wicca course beltane...

Wicca Course Beltane Special The Witches' Sabbat of Beltane officially begins at moonrise on October 31 in the Southern Hemisphere and is celebrated through November 1. { Though some do celebrate on the actual cross-quarter day halfway between Ostara and Summer Solstice.} In Wiccan symbolism, the God and the Goddess perform the Great Rite at Beltane, lying together to ensure the fertility of the Earth. The God quickens the Goddess' womb and the land flourishes under the gentle wing of their love. The Great Rite is sexual license, "When we act out the lovemaking of nature by loving each other". It is the celebration of youth, of love and fun. It is a time of jumping through the Beltane bonfire. You can also light a fire in your fireplace. If you do not have a fireplace, you might light thirteen dark green candles to symbolise the Beltane fire This is a time to celebrate the coming together of the masculine and feminine creative energies. Beltane marks the emergence of the young God into manhood. Stirred by the energies at work in nature, he desires the Goddess. They fall in love, lie among the grasses and blossoms, and unite. May Day has long been marked with feasts and rituals. May poles, supremely phallic

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Wicca Course

Beltane Special

The Witches' Sabbat of Beltane officially begins at moonrise on October 31 in the Southern Hemisphere and is celebrated through November 1.

{ Though some do celebrate on the actual cross-quarter day halfway between Ostara and Summer Solstice.}

In Wiccan symbolism, the God and the Goddess perform the Great Rite at Beltane, lying together to ensure the fertility of the Earth. The God quickens the Goddess' womb and the land flourishes under the gentle wing of their love. The Great Rite is sexual license, "When we act out the lovemaking of nature by loving each other". It is the celebration of youth, of love and fun. It is a time of jumping through the Beltane bonfire. You can also light a fire in your fireplace. If you do not have a fireplace, you might light thirteen dark green candles to symbolise the Beltane fire This is a time to celebrate the coming together of the masculine and feminine creative energies. Beltane marks the emergence of the young God into manhood. Stirred by the energies at work in nature, he desires the Goddess. They fall in love, lie among the grasses and blossoms, and unite. May Day has long been marked with feasts and rituals. May poles, supremely phallic

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symbols, were the focal point of old English village rituals. Many people arose at dawn to gather flowers and green branches from the fields and gardens, using them to decorate the village Maypoles. The flowers and greenery symbolise the Goddess and the Maypole represents the God. Beltane marks the return of vitality and passion of summer. Maypoles are still used by Wiccans today where we have the facilities to do so. Another common focal point of the Beltane rituals is the cauldron. It represents the Goddess. Also known as May Eve, May Day, and Walpurgis Night, happens at the beginning of Nov. It celebrates the beginning of summer and the flowering of life. The Goddess manifests as the May Queen and Flora. The God emerges as the May King and Jack in the Green. The danced Maypole represents Their unity, with the pole itself being the God and the ribbons that encompass it, the Goddess. Colours are the Rainbow spectrum. Beltane is a festival of flowers, fertility, sensuality, and delight.

Beltane is a fire festival and is opposite Samhain on the Wheel of the Year. Samhain is said to be the time when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest; conversely Beltane is a time when the worlds are furthest apart.

Prepare a basket by filling it with flowers and goodwill and then give it to someone in need of healing and caring, such as a shut-in or elderly friend. Form a wreath of freshly picked flowers, wear it in your hair, and feel yourself radiating joy and beauty. Dress in bright colours. Dance the Maypole and feel yourself balancing the Divine Female and Male within. On Beltaine Eve, bless your garden in the old way by making love with your lover in it. Make a wish as you run around a bonfire or candle flame for good luck or jump it for fertility. Welcome in Beltaine at dawn with singing and dancing. . Dress in bright summer colours.

Lore: The God is now a fully-grown young man and love and union are embraced.

Special Time: Fertility rites are the main objective of this holiday. We ask for fertility for ourselves and for our animals or crops if we have any, and also for our plans conceived at Imbolc and put into motion at Ostara to grow and become what they were expected to be. This is a time of extreme vitality and consummation of many aspects of life. It is also a time to help others; to aid others in making their plans and aspirations work out. Some people believe elves and fairies and other "little people" begin to come out at this time and might leave offerings for them. Beltane is a good time also to commune with the deities of choice and to celebrate the blessings of love and fertility They have bestowed.

Activities: Since the spring flowers have been growing, this is a good time to collect them and exchange them with people whose favour you desire. People also like to put the flowers in and around their cauldrons (since the cauldron is a symbol of the Goddess). Fertility rites are very popular, such as the maypole. The pole itself is a phallic symbol, and the celebrators skip around the pole holding ribbons that wind into a lovely pattern. Couples who want to conceive children might jump over a small cauldron while holding hands. This is a time when people have large gatherings and get-togethers where they all talk about life and have a great time. Handcrafts are popular for this time of year, especially woven gifts and fabric crafts. Many

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people like to build a shrine in nature at this time, sometimes in a home garden or in a nearby forest.

