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  • 8/13/2019 Whiting - Normativity of Meaning


    The Normativity of Meaning DefendedAuthor(s): Daniel WhitingSource: Analysis, Vol. 67, No. 2 (Apr., 2007), pp. 133-140Published by: Oxford University Presson behalf of The Analysis CommitteeStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/25597790.

    Accessed: 10/12/2013 09:35

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  • 8/13/2019 Whiting - Normativity of Meaning


    THE NORMATIVITY OF MEANING DEFENDED 133ReferencesBoorse, C. 1975. On the distinction between disease and illness. Philosophy of Public

    Affairs 5: 49-68.Boorse, C. 1976. Wright on functions. The Philosophical Review 85: 70-86.Boorse, C. 1977. Health as a theoretical concept. Philosophy of Science 44: 542-73.Boorse, C. 1997. A rebuttal on health. InWhat is Disease? eds. J.M. Humber and R.F. Almeder. Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press.Charnov, E. and J. Bull. 1977. When is sex environmentally determined? Nature 266:828-30.Neander, K. 1983. Abnormal Psychobiology. PhD dissertation, La Trobe University.Reznek, L. 1987. The Nature of Disease. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.Sober, E. 1980. Evolution, population thinking and essentialism. Philosophy of Science47: 350-83.

    The normativity of meaning defendedDaniel Whiting1. Introduction

    Meaning, according to a significant number of philosophers, is an intrinsically normative notion.1 For this reason, it is suggested, meaning is notconducive to a naturalistic explanation. In this paper, I shall not addresswhether this is indeed so. Nor shall I present arguments in support of thenormativity thesis (seeGlock 2005; Kripke 1982). Instead, I shall examineand respond to two forceful objections recently (and independently) raisedagainst it by Boghossian (2005), Hattiangadi (2006) and Miller (2006).Although I shall argue that the objections are unsuccessful, they areworthattending to, not only because the normativity thesis is sowidely acceptedand is thought to have such ramifications but, most importantly, becausedoing so offers the opportunity to help clarify how it is to be understood.22. What makes a statement normative?Ifmeaning is an intrinsically normative notion, then one would expectstatements about what an expression means to be normative, or to imme1 See, e.g., Alston 2000; Baker and Hacker 2004; Blackburn 1984; Boghossian 1989;Brandom 1994; Gibbard 1994; Glock 2005; Kripke 1982; Lance and O'LearyHawthorne 1998; McDowell 1998: ch. 11; Putnam 1991: llff.;Wright 1992;Waismann and Wittgenstein 2003: 87ff.Of course, there are other arguments against the claim that meaning is intrinsicallynormative (e.g. Horwich 2005: ch. 5), but assessing them is beyond the scope ofthis paper. For a response to Davidsonian objections, see Glock 2005 and Whitingforthcoming.

    Analysis 67.2, April 2007, pp. 133-40. ? Daniel Whiting

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  • 8/13/2019 Whiting - Normativity of Meaning


    134 DANIEL WHITINGdiately imply a normative statement. What, then, makes a statementnormative? Clearly not just that it contains normative vocabulary. Thefollowing appears to be a purely descriptive sentence, despite containingan evaluative term:

    (1) Most people inCornwall accept that murder iswrong.Correlatively, although the following has the surface form of a description,itmight be used to express a rule and hence might be normative (albeitimplicitly):

    (2) The starting-position of a rook is a corner square.Hattiangadi suggests that what is distinctive of normative statements isthat they 'tell us what to do, whereas non-normative statements simplydescribe how things are' (2006: 221). This criterion, however, is undulynarrow. Not only might a normative statement tell us what to do, but alsowhat we may or may not do. Notably, in all these respects normativestatements are action-guiding.

    So, to say that meaning is a normative notion is to say that a statementofwhat an expression means is,or immediately implies, a statement aboutwhat we ought (not) to or may (not) do with that expression. Althoughthis no doubt requires supplementation and refinement, it is sufficient forpresent purposes.

