of order even when it came to grilling patties were restricted to the lower grill, veggies on the top .

    As dads went, Dan was a handsome one . He had a strong, square jaw, and aside from three slight scars on the left side of his face, Dan could have been on the cover of any grocery checkout aisle magazine . A dad of few words, he usually kept to himself, attentively watching while others chat-tered on . Indeed, he had overheard Wills donkey pleas all day by the time the boy made his approach .

    Dad, I was wondering . . .Without looking up from the smoldering patty at the

    end of his spatula, Mr . Wilder announced, The answer . . . son . . . is no . Then, brightening, he added, Do you want a burger?

    Unless it can ride me around the yard, no thanks . Will stalked away in a huff to plot his next move .

    He climbed onto a picnic table close to his house and studied the landscape like a general planning an invasion . How to get on that donkey?

    On the opposite side of his yard stood the squinty- eyed, mustached Heinrich Crinshaw . The Wilders bow- tied next- door neighbor was chairman of the Perilous Falls City

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    Council and a constant if disagreeable presence at fam-ily events . On the surface Mr . Crinshaw seemed a refined gentle man, even warm .

    Until he opened his mouth .In a flat drone, he advised the neighborhood kids to stay

    on the Wilders side of the fence, worried that they might leap into his garden and ruin the rare flowers and herbs he spent thousands of dollars maintaining .

    Theres nothing over there for you, he croaked to the kids when their parents were out of earshot . Then, bending down to their level, with a smile he added, Though my dog, Suzy, might like to see you all . She so enjoys children . She ate two last year bones and all .

    Mr . Crinshaw turned away as a couple of the little girls immediately burst into tears .

    Will spied Aunt Freda, Deborah Wilders blond rela-tive, who had made herself snack guardian . Looking like an albino elephant caught in a kelly- green bedsheet, Freda jealously protected the table from approaching guests, gob-bling cheese squares and chips as she made her way toward the cake at the other end of the table .

    Across from Aunt Freda, near the drink station, Mayor Ava Lynch held a circle of parents spellbound . Her red suit and helmet of hard black hair seemed out of place at a back-yard summer party . With the help of some sort of greasy youth cream, her skeletal face was quite animated that day . No, no . . . this city has got to move beyond the shackles of its history or we will never grow, she brayed, as if giving a

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    campaign speech . At nearly seventy years old, the mayors booming voice could still fill a yard, even reaching Will . Thats why I decided to cancel this years Jacob Wilder Day celebrations . The world is changing, and it is high time Per-ilous Falls evolves with it . We cant pretend were in the era of Jacob Wilder anymore, she said, chuckling .

    Will saw his great- aunt Lucille Wilders face flush with color at the mention of Jacob Wilder . Fireworks were com-ing . The compact woman with strawberry- blond hair spun on her heels to face the mayor .

    Who are you to cancel a forty- five- year tradition? Aunt Lucille asked in a sharp voice, her curls trembling as if to emphasize the point . My father gave his life for this town, and Ill be stewed if you are going to stamp out his mem-ory . Find another punching bag for your campaign, Ava preferably someone living . You should all remember, there would be no Perilous Falls were it not for my father, Jacob Wilder . Those watching the little woman with fire in her arresting blue eyes fell silent .

    Oh, Lucille . You have to admit that your fathers super-stitious tales were wearing thin even when we were chil-dren . All that devil stuff . . . Mayor Lynch laughed, trying to win over the crowd . I know that your father founded the town and it is wonderful that you run his little museum, bless your heart but those antique trinkets and all your daddys stories wont make a safe and prosperous future for Perilous Falls . Were in the twenty- first century now, honey . People no longer believe the things our parents did .

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    And we just dont have the resources to celebrate old fables, or even the one who created them .

    The red hue of Aunt Lucilles face clashed with the powder- blue silk pantsuit she wore . Like loose pajamas, the material swallowed up Lucilles trim frame but not her hands, which had balled into fists .