Beltane Herbs : All flowers, almond, angelica, apple, ash, bluebell, calendula, cinquefoil, red clover, daisy, frankincense, hawthorn, honeysuckle, ivy, lilac, marigold, meadowsweet, primrose, rose, rowan, St. John’s wort, strawberry, woodruff, yellow cowslips

Beltane Incense : Frankincense, Lilac, Rose, Musk, Jasmine, Passion flower, Sandalwood, Myrrh, Myrtle, Vanilla Beltane Colours : Green Soft pink Blue Yellow White Beltane Decorations : Maypole, Strings of beads or flowers, Ribbons, Spring flowers (roses, bluebells, daisies, primrose, lilac), Daisy chain necklaces, bells on heels, Strawberries Faeries, Garlands, Fires Beltane Foods : Dairy, Oatmeal, May Day bread, Cherries, Strawberries, Wine punches, Green salads, Ice cream, Red fruit, Shortbread, Sweet cakes, Wine, Cherry juice Beltane Sacred Gemstones : Emerald, Orange carnelian, Sapphire, Rose quartz Spellwork appropriate for Beltane : Spells for fertility Love or romance; Spiritual communion with deity; Safety; Prosperity; Conservation; Crop Blessings

Notes on Beltane Customs

These can be shared after ritual or printed out for each member

Sacred Time Going A-Maying & Bringing in the May -- Merry-making and Nature communion. * Midpoint between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. * In Pagan Rome, Floralia, from April 27-May 3 was the festival of the Flower Goddess Flora and the flowering of Springtime. On May 1, offerings were made to Bona Dea (as Mother Earth), the Lares (household guardian spirits), and Maia (Goddess of Increase) from whom May gets its name. * Roman Catholic traditions of crowning statues of Mary with flowers on May 1 have Roman Pagan roots. * Marks the second half of the Celtic Year; one of the four Celtic Fire Festivals. Complement to Samhain, it is a time of divination and communion with Fairy Folk/Nature Spirits. * Pastoral tradition of turning sheep, cows, other livestock out to pasture. * In Pagan Scandinavia, mock battles between Winter and Summer were enacted at this time. * Building on older tradition of this time being a holiday for the masses, in the twentieth century, May Day has been a workers' holiday in many places. * Some say that Mother's Day, in the USA, Mexico, and elsewhere has Pagan roots.

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Maypole Forms include pole, tree, bush, cross; communal or household; permanent or annual. * In Germany, Fir tree was cut on May Eve by young unmarried men, branches removed, decorated, put up in village square, & guarded all night until dance occurred on May Day. * In England, permanent Maypoles were erected on village greens * In some villages, there also were smaller Maypoles in the yards of households. * Maypole ribbon dances, with two circles interweaving; around decorated bush/tree, tuathail circle dances.

Flowers & Greenwood Gathering and exchange of Flowers and Greens on May Eve, pre-dawn May Day, Beltane. * Decorating homes, barns, and other buildings with Green budding branches, including Hawthorn. * Making and wearing of garland wreaths of Flowers and/or Greens. * May Baskets were given or placed secretly on doorsteps to friends, shut-ins, lovers, others. * May Bowl was punch (wine or non-alcoholic) made of Sweet Woodruff blossoms.

Beltane Fires Traditionally, sacred woods kindled by spark from flint or by friction -- in Irish Gaelic, the Beltane Fire has been called teine eigin (fire from rubbing sticks). * Jump over the Beltane Fire, move through it, or dance tuathail around it. * Livestock was driven through it or between two fires for purification and fertility blessings. * In ancient times Druid priests kindled it at sacred places; later times, Christian priests kindled it in fields near the church after performing a Christian church service. * Rowan twigs were carried around the fire three times, then hung over hearths to bless homes. * In the past, Beltane community fire purification customs included symbolic sacrifice of effigy knobs on the Beltane Cake (of barley) to the fire, or, in medieval times, mock sacrifice of Beltane Carline (Hag) who received blackened piece of Beltane Cake; Maypoles in Spain were each topped with a male effigy which was later burned. Contemporary Pagans burn sacred wood and dried herbs as offerings in their Beltane fires.

May Waters Rolling in May Eve dew or washing face in pre-dawn May Day dew for health, luck, beauty. * Getting head and hair wet in Beltane rain to bless the head. * Blessing springs, ponds, other sacred waters with flowers, garlands, ribbons, other offerings. * Collecting sacred waters and scrying in sacred springs, wells, ponds, other waters.

