why should coaches invest in injury prevention education?

WHY SHOULD COACHES INVEST IN INJURY PREVENTION EDUCATION? BY DR. KERRY HOLT, PT, DPT FOUNDER / CEO (856)396-9060 [email protected] www.preventconsulting.org

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. BY DR. KERRY HOLT, PT, DPT FOUNDER / CEO (856)396-9060 [email protected] www.preventconsulting.org
  2. 2. PrevenT Consulting, LLC provides seminars / webinars to teach coaches everything they need to know to prevent injury in their players
  3. 3. Seminar Format: 1. Anatomy of body parts involved in sport 2. Biomechanics of movement pattern of sport 3. Common biomechanical errors 4. How these lead to potential injury 5. Signs / symptoms of common injuries 6. INJURY PREVENTION strategies!!
  4. 4. WHATS IN IT FOR YOU? Coach Training / Education Organizations - Increases breadth and depth of training you offer to your clients Private / Public League or Team - Boast better trained coaches That know how to keep kids healthy Athletes and their Families - The customer at the end of the chain Increases marketability to More likely to use you to train their coaches Inceases marketability to More likely to enroll their athlete
  5. 5. (856)396-9060 [email protected] www.preventconsulting.org Dr. Kerry Holt, PT, DPT Founder / CEO Copyright 2014 PrevenT Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved