why eat? - routledge · the dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are...

1 chapter one Why eat? An adult eats about a tonne of food a year. This book attempts to answer the question ‘why?’ by exploring the need for food and the uses to which that food is put in the body. Some discussion of chemistry and biochemistry is obviously essential to understand the fate of food in the body and why there is a continual need for food throughout life. Therefore, in the following chapters, various aspects of biochemistry and metabolism will be discussed. This should provide not only the basis of our present understanding, knowl- edge, and concepts in nutrition, but also, more importantly, a basis from which to interpret future research findings and evaluate new ideas and hypotheses as they are formulated. We eat because we are hungry. Why have we evolved complex physiological and psy- chological mechanisms to control not only hunger and satiety but also our appetite for different types of food? Why do meals form such an important part of our life? Objectives After reading this chapter you should be able to Describe the need for water and fluid balance Describe the need for metabolic fuels and, in outline, the relationship between food intake, energy expenditure, and body weight Describe in outline the importance of an appropriate intake of dietary fat Describe the mechanisms involved in short- and long-term control of food intake Describe the mechanisms involved in the sense of taste Explain the various factors that influence peoples’ choices of foods Describe disorders of appetite: anorexia and bulimia 1.1 The need for water The body’s first need is for water. The human body contains about 60% water—a total of 42 L in a 70-kg person. Water is excreted in the urine as a way of ridding the body of the end products of metabolism, and obviously, there is a need for an intake of water to bal- ance the losses from the body. It is possible to survive for several weeks without any food, using body reserves of fat and protein, but without water, death from dehydration occurs within a few days. Average daily output of urine is often said to be 1.5 L (although the figures in Table 1.1 show that this is an overestimate), and advertisements for bottled water suggest that we should drink at least this much water per day. At first glance, it might seem obvious that we would need an intake of the same amount of fluid to replace the loss in urine. However, as shown in the table, total daily fluid output from the body is about 3 L for an adult man and about 2.1 L for a woman; urine accounts for less than half of this. Equally, fluid con- sumption in beverages accounts for only about two thirds of total fluid intake. Copyrighted te of fo te of fo efore, in th efore, in th ussed. This ussed. This concepts in concepts in rch finding rch finding ause we are ause we are nisms to co nisms to co od? Why do od? Why do Material ould be a ould be a fluid bala fluid bala ls and, i ls and, i wei wei - igh igh app app Taylo propria propria t- and long t- and long nse of taste nse of taste lor es’ choices es’ choices mia mia & Franci 60% wate 60% wate ng the bo ng the bo cis of water of water out any out any ion ion

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Page 1: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the


chapter one

Why eat?An adult eats about a tonne of food a year. This book attempts to answer the question ‘why?’ by exploring the need for food and the uses to which that food is put in the body. Some discussion of chemistry and biochemistry is obviously essential to understand the fate of food in the body and why there is a continual need for food throughout life. Therefore, in the following chapters, various aspects of biochemistry and metabolism will be discussed. This should provide not only the basis of our present understanding, knowl-edge, and concepts in nutrition, but also, more importantly, a basis from which to interpret future research �ndings and evaluate new ideas and hypotheses as they are formulated.

We eat because we are hungry. Why have we evolved complex physiological and psy-chological mechanisms to control not only hunger and satiety but also our appetite for different types of food? Why do meals form such an important part of our life?

ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter you should be able to

• Describe the need for water and �uid balance• Describe the need for metabolic fuels and, in outline, the relationship between food

intake, energy expenditure, and body weight• Describe in outline the importance of an appropriate intake of dietary fat• Describe the mechanisms involved in short- and long-term control of food intake• Describe the mechanisms involved in the sense of taste• Explain the various factors that in�uence peoples’ choices of foods• Describe disorders of appetite: anorexia and bulimia

1.1 The need for waterThe body’s �rst need is for water. The human body contains about 60% water—a total of 42 L in a 70-kg person. Water is excreted in the urine as a way of ridding the body of the end products of metabolism, and obviously, there is a need for an intake of water to bal-ance the losses from the body. It is possible to survive for several weeks without any food, using body reserves of fat and protein, but without water, death from dehydration occurs within a few days.

Average daily output of urine is often said to be 1.5 L (although the �gures in Table 1.1 show that this is an overestimate), and advertisements for bottled water suggest that we should drink at least this much water per day. At �rst glance, it might seem obvious that we would need an intake of the same amount of �uid to replace the loss in urine. However, as shown in the table, total daily �uid output from the body is about 3 L for an adult man and about 2.1 L for a woman; urine accounts for less than half of this. Equally, �uid con-sumption in beverages accounts for only about two thirds of total �uid intake.


Some discussion of chemistry and biochemistry is obviously essential to understand Copyrighted

Some discussion of chemistry and biochemistry is obviously essential to understand the fate of food in the body and why there is a continual need for food throughout life. Copyrighted

the fate of food in the body and why there is a continual need for food throughout life. Therefore, in the following chapters, various aspects of biochemistry and metabolism will


Therefore, in the following chapters, various aspects of biochemistry and metabolism will be discussed. This should provide not only the basis of our present understanding, knowl-


be discussed. This should provide not only the basis of our present understanding, knowl-edge, and concepts in nutrition, but also, more importantly, a basis from which to interpret


edge, and concepts in nutrition, but also, more importantly, a basis from which to interpret future research �ndings and evaluate new ideas and hypotheses as they are formulated.


future research �ndings and evaluate new ideas and hypotheses as they are formulated.We eat because we are hungry. Why have we evolved complex physiological and psy-


We eat because we are hungry. Why have we evolved complex physiological and psy-chological mechanisms to control not only hunger and satiety but also our appetite for

Copyrighted chological mechanisms to control not only hunger and satiety but also our appetite for different types of food? Why do meals form such an important part of our life?

Copyrighted different types of food? Why do meals form such an important part of our life?


After reading this chapter you should be able to


After reading this chapter you should be able to

Describe the need for water and �uid balance

Material Describe the need for water and �uid balanceDescribe the need for metabolic fuels and, in outline, the relationship between food

Material Describe the need for metabolic fuels and, in outline, the relationship between food intake, energy expenditure, and body weight

Material intake, energy expenditure, and body weight- intake, energy expenditure, and body weight- intake, energy expenditure, and body weightDescribe in outline the importance of an appropriate intake of dietary fat

- Describe in outline the importance of an appropriate intake of dietary fatTaylor

Describe in outline the importance of an appropriate intake of dietary fatTaylor

Describe in outline the importance of an appropriate intake of dietary fatDescribe the mechanisms involved in short- and long-term control of food intake

Taylor Describe the mechanisms involved in short- and long-term control of food intakeDescribe the mechanisms involved in the sense of taste

Taylor Describe the mechanisms involved in the sense of taste

Taylor Explain the various factors that in�uence peoples’ choices of foods

Taylor Explain the various factors that in�uence peoples’ choices of foodsDescribe disorders of appetite: anorexia and bulimia

Taylor Describe disorders of appetite: anorexia and bulimia & FrancisThe body’s �rst need is for water. The human body contains about 60% water—a total of

FrancisThe body’s �rst need is for water. The human body contains about 60% water—a total of 42 L in a 70-kg person. Water is excreted in the urine as a way of ridding the body of the

Francis42 L in a 70-kg person. Water is excreted in the urine as a way of ridding the body of the

Francisend products of metabolism, and obviously, there is a need for an intake of water to bal-

Francisend products of metabolism, and obviously, there is a need for an intake of water to bal-ance the losses from the body. It is possible to survive for several weeks without any food,

Francisance the losses from the body. It is possible to survive for several weeks without any food, using body reserves of fat and protein, but without water, death from dehydration occurs

Francisusing body reserves of fat and protein, but without water, death from dehydration occurs

Page 2: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

2 Introduction to nutrition and metabolism

In addition to the obvious water in beverages, food provides a signi�cant amount of water; around 22% of total intake, and more if you eat the recommended �ve servings of fruit and vegetables per day (Section 6.3). Most fruits and vegetables contain 60%–90% water.

A further source of water is metabolic water—the water produced when fats, carbo-hydrates, and proteins are oxidised to yield energy. This accounts for about 12% of total water ‘intake’, and more on a high fat diet, or when metabolising fat reserves. The camel is able to survive for a considerable time in desert conditions without drinking because it metabolises the fat stored in its hump; the water produced in fat oxidation meets its needs.

Urine accounts for less than half the total �uid output from the body; as shown in Table 1.1, the remainder is made up of sweat, water in exhaled air, so-called insensible losses through the skin (this is distinct from the loss in sweat produced by sweat glands), and a relatively small amount in faeces. The last will also increase on a diet rich in fruit and vegetables because of their content of dietary �bre—part of the bene�cial effect of a high-�bre diet (Section is that the �bre retains water in the intestinal tract, thus softening the faeces.

Sweat losses obviously depend on the temperature and physical activity, and we do indeed need to drink more in a hot environment or after strenuous exercise. Losses in exhaled air, faeces, and other insensible losses are relatively constant; urine output var-ies widely, depending on how much �uid has been consumed. Although average urine volume is between 1 and 1.4 L/day, this re�ects average �uid intake; the output of urine required to ensure adequate excretion of waste material and maintain �uid balance with-out becoming dehydrated is no more than about 500 mL. Put simply, the more you drink, the more urine you will produce.

A �nal problem is whether water is the most appropriate liquid to drink to balance large losses in sweat after vigorous exercise or in a hot climate. The answer is probably not—sweating involves loss of mineral salts as well as water, and these losses have to be made good. Various sports drinks contain balanced mixtures of mineral salts in the same proportions as they are lost in sweat, together, usually, with glucose or another carbohydrate as a source of metabolic fuel. Milk and fruit juices also provide mineral salts.

Table 1.1 Daily Fluid Balance

Adult manmL/day % of total

Adult womanmL/day % of total

Intake Fluids 1950 65 1400 67Water in food 700 23 450 21

Metabolic water 350 12 250 12Total 3000 2100

Output Urine 1400 47 1000 48Sweat 650 22 420 20

Exhaled air 320 11 320 15Insensible losses through the skin 530 17 270 13

Water in faeces 100 3 90 4Total 3000 2100

Copyrighted n addition to the obvious water in beverages, food provides a signi�cant amount of

Copyrighted n addition to the obvious water in beverages, food provides a signi�cant amount of

water; around 22% of total intake, and more if you eat the recommended �ve servings of

Copyrighted water; around 22% of total intake, and more if you eat the recommended �ve servings of fruit and vegetables per day (Section 6.3). Most fruits and vegetables contain 60%–90%

Copyrighted fruit and vegetables per day (Section 6.3). Most fruits and vegetables contain 60%–90%


Insensible losses through the skin 530 17


Insensible losses through the skin 530 17Water in faeces


Water in faeces


fruit and vegetables per day (Section 6.3). Most fruits and vegetables contain 60%–90% Material

fruit and vegetables per day (Section 6.3). Most fruits and vegetables contain 60%–90%

A further source of water is metabolic water—the water produced when fats, carbo-


A further source of water is metabolic water—the water produced when fats, carbo-hydrates, and proteins are oxidised to yield energy. This accounts for about 12% of total

Material hydrates, and proteins are oxidised to yield energy. This accounts for about 12% of total water ‘intake’, and more on a high fat diet, or when metabolising fat reserves. The camel

Material water ‘intake’, and more on a high fat diet, or when metabolising fat reserves. The camel is able to survive for a considerable time in desert conditions without drinking because

Material is able to survive for a considerable time in desert conditions without drinking because it metabolises the fat stored in its hump; the water produced in fat oxidation meets its

Material it metabolises the fat stored in its hump; the water produced in fat oxidation meets its - it metabolises the fat stored in its hump; the water produced in fat oxidation meets its - it metabolises the fat stored in its hump; the water produced in fat oxidation meets its Taylor

Urine accounts for less than half the total �uid output from the body; as shown in Taylor

Urine accounts for less than half the total �uid output from the body; as shown in Table 1.1, the remainder is made up of sweat, water in exhaled air, so-called insensible

Taylor Table 1.1, the remainder is made up of sweat, water in exhaled air, so-called insensible losses through the skin (this is distinct from the loss in sweat produced by sweat glands),

Taylor losses through the skin (this is distinct from the loss in sweat produced by sweat glands), and a relatively small amount in faeces. The last will also increase on a diet rich in fruit

Taylor and a relatively small amount in faeces. The last will also increase on a diet rich in fruit and vegetables because of their content of dietary �bre—part of the bene�cial effect of a

Taylor and vegetables because of their content of dietary �bre—part of the bene�cial effect of a & and a relatively small amount in faeces. The last will also increase on a diet rich in fruit & and a relatively small amount in faeces. The last will also increase on a diet rich in fruit and vegetables because of their content of dietary �bre—part of the bene�cial effect of a & and vegetables because of their content of dietary �bre—part of the bene�cial effect of a high-�bre diet (Section is that the �bre retains water in the intestinal tract, thus

& high-�bre diet (Section is that the �bre retains water in the intestinal tract, thus Francis

high-�bre diet (Section is that the �bre retains water in the intestinal tract, thus Francis

high-�bre diet (Section is that the �bre retains water in the intestinal tract, thus

Sweat losses obviously depend on the temperature and physical activity, and we do Francis

Sweat losses obviously depend on the temperature and physical activity, and we do indeed need to drink more in a hot environment or after strenuous exercise. Losses in

Francisindeed need to drink more in a hot environment or after strenuous exercise. Losses in

Francisexhaled air, faeces, and other insensible losses are relatively constant; urine output var-

Francisexhaled air, faeces, and other insensible losses are relatively constant; urine output var-ies widely, depending on how much �uid has been consumed. Although average urine

Francisies widely, depending on how much �uid has been consumed. Although average urine volume is between 1 and 1.4 L/day, this re�ects average �uid intake; the output of urine

Francisvolume is between 1 and 1.4 L/day, this re�ects average �uid intake; the output of urine

Page 3: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

3Chapter one: Why eat?

1.2 The need for energyThere is an obvious need for energy to perform physical work. Work has to be done to lift a load against the force of gravity, and there must be a source of energy to perform that work. The energy used in various activities can be measured (Section, as can the metabolic energy yield of the foods that provide the fuel for that work (Section 1.3). This means that it is possible to calculate a balance between the intake of energy, as metabolic fuels, and the body’s energy expenditure. Obviously, energy intake has to be appropriate for the level of energy expenditure; as discussed in Chapters 7 and 8, neither excess intake nor a de�ciency is desirable.

Figure 1.1 shows the relationship between food intake, physical work, and changes in body reserves of metabolic fuels, as shown by changes in body weight. This was a study in Germany at the end of the second world war, when there was a great deal of rubble from bomb damaged buildings to be cleared, and a large number of people to be fed and found employment. Increasing food intake resulted in an increase in work output—initially with an increase in body weight, indicating that the food supply was greater than was required to meet the (increased) work output. When a �nancial reward was offered as well, the work output increased to such an extent that people now drew on their (sparse) reserves, and there was a loss of body weight.

Quite apart from obvious work output, the body has a considerable requirement for energy, even at rest. Only about one third of the average person’s energy expenditure is for voluntary work (Section 5.1.3). Two thirds is required for maintenance of the body’s functions, homeostasis of the internal environment, and metabolic integrity. This energy requirement at rest, the basal metabolic rate (BMR, Section can be measured by the output of heat, or the consumption of oxygen, when the subject is completely at rest. Figure 1.2 shows the proportion of this resting energy expenditure that is accounted for by dif-ferent organs.