Sacred Union & Fertility Union with the Land focus, often with actual mating outside on the Land to bless fields, herds, home. * May Queen (May Bride) as personification of the Earth Goddess and Goddesses of Fertility. * May King (May Groom) as personification of Vegetation God, Jack-in-Green -- often covered in green leaves. * At Sacred Grove, in addition to May Queen & May King, is May Spirit Couple, an already bonded pair. * Symbolic Union of Goddess and God in election/selection, crowning, processional, Maypole dance, feast. * Morris Dancers and pageants (with Hag & Jack-in-Green) to awaken the fertility in the Land.

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Beltane – Sample Ritual

Welcoming Summer Handfasting of Lord & Lady

(can be adapted for solitary use)

Meditation: Handfasting of the Lord and Lady

Sit quietly and close your eyes: The Lord and Lady stood before the Celestial Altar, Facing the High Priestess, who was seen but not seen, heard but not heard, the stars were Her gown, a nebula was Her cloak, and the Milky Way Her headdress, swirling around Her head. The Lord and Lady, were smiling shyly, for this was Beltaine, The Sacred day, The Joyous day, The day that They would become one. Around them in the circle Stood Their children. Witnessing Their wedding day. Men, Women and Children,

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Birds and Beasts, Creatures imagined, and some unimagined, Spirits and Angels, Creatures of the Land and of the Sea, The Fey in their multitude of Form, And creatures of the Otherworld. All happy to witness the handfasting of their Lord and Lady. The children looked at the Lady in awe, Her bright face turned up to the Lord, Multitudes of flowers in Her hair, faeries and butterflies daintily holding the ribbons away from Her face. And at the Laughing God, decked in greenery, bearded and horned, smiling down on His Lady love. The High Priestess, Her Awe-inspiring voice heard with the heart, not with the ears, did say to the children: "Do any say nay?" The hush was instant, Breath indrawn. She gazed at the children with Her terrible eyes, The children looked down with respect and no little fear, not meeting Her eyes. She turned back to the Lord and Lady, at the beautiful eyes and the handsome face, Her smile returned. Suddenly, She held a cord. The children's breath let out, almost a sigh. The Lord and Lady proffered Their wrists. Wrapped around them almost instantly, Was a cord, sparkling with all the colours of the rainbow, the Moon and the Sun. "Then as the entire Universe as witness" She said in a voice suddenly loud, "I proclaim you Husband and Wife!" The crowd cheered, throwing rose petals into the air. The petals fell to the ground to be stepped on and release their pungent smell. The Laughing God bent His Horned Head to the Lady's mouth, eager to taste the sweetness there. The Lady's Eyes opened wide, His Passion a surprise. The Laughing God's eyes danced in response. The Kiss ended. They turned to the altar, The Star Woman was gone, as They knew she would be. They laughed happily and turned to the crowd, Their sparkling eyes, taking in the sight of Their Children.

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Smiling Their blessings to the crowd, They too were gone. The children turned their eyes towards the bright heavens, And beheld the Laughing God and their Lady, Dancing in the stars. Somewhere in a nebula far, far away, the Star Woman laughed happily. The Children danced too, In joy, on the earth, in the sea, and in the skies. their faces aglow, As the stardust fell down.....

Casting the Circle Men go deosil (sunwise) while women go tuathail (moonwise), weaving in and out of each other as they cast the circle thrice. The HPS reads out:

Brightly the fires at Beltane burn Rise, as the dusklight is fading

And we will dance as we sing this song Sing, for the Lord and the Lady!

Magickal Covens at beltane meet

Mystical powers together And we will rise as we weave our spell

Weave for the Lord and the Lady!

X 3 As each takes their place in circle they are anointed with oil/wine by Handmaiden and welcomed to the Sabbat. CLEANSE CIRCLE (candle, water and salt, sweeping)



Guardians of the North, powers of Fire, I call upon thee.

Thou who art the fiery rays of the sun, the dancing flames of the hearthfire, And the deep heat within the earth’s core, And who art also energy, will and passion,

Grace our circle with your presence this day.

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Guardians of the West, powers of Earth, I call upon thee. Thou who art the towering mountains, the fertile plains, and the enduring bedrock,

And who art also our bodies and all things material, Grace our circle with your presence this day.



Guardians of the South, powers of Air, I call upon thee. Thou who art the breezes, winds and zephyrs,

And who art also mind, intellect and imagination, Grace our circle with your presence this day.



Guardians of the East, powers of Water, I call upon thee. Thou who art the mountain streamlets, the mighty rivers and the vast oceans,

And who art also feeling, emotion and intuition, Grace our circle with your presence this day.



"Lady of the blossoms and lady of the dew,

May bride, Light our circle with your ethereal presence, we ask. Let our dreams and wishes bloom, just as you open

the tulips And the eyes of the newborn lambs.

Moon-risen, morning-risen, mist-risen, Beautiful and good in all your lights,

New bride, we welcome you to your first morning As the Lady of the Lord!"

