why do workers join trade unions?

Tanzanian Economic Review, Vol. 9 No. 2, December 2019: 119140 ©Department of Economics, University of Dar es Salaam, 2019 Why Do Workers Join Trade Unions? Damiano Kulundu Manda & Germano Mwabu * Abstract This paper uses data from manufacturing firms in Kenya to analyse the determinants of trade unionism. Matched worker-firm data from a recent Kenya manufacturing enterprise survey is used to estimate a reduced-form probit model of union membership. The results show that the likelihood of being a union member decreases with schooling; but is higher for full-time, married, and city employees. We conclude that Kenyan workers become union members to protect job tenure and to improve working conditions. Keywords: trade union membership; union density; manufacturing; Kenya. JEL Classification: J32, J51, J52 1. Introduction The behaviour of the labour market in many countries is to some extent influenced by trade unions and their role as representatives of the workforce in collective bargaining with employers or with government. The ability of trade unions to influence the conditions of pay and work in the labour market largely depends on the degree of unionisation of the workforce; that is, the fraction of the workforce in trade unions (Checchi & Corno, 1998). However, the effectiveness of trade unions in influencing conditions of pay and work depends on the degree of membership participation in trade union activities (Anyango et al., 2013). Trade unions thus derive their legitimisation to represent the interests of the workforce from a high degree of union density and union members’ participation in union activities. A large degree of unionisation and participation enhances the bargaining power of a trade union, and enables it to negotiate for higher pay rises and to improve working conditions (Checchi & Corno, 1998). The main objective of trade unions is to raise and protect the welfare of their members (Manda et al., 2005; Anyango et al., 2013). This objective can be achieved through various means, such as improved pay and work conditions, support in the event of a problem at a workplace, job security, information about employment opportunities, legal advice, industrial benefits (e.g., pensions, medical insurance, housing allowances, etc.), training, education, financial aid, and social network. Thus, apart from joining trade unions to push for higher wage levels, there are non-wage benefits that attract individuals into labour unions. * School of Economics, University of Nairobi: [email protected]

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Page 1: Why Do Workers Join Trade Unions?

Tanzanian Economic Review, Vol. 9 No. 2, December 2019: 119–140

©Department of Economics, University of Dar es Salaam, 2019

Why Do Workers Join Trade Unions?

Damiano Kulundu Manda & Germano Mwabu*


This paper uses data from manufacturing firms in Kenya to analyse the

determinants of trade unionism. Matched worker-firm data from a recent Kenya

manufacturing enterprise survey is used to estimate a reduced-form probit model of

union membership. The results show that the likelihood of being a union member

decreases with schooling; but is higher for full-time, married, and city employees. We

conclude that Kenyan workers become union members to protect job tenure and to

improve working conditions.

Keywords: trade union membership; union density; manufacturing; Kenya.

JEL Classification: J32, J51, J52

1. Introduction

The behaviour of the labour market in many countries is to some extent

influenced by trade unions and their role as representatives of the workforce in

collective bargaining with employers or with government. The ability of trade

unions to influence the conditions of pay and work in the labour market largely

depends on the degree of unionisation of the workforce; that is, the fraction of the

workforce in trade unions (Checchi & Corno, 1998). However, the effectiveness of

trade unions in influencing conditions of pay and work depends on the degree of

membership participation in trade union activities (Anyango et al., 2013). Trade

unions thus derive their legitimisation to represent the interests of the workforce

from a high degree of union density and union members’ participation in union

activities. A large degree of unionisation and participation enhances the

bargaining power of a trade union, and enables it to negotiate for higher pay rises

and to improve working conditions (Checchi & Corno, 1998).

The main objective of trade unions is to raise and protect the welfare of their

members (Manda et al., 2005; Anyango et al., 2013). This objective can be

achieved through various means, such as improved pay and work conditions,

support in the event of a problem at a workplace, job security, information about

employment opportunities, legal advice, industrial benefits (e.g., pensions,

medical insurance, housing allowances, etc.), training, education, financial aid,

and social network. Thus, apart from joining trade unions to push for higher wage

levels, there are non-wage benefits that attract individuals into labour unions.

*School of Economics, University of Nairobi: [email protected]

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Damiano Kulundu Manda & Germano Mwabu

Tanzanian Economic Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 2019


In Kenya, labour unions are usually found in manufacturing, trade, transport,

large-scale agriculture, public and teaching sectors. Union membership is

voluntary: it is estimated that about one-third of all Kenyan workers in the

formal manufacturing sector are unionised. This is a relatively sizeable fraction of

the labour force, given that payment of union dues is a prerequisite for becoming

a union member. Data from Kenyan manufacturing firms for the period 1993-

1995 show that about 40% of production workers belonged to trade unions, which

is well over the national average of about 30% of employees then. The same data

shows that the proportion of workers in trade unions varies from one region to

another. For instance, 44% of the workers in manufacturing firms in Nairobi are

union members compared with about 30% in Mombasa and Nukuru, and 25% in

Eldoret (Manda et al., 2005). It is unclear why there are these variations in union

membership. Further, it is puzzling that a larger fraction of Kenyan workers are

not union members despite the large wage and non-wage benefits associated with

being a union member. It is therefore important to understand why some workers

join trade unions and others do not. This study analyses the determinants of

union membership to shed light on this issue.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: section 2 presents theories of

trade unions, and section 3 presents previous empirical studies. The model used,

data and discussion of variables used are in section 4, while section 5 discusses

the results. Finally, section 6 deliberates the conclusion.