    Your eyes see nothing, Ava, dear. They never did . My father was a visionary who had courage and virtues youve never possessed . If you dont agree with his beliefs, or his warnings, say so . But dont disparage a man you never knew . Without my family, you might still be seating cus-tomers at Belles Lounge . Lucille stared holes into the mayor . My grandfather Abe opened his first iron ore mine here when it was nothing but wilderness . My father tamed that wilderness with a purpose . He established schools and churches, and the city hall that you profane . He always said Perilous Falls was to be the last stronghold against the dark madness of the world . Our faith and our traditions are what sustain this town, Ms. Mayor. It is who we are . It is who we will always be . That is the legacy of Jacob Wilder, and I will celebrate him with or without mayoral approval . Now, if youll excuse me . Aunt Lucille turned a withering glance on the mayor and bolted toward the house .

    Poor womans lost her mind, Mayor Lynch whispered to those nearest her .

    Though in her sixty- sixth year, Aunt Lucille looked far younger as she strode across the yard with the ease and

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    grace of a powerful dancer . She stopped next to Wills mom, throwing an arm dramatically on her shoulder .

    Deb, dear, I totally forgot that I have a physical ther-apy session today, Aunt Lucille said . I left my gift for Leo on the kitchen table . Tell him I want to see his new karate moves and take him out on the boat one day this week, just him and me .

    Did Ava say something? Deborah asked, suddenly se-rious . Dont leave . Why dont you two try to settle your differences?

    Deceit and lies are differences to be avoided, not set-tled . Ava Lynchs lies have done enough damage to this fam-ily . . . , Aunt Lucille said darkly, shoving both hands into her brocaded silken pockets . Then, smiling, she added, I would love to stay for the rest of the party, but my physical therapy is so important these days . Lets talk later, dear .

    Catching sight of Will on the picnic table as she reached the kitchen door, she threw him an exaggerated kiss and, her finger bouncing as if striking a note on an invisible piano, silently mouthed, You be good . With a wave, she was gone in a flash of blue silk .

    Deborah followed Aunt Lucille to the center of the yard and announced, Theres only one more donkey ride to go before we eat . Its the birthday boys turn! She motioned for her younger son to come forward .

    Mom, I dont need a commercial . The eight- year- old with the pouty lips and glasses rolled his eyes . Leo

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    reluctantly edged past his friends toward a jumpy donkey leashed to an old bearded fellow .

    You ride as long as you want, Mrs . Wilder cooed to the red- faced Leo . Its your day . Youre the boss . She returned to filling cups with punch and ordered Mr . Wilder to start doling out his precious hamburgers .

    From the fence Andrew snapped a ten- dollar bill over his head, nodding knowingly at Will . Simon rotated his hands in a circular motion to spur Will to action .

    Feeling the pressure, Will glared at Leo riding the don-key in lazy rings . He struggled to devise some way onto the animals back .

    Just then, something out of the corner of Wills eye drew his attention . A hunched black form crept into the very edge of his vision, sending a chill through his body . The air sud-denly reeked, and his nose tingled . Will was afraid to look directly at the form, but he could feel its menace . Given its size, it could have been a crouching bear or even an ogre from one of his kiddie books . But when he mustered the courage to turn his head to face it, he saw nothing .

    Shadows and fuzzy things appearing in his peripheral vision had been an ongoing problem for Will since he was at least four years old . He had seen them at school, down near the Perilous River, even at friends houses . His mother had repeatedly taken him to the eye doctor to diagnose the problem . But each time, Dr . Schwartz reported that there was nothing wrong with Wills vision and that the shadows were likely the result of too little sleep . Dr . Schwartz sug-

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  • 19A Ride in the Yard

    gested that they continue to monitor the situation and that Will get some extra rest .

    This shadow is different, Will thought with a shiver . It had density and more shape than the others . It seemed alive . Will might have dwelled on the shadow all afternoon had an idea not flashed into his mind, pushing those thoughts aside . The catapult. Thats how he would win the bet and get the donkey ride . Hed take his mothers advice after all .