    3. CorrectnessWhat underwrites the claim thatmeaning is intrinsically normative, andwhat does itamount to?A starting-point is the observation that, from thefact that a word has a particular meaning, it appears to follow triviallythat itpossesses conditions of correct application. This seems to be utterlyplatitudinous. As Hattiangadi writes:

    ... ithardly seems open to us to deny that in order to have meaning,termsmust have correctness conditions. This iswhat distinguishesthe use of language from themaking ofmere noise. (2006: 222)Hence, it is reasonable to take the normativity thesis to involve a commitment to the following principle, where 'w' is a word, 'F gives itsmeaning, and 'P is that feature in virtue of which w applies:(C) w means F -^\/x (w applies correctly to x x is f)According to (C), to say thatmeaning is normative is to say that for anexpression to have a meaning is for it to possess conditions of correctapplication.The first thing to note is that if 'applies correctly to' expresses a normthen it iswhat one might call aword-world norm. That is, it specifies how

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    THE NORMATIVITY OF MEANING DEFENDED 135an expression correctly applies to features of reality, and so is equivalentto 'is true of'.3Many proponents and detractors of the normativity thesisalike suppose that, ifthere are norms ofmeaning, then they are norms oftruth.Horwich, for example, claims that any norm in this area would bethat 'one ought to thinkwhat is true' (1998: 187; cf. Boghossian 1989:513). Inmy view, although norms of truthmight well govern the practiceof assertion, the norms determinative of meaning should be viewed asquite distinct.Nonetheless, forpresent purposes I shallwaive this concern,as itdoes not bear on what follows.

    Boghossian and Hattiangadi happily concede a principle such as (C),but claim that this does not get us normativity in the required sense (i.e.in away thatmight pose problems fornaturalism). Boghossian states that

    it isnot clear that, at least as it is being used here, 'correct' expressesa normative notion, for itmay justmean 'true'. (2005: 207)Hattiangadi elaborates a similar point, claiming that statements of correctness-conditions are descriptive not prescriptive; theydo not telluswhatto do but supply 'a description of [a speaker's] uses of [w] as those that are

    correct and those that are incorrect '.Moreover, she continues:Sometimes to say that something is right [i.e. correct] does not implya prescription; rather, it is say that itmeets a certain standard ...Tosay that some use of a term is 'correct' is thusmerely to describe itin a certain way - in lightof the norm or standard set by themeaningof the term. (2006: 223-25)

    In response, recall first that, as already pointed out, inorder to be normativea statement need not have immediate implications for what one ought todo. It is sufficient that it imply a statement about what may be done.Second, and more significantly, it is indeed the case thatwhether something qualifies as 'correct' (bymeeting a standard) is a matter of whatdescriptions are true of it, and so what properties it as a matter of factpossesses. Correlatively, ifone knows the norm governing the use of acertain expression, then, from the statement that any particular applicationof it is correct, one can derive the descriptive statement that itpossessessuch-and-such features.Nevertheless, contra Boghossian and Hattiangadi,that a given use does in factmeet a certain standard is clearly a normativeor evaluative matter; in addition to the descriptive statement italso immediately implies a statement about what one ought to or may do.To support this contention and make itmore concrete, consider theanalogy Hattiangadi offers in support of her claim:

    Alternatively, one might view 'correct' in this instance as equivalent to 'evidentiallywarranted'. I shall set aside this alternative and focus on the orthodox truth-theoreticconception. Nothing inwhat follows turns on this.

