whole requirement- a bayotch

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  • 8/7/2019 whole requirement- a bayotch



    APIT, Abraham Jose

    MONDRAGON, Rey Mark

    Accounting 12.2



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    The newly appointed Vice President for Planning and Finance

    of the University of the Philippines is faced with the problem

    of a reduced budget for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses

    (MOOE) for the CY 2000. As a first step, she reviewed the

    previous years MOOE allocation and found herself unsatisfied

    with the way the allocation was done. To address this matter,

    she then called up a meeting with the unit heads of the

    different autonomous campuses of UP to discuss the issue on the

    reduced budget. Different problems and arguments were raised by

    the said unit heads regarding the previous years budget. Thiswas then taken into consideration by the VP for Planning and

    Finance in coming up with a formula that would objectively

    allocate MOOE among the campuses. Additional data, considered as

    important by the VP, were gathered to aid her in the process.


    The MOOE budget allocation, as perceived by the Vice

    President for Planning and Finance is inadequate in responding

    to the different needs of the constituent universities. This is

    because the bases for allocation included only few variables

    (i.e., number of students, presence of laboratory requirements

    per campus). There are also biases from the congressmen and DBM

    that were considered in the budget allocation. Some of these

    biases are political in nature. In addition, the proposed budget

    of the different universities is subject to the influence of the

    presidents thrusts. Hence, the heads of the units need to

    integrate the priorities of the president in their proposedbudget.

    With this, the VP is facing the dilemma of how will she

    allocate the budget. Will it be following the previous

    allocation which is inappropriate yet conforms the presidents

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    thrusts or make her own allocation basis which she believes is

    fair but might not get the presidents approval?


    Considering the dilemma above, how can the management of

    UP, specifically the VP for Planning and Finance, achieve and

    implement a more objective process of coming up a MOOE budget

    allocation formula that is commensurate to the different needs

    of the constituent universities and that will probably get the

    presidents approval?


    These are the research questions we would like to explore

    in this case study:

    a.What is MOOE and the common classifications of expensesincluded in it?

    b.What are the most appropriate bases or critical variablesto be considered in allocating the appropriated MOOE budget

    to the entire UP system?

    c.Is the additional information gathered by the VP forPlanning and Finance adequate enough in order to create a

    budget allocation that is reasonable considering the

    circumstances at hand?

    d.Why should a budget allocation made from the informationgathered by the VP for Planning and Finance be pursued even

    if it may not otherwise be totally in accordance with what

    the president wants?

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    The Philippines is considered to be one of the most highly

    educated middle-income countries. It has high enrollment rates

    at all levels of education and it has achieved near universal

    access to primary education (World Bank website 2008). The first

    baccalaureate degree granting institution is the University of

    the Philippines.


    On May 18, 1994 through RA No. 7722 or the Higher Education

    Act of 1994 authored by Senator Francisco Tatad, the Commission

    on Higher Education (CHED) is created. CHED is responsible in

    the formulation and implementation of policies, plans and

    programs for the development and efficient operation of the

    higher education system in the country. The delivery of higher

    education in the Philippines is provided by private and public

    higher education institutions (HEIs).

    Higher Education Institutions:

    The Philippine Higher Education Institution is categorized

    into: private and public. Each higher education adopts a certain

    admission policy beyond the general requirement that all

    candidates have to be graduates of secondary education. Some

    institutions require passing an entrance exam and a medical

    examination; others adopt open admission, but selective


    Further, Philippines has relied on private institutions

    and, at the turn of the century, private institutions have

    increased in numbers. As of August 2010, there are 2,180 HEIs

    geographically distributed over the country. There are a total

    of 1,573 and 607 private and public HEIs, respectively.

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    The Public HEIs, on the other hand, include: 110 SUCs

    main campuses, 388 satellite campuses, 93 LUCs, 10 Other

    Government Schools, one (1) CHED Supervised Institution (CHED-

    ARMM) and five (5) special HEIs.

    The State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) are chartered

    public higher education institutions established by law,

    administered and financially subsidized by the government. SUCs

    have their own charters. The Board of Regents (BOR) for state

    universities and a Board of Trustees (BOT) for state colleges

    maintain the formulation and approval of policies, rules and

    standards in SUCs. The Chairman of CHED heads these boards.

    However, CHED Order No. 31 series of 2001 of the Commission en

    banc, also authorizes CHED Commissioners to head the BOR/ BOT of

    SUCs. Implementation of policies and management are vested on

    the president, staff, and support units of the public higher

    education institutions.