    Will had been working on the contraption for three weeks, since the start of summer break . Rather than walking around the block to school, which was right next to his house, Will thought it might be fun to simply fling himself over the fence and into the schoolyard . Once classes resumed in the fall, he reasoned, the catapult could cut his daily travel time in half and allow him to sleep at least an extra five minutes a day .

    He had constructed the machine out of an old infant car seat from the family garage, as well as springs and levers rescued from the Hinnom Valley Dump . Aside from launch-ing Marins stuffed animals and a few books over the fence, the catapult had yet to move anything substantial . Leo regularly begged Will to let him be the first human trial . Each time, Will would gravely shake his head and deny his younger brothers request .

    Its not ready yet . Its not safe, hed say seriously . Soon, Leo, very soon .

    Will leapt off the picnic table, grabbed his pith helmet from the deck, and ran across the lawn . Where are you going with that thing? Dan Wilder yelled from his burger station . Will?

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  • 20 Will Wilder: The Relic of Perilous Falls

    A gift from his aunt Lucille, the war- ravaged helmet had once belonged to Wills great- grandfather, Jacob Wilder. At the center of the hat was an impressive brass medal-lion with an angry pelican, wings spread, feeding its young. The splendor of the helmet ended there. The canvas on the front of the hat had been badly marred by six crisscrossed slashes. A powerful pair of jaws had chomped into the right side of the brim, leaving a healthy bite mark behind. Still, the hat gave Will confidence. It had become part of his stan-dard attire, much like his red sneakers and white socks. And though he sometimes carried it in his backpack, if an ad-venture was afoot, the helmet was on Wills head a sure sign of trouble to his parents.

    At the makeshift corral at the other end of the yard, Leo told the stooped old man holding the donkeys reins, I think Im ready to get off.

    Have it your way, the old gent said, shuffling forward to help the boy down.

    Not so fast, Leo. Its your birthday lap. Will sandwiched himself between the old man and his brother. Its a special moment.

    Im getting sleepy going round and round.Will looked over his shoulder to make sure his mother

    was occupied with the kids and that his dad was still pass-ing out burgers at the grill.

    I have a surprise for your birthday. Will pushed Leo back onto the donkey. What have you been wanting to do for weeks?

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  • 21A Ride in the Yard

    Leos eyes grew huge . Test the catapult!Everythings set . Ive adjusted the weight and added

    some springs . I think it just might work this time . You could even make it over the fence . But . . .

    But what? Its my birthday! Leo drew his eyebrows to-gether and shoved his lower lip out in an exaggerated pout . Can I use the catapult or not?

    The old man holding on to the donkey was tired of lis-tening . If its all the same to you boys, Im going to get a taste of cake . Then Johnny and I are headin back to the farm . He tied the animal to the fence post with Leo still aboard and tottered away .

    Will had that familiar wild glint in his hazel eyes . If you agree to let me ride the rest of your birthday lap on the don-key, you can test the catapult .

    Should we ask Mom? Leo wondered .She said you were the boss . I heard her . The choice is

    yours .Leo brightened and leapt off the donkey . Within seconds

    Will had untied the reins from the post and mounted the animal .

    Go get in the catapult, Leo . Ill come by and launch you in a minute, Will instructed his brother . Leo bounded like a small bear across the lawn, adjusting his glasses as he dodged party guests .

    I think you just lost ten bucks, moron, Simon told Andrew as they leaned against the fence . Now lets see how fast he can move on that thing .

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  • 22 Will Wilder: The Relic of Perilous Falls

    The donkeys owner spotted Will on the animals back. Hey, son, youre too big to ride Johnny! he yelled.

    Before the old fellow could form another word, Will had jammed his heels into the animals backside, deter-mined to win the bet with Simon. The donkey began to buck wildly, lifting its hind legs and kicking at the air. Will tried to get the animal to gallop, but it had other ideas. Round and round it spun, trying to remove the boy from its back.

    Parents pulled their children close to shield them from the donkeys killer hooves. A disgusted Mayor Lynch hast-ily excused herself and headed out the yards side gate, Heinrich Crinshaw following close behind.

