
Flownet Wholo’Teams Wholonomics Philip Randolph Lilien

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Self-Organizing Wholo'Team Intelligence. Natural Principles have been used for millions of years. They work. This points to Global Action through Team Evolution.


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Flownet Wholo’Teams


Philip Randolph Lilien

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Principles of Self-Organizing Wholo’Team Intelligence

The fastest computers are flows processing simultaneously through multiple dimensions. As does Collective Intelligence.

Collective intelligence is much greater than the centralized control grid. We can learn to manifest at a faster rates. Arrive at solutions no individual can have conception of. Collective Creation dwarf individual concepts.

Wholonomic Flownet Wholo’Teams will allow us to make critical decisions correctly even if we all can not agree. In WHolomid Space, no one is in charge. The Whole is the Charge.

We have no over-aching priests or politicians nor presidents or commissars. Each is manager of their sovereign domain across the scale and chain and grid of Being.

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The Changing Nature of Teams

It is now rare to find a team who all know each other, sit in the same work area day by day, work the same hours, work within the one organization, have a common business culture and enjoy prior history of working together.

Wholo’teams are complex alliances with core Wholoship commitments with different organizations, professions, locations, using different technology platforms. Wholoships have different technology backgrounds. They engage levels of involvement from a Wholo’core to the occasional reviewers from global concern to the concerns of a neighborhood.

This is a very different model. The difference is so profound that we need a new name - Virtual Flownet Wholo’Teams.

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NetFlowed rather than Networked means that the team is made of individuals who are not always part of the same team and even when they are, rarely share common reporting lines rendering command and control methods mute.

Instead we use Manifestream Actions and Results that are maintained until resolved. Actions and Results are the basis of communication.

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Virtual State of Wholo’Teams

Virtual means that the team is more than less dependent on Internet technologies. Virtual also means that the team operates with virtual capacity that is not physically present. This means each team grows and shrinks its membership.

This can make it harder to maintain a coherent sense of team and purpose unless we can understand certain core principles.

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The Challenge of Learning to Manifest Collective Vision Together

Wholo’teams are more distributed and more complex.

Despite the number of technologies available to assist team and group working it is still exceptionally difficult to manage such teams.

In some ways these technologies make things worse by distracting the team members into technology experimentation rather than the harder challenge of learning to work together and creating the Collective Vision.

Wholo’teams understanding require a set of instructional guidelines to What are Wholo’Teams and How they operate.

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Nature’s Secrets are The Missing Ingredient

Even if we master the technology of teams there will still be something major missing that will stop our operating with the speed and agility we need.

Looking to natures' most successful teams we can see what are the secrets of their longevity and dominance over millions of years of changing environments.

They all share a number of common natural principles that we can apply to our Wholo’teams.

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Matching Ancient Principles

Wholo’teams match these ancient principles to be faster and more responsive.

Wholo’Teams get Manifestreams resolved and Wholo’Current flow.

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The Right Size is not Preordained

Membranes that circumvent Whol’Teams are open to energy and action (positivity) but closed to waste (negativity) but are not limited to a certain size. They will organically grow to the size needed to complete Actions and Results.

Wholo’teams are composed of Wholoships. Right team size and participation only emerge over time. Wholo’Teams keep looking for useful new members until the actions and results of the Manifestream are completed. Throughout the whole team lifetime, part-time members, advisors and experts, guides and allies are involved.

Manifeststreams are like water within water. Manifeststreams are composed of membrane braids of Actions and Results.

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Assume Leadership - Empower Others

Great players make other players great too. To reach your best you will need support. Empower others to do their best and they will free you up to do your best.

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Co-operating Manifests

Wholo’Teams align together by one or more Co-operating Manifests, streams of action to achieve some important, urgent and specific objective such as: Planning and launching of a major event Designing and running of a new program or initiative Developing and testing of a new process Running a campaign to open up new sectors Design and implementation of improved functional

processes Planning and execution of managing and training


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Challenges and Problems Faced by Wholo’teams

Why is it more difficult to operate a Wholo’Team than a traditional team? The Flow Factor

A Flowed team does not share common accountability structures, business cultures and professional sensibilities. This makes it hard to agree standards, accountability structures and sanctions for non-performance.

The Virtual Factor It is very difficult to manage the involvement, commitment and

trust building of a team operating "virtual capacity" because members constantly dip in and out of the team and some of them may never be present together in any physical meeting.