2. Theories of Trade Unions

There are several theories that have been developed on trade unionism. These

include the political revolutionary theory of labour movement, theory of industrial

democracy, theory of union control of industry, environment theory, theory of

man vs. machine, and the theory of the ‘scarcity consciousness’ of manual

workers. We summarize each of these theories below.

The political revolutionary theory of labour movement was proposed by Marx and

Engels, and is based on Adam Smith’s theory of labour value (see Smith, 1776). The

theory sees trade unions as simply a class struggle between proletarian workers

and capitalist businesspeople with a short-run purpose of eliminating competition

within labour, and ultimately leading to the overthrow of capitalist businesspeople.

According to Marx, trade unions are instruments to overthrow capitalism.

Next is the theory of industrial democracy by Webb and Webb (1897). According

to the theory, trade unionism is an extension of democracy from political sphere

to industrial sphere. Like the political revolutionary theory, the theory agrees

that trade unionism is a class struggle but looks at trade unions as providing

means to workers to overcome managerial dictatorship and express their voice in

the determination of the conditions under which they work. In other words, the

theory considers trade unions not as an instrument to overthrow capitalism, but

as a means of equalizing the bargaining power of labour and capital. Webb and

Webb considered collective bargaining as a process that strengthens labour.

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Why Do Workers Join Trade Unions?

Tanzanian Economic Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 2019


Third is the theory of union control of industry propounded by Cole (1913). The

views of the theory are somewhere in between the political revolutionary theory

and the theory of industrial democracy. While the theory agrees that unionism is

a class struggle, the ultimate aim of the struggle is the control of industry by

labour and not revolution as predicted by Marx.

Fourth is the environment theory propounded by Commons (1913). The theory is

sceptical of generalisations and agrees that collective bargaining is an instrument

of class struggle. However, it points out that, ultimately, there will be partnership

between employers and employees.

The theory of man vs. machines—also sometimes referred to as the ‘rebellion

theory’—was advocated by Tannenbaum (1921). According to this theory, the use

of machines leads to the exploitation of workers; therefore, machines are the

cause and trade unions are the outcome. According to the theory, a trade union is

formed in reaction to the alienation and loss of community in an individualistic

and unfeeling society. The union gives a worker a fellowship and a value system

that s/he shares with other workers. Institutionally, a trade union movement is

an unconscious effort to harness and reorganise around the cohesive identity that

men working together always achieve.

Finally, is the theory of the ‘scarcity consciousness’ of manual workers by Perlman

(1928). The theory rejects the idea of class consciousness as an explanation for the

origin of a trade union movement, and substitutes it with what is known as job

consciousness. According to the theory, “… working people in reality have an urge

towards collective control of their employment opportunities, but hardly towards

control of industry.” The theory further proposes that a theory of the labour

movement should include a theory of the psychology of the labouring man. It is

when manual workers become aware of a scarcity of opportunity that they band

together into unions for the purpose of protecting their jobs and distributing

employment opportunities among themselves equitably, and to subordinate the

interests of the individual to the whole labour organism.

Generally, the theories of trade unions point to the reasons as to why workers

may want to join trade unions. Whereas researchers have devoted time and

effort to study ‘why employees choose to join a union,’ findings of their studies

do not report a common list of reasons. Nonetheless, there is a general

agreement among labour experts that certain issues are likely to lead to an

organizing drive by workers. First, from an economic point of view, workers act

rationally and therefore they join a union with the aim of maximizing their

benefits through union membership. The excess of benefits over costs justifies

workers’ joining a trade union. Some of the reasons why workers join a union

include: job security, wages and benefits, working conditions, fair and just

supervision, powerlessness, and the need to belong. Our analysis in this paper

looks at some of these reasons. The next section looks at previous empirical


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Damiano Kulundu Manda & Germano Mwabu

Tanzanian Economic Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 2019


3. Previous Empirical Studies

There is a large and diverse literature on the determinants of union membership

in developed and developing countries, Kenya included. We review only a few to

highlight common analytical methods and findings.

Studies based on time series data (e.g., Komsi, 2010; Schnabel & Wagner, 2005;

2007; Borland & Ouliaris, 1994) find that business cycle factors and structural

developments are important macro-determinants of union membership. Studies

based on cross-section and panel data (e.g., Windolf & Haas, 1989; Fitzenberger et

al., 2009; Kollmeyer, 2007) show that trade unionism is determined by personal,

occupational and firm characteristics; earnings; attitudes; social variables; and

institutional factors such as unemployment insurance benefits.

Most studies done on trade unions in developing countries, Kenya included, are

based on cross-sectional data (see, e.g., Rupayan, 2008; Guataqui et al., 2011;

Anyango et al., 2013; House & Rempel, 1976; Manda, 1997; Manda et al., 2005;

Schultz & Mwabu, 1998). Due to data limitations, some of the studies focus on

certain groups of factors affecting union membership. For instance, Guataqui et

al., 2011) focuses on structural determinants of trade union membership in

Colombia; while the study by Rupayan (2008) looks at political factors on union

membership in addition to individual and firm level factors. In Kenya, some

authors (e.g., House & Rempel, 1976) show that, for certain categories of workers,

trade union membership is negatively associated with earnings, or has no effect

on earnings. The study by House and Rempel (1976) does not, however, offer an

explanation as to why workers join trade unions if union membership is not

associated with an increase in earnings. Manda et al.’s (2005) study on Kenya

shows that the negative relationship between union membership and earnings

could be due to flaws in the methodology used to analyse union membership.