    On the deck, Dan Wilder dropped his tongs into the bar-becue pit. Terror covered his face. Not the donkey, he said almost to himself. Will! Will! Off the donkey!

    The braying animal leapt atop the snack table, sending potato chips and cookies flying in all directions. Ignoring Wills frantic tug on the reins, the donkey started jumping up and down. At the other end of the table, Aunt Freda fo-cused on the trembling birthday cake before her.

    Deborah! she yelped to her niece. Should I take the cake to a safer spot or just leave it? But before Mrs. Wilder could respond, the bouncing donkey sent the tables edge and the cake flying into Aunt Fredas jaw. She tumbled backward, her face covered in frosting.

    The donkeys hooves skidded off the tables surface, Will still holding on.

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  • Arro_9780553539592_2p_all_r1.indd 23 7/31/15 10:55 AM

  • 24 Will Wilder: The Relic of Perilous Falls

    William David Wilder! Get down! Deborah Wilder screeched through gritted teeth as she attempted to revive her unconscious aunt .

    That could be kind of difficult right now, Will said, one arm around the donkey, the other holding his pith helmet in place . Heeee- yaaaa, he boomed, grinding his heels into the sides of the donkey . The animal reared up and began to run toward the tree at the far end of the yard, not far from where Leo impatiently squirmed in the catapult .

    Hurry up and launch me, Leo demanded, holding the sides of the old car seat . I have a birthday party to get back to . Leo had tied pillows to the front and back of his body to buffer his landing .

    Will galloped onward . The lever for the catapult, a slightly warped Louisville Slugger bat, was just eight feet away . Will reached his hand out, ready to throw the switch .

    Almost there, Will grunted . Suddenly the donkey slid to a complete stop, tearing up the grass with its hooves and tossing Will headlong toward the catapult .

    Aaah! Will screamed as he flew into the lever, cracking the bat . Splinters of wood pierced his skin, slicing his hand and wrist .

    PLUUUUNG. Will looked up from his throbbing wrist to see Leo sailing into the upper branches of the tree . His cata-pult really worked!

    Leo flew much higher than Will thought possible, but his brothers body wasnt arcing wide enough, and he was dangerously approaching the top of the fence .

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  • 25A Ride in the Yard

    Mom! DAAAAAAD! Leo screamed on his descent .Will realized with a pang of guilt that he should have

    tightened the tension on the springs . But before he could calculate how much added force would be necessary, Leo smashed shoulder- first into a wooden slat, breaking the top off and flipping into the schoolyard .

    Leo! Dan Wilder yelled, running toward the edge of his property and his whimpering son . Youre punished, Will, he fumed as he began to scale the fence, still in his blue apron . I mean all summer!

    The whole yard fell quiet as everyone listened to the scene on the other side of the sun- bleached wooden slats .

    Are you all right? Can you stand up? Dan asked Leo .My arm hit the board . I cant move it, Leo whined .His arm may be broken . Hes bleeding, Deb, Dan

    shouted over the fence . Were going to have to take him to the hospital .

    Will felt a stabbing sensation in his heart . He didnt care about his hand . He had hurt his brother, ruined the party, and possibly spoiled the trip to Florida . All at once, some-thing else arrested his attention .

    In his peripheral vision, Will saw a dark form rise on his left .

    There is nothing there. Im just stressed and tired, he told himself . Refusing to look to the side, Will squeezed his eyes shut, hoping the shadow would disappear . With a deep breath, he opened just one eye and turned to the left . There stood a hulking black form a thing at once fearsome and

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  • 26 Will Wilder: The Relic of Perilous Falls

    old . It took the shape of an enormous man and was darker than anything he had ever seen before . A chill ran through Wills body . He stumbled backward against the tree . Then the form melted into a deep black shadow stretching the length of the yard . It covered every inch of ground, even though the sun shone above .

    Will! Deborah Wilder ran toward her son . Whats wrong?

    Its so dark so dark! Will repeated, his eyes fixed on the pitch- black lawn before him .