(light candle – Hail & Welcome)

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"Lord of the greenwood,

Eye of the hawk, legs of the stag, and loins of the wild stallion, Delight of the Lady,

New groom and lover, Join us in circle, throwing back the cloak of the night of May Eve,

In this, your first day as the Lord of the Lady!"

(light candle – Hail & Welcome)


"O spirits of plant and earth and tree

O little ones of every form, join our Sabbat tonight. No harm shall come from us,

Join us in friendship and in love Rejoice with us in magick old.

For together with the ancient Gods Your stories once again are told.

Guardian spirits, watchers fair Our lives are joined, all things we share."

(sprinkle fairy dust – Hail & Welcome)

NINE WOODS 2 members (bride & groom) stroll around circle hand in hand: Witch 1: The Goddess of summer walks through the land with the God of the forest, and the dark time of winter is behind us! Child: (ring bell seven times) Witch 2: The animals breed and the plants pollinate, as the May Queens and the Green Man bestow their blessings upon the earth and earth’s creatures. We rejoice with them and ask that their happy union become of example of all humanity to live in love and harmony. Witch 3: (light the 9 different types of wood in the cauldron) Nine woods are placed in the Beltane fires and each one is significant.

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Birch in the fire goes To represent what the Lady knows. Oak in the forest towers with might

In the fire it brings the God's insight. Rowan is a tree of power

Causing life and magick to flower. Willows at the waterside stand

Ready to help us to the Summerland. Hawthorn is burned to purify

And to draw faerie to your eye. Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning-

Adds its strength to the bright fire burning. White are the flowers of Apple tree

That brings us fruits of fertility. Grapes grow upon the vine Giving us both joy and wine. Fir does mark the evergreen

To represent immortality seen. Elder is the Lady's tree

Burn it not or cursed you'll be.

Count them, Elder is the 10th tree, and the Balefire only gets Nine. This is a warning to those that would burn the elder, and refers to the English elder, but I don't burn the American one either. The dark days are cleared away that Beltane can begin! Witch 4: (drop some Woodruff into the flame) May the light of Bel-fire bring happiness and peace and may the victory of the King of the Wood come into our lives that we may dwell in the joy of the Lady and the Lord. So Mote It Be! ALL: So Mote It Be! HPS: All move to bel-fire and empower it by circling deosil and chanting:

"Wake the flame inside us Burn and Burn below

Fire seed and fire feed Make the magick grow"

When HPS signals, release raised energy into the fire. Now all can jump the flames either one at a time or in pairs and make a wish for the coming weeks/months. Witch 5: This is the time when sweet desire weds wild delight. The Maiden of Spring and the Lord of the Waxing Year meet in the greening fields and rejoice together under the warm sun. The shaft of life is twined in a spiral web and all of nature is renewed. We meet in the time of flowering, to dance the dance of life!

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Dance the May Pole! HANDMAIDEN: (ask all to ground themselves and read the following): Great Lord and Lady, thank you for the life you have brought once again to the earth. As your magick touches the world, plants blossom, the sap in trees begins to run, animals bear young, and the entire planet sings with joy. Let this vibrant energy all around us also energize our spirit. So Mote It Be.


Elder: (holding up the cakes)

All life is your own All fruits of the earth are fruits of your womb,

Your union, your dance.

(holding up strawberry wine) From the vine comes the wine,

May you never hunger & may you never thirst!

Blessed Be!

ALL: Blessed Be! ALL: (share in the feast) LIBATION

Goddess and God We thank you for your blessings and abundance

So Mote It Be (pour some wine on ground) All: So Mote It Be FAREWELL GODS

Lord and Lady, we join with you in the dance of life; it renews our energy. Thank you for being here with us for this blessing and the dawning of a new cycle of earth.

(snuff candle - Hail & Farewell)

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The rain has fallen and the earth all around has grown green. Thank you for this blessing and for protecting this sacred space.

Snuff Torch - Hail & Farewell


The winds have scattered seeds and brought fertility.

Thank you for this blessing and for protecting this sacred space.

Snuff Torch - Hail & Farewell


The soil is filled to overflowing with life and beauty. Thank you for this blessing and for protecting this sacred space.

Snuff Torch - Hail & Farewell


The sun’s fire has nourished all things, and warmth has returned. Thank you for this blessing and for protecting this sacred space.

Snuff Torch - Hail & Farewell


Men go tuathail (moonwise) while women go deosil (sunwise), weaving in and out of each other as they open the circle thrice while chanting:

The circle is open but unbroken. May the peace of the Goddess be forever our hearts.

Merry meet & merry part & merry meet again!

X 3

Blessed Be! Blessed Be! Blessed Be! Feast and be Merry . . . . . Lady Snowflake