why games? the 2007 edition

K.Becker Why Games General Learning from Games Learning From Games Learning From Games Katrin Becker University of Calgary March 2007 This session focuses on how games can support learning, why they are a natural fit for learning*, what we can learn from blockbusters, and how games are being used now. *if not for education

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Page 1: Why Games? The 2007 Edition

K.Becker Why Games General Learning from Games

Learning From GamesLearning From Games

Katrin BeckerUniversity of Calgary

March 2007

This session focuses on how games can support learning, why they are a natural fit for

learning*, what we can learn from blockbusters, and how games are being used


*if not for education

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This presentation contains many links to other websites.

Try passing your mouse over the pictures – if the pointer changes to a hand, it is an active link that you can follow. Usually they will lead to the webpage that was the source of the image.

Most underlined text is linked to other pages.Also:(+) = link to other page in this presentation(-) = link website or article containing to further


Note that there are many links to wikipedia entries. Although wikipedia is not considered to be a sound scholarly resource, it is often a great place to start, and it can be very useful for providing straight-forward and up-to-date explanations, especially of newer technological terms.

Notes on presentation accessible online:

Katamari Damacy

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K.Becker Why Games General Learning from Games

Bit of Wild Ride....

Image source: http://home.cfl.rr.com/omniluxe/mtwr.htm

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Ready, Set, GO!!

Kids today (sheesh) (+)Importance of play

(what makes us human) (+)The Case for New Ways (again) (+)

Gamers (and what they do) (+)Games (and learning) (+)

The Masters (and learning from them) (+)Games and Pedagogy (by way of superimposition)

(+)Serious Games (Games for Learning and) (+)

(+) Takes you directly to that


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Kids Today (sheesh)

"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”

Attributed to SOCRATES by Plato ~400BC

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“Kids Today” have been “Kids

Today” for

thousands of

years,BUT… Vampire: The Masquerade

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Kids Today Really Are different

Digital Natives (-)

Tech Savvyyet

Still Naive

Producers, not just Consumers

Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy XII

Nomad Soul

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Kids TodayAre different

What do we do about it?

HELP THEM?Prepare them?Cure them?

We need to consider whether we are educating children for their futures or our pasts.

Geoff Southworth 2002

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We’ve come a long way, right?

“Our schools have been scientifically designed to prevent over-education from happening...The average American [should be] content with their humble role in life, because they're not tempted to think about any other role."

- William Harris, U.S. Commissioner of Education, 1889

Vocational training is the training of animals or slaves. It fits them to become cogs in the industrial machine. Free men need liberal education to prepare them to

make a good use of their freedom. -John Dewey, 1916

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Importance of play (it makes us human)

Games:Require joint attentionImitation games precede language

development in childrenMimetic games form culture…

2500 BCEhttp://www.personal.psu.edu/users/w/x/wxk116/romeball.html

Knucklebones 3-400 BC http://www.attalus.org/info/howto.html

Defn: Mimesis: intentional non-linguistic

representational or imitative acts [Janet Murray]

Progress of hominid cognition // progress of game forms

- Merlin Donald

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Michael Tomasello

Ur ~3000 BC

Senet ~3000 BC

Games are media of

interpersonal communication

Marshall McLuhan

Culture ratchets cognition

– our brains and our culture co-evolve.

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Games are Natural Instructional Technologies

As old as mankind.

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Making the Case for New


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New Methods for “New” Ways

“The invention of new methods that are adequate to the new ways

in which problems are posed requires far more than a simple modification

of previously accepted methods." Vygotsky


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New Ways (again)

Everything old is new again

Apprenticeship (PBL, case-based…)OLD



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New Ways (again)

Everything old is new again

Experiential Learning

One learns by doing a thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you try.

- Sophocles Never Winter Nights

Harvest Moon



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New Ways (again)

Everything old is new again




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New Ways (again)

Everything old is new again

Visual CultureOLD


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If Everything New is Old,Then WHAT, if anything

HAS Changed ?

Media -> Digital Games = New Method(this is not just about getting kids to pay attention)

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One View of Communication Media through

HistoryPerforming Arts


Broadcast Radio




Passive: watch,

listen, read

Active / Interactive:

Do, Act, Contribute

Print Media

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This just in...EDUCAUSE Learning

Initiative Spring 2007 Focus Session on Immersive Learning Environments

March 27–28, 2007, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Opening Keynote: Richard Van Eck [UND]

“Generation G and the 21st Century“

http://www.nmc.org/campus/ELI072 http://www.nmc.org/sl/2007/03/27/ile-day1/ http://www.educause.edu/content.asp?SECTION_ID=255

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“Some claim that TECHNOLOGY is what was invented after you were a teenager”

20’s-30’s: radio, telephone

40’s-50’s: television

60’s-70’s: computers, cell phones

80’s: games, internet, ipods

90’s: nothing (!!!)