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Challenges and Problems Faced by Wholo’teams

The Speed Factor Today's rapidly accelerating environment with its "Just do it -

now" business culture is not news to anybody. When you overlay this on top of the complexity already

there in Wholo’teams due to Virtual Network Technology Factors it just makes things all that more difficult. Doing a complex thing is ok if I concentrate and take my time. Doing something very fast is ok too if I can focus on it. But doing a complex thing very fast is altogether much more stressful.

The Technology Factor It would be great if the team could learn the team

technologies before the project starts. New technologies show up as intrusive and as real obstacles to getting real results particularly in the early stages of Wholo’team formation.

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Wholo’Team Dynamics

Recognition of the dynamic and living nature of the team itself separate from its members.

A Wholo’team is a living thing in itself, more than the sum of its members. The Wholo’team is whole. This allows more insightful selection of the best course of action.

Wholo’Teams are colonies which must be nurtured while recognizing they are inherently unpredictable.

The Wholo’Team is a kind of super-organism and needs to be treated in ways that enhance and support its complex and interconnected nature.

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See the Wholo’team as a Whole

Once we can see the Wholo’team as a whole and not as the mere aggregation of the individual parts that make it up, we can discover how much more capable, reliable and efficient a Wholo’team can be.

This forces you to rethink how you should nurture, organize and support such teams and implies radically new approaches to: Team Mobilization and Change Management New Processes and Practices Team Support Technology Ongoing Team Coaching

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Self-Management or Autonomy

Each Wholo’team Zero Point manage themselves in the context of feedback so does not need to be directly told what to do.

No more wait till told and obey orders.

Wholo’teams are self-managed teams. This does not mean that there is no leader but that every member is a leader in some domain

Application of this trait allows a Wholo’team to successfully address the fundamental problem of accountability in a Flowed Team Context.

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Just Act

Wholo’teams act according to simple agreements. They do not seek permission from higher authorities before acting - they just act.

Communicate information not orders.

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Non-verbal Broadcast Communication

Wholo’teams develop superb communications that do not rely on direct member-to-member communications. This is relevant especially with teams at multiple locations with every one working different hours and where members can't physically meet that often.

Application of this non-verbal broadcast trait helps us to design the team's communications in a way which eliminates communication bottlenecks and redundancies. Wholo’Teams are built on signals not orders.

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Action Focused

Wholo’teams solve problems and learn by rapid experimentation and evolution.

Wholo’teams have very concrete goals which are hard-wired into the members but the members don't have any actual strategies or plans for achieving them. They work by rapid experimentation and feedback. If something works and solves the problem it gets reinforced within their collective set of responses for the next time - if not it dies. This broadcast across the entire Wholomid Field increases wealth potential.

Wholo’teams are action-focused. They act first and ask questions later.

Application of this trait enables us to design simple team member rules of amplified behavior and feedback mechanisms enabling teams to rapidly evolve improved effectiveness.

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Wholo’teams Only have Leaders

Everyone contributes to the well being of the team and to achieving the agreed goals.

In a Wholo’team there are no leaders issuing orders, as everyone is broadcasting relevant bits of information just-in-time to all other team members.

Leaders are not needed as there are no rigid permission structures and any team member can take timely action relative the information received. Direct responsible individual action is supported, acknowledged and facilitated.

This is further supported by WHolomid Value.

Transparency and clearly agreed policies are the foundations for this to happen.

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Sending Out Timely Information

Wholo’Teams broadcast information bits and expect receiving teammates to take appropriate action just-in-time.

Wholo’teams evolve simple approaches to communicate urgent information widely and instantly without doing anything more than sending out just-in-time information bits and letting everyone take action in an independent fashion.

A Value Wealth Field.

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Wholo’Teams do not need to take Orders

Orders have higher information complexity than situational information and are more difficult to assemble and broadcast quickly to teammates.

Orders are more likely to contain errors and to be misunderstood.

Check this out by experimenting with work colleagues by giving out alternatively information bits and order information. You will discover that when you give order information you inevitably have to supply considerable more situational information to ensure that the order is properly understood.

Nature has evolved an distributed approach to message transmission coupled with enough distributed self-intelligence within each of the receivers to be able to know what to do with the transmission.

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Distributed Intelligence

Wholo’Team members have enormous local distributed intelligence with their mind and spirit and tools for working out the required action.

