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A Beginner’s Guide to

1&1 eShops


Copyright © 1&1 Internet Limited 2015 1and1.co.uk



Table of Contents

Introduction ..........................................................................................3A New Generation of eShops ............................................................... 38 Rules of eCommerce ......................................................................... 4The Benefits of Selling Online ................................................................5Overview of 1&1 eShops .......................................................................6

Packages and Customer Profiles ............................................................81&1 eShop Packages ........................................................................... 81&1 eShop Starter .............................................................................. 91&1 eShop Basic ............................................................................... 101&1 eShop Plus ................................................................................. 111&1 eShop Unlimited ........................................................................ 12Find the eShop that’s right for you ..................................................... 13Success Factors and Features .............................................................. 14

What‘s What? (Glossary) .....................................................................16




A New Generation of eShops

Did you know?

67% of Brits use the Internet to shop, and online sales are expected to grow at a rate that is 11.9 times faster than in-store sales!

This guide will give you a better understanding of the growing need for eCommerce and how the various 1&1 eShop products offer advantages to you and your business. Our aim is to make it as easy as possible for you to choose which 1&1 eShop solution is right for you!

You’ll find sections covering each 1&1 eShop package: 1&1 eShop Starter, 1&1 eShop Basic, 1&1 eShop Plus and 1&1 eShop Unlimited. Each section gives an overview of the product, its features and benefits.

In the What’s What? section, we examine some commonly used technical terms and acronyms, to give you a clearer understanding of the language used in the world of eCommerce.

We hope that this guide provides a valuable resource when selecting your 1&1 eShop solution!

In today‘s competitive business world, having an online presence is more important than ever. This is particularly true if businesses wish to grow, extend their sales, and reach customers they might not have reached before. Thus, eCommerce has become a booming industry, and is now an essential sales channel for business success in this technology driven age.

Being mobile has also been a key driver for growth in eCommerce, due to the rise of smartphones, tablets, social commerce (Facebook and Twitter) and applications. Mobile use has increased hugely over the past couple of years, and people’s expectations have mirrored this rise and it is predicted to continue a steady growth.


8 Rules of eCommerce

Choose the right domain

Choose a name that represents your business, keep things simple for customers to remember, make it easy for users to return.

Did you know?

Online sales are expected to grow at a rate that is 11.9 times faster than in-store sales.


Make sure it’s mobile

mCommerce is on the rise with online sales via a mobile device rising by 138% from 2012 – 2013.


Make sure it’s secure

According to an Avira Survey, 70% of consumers have security concerns when shopping online. Give your customers peace of mind with the Trusted Shops seal.

3Did you know?

Online sales grew 18% ahead of the same month last year.

Ensure navigation is easy

Navigation can determine how well your website converts visitors to customers. Make the order process as easy to follow as possible to increase your sales conversions.

4Did you know?

Expected increase in 2015 sales Online: 15.8% Offl ine: 2.4%

Consider social selling

According to a recent Forbes study, 78% of sales people using social media, outsell their peers.


Make it easy to pay

People tend to resist what is forced upon them, so provide customers with a choice of payment options for their convenience.


Pair products

Leverage the opportunity to cross-sell. Suggest related products to those customers have liked, wished for or added to their basket.


Make sure it looks great

Websites that look great have more credibility than those that don’t.8

Did you know?

Online retail economy generated an estimated surplus of £720 million in 2013.

Did you know?

32% of shoppers in the UK make an mCommerce order monthly.

Websites that look great have more credibility than those that don’t.


The Benefits of Selling Online

Did you know?

Online retailers have recently seen sales grow by 22%, against the 16% growth of multichannel retailers.

For any retailer, keeping on top of the latest consumer trends is paramount to the success of a business – this not only applies to your product and pricing strategy, but also to your sales and distribution operations too.

In the past years, retail and wholesalers have seen a significant shift in their customers’ preferences towards eCommerce.

Introduce an eCommerce website to your business model to maintain your client base. Having an online shop also presents a great opportunity for you to:

Widen the scope of your target marketWith an eShop, customers are able to visit your shop from anywhere in the world, allowing for potential global expansion.

24 hour shoppingProvide customers with the flexibility of being able to shop 24/7 online. This automatically opens up your business for an increase in sales volume.


Overview of 1&1 eShops

1&1 eShops are eCommerce solutions that have something for everyone, from beginners to global traders. They include everything you need to become a successful online retailer and with 1&1’s eCommerce software, setting up your online business couldn’t be easier! The eShop setup wizard guides you through the whole process step-by-step.