    Whats so dark? Cami asked, racing to his side .Confused partygoers and Wills friends stared at the

    frightened boy .The old man struggled to pull the crazed donkey away

    from Will . But the beast bared its teeth in a perverse smile inches from Wills face all the while emitting high- pitched squeals that could have passed for cruel laughter .

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  • In Will Wilder: The Relic of Perilous Falls, Will not only discovers an ancient relic right in his own hometown but he also discovers that relics carry messages with them. Will is now on a new global adventure to rescue other relics around the world. Want to join him?

    Get together with your buddies and solve each of the following relic-related clues together. This is not a test. Its an exploration to find the worlds most amazing relics. Each of them are centuries old and amazingly they are still in existence today. You wont believe what youll find!

    NOTE: Each clue possesses several hints to aid your online or library research to find the correct answer. Remember, a good explorer knows that research is key! Bottom line: Trust your instincts. Verify your facts. And have faith that the answer is near.

    HOW TO PLAY: Answer questions 1 to 8. Then take the circled letters from your answers and rearrange them in the Solution Zone to decipher the age-old message of the relics.


    rel ic (rel ik), n. 1. an object esteemed and venerated because of association with a saint or martyr 2. an object (such as a piece of clothing or the bone of a saint) that is considered holy

    rel I quary (re-l e-kwer-), n. 1. a container that is used to hold holy objects (called relics)










    Remember: You can use online and library resources to answer each question. Research is key, explorers!

    1. CLUE:

    I was an active painter in Rome in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. One of my most famous works of art is a painting called Doubting Thomas, which can be found in Sanssouci Germany. Who am I?

    2. CLUE:

    I am on display at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, Italy and measure approximately 14.3 x 3.7 feet. My origin is the subject of much debate among historians and scholars, but one thing for sure is that radiocarbon dating confirms that I am from the medieval period. What am I?

    3. CLUE:

    I am one of the six patron saints of Europe. I was born in 1347 and I died in 1380. And get this! Although I was not decapitated, my mummified head is guarded closely at the Basilica of San Domenica to this day. Who am I?

    4. CLUE:

    Herods daughter demanded that my head be brought to her on a serving tray. What? A serving tray!?? This is how I met my demise. It is said that my head is safely saved and on display at Amiens Cathedral, one of the largest classic Gothic churches of the thirteenth century. Who am I?

    Turn the page for more!

  • 5. CLUE:

    I am a famous and rare garment said to be housed in Chartres Cathedral, one of the Frances finest examples of Gothic architecture. I was thought to have been destroyed in a fire in 1194, but, miracle of miracles, three days later I was found unharmed in the treasury. What famous relic am I?

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

    6. CLUE:

    Im a solid gold arm with two fingers extended toward the sky. Im known as a reliquary. I hold items associated with the saints, in this case, St. Peter the Apostle. And more specifically, I hold an ulna. Yep, one of the bones in the forearm. Although Im currently empty, I am on display at this famous institution in New York City. (You can use the short name.)

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

    7. CLUE:

    I am a reliquary that holds something sharp, something that inflicted pain. Actually, I hold just a small piece from a larger item. This item was worn on one mans head, though not by choice. Although I am on display at the British Museum, it is a Latin inscription that identifies my contents. What is the larger item that my small piece is from?

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___



    Turn the page for more!

  • 8. CLUE:

    I am a sealed glass vial containing a dark, solid substance. Several times a year I am displayed to a packed crowd in the Naples Cathedral. While the vial is being handled during a solemn ceremony, this solid mass suddenly liquefies before everybodys eyes. What are my contents?

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


    Place all your letters here and then unscramble them below to reveal the message of the relics:

    1. __ __ 2. __ __ __ __ 3. __ __ 4. __ __ __ 5. __ __ __ __ 6. __

    7. __ __ 8. __ __


    Three simple but important things a successful relic explorer must have and do:

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. ___ ___ ___ ___

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.


    See the following pages for the answer to each clue and the final solution and message from the relics.

    S V F AT



    1. ANSWER: Caravaggio. My name is Caravaggio and I painted Doubting Thomas which is currently on display at Sanssouci in Potsdam, near Berlin, Germany.

