why trade increased

Europe’s Late Middle Ages How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe? For better or worse…?

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Post on 22-May-2015




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How trade affected life in the Late Middle Ages


Page 1: Why trade increased

Europe’s Late Middle Ages

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?

For better or worse…?

Page 2: Why trade increased

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?

Trade increased after the Crusades…• People traveled east and were exposed to new

cultures (and new products).• Italian merchants brought luxury goods in

from Asia.• Rugs, silks, fabric, etc.

Page 3: Why trade increased

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?

Trade increased after the Crusades…• Western Europeans traded the goods from

Asia along the Mediterranean Sea.• They also traded European resources

(minerals, fish, wool, grain, wine, olive oil, etc.)

Page 4: Why trade increased

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?

Trade & towns “helped” each other.• The more people traded, the more they

needed a permanent place to trade.

Page 5: Why trade increased

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?

• First there were FAIRS.• They lasted for weeks. • People gathered from far

and wide.• They were exciting places:

filled with musicians, jugglers, entertainers, and exotic goods.

Page 6: Why trade increased

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?

• Problem: Fairs could not satisfy all the needs of traders & consumers.

• When winter came, for example, they had to shut down… or

• Sometimes travel to a fair was far & dangerous.

• So…

Page 7: Why trade increased

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?

• Towns emerged.

• Merchants (like these) and craftspeople (such as weavers & carpenters) had stalls and workshops.

Look at this picture on page 178.

What would be the advantages of permanent shops,

other than security?

Page 8: Why trade increased

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?

• GUILD: an organization that was controlled by the experts in the trade

• It set standards for the quality of products

• It controlled prices• It kept out unskilled


•People started to specialize: bakers, tailors, sword & armour makers, tanners.•So Craft Guilds emerged…

Page 9: Why trade increased

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?

Guilds…• Ran all the trade activity in towns and

between towns.• They looked after their members in case of

sickness or accident.• Becoming a member was a long & difficult


Page 10: Why trade increased

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?

Turn to a partner and discuss how to become a master


See more information on page


Why is on-the-job training an

important part of apprenticeship


Page 11: Why trade increased

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?



Increased trading after the crusades

Fairs led to towns… and craft guilds… but then what?

Page 12: Why trade increased

How did the growth of trade change feudal society in Europe?

What was life like in medieval towns?

1. Describe their lives… (see page 182).

2. Did people have more or fewer freedoms than life on the manor)?