Part of this basal energy requirement is obvious—the heart beats to circulate the blood; breathing continues, and there is considerable electrical activity in nerves and muscles, whether they are ‘working’ or not. The brain and nervous system comprise only about 2% of body weight, but consume some 20% of resting energy expenditure, because of the






10.5 12.5 12.5 12.5Energy intake (MJ/day)


nes o

f rub





Weight gain

Weight gain

Weight loss

+ Financial inducement

Figure 1.1 The relationship between food intake, work output, and body weight. (From Widdowson, E.M., MRC Special Report Series No. 275, London, HMSO, 1951.)


Figure 1.1 shows the relationship between food intake, physical work, and changes in Copyrighted

Figure 1.1 shows the relationship between food intake, physical work, and changes in body reserves of metabolic fuels, as shown by changes in body weight. This was a study in Copyrighted

body reserves of metabolic fuels, as shown by changes in body weight. This was a study in Germany at the end of the second world war, when there was a great deal of rubble from


Germany at the end of the second world war, when there was a great deal of rubble from bomb damaged buildings to be cleared, and a large number of people to be fed and found


bomb damaged buildings to be cleared, and a large number of people to be fed and found employment. Increasing food intake resulted in an increase in work output—initially with


employment. Increasing food intake resulted in an increase in work output—initially with an increase in body weight, indicating that the food supply was greater than was required


an increase in body weight, indicating that the food supply was greater than was required to meet the (increased) work output. When a �nancial reward was offered as well, the

Copyrighted to meet the (increased) work output. When a �nancial reward was offered as well, the work output increased to such an extent that people now drew on their (sparse) reserves,

Copyrighted work output increased to such an extent that people now drew on their (sparse) reserves, and there was a loss of body weight.

Copyrighted and there was a loss of body weight.Quite apart from obvious work output, the body has a considerable requirement for

Copyrighted Quite apart from obvious work output, the body has a considerable requirement for energy, even at rest. Only about one third of the average person’s energy expenditure is

Copyrighted energy, even at rest. Only about one third of the average person’s energy expenditure is Material

Quite apart from obvious work output, the body has a considerable requirement for Material

Quite apart from obvious work output, the body has a considerable requirement for energy, even at rest. Only about one third of the average person’s energy expenditure is Material

energy, even at rest. Only about one third of the average person’s energy expenditure is for voluntary work (Section 5.1.3). Two thirds is required for maintenance of the body’s


for voluntary work (Section 5.1.3). Two thirds is required for maintenance of the body’s functions, homeostasis of the internal environment, and metabolic integrity. This energy

Material functions, homeostasis of the internal environment, and metabolic integrity. This energy requirement at rest, the basal metabolic rate (BMR, Section can be measured by the

Material requirement at rest, the basal metabolic rate (BMR, Section can be measured by the output of heat, or the consumption of oxygen, when the subject is completely at rest. Figure

Material output of heat, or the consumption of oxygen, when the subject is completely at rest. Figure 1.2 shows the proportion of this resting energy expenditure that is accounted for by dif-

Material 1.2 shows the proportion of this resting energy expenditure that is accounted for by dif-- Taylor

Part of this basal energy requirement is obvious—the heart beats to circulate the blood; Taylor

Part of this basal energy requirement is obvious—the heart beats to circulate the blood; breathing continues, and there is considerable electrical activity in nerves and muscles,

Taylor breathing continues, and there is considerable electrical activity in nerves and muscles, whether they are ‘working’ or not. The brain and nervous system comprise only about

Taylor whether they are ‘working’ or not. The brain and nervous system comprise only about 2% of body weight, but consume some 20% of resting energy expenditure, because of the

Taylor 2% of body weight, but consume some 20% of resting energy expenditure, because of the

& & & & Francis











Page 4: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

4 Introduction to nutrition and metabolism

active transport of ions across nerve membranes to maintain electrical activity (Section 3.2.2). This requires a metabolic energy source. Less obviously, there is also a requirement for energy for the wide variety of biochemical reactions occurring all the time in the body: laying down reserves of fat and carbohydrate (Sections 5.6.1 and 5.6.3); turnover of tissue proteins (Section; transport of substrates into, and products out of, cells (Section 3.2.2); and the synthesis and secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters.

1.2.1 Units of energy

Energy expenditure is measured by the output of heat from the body (Section 5.1). The unit of heat used in the early studies was the calorie—the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C. The calorie is still used to some extent in nutrition; in bio-logical systems, the kilocalorie, kcal (sometimes written as ‘Calorie’, i.e., with a capital C) is used. One kilocalorie is 1000 calories (103 cal), and hence, the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C.

Correctly, the joule is used as the unit of energy. The joule is an SI unit, named after James Prescott Joule (1818–1889), who �rst showed the equivalence of heat, mechanical work, and other forms of energy. In biological systems, the kilojoule (kJ, = 103 J) and mega-joule (MJ, = 106 J) are used.

To convert between calories and joules:

1 kcal = 4.186 kJ (normally rounded off to 4.2 kJ)

1 kJ = 0.239 kcal (normally rounded off to 0.24 kcal)

The average total daily energy expenditure of adults is between 7.5 and 10 MJ for women and between 8 and 12 MJ for men.

1.3 Metabolic fuelsThe dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the production of carbon dioxide and water (and also urea in the case of proteins, Section They can be converted to the same end products chemically by burning in air. Although the process of metabolism in the body is more complex, it is a fundamental law of chemistry that if the starting



Skeletal muscle22%

Kidneys8% Brain



Adipose tissue4%

Figure 1.2 Percentage of resting energy expenditure by different organs of the body.Copyrighted

ctive transport of ions across nerve membranes to maintain electrical activity (Section


ctive transport of ions across nerve membranes to maintain electrical activity (Section 3.2.2). This requires a metabolic energy source. Less obviously, there is also a requirement


3.2.2). This requires a metabolic energy source. Less obviously, there is also a requirement for energy for the wide variety of biochemical reactions occurring all the time in the body:

Copyrighted for energy for the wide variety of biochemical reactions occurring all the time in the body: laying down reserves of fat and carbohydrate (Sections 5.6.1 and 5.6.3); turnover of tissue

Copyrighted laying down reserves of fat and carbohydrate (Sections 5.6.1 and 5.6.3); turnover of tissue proteins (Section; transport of substrates into, and products out of, cells (Section

Copyrighted proteins (Section; transport of substrates into, and products out of, cells (Section 3.2.2); and the synthesis and secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters.

Copyrighted 3.2.2); and the synthesis and secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters.

Figure 1.2Copyrighted

Figure 1.2 PCopyrighted

Percentage of resting energy expenditure by different organs of the body.Copyrighted

ercentage of resting energy expenditure by different organs of the body.


3.2.2); and the synthesis and secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters.Material

3.2.2); and the synthesis and secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters.

Energy expenditure is measured by the output of heat from the body (Section 5.1). The unit

Material Energy expenditure is measured by the output of heat from the body (Section 5.1). The unit of heat used in the early studies was the calorie—the amount of heat required to raise the

Material of heat used in the early studies was the calorie—the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C. The calorie is still used to some extent in nutrition; in bio-

Material temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C. The calorie is still used to some extent in nutrition; in bio-- temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C. The calorie is still used to some extent in nutrition; in bio-- temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C. The calorie is still used to some extent in nutrition; in bio-logical systems, the kilocalorie, kcal (sometimes written as ‘Calorie’, i.e., with a capital C)

- logical systems, the kilocalorie, kcal (sometimes written as ‘Calorie’, i.e., with a capital C) Taylor

logical systems, the kilocalorie, kcal (sometimes written as ‘Calorie’, i.e., with a capital C) Taylor

logical systems, the kilocalorie, kcal (sometimes written as ‘Calorie’, i.e., with a capital C) cal), and hence, the amount of heat required to


cal), and hence, the amount of heat required to

Correctly, the joule is used as the unit of energy. The joule is an SI unit, named after

Taylor Correctly, the joule is used as the unit of energy. The joule is an SI unit, named after

James Prescott Joule (1818–1889), who �rst showed the equivalence of heat, mechanical

Taylor James Prescott Joule (1818–1889), who �rst showed the equivalence of heat, mechanical work, and other forms of energy. In biological systems, the kilojoule (kJ, = 10

Taylor work, and other forms of energy. In biological systems, the kilojoule (kJ, = 10& James Prescott Joule (1818–1889), who �rst showed the equivalence of heat, mechanical & James Prescott Joule (1818–1889), who �rst showed the equivalence of heat, mechanical work, and other forms of energy. In biological systems, the kilojoule (kJ, = 10& work, and other forms of energy. In biological systems, the kilojoule (kJ, = 10


Page 5: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

5Chapter one: Why eat?

material and end products are the same, the energy yield is the same, regardless of the route taken. Therefore, the energy yield of foodstuffs can be determined by measuring the heat produced when they are burnt in air, making allowance for the extent to which they are digested and absorbed from foods. The physiological energy yields of the metabolic fuels in the body, allowing for digestion and absorption, are shown in Table 1.2.

1.3.1 The need for carbohydrate and fat

Although there is a requirement for energy sources in the diet, it does not matter unduly how that requirement is met. There is no requirement for a dietary source of carbohydrate; the body can synthesise carbohydrates from amino acids derived from proteins (the path-ways of gluconeogenesis, Section 9.3.2). However, there is an average requirement of about 100 g of carbohydrate per day to maintain a normal blood glucose concentration to provide for brain and red blood cell metabolism without the need for gluconeogenesis from amino acids. This is less than 2% of total energy intake; as discussed in Section 6.3.3, a desirable level of carbohydrate intake is 50%–55% of energy. An intake of 50 g of carbohydrate per day is adequate to prevent the development of ketosis (Section 5.5.3), whilst very low car-bohydrate diets for weight reduction (Section that provide less than 20 g of carbo-hydrate per day are associated with signi�cant ketosis.

Similarly, there is no requirement for a dietary source of fat, apart from the essential fatty acids (Sections and, and there is certainly no requirement for a dietary source of alcohol. Diets that provide more than about 35%–40% of energy from fat are associated with increased risk of heart disease and some cancers (Section 6.3.2), and there is some evidence that diets that provide more than about 20% of energy from protein are also associated with chronic diseases. Therefore, the general consensus is that diets should provide about 55% of energy from carbohydrates, 30% from fat, and 15% from protein (Section 6.3).

Although there is no requirement for fat in the diet, fats are nutritionally important, and there is a speci�c mechanism for detecting the taste of fats in foods (Section

• It is dif�cult to eat enough of a very low-fat diet to meet energy requirements. As shown in Table 1.2, the energy yield per gram of fat is more than twice that of carbohydrate or protein. The problem in many less developed countries, where undernutrition is a problem (Chapter 8), is that diets provide only 10%–15% of energy from fat, and it is dif�cult to consume a suf�cient bulk of food to meet energy requirements. By contrast, the problem in Western countries is an undesirably high intake of fat, contributing to the development of obesity (Chapter 7) and chronic diseases (Section 6.3.2).

• Four of the vitamins, A, D, E, and K (Chapter 11) are fat-soluble, and are found in fatty and oily foods. They are absorbed dissolved in fat; thus, with a very low-fat diet, the absorption of these vitamins may be inadequate to meet requirements, even if the diet provides an adequate amount.

Table 1.2 The Energy Yield of Metabolic Fuels

kcal/g kJ/g

Carbohydrate 4 17Protein 4 16Fat 9 37Alcohol 7 29

Note: 1 kcal = 4.186 kJ or 1 kJ = 0.239 kcal.


route taken. Therefore, the energy yield of foodstuffs can be determined by measuring the Copyrighted

route taken. Therefore, the energy yield of foodstuffs can be determined by measuring the heat produced when they are burnt in air, making allowance for the extent to which they


heat produced when they are burnt in air, making allowance for the extent to which they are digested and absorbed from foods. The physiological energy yields of the metabolic


are digested and absorbed from foods. The physiological energy yields of the metabolic fuels in the body, allowing for digestion and absorption, are shown in Table 1.2.


fuels in the body, allowing for digestion and absorption, are shown in Table 1.2.

he need for carbohydrate and fat

Copyrighted he need for carbohydrate and fat

Although there is a requirement for energy sources in the diet, it does not matter unduly

Copyrighted Although there is a requirement for energy sources in the diet, it does not matter unduly how that requirement is met. There is no requirement for a dietary source of carbohydrate;

Copyrighted how that requirement is met. There is no requirement for a dietary source of carbohydrate; the body can synthesise carbohydrates from amino acids derived from proteins (the path-

Copyrighted the body can synthesise carbohydrates from amino acids derived from proteins (the path-Material

the body can synthesise carbohydrates from amino acids derived from proteins (the path-Material

the body can synthesise carbohydrates from amino acids derived from proteins (the path-ways of gluconeogenesis, Section 9.3.2). However, there is an average requirement of about


ways of gluconeogenesis, Section 9.3.2). However, there is an average requirement of about 100 g of carbohydrate per day to maintain a normal blood glucose concentration to provide


100 g of carbohydrate per day to maintain a normal blood glucose concentration to provide for brain and red blood cell metabolism without the need for gluconeogenesis from amino

Material for brain and red blood cell metabolism without the need for gluconeogenesis from amino acids. This is less than 2% of total energy intake; as discussed in Section 6.3.3, a desirable

Material acids. This is less than 2% of total energy intake; as discussed in Section 6.3.3, a desirable level of carbohydrate intake is 50%–55% of energy. An intake of 50 g of carbohydrate per

Material level of carbohydrate intake is 50%–55% of energy. An intake of 50 g of carbohydrate per day is adequate to prevent the development of ketosis (Section 5.5.3), whilst very low car-

Material day is adequate to prevent the development of ketosis (Section 5.5.3), whilst very low car-- day is adequate to prevent the development of ketosis (Section 5.5.3), whilst very low car-- day is adequate to prevent the development of ketosis (Section 5.5.3), whilst very low car-bohydrate diets for weight reduction (Section that provide less than 20 g of carbo-

- bohydrate diets for weight reduction (Section that provide less than 20 g of carbo-Taylor

bohydrate diets for weight reduction (Section that provide less than 20 g of carbo-Taylor

bohydrate diets for weight reduction (Section that provide less than 20 g of carbo-hydrate per day are associated with signi�cant ketosis.


hydrate per day are associated with signi�cant ketosis.Taylor

Similarly, there is no requirement for a dietary source of fat, apart from the essential fatty

Taylor Similarly, there is no requirement for a dietary source of fat, apart from the essential fatty

acids (Sections and, and there is certainly no requirement for a dietary source of

Taylor acids (Sections and, and there is certainly no requirement for a dietary source of alcohol. Diets that provide more than about 35%–40% of energy from fat are associated with

Taylor alcohol. Diets that provide more than about 35%–40% of energy from fat are associated with increased risk of heart disease and some cancers (Section 6.3.2), and there is some evidence

Taylor increased risk of heart disease and some cancers (Section 6.3.2), and there is some evidence & alcohol. Diets that provide more than about 35%–40% of energy from fat are associated with & alcohol. Diets that provide more than about 35%–40% of energy from fat are associated with increased risk of heart disease and some cancers (Section 6.3.2), and there is some evidence & increased risk of heart disease and some cancers (Section 6.3.2), and there is some evidence that diets that provide more than about 20% of energy from protein are also associated with

& that diets that provide more than about 20% of energy from protein are also associated with Francis

that diets that provide more than about 20% of energy from protein are also associated with Francis

that diets that provide more than about 20% of energy from protein are also associated with chronic diseases. Therefore, the general consensus is that diets should provide about 55% of Francis

chronic diseases. Therefore, the general consensus is that diets should provide about 55% of energy from carbohydrates, 30% from fat, and 15% from protein (Section 6.3).