    2. ANSWER: Holy Shroud of Turin. This burial cloth has been shown to bear the image of the face of a man, and that man is said to be Jesus. A photographer was able to point out a clearer version of the image when he noticed it looked more detailed in the negative, or reverse. The Holy Shroud is currently held in Turin Cathedral in northern Italy.

    3. ANSWER: Catherine of Siena. This may be one of the more grisly relics on display in modern days. Interestingly, although the pious Catherine was illiterate, she wrote a book called Dialogue of Divine Providence wholly by dictating it.

    4. ANSWER: John the Baptist. The reliquary containing the head of John the Baptist remained in the Amiens Cathedral until the French Revolution, when inventory was made of all Church property and treasure and relics were confiscated. In 1793, representatives of the government demanded that the relic be buried in a cemetery. But instead, the mayor of the town, secretly and under fear of death, kept the relic in his house. Once the revolutionary persecutions had ended, the head of St. John the Baptist was returned to the cathedral in Amiens in 1816, where it remains to this day.

    5. ANSWER: Tunic of the Blessed Virgin. It said to have been worn by the Virgin Mary during the birth of Christ.



    6. ANSWER: The Met. This is the short term for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. The Metropolitan Museum of Arts earliest roots date back to 1866 in Paris, France, when a group of Americans agreed to create a national institution and gallery of art to bring art and art education to the American people. Today, tens of thousands of objects are on view at any given time inthe museums two-million-square-foot building.

    7. ANSWER: Crown of Thorns. This reliquary was made to house a relic of the Crown of Thorns, the wreath of thorns placed on the head of Jesus Christ at his crucifixion.The thorn is displayed behind a crystal window and is identified by a Latin inscription: Ista est una spinea corone / Domine nostri ihesu cristi (This is a thorn from the crown of Our Lord Jesus Christ).

    8. ANSWER: Blood of San Gennaro. This relic is an ancient round and flattened sealed glass vial. During the ceremony, the reliquary is repeatedly picked up, moved around, and upturned to check whether the liquefaction has taken place. If it has, the dark mass is seen to flow freely into the vial. The liquefaction sometimes takes place almost immediately, or can take hours, even days.


    Place all your letters here and then unscramble them below to reveal the message of the relics:

    1. r v 2. y s h t 3. t e 4. h a i 5. u i v r 6. e 7. f t 8. f a


    Three simple but important things a successful relic explorer must have and do:

    Trust. Verify. Have Faith.



    In the prologue of this chapter sampler, Jacob encounters someone sinister in the basilica near the shattered altar as he is rescuing the relic. Choose any part of this scene and illustrate what you see in your minds eye. Use regular pencils, colored pencils, and/or pens. Remember to include as much detail as possible: What are the characters wearing? What is in the background? Consider modeling your drawing on a graphic novel and adding speech bubbles.


  • You may be a part of the Brethrenbut you just dont know it yet. And every Brethren has a gift. Aunt Lucille thinks she knows yours. Is she right? Take this quiz and find out what your Brethren gift is.

    For each question, circle the answer that fits your personality most.

    1. Your two best friends are splashing along the edge of a river when suddenly the water violently rises up and they are trapped and trying to swim out. You are nearby at the top of the bank and see the whole thing. What do you do?

    a. Your sixth sense tells you that a huge tree branch will sail by in the raging current and suck your frightened friends into the water. You run to the rivers edge to pull them back. Good ol gut instinct.

    b. Although you arent feeling scared, you scream a high-pitched scream. A Jet Skier hears it and accelerates toward your friends. They are able to jump on the Jet Ski and motor to safety. Wow, some lungs on you!

    c. Clear-minded and determined as ever, you envision a life preserver in the hull of a nearby sailboat. Of course a boat would have a life preserver thats logical! Youve got true vision.

    d. You race toward the rivers edge with your arms outstretched. The closer you get, the farther that dark, stormy water recedes. Did you do that? Forget water bearer. YOURE a water scarer!