“1&1 is focused on delivering a complete solution for online success. Our customers can rest assured that their stores meet and exceed ever-increasing consumer expectations. 1&1’s latest generation eShops not only provide a dynamic and reliable selling platform, but also tools for capitalising on current retail trends, maximising usability and engagement as well as driving traffic and guiding shoppers towards a sale.” Robert Hoffmann, CEO Hosting, 1&1 Internet

What are the benefits of creating an eShop with 1&1?

Complete solution

1&1 offers a complete solution from one source. Data will be saved in one central place (there is no migration necessary). Also data that is entered once, will never be lost, even at downgrades.

Setup a shop in just a few stepsWith no previous experience in programming you can easily select the colours, layout and design of your eShop without needing to employ the help of a professional by using the eShop setup wizard.

With 1&1 you can sell online with no limitsChanging your package is easy, allowing your eShop to grow along with your business – you can upgrade or even downgrade your package.

Always up-to-date and always available1&1 will automatically make amendments or add new functionalities for all customers, and with geo-redundancy your shop is available 99.9% guaranteed.

24/7 expert support from eShop Professionals 1&1’s team of expert advisers are also available around the clock providing free telephone support. We will assess your eCommerce website, diagnose any problems and offer you the best solutions and advice to resolve any queries you may have.

Certified safety for your online businessYou can provide your customers with superior security from Trusted Shops, the leading name in eCommerce security platforms. This can help you win the trust of your website visitors and lower your number of cancelled sales.


Automatically optimised for all devicesWhether viewed on a PC, tablet or smartphone.

Great production options

You can present special offers, cross-sell, up-sell and offer product bundles or even sell downloadable items, for example e-books or videos. You can even offer customisable products and include product comparisons.

Marketing solutionsGet feedback from your customers with marketing tools including customer reviews and ratings. You can even stay in touch with your customers using the newsletter tool. Also included is an SEO tool which can help you to increase your ranking on Google.

Go globalOffer a wide range of languages, currencies and safe payment methods, such as PayPal™. You can also offer simple and secure delivery processing to your customers via UPS® and other providers.

Easily sync your 1&1 eShop

Use popular marketplaces including Amazon® and eBay®, offer international delivery and major payment options such as PayPal™ and you can also create your own Facebook® shop!


Packages and Customer Profi les

1&1 eShop Packages

Knowing how and where to start an online business from scratch is certainly a challenge, which is why 1&1 have four great eCommerce packages - 1&1 eShop Starter, 1&1 eShop Basic, 1&1 eShop Plus and 1&1 eShop Unlimited.

For those starting out their online business in a small or a particular niche market, the 1&1 eShop Starter is a perfect all-round solution for beginners. This package has everything needed to start your online business successfully, with simple features and effi cient eCommerce software.

1&1 eShop Starter

The best solution for fi rst-time users.

1&1 eShop Basic

The basis for a successful business.

1&1 eShop Unlimited

eCommerce without limits.

1&1 eShop Plus

More features for your online success.

To achieve a more professional eShop experience for both you and your customers, purchasing the recommended 1&1 eShop Basic or 1&1 eShop Plus will allow you really excel online. When starting an online business with this package, you will have access to an extensive range of features.

If your eCommerce website has a particularly extensive product range, 1&1 eShop Unlimited will allow you unparalleled capacity and will never hinder your expansion. With this package, you will also benefi t from being able to manage your items into sets as well as having access to every eCommerce feature 1&1 have to offer.

No matter what option you feel is right for your website, all eShop packages offer payment systems (from invoicing to credit card payments), they offer support and security opportunities, as well as traffi c-boosting tools.

Package highlights at a glance

All packages include a domain and e-mail addresses.

To achieve a more professional eShop experience for both you and your customers, purchasing the recommended To achieve a more professional eShop experience for both you and your customers, purchasing the recommended


1&1 eShop Starter

With this package you can advertise with Google™, use social media to recommend or sell, have access to visitor statistics and offer returns on products.

The best solution for first-time users

This package has enough to start your business online successfully, with simple features and efficient eCommerce software:

1 mail account

2 currencies available

5 different shipping methods

100 products

“I’ve sold a few bits online before but now I want to take it a little more seriously”



1&1 eShop Basic

With this package you have the option to add customer reviews, add vouchers, send newsletters, sell on eBay® or Amazon, use PayPal™ or credit cards to take payments, and much more.