Francisenergy from carbohydrates, 30% from fat, and 15% from protein (Section 6.3).

Although there is no requirement for fat in the diet, fats are nutritionally important,

FrancisAlthough there is no requirement for fat in the diet, fats are nutritionally important,

Francisand there is a speci�c mechanism for detecting the taste of fats in foods (Section

Francisand there is a speci�c mechanism for detecting the taste of fats in foods (Section

It is dif�cult to eat enough of a very low-fat diet to meet energy requirements. As shown

FrancisIt is dif�cult to eat enough of a very low-fat diet to meet energy requirements. As shown

Page 6: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

6 Introduction to nutrition and metabolism

• There is a requirement for small amounts of two essential fatty acids (Sections and that cannot be synthesised in the body but must be provided in the diet.

• In many foods, a great deal of the �avour (and hence the pleasure of eating) is carried in the fat.

• Fat lubricates food and makes it easier to chew and swallow.

1.3.2 The need for protein

Unlike fats and carbohydrates, there is a requirement for protein in the diet. In a growing child, this need is obvious. As the child grows, the size of its body increases; thus, there is an increase in the total amount of protein in the body.

Adults also require protein in the diet (Section 9.1.2). There is a continual loss of protein from the body, for example, in hair, shed skin cells, enzymes and other proteins secreted into the gut and not completely digested. More importantly, there is turnover of tissue pro-teins, which are continually being broken down and replaced. Although there is no change in the total amount of protein in the body, an adult with an inadequate intake of protein will be unable to replace this loss, and will lose tissue protein.

1.3.3 The need for micronutrients—minerals and vitamins

In addition to metabolic fuels and protein, the body has a requirement for a variety of min-eral salts. If a metal or ion has a function in the body, it must be provided by the diet, since the different chemical elements cannot be interconverted. Again, the need is obvious for a growing child; as the body grows, the total amounts of minerals in the body will likewise increase. In adults, there is a turnover of minerals in the body, and losses must be replaced from the diet (Section 11.15).

There is a requirement for a different group of nutrients, in small amounts—the vita-mins. These are organic compounds that have a variety of functions. They cannot be syn-thesised in the body, and so must be provided by the diet. There is metabolic turnover of the vitamins; thus, there must be replacement of losses (Chapter 11).

Other compounds in the diet (especially from fruit and vegetables) are not considered to be nutrients, since they are not dietary essentials, but they may have bene�cial effects in reducing the risk of developing a variety of chronic diseases (Section 6.7).

1.4 Hunger and appetiteHuman beings have evolved an elaborate system of complex, overlapping, and sometimes apparently redundant, physiological mechanisms to ensure that the body’s needs for meta-bolic fuels and nutrients are met and to balance energy expenditure with food intake. The physiological systems for the control of appetite interact with psychological, social, envi-ronmental, and genetic factors, all of which have to be understood to gain a full explana-tion of eating behaviour.

1.4.1 Hunger and satiety—short-term control of feeding

Early studies showed that there are hunger centres in the brain that stimulate us to begin eating and satiety centres that signal us to stop eating when hunger has been satis�ed. The hunger centres are in the lateral hypothalamus, and the satiety centres in the ventromedial


child, this need is obvious. As the child grows, the size of its body increases; thus, there is Copyrighted

child, this need is obvious. As the child grows, the size of its body increases; thus, there is an increase in the total amount of protein in the body.


an increase in the total amount of protein in the body.Adults also require protein in the diet (Section 9.1.2). There is a continual loss of protein


Adults also require protein in the diet (Section 9.1.2). There is a continual loss of protein from the body, for example, in hair, shed skin cells, enzymes and other proteins secreted


from the body, for example, in hair, shed skin cells, enzymes and other proteins secreted into the gut and not completely digested. More importantly, there is turnover of tissue pro-


into the gut and not completely digested. More importantly, there is turnover of tissue pro-teins, which are continually being broken down and replaced. Although there is no change


teins, which are continually being broken down and replaced. Although there is no change in the total amount of protein in the body, an adult with an inadequate intake of protein

Copyrighted in the total amount of protein in the body, an adult with an inadequate intake of protein will be unable to replace this loss, and will lose tissue protein.

Copyrighted will be unable to replace this loss, and will lose tissue protein.

he need for micronutrients—minerals and vitamins

Copyrighted he need for micronutrients—minerals and vitaminsMaterial

he need for micronutrients—minerals and vitaminsMaterial

he need for micronutrients—minerals and vitamins

In addition to metabolic fuels and protein, the body has a requirement for a variety of min-


In addition to metabolic fuels and protein, the body has a requirement for a variety of min-eral salts. If a metal or ion has a function in the body, it must be provided by the diet, since

Material eral salts. If a metal or ion has a function in the body, it must be provided by the diet, since the different chemical elements cannot be interconverted. Again, the need is obvious for a

Material the different chemical elements cannot be interconverted. Again, the need is obvious for a growing child; as the body grows, the total amounts of minerals in the body will likewise

Material growing child; as the body grows, the total amounts of minerals in the body will likewise increase. In adults, there is a turnover of minerals in the body, and losses must be replaced

Material increase. In adults, there is a turnover of minerals in the body, and losses must be replaced - increase. In adults, there is a turnover of minerals in the body, and losses must be replaced - increase. In adults, there is a turnover of minerals in the body, and losses must be replaced Taylor

There is a requirement for a different group of nutrients, in small amounts—the vita-Taylor

There is a requirement for a different group of nutrients, in small amounts—the vita-mins. These are organic compounds that have a variety of functions. They cannot be syn-

Taylor mins. These are organic compounds that have a variety of functions. They cannot be syn-

Taylor thesised in the body, and so must be provided by the diet. There is metabolic turnover of

Taylor thesised in the body, and so must be provided by the diet. There is metabolic turnover of the vitamins; thus, there must be replacement of losses (Chapter 11).

Taylor the vitamins; thus, there must be replacement of losses (Chapter 11).Other compounds in the diet (especially from fruit and vegetables) are not considered

Taylor Other compounds in the diet (especially from fruit and vegetables) are not considered & the vitamins; thus, there must be replacement of losses (Chapter 11).& the vitamins; thus, there must be replacement of losses (Chapter 11).

Other compounds in the diet (especially from fruit and vegetables) are not considered & Other compounds in the diet (especially from fruit and vegetables) are not considered to be nutrients, since they are not dietary essentials, but they may have bene�cial effects in

& to be nutrients, since they are not dietary essentials, but they may have bene�cial effects in Francis

to be nutrients, since they are not dietary essentials, but they may have bene�cial effects in Francis

to be nutrients, since they are not dietary essentials, but they may have bene�cial effects in Francis

reducing the risk of developing a variety of chronic diseases (Section 6.7).Francis

reducing the risk of developing a variety of chronic diseases (Section 6.7).

Human beings have evolved an elaborate system of complex, overlapping, and sometimes

FrancisHuman beings have evolved an elaborate system of complex, overlapping, and sometimes apparently redundant, physiological mechanisms to ensure that the body’s needs for meta

Francisapparently redundant, physiological mechanisms to ensure that the body’s needs for meta

Page 7: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

7Chapter one: Why eat?

hypothalamus (see Figure 1.3). In experimental animals, destruction of the hunger centres leads to anorexia—complete loss of appetite, whilst electrical stimulation leads to feeding even if the animal has eaten enough. Similarly, destruction of the satiety centres leads to more frequent, uncontrolled eating (hyperphagia), and electrical stimulation leads to ces-sation of feeding, even in a physiologically hungry animal.

Other hypothalamic centres are also involved, and destruction of the paraventricular and arcuate nuclei of the hypothalamus also leads to hyperphagia and obesity. The arcuate nucleus responds to hormones and other signals and integrates signalling to the hunger and satiety centres. The hunger centres act through neurons that use neuropeptide Y and the agouti-related protein as their transmitters; the satiety centres act through neurons that use two other peptides: proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and the so-called cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART). The satiety centres to reduce feeding act pri-marily by reducing the activity of neurons arising from the hunger centres.

The hunger and satiety centres in the hypothalamus have neuronal connections to the temporal lobe of the amygdala, the nucleus accumbens, the brainstem, and higher brain centres, including the cortex. The amydala controls learned food behaviour—i.e., how you know that something is a food, as opposed to non-food. A young child will put almost anything into its mouth and gradually learns what is, and what is not, food. The nucleus accumbens is part of the reward system of the brain, and is concerned with the hedonistic value of food—the pleasure of eating. The brainstem receives direct input via the vagus nerve from the gastrointestinal tract and the liver, signalling the presence of food in the gut and the arrival of nutrients to the liver. The connections to the cortex and other higher brain centres mean that psychological factors (including individual likes and dislikes, Section 1.4.4) can override physiological control of appetite.

The hypothalamic centres control food intake remarkably precisely. Without con-scious effort, most people regulate their food intake to match energy expenditure very




Vagal afferent from gut

Brain stem


Glucagon-like peptide-1

Peptide YYoxyntomodulin

HypothalamusLateral Ventromedial



Figure 1.3 The hypothalamic appetite control centres and sites of action of hormones secreted by the gastrointestinal tract.


Copyrighted Material hypothalamus (see Figure 1.3). In experimental animals, destruction of the hunger centres

Material hypothalamus (see Figure 1.3). In experimental animals, destruction of the hunger centres leads to anorexia—complete loss of appetite, whilst electrical stimulation leads to feeding

Material leads to anorexia—complete loss of appetite, whilst electrical stimulation leads to feeding even if the animal has eaten enough. Similarly, destruction of the satiety centres leads to

Material even if the animal has eaten enough. Similarly, destruction of the satiety centres leads to

he hypothalamic appetite control centres and sites of action of hormones secreted by Material

he hypothalamic appetite control centres and sites of action of hormones secreted by

- even if the animal has eaten enough. Similarly, destruction of the satiety centres leads to - even if the animal has eaten enough. Similarly, destruction of the satiety centres leads to more frequent, uncontrolled eating (hyperphagia), and electrical stimulation leads to ces-

- more frequent, uncontrolled eating (hyperphagia), and electrical stimulation leads to ces-Taylor

more frequent, uncontrolled eating (hyperphagia), and electrical stimulation leads to ces-Taylor

more frequent, uncontrolled eating (hyperphagia), and electrical stimulation leads to ces-sation of feeding, even in a physiologically hungry animal.


sation of feeding, even in a physiologically hungry animal.Other hypothalamic centres are also involved, and destruction of the paraventricular

Taylor Other hypothalamic centres are also involved, and destruction of the paraventricular

and arcuate nuclei of the hypothalamus also leads to hyperphagia and obesity. The arcuate

Taylor and arcuate nuclei of the hypothalamus also leads to hyperphagia and obesity. The arcuate nucleus responds to hormones and other signals and integrates signalling to the hunger

Taylor nucleus responds to hormones and other signals and integrates signalling to the hunger and satiety centres. The hunger centres act through neurons that use neuropeptide Y and

Taylor and satiety centres. The hunger centres act through neurons that use neuropeptide Y and & nucleus responds to hormones and other signals and integrates signalling to the hunger & nucleus responds to hormones and other signals and integrates signalling to the hunger and satiety centres. The hunger centres act through neurons that use neuropeptide Y and & and satiety centres. The hunger centres act through neurons that use neuropeptide Y and the agouti-related protein as their transmitters; the satiety centres act through neurons

& the agouti-related protein as their transmitters; the satiety centres act through neurons Francis

the agouti-related protein as their transmitters; the satiety centres act through neurons Francis

the agouti-related protein as their transmitters; the satiety centres act through neurons that use two other peptides: proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and the so-called cocaine- and Francis

that use two other peptides: proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and the so-called cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART). The satiety centres to reduce feeding act pri-

Francisamphetamine-regulated transcript (CART). The satiety centres to reduce feeding act pri-marily by reducing the activity of neurons arising from the hunger centres.

Francismarily by reducing the activity of neurons arising from the hunger centres.

The hunger and satiety centres in the hypothalamus have neuronal connections to

FrancisThe hunger and satiety centres in the hypothalamus have neuronal connections to the temporal lobe of the amygdala, the nucleus accumbens, the brainstem, and higher

Francisthe temporal lobe of the amygdala, the nucleus accumbens, the brainstem, and higher brain centres, including the cortex. The amydala controls learned food behaviour—i.e.,

Francisbrain centres, including the cortex. The amydala controls learned food behaviour—i.e.,

Page 8: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

8 Introduction to nutrition and metabolism

closely—they neither waste away from lack of metabolic fuel for physical activity nor lay down excessively large reserves of fat. Even people who have excessive reserves of body fat and can be considered to be so overweight or obese as to be putting their health at risk (Section 7.2.2) balance their energy intake and expenditure relatively well considering that the average intake is a tonne of food a year, whilst very severely obese people weigh about 250–300 kg (compared with average weights between 60 and 100 kg), and it takes many years to achieve such a weight. A gain or loss of 5 kg body weight over 6 months would require only a 1% daily mismatch between food intake and energy expenditure (Section 5.2).

A number of drugs can modify responses to hunger and satiety and can be used to reduce appetite in the treatment of obesity (Section or stimulate it in people with loss of appetite or anorexia. The synthesis and release of neuropeptide Y are dependent on zinc, and the loss of appetite associated with zinc de�ciency is a result of impaired secre-tion of this neurotransmitter.

In addition to direct neuronal input from the gastrointestinal tract and liver, a variety of factors act on the hunger and satiety centres to initiate nerve impulses, including

• The relative concentrations of the hormones insulin (secreted by the pancreas in response to increased blood concentrations of glucose and amino acids, Section 5.3.1) and glucagon (secreted by the pancreas in response to a decreased concentration of blood glucose, Section 5.3.2).

• The relative concentrations of glucose, triacylglycerols, non-esteri�ed fatty acids, and ketone bodies available as metabolic fuels in the fed and fasting states (Section 5.3). The plasma concentrations of metabolic fuels are mainly regulated by three hormones:• Insulin stimulates the uptake of glucose into tissues and its intracellular utilisation.• Glucagon stimulates the synthesis and release of glucose and non-esteri�ed fatty

acids into the circulation, and the synthesis of ketone bodies from non-esteri�ed fatty acids.

• Amylin, which is secreted by the pancreas together with insulin, regulates the output of metabolic fuels from tissue reserves into the circulation.

