who will be your audience? - harley jones

Who would be the audience for your media product? I believe that the main target audience for my film is age 17 to 40. This is because young ages from 17 to 25 year olds like thriller films and others such as 26 to 40 year olds like independent art films. My film carries both of these elements and could reach a wide audience.

Upload: harleyjones

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Who will be your audience? - Harley Jones

Who would be the audience for your media product?

I believe that the main target audience for my film is age 17 to 40. This is because young ages from 17 to 25 year

olds like thriller films and others such as 26 to 40 year olds like independent art films. My film carries both of these

elements and could reach a wide audience.

Page 2: Who will be your audience? - Harley Jones

Novel Readers

As my film is based on a novel, it may attract more viewers, as older audiences would be interested in the idea of the film being based on a book. Those who read thrillers like to visualize what is going on in the narrative, therefore by having a motion picture based on a thriller novel, this immediately creates a fan base for my film.

An example of a novel which has been successful as a movie is Carlito’s Way (1993).

Page 3: Who will be your audience? - Harley Jones

Hybrid Genre

My film also uses sub-genre elements of the thriller genre. This would include action and crime. By having these sub-genres, it helps broaden the target audience and draws in audiences who are fond of other individual genres. This can attract people from different age groups and backgrounds.

Examples of hybrid thrillers which all have a different fan base.

Page 4: Who will be your audience? - Harley Jones

Audience Profile #1

For my audience profile, I thought it would be best to keep males aged between 17-25 engaged with my film. This is because social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, which are popular, therefore this age group would be socializing with friends and also creating a buzz by sharing videos/pictures related to the promotion of my film. Also, this age group would be studying therefore they wouldn’t have much time to go out. However, whenever they do meet up with their friends, they will be going to the cinema, as this is a common way of socializing for teenagers.

Page 5: Who will be your audience? - Harley Jones

Audience Profile #2

Another audience profile would be males aged between 26–40. Although I wanted to aim my film mainly at 17-25 year olds, I thought that those aged 26-40 year old might still be interested due to the film being independent and focusing on a particular character. This age group may be frequent book readers as they may be working/middle class therefore have time to read on their journey to work. As this is an adaptation of a book, readers may like the idea of the film being a thriller and having sentimental aspect to it that they may relate to in different ways.

Page 6: Who will be your audience? - Harley Jones


From the film opening, the audience is able to identify that I have target the film at both genders. I have done this, as men usually like to see violence within films whereas women prefer emotional films. This is seen throughout the narrative that is shown as the audience understand that there will be a love interest, yet there will be problems happening due to the criminal lifestyle the protagonist has.

Love Interest


Page 7: Who will be your audience? - Harley Jones

Overall, I believe I have created a film that would have a wide audience due to the

different elements of genre and narrative.