The basis for a successful business

For those starting out their online business in a small or a particular niche market, 1&1 eShop Basic is a perfect all-round solution:

2 currencies available

10 mail accounts

15 different shipping methods

1000 products

“I’m ready to expand my online shop and want a solution that can handle the extra load”



1&1 eShop Plus

With this package, your customers can customise their purchases with unique text, graphics or images.

Extra features for your online success

To achieve a more professional eShop experience for both you and your customers, 1&1 eShop Plus will allow you to excel online. When starting an online business with this package, you will have access to an extensive range of features:

Unlimited mail accounts

100 currencies available

30 different shipping methods

10,000 products

“I’m ready to take my business global and need a robust, complete solution”



1&1 eShop Unlimited

With this package, your customers can find exactly what they‘re looking for with product comparisons. This package also has the option to offer instalment payments on larger purchases.

eCommerce without limits

If your eCommerce website has a particularly extensive product range, 1&1 eShop Unlimited is for you. With this package, you will also benefit from being able to manage your items into sets as well as having access to every eCommerce feature 1&1 has to offer.

Unlimited mail accounts

Unlimited currencies available

Unlimited different shipping methods

Unlimited products

“I need a high-end eCommerce solution that can meet all of my professional requirements”



Find the shop that’s right for you

Do you want to sell more than 100 products?

1&1 eShop Starter is for you!

1&1 eShop Basic is for you!

1&1 eShop Plus is for you!

1&1 eShop Unlimited is for you!

no yes

Do you want to sell on Amazon® and eBay®

in addition to your eShop?

Do you want to offer customisable products?

no yes

Do you want to create newsletters?

Do you want automatic cross-selling?

Do you want to offer advanced product search?

Do you want to offeronline payments

such as PayPal and Sage Pay?

Do you want to offer product comparisons?

no yes

no yes no yes no yes

no yesno yes


Success Factors and Features

Sales and marketing have changed dramatically in recent years and we’ve seen a number of new trends emerge as highlighted in our 8 Rules of eCommerce infographic. The factors that lead to online success have dramatically changed, our eShops have been designed with these changes in mind and to make it as easy as possible for you to leverage these success factors. In the table below we’ve highlighted some of these and the associated features in our ecommerce packages to help ensure that your online shop is as successful as possible.

Success factors Advanced 1&1 Features

Social selling Sales people that use social media outperform those that don’t. On average only 3-5% of prospects are ready to buy, social media helps fi nd, research and communicate with them until their ready to make a purchase.

Integrated Facebook Shop Create your own Facebook shop and offer products from your 1&1 eShop on the largest social network in the world.

Customer communication Customers spend more with busi-nesses they know, like and trust so it’s increasingly important to build rapport and communicate.

Newsletters Included Use the 1&1 Newsletter Tool to attract new customers and keep existing customers coming back.

Cross-sellingIt’s easier and more cost-effective to sell more products to existing customers, than to attract new  sales from new customers.

Automatic Cross-selling Offer recommended products with ease, e.g. if a customer orders wine, your 1&1 eShop enables you to automatically recommend glasses.


Success factors Advanced 1&1 Features

Ratings and ReviewsPositive product reviews are a major factor in driving sales in eCommerce, customers are more likely to believe the reviews of other customers than companies themselves.

Reviews Made EasyUse your 1&1 eShop to fi nd out what your customers think about your products, and give them the opportunity to have their say.

Search Engine OptimisationTo get sales you fi rst have to attract customers. Good search engine optimisation will get your eShop found.

Enhanced Online VisibilityTake advantage of 1&1 SEO tools to improve your ranking on search engines.

Amazon and eBay® shopsIf you’re still building your brand selling on well-known and trusted platforms such as Amazon and eBay® can help give your brand credibility.

Access to Major MarketplacesSell your products on eBay, Amazon and many more marketplaces with just a few clicks.


What’s What?