• Hormones secreted by the gastrointestinal tract, including ghrelin (secreted mainly by the stomach, Section, cholecystokinin, which is secreted by the duodenum and acts mainly to stimulate gall bladder contraction and gastrointestinal tract motil-ity and secretion, glucagon-like peptide, and oxyntomodulin (both derived from the glucagon gene, and secreted by gut endocrine cells) and peptide YY (also secreted by gut endocrine cells, largely in response to the energy yield of a meal). Ghrelin acts to stimulate appetite; the other gut-derived hormones act to suppress it. A pep-tide derived from the ghrelin gene, obestatin, has anti-ghrelin, appetite-suppressing actions. Nutrient sensing in the hypothalamusThere are neurons in the hypothalamus that respond to glucose; some are excited by it, whilst others are inhibited. In both cases, these neurons contain glucokinase, the high Km isoenzyme of hexokinase (Section 5.3.1), and in response to a modest increase in the concentration of glucose in the cell, there is a considerable increase in the rate of formation of glucose 6-phosphate and its onward metabolism (Section 5.4), leading to an increase in the ratio of ATP/ADP and the closing of a potassium channel in the cell membrane. POMC neurons, which signal satiety, are excited in response to glucose and increase their rate of �ring; neuropeptide Y and agouti-related peptide neurons, which signal hunger, are inhibited in response to glucose, and decrease their rate of �ring.


loss of appetite or anorexia. The synthesis and release of neuropeptide Y are dependent on Copyrighted

loss of appetite or anorexia. The synthesis and release of neuropeptide Y are dependent on zinc, and the loss of appetite associated with zinc de�ciency is a result of impaired secre-


zinc, and the loss of appetite associated with zinc de�ciency is a result of impaired secre-tion of this neurotransmitter.


tion of this neurotransmitter.In addition to direct neuronal input from the gastrointestinal tract and liver, a variety


In addition to direct neuronal input from the gastrointestinal tract and liver, a variety of factors act on the hunger and satiety centres to initiate nerve impulses, including


of factors act on the hunger and satiety centres to initiate nerve impulses, including

The relative concentrations of the hormones insulin (secreted by the pancreas in

Copyrighted The relative concentrations of the hormones insulin (secreted by the pancreas in response to increased blood concentrations of glucose and amino acids, Section 5.3.1)

Copyrighted response to increased blood concentrations of glucose and amino acids, Section 5.3.1) and glucagon (secreted by the pancreas in response to a decreased concentration of

Copyrighted and glucagon (secreted by the pancreas in response to a decreased concentration of blood glucose, Section 5.3.2).

Copyrighted blood glucose, Section 5.3.2).Material

blood glucose, Section 5.3.2).Material

blood glucose, Section 5.3.2).The relative concentrations of glucose, triacylglycerols, non-esteri�ed fatty acids, and


The relative concentrations of glucose, triacylglycerols, non-esteri�ed fatty acids, and ketone bodies available as metabolic fuels in the fed and fasting states (Section 5.3).


ketone bodies available as metabolic fuels in the fed and fasting states (Section 5.3). The plasma concentrations of metabolic fuels are mainly regulated by three hormones:

Material The plasma concentrations of metabolic fuels are mainly regulated by three hormones:

Insulin stimulates the uptake of glucose into tissues and its intracellular utilisation.

Material Insulin stimulates the uptake of glucose into tissues and its intracellular utilisation.Glucagon stimulates the synthesis and release of glucose and non-esteri�ed fatty

Material Glucagon stimulates the synthesis and release of glucose and non-esteri�ed fatty acids into the circulation, and the synthesis of ketone bodies from non-esteri�ed

Material acids into the circulation, and the synthesis of ketone bodies from non-esteri�ed - acids into the circulation, and the synthesis of ketone bodies from non-esteri�ed - acids into the circulation, and the synthesis of ketone bodies from non-esteri�ed Taylor

Amylin, which is secreted by the pancreas together with insulin, regulates the Taylor

Amylin, which is secreted by the pancreas together with insulin, regulates the Taylor

output of metabolic fuels from tissue reserves into the circulation.

Taylor output of metabolic fuels from tissue reserves into the circulation.

Hormones secreted by the gastrointestinal tract, including ghrelin (secreted mainly

Taylor Hormones secreted by the gastrointestinal tract, including ghrelin (secreted mainly by the stomach, Section, cholecystokinin, which is secreted by the duodenum

Taylor by the stomach, Section, cholecystokinin, which is secreted by the duodenum and acts mainly to stimulate gall bladder contraction and gastrointestinal tract motil-

Taylor and acts mainly to stimulate gall bladder contraction and gastrointestinal tract motil-& by the stomach, Section, cholecystokinin, which is secreted by the duodenum & by the stomach, Section, cholecystokinin, which is secreted by the duodenum and acts mainly to stimulate gall bladder contraction and gastrointestinal tract motil-& and acts mainly to stimulate gall bladder contraction and gastrointestinal tract motil-ity and secretion, glucagon-like peptide, and oxyntomodulin (both derived from the

& ity and secretion, glucagon-like peptide, and oxyntomodulin (both derived from the Francis

ity and secretion, glucagon-like peptide, and oxyntomodulin (both derived from the Francis

ity and secretion, glucagon-like peptide, and oxyntomodulin (both derived from the glucagon gene, and secreted by gut endocrine cells) and peptide YY (also secreted Francis

glucagon gene, and secreted by gut endocrine cells) and peptide YY (also secreted by gut endocrine cells, largely in response to the energy yield of a meal). Ghrelin

Francisby gut endocrine cells, largely in response to the energy yield of a meal). Ghrelin acts to stimulate appetite; the other gut-derived hormones act to suppress it. A pep-

Francisacts to stimulate appetite; the other gut-derived hormones act to suppress it. A pep-

Francistide derived from the ghrelin gene, obestatin, has anti-ghrelin, appetite-suppressing

Francistide derived from the ghrelin gene, obestatin, has anti-ghrelin, appetite-suppressing

Page 9: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

9Chapter one: Why eat? Ghrelin—the appetite-stimulating hormoneGhrelin is a small peptide (28 amino acids) that was originally discovered as the hormone that stimulates the secretion of growth hormone, but it also acts to increase the synthesis of both neuropeptide Y (thus increasing hunger—an orexigenic action) and a peptide that antagonises the appetite-suppressing action of POMC. The action of ghrelin in stimulat-ing neuropeptide Y neurons is antagonised by insulin and leptin. The secretion of ghrelin increases before an expected meal, suggesting that as well as responding to emptiness of the stomach, there is also central nervous system regulation of secretion.

In addition to its role in stimulating appetite and suppressing satiety signalling, ghre-lin is involved in reinforcing the reward system of the nucleus accumbens in response to food, alcohol, and narcotics, by activating dopaminergic and cholinergic neurons. This means that it has a role in the hedonistic responses to food and motivation to eat as well as stimulating feeding behaviour.

Paradoxically, ghrelin secretion is low in obese people, and increases as weight is lost, suggesting that the state of body reserves of adipose tissue, which is signalled by the hor-mone leptin (Section 1.4.2), may affect ghrelin secretion. This may explain why it is rela-tively dif�cult to lose excess weight and maintain a reduced body weight. A short-term weight loss leads to a long-term increase in ghrelin secretion and decrease in peptide YY secretion; thus, even after the lost weight has been regained, there will be increased hun-ger signalling and decreased satiety signalling. Ghrelin secretion is paradoxically high in anorexia nervosa (Section 1.4.5), suggesting decreased sensitivity of the ghrelin recep-tor, and some studies have shown that the administration of ghrelin leads to increased food intake in anorexia. The Prader–Willi syndrome involves a voracious appetite and the development of severe obesity; here the problem is indeed excessive secretion of ghrelin.

The main site of ghrelin secretion is the stomach; it is synthesised in, and secreted by, entero-endocrine cells in the gastric fundus—the upper part of the stomach. This is the region that is removed in the surgical procedure of banded gastroplasty for treatment of severe morbid obesity (Section, and part of the success of surgery may be due to reduced secretion of ghrelin as well as the physical effect of reduced stomach capacity. Ghrelin is also secreted by ε-cells of the pancreas and, to some extent, the small intestine.

Ghrelin undergoes postsynthetic modi�cation by acetylation. Unacetylated ghrelin is inactive, and inhibitors of ghrelin O-acetyltransferase are potential drugs for control of hunger and treatment of obesity (Section

1.4.2 Long-term control of food intake and energy expenditure—the hormone leptin

In addition to the immediate control of feeding by sensations of hunger and satiety, there is long-term regulation of food intake and energy expenditure, in response to the size of the body’s fat reserves. This is largely a function of the peptide hormone leptin, which is secreted by adipose tissue. It was discovered as the normal product of the gene that is defective in the homozygous recessive mutant (ob/ob) obese mouse; administration of the peptide to the obese mice caused them to lose weight. Further studies showed that the administration of leptin to the genetically obese diabetic (db/db) mouse had no effect on body weight, and indeed they secreted a normal or greater than normal amount of leptin. The defect in these animals is in the receptor for leptin in the hypothalamus.

The circulating concentration of leptin is determined largely by the mass of adipose tissue in the body, and leptin signals the size of body fat reserves. Low levels of leptin, re�ecting adipose tissue reserves that are inadequate to permit a normal pregnancy, not


lin is involved in reinforcing the reward system of the nucleus accumbens in response to Copyrighted

lin is involved in reinforcing the reward system of the nucleus accumbens in response to food, alcohol, and narcotics, by activating dopaminergic and cholinergic neurons. This Copyrighted

food, alcohol, and narcotics, by activating dopaminergic and cholinergic neurons. This means that it has a role in the hedonistic responses to food and motivation to eat as well as


means that it has a role in the hedonistic responses to food and motivation to eat as well as stimulating feeding behaviour.


stimulating feeding behaviour.Paradoxically, ghrelin secretion is low in obese people, and increases as weight is lost,


Paradoxically, ghrelin secretion is low in obese people, and increases as weight is lost, suggesting that the state of body reserves of adipose tissue, which is signalled by the hor-


suggesting that the state of body reserves of adipose tissue, which is signalled by the hor-mone leptin (Section 1.4.2), may affect ghrelin secretion. This may explain why it is rela-


mone leptin (Section 1.4.2), may affect ghrelin secretion. This may explain why it is rela-tively dif�cult to lose excess weight and maintain a reduced body weight. A short-term

Copyrighted tively dif�cult to lose excess weight and maintain a reduced body weight. A short-term weight loss leads to a long-term increase in ghrelin secretion and decrease in peptide YY

Copyrighted weight loss leads to a long-term increase in ghrelin secretion and decrease in peptide YY secretion; thus, even after the lost weight has been regained, there will be increased hun-

Copyrighted secretion; thus, even after the lost weight has been regained, there will be increased hun-ger signalling and decreased satiety signalling. Ghrelin secretion is paradoxically high

Copyrighted ger signalling and decreased satiety signalling. Ghrelin secretion is paradoxically high Material

secretion; thus, even after the lost weight has been regained, there will be increased hun-Material

secretion; thus, even after the lost weight has been regained, there will be increased hun-ger signalling and decreased satiety signalling. Ghrelin secretion is paradoxically high Material

ger signalling and decreased satiety signalling. Ghrelin secretion is paradoxically high in anorexia nervosa (Section 1.4.5), suggesting decreased sensitivity of the ghrelin recep-


in anorexia nervosa (Section 1.4.5), suggesting decreased sensitivity of the ghrelin recep-tor, and some studies have shown that the administration of ghrelin leads to increased


tor, and some studies have shown that the administration of ghrelin leads to increased food intake in anorexia. The Prader–Willi syndrome involves a voracious appetite and the

Material food intake in anorexia. The Prader–Willi syndrome involves a voracious appetite and the development of severe obesity; here the problem is indeed excessive secretion of ghrelin.

Material development of severe obesity; here the problem is indeed excessive secretion of ghrelin.

The main site of ghrelin secretion is the stomach; it is synthesised in, and secreted by,

Material The main site of ghrelin secretion is the stomach; it is synthesised in, and secreted by, entero-endocrine cells in the gastric fundus—the upper part of the stomach. This is the

Material entero-endocrine cells in the gastric fundus—the upper part of the stomach. This is the - entero-endocrine cells in the gastric fundus—the upper part of the stomach. This is the - entero-endocrine cells in the gastric fundus—the upper part of the stomach. This is the region that is removed in the surgical procedure of banded gastroplasty for treatment of

- region that is removed in the surgical procedure of banded gastroplasty for treatment of Taylor

entero-endocrine cells in the gastric fundus—the upper part of the stomach. This is the Taylor

entero-endocrine cells in the gastric fundus—the upper part of the stomach. This is the region that is removed in the surgical procedure of banded gastroplasty for treatment of Taylor

region that is removed in the surgical procedure of banded gastroplasty for treatment of severe morbid obesity (Section, and part of the success of surgery may be due to

Taylor severe morbid obesity (Section, and part of the success of surgery may be due to reduced secretion of ghrelin as well as the physical effect of reduced stomach capacity.

Taylor reduced secretion of ghrelin as well as the physical effect of reduced stomach capacity.

-cells of the pancreas and, to some extent, the small intestine.

Taylor -cells of the pancreas and, to some extent, the small intestine.

Ghrelin undergoes postsynthetic modi�cation by acetylation. Unacetylated ghrelin is

Taylor Ghrelin undergoes postsynthetic modi�cation by acetylation. Unacetylated ghrelin is -acetyltransferase are potential drugs for control of

Taylor -acetyltransferase are potential drugs for control of & Ghrelin undergoes postsynthetic modi�cation by acetylation. Unacetylated ghrelin is & Ghrelin undergoes postsynthetic modi�cation by acetylation. Unacetylated ghrelin is

-acetyltransferase are potential drugs for control of & -acetyltransferase are potential drugs for control of

FrancisIn addition to the immediate control of feeding by sensations of hunger and satiety, there

FrancisIn addition to the immediate control of feeding by sensations of hunger and satiety, there is long-term regulation of food intake and energy expenditure, in response to the size of

Francisis long-term regulation of food intake and energy expenditure, in response to the size of

Page 10: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

10 Introduction to nutrition and metabolism

only increase food intake, but also lead to cessation of ovulation and menstruation (by decreasing the secretion of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone); a loss of weight to below about 45 kg is associated with amenorrhoea. In undernourished children, low levels of leptin, re�ecting levels of adipose tissue reserves that are inadequate to permit growth, reduce skeletal growth by inhibiting the secretion of growth hormone.

There is reduced food intake in response to leptin, associated with a decrease in the synthesis of neuropeptide Y (the transmitter for neurons from the hunger centres of the hypothalamus) and increased synthesis of POMC (the transmitter for neurons from the satiety centres). However, the resultant weight loss is greater than can be accounted for by reduced food intake alone, and in response to leptin there is a speci�c loss of adipose tissue, whilst in response to reduced food intake, there is a loss of both adipose and lean tissue. Leptin receptors are found in a variety of tissues, including muscle and adipose tissue itself. In addition to its role in appetite control, leptin acts to increase energy expenditure and promote the loss of adipose tissue by several mecha-nisms, including

• Increased expression of uncoupling proteins (Section in adipose tissue and muscle. This results in relatively uncontrolled oxidation of metabolic fuel, unrelated to requirements for physical and chemical work, and increased heat output from the body (thermogenesis).

• Increased activity of lipase in adipose tissue (Section 5.3.2), resulting in the break-down of triacylglycerol reserves and release of non-esteri�ed fatty acids that may either be oxidised or be re-esteri�ed in the liver and transported back to adipose tissue. This is metabolically inef�cient because of the energy cost of synthesising triacylglycerol from fatty acids (Section; such cycling of lipids is one of the factors involved in the weight loss associated with advanced cancer (Section 8.4).