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    136 DANIEL WHITING... think of theme park rides where there is a minimum heightrequirement for some of themore dangerous rides. This is a standard children must meet if they are to go on the ride. But howeverhappy [a child] may be to meet the standard, whether or not shedoes is a straightforwardly non-normative, natural fact. (2006:224)

    It is true that, in order tomeet the standard, and so for her going on theride to satisfy the conditions of correctness, certain descriptions must betrue of a child, namely that she is sufficiently tall. That is, certain 'straightforwardly non-normative, natural facts' must hold, and can be derivedfrom the statement that she satisfies the relevant norm. Nevertheless, giventhat the standard is in force, that the child does as a matter of factmeetit (or fails to) certainly has implications forwhether or not shemay (orshould not) go on the ride. If shewere to do so incorrectly,with the normin place, sanctions or criticism of one form or another would be appropriate. Hence, the norm is action-guiding, and to say that there arecorrectness-conditions for a child's going on a ride is to say that going onthat ride is a normative matter.

    Likewise, ifa statement about themeaning of an expression does indeedimply that there are conditions for its correct application, as Boghossianand Hattiangadi accept, then it equally has implications forwhether itmay or should be used in certain ways. I shall not argue for the antecedentof this conditional here, but if it really is platitudinous, then it is platitudinous thatmeaning isnormative. Boghossian and Hattiangadi arewrongto claim that one can accept a principle such as (C) without therebyaccepting the normativity thesis.Note that nothing said in this section implies that truth itself is anormative notion. If it is correct for a person to go on a ride only if thatperson is 4ft or taller, then being 4ft or tallermakes itcorrect. Obviously,however, that property is a non-normative one. Likewise, ifbeing truemakes the use of an expression correct (according to the standard set bymeaning), it does not follow from that fact alone that being true is anormative property.

    4. PrescriptivityHaving rejected (C) as capturing the content of the claim thatmeaning isintrinsically normative, Hattiangadi offers an alternative on behalf of itsproponent (2006: 226):

    (P) w means F -^\/x (w ought to be applied to x

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    THE NORMATIVITY OF MEANING DEFENDED 137In the previous section, I argued that (C) is indeed normative in thesense required for advocates of the normativity thesis. Nevertheless, it isworth considering (P) since, first,many philosophers have inmind sucha principle when discussing thenormativity ofmeaning (e.g.Hohwy 2001:9-10). Second, (P) implies (C), and (C) in turn implies the correspondingprinciple:(P*) w means F ?> \/x (w ought not to be applied to x \/x (w ought to be applied to x ?> x is f)According to (P**), if 'rich'means rich then 'rich' ought to be applied tosomething only if that something is rich. Norms of this kind are actionguiding, and allow one to evaluate theuse of expressions as rightorwrong.However, Hattiangadi argues that even principles of the form expressedby (P**) do not hold:

    Under some circumstances, Imight be obligated to tell a lie,whichdoes not imply that Imean something non-standard by my expressions. (2006: 227)

    Imagine a person's lifewill be saved if I apply the term 'rich' to one whois poor. Itwould seem that I ought to do so, but ithardly follows that'rich' no longermeans rich. It appears, therefore, that once unpacked asinvolving a commitment to (P**), the claim thatmeaning is intrinsicallynormative becomes decidedly less convincing.It is certainly the case that one can imagine circumstances inwhich oneis required to use an expression in a way that fails to accord with itsstandard meaning, without it following that the expression has a nonstandard meaning. But to say thatmeaning is normative is only to saythat expressions are governed by distinctively semantic proprieties. Onecan hold thiswhile acknowledging that such norms might be trumped byother normative considerations, say ethical, epistemic, or prudential. That,all things considered, I am obliged to use an expression in away that doesnot accord with itsmeaning isperfectly compatible with the fact that there

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    138 DANIEL WHITINGis a semantic norm that speaks in favour (or against) a particular use ofan expression, and in virtue ofwhich that expression means what itdoes.Another way to put this point is to say that the norms ofmeaning generateprima facie obligations.5. Prima facie obligationsOne might complain, however, that this is equally implausible. As Hattiangadi points out, prima facie obligations are only overridden byother obligations, but it appears that alleged semantic obligations canbe overridden by mere desires (2006: 232). For example, if I have nodesire to tell the truth, I have no obligation to use 'rich' of a persononly if she is rich. Consider also the contrapositive of the consequent of(P**):

