wilkerson biofuels

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  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels




    E nvironmental E mergency R esponse

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Belle Fountain Ditch

    Glycerin ReleaseBy:

    Travis Abernathy

    Curtis GateleyJosh Wilkerson

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels



    Biodiesel Industry (Process, ingredients,

    products, proper disposal)

    Belle Fountain Ditch Incident

    Site Cleanup, Permitting Process

    Biodiesel Industry Inspections

    Improvements: Biodiesel Compliance


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels



    Biodegradable, combustible fuel derived

    from vegetable oil/animal fat

    B100; Blends of B5, B20

    Industries throughout regional area

    Homebrewers are common

    C a s sJ o h n s o n

    R a yC la y

    P la tte

    B u c h a n a nC lin to n

    C a ld w e ll

    M o rg a nB e n to n

    M o n it e a uH e n ry

    B a te s

    H ic k o ry

    S t. C l a ir

    V e rn o n

    C e d a r

    B a rto nD a d e

    M a rie s C ra w fo rd

    O s a g e

    C a m d e n

    L a c le d eD a lla s

    P o lk

    L a w re n c eJ a s p e r

    W e b s te r W rig h t

    P u la s k i

    C o le

    M ille r

    T e x a s

    N o d a w a y W o rth H a rri s o nA tc h is o n

    H o lt

    G e n try

    A n d re w

    C la rkS c o tla n dS c h u y le rP u tn a mM e rc e r

    G ru n d yS u lliv a n A d a ir K n o x L e w is

    D e K a lbD a v ie s s

    L in n

    R a n d o lp h

    M a c o n

    S h e lb yM a rio n

    L in c o ln

    W a rre n S t. C h a rle s

    C a lla w a y

    B o o n e

    C o o p e rP e ttis

    W a s h in g t o n S te .G e n e v i e v e

    F ra n k lin

    L a fa y e tte

    L iv in g s to nC a rro ll

    C h a rito n

    S a lin eH o w a rd

    M o n ro e R a lls

    A u d ra inP ik e

    J e ffe rso n

    N e w to n C h ris tia n

    B a rryM c D o n a ldT a n e y O z a rk

    D o u g la s

    S h a n n o n

    C a rte rH o w e ll

    O re g o nR ip le y

    S to n e

    B u tle r

    G re e n e

    D e n t Iro n S t. F ra n c o is

    M a d is o n

    W a yn e

    C a p eG ir a rd e a u

    P e rry

    S c o tt

    S to d d a rd

    R e y n o ld s

    N e wM a d rid

    D u n klin

    J a c k s o n

    S p rin g fie ld

    P o p la r B lu ff

    K a n s a s C it y

    S t. L o u is

    M a c o n

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels



    Commercial biodiesel production is usually done by base-catalyzed transesterification of fats/oils.

    Fats/oils are reacted with alcohol (methanol), using astrong alkaline catalyst.

    This yields mono-alkyl methyl esters (biodiesel) andglycerin.

    Glycerin is a sugar and by-product of the process.

    100 pounds + 10 pounds = 10 pounds + 100 poundsTriglyceride Alcohol Glycerin Mono-Alkyl Esters

    (Soy Oil) (Methanol) (Biodiesel)

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Biodiesel Process

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels






    Glycerin Waste

    Finished Biodiesel

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels



    Methanol- Highly Flammable- Health Hazard (toxic)

    Sodium/Potassium Hydroxide, Sodium Methylate- Corrosive (Alkaline)

    Glycerin- High Oxygen Demand

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Glycerin by-product

    Approximately 10 gallons of glycerin is

    created for every 100 gallons of biodieselproduced.

    Glycerin is commonly contaminated withunused alkaline catalyst and excessmethanol. Glycerin would requireprocessing to elevate the purity to 99% ormore for marketability.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Glycerin-Haz Waste?

    Methanol contamination could elevate the

    glycerin to an ignitable haz waste due toflashpoint

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Belle Fountain Ditch

    EER Spill Line notified of large fish kill on 9/30/07

    Additional calls and investigation led to findingunrefined waste glycerin in agricultural fieldditch.

    Field ditch was tributary to Waters of the State.

    Runoff from waste entered the stream.

    RP was in the Biodiesel Production Industry.

    Land application of glycerin was conducted, alongwith an additional dumpsite found.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Site Map

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels



    Glycerin Dumpsite

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels



    EER and other State and Federal agenciesconducted oversight of site for months

    Decreased water quality

    25,000 fish counted, amounting to ~100,000

    fish dead

    Killed last population of federally listedFat Pocketbook Mussel, Potamilus capax .

    Violations of State and Federal environmentallaws resulting in substantial penalties.

    Federal Felony Indictment for CWA violations.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Responsible Party Costs

    Violation of Clean Water Act

    - 2 years probation- $10,000 fine

    Cleanup Cost

    Costs associated w/ agencies involved

    Wildlife/Natural Resource damages

    Attorney fees

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Fish damages

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Mussel Damages

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Agencies Involved

    MO Department of Natural Resources

    MO Department of Conservation

    EPA Regions 6 & 7

    US Fish and Wildlife Service

    Arkansas Deparment of EnvironmentalQuality (ADQ)

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Permitting Considerations

    Big piles of glycerin contaminated soil

    Very high oxygen demand in glycerin

    Methanol present at high levels

    Storm water flows during cleanup

    Completing the clean up and returning thearea to crop production

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Permitting Considerations

    Contaminated soil was covered in plastic

    Investigation revealed soil was nothomogeneous, clumps of unincorporatedglycerin still present.