They argue that endogeneity of union membership in the earnings equation is the

likely reason for the negative relationship reported in the literature (ibid.). The

Kenyan studies, however, do not provide a comprehensive analysis of union

memberships. This study aims to fill this gap by offering a rigorous analysis of

why some individuals are union members while others are not.

We use worker-firm merged data on Kenyan manufacturing sector to analyse factors

affecting union membership. We look at factors commonly identified in previous

studies with a focus on age, education, occupation, working status; and workplace

characteristics such as union density, firm size, location, and type of industry.

4. A Model of Trade Union Membership

4.1 Introduction

Assuming that the objective of a trade union is to maximise the well-being of its

members, we ask two related questions: First, what do trade unions deliver to

workers to achieve this objective; and what means do they use to do so? Second,

what do workers expect to get from trade union membership, and what factors

affect the perceived benefits of membership?

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Why Do Workers Join Trade Unions?

Tanzanian Economic Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 2019


The first question has to do with the supply-side of trade union membership, and

deals with the benefits offered to members and the “things that trade unions do” to

facilitate membership. As in other market settings, the benefits of membership are

offered to workers at some positive price. The second question relates to the

demand-side: that is, workers’ propensity to join trade unions to acquire the

associated benefits. This propensity is determined by the sacrifice a worker must

make to join, conditional on the work environment and socio-economic status.

Assuming that the activities of a trade union are not subsidised, the price that

workers pay to join a trade union (say, annual membership fee) cannot be less than

the cost of the benefits provided to them by the union. Under the no-subsidy

assumption, the level of membership fees charged by a trade union depends on the

cost of providing membership services. Thus, since production and cost structures of a

trade union affect membership fees, they also affect membership decisions. It should

be noted that a trade union is both a firm, and a consumer. As a provider of services

that improve the working conditions of workers, a trade union is a firm; whereas, as

an end-user of its own services, it is a consumer.

We focus on trade union as a collective consumer and explore how an individual’s probability of joining this collective firm is affected by its own characteristics, and

by the characteristics of the employer. We make a simplifying assumption that

union leaders and union workers have the same preferences over the services

provided by a union so that the behaviour of both can be described by the common

preferences assumption. The common preferences assumption is rather innocuous

given that the benefits from union membership are a form of a public good. For

example, a pay increase negotiated by a union may be extended to all workers

irrespective of their union status (Schultz & Mwabu, 1998). Moreover, union

protection from unfair dismissal is available to all members. Because of the public

good nature of union benefits, all paid-up members may not make the same non-

monetary effort towards the strengthening of the union power.

In the literature, the free rider problem is usually identified with non-unionised

workers who benefit from union spill-over benefits (Booth, 1986). However, as we

have done here, the free rider problem can also be identified with union members

who do not work to increase union power because they know others are working

to do so. Nonetheless, Cregan and Johnson (1990) show that pro-union norms and

peer pressure at workplaces in favour of unions may be effective checks against

shirking and free riding. Thus, despite the public goods’ characteristics of benefits

from union membership, we continue to maintain a common preference

assumption, in which the identity of a union member is unimportant in achieving

the overall objective of the union. However, the free rider hypothesis in union

membership can be tested directly (Booth, 1986).

In the framework developed below, a worker chooses to join a union if the

perceived net benefit of union membership is greater than the benefit of not

belonging to a union. We analyse workers’ trade union membership decisions in

Kenyan manufacturing using a simple qualitative choice model of union status.

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Tanzanian Economic Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 2019


4.2 Framework of Analysis

Following standard practice in the formulation of qualitative choice models (see,

e.g., Schmidt & Strauss, 1976; Booth, 1986), the net benefit (utility) from trade

union membership for worker i can be expressed as:

𝑉𝑖 = 𝑉(𝑃1, 𝑃2, … 𝑃𝑛 , 𝑌, 𝑆, 𝑍) = 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑈𝑖 = 𝑈(𝑋1, 𝑋2, … 𝑋𝑛) subject to 𝛴𝑃𝑖𝑋𝑖 = 𝑌 (1)

Where, suppressing the subscript for the worker:

V(.) is the indirect utility function for a worker;

U(.) is the corresponding direct utility function;

P1… Pn-1 are prices of goods and services supplied by the union, with Pn

being a price index for non-union goods, which are assumed to be a

composite commodity;

X1 … Xn-1 are goods and services supplied by the union, with Xn being a

composite commodity that is supplied outside of the trade union;

Y is the worker’s resource endowment, which determines maximum welfare

when it is efficiently allocated; while

S and Z denote, respectively, a worker’s social and job characteristics.

Expression (1) illuminates several issues that are unclear in the earnings-union

literature. First, the direct utility part of the expression shows the range of goods

and services (the Xs) supplied to the worker by the union. These goods and

services (Deery & Cieri, 1991; Waddington & Whitson, 1997) include:

(a) Improved pay and work conditions;

(b) Support by the union if there is a problem at the place of work;

(c) Job security;

(d) Quality employment opportunities;

(e) Legal advice;

(f) Industrial benefits such as allowances, pensions, medical insurance, and


(g) Training and education;

(h) Financial services;

(i) Professional support;

(j) Companionship; and

(k) Opportunity to advance one’s social goals.

The indirect utility part in equation 1 shows the maximum welfare level that a

worker can attain given the prices of ‘union goods’ (i.e., goods (a) through (k)

above), his/her endowment Y, and the prevailing social and industrial

environment as captured by S and Z. The indirect utility part is especially useful

from an empirical viewpoint because it contains observable information about a

union’s resource endowment, and the vector of prices of the goods that a union

can provide, including unobservable goods such as job security. Solving equation

1 one obtains the following demand function:

𝑋𝑖𝑗 = 𝑓(𝑃𝑗 , 𝑆𝑖 , 𝑍𝑖, 𝑌) (2)

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Tanzanian Economic Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 2019


Where 𝑋𝑖𝑗 is the quantity of ‘union good’ j demanded by worker i. Conditional

on being a union member, monetary prices for these goods, the 𝑃𝑗s, are zero.

For example, union members receive wage increases negotiated by union leaders

free of charge. From expressions 1 and 2, workers may join a trade union for a

variety of reasons. For example, they can sacrifice a higher wage to receive a low

wage in unionised firms for reasons of job security and job satisfaction; to be in

company of people with ethnic or social values that they share; or to receive social

services such as pensions and medical care that are not available in non-

unionised firms. Thus, the sign of the effect of union membership on quantities of

goods and services shown in equation 2 is an empirical matter.

It now remains to show the conditions under which a worker will join a trade


Let 𝑉𝐽and 𝑉𝑁 be the indirect utilities of joining and not joining a trade union,

respectively. Following Booth (1986) and suppressing subscripts for individuals, a

worker i will join a union if:

𝑉𝐽 − 𝑉𝑁 > 0 for 𝑖 = 1, … , 𝑛 (3)

with the deterministic and stochastic components of the indirect utilities

taking, respectively, the following forms:

𝑉𝐽 = 𝑋𝐽𝛽 + 𝜉𝐽, and similarly 𝑉𝐽 = 𝑋𝑁𝛽 + 𝜉𝑁 (4)

Given equation 3, the probability 𝑃𝐽 of worker i joining a union can be expressed as:

𝑃𝐽 = prob {(𝑉𝐽 + 𝜉𝐽) − 𝑉𝑁 + 𝜉𝑁) > 0} (5)

Which, by rearrangement becomes:

𝑃𝐽 = prob (𝑋𝐽𝛽 − 𝑋𝑁𝛽 > 𝜉𝑁 − 𝜉𝐽) (6)

Assuming the error terms in equation 6 are independently and identically

Weibull distributed, the cumulative joint density function for the errors—i.e.,

the unionisation probability—can be expressed in conditional logit form

(Rupayan, 2008; Kollmeyer, 2007). If the error terms follow a normal

distribution, a normal cumulative distribution function is the appropriate

statistical description of unionisation probability, and a probit model happens.

We estimate a reduced form probit model to analyse determinants of union

membership in using Kenyan data. The next section describes the data and

the variables used for estimation.

4.1 Data and Variables

We use matched worker-firm data from the Kenyan Manufacturing Enterprise

Survey (KMES) carried out in 2000. The KMES was carried out by a team of

researchers from the University of Oxford, Gothenburg University, and the

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Tanzanian Economic Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 2019


University of Nairobi in conjunction with the Kenya Association of

Manufacturers. Much of the data gathered refer to the most recent financial

year of the firm, which means that such data refer to 1999. When firms were

asked about their current situation, their replies should be construed to refer to

the actual time of the interview. Also, most of the data on workers refer to the

year of data collection.

The KMES covered firms in four manufacturing sub-sectors (food, textile, wood,

and metal) in four major urban centres in Kenya (Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru,

and Eldoret). The sample is predominantly made of formal sector firms

(comprising of about 90% of the firms), and most (55%) are in Nairobi. The firms

were selected at random from a sample frame made up of different lists of firms

in the country. The formal firms were chosen at random from the master file of

registered firms from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. The sample frame

for informal firms was constructed by undertaking a primary listing of firms in

the four sectors, and then selecting the firms at random from the lists. The survey

collected information from firms and workers.

The labour market sections of the survey provide information on both firm and

individual characteristics. The information on firms was elicited from

representatives of each firm, and included data on the total number of firm

employees, total wage bills, profits, firm ownership, proportion of firm employees

in trade unions, proportion of workers that are permanent (fulltime), casual

employees, number of workers who quit the firm or changed jobs the previous

year, the value of plant and equipment, value added, among others. In all

probability, the data-set collected on individuals from firms is more accurate than

would have been the case had the information been collected from households.

The information on individuals was obtained by interviewing at most ten (10)

employees randomly chosen from a list of workers of each firm, among those

present on the premises on the day of the interview. This could be a potential

source of endogenous stratification. All employees in small firms were interviewed.

The data on individual workers contains information on education, job experience,

tenure, age, sex, marital status, hours of work, earnings, status of employment,

among others. In addition to these, the KMES provides information on the family

background of a worker, and whether an employee had changed jobs.

Following Booth (1986), Deery and Cieri (1991), Borland (1996), Waddington and

Whitson (1997), Rupayan (2008), Manda et al. (2005) and Guataqui et al. (2011),

we discuss variables that on a priori considerations are thought to affect union

membership. We classify the variables by worker and firm characteristics.

Individual characteristics that are likely to affect union membership as identified

in the literature are sex of the worker, working status (full-time or part-time),

firm-specific training, general training (typically obtained outside the firm),

family background and commitment, education, age or labour market experience,

tenure, occupation, and political ideology or loyalty.

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Tanzanian Economic Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 2019


4.1.1 Worker Characteristics

Starting with the sex of the individual, women are traditionally believed to be

less likely to unionise because of their discontinuous attachment to the labour

market due to family commitments or social norms that discourage them from

taking up paid work outside the home. Thus, relative to men, women are less

likely to unionise. We use a dummy variable to capture the effect of sex on union

membership. Also, in comparison with full-time workers, part-time employees are

less likely to unionise because they do not expect to be in a workforce for a long

time. For such workers, benefits from unionisation are short-lived and may not

materialise during periods of employment. We use a dummy variable to capture

the effect of working status on union membership.

Compared to workers with general training, employees with specific or on-the-job

training are more likely to protect their job tenure by joining trade unions

because they may be unable to use their skills outside of the firm. In Hirschman’s

(1970) terminology, workers with firm-specific skills are more likely to use voice

rather than threat of exit to protect their jobs. A dummy variable is used to

capture the effect of on-the-job training on union membership. Similarly, people

who have family commitments—such as caring for the young and the elderly—are

more prone to unionisation for reasons of job security. We use a dummy variable

for marital status to capture the effect of family commitments.

Education affects unionisation probabilities through several channels. Educated

workers may expect to achieve more in their careers through personal efforts

than through the bureaucratic machinery of a trade union and, thus, be unwilling

to unionise. Also, highly educated individuals sometimes identify more with

management than with a labour movement. Alternatively, workers with good

education may want to use a trade union to advance certain social causes because

they would, on average, be more effective in articulating their views. Thus, the

influence of education on unionisation probability is ambiguous to start with. We

measure education using total number of years of schooling for an individual, or

their level of education.

Depending on the benefits provided by unions, it may attract workers of different

age groups. For instance, if some unions provide health and old age benefits such

as medical and pension schemes, they will attract older workers. In contrast,

young workers may not be influenced by schemes such as choice of careers, which

they are likely to pursue independently of union availability. If, on the other

hand, working conditions and earnings are lower than what younger workers

expect, then they are likely to join a union if its union aim is to improve these

conditions. We capture the effect of this variables using years of work experience.

Occupation types influence the union status of workers. In some occupations in

Kenya (e.g., teaching, civil service, food, and allied services) workers have an

incentive to unionise because the skills they acquire for their jobs give them

power to extract rents from employers. Also, workers in occupations such as

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Tanzanian Economic Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 2019


production lines may have no restrictions to join a union compared to their

counterparts in management. We use a dummy variable for production workers

to capture the effect of occupation on union membership. We expect production

workers to have a higher probability of being union members.

Workers may also join trade unions if they believe that the unions will help

improve their working conditions. This is the case especially if the working

conditions at a workplace are undesirable. Workers in jobs with undesirable

characteristics (e.g., dangerous working environment, long hours of work) are

therefore likely to join trade unions or seek compensatory pay. In this paper, we

use weekly hours of work as a proxy for working conditions. Longer hours of work

without extra pay are associated with poor working conditions.

Some attitudes, social values and political ideologies are associated with greater

propensity to unionise. In Western countries (Deery & Cieri, 1991; Riley, 1997;

Kollmeyer, 2007), people with leftist political ideologies, those who participate in

political activities, and those who describe themselves as working class are more

likely to identify themselves with trade union causes and to voluntarily become

union members. In the Kenyan case, workers who identify themselves with

opposition political parties, or who are from ethnic groups that consider

themselves not treated well by the ruling party, are more likely to join trade

unions, taking them as alternative institutions for pursuing their social and

political ends. However, our data does not have information that can enable us to

control for the effect of this variable in our analysis.

Several theories of social psychology and social custom models suggest the inclusion

of social variables in the union membership model. The influence of key

individuals—such as parents and spouses—on the decision to be a union member

has been found to have mixed outcomes (Windoff & Haas, 1989; Goerke &

Pannenberg, 1998). Our data provides information on the education and occupation

of an employee’s father. We use a dummy variable on father’s education to control

for the effect of this variable on union membership.

As mentioned earlier, the free rider problem in the literature is usually identified

with non-unionised workers who benefit from union spill-over benefits (Booth,

1986). The free rider problem can be identified with workers who do not work to

increase union power because they know others are working to do so.

Nonetheless, pro-union norms and peer pressure at workplaces in favour of

unions may provide effective checks against shirking and free riding (Cregan &

Johnson, 1990). Also, in a median voter model in which workers have different

reservation wages and hence different optimal points in the trade-off between an

increased wage and a decreased probability of employment, Bulkley and Myles

(2001) argue that joining a union instead of free riding may be rational. This

would be the case if joining a union enables individuals to influence union

bargaining goals and thus their own employment probability. The free rider

hypothesis in union membership can be tested directly (Booth, 1986).

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It is expected that trade unions would provide job security to their members.

Therefore, union members would enjoy greater job security than non-members so

that tenure would be higher for union than non-union workers. Therefore, job

security should act as an incentive to join a union.

4.1.2 Firm Characteristics

From the literature, firm level factors affecting union membership include the

following: state of labour demand in the industry, firm size, union density, type of

industry, organisational costs, union recruitment practices, location of firm

(industry) and/or workers, union-provided goods such as wages and allowances,

and collective bargaining (e.g., decentralised or centralised system). We provide

below a brief description and expected effects of some of these variables drawing

mainly on literature, following closely the format used by Booth (1986).

The state of labour demand in an industry has an important effect on the ability of

unions to negotiate wage increases and to secure other union-provided goods such

as fringe benefits for its members, factors that attract workers to unions. If labour

demand is wage inelastic, then trade unions have better chances of raising wages

and of increasing membership than if they face elastic demand schedules. The rate

of unemployment in an industry may be used as a proxy for the state of demand for

labour. However, we are not able to capture this variable due to data limitations.