    The local universities and colleges (LUCs) are those

    established by the local government through resolutions or

    ordinances. LUCs are financially supported by the local

    government concerned. A CHED Supervised Institution (CSI) is

    non-chartered public post-secondary education institution

    established by law, administered, supervised and financially

    supported by government. Other government schools (OGS) are

    public secondary and post-secondary education institutions,

    usually technical-vocational education institutions that offer

    higher education programs. Special HEIs are directly under the

    government agency stipulated in the law that created them. Theyprovide specialized training in areas such as military science

    and national defense.


    The activities of an educational institution may be

    classified as (1) instructional, (2) administrative, and (3)

    auxiliary. Instructional activities include both resident &

    extension instructions, public services, organized research, and

    the operation of libraries. Administrative activities include

    staffing and promotion, registration and enrolment, operation of

    business office, and operation and maintenance of the

    educational plant. Auxiliary activities include the operation of

    residence halls, dining rooms, college unions and bookstores,

    health centers, and athletic and cultural programs.

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    Revenues in support of these different activities are

    provided by such varied sources as contributions, governmental

    appropriations, student fees, endowment income, and revenues

    from the sale of goods & services.


    Considering these activities of the educational

    institution, a modified accrual basis of accounting is

    generally employed in summarizing the operations of the state

    universities and colleges (SUCs). Since the primary purpose of

    accounting for educational institutions is to report on the

    stewardship of the funds and property entrusted, rather than to

    determine the net profits and net worth (American Council of

    Education). However, privately-owned institutions do not receive

    any appropriations. Therefore, the accrual method is commonly


    Depreciations, in addition, are rarely recognized on

    properties that are used for educational functions by SUCs.

    However, these are appropriate under following circumstances:

    a.When certain properties of the educational plant render aservice function and the institution plans to replace

    such properties from operating revenue.

    b.When properties are identified with auxiliary enterprisesthat are expected to be self-supporting- bookstores,

    cafeterias and dormitories, for example.

    c.When properties are transferred to the educational unitunder the terms of endowment that limit expenditures from

    endowment resources for general and specific purposes to

    periodic net income after the recognition of

    appropriation charges for depreciation.


    SUCs are highly subsidized by the government. Funds are

    further grouped into: current fund (restricted and

    unrestricted), loan funds, endowment and other nonexpendable

    funds, annuity funds, plant funds- which is subdivided into:

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    unexpended plant fund, retirement of indebtedness fund, and an

    invested in plant section, and agency funds.

    Current funds are composed of current resources that are to

    be employed in meeting obligations arising from the general

    operations of the educational institution, with or without

    restrictions. Student fees and resources from gifts, for

    example, that carry no specific limitations as to use, then, are

    reported in the current unrestricted fund. On the other hand,

    resources from gifts that can be spent only for specified

    purposes, such as for the library, for scholarship, for an

    athletic program, or for research, would be classified as

    current restricted funds.

    Loan funds consist of resources that are available for

    loans to student. These funds originate from gifts which may be

    built up over a period of time from student fees collected for

    such purpose or from transfers from endowment fund whose income

    is available for such purpose. However, loan fund balances will

    change as a result of uncollectible loans, fund administrative

    expenses and the like.

    Endowment funds are formed when cash or other properties

    are transferred to the institution under conditions that provide

    only the income produced by such resources can be used for the


    Annuity funds, on the other hand, are formed when cash and

    other properties are transferred to the institution subject tothe requirement that specified payments be made to a designated

    beneficiary during his lifetime. However, these funds are

    sometimes included with endowment fund for accounting and

    reporting purposes.

    As indicated by its name, plant funds are resources related

    to educational plant while agency funds are funds given to

    educational institution which acts as an agent or trustee;

    holding certain asset on behalf of others, for example, student

    deposits and tax withholding amount.


    Budgetary allocations and allotment received by SUCs depend

    on the budget proposals made by the Department of Budget and

    Management (DBM) which is duly approved by the Congress. It is

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    then believed that some legislators want to allocate more funds

    in the region that support their candidacy.

    As of this year, SUCs will experience drastic cuts in their

    budget if the Congress approves the Aquino governments 2011

    budget proposal.

    In the budget proposal submitted by the Department of

    Budget and Management (DBM) to Congress last August 25, the

    combined budget for 110 SUCs is cut by 1.7% from P23.8 billion

    in 2010 to only P23.4 billion this year.