• Decreased expression of acetyl CoA carboxylase in adipose tissue (Section 5.6.1)—this results in both decreased synthesis and increased oxidation of fatty acids, as a result of decreased formation of malonyl CoA (Sections 5.6.1 and 10.5.2).

• Increased apoptosis (programmed cell death) in adipose tissue, thus reducing the number of adipocytes available for storage of fat in the body.

The result of these actions of leptin on adipose tissue and muscle is that there is an increase in metabolic rate, and hence energy expenditure, in addition to the reduction in food intake.

Although most leptin is secreted by adipose tissue, it is also secreted by muscle and the gastric mucosa. After a meal, there is an increase in circulating leptin, suggesting that as well as its role in long-term control of food intake and energy expenditure, it may also be important in short-term responses to food intake. Some of this leptin comes from the gastric mucosa, but in response to food intake, insulin stimulates the synthesis and secre-tion of leptin from adipose tissue. Conversely, leptin increases the synthesis and secretion of insulin, but also antagonises its actions; thus, excessively high levels of leptin, associ-ated with obesity, lead to hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance—part of the metabolic syndrome associated with obesity (Section 7.2.3).

There is a circadian variation in leptin secretion, with an increase during the night. This is in response to glucocorticoid hormones, which are secreted in increased amount during the night. It is likely that the loss of appetite and weight loss associated with chronic stress, when there is increased secretion of glucocorticoids, is mediated by the effect of these hormones on leptin synthesis and secretion.


loss of adipose tissue, whilst in response to reduced food intake, there is a loss of both Copyrighted

loss of adipose tissue, whilst in response to reduced food intake, there is a loss of both adipose and lean tissue. Leptin receptors are found in a variety of tissues, including


adipose and lean tissue. Leptin receptors are found in a variety of tissues, including muscle and adipose tissue itself. In addition to its role in appetite control, leptin acts to


muscle and adipose tissue itself. In addition to its role in appetite control, leptin acts to increase energy expenditure and promote the loss of adipose tissue by several mecha-


increase energy expenditure and promote the loss of adipose tissue by several mecha-nisms, including


nisms, including

Increased expression of uncoupling proteins (Section in adipose tissue and

Copyrighted Increased expression of uncoupling proteins (Section in adipose tissue and muscle. This results in relatively uncontrolled oxidation of metabolic fuel, unrelated

Copyrighted muscle. This results in relatively uncontrolled oxidation of metabolic fuel, unrelated to requirements for physical and chemical work, and increased heat output from the

Copyrighted to requirements for physical and chemical work, and increased heat output from the body (thermogenesis).

Copyrighted body (thermogenesis). Material

Increased activity of lipase in adipose tissue (Section 5.3.2), resulting in the break-Material

Increased activity of lipase in adipose tissue (Section 5.3.2), resulting in the break-down of triacylglycerol reserves and release of non-esteri�ed fatty acids that may


down of triacylglycerol reserves and release of non-esteri�ed fatty acids that may either be oxidised or be re-esteri�ed in the liver and transported back to adipose

Material either be oxidised or be re-esteri�ed in the liver and transported back to adipose tissue. This is metabolically inef�cient because of the energy cost of synthesising

Material tissue. This is metabolically inef�cient because of the energy cost of synthesising riacylglycerol from fatty acids (Section; such cycling of lipids is one of the

Material riacylglycerol from fatty acids (Section; such cycling of lipids is one of the factors involved in the weight loss associated with advanced cancer (Section 8.4).

Material factors involved in the weight loss associated with advanced cancer (Section 8.4).- factors involved in the weight loss associated with advanced cancer (Section 8.4).- factors involved in the weight loss associated with advanced cancer (Section 8.4).Decreased expression of acetyl CoA carboxylase in adipose tissue (Section 5.6.1)—

- Decreased expression of acetyl CoA carboxylase in adipose tissue (Section 5.6.1)—Taylor

Decreased expression of acetyl CoA carboxylase in adipose tissue (Section 5.6.1)—Taylor

Decreased expression of acetyl CoA carboxylase in adipose tissue (Section 5.6.1)—Taylor

this results in both decreased synthesis and increased oxidation of fatty acids, as a Taylor

this results in both decreased synthesis and increased oxidation of fatty acids, as a result of decreased formation of malonyl CoA (Sections 5.6.1 and 10.5.2).

Taylor result of decreased formation of malonyl CoA (Sections 5.6.1 and 10.5.2).Increased apoptosis (programmed cell death) in adipose tissue, thus reducing the

Taylor Increased apoptosis (programmed cell death) in adipose tissue, thus reducing the number of adipocytes available for storage of fat in the body.

Taylor number of adipocytes available for storage of fat in the body.& The result of these actions of leptin on adipose tissue and muscle is that there is an & The result of these actions of leptin on adipose tissue and muscle is that there is an Francis

The result of these actions of leptin on adipose tissue and muscle is that there is an Francis

The result of these actions of leptin on adipose tissue and muscle is that there is an increase in metabolic rate, and hence energy expenditure, in addition to the reduction in Francis

increase in metabolic rate, and hence energy expenditure, in addition to the reduction in

Although most leptin is secreted by adipose tissue, it is also secreted by muscle and

FrancisAlthough most leptin is secreted by adipose tissue, it is also secreted by muscle and

the gastric mucosa. After a meal, there is an increase in circulating leptin, suggesting that

Francisthe gastric mucosa. After a meal, there is an increase in circulating leptin, suggesting that

Francisas well as its role in long-term control of food intake and energy expenditure, it may also

Francisas well as its role in long-term control of food intake and energy expenditure, it may also be important in short-term responses to food intake. Some of this leptin comes from the

Francisbe important in short-term responses to food intake. Some of this leptin comes from the

Page 11: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

11Chapter one: Why eat?

When leptin was �rst discovered, there was great excitement that, as in the obese mouse, human obesity (Chapter 7) might be due to a failure of leptin synthesis or secretion and that administration of leptin might be a useful treatment for severe obesity. However, most obese people secrete more leptin than lean people (because they have more adipose tissue), and it is likely that the problem is not due to lack of leptin, but rather to a loss of sensitivity of the leptin receptors. Only a very small number of people have been found in whom genetically determined obesity is due to a mutation in the gene for leptin, the leptin receptor, or a component of the downstream signalling pathway.

1.4.3 Appetite

In addition to hunger and satiety, which are basic physiological responses, food intake is controlled by appetite, which is related not only to physiological need but also to the pleasure of eating—�avour, texture, and a variety of social and psychological factors. The phenomenon of sensory-speci�c satiety, when there is satiety toward one food, but others may still be tempting, is the result of stimulation of individual neurons that respond to different combinations of taste, �avour, aroma, texture, and the sight of food. Taste and �avourTaste buds on the tongue can distinguish �ve basic tastes: salt, savoury, sweet, bitter, and sour as well as a less well understood ability to taste fat. The ability to taste salt, sweetness, savouriness, and fat permits detection of nutrients; the ability to taste sourness and bit-terness permits avoidance of toxins in foods. There is some evidence that hormones such as leptin (Section 1.4.2) and ghrelin (Section may affect the sensitivity of sweetness taste buds and possibly others as well. In addition, there is sensitivity, not due to taste buds, to chemical irritants such as the tingle of carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages, the cooling effect of menthol, and the burning and pungency of peppers and spices.

Altogether, there are some 6000 taste buds on the tongue and soft palate. Each one contains 30–50 sensory cells with microvilli, but not all sensory cells are exposed at the same time; thus, there is scope to alter the sensitivity to different tastes by changing the number of sensory cells exposed as well as by modi�cation of the intracellular responses to stimulation of the receptors on the microvilli or transported ions.

Salt (correctly the mineral sodium) is essential to life, and wild animals will travel great distances to a salt lick. Like other animals, human beings have evolved a pleasur-able response to salty �avours—this ensures that physiological needs are met. There is evidence that sensitivity to salt changes in response to the state of sodium balance in the body, with an increased number of active salt receptors on the tongue at times of sodium depletion. However, there is no shortage of salt in developed countries; indeed, average intakes of salt are considerably greater than requirements, and pose a hazard to health (Section 6.3.4).

The sensation of savouriness is distinct from that of saltiness and is sometimes called umami (the Japanese for savoury). It is largely due to the presence of free amino acids in foods, and permits detection of protein-rich foods. Stimulation of the umami receptors of the tongue is the basis of �avour enhancers such as monosodium glutamate, an important constituent of traditional oriental condiments that is widely used in manufactured foods.

The other instinctively pleasurable taste is sweetness, which permits detection of car-bohydrates, and hence energy sources. Whilst it is only sugars (Section 4.2.1) and arti�cial sweeteners (Section that have a sweet taste, human beings (and a few other animals) secrete the enzyme amylase in saliva, which catalyses the hydrolysis of starch, the major





In addition to hunger and satiety, which are basic physiological responses, food intake Copyrighted

In addition to hunger and satiety, which are basic physiological responses, food intake is controlled by appetite, which is related not only to physiological need but also to the


is controlled by appetite, which is related not only to physiological need but also to the pleasure of eating—�avour, texture, and a variety of social and psychological factors. The


pleasure of eating—�avour, texture, and a variety of social and psychological factors. The phenomenon of sensory-speci�c satiety, when there is satiety toward one food, but others


phenomenon of sensory-speci�c satiety, when there is satiety toward one food, but others may still be tempting, is the result of stimulation of individual neurons that respond to


may still be tempting, is the result of stimulation of individual neurons that respond to different combinations of taste, �avour, aroma, texture, and the sight of food.

Copyrighted different combinations of taste, �avour, aroma, texture, and the sight of food.

aste and �avour

Copyrighted aste and �avourTaste buds on the tongue can distinguish �ve basic tastes: salt, savoury, sweet, bitter, and

Copyrighted Taste buds on the tongue can distinguish �ve basic tastes: salt, savoury, sweet, bitter, and Material

Taste buds on the tongue can distinguish �ve basic tastes: salt, savoury, sweet, bitter, and Material

Taste buds on the tongue can distinguish �ve basic tastes: salt, savoury, sweet, bitter, and sour as well as a less well understood ability to taste fat. The ability to taste salt, sweetness,


sour as well as a less well understood ability to taste fat. The ability to taste salt, sweetness, savouriness, and fat permits detection of nutrients; the ability to taste sourness and bit-


savouriness, and fat permits detection of nutrients; the ability to taste sourness and bit-terness permits avoidance of toxins in foods. There is some evidence that hormones such

Material terness permits avoidance of toxins in foods. There is some evidence that hormones such as leptin (Section 1.4.2) and ghrelin (Section may affect the sensitivity of sweetness

Material as leptin (Section 1.4.2) and ghrelin (Section may affect the sensitivity of sweetness taste buds and possibly others as well. In addition, there is sensitivity, not due to taste

Material taste buds and possibly others as well. In addition, there is sensitivity, not due to taste buds, to chemical irritants such as the tingle of carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages,

Material buds, to chemical irritants such as the tingle of carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages, - buds, to chemical irritants such as the tingle of carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages, - buds, to chemical irritants such as the tingle of carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages, the cooling effect of menthol, and the burning and pungency of peppers and spices.

- the cooling effect of menthol, and the burning and pungency of peppers and spices.Taylor

the cooling effect of menthol, and the burning and pungency of peppers and spices.Taylor

the cooling effect of menthol, and the burning and pungency of peppers and spices.Altogether, there are some 6000 taste buds on the tongue and soft palate. Each one


Altogether, there are some 6000 taste buds on the tongue and soft palate. Each one contains 30–50 sensory cells with microvilli, but not all sensory cells are exposed at the

Taylor contains 30–50 sensory cells with microvilli, but not all sensory cells are exposed at the same time; thus, there is scope to alter the sensitivity to different tastes by changing the

Taylor same time; thus, there is scope to alter the sensitivity to different tastes by changing the number of sensory cells exposed as well as by modi�cation of the intracellular responses

Taylor number of sensory cells exposed as well as by modi�cation of the intracellular responses to stimulation of the receptors on the microvilli or transported ions.

Taylor to stimulation of the receptors on the microvilli or transported ions.& number of sensory cells exposed as well as by modi�cation of the intracellular responses & number of sensory cells exposed as well as by modi�cation of the intracellular responses to stimulation of the receptors on the microvilli or transported ions.& to stimulation of the receptors on the microvilli or transported ions.

Salt (correctly the mineral sodium) is essential to life, and wild animals will travel & Salt (correctly the mineral sodium) is essential to life, and wild animals will travel Francis

Salt (correctly the mineral sodium) is essential to life, and wild animals will travel Francis

Salt (correctly the mineral sodium) is essential to life, and wild animals will travel great distances to a salt lick. Like other animals, human beings have evolved a pleasur-Francis

great distances to a salt lick. Like other animals, human beings have evolved a pleasur-able response to salty �avours—this ensures that physiological needs are met. There is

Francisable response to salty �avours—this ensures that physiological needs are met. There is evidence that sensitivity to salt changes in response to the state of sodium balance in the

Francisevidence that sensitivity to salt changes in response to the state of sodium balance in the body, with an increased number of active salt receptors on the tongue at times of sodium

Francisbody, with an increased number of active salt receptors on the tongue at times of sodium depletion. However, there is no shortage of salt in developed countries; indeed, average

Francisdepletion. However, there is no shortage of salt in developed countries; indeed, average intakes of salt are considerably greater than requirements, and pose a hazard to health

Francisintakes of salt are considerably greater than requirements, and pose a hazard to health

Page 12: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

12 Introduction to nutrition and metabolism

dietary carbohydrate, to sweet-tasting sugars whilst the food is being chewed (Section

The tongue is not sensitive to the taste of triacylglycerols, but rather to free fatty acids, and especially polyunsaturated fatty acids (Section This suggests that the lipase secreted by the tongue has a role in permitting the detection of fatty foods as an energy source, in addition to a very minor role in fat digestion (Section 4.3).

Sourness and bitterness are instinctively unpleasant sensations; many of the tox-ins that occur in foods have a bitter or sour �avour. Learnt behaviour will overcome the instinctive aversion, but this is a process of learning or acquiring tastes, not an innate or instinctive response.

The receptors for salt, sourness, and savouriness (umami) all act as ion channels, trans-porting sodium, hydrogen, or glutamate ions, respectively, into the cells of the taste buds.

The receptors for sweetness and bitterness act via cell surface receptors linked to intracellular formation second messengers. There is evidence that both cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP, Section 10.3.2) and inositol trisphosphate (Section 10.3.3) mecha-nisms are involved, and more than one signal transduction pathway may be involved in the responses to sweetness or bitterness of different compounds. Some compounds may activate more than one subtype of receptor; there are at least 40–80 different cell surface bitterness receptors, all of which are linked to activation of the intracellular pro-tein α-gustducin. Small changes in structure of compounds can affect whether they taste sweet or bitter; l-tryptophan is intensely bitter, whilst its stereoisomer d-tryptophan tastes very sweet.