Large firms are more likely to have unionised workers because the costs of

organising trade union activities in such firms tend to be low relative to costs in

small firms. Further, workers in large firms tend to be alienated from one another

by specialised job routines, and are more likely to be treated anonymously by

management in contrast to situations in small firms where face-to-face interaction

among workers is common. Workers in large firms are thus more likely to turn to

trade unions to fulfil socialisation needs, and to protect themselves from arbitrary

behaviour of management. To the extent that union organisational costs are lower

in large firms, union densities would also tend to be high in such firms, a situation

that is conducive to unionisation of new workers. Also, in such organisations, there

tends to exist higher peer pressure to conform to a social custom of union

membership (Riley, 1997; Schnabel & Wagner, 2005). We measure firm size by the

number of employees in a firm and its square. We expect positive but declining

impact of firm size on union membership, reflecting lower organising costs for

unions in large firms.

Recruitment practices of unions also affect union densities, with densities being

higher in firms where recruitment is face-to-face, especially in industries with

decentralised collective bargaining. However, decentralised bargaining has the

disadvantage that its negotiated wages are normally lower than wages secured

through a centralised process. Thus, an increase in unionisation due to

recruitment efforts at a firm level may be offset by inability to negotiate

sufficiently high wages. Thus, decentralised and centralised collective bargaining

affects unionisation through the wage rate in opposite directions. However, if

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workers prefer social outcomes of a bargaining process over monetary outcomes,

decentralised bargaining may increase unionisation even though it is associated

with lower wages. The data that we have enables control for the effect using two

variables: centralised, and decentralised collective bargaining.

Due to the limitations of the survey data used in the analysis, only some of the

variables discussed above are included in the union participation equation that

we estimate. In particular, data on the state of labour demand, attitudes, social

values, and political loyalties are not available. The variables included in the

analysis are defined as shown in Table A1. They include, among others, the

dependent variable, i.e., union membership status (a dummy variable taking

value 1 if an individual is a union member, and zero otherwise).

5. Results

This section discusses results in two sub-sections. The first sub-section looks at

the descriptive statistics, while the second discusses the probit results.

5.1 Descriptive Results

Table 1 shows the means and standard deviations of the variables used in the

analysis. On average, the workers have about 10 years of education. The mean years

of experience for all workers is about 12 years; and 13 years for production workers.

Table 1: Means and Standard Deviation of Variables Used in the Analysis

Variables All Workers Production Workers

Mean Standard Deviation

Mean Standard Deviation

Weekly hours of work Age Years of education Experience On-the-job training General training Production workers Firm size (workers) Tenure (years) Married Located in Nairobi Male Food sector Wood sector Textile sector Metal sector Union density Central bargaining Decentralized bargaining Fulltime employees Formal sector Father has university education Foreign-owned farm Total Number of observations

46.4 34.8

9.8 12.2 0.11 0.45 0.61 162 8.6

0.75 0.55 0.81 0.29 0.19 0.26 0.26 33.2 0.06 0.44 0.76 0.92 0.03 0.11


7.0 9.7 2.9 9.3

- - -

289 8.6

- - - - - - -

33.2 - - - - - -

46.7 35.3

8.9 13.1 0.14 0.34

- -

9.4 0.80 0.54 0.91 0.25 0.22 0.28 0.25 33.9 0.05 0.45 0.73 0.91 0.01 0.09 670

6.1 35.4

2.7 9.9

- - - -

8.1 - - - - - - -

33.9 - - - - - -

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About 11% of the workers have on-the-job-training, while 45% have general training. Production workers constitute about 61% of the workers in our sample, and an average firm employs 162 workers. The average tenure for workers in the manufacturing sector is about 9 years. About 75% of the workers in our sample are married. Of the firms, 55% are in Nairobi, 25% in Mombasa, and the remaining in Nakuru and Eldoret. Most of the respondents (81%) are males, indicating that only 19% of the sample respondents are females; reflecting the

domination of the manufacturing sector by male workers. About 9% of the employees in our sample have changed employment. The proportion of employees working in foreign-owned firms is about 11%.

The average union density is about 33.2%. This indicates that about one-third of workers in the manufacturing sector are trade union members. This is not very different from the national estimates of about a third of the workers. As already noted, trade union membership is not compulsory in Kenya. The question is whether there is any distinct group of workers who join unions. We attempt to

answer this question using information in Table A2 in the Appendix.

Columns 1 and 2 in Table A2 show the means for union and non-union members based on the entire data-set. We can see from the table that both union and non-union workers are engaged on average for 46 hours in a week. Also, on average

the age of union workers is about 38 years compared with 34 for non-union workers. Non-union workers are more likely to be less educated as indicated by about 9 years of education for union workers, and 10 years of education for non-union workers. It is likely that older workers and less educated ones are likely to

join trade unions for reasons of job security. Job insecurity may arise from the fact that employers may prefer younger and highly educated individuals to older workers. It is also likely that many of the young workers, being highly educated, work in occupations such as management and administration, which do not allow one to join trade unions; or join firms where there are no trade unions.

Union workers have longer working experience than non-union workers. This probably confirms that older people are more likely to join trade unions than the young. Most of those with general training are non-union members. As shown in

Table A2, about 27% of the union workers and 50% of the non-union workers

have general training. On the other hand, 84% of production workers are union-workers, compared with 56% non-union production workers. This shows that production workers are a dominant group not only for union workers but also for non-union workers. Also, male workers form most of the union workers, although they also form most of the non-union workers. This, however, reflects the fact that male workers are the dominant workers in the manufacturing sector.