    (P* **) w means F ?? Vx (x isnot f-^w ought not to be applied tox)Does this,without qualification, hold? Imagine, for example, that Sabrinaispoor. Does it follow immediately, from that fact plus the fact that 'rich'means rich, that I should not apply the term 'rich' to her? The opponentsof the normativity thesis thinknot. As Boghossian succinctly puts it, 'Whatif I feel like lying, or misleading my audience?' (2005: 207).What such cases appear to show is that the norms determinative ofmeaning are, at best, hypothetical; they are contingent on our desires. Itfollows that meaning is not intrinsically normative, that statements about

    meaning do not immediately imply prescriptive statements about what aperson should (not) do with a word.Moreover, themere fact that theremight be a hypothetical imperative

    concerning the use of an expression, given itsmeaning, is trivial.With asuitable desire, anything might be normative in this sense, and itcertainlydoes not pose a problem for the naturalist. This is expressed by Boghossian, who writes that any normativity tomeaning 'ismere hypotheticalnormativity, and that is uninteresting' (2005: 207). Likewise, Millerwrites:

    The most that can be said is that ifNeil means magpie by 'magpie'then given that he has a desire to communicate, or perhaps a desireto think the truth, or a desire to conform to his prior semanticintentions, he has a reason to apply 'magpie' to an object ifand onlyif it is a magpie. Semantic reasons are at most only hypotheticalreasons for action. (2006: 109)

    Again, Hattiangadi insists thatWhat might have looked like a prima facie obligation ... ismoreplausibly construed as a hypothetical obligation'. (2006: 232)

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    THE NORMATIVITY OF MEANING DEFENDED 139In response, surely a proponent of the normativity thesiswould deny thatthe relevant semantic obligation can be overridden by desires alone. True,Imight not follow the norm for the use of an expression simply because Ido not feel likedoing so. But that alone does not show that there isno normin force;my use of the expression should still be judged incorrect.Of course,the violation is not very serious (themistake is semantic, not ethical) butthat does not establish that it lacks a normative status altogether.This can be appreciated by comparing a putative semantic obligationwith a paradigmatic hypothetical obligation. That I ought to go outsideonly if it is not raining is contingent upon my desire to stay dry. If thatdesire changes, Iwill not have done anything incorrect or failed to do asI should by going outside in the rain. Were I to do so, itwould beunwarranted and make little sense to insist that, desire notwithstanding,

    my act was wrong.In contrast, given what 'rich'means, that I ought to apply the term toa person only if she is rich does not seem contingent upon (say)my desireto speak truthfully. If that desire changes, and I apply the term to a poorperson, itremains the case that I am not applying itas itshould be applied,but rather incorrectly.Here, it seems one isproperly entitled and itmakesfull sense to judge that, desire notwithstanding, I am using the expressionwrongly. (Of course, I could excuse my behaviour by citing the relevantdesire, but that is not the same as overriding the norm.)So, unlike the case where an ethical obligation overrides the semanticobligation to employ an expression in a given way, itdoes not appear thata mere desire can do so. Hence, ithas yet to be shown that any requirement to employ a word only if certain conditions obtain is contingentupon a speaker's desires. We have not yet been given reason to doubt that(P**) holds.6. ConclusionI have defended the thesis that meaning is an intrinsically normativenotion against recent objections fromBoghossian, Hattiangadi andMiller.These objections purport to show that eithermeaning isnot normative atall, or that it is not in any respect thatmight be thought to be troublingfor the naturalist. In response, I have argued that statements about correctness-conditions are suitably normative, and moreover that no reasonhas been given to deny that what an expression means generates (primafacie) requirements to use that expression in a certain way.

    University of ReadingReading RG6 6AA, [email protected]. uk

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