why students should eat breakfast every day

Why Students Should Eat Breakfast Every Day? By EssayWriter.co.uk

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Why Students Should Eat Breakfast Every Day?

By EssayWriter.co.uk

The breakfast could easily be the most ignored meal. The worst ignored. Many people say they do not have time for it. They are in a hurry to go to their occupation. They are employees, managers, bosses, businessmen and students. They do not or may not know that breakfast is important. That they should eat breakfast every day. All the more important to students. This is because they are still growing and learning important things.

should eat breakfast every day.

Here are the reasons why students

BenefitsEating breakfast everyday is important for students because it gives energy,

enables them to focus on their studies better and, in the process, enables them to get better grades. Further, it makes

these young people make their bodies fit and healthy. This also means that

skipping breakfast has corresponding negative consequences.

Here are how students get the

benefits of eating breakfast every day.

EnergyStudents need to do many things. They ride or walk to school, listen to teachers, participate in

activities in the classroom and school, play, ride or walk home, do their homework, study

their lessons and even help in the house. University and older students may also have to work in jobs. They need their body and minds to function well. Eating breakfast is necessary to supply their body and mind with the energy.

Better FocusWith the energy provided by a breakfast,

students will not only have the physical energy to fuel their bodies. It will also serve as a

power source for the brain. An energised body will support and sustain the energy needs of the brain. The student can focus one’s mind better on studying. They will be able to learn

better, faster, easier and more.

Better GradesWith a better focus by the brain on the things it needs to do especially studying and academic tasks, the student will be able to get better grades. Aside from the obvious logic to this, studies also confirm it.

Fit Body, Aside from the mentioned energy to fuel the body and keep it healthy,

eating breakfast also keeps the body fit and keep a healthy weight. Because the breakfast is the first meal of the day after the overnight

fasting while sleeping, it provides the foundation of nutritional health for the day, every day and for the immediate future. Because it provides the

energy, nutrients and sustenance for the body right from the start, it serves as foundation and provides balance for the day, every day and for

the immediate future.

Healthy Weight

The nutrients which are supplied by the breakfast meet the nutritional needs of the body. This means that the body is able to get a supply of nutrients at the right time so that it will be able to use them at the right

time too. There is balance. And when there is balance, there is no mismatching. There will be no excess nutrients which will go unused and will contribute to excess weight. In other words, eating breakfast enables students to maintain the right and healthy weight. Healthy weight means healthy body. Healthy body means sharper mind. Sharper mind means

better grades.

ConsequencesSkipping breakfast will make students miss the necessary supply of nutrients and energy needed for the whole day.

They will lack the energy and actually feel it and its effects. They will not be able to focus their minds well on the academic tasks they need to do. In the process, they will get lower grades. Further, skipping breakfast will

contribute to unhealthy body weight. It can be overweight or underweight.

of Skipping

Not eating breakfast is like missing a meal and can be interpreted as avoiding excess weight. However, this is not totally true. It can make your weight increase. This is because your will feel the need the make

up for it and actually make up for it. The result is that you are accumulating more pounds. You are supplying your body with the

energy and nutrients during the time when it no longer needs it and does not use it anymore. On the other hand, it can also mean that you will

really lose weight. But this weight loss is not the healthy one and it can be excessive.

Healthy BreakfastsStudents should eat breakfasts which are healthy and do

so on time. It is best that you eat them as soon as you wake up. This may not be a problem because you even

think of skipping it because you have no time for it. This means you have no time to waste and to delay. So, there

you have it. You should not waste any amount of time and eat your breakfast promptly. Break the fasting as soon as you can. The best breakfasts should have some starch and

protein. They are the sources of energy.

Avoid sugary foods like toaster pastries and donuts because they give temporary energy. In as short as one hour, students who have solely these for breakfast will

already feel hungry and tired. The longest you can hope for them to last is two hours. On the other hand, foods which have starch and protein like English muffin and peanut butter, cheese and crackers, yogurt and toast or instant

oatmeal and fruit take more time to be digested and thus help students stay full and energised for longer hours.