Another important result from Table A2 is that tenure is higher for union than

for non-union workers. This partly provides another possible reason why some workers may join a trade union. Workers possibly join a union for job security. Also, most union workers seem to work in larger firms than non-union workers. Lastly, union workers are in firms that are more unionized. This suggests that the union density of a firm may have some influence on union membership.

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Table 2: Means for Selected Variables by Location and Union Status

Variables All Workers

Nairobi Other Towns*

Union Non-union Union Non-union

Weekly hours of Work



Years of education

Firm size (workers)

Tenure (years)

Union density

Total observations

































Production Workers

Nairobi Other Towns*

Union Non-union Union Non-union

Weekly hours of work



Years of education

Firm size (workers)

Tenure (years)

Union density

Total observations

































Note: * The other towns are Mombasa, Nakuru and Eldoret

Table 2 shows that the average age and experience for union workers is generally

higher than for non-union workers. The average number of years of education is

generally higher for non-union workers than for union workers. Union density is

highest among firms with union members in all locations, and firms with union

members are also generally larger than those without union members. Also, tenure

is higher among union than non-union members, with years of service for union

workers in the current firms being highest in Mombasa, Nakuru, and Eldoret.

5.2 Probit Results

Table 3 presents the probit maximum likelihood estimates of the effect of both

individual and industrial characteristics on workers’ participation in trade unions.

The results are marginal changes in the probability of being in a trade union

following an infinitesimal change (assumed to be a unit change) in factors that are

theoretically important in influencing that probability. As the table shows, the t–

ratios associated with the marginal effects show that most of the variables included

in the model influence union membership. Since production workers comprise 61%

of all workers in the manufacturing sector, we estimate a separate membership

probit equation for this category of workers (last two columns of Table 3).

As Table 3 shows, the marginal effect associated with years of education is negative.

This means that workers with higher education are less likely to be trade union

members as shown by both sets of results (all workers, and production workers).

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Table 3: Probit Analysis of Trade Union Membership

Variables All Workers Production Workers



T-value Marginal



Years of education


Experience squared

On-the-job training

General training


Full-time employment

Union density

Father has university


Located in Nairobi

Food sector

Wood sector

Textile sector

Weekly hours of work

Production workers

Foreign firm

Firm size

Firm size squared


Non-members benefit

Formal sector

Central bargaining

Decentralised bargaining


Number of observations

Log likelihood

Pseudo R-squared







































































































An extra year of schooling is associated with a 1.59% increase in the

probability of union membership for all workers, and with 1.84% increase

among production workers. Another factor driving unionization is full-time

employment. The probability of joining a union for all workers is 8.1% higher

among full-time workers (relative to part-time workers), and 15.2% higher for

production workers.

The marginal effect of experience is negative, and that of experience squared

is positive, an indication that experience has a U-shaped relationship with the

probability of being a union worker. The explanation for this could be that

young workers who possibly have higher education are likely to occupy job

levels that put limits to joining trade unions, or jobs that provide more

benefits than they would get if they were in a union. On the other hand, the

more experienced but less educated workers are likely to join trade unions to

secure their jobs.

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The coefficient on specific training (on-the-job training) is negative and statistically

significant; and that for general training is also negative and statistically significant,

a finding that applies to all workers and to production workers. On-the-job training

involves training in specialized tasks that are specific to a particular firm, and it is

most likely that it will reduce the probability of union membership if workers believe

they are likely to lose employment if they join trade unions and hence be unable to

get the specific skills acquired. On the other hand, if workers believe that there is

high job insecurity, so that one can lose a job with or without on-the-job training,

then they are likely to join trade unions. Workers with general training are more

likely to have better job options in other firms and thus their propensity to seek

union-provided goods such as job security, better wages or allowances should be low.

Being a full-time worker raises the probability that a worker is a union member,

especially for production workers. Workers in firms that are highly unionized are

likely to be members of trade unions. This shows that if an individual is employed

in a highly unionized firm, the chances that s/he is a trade union member are

higher than when one is employed in a firm with a low level of unionization. The

family background of a worker also affects union status. Workers whose fathers

have a university degree are likely to be members of trade unions.

The coefficients on location dummies (all workers) indicate that relative to

Mombasa, Eldoret and Nakuru (the location we use for comparison), the

probabilities of being a trade union member are higher in Nairobi. Union

membership probabilities for Nairobi are 4%, higher than the probabilities for

Mombasa, Eldoret and Nakuru. The results for production workers show a

similar pattern to that of all workers, but with much higher elevated

probabilities. It is possible that recruitment of union members is more aggressive

in Nairobi than in the other locations of Mombasa, Eldoret, and Nakuru.

In both sets of results, workers in the food, wood, and textile sub-sector (the

comparison group) are associated with higher probabilities of union membership

relative to employees in the metal sub-sector. For all workers and production

workers, being in the food sub-sector raises the probability of being a trade union

member. The explanation for this outcome could be that the food sub-sector has

well-established and organized trade unions than the metal, textile, and wood

sub-sectors. The strong trade unions in the textile industries in earlier decades

could have been affected by the collapse of major textile firms following the

liberalization of the economy in the 1980s and 1990s.

Weekly hours of work are positively correlated with the probability of being a

trade union member, but this effect is not significant. If an employee is a

production worker, there are higher chances that s/he will be a union member.

Employees in foreign-owned firms are less likely to be union members. If an

employee is in a large firm, such an employee is more likely to be a member of a

trade union. Though the relevant coefficient is not significant, part of the reasons

for higher union membership in large firms is due to lower cost of unionization.