    Methanol content within these clumpsexceeded our Default Target Levels forground water and drinking waterprotection.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    What are we going to allow?

    Initial thought was simply to require all of

    the soil to be landfilled

    Applicant sought to land apply everything

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    The Plan

    Decided to allow bioremediation treatment

    of most of the soil

    clumps of glycerin hauled to landfill,department staff overseeing visual segregation

    Area receiving land applied soil bermed toprevent storm water runon, and prevent runoff

    Soil spread in treatment cell, allowing glycerin

    and methanol to break down

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Permit Conditions

    Plastic must be removed and properly

    disposed of in a landfill

    Storm Water Pollution Prevention Planrequired before permit issuance, then

    incorporated into the permit by reference

    Instream monitoring to demonstrate nofurther impact on the stream

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    How do we know if it works?

    Permit required soil samples taken from

    the treatment cell to verify methanol isgone

    Vegetation must be established


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels



    All soil samples revealed non detect for


    Area will be returned to crop production

    Once plastic is removed, the NPDESpermit may be terminated

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels



  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Inspection Process

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    The Inspections.

    Inspected a total of three facilities in our


    Two had several deficiencies.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Problems Faced. Very little information on large scale

    biodiesel production.

    Most information obtained from the internetdeals with small scale production or homebrewers.

    Public misconceptions on biofuels.

    Sold to the public as safe for the

    environment (biodegradable).

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Inexperience of manufacturers.

    Many were farmers, small business owners and/orentrepreneurs with little or no experience in fuelmanufacturing.

    The sudden and rapid growth of the industry.

    The plants are relatively simple and easy to construct.

    The facilities basically consist of a large metal building,secondary containment and a tank farm. The rest of theequipment is brought in on skids and put together on-site.

    Problems Faced.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Plant equipment is broughtin on skids and puttogether on-site.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Lack of industry specific regulations and

    government oversight.

    Regulations did not have time to catch up with

    the rapidly growing and relatively newindustry.

    No prior inspections or enforcement cases to


    Lack of industry standards and support.

    Did not appear to be a set standard or

    guidelines in the construction of thesefacilities.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    What we discovered.

    Shoddy construction andquestionable materials


    Tank insulation material ishighly absorbent.

    Tanks sit on a gasket thatwould dissolve once itcomes in contact withproduct and leave an oilysheen during rain events.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Tank Insulation

    One of the facilities weinspected reported releaseof poultry fat into the

    secondary containment .

    After the spill was cleanedup, the insulation absorbedthe product or poultry fat

    and would continue to seepout and leave an oily sheenduring rain events.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Tank Gasket

    The tanks sit on gasketconstructed of felt or tar

    paper like material.

    One of the facilities weinspected reported a spill ofbiodiesel product into the

    secondary containment.

    The gasket under the tanksdissolved and wouldcontinue to leave an oilysheen during rain events.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Shoddy construction.

    Cracks in concrete walls ofthe secondary containmentstructure.

    This facility was a littleover a year old at the timethis picture was taken .

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Lack of Industry Standards

    This facility did nothave secondarycontainment for spillsthat may occur insidethe production plant.

    Floor of facility wasflat and did not haveany built in


  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Faulty equipment & design.

    Two of the facilitiesreported problems with

    the oil & waterseparators.

    Facilities claimed thatthe equipment wasfaulty and not effectivein removing oil andproduct from the stormwater.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    What we learned.

    No production/operational/technical support from NaturalBiodiesel Board (NBB) and little provided frommanufacturer.

    Some voiced concerns over shoddy construction methodsand designs and would like to see industry minimums orrecommendations.

    MFA will only buy biodiesel derived from soy oil (whichcurrently is the more expensive of the common feedstocks).

    Construction materials not compatible with finished product(ie. gaskets that dissolve or crack when in contact withbiodiesel).

    Lack of business management skills appears to be moredetrimental than market conditions

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Where to go from here?

    Increase public awareness.

    Current media and internet outlets have notprovided accurate information on biofuels.

    Because something is biodegradable does notmake it safe for the environment.

    Set industry minimum design standards.

    Increase discussions with industry


    Provide additional training to State andFederal regulators.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Steps Taken

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels


    Purpose of the ManualThis compliance assistance manual serves as a road map ofinformation on federal environmental programs and federal,

    state, and local agency roles as they apply to partiesinterested in designing, building, and operating biodieselmanufacturing facilities. This manual emphasizes federalenvironmental laws and regulations implemented by the

    United States Environmental Protection Agency and itsstate partners. Air, water, hazardous waste, accidentprevention and release reporting are examples ofrequirements that might apply.

  • 7/26/2019 Wilkerson Biofuels