texting, blogging, wiki’s, open source, FaceBook, YouTube,MySpace, RSS, preferences (& customization, see D.Norman), augmented reality games, machinima

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Gamers.....Gamers are:

- mostly under 18 years- primarily male

Most popular games are:- violent twitch games


Data source: http://www.theesa.com/archives/files/Essential%20Facts%202006.pdf


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Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Average age of Gamer: 33# of US homes that have game

consoles: 45 million (~half)

Gamers are:31.0% under 18 years44.0% 18–49 years25.0% 50+ years

85% of all games sold in 2005 were rated "E" for Everyone, "T" for Teen, or "E10+" for Everyone 10+.

WOMEN age 18 or older represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (30%) than boys age 17 or younger (23%).

38% of gamers are women.


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What Gamers Do….

WHAT ELSE ARE GAMERS DOING?Gamers devote more than triple the amount of time spent

playing games each week to exercising or playing sports, volunteering in the community, religious activities, creative endeavors, cultural activities, and reading.

In total, gamers spend 23.4 hours per week on these activities, compared to 6.8 hours per week playing games.

79% of game players of all ages report exercising or playing sports an average of 20 hours a month.

93% of game players also report reading books or daily newspapers on a regular basis, while 62% consistently attend cultural events, such as concerts, museums, or the theater.

Source: Peter D. Hart Research Associates, 2004

51% of all gamers play games in-person with other players at least one hour a week, and a quarter (25%) of gamers play games with others online for at least an hour per week.


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Games (and


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Digital GamesMore than a simple modification of

previously accepted methods…

Now what?Tomb Raider

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Digital Games

If we are to take advantage of the medium, we must

Look at HOW…

Look at exemplars:“Old Media”New Media

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Are Games Good Are Games Good Teachers Too?Teachers Too?

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Figuring it out:To find out how games should teach, first look

at how games do teach.

Place in familiar context:Learning & Instructional Theories

Find contact points.Gagné / Reigeluth / Merrill / Bruner/ JonassenKolb / Keirsey / Gregorc / FelderActivity Theory/ Problem-Based Learning

(This work has been done)

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Games and Pedagogy

Premise: Games already incorporate sound pedagogy – even if it was not deliberate.

Test: Can we superimpose accepted learning and instructional theories on existing games?

Grim Fandango

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Yes, if they are good games.

An example…

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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How Do Games How Do Games Teach?Teach? Learning Theories


Boss Challenges


H.U.D.Heads Up Display


Attract Mode




P.O.V. /PerspectivePoint of View

Variable L.O.D.

Level of Detail




Gagné’s Nine Events



Fan Sites & Game


Each of these elements can be seen as a tool that facilitates learning.

1. Gaining Attention (Reception)

2. Informing Learners of the Objective (Expectancy)

3. Stimulating Recall of Prior Learning (Retrieval)4. Presenting the

Stimulus (Selective Perception)

5. Providing Learning Guidance (Semantic Encoding)

6. Eliciting Performance (Responding)

7. Providing Feedback (Reinforcement)

8. Assessing Performance (Retrieval)

9. Enhancing Retention and Transfer (Generalization) Tutorial


Click to progress through events

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All good games incorporate:

Merrill’s First Principles of Instruction (-)Engagement – Solving realistic (real-life) problems Activation – Start Where the player/learner is.Demonstration – Show them what we want them

to learn – don’t just tell them.Application – New knowledge must be applied to

solve problems.Integration – Motivate to apply what was learned

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Games (-)

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Games for Change (-)ScienceHealth (-)LearningTrainingInterfaceWorkVisualizationDefenseCollective IntelligenceEtc.

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Food Force


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Food Force


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Making History


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Making History


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The game’s producers enlisted the help of veterans of recent nonviolent campaigns, including Ivan Marovic of Otpor, the Serbian resistance group that played a critical role in ousting Slobodan Milosevic.

“We wanted to create a game that is not only interesting and fun to play, but one that replicates the real world,” said Marovic. “The game emphasizes and rewards planning and calculated decision-making. Ultimately, by teaching strategic skills that are applicable to a variety of scenarios the game teaches individuals how to think about their own situation.”


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Re-MissionOur mission is to "combine the highest standards of

scientific research with innovative solutions to improve the health and quality of life for young people with chronic illness."

http://www.hopelab.org/ http://www.re-mission.net/

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Games for Health

Pain DistractionPhobia ManagementPre-Op CalmingSurgical Training

Chronic Illness Management / Education (like Diabetes)

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Virtual Leaderhttp://www.simulearn.net/leadershiptraining.htm l

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Game Images courtesy of:Official Game Sites (images are identified by

game)Fan ArtMobygames.comGamespot.com