    Among those with the biggest budget cuts are University of

    the Philippines (-P1.39 billion or 20.11%), Philippine Normal

    University (-P91.35 million or 23.59%), Bicol University (-

    P88.81 million or 18.82%), University of Southeastern

    Philippines (-P44.39 million or 20.03%), Central Bicol State

    University of Agriculture (-P31.65 million or 15.91%).

    Huge cuts are proposed in the budget for maintenance andother operating expenses (MOOE) of all but 15 SUCs, some by more

    than 50%. The combined total operations budget for SUCs will be

    cut by P1.1 billion, or by 28.16%.

    Budget distribution:

    The DBM has devised a scheme to check fund allocations for

    each school through a system called normative clemency.

    This is based on the three major types of government

    expenditures: capital outlays which deal with financing buildingconstruction; personal services, which cover faculty salaries;

    and maintenance and other operating expenditures, which cover

    electricity, water, telephone, and janitorial services.

    Normative clemency ensures that no SUC will have an excess

    or lack of funds for all three types of expenses, because they

    are mandated to submit proposed expenses to both the Commission

    on Higher Education (CHED) and the DBM.

    Tax Exemption:

    Per section 30 of National Internal Revenue Code of the

    Philippine, income from government educational institutions are

    duly exempted from income tax.

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    At present, the university has a total student population

    of 53,285; 4,135 faculty, trained locally and abroad with 75%

    having graduate degrees; administrative staff and personnel of

    6,491; and 3,553 PGH staff.

    The University is one of the three Universities in the

    Philippines affiliated with the ASEAN University Network, and

    the only Philippine university to be affiliated with the ASEAN-

    European University Network and the Association of Pacific Rim


    The University has the highest financial endowment of all

    educational institutions in the Philippines. In 2008, the entire

    University system has a financial subsidy from the national

    government of about PHP 6 billion. The total expenditure for the

    same year, however, is PHP 7.2 billion, or approximately PHP

    135,000 per student.

    This estimated PHP 1.2 billion difference is supported by

    other funds. These include general fund, revolving fund, trust

    fund- student fees, and central fund. Central funds can be

    tapped for the non-recurring expenses, for instance,

    supplementary miscellaneous expenses. Central funds comprise of

    general maintenance funds, faculty development funds, staff

    development funds equipment fund, and reprogrammed or programmed

    funds for PS, MOOE, or CO.

    Trust fund, in addition, covers the laboratory fees,

    educational development fees, library fees, athletic fees,

    cultural fees, and medical fees paid by the students.

    Admission, however, into the University's undergraduate

    programs is very competitive, with over 60,000 students taking

    the exam every year, with about 11,000 being accepted, an

    admission rate of about 18%. Admission to a program is usually

    based on the result of the UPCAT (UP College Admission Test),

    and University Predicted Grade, which is an average of grades

    obtained during high school and sometimes, a quota set by the

    unit offering the program.

    As it is funded partly by the Philippine government, and

    private donations, the UP student shoulders a minimal tuition

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    fee which is appropriately less than half than that of other

    universities like the Ateneo de Manila, La Salle University and

    the University of Santo Tomas, while providing a wider range of

    courses and programs. At present, the estimated annual tuition

    fee of UP is PhP 36,000 good for two terms at PhP 1,000 per


    The Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program

    (STFAP) was implemented in response to the increase in tuition

    in 1989. The program, proposed in 1988 by U.P. President Jose

    Abueva and mandated by the President and Congress of the

    Philippines, called for a radical departure from the old fee and

    scholarship structure of UP, resulting in tremendous benefits

    for low-income and disadvantaged Filipino students. The STFAP is

    divided into four basic components: Subsidized Education,

    Socialized Tuition, Scholarships and Student Assistantships.

    Through the Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program

    (STFAP), more popularly known as Iskolar ng Bayan, students

    avail of discounted tuition fees to full tuition fee waivers,

    plus cash subsidies, according to their individual income


    Most colleges in the UP System offer scholarship

    opportunities in different programs from the arts to the

    sciences. Some of the scholarships available throughout the UP

    System are the Oblation scholarship for the top fifty (50)

    passers of the UPCAT, the UP Government Scholarship, the

    Presidential Scholarship Grant, the Leadership Grant and variousprivate grants, all administered through the Office of

    Scholarships and Student Services (OSSS).

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    1.What is MOOE and the common classifications of expensesincluded in it?

    Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) is one of

    the general classifications of expenses in the operation of a

    government institution. Other classifications include the

    Personal Services, Capital Outlays and Financial Expenses.

    MOOE includes expenses necessary for the regular operations

    of a government agency like, among others, traveling expenses,

    training and seminar expenses, water, electricity, suppliesexpense, maintenance of property, plant and equipment, and other

    maintenance and operating expenses.