Learning from nature means that teammates must be trained to expect information rather than orders and must be able to quickly work out appropriate responses without having to be told.

If we start providing just-in-time information bits to a new Wholo’team which has been exposed only to receiving "orders" and "instructions" there will only be one response, team paralysis.

The team members will digest the information but will not takeaction. Hence education is needed here.

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Speed is the Essence

Information needs to be communicated to all teammates quickly

Members of a team are generally very busy and they don't have the time to read and understand complex instructions.

They want brief, synthetic, focused, short messages.

One-way is okay. When an ant or a bee broadcasts a message to another ant or bee it doesn't wait for a response.

Why? In Nature speed is the essence.

If nature's teams waited for a response they would probably get eaten before it arrived. They rely on razor sharp fast responses to survive.

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Nature’s Teams

Nature's teams subjugate everything to speed.

Speed enables living animals to move to more powerful positions further up their ecosystem.

Speed is the essential difference between the species at the top and bottom of the food chain.

The difference between a plant and an insect or animal is speed.

Natures' teams are communicating information rather than orders, it follows that their communications are broadcast rather than conversational.

Therefore these messages do not need responses, beingone-way. This enables very fast team reactions.

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Not Waiting for a Response

Waiting for a response to electronic communications drastically hampers the Wholo’team's speed, agility and responsiveness. Everything stops while somebody does not reply or somebody is away from his or her screen or someone's email gets bounced.

Wholo’teams adopt information for action and one-way messaging.

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Wholo’teams expect information not orders

Aviation has two critical communication terms universally used in all radio transmissions - 'Roger' and 'Wilco'. Wilco means I have received your message and Will Comply

with it. Roger means I have received your message but I may or

may not act on it.

A Wholo’team needs to find a way to automatically achieve Roger minimizing all communications requiring a Wilco.

Use two-way messages where you absolutely need to have a clear-cut response, where there is unavoidable complexity or where you require a particular bit of info.

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Distribute Wisdom

Wholo’teams model nature by becoming teams of peers and leaders where every member understands that it is central to their role as a Wholo’team member on the look-out for just-in-time critical information which may be of value to the whole.

In an ant colony, the Queen's job is to reproduce not try to control what all the other ants do.

Some colonies can have 200 million members with the Queen having no idea what each of colony members are doing at any moment. The Queen Bee does not find the good nectar source or dance the dance. The ant queen does not spot the ant from a rival colony out on a scouting mission.

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Vital Signs

How do we make sure team members will know what info to send out?

How can we prevent them from constantly spamming with pet topics, irrelevancies and trivia?

Well, we need to clearly know what is vital and what is not. To support this we need to have a Wholo’team dashboard of vital signs which always require immediate attention.

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Act don't ask (permission granted)

One way organisational teams protect themselves against the risk of an individual making critical mistakes that can significantly affect the rest of the team or the Wholomid is by using  Permission Structures.

A permission structure is a structure regulating where action cannot take place without some other approval. As far as possible this should be minimal.

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Permission Structures

Effective teams constantly challenge their existing permission structures, where an action cannot happen without somebody else's permission.

For each of these structures teams should ask, if the cost of the control is greater than the cost of the potential losses if someone acts without permission?

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Act don't Ask raises Issues of Trust in Wholo’teams

It is OK to use permission structures where you don't trust a team members skills.

It is not OK to use permission structures where you don't trust a team members motives or commitment. In these situations you need to challenge motives issues and if necessary find replacements for such team members.

Let team members act with as much freedom as possible but log all actions and who took them.

Recorded information available to all team members, transparency with feedback.

Wholo’Teams through their Wholomid portal engages in a review process where team member actions are regularly reviewed by the whole team in the spirit of openness and learning.

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Not about Issuing Orders

Instead of issuing orders, nature's teams function by providing timely information to the team members and then expecting them to take appropriate action where needed

Accountability is achieved through transparency systems.

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Three Action Rules

Rule 1 - Send out timely information- Communicate Information not Orders- Use 1-way messages- Develop member autonomy and self-management

Rule 2 - Everyone must broadcast- Enable "every member broadcasting" to and from any device- Define Teams "Vital Signs"- Establish Team Etiquette and Behaviors

Rule 3 - Act don't Ask, Permission Granted- Permit but log and track actions- Challenge Permission Structures- Regular team review sessions

Treat all members as leaders.