In addition to the sensations of taste provided by the taste buds on the tongue, a great many �avours can be distinguished by the sense of smell. Some �avours and aromas (fruity �avours, fresh coffee, and, at least to a non-vegetarian, the smell of roasting meat) are pleasurable, tempting people to eat and stimulating appetite. Other �avours and aro-mas are repulsive, warning us not to eat the food. Again this can be seen as a warning of possible danger—the smell of decaying meat or �sh tells us that it is not safe to eat.

Like the acquisition of a taste for bitter or sour foods, a taste for foods with what would seem at �rst to be an unpleasant aroma or �avour can also be acquired. Here things become more complex—a pleasant smell to one person may be repulsive to another. Some people enjoy the smell of cooked cabbage and Brussels sprouts, whilst others can hardly bear to be in the same room. The durian fruit is a highly prized delicacy in Southeast Asia, yet to the uninitiated, it has the unappetising aroma of sewage or faeces.

1.4.4 Why do people eat what they do?

People have different responses to the same taste or �avour. This may be explained in terms of childhood memories, pleasurable or otherwise. An aversion to the smell of a food may protect someone who has a speci�c allergy or intolerance (although sometimes people have a craving for the foods of which they are intolerant). Most often, we simply cannot explain why some people dislike foods that others eat with great relish. A number of fac-tors in�uence why people choose to eat particular foods (Table 1.3). The availability and cost of foodIn developed countries, the simple availability of food is not a constraint on choice. There is a wide variety of foods available, and when fruits and vegetables are out of season at home, they are imported; frozen, canned, or dried foods are widespread. By contrast, in developing countries, the availability of food may be a major constraint on what people


The receptors for salt, sourness, and savouriness (umami) all act as ion channels, trans-Copyrighted

The receptors for salt, sourness, and savouriness (umami) all act as ion channels, trans-porting sodium, hydrogen, or glutamate ions, respectively, into the cells of the taste buds.


porting sodium, hydrogen, or glutamate ions, respectively, into the cells of the taste buds.The receptors for sweetness and bitterness act via cell surface receptors linked to


The receptors for sweetness and bitterness act via cell surface receptors linked to intracellular formation second messengers. There is evidence that both cyclic adenosine


intracellular formation second messengers. There is evidence that both cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP, Section 10.3.2) and inositol trisphosphate (Section 10.3.3) mecha-


monophosphate (cAMP, Section 10.3.2) and inositol trisphosphate (Section 10.3.3) mecha-nisms are involved, and more than one signal transduction pathway may be involved


nisms are involved, and more than one signal transduction pathway may be involved in the responses to sweetness or bitterness of different compounds. Some compounds

Copyrighted in the responses to sweetness or bitterness of different compounds. Some compounds may activate more than one subtype of receptor; there are at least 40–80 different cell

Copyrighted may activate more than one subtype of receptor; there are at least 40–80 different cell surface bitterness receptors, all of which are linked to activation of the intracellular pro-

Copyrighted surface bitterness receptors, all of which are linked to activation of the intracellular pro--gustducin. Small changes in structure of compounds can affect whether they taste

Copyrighted -gustducin. Small changes in structure of compounds can affect whether they taste Material

-gustducin. Small changes in structure of compounds can affect whether they taste Material

-gustducin. Small changes in structure of compounds can affect whether they taste sweet or bitter; l-tryptophan is intensely bitter, whilst its stereoisomer d-tryptophan


sweet or bitter; l-tryptophan is intensely bitter, whilst its stereoisomer d-tryptophan

In addition to the sensations of taste provided by the taste buds on the tongue, a great

Material In addition to the sensations of taste provided by the taste buds on the tongue, a great

many �avours can be distinguished by the sense of smell. Some �avours and aromas

Material many �avours can be distinguished by the sense of smell. Some �avours and aromas (fruity �avours, fresh coffee, and, at least to a non-vegetarian, the smell of roasting meat)

Material (fruity �avours, fresh coffee, and, at least to a non-vegetarian, the smell of roasting meat) are pleasurable, tempting people to eat and stimulating appetite. Other �avours and aro-

Material are pleasurable, tempting people to eat and stimulating appetite. Other �avours and aro-- are pleasurable, tempting people to eat and stimulating appetite. Other �avours and aro-- are pleasurable, tempting people to eat and stimulating appetite. Other �avours and aro-mas are repulsive, warning us not to eat the food. Again this can be seen as a warning of

- mas are repulsive, warning us not to eat the food. Again this can be seen as a warning of Taylor

mas are repulsive, warning us not to eat the food. Again this can be seen as a warning of Taylor

mas are repulsive, warning us not to eat the food. Again this can be seen as a warning of Taylor

possible danger—the smell of decaying meat or �sh tells us that it is not safe to eat.Taylor

possible danger—the smell of decaying meat or �sh tells us that it is not safe to eat.Like the acquisition of a taste for bitter or sour foods, a taste for foods with what

Taylor Like the acquisition of a taste for bitter or sour foods, a taste for foods with what

would seem at �rst to be an unpleasant aroma or �avour can also be acquired. Here things

Taylor would seem at �rst to be an unpleasant aroma or �avour can also be acquired. Here things become more complex—a pleasant smell to one person may be repulsive to another. Some

Taylor become more complex—a pleasant smell to one person may be repulsive to another. Some people enjoy the smell of cooked cabbage and Brussels sprouts, whilst others can hardly

Taylor people enjoy the smell of cooked cabbage and Brussels sprouts, whilst others can hardly & become more complex—a pleasant smell to one person may be repulsive to another. Some & become more complex—a pleasant smell to one person may be repulsive to another. Some people enjoy the smell of cooked cabbage and Brussels sprouts, whilst others can hardly & people enjoy the smell of cooked cabbage and Brussels sprouts, whilst others can hardly bear to be in the same room. The durian fruit is a highly prized delicacy in Southeast Asia,

& bear to be in the same room. The durian fruit is a highly prized delicacy in Southeast Asia, Francis

bear to be in the same room. The durian fruit is a highly prized delicacy in Southeast Asia, Francis

bear to be in the same room. The durian fruit is a highly prized delicacy in Southeast Asia, yet to the uninitiated, it has the unappetising aroma of sewage or faeces.Francis

yet to the uninitiated, it has the unappetising aroma of sewage or faeces.

People have different responses to the same taste or �avour. This may be explained in

FrancisPeople have different responses to the same taste or �avour. This may be explained in terms of childhood memories, pleasurable or otherwise. An aversion to the smell of a food

Francisterms of childhood memories, pleasurable or otherwise. An aversion to the smell of a food

Page 13: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

13Chapter one: Why eat?

choose. Little food is imported, and what is available will depend on the local soil and cli-mate. In normal times, the choice of foods may be limited, whilst in times of drought, there may be little or no food available at all, and what little is available will be more expensive than what most people can afford. Even in developed countries, the cost of food is impor-tant, and for the most disadvantaged members of the community, poverty may impose severe constraints on their choice of foods. Religion, habit, and traditionReligious and ethical considerations are important in determining the choice of foods. Observant Jews and Muslims will only eat meat from animals that have cloven hooves and chew the cud. The terms kosher in Jewish law and hallal in Islamic law both mean clean; the meat of other animals, which are scavenging animals, birds of prey, and detritus-feeding �sh, is regarded as unclean (traife or haram). We now know that many of these forbidden animals carry parasites that can infect human beings; thus, these ancient prohibitions are based on food hygiene.

Hindus will not eat beef. The reason for this is that the cow is far too valuable, as a source of milk and dung (as manure and fuel) and as a beast of burden, for it to be killed as a source of meat.

Many people refrain from eating meat as a result of humanitarian concern for the ani-mals involved or because of real or perceived health bene�ts. Vegetarians can be divided into various groups, according to the strictness of their diet:

• Some avoid red meat, but will eat poultry and �sh• Some speci�cally avoid beef because of the potential risk of contracting variant

Creutzfeld–Jacob disease from bovine spongiform encephalopathy-infected animals• Pescetarians eat �sh, but not meat or poultry• Ovo-lacto-vegetarians will eat eggs and milk, but not meat or �sh• Lacto-vegetarians will eat milk, but not eggs• Vegans will eat only plant foods and no foods of animal origin

Foods that are commonly eaten in one area may be little eaten elsewhere, even though they are available, simply because people have not been accustomed to eating them. To a very great extent, eating habits as adults continue the habits learnt as children.

Table 1.3 Factors that In�uence the Choice of Foods

Availability of foodsCost of foodsTime for preparation and consumptionDisability and in�rmityPersonal likes and dislikesIntolerance or allergyEating alone or in companyMarketing pressure and advertisingReligious and ethical taboosPerceived or real health bene�ts and risksModi�ed diet for control of diseaseIllness or medication

Copyrighted choose. Little food is imported, and what is available will depend on the local soil and cli-

Copyrighted choose. Little food is imported, and what is available will depend on the local soil and cli-mate. In normal times, the choice of foods may be limited, whilst in times of drought, there

Copyrighted mate. In normal times, the choice of foods may be limited, whilst in times of drought, there may be little or no food available at all, and what little is available will be more expensive

Copyrighted may be little or no food available at all, and what little is available will be more expensive than what most people can afford. Even in developed countries, the cost of food is impor-

Copyrighted than what most people can afford. Even in developed countries, the cost of food is impor-

Copyrighted Material

than what most people can afford. Even in developed countries, the cost of food is impor-Material

than what most people can afford. Even in developed countries, the cost of food is impor-tant, and for the most disadvantaged members of the community, poverty may impose


tant, and for the most disadvantaged members of the community, poverty may impose severe constraints on their choice of foods.


severe constraints on their choice of foods.

eligion, habit, and tradition

Material eligion, habit, and tradition

Religious and ethical considerations are important in determining the choice of foods.

Material Religious and ethical considerations are important in determining the choice of foods. Observant Jews and Muslims will only eat meat from animals that have cloven hooves and

Material Observant Jews and Muslims will only eat meat from animals that have cloven hooves and - Observant Jews and Muslims will only eat meat from animals that have cloven hooves and - Observant Jews and Muslims will only eat meat from animals that have cloven hooves and in Jewish law and

- in Jewish law and hallal- hallalTaylor


hallal in Islamic law both mean clean; the Taylor

in Islamic law both mean clean; the meat of other animals, which are scavenging animals, birds of prey, and detritus-feeding


meat of other animals, which are scavenging animals, birds of prey, and detritus-feeding ). We now know that many of these forbidden

Taylor ). We now know that many of these forbidden

animals carry parasites that can infect human beings; thus, these ancient prohibitions are

Taylor animals carry parasites that can infect human beings; thus, these ancient prohibitions are

Hindus will not eat beef. The reason for this is that the cow is far too valuable, as a

Taylor Hindus will not eat beef. The reason for this is that the cow is far too valuable, as a & Hindus will not eat beef. The reason for this is that the cow is far too valuable, as a & Hindus will not eat beef. The reason for this is that the cow is far too valuable, as a & source of milk and dung (as manure and fuel) and as a beast of burden, for it to be killed & source of milk and dung (as manure and fuel) and as a beast of burden, for it to be killed Francis

source of milk and dung (as manure and fuel) and as a beast of burden, for it to be killed Francis

source of milk and dung (as manure and fuel) and as a beast of burden, for it to be killed

Many people refrain from eating meat as a result of humanitarian concern for the ani-Francis

Many people refrain from eating meat as a result of humanitarian concern for the ani-mals involved or because of real or perceived health bene�ts. Vegetarians can be divided

Francismals involved or because of real or perceived health bene�ts. Vegetarians can be divided

Page 14: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

14 Introduction to nutrition and metabolism

Haggis and oat cakes travel south from Scotland as specialty items; black pudding is a staple of northern British breakfasts, but is rare in the southeast of England. Until the 1960s, yoghurt was almost unknown in Britain, apart from a few health food ‘cranks’ and immigrants from Eastern Europe; many British children believe that �sh comes as rectan-gular �sh �ngers, whilst children in inland Spain may eat �sh and other seafood three or four times a week. The French mock the British habit of eating lamb with mint sauce—and the average British reaction to such French delicacies as frogs’ legs and snails in garlic is one of horror. The British eat their cabbage well boiled; the Germans and Dutch ferment it to produce sauerkraut.

This regional and cultural diversity of foods provides one of the pleasures of travel. As people travel more frequently they become (perhaps grudgingly) more adventurous in their choice of foods; thus, they create a demand for different foods at home, and there is an increasing variety of foods available in shops and restaurants.

A further factor that has increased the range of foods available has been immigration of people from a variety of different backgrounds, all of whom have, as they have become established, introduced their traditional foods to their new homes. It is dif�cult to realise that, in the 1960s, there was only a handful of tandoori restaurants in the whole of Britain, that pizza was something seen only in southern Italy and a few specialist restaurants, or that Balti cooking, Thai food, and sushi were unknown until the 1990s.

Some people are naturally adventurous and will try a new food just because they have never eaten it before. Others are more conservative and will try a new food only when they see someone else eating it safely and with enjoyment. Others are yet more conservative in their food choices; the most conservative eaters ‘know’ that they do not like a new food because they have never eaten it before. Organic foodsMany people choose to eat organically produced foods in preference to those produced by conventional or intensive farming methods. Organic foods are plants grown without the use of (synthetic) pesticides, fungicides, or inorganic fertilisers and prepared with-out the use of preservatives. Foodstuffs must be grown on land that has not been treated with chemical fertilisers, herbicides, or pesticides for at least 3 years. Organic meat is from animals fed on organically grown crops without the use of growth promoters, with only a limited number of medicines to treat disease, and commonly maintained under tradi-tional, non-intensive, or free-range conditions. Within the European Union, foods may be labelled as ‘organic’ if they contain at least 95% organic ingredients and not more than 0.9% genetically modi�ed ingredients.

People who wish to avoid pesticide, fungicide, and other chemical residues in their food, or genetically modi�ed crops, will choose organic produce. Other people will choose organic foods because they believe they are nutritionally superior to conventional produce or because they have a better �avour. There is little evidence that organic produce is nutri-tionally superior to that produced by conventional farming, although if organic fruits and vegetables are also slower-growing and possibly lower-yielding varieties, they may have a higher nutrient content. Many of the older, slower-growing, and lower-yielding fruits and vegetables have a better �avour than more recently introduced varieties that are grown for their rapid yield of a large crop of uniform size and shape. Flavour does not depend on whether or not they are grown organically, but many organic farmers do indeed grow traditional, more �avourful varieties.

The nutrient content of the same variety of a fruit or vegetable may vary widely, depending not only on the soil (and any fertilisers used) but also on how much sunlight


As people travel more frequently they become (perhaps grudgingly) more adventurous in Copyrighted

As people travel more frequently they become (perhaps grudgingly) more adventurous in their choice of foods; thus, they create a demand for different foods at home, and there is


their choice of foods; thus, they create a demand for different foods at home, and there is an increasing variety of foods available in shops and restaurants.


an increasing variety of foods available in shops and restaurants.A further factor that has increased the range of foods available has been immigration


A further factor that has increased the range of foods available has been immigration of people from a variety of different backgrounds, all of whom have, as they have become


of people from a variety of different backgrounds, all of whom have, as they have become established, introduced their traditional foods to their new homes. It is dif�cult to realise


established, introduced their traditional foods to their new homes. It is dif�cult to realise that, in the 1960s, there was only a handful of tandoori restaurants in the whole of Britain,

Copyrighted that, in the 1960s, there was only a handful of tandoori restaurants in the whole of Britain, that pizza was something seen only in southern Italy and a few specialist restaurants,

Copyrighted that pizza was something seen only in southern Italy and a few specialist restaurants, or that Balti cooking, Thai food, and sushi were unknown until the 1990s.