    The Chart of Accounts of the New Government Accounting

    System of the Philippines lists the following expense line items

    as composing the MOOE:

    a.Traveling Expensesb.Training and Scholarship Expensesc.Supplies and Materials Expensesd.Utility Expensese.Communication Expensesf.Professional Servicesg.Repairs and Maintenanceh.Subsidies and Donationsi.Confidential, Intelligence, Extraordinary and Miscellaneous


    j.Taxes, Insurance Premiums and other Feesk.Non-Cash Expenses (Bad debts, Depreciation, etc.)l.Other Maintenance and Operating Activities

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    2.What are the most appropriate bases or critical variablesto be considered in allocating the appropriated MOOE budget

    to the entire UP system?

    Budget preparation is one of the difficult and time-consuming, yet also one of the indispensable and beneficial,

    activities that an organizations management performs in line

    with its vision, mission and goals. An organization can benefit

    from creating a budget that shows how it plans to use its

    resources and to make sure that its spending doesnt get out of

    control. By carefully planning how the organization spends and

    saves its resources, it shall have a better chance of reaching

    its goals.

    As ruled, allocations of funds for expenditures to SUCs

    shall be based on Normative Funding, as detailed in a joint

    circular dated 2004 authored by the heads of DBM and CHED. This

    Normative Funding shall serve as a tool for planning, preparing,

    implementing and checking the budgeting process of an SUC.

    In the UP budget process, the VP for Planning and Finance

    has the following responsibilities:

    a.Reviews the consolidated budget prepared by the UPsBudget Office in the early phases of budget preparation.

    This budget is to be submitted to DBM for review and

    revisions in the preparation of the General

    Appropriations Act(GAA);

    b.After the submitted budget is approved by the Congressand the President of the Philippines, the VP reviews the

    budget ceilings prepared by the Budget Office. The budget

    ceilings are prepared for the UPSA units and the

    autonomous campuses and shall be used in the preparation

    of the Internal Operating Budgets (IOB) for said


    c.Helps in the preparation of IOB and reviews it beforerequesting the university president to recommend the IOB

    to the Board of Regents (BOR).

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    The MOOE appropriated is generally subdivided into two

    parts: MOOE for academic programs and the UP system

    administration (UPSA); and MOOE for autonomous campuses.

    In the case presented, the allocation is on the ratio of

    66:34 for the UPSA and for the campuses, respectively.Meanwhile, it is shifted into 62:38 in the following year. The

    analysis is presented in the table that follows.

    Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) Budget *

    CY 1999 Ratio** CY 2000 Ratio

    Academic programs & UPSA 602,124, 000 66% 403, 561, 000 62%

    Autonomous campuses 313, 801, 000 34% 250, 000, 000 38%

    TOTAL 915, 925, 000 100% 653, 561, 000 100%

    *Budgets are based on the figures presented in the case.

    **Ratios are rounded-off to nearest whole number.

    The VP for Finance and Planning should have allocated the

    MOOE on the same ratio as of the previous year for the following


    a. Any cut in the MOOE budget must be applied across theboard on a pro-rata basis using the previous allocation.It is quite unfair that academic programs & UPSA will

    suffer a 33% decrease compared to the 20% decrease on

    autonomous campuses; and,

    b. Considering the thrust of higher authorities which is, UPbeing a premiere university, should be promoting graduate

    programs. Thus, any cut-back will impair the programs. A

    4% variance in the budget allocation, roughly 26 million,

    will greatly affect the performances of academic


    However, it will be reasonable also to make the allocation

    on a ratio of 62:38 considering also the demand of the

    autonomous campuses. Different UP campuses offer different

    programs and perform the trifocal function of SUCs, that is,

    instruction, research and extension services in varying degrees.

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    Now, the task of the VP for Planning and Finance is the

    preparation of a reasonable budget allocation of MOOE to UPs

    constituent universities considering the budget cut. Critical

    variables for budgeting should be properly taken into

    consideration in order for the VP to achieve this goal.

    To start, the VP may base this years budget on the

    previous years actual expenses. Then, s/he may analyze the cost

    drivers for MOOE for Instruction, MOOE for Research and MOOE for

    Extension services by asking appropriate officers. These cost

    drivers should be used in the allocation and should be as

    detailed as possible in order to have a greater probability of

    meeting actual expenditures. For example, the number of

    buildings used to compute repairs may be broken down into number

    of classrooms and adjusted for the age of such properties.