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Everyone looks for team threats and opportunities It is not just for the focalizer to share information on potential threats or opportunities for the Wholo’team.

Every member’s responsibility is to constantly tap this team intelligence making sure it is rapidly effectively communicated to other team members who might need to know about it.

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Always On

24/7 message hotlines for team members.

Wholo’teams take the messages via whichever device suits each member best at any particular time in their day.

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Syn’Optic Union

External to the Wholo’Team partners as treated as fully trusted team members. Wholo’teams treat them identically to their own internal team members in terms of transparency and trust.

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Wholo’team internal and external Flows

Holo’teams pay attention to the collective flows and the flows of each team member.

This ensures adequate ties to get Manifests done well.

Able to tap favors as needed from external parties.

Ensures sufficient ties to quickly spot important changes and warning signals from external market /operational environments.

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Consistent Behaviors

To be really effective Wholo’teams first put in place the foundations by ensuring there are a basic core set of member behaviors which can be guaranteed to be executed consistently by members at all times.

Wholo’team members take an interest in anything which might affect the ultimate success of their Manifests whether it’s within their defined role or not.

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Learn Co-operation Strategies

Wholo’team members learn co-operation strategies.

Real, raw, basic and undeclared motivations of each team member is important to include.

Win-Win is used as a collaboration strategy not as an outcome.

What's in it for me question important to address and fulfill for each team member.

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Action not Analysis is The Way to Get It Done

Act and move on. Don’t wait for feedback. Act again. This our formula for rapid manifestation. Signal with directive information not as an order. Then we can learn how hack the whole system.

Experimentation, mutation and team review, not extensive planning, design and preparation before trying out new things.

Wholo’teams know that live controlled experimentation gets things right.

Most things don’t work out as planned. No matter how well they are analysed and designed.

Wholo’teams quickly try out alternative actions in parallel in small safe ways to find out what works best and then they build on and adapt the most promising results. This is accelerated directed evolution in action.

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Autopoiesis of Flow

Goals and roles are in terms of the transformations intended in the lives of the people and partners they engage with.

Self-organizing Wholo’Flows enliven the IQ intelligence of the Wholo’Team base.

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Focus Your Potential

Potential is like light. It shines bright but becomes most powerful and real when focused like a laser. An activated Wholo’team knows its core values and life purpose.

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Create Your Strategy

Create Your Strategy. Plan To Reach Your Potential.The quickest route to failure is not having a game plan that you follow. It will keep you clear. It will capitalize on your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses.

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Focus is achieving Actions and Results

Wholo’Teams Utilize Support. No one need Do It Alone.Life is a team sport. We want great players as part of all Wholo’teams whose focus is achieving Actions and Results.

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Build Momentum

Take Action. Build Momentum. Execute. Execute. Execute. A body in motion stays in motion. That means momentum. Once you begin to execute your game plan things will begin to happen effortlessly.

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Just keep moving forward

Keep Doing What Works. Learn From What Doesn't.Continue moving forward. If something isn't working, examine why not and choose an alternate approach. Just keep moving forward with the valuable new information you are acquiring.

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Manage Opportunities

Prepare for Greater Results. Momentum will accelerate results - and naturally produce more opportunities. Think of riding a bike down a big hill. It can be effortless while producing great velocity, but if you take your eyes off the road too long - watch out! Maintain your values and narrow your focus!

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Become SuperConductive

Become SuperConductive to the Best in Life.You are a leader now. You are a winner. This may be a new feeling. Stand in it. Expect the best from life, yourself and those around you. Reduce resistance and friction. Let the energy flow. A winning attitude triumphs over talent alone.

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Acknowledge What You Have. Contribute to Others.What's the point of playing if you don't relish the joy of having played it well? And, there is no joy so great as sharing the experience with others, contributing to their successes as well.

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Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail. -- Charles F. Kettering, 1876-1958, American Engineer, Inventor

When you get into a tight place, and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a moment longer, never give up then--for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. - Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811-1896, American Novelist, Antislavery Campaigner

Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems. - Brian Tracy, American Trainer, Speaker, Author, Businessman

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Naturally Clean Up our Messes

We naturally Clean Up our Messes. Make Space For Playing Fully.

Before you can put new goodies on your plate, you need to clean up your act. This includes closets and anything you're hiding in closets. To play fully you need a clean slate of integrity as well as a clean environment.