Copyrighted or that Balti cooking, Thai food, and sushi were unknown until the 1990s.Some people are naturally adventurous and will try a new food just because they have

Copyrighted Some people are naturally adventurous and will try a new food just because they have Material

Some people are naturally adventurous and will try a new food just because they have Material

Some people are naturally adventurous and will try a new food just because they have never eaten it before. Others are more conservative and will try a new food only when they


never eaten it before. Others are more conservative and will try a new food only when they see someone else eating it safely and with enjoyment. Others are yet more conservative in


see someone else eating it safely and with enjoyment. Others are yet more conservative in their food choices; the most conservative eaters ‘know’ that they do not like a new food

Material their food choices; the most conservative eaters ‘know’ that they do not like a new food because they have never eaten it before.

Material because they have never eaten it before.

- Many people choose to eat organically produced foods in preference to those produced - Many people choose to eat organically produced foods in preference to those produced Taylor

Many people choose to eat organically produced foods in preference to those produced Taylor

Many people choose to eat organically produced foods in preference to those produced by conventional or intensive farming methods. Organic foods are plants grown without


by conventional or intensive farming methods. Organic foods are plants grown without Taylor

the use of (synthetic) pesticides, fungicides, or inorganic fertilisers and prepared with-

Taylor the use of (synthetic) pesticides, fungicides, or inorganic fertilisers and prepared with-out the use of preservatives. Foodstuffs must be grown on land that has not been treated

Taylor out the use of preservatives. Foodstuffs must be grown on land that has not been treated with chemical fertilisers, herbicides, or pesticides for at least 3 years. Organic meat is from

Taylor with chemical fertilisers, herbicides, or pesticides for at least 3 years. Organic meat is from animals fed on organically grown crops without the use of growth promoters, with only

Taylor animals fed on organically grown crops without the use of growth promoters, with only & with chemical fertilisers, herbicides, or pesticides for at least 3 years. Organic meat is from & with chemical fertilisers, herbicides, or pesticides for at least 3 years. Organic meat is from animals fed on organically grown crops without the use of growth promoters, with only & animals fed on organically grown crops without the use of growth promoters, with only a limited number of medicines to treat disease, and commonly maintained under tradi-

& a limited number of medicines to treat disease, and commonly maintained under tradi-Francis

a limited number of medicines to treat disease, and commonly maintained under tradi-Francis

a limited number of medicines to treat disease, and commonly maintained under tradi-tional, non-intensive, or free-range conditions. Within the European Union, foods may be Francis

tional, non-intensive, or free-range conditions. Within the European Union, foods may be labelled as ‘organic’ if they contain at least 95% organic ingredients and not more than

Francislabelled as ‘organic’ if they contain at least 95% organic ingredients and not more than

People who wish to avoid pesticide, fungicide, and other chemical residues in their

FrancisPeople who wish to avoid pesticide, fungicide, and other chemical residues in their

Francisfood, or genetically modi�ed crops, will choose organic produce. Other people will choose

Francisfood, or genetically modi�ed crops, will choose organic produce. Other people will choose organic foods because they believe they are nutritionally superior to conventional produce

Francisorganic foods because they believe they are nutritionally superior to conventional produce

Page 15: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

15Chapter one: Why eat?

the plant has received and how frequently it has been watered. The apples from one side of a tree may vary in nutrient content from those on the other side of the same tree. The yield, �avour, and nutrient content of the same crop may vary along the �eld.

Whilst organic produce is indeed free from chemical residues that may be harmful, there is a potential hazard. Animal manure is used in organic farming to a very much greater extent than in conventional farming, and unless salad vegetables are washed well, there is a potential risk of food poisoning from bacteria in the manure that remains on the produce. Luxury status of scarce and expensive foodsFoods that are scarce or expensive have a certain appeal of fashion or style; they are (rightly) regarded as luxuries for special occasions rather than everyday meals. Conversely, foods that are widespread and inexpensive have less appeal.

In the 19th century, salmon and oysters were so cheap that the articles of apprentices in London speci�ed that they should not be given salmon more than three times a week, whilst oysters were eaten by the poor. Through much of the 20th century, salmon was scarce, and a prized luxury food; �sh farming has increased the supply of salmon to such an extent that it is again an inexpensive food. Chicken, turkey, guinea fowl, and trout, which were expensive luxury foods in the 1950s, are now widely available, as a result of changes in farming practice, and they form the basis of inexpensive meals. By contrast, �sh such as cod, herring, and skate, once the basis of cheap meals, are now becoming scarce and expensive as a result of depletion of �sh stocks by overexploitation. The social functions of foodHuman beings are social animals, and meals are important social functions. People eat-ing in a group are likely to eat better or at least have a wider variety of foods and a more lavish and luxurious meal than people eating alone. Entertaining guests may be an excuse to eat foods that we know to be nutritionally undesirable and perhaps to eat to excess. The greater the variety of dishes offered, the more people are likely to eat. As we reach satiety with one food, so another, different, �avour is offered to stimulate appetite. A num-ber of studies have shown that, faced with only one food, people tend to reach satiety sooner than when a variety of foods is on offer. This is the difference between hunger and appetite—even when we are satiated, we can still ‘�nd room’ to try something different.

Conversely, and more importantly, many lonely single people (and especially the bereaved elderly) have little incentive to prepare meals, and no stimulus to appetite. Whilst poverty may be a factor, apathy (and frequently, in the case of widowed men, ignorance) severely limits the range of foods eaten, possibly leading to undernutrition. When these problems are added to the problems of ill-�tting dentures (which make eating painful), arthritis (which makes handling many foods dif�cult), and the dif�culty of carrying food home from the shops, it is not surprising that we include the elderly amongst the vulner-able groups of the population who are at risk of undernutrition (Section 8.3.1).

In hospitals and other institutions, there is a further problem. People who are unwell may have low physical activity, but they have higher than normal requirements for energy and nutrients as a part of the process of replacing tissue in convalescence (Section or as a result of fever or the metabolic effects of cancer and other chronic diseases (Section 8.4). At the same time, illness impairs appetite, and a side effect of many drugs is to distort the sense of taste, depress appetite, or cause nausea. It is dif�cult to provide a range of exciting and attractive foods under institutional conditions, yet this is what is needed to tempt the patient’s appetite.


Foods that are scarce or expensive have a certain appeal of fashion or style; they are (rightly) Copyrighted

Foods that are scarce or expensive have a certain appeal of fashion or style; they are (rightly) regarded as luxuries for special occasions rather than everyday meals. Conversely, foods


regarded as luxuries for special occasions rather than everyday meals. Conversely, foods that are widespread and inexpensive have less appeal.


that are widespread and inexpensive have less appeal.In the 19th century, salmon and oysters were so cheap that the articles of apprentices


In the 19th century, salmon and oysters were so cheap that the articles of apprentices in London speci�ed that they should not be given salmon more than three times a week,


in London speci�ed that they should not be given salmon more than three times a week, whilst oysters were eaten by the poor. Through much of the 20th century, salmon was


whilst oysters were eaten by the poor. Through much of the 20th century, salmon was scarce, and a prized luxury food; �sh farming has increased the supply of salmon to such

Copyrighted scarce, and a prized luxury food; �sh farming has increased the supply of salmon to such an extent that it is again an inexpensive food. Chicken, turkey, guinea fowl, and trout,

Copyrighted an extent that it is again an inexpensive food. Chicken, turkey, guinea fowl, and trout, which were expensive luxury foods in the 1950s, are now widely available, as a result of

Copyrighted which were expensive luxury foods in the 1950s, are now widely available, as a result of changes in farming practice, and they form the basis of inexpensive meals. By contrast, �sh

Copyrighted changes in farming practice, and they form the basis of inexpensive meals. By contrast, �sh Material

changes in farming practice, and they form the basis of inexpensive meals. By contrast, �sh Material

changes in farming practice, and they form the basis of inexpensive meals. By contrast, �sh such as cod, herring, and skate, once the basis of cheap meals, are now becoming scarce


such as cod, herring, and skate, once the basis of cheap meals, are now becoming scarce and expensive as a result of depletion of �sh stocks by overexploitation.


and expensive as a result of depletion of �sh stocks by overexploitation.

he social functions of food

Material he social functions of food

Human beings are social animals, and meals are important social functions. People eat-

Material Human beings are social animals, and meals are important social functions. People eat-ing in a group are likely to eat better or at least have a wider variety of foods and a more

Material ing in a group are likely to eat better or at least have a wider variety of foods and a more - ing in a group are likely to eat better or at least have a wider variety of foods and a more - ing in a group are likely to eat better or at least have a wider variety of foods and a more lavish and luxurious meal than people eating alone. Entertaining guests may be an excuse

- lavish and luxurious meal than people eating alone. Entertaining guests may be an excuse Taylor

lavish and luxurious meal than people eating alone. Entertaining guests may be an excuse Taylor

lavish and luxurious meal than people eating alone. Entertaining guests may be an excuse Taylor

to eat foods that we know to be nutritionally undesirable and perhaps to eat to excess. Taylor

to eat foods that we know to be nutritionally undesirable and perhaps to eat to excess. The greater the variety of dishes offered, the more people are likely to eat. As we reach

Taylor The greater the variety of dishes offered, the more people are likely to eat. As we reach satiety with one food, so another, different, �avour is offered to stimulate appetite. A num-

Taylor satiety with one food, so another, different, �avour is offered to stimulate appetite. A num-ber of studies have shown that, faced with only one food, people tend to reach satiety

Taylor ber of studies have shown that, faced with only one food, people tend to reach satiety sooner than when a variety of foods is on offer. This is the difference between hunger and

Taylor sooner than when a variety of foods is on offer. This is the difference between hunger and & ber of studies have shown that, faced with only one food, people tend to reach satiety & ber of studies have shown that, faced with only one food, people tend to reach satiety sooner than when a variety of foods is on offer. This is the difference between hunger and & sooner than when a variety of foods is on offer. This is the difference between hunger and ppetite—even when we are satiated, we can still ‘�nd room’ to try something different.

& ppetite—even when we are satiated, we can still ‘�nd room’ to try something different.Francis

ppetite—even when we are satiated, we can still ‘�nd room’ to try something different.Francis

ppetite—even when we are satiated, we can still ‘�nd room’ to try something different.Conversely, and more importantly, many lonely single people (and especially the Francis

Conversely, and more importantly, many lonely single people (and especially the bereaved elderly) have little incentive to prepare meals, and no stimulus to appetite. Whilst

Francisbereaved elderly) have little incentive to prepare meals, and no stimulus to appetite. Whilst

Francispoverty may be a factor, apathy (and frequently, in the case of widowed men, ignorance)

Francispoverty may be a factor, apathy (and frequently, in the case of widowed men, ignorance) severely limits the range of foods eaten, possibly leading to undernutrition. When these

Francisseverely limits the range of foods eaten, possibly leading to undernutrition. When these problems are added to the problems of ill-�tting dentures (which make eating painful),

Francisproblems are added to the problems of ill-�tting dentures (which make eating painful), arthritis (which makes handling many foods dif�cult), and the dif�culty of carrying food

Francisarthritis (which makes handling many foods dif�cult), and the dif�culty of carrying food

Page 16: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

16 Introduction to nutrition and metabolism

1.4.5 Disorders of appetite: anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

Whilst obesity is a major public health problem (Section 7.2), one effect of the publicity about obesity is to put pressure on people to reduce their body weight, even if they are within the desirable, healthy weight range. In some cases the pressure for slimness may be a factor in the development of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and other eating disorders, although the evidence suggests that media and peer pressure activates the desire for thinness in people who are vulnerable because of low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with their body image but do not cultivate it otherwise. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are due to interactions between higher brain centres and the hunger and satiety centres of the hypothalamus, so that a variety of psychological factors can override the normal sensations of hunger. The diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are shown in Table 1.4.

Those most at risk are adolescent girls; at any time, some 25% are dieting to lose weight, whether they need to or not, and 50% think they are too fat. Similar disturbances of eating behaviour can occur in older women and, more rarely, in adolescent boys and men. One cause of the problem in adolescent girls is a reaction to the physical changes of puberty. By refusing food, the girl believes that she can delay or prevent these changes. To a consider-able extent, this is so. Breast development slows down or ceases as energy balance becomes more negative. When body weight falls below about 45 kg, menstruation ceases because of the lower secretion of leptin from the reduced amount of adipose tissue (Section 1.4.2).

The main feature of anorexia nervosa is a very severe restriction of food intake—with the obvious result of very considerable weight loss. Despite all evidence and arguments to the contrary, the anorectic subject is convinced that she is overweight and restricts her eat-ing very severely. Dieting becomes the primary focus of her life. She has a preoccupation with, and often a considerable knowledge of, food and frequently has a variety of stylised compulsive behaviour patterns associated with food. As a part of her pathological obses-sion with thinness, the anorectic person frequently takes a great deal of strenuous exercise, often exercising to exhaustion in solitude. She will go to extreme lengths to avoid eating, and frequently, when forced to eat, will induce vomiting soon afterward. Many anorectics also make excessive use of laxatives.

Surprisingly, many anorectic people are adept at hiding their condition, and it is not unknown for the problem to remain unnoticed, even in a family setting. Food is played with, but little or none is actually eaten; excuses are frequently made to leave the table in the middle of the meal, perhaps on the pretext of going into the kitchen to prepare the next course.

Some anorectic subjects also exhibit a further disturbance of eating behaviour—bulimia or binge eating. After a period of eating very little, they suddenly eat an extremely large amount of food (40 MJ or more in a single meal, compared with an average daily require-ment of 8–12 MJ), frequently followed by deliberate induction of vomiting and heavy doses of laxatives. This is followed by a further prolonged period of anorexia.

Bulimia also occurs in the absence of anorexia nervosa—a person of normal weight will consume a very large amount of food (commonly 40–80 MJ over a period of a few hours), again followed by induction of vomiting and excessive use of laxatives. In severe cases, such binges may occur �ve or six times a week.

It is estimated that about 2% of adolescent girls go through at least a short phase of anorexia, and another 3% have a borderline eating disorder. In most cases, anorexia is self-limiting, and normal eating patterns are re-established as the emotional crises of ado-lescence resolve. Other people may require specialist counselling and treatment, and in an unfortunate few, problems of eating behaviour persist into adult life.


that a variety of psychological factors can override the normal sensations of hunger. The Copyrighted

that a variety of psychological factors can override the normal sensations of hunger. The diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are shown in Table 1.4.Copyrighted

diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are shown in Table 1.4.Those most at risk are adolescent girls; at any time, some 25% are dieting to lose weight, Copyrighted

Those most at risk are adolescent girls; at any time, some 25% are dieting to lose weight, whether they need to or not, and 50% think they are too fat. Similar disturbances of eating


whether they need to or not, and 50% think they are too fat. Similar disturbances of eating behaviour can occur in older women and, more rarely, in adolescent boys and men. One


behaviour can occur in older women and, more rarely, in adolescent boys and men. One cause of the problem in adolescent girls is a reaction to the physical changes of puberty. By


cause of the problem in adolescent girls is a reaction to the physical changes of puberty. By refusing food, the girl believes that she can delay or prevent these changes. To a consider-

Copyrighted refusing food, the girl believes that she can delay or prevent these changes. To a consider-able extent, this is so. Breast development slows down or ceases as energy balance becomes

Copyrighted able extent, this is so. Breast development slows down or ceases as energy balance becomes more negative. When body weight falls below about 45 kg, menstruation ceases because

Copyrighted more negative. When body weight falls below about 45 kg, menstruation ceases because of the lower secretion of leptin from the reduced amount of adipose tissue (Section 1.4.2).