    To be taken into analysis also is the varying degrees of

    activities and achievements in the three functions of the

    university. Priority allocation may be given to campuses whose

    performance on a certain area might be greatly affected if

    allocated a budget materially different from what it proposes

    right from the start. For example, a campus suffers a decrease

    in its licensure examination passing rate because of a reduced

    budget for instruction. This is to ensure that the expenditure

    funds go to where they are most worthy for.

    After creating a preliminary budget based on these data,adjustments may be made based on the campus ability to generate

    income or cash flows out of its available funds. For example, a

    campus is doing well in research activities and surely needs

    funds for it to maintain or improve this status. It may still be

    allocated funds way below its proposed budget if it generates

    surplus funds from other sources. These surplus funds may serve

    as a complement to the appropriated budget.

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    should also be reflected because some courses are costly

    than the other in terms of MOOE;

    b.Excluding the Research and REPS from the analysis becausethese data is most appropriate for MOOE for Research and

    Extension;c.Detailing the number of buildings as to how many are used

    only for instruction;

    d.Detailing the classified buildings as to number ofclassrooms.

    The above adjustments may be applied in the same logic to

    MOOE for Research and for Extension.

    It should be noted that the data presented are applicableonly in making the preliminary cost budgets. Adjustments to

    reflect a campus liquidity and profitability advantages could

    not be made using only these data. Hence, the VP may gather

    the following data from the previous school year to address

    this problem:

    a.Statement of Operations of the individual campuses inorder to assess their profitability;

    b.Statement of Cash Flows in order to have an idea of thedifferent sources of cash inflows and outflows and aswell as the magnitude of these cash flows;

    c.Statement of Financial Position for the computation ofliquidity and other financial ratios that may be used in

    the analysis.

    4.Why should a budget allocation made from the informationgathered by the VP for Planning and Finance be pursued even

    if it may not otherwise be totally in accordance with what

    the president wants?

    A budget allocation that would be made using the discussed

    procedures should be pursued because of the following reasons:

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    a.Budgeting based on detailed data is beneficial becausetheres a greater chance of meeting anticipated costs. Take

    note that the budget would be used in calculating tuition

    fees and other fees of the students. If the budgets

    prepared are based on inappropriate drivers, the resulting

    calculations for fees of students might be much higher or

    lower, or fees of students in one campus might be much

    higher or lower when compared to other campuses and may

    prove inequitable.

    The problem on budget cuts for SUCs is still around in

    todays times. It is reflected in the recently approved

    2011 national budget. The reduced budget for SUCs elicits

    varied comments from the people (specially the students)

    noting that increases instead for debt servicing, military

    spending and corruption funds (pork barrel, dole-out andpatronage funds) were pursued.

    We think that this way of budgeting would help carry

    onone of the important roles of the State as stated in

    Article 14, Section 1, of the Philippine Constitution,

    which says that The State shall protect and promote the

    right of all citizens to quality education at all levels

    and shall take appropriate steps to make such education

    accessible to all.

    When equitable fees are charged by the University andother SUCs, theres a better chance for Filipinos to avail

    of higher education and earn a degree considering that

    private schools are a lot more expensive. This would

    further help them land a job and improve the economic

    status of the country. As observed, the effects are spilled

    over positively.

    b.The budgeting would, in effect, allow cost-sharing amongthe campuses. Since the constituent universities have thesame mandates and are under the same system, it is but

    justifiable for them to undertake such kind of strategy.

    This helps maximize the use of idle excess funds of other

    campuses. But this does not mean that the less productive

    campus would exploit the financial wellness of the other.

    The System should also devise a scheme of giving job

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    credits to the heads of a unit who performs well in terms

    of income generation so that they would be inspired to

    continue their ways. On the other hand, the heads of the

    unit who performs subpar from expected should be monitored.

    They should also be inspired to undertake revenue-

    generating activities if these are feasible considering the

    available funds under their control. The effects of these

    strategies would likely result to the formation of a

    management who always strives for the best and not just

    settle for mediocrity.

    c.If fees are equitable and when budgets allocated tocampuses are commensurate with what they need, then the

    Universitys status as a premier university would likely be

    improved because of the following:

    - Satisfaction of students, hence, more and more studentswill likely be inspired to enroll

    - Higher rates of graduates because of affordable fees- Catalyst for curbing unemployment rate of the country

    because UP graduates will likely easily find a job

    - Satisfaction of managers, hence, they will likely work withenthusiasm and thus would result to reaching organizational


    - An overall improvement in the financial status of the UPSystem