Cross-selling Cross-selling is a sales technique, it’s the action of selling an additional product or service to an existing customer. For example, if a customer orders some bottles of wine, suggest some perfect wine glasses to go with them. For the 1&1 eShops we offer two types of cross-selling:

Manual cross-selling: Whether accessories, supplements or alternative products, with cross-selling the customer receives hints of what they might also want while viewing a product

Automatic cross-selling: Additional items are presented by statistical analysis of another buyer behaviors (customers who brought X also brought Y)

Domain name Just like a street address determines the recipient of a letter, an IP address is used to identify computers on the Internet. IP addresses are sequences of numbers, such as and websites are identifi ed by this IP address. As it is easier for a user to identify text rather than a series of numbers, an IP address is mapped into a domain name. For example www.1and1.co.uk is a domain name, it is easier to store and is more recognisable for your website user/visitor. To enable your customers to access your eShop on the Internet, you need an domain. Of course, you can also link your domain to an existing website

Internet address (domain) of a sample eShop

For more information on domain names please see our 1&1 Domain Guide

Dedicated IP A Dedicated IP is a unique Internet address dedicated exclusively to a single hosting account. Dedicated IP addresses are usually used for large SSL-encrypted secure websites and particularly large and/or traffi c-heavy sites.

eTracker eTracker provides you with valuable insights into optimising your shop. It allows you see how people use in your shop, through Visitor Motion, Page Feedback and Visitor Voice.

The eCommerce industry is full of complex terminology and acronyms, but sometimes the technical jargon can be overwhelming! In this section, we’ll break down and simplify terms used frequently in relation to eShops, to explain what they really mean.


Geo-redundancy Thanks to our sophisticated infrastructure and geo-redundancy, 1&1 offers the highest standard of reliability and security. Your data is stored simultaneously in two of our high-performance data centres in two separate locations. If one data centre fails, the system switches to the second, ensuring your data is always available. We also carry out daily backups of the entire infrastructure for maximum availability.

HTML Elements HMTL, otherwise known as HyperText Markup Language, is the main language for creating web pages , they form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded, the user does not see the HTML coding, but uses it to interpret the content of the page. In packages, 1&1 eShop Basic, 1&1 eShop Plus and 1&1 eShop Unlimited, free HTML Elements are offered. These elements allow you to add your own HTML as content blocks in your shop.

https:// Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, otherwise known as HTTPS, is a communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network. When a customer is shopping on the internet, the HTTPS provides an authentication of the website and the associated web server, which protects against ‘attacks’. A website must be completely hosted over HTTPS, without having some of its contents loaded over HTTP, or the user will be vulnerable to some attacks and surveillance. See SSL Certifi cates for more details on this.

Merchant accounts A merchant account is a type of bank account that allows businesses to accept payments by payment cards, typically debit or credit cards. In some cases a payment processor, independent sales organisation (ISO), or member service provider (MSP) is also a party to the merchant agreement, such as Sage Pay and PayPal™.

Payment Gateway A payment gateway is an eCommerce application service provider, that authorises credit card payments for eBusinesses and online retailers. Payment gateways protect details by encrypting sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, to ensure that information is passed securely between the customer and the merchant.


RSS Feeds An RSS Feed uses a family of standard web feed formats to publish frequently updated information, this is good for blog entries, news headlines, audio, video content. For your eShop, content from other websites may be integrated via RSS data format dynamically within your own content. This is only available with the 1&1 eShop Unlimited package.

SEO This stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is the process of getting traffi c from the free, organic, editorial or natural listings on search engines. All major search engines such as Google™, Yahoo!® and Bing have such results, where web pages and other content is shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users. SEO cockpit helps you to perfectly optimise your online presence for search engines.

SEM This stands for Search Engine Marketing. This is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimisation and advertising. SEM may use SEO, to adjust or rewrite website content to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages.

SSL Certifi cate An SSL Certifi cate is a means of encrypting personal data transmitted over the Internet. Data between the web server and website visitors is exchanged in encryption mode, protecting personal data such as bank details and customer information from unauthorised access. An SSL connection can be identifi ed by the https:// in the address line of the browser – so a visitor can tell that communication with the website can’t be monitored by any third party.

Please note: The basket pages of your 1&1 eShop is automatically SSL encrypted. However, if you want to use the benefi ts of SSL encryption for your whole eShop rather than just the basket page, you can purchase an SSL certifi cate for the shop‘s domain in your existing customer shop.

Trusted Shops Trust is a key selling point in eCommerce. 1&1 eShops come with the seal of approval by Trusted Shops®, who also provide legal templates.

Up-selling Up-selling is a sales technique whereby a seller encourages the customer to purchase a more expensive item, an upgrade, or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profi table sale.


1&1 Internet Limited 1and1.co.uk

If you have any questions, please contact us:

Sales & Support: 0333 336 5509

E-mail: [email protected]

or visit the 1&1 Help Centre

1&1 Internet Limited Discovery House 154 Southgate Street Gloucester GL1 2EX