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Longer tenure in a firm raises the probability that a worker is a union member. A

worker in firms where non-union workers benefit from deals reached between

unions and employers is more likely to be a member of a trade union. In Kenya,

workers in the management may not be allowed to join trade unions because of

conflict of interest. However, if it happens that they benefit from deals reached

between unions and employers, then what this result shows is that in such firms,

workers may be encouraged to join trade unions so that whatever benefits they

get also apply to them. Whether an employee is in a firm that uses centralised or

decentralised bargaining processes does not affect union membership. This means

that recruitment practices of unions also affect union membership. Furthermore,

if an employee is married, there is a bigger chance that s/he will be a union

member. This probably reflects the fact that family responsibilities in terms of

food, shelter and school fees pushes a worker to join a trade union for job security,

a key factor in family maintenance.

To examine location effects further, we estimated separate probit equations for

Nairobi and for the other three locations combined. Table 4 shows the estimated

probit results (marginal effects) for the two separate equations.

Table 4: Probit analysis of unionization of workers by location


Nairobi Other Towns



T-value Marginal



Years of education


Experience squared

On-the-job training

General training


Full-time employment

Union density

Food sector

Wood sector

Textile sector

Weekly hours of work

Production workers

Foreign firm

Firm size

Firm size squared


Non-members benefit

Formal sector

Central bargaining

Decentralised bargaining


Number of observations

Log likelihood

Pseudo R-squared































































































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The results for Nairobi show that education, experience, and general training

have a negative and significant effect on the probability of being a union member.

Full-time employment, union density, being in firms where non-members benefit

from deals reached by a union, being a production worker, and being a married

person are positively associated with union membership. Similar results are

obtained for the other three urban centres except that the effect of on-the-job

training, which was not significant in the equation for Nairobi, is now significant.

Also, workers in food, wood, and textile industries in the three urban centres are

more likely to be in unions than workers in the metal industry. The other

difference between the two sets of results is that being in a foreign firm increases

the probability of being a union member; and that being a full-time employee has

no effect on union membership for workers in Mombasa, Nakuru, and Eldoret.

Higher weekly hours of work are associated with a higher probability that a

worker would be in a trade union in the other towns, but the association is

statistically insignificant. If a worker is married, then s/he is likely to be a union

member if working in Nairobi. Marital status is not positively associated with

union membership in the other towns. If a worker is in a firm where central

bargaining is done, then such a worker in Nairobi is more likely to be a union

member, while in the other towns s/he is less likely to be in a union. The results

obtained in this study are similar to some of the results obtained by other

previous studies such as Rupayan (2008) for India, Guataqui et al. (2011) for

Colombia, and Windolf and Haas (1989) for West Germany, among others.

6. Conclusion

Union membership in Kenya is voluntary, and about a third of employees are

union workers. The main objective of trade unions is to raise and protect the

welfare of their members through various means, including improving pay and

work conditions, and fringe benefits. It should be the case that positive net

benefits will attract an individual into trade unionism. This paper analysed the

determinants of union membership using data from manufacturing firms in

Kenya for 2000, the most comprehensive information available on the country’s

manufacturing enterprises to date.

The results show that the likelihood of being a union member generally decreases

as the level of a worker’s education increases. The probability of being a trade

union member is higher for full-time employees, married workers, and in firms

where non-members can free-ride. Older employees are more likely to be union

members than young, inexperienced workers. The main motive for a worker’s

membership into a trade union is to protect job tenure and improve working

conditions. The probability of being a union member varies by worker

characteristics and firm attributes; particularly location, type, and size.

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Table A1: Definition of the variables

Variables Definition

Union dummy

Weekly hours of work

Years of education


On-the-job training dummy

General training dummy

Production workers

Firm size (workers)

Tenure (years)


Located in Nairobi


Food sector

Wood sector

Textile sector

Metal sector

Union density

Central bargaining

Decentralized bargaining

Fulltime employees

Formal sector

Father has university education

Foreign firm

Non-members benefit

1 if a worker is a union member, 0 otherwise

Total number of hours of work in a week

Total number of years completed in education

Total number of years of experience

1 if a worker has had on-the-job training, 0 otherwise

1 if a worker has had general training, 0 otherwise

1 if one is a production worker, 0 otherwise

Total number of workers in a firm

Total number of years a worker has been with the current firm.

1 if a worker is married. 0 otherwise

1 ff firm is located in Nairobi, 0 otherwise

1 if a worker is married, 0 otherwise

1 if firm is the food sub-sector, 0 otherwise

1 if firm is the wood sub-sector, 0 otherwise

1 if firm is the textile sub-sector, 0 otherwise

1 if firm is the metal sub-sector, 0 otherwise

Proportion of workers in a firm who are union members

1 if for a firm there is central bargaining, 0 otherwise

1 if for a firm bargaining is at the industry of firm level, 0 otherwise

1 if fulltime employee, 0 otherwise

1 if formal sector firm, 0 otherwise

1 if the farther to a worker has university education, 0 otherwise

1 if firm is foreign owned, 0 otherwise

1 if non-union workers benefit from deals reached at between union

and employer organization, 0 otherwise

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Table A2: Means of Selected Variables by Union Status for Workers

in the Formal Manufacturing Sector

Variables All Workers Production Workers

Union Non-union Union Non-union

Weekly hours of work


Years of education


On-the-job training

General training

Production workers

Firm size (workers)

Tenure (years)


Located in Nairobi

Located in Mombasa


Food sector

Wood sector

Textile sector

Metal sector

Union density (%)

Central bargaining

Decentralized bargaining

Fulltime employees

Formal sector

Father has university education

Foreign owned farm

Total Number of observations


































































































