why it's good to support organic coffee growing

Why It's Good To Support Organic Coffee Growing

Upload: arianabliz

Post on 19-May-2015




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The big coffee plantations clear cut acres and acres of old growth forests in South America for the purpose of growing coffee in the sun. This method produces large amounts of coffee more quickly, but most people don't realize that it is not really a natural way for coffee to grow.


Page 1: Why It's Good To Support Organic Coffee Growing

Why It's Good To Support Organic Coffee Growing

Page 2: Why It's Good To Support Organic Coffee Growing

The big coffee plantations clear cut acres and acres of old growth forests in South America for the purpose of growing coffee in the sun. This method produces large amounts of coffee more quickly, but most people don't realize that it is not really a natural way for coffee to grow.

More info on:http://australianorganiccoffee.com/australian-grown-coffee-beans

Page 3: Why It's Good To Support Organic Coffee Growing

Additionally, the loss of old growth forest means the loss of habitat for countless animals, insects and plants, many of which we have not yet "discovered". This is a wealth of information and potential pharmacopoeia flushed down the drain for quickly grown coffee.

More info on:http://australianorganiccoffee.com/australian-grown-coffee-beans

Page 4: Why It's Good To Support Organic Coffee Growing

As a wild plant, the coffee shrub is an undergrowth plant that grows under larger trees. Natural coffee is shade grown. This method of organic coffee growing takes longer than growing coffee in direct sun, but it produces coffee with a more subtle and complex flavor.

More info on:http://australianorganiccoffee.com/australian-grown-coffee-beans

Page 5: Why It's Good To Support Organic Coffee Growing

Plantation grown coffee is also treated with a number of chemicals to prevent pest predation and other problems. Organic shade grown coffee is free of these chemicals, and when you drink it, so are you!

More info on:http://australianorganiccoffee.com/australian-grown-coffee-beans

Page 6: Why It's Good To Support Organic Coffee Growing

Another excellent reason to support and purchase organically grown coffee is that this type of coffee is usually fair trade coffee. This means that, instead of being planted, tended and harvested by underpaid laborers, it is grown and cared for by small farmers who are paid a fair price for their products.

More info on:http://australianorganiccoffee.com/australian-grown-coffee-beans

Page 7: Why It's Good To Support Organic Coffee Growing

Organically grown coffee tastes better, is healthier to consume and is better for the environment. When you purchase organic, shade grown coffee, you are investing in sustainable business and benefiting individuals struggling for independence.

More info on:http://australianorganiccoffee.com/australian-grown-coffee-beans