    2. On the school soccer field, some big kids are picking on a smaller kid who just messed up and allowed the opposing team to score. Its getting pretty heated between the players, and the team gangs up on the smaller kid. How do you handle the situation?

    a. You have a hunch that the kids on the other team are feeling kind of bad for the smaller kid, so you approach them and easily rally them together to protect the kid. Very perceptive!

    b. Its easy to see that this is a situation for an adult, so you catch the coachs attention and he steps in and calms the crowd. Smart thinking!

    c. You know this smaller kid has asthma and see him reaching in his pocket for his inhaler. You instinctively know that its not thereits in his jacket on the sidelines. You grab it from the jacket and rush in to help him. Youre a good soul.

    d. You jump in the middle, face the bullies, and tell them to step on back. They do. Wow. Youve got the power!



  • 3. You and your friends are playing hide-and-seek in the woods when suddenly you hear one friend calling for help in the distance. You look toward the source of the voice and are dismayed to see so many obstaclesa rocky hill, patches of dense foliage, and a wandering coyote that looks a little hungry. Its going to be difficult to get to your friend quickly. Whats your plan?

    a. You have a sense that things arent as bad as they look and youre positive you can overcome any of the obstacles to reach your friend. Youve got awesome instinct!

    b. You remember your older brother is fishing close by. You let loose a loud Tarzan yell (a special code you share with your brother) and, like magic, he appears. And he brings his buddies too. High five!

    c. You focus on the task at hand and forge ahead. There may be hurdles ahead but you have a knack for seeing what others cant and for powering through. Youve got a good head on your shoulders!

    d. Your boots get you up the hill, and your discovery of a sword-shaped branch helps you hack through the leaves. As for the coyote, when you two make eye contact, you narrow your eyes and furrow your brow. He does a double take and runs off. You are large and in charge!

    4. It starts raining just as school lets out. Youre rushing down the school stairs to catch your ride when you see a friend slip and fall. Some rush to help and others stand back and snicker. How do you respond?

    a. You know your friend well enough to guarantee hell be up on his feet in a jiffy. Excellent forecast!

    b. Youre right outside the nurses office, so you call upon her in case theres anything seriously wrong. Well done, Doc!

    c. Even though theres a small crowd around your friend, you can immediately see theres an ankle injury. Whats more, you can see in your minds eye exactly where the crutches are in the nurses office and you jump into action. Way to save the day!

    d. You quickly approach your friend, who is surrounded by classmates. There are too many people! In order to make some room for help, you stand tall and, with the sweep of an arm, the crowd retreats. Smooth move!


    Turn the page for more!

  • 5. Which one of the following describes you best?

    a. You have insight into other people and empathy for where they are coming from. Its almost like clairvoyance!

    b. You like to be of service, especially when people are in need. Youre gifted with a helpful heart by nature.

    c. Youre a leader. Youve discovered that you can see the big picture when others find it kind of fuzzy, which means you have a unique ability to show people the way. Youre grateful to have a clear head and vision.

    d. You like to make sure everyones okay. If that means you have to fight to keep bad things away, you will. You could say youve got a bit of a warriors will.

    Tally up your answers and see which Brethren gift you have.

    MOSTLY As: SENSITIVE Youre a Sensitive. Your gut instinct is strong. You may be able to predict the future and its outcomes. MOSTLY Bs: SUMMONER You are a Summoner. You can call down the angels (whether earthly or heavenly) in a time of need. You have the ability to beckon for help AND GET IT! MOSTLY Cs: SEER You are a Seer. You keep your thoughts and actions pure so you can focus the big picture and lead. Did you ever notice that you seem to see more details in the world than others? MOSTLY Ds: REPELLER You are a Repeller. You have the powerful gift of driving away the hostile, the adversarial so that others are safe and cared for. You bring light where there may have been just darkness.




    Raymond Arroyo is a New York Times bestselling author, producer, and lead anchor and managing editor of EWTN News. As the host of The World Over Live he is seen in more than 250 million homes internationally each week. When not visiting Perilous Falls, he can be found at home in Virginia with his wife and three children (none of whom wear pith helmets or steal relics for kicks). You can follow him on Facebook and on Twitter at @RaymondArroyo.

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    Raymond Arroyo is a New York Times bestselling author, producer, and lead anchor and managing editor of EWTN News. As the host of The World Over Live he is seen in more than 250 million homes internationally each week. When not visiting Perilous Falls, he can be found at home in Virginia with his wife and three children (none of whom wear pith helmets or steal relics for kicks). You can follow him on Facebook and on Twitter at @RaymondArroyo.

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    Raymond Arroyo is a New York Times bestselling author,producer, and lead anchor and managing editor of EWTN News. As the host of The World Over Live he is seen in more than 250 million homes internationally each week and is a founder of Storyented.com, an interactive online book club for young readers. When not visiting Perilous Falls, he can be found at home in Virginia with his wife and three children (none of whom wear pith helmets or steal relics for kicks). You can follow him on Facebook and on Twitter at @RaymondArroyo and follow Will Wilder on Twitter @RealWillWilder.

  • Order your copy of

    Will Wilder: The Relic of Perilous Falls

    by Raymond Arroyo

    Youll love this wild and thrilling tale. It DOES NOT STOP! Dave Barry, #1 New York Times bestselling author

    US $16.99 / $21.99 CAN



    Will Wilder has always caught glimpses of shadows. But when an impulsive act unlocks an ancient prophecy, Will alone begins to see nightmarish things, changing his life forever.



    Will suddenly feels the pull of a sacred relic hidden away by his great-grandfather and guarded by his sweet (but lethal) aunt Lucille, curator of a museum of legendary artifacts. Unconvinced that the relic protects Perilous Falls from dangerous floodwaters, Will decides to borrow it for his own purposes, accidentally unleashing unspeakable evil.



    As boats sink and monstrous beasts crawl from the rising waters, Will must learn to harness his new abilities at lightning speed to defeat a dark enemy shadowing his every move. Braving secret chambers and deadly obstacles to confront his greatest fears, Will proves that the actions of one twelve-year-old can change the world.


    RAYMOND ARROYO is a New York Times bestselling author, producer, and lead anchor and managing editor of EWTN News. As the host of The World Over Live, he is seen in more than 250 million homes internationally each week. When not visiting Perilous Falls, he can be found at home in Virginia with his wife and three children (none of whom wear pith helmets or steal relics for kicks). You can follow Arroyo on Facebook and on Twitter at @RaymondArroyo.

    Jacket art copyright 2016 by Jeff NentrupJacket design by Ken Crossland

    Also available as an ebookPrinted in the United States of America









    Theres suspense, adventure, humor, and characters that fired my imagination. Great fun and great frights.

    Dean Koontz, #1 New York Times bestselling author

    Will Wilder is a brand-new, refreshing, entertaining, intrepid young hero who magically combines humor and genuine suspense. And I love his aunt Lucille!

    Mary Higgins Clark, New York Times bestselling author and Queen of Suspense

    Tell me what you saw. Dont be afraid, dear. Aunt Lucille leaned close, and in her huskiest voice added, I can help you.

    It was a shadow. Fear washed over Wills face. It was black, like a phantomright next to me. Everything got icy cold.

    Lucille placed a silken arm around the boy. It was a spirit. You saw a dark spirit, Will. Youve probably been seeing them for a long time, hmm?




    y M





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    Theres suspense, adventure, humor, and characters that fired my imagination. Great fun and great frights.

    Dean Koontz, #1 New York Times bestselling author

    Will Wilder is a brand-new, refreshing, entertaining, intrepid young hero who magically combines humor and genuine suspense. And I love his aunt Lucille!

    Mary Higgins Clark, New York Times bestselling author and Queen of Suspense

    Tell me what you saw. Dont be afraid, dear. Aunt Lucille leaned close, and in her huskiest voice added, I can help you.

    It was a shadow. Fear washed over Wills face. It was black, like a phantomright next to me. Everything got icy cold.

    Lucille placed a silken arm around the boy. It was a spirit. You saw a dark spirit, Will. Youve probably been seeing them for a long time, hmm?