Copyrighted of the lower secretion of leptin from the reduced amount of adipose tissue (Section 1.4.2).The main feature of anorexia nervosa is a very severe restriction of food intake—with

Copyrighted The main feature of anorexia nervosa is a very severe restriction of food intake—with Material

of the lower secretion of leptin from the reduced amount of adipose tissue (Section 1.4.2).Material

of the lower secretion of leptin from the reduced amount of adipose tissue (Section 1.4.2).The main feature of anorexia nervosa is a very severe restriction of food intake—with Material

The main feature of anorexia nervosa is a very severe restriction of food intake—with the obvious result of very considerable weight loss. Despite all evidence and arguments to


the obvious result of very considerable weight loss. Despite all evidence and arguments to the contrary, the anorectic subject is convinced that she is overweight and restricts her eat-

Material the contrary, the anorectic subject is convinced that she is overweight and restricts her eat-ing very severely. Dieting becomes the primary focus of her life. She has a preoccupation

Material ing very severely. Dieting becomes the primary focus of her life. She has a preoccupation with, and often a considerable knowledge of, food and frequently has a variety of stylised

Material with, and often a considerable knowledge of, food and frequently has a variety of stylised compulsive behaviour patterns associated with food. As a part of her pathological obses-

Material compulsive behaviour patterns associated with food. As a part of her pathological obses-sion with thinness, the anorectic person frequently takes a great deal of strenuous exercise,

Material sion with thinness, the anorectic person frequently takes a great deal of strenuous exercise, - sion with thinness, the anorectic person frequently takes a great deal of strenuous exercise, - sion with thinness, the anorectic person frequently takes a great deal of strenuous exercise, Taylor

sion with thinness, the anorectic person frequently takes a great deal of strenuous exercise, Taylor

sion with thinness, the anorectic person frequently takes a great deal of strenuous exercise, often exercising to exhaustion in solitude. She will go to extreme lengths to avoid eating, Taylor

often exercising to exhaustion in solitude. She will go to extreme lengths to avoid eating, and frequently, when forced to eat, will induce vomiting soon afterward. Many anorectics

Taylor and frequently, when forced to eat, will induce vomiting soon afterward. Many anorectics

Surprisingly, many anorectic people are adept at hiding their condition, and it is not

Taylor Surprisingly, many anorectic people are adept at hiding their condition, and it is not unknown for the problem to remain unnoticed, even in a family setting. Food is played

Taylor unknown for the problem to remain unnoticed, even in a family setting. Food is played with, but little or none is actually eaten; excuses are frequently made to leave the table in

Taylor with, but little or none is actually eaten; excuses are frequently made to leave the table in & unknown for the problem to remain unnoticed, even in a family setting. Food is played & unknown for the problem to remain unnoticed, even in a family setting. Food is played with, but little or none is actually eaten; excuses are frequently made to leave the table in & with, but little or none is actually eaten; excuses are frequently made to leave the table in the middle of the meal, perhaps on the pretext of going into the kitchen to prepare the next

& the middle of the meal, perhaps on the pretext of going into the kitchen to prepare the next Francis

with, but little or none is actually eaten; excuses are frequently made to leave the table in Francis

with, but little or none is actually eaten; excuses are frequently made to leave the table in the middle of the meal, perhaps on the pretext of going into the kitchen to prepare the next Francis

the middle of the meal, perhaps on the pretext of going into the kitchen to prepare the next

Some anorectic subjects also exhibit a further disturbance of eating behaviour—bulimia

FrancisSome anorectic subjects also exhibit a further disturbance of eating behaviour—bulimia

Francisor binge eating. After a period of eating very little, they suddenly eat an extremely large

Francisor binge eating. After a period of eating very little, they suddenly eat an extremely large amount of food (40 MJ or more in a single meal, compared with an average daily require-

Francisamount of food (40 MJ or more in a single meal, compared with an average daily require-

Francisment of 8–12 MJ), frequently followed by deliberate induction of vomiting and heavy doses

Francisment of 8–12 MJ), frequently followed by deliberate induction of vomiting and heavy doses

Page 17: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

17Chapter one: Why eat?

Table 1.4 Diagnostic Criteria for the Classi�cation of Eating Disorders

Anorexia nervosa•Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height;

weight loss leading to maintenance of body weight less than 85% of that expected or failure to make expected weight gain during period of growth, leading to body weight less than 85% of that expected.

•Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight.•Disturbance in the way one’s body weight or shape are experienced, undue in�uence of body

weight or shape on self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight.

•Amenorrhoea (for at least three consecutive cycles) in postmenarchal girls and (premenopausal) women when not pregnant.

Types of anorexia nervosaRestricting type: During the current episode of anorexia nervosa, the person has not regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behaviour (self-induced vomiting or misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas).Binge-eating–purging type: During the current episode of anorexia nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behaviour (self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas).

Bulimia nervosa•Recurrent episodes of binge eating characterised by both

Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-h period), an amount of food that is signi�cantly larger than most people would eat during a similar period and under similar circumstances.A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode, de�ned by a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating.

•Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviour to prevent weight gainSelf-induced vomitingMisuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or other medicationsFastingExcessive exercise

•The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviour both occur, on average, at least twice a week for 3 months.

•Self-evaluation is unduly in�uenced by body shape and weight.•The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of anorexia nervosa.

Types of bulimia nervosaPurging type: During the current episode of bulimia nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas.Nonpurging type: During the current episode of bulimia nervosa, the person has used inappropriate compensatory behaviour but has not regularly engaged in self-induced vomiting or misused laxatives, diuretics, or enemas.

Eating disorder not otherwise speci�eda

1. For female patients, all of the criteria for anorexia nervosa are met except that the patient has regular menses.

2. All of the criteria for anorexia nervosa are met except that, despite signi�cant weight loss, the patient’s current weight is in the normal range.




weight.Amenorrhoea (for at least three consecutive cycles) in postmenarchal girls and Copyrighted

Amenorrhoea (for at least three consecutive cycles) in postmenarchal girls and (premenopausal) women when not pregnant.Copyrighted

(premenopausal) women when not pregnant.

Restricting type: During the current episode of anorexia nervosa, the person has not regularly


Restricting type: During the current episode of anorexia nervosa, the person has not regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behaviour (self-induced vomiting or misuse of laxatives,


engaged in binge-eating or purging behaviour (self-induced vomiting or misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas).


diuretics, or enemas).Binge-eating–purging type: During the current episode of anorexia nervosa, the person has

Copyrighted Binge-eating–purging type: During the current episode of anorexia nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behaviour (self-induced vomiting or the misuse

Copyrighted regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behaviour (self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas).

Copyrighted of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas).Material

Recurrent episodes of binge eating characterised by bothMaterial

Recurrent episodes of binge eating characterised by bothEating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-h period), an amount of food that is


Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-h period), an amount of food that is signi�cantly larger than most people would eat during a similar period and under similar

Material signi�cantly larger than most people would eat during a similar period and under similar

A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode, de�ned by a feeling that one cannot

Material A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode, de�ned by a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating.

Material stop eating or control what or how much one is eating.- stop eating or control what or how much one is eating.- stop eating or control what or how much one is eating.Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviour to prevent weight gain

- Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviour to prevent weight gainTaylor

Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviour to prevent weight gainTaylor

Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviour to prevent weight gain

Misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or other medications

Taylor Misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or other medications

The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviour both occur, on average, at least

Taylor The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviour both occur, on average, at least & The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviour both occur, on average, at least & The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviour both occur, on average, at least

FrancisThe disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of anorexia nervosa.

FrancisThe disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of anorexia nervosa.

Purging type: During the current episode of bulimia nervosa, the person has regularly

FrancisPurging type: During the current episode of bulimia nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas.

Francisengaged in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas.Nonpurging type: During the current episode of bulimia nervosa, the person has used

FrancisNonpurging type: During the current episode of bulimia nervosa, the person has used

Page 18: Why eat? - Routledge · The dietary sources of metabolic energy (the metabolic fuels) are carbohydrates, fats, pro-tein, and alcohol. The metabolism of these fuels results in the

18 Introduction to nutrition and metabolism

Key points• The �rst need of the body is for water. In addition to obvious water in beverages,

there is water in most foods, and water formed in the metabolism of metabolic fuels makes a signi�cant contribution to �uid balance.

• There is a relationship between energy intake from food, energy expenditure in physi-cal activity, and body weight, but two thirds of total energy expenditure is required to maintain nerve and muscle tone, circulation, breathing, and metabolic homeostasis.

• The main metabolic fuels are carbohydrate and fat; there is no absolute requirement for either (apart from small amounts of essential fatty acids). It is dif�cult to achieve an adequate energy intake on a very low fat diet, and fat is essential for the absorp-tion of vitamins A, D, E, and K.

• There is a requirement for protein in addition to its role as a metabolic fuel.• There is a requirement for minerals that have a function in the body, and for vitamins.• Centres in the brain control hunger and satiety, in response to circulating concentra-

tions of metabolic fuels and hormones secreted by the gastrointestinal tract and pan-creas. Ghrelin stimulates appetite, whilst the other gastrointestinal hormones signal satiety.

• Long-term control of food intake and energy expenditure is largely by the hormone leptin, which is secreted mainly by adipose tissue; circulating concentrations of leptin re�ect the adequacy (or otherwise) of body fat reserves. Leptin acts on the hypothalamus to regulate food intake and on muscle and adipose tissue to regulate energy expenditure.

• The sense of taste on the tongue permits detection of nutrients and avoidance of potential toxins.

• Food choices are complex; in addition to the cost and availability of foods, a variety of religious and ethical beliefs and social and individual factors affect what people choose to eat.

• Higher brain centres and psychological factors can override the physiological signals for hunger and satiety, leading to eating disorders including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Table 1.4 Diagnostic Criteria for the Classi�cation of Eating Disorders (Continued)

3. All of the criteria for bulimia nervosa are met except that the binge eating and inappropriate compensatory mechanisms occur fewer than twice a week or for less than 3 months.

4. The patient has normal body weight and regularly uses inappropriate compensatory behaviour after eating small amounts of food (e.g. self-induced vomiting).

5. Repeatedly chewing and spitting out, but not swallowing, large amounts of food. 6. Binge-eating disorder is recurrent episodes of binge eating in the absence of the regular

inappropriate compensatory behaviour characteristic of bulimia nervosa.

Source: Adapted from American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2000.

a Disorders of eating that do not meet the criteria for either anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.Copyrighted

Key points


Key pointsThe �rst need of the body is for water. In addition to obvious water in beverages,


The �rst need of the body is for water. In addition to obvious water in beverages, there is water in most foods, and water formed in the metabolism of metabolic fuels

Copyrighted there is water in most foods, and water formed in the metabolism of metabolic fuels makes a signi�cant contribution to �uid balance.

Copyrighted makes a signi�cant contribution to �uid balance.There is a relationship between energy intake from food, energy expenditure in physi

Copyrighted There is a relationship between energy intake from food, energy expenditure in physial activity, and body weight, but two thirds of total energy expenditure is required to

Copyrighted al activity, and body weight, but two thirds of total energy expenditure is required to maintain nerve and muscle tone, circulation, breathing, and metabolic homeostasis.

Copyrighted maintain nerve and muscle tone, circulation, breathing, and metabolic homeostasis.

Disorders of eating that do not meet the criteria for either anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.Copyrighted

Disorders of eating that do not meet the criteria for either anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.


al activity, and body weight, but two thirds of total energy expenditure is required to Material

al activity, and body weight, but two thirds of total energy expenditure is required to maintain nerve and muscle tone, circulation, breathing, and metabolic homeostasis.Material

maintain nerve and muscle tone, circulation, breathing, and metabolic homeostasis.The main metabolic fuels are carbohydrate and fat; there is no absolute requirement


The main metabolic fuels are carbohydrate and fat; there is no absolute requirement for either (apart from small amounts of essential fatty acids). It is dif�cult to achieve

Material for either (apart from small amounts of essential fatty acids). It is dif�cult to achieve an adequate energy intake on a very low fat diet, and fat is essential for the absorp-

Material an adequate energy intake on a very low fat diet, and fat is essential for the absorp-

There is a requirement for protein in addition to its role as a metabolic fuel.

Material There is a requirement for protein in addition to its role as a metabolic fuel.There is a requirement for minerals that have a function in the body, and for vitamins.

Material There is a requirement for minerals that have a function in the body, and for vitamins.- There is a requirement for minerals that have a function in the body, and for vitamins.- There is a requirement for minerals that have a function in the body, and for vitamins.Centres in the brain control hunger and satiety, in response to circulating concentra-

- Centres in the brain control hunger and satiety, in response to circulating concentra-Taylor

There is a requirement for minerals that have a function in the body, and for vitamins.Taylor

There is a requirement for minerals that have a function in the body, and for vitamins.Centres in the brain control hunger and satiety, in response to circulating concentra-Taylor

Centres in the brain control hunger and satiety, in response to circulating concentra-tions of metabolic fuels and hormones secreted by the gastrointestinal tract and pan-

Taylor tions of metabolic fuels and hormones secreted by the gastrointestinal tract and pan-creas. Ghrelin stimulates appetite, whilst the other gastrointestinal hormones signal

Taylor creas. Ghrelin stimulates appetite, whilst the other gastrointestinal hormones signal

Long-term control of food intake and energy expenditure is largely by the hormone

Taylor Long-term control of food intake and energy expenditure is largely by the hormone leptin, which is secreted mainly by adipose tissue; circulating concentrations of

Taylor leptin, which is secreted mainly by adipose tissue; circulating concentrations of & Long-term control of food intake and energy expenditure is largely by the hormone & Long-term control of food intake and energy expenditure is largely by the hormone & leptin, which is secreted mainly by adipose tissue; circulating concentrations of & leptin, which is secreted mainly by adipose tissue; circulating concentrations of leptin re�ect the adequacy (or otherwise) of body fat reserves. Leptin acts on the

& leptin re�ect the adequacy (or otherwise) of body fat reserves. Leptin acts on the Francis

leptin re�ect the adequacy (or otherwise) of body fat reserves. Leptin acts on the Francis

leptin re�ect the adequacy (or otherwise) of body fat reserves. Leptin acts on the hypothalamus to regulate food intake and on muscle and adipose tissue to regulate


hypothalamus to regulate food intake and on muscle and adipose tissue to regulate

The sense of taste on the tongue permits detection of nutrients and avoidance of

FrancisThe sense of taste on the tongue permits detection of nutrients and avoidance of

FrancisFood choices are complex; in addition to the cost and availability of foods, a variety

FrancisFood choices are complex; in addition to the cost and availability of foods, a variety of religious and ethical beliefs and social and individual factors affect what people

Francisof religious and ethical beliefs and social and individual factors affect what people