white flint urban design draft guidelines may2010

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  • 8/9/2019 White Flint Urban Design Draft Guidelines May2010


    White FlintUrban Design Guidelines


    May 2010

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    White Flint Design Guidelines | Dra | May 20102

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    White Flint Design Guidelines | Dra | May 2010 3

    How to use the GuidelinesUrban Design Principles

    Introduc onVision

    Design Objec ves


    Open SpaceBuildings

    DistrictsMetro West DistrictMetro East District

    Mid-Pike Plaza DistrictNoBe DistrictMaple Avenue District

    Nebel DistrictNRC District

    White Flint Mall District








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    White Flint Design Guidelines | Dra | May 2010 5

    Urban Design Principles





    Urban Design Guidelines help implement the recommenda ons of approved and adopted master plansand sector plans. They provide informa on on how plan recommenda ons, Zoning Ordinance, andRoad Code requirements can be met; the area or district context for individual sites; and best prac ceideas for building and site design.

    The planning process is structured in a hierarchy of decisions:

    Master and sector plan recommenda ons provide the vision for a speci c area.Zoning Ordinance and other codes establish standards and regula ons for development.Design Guidelines provide the inspira on and sugges ons to ful ll the Plans vision, and serve asa problem-solving tool.

    The guidelines are developed through work with property owners, residents, ins tu ons, interestgroups, and Execu ve agencies. They are approved by the Planning Board for use by planning sta indeveloping and evalua ng proposed building projects and other applica ons. They will be revised andupdated as necessary.

    With the excep on of street standards and other speci c recommenda ons included in the plan,the Guidelines are not regula ons that mandate speci c forms and loca ons for buildings and openspace. They illustrate how plan recommenda ons and principles might be met, and encourageapplicants and public agencies to propose designs that create an a rac ve and successful publicrealm.

    The examples included are intended to frame discussions regarding building design in a exible waywithout prescribing speci c solu ons.

    The 2009 White Flint Sector Plan is available online atmontgomeryplanning.org/community/white int

    How to Use the Guidelines

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    White Flint Design Guidelines | Dra | May 20106

    The White Flint Sector Plan envisions a vibrantnew urban center organized around the Metrosta on and along Rockville Pike (MD 355). ThePlans vision establishes policies for transformingan auto-oriented suburban development pa erninto an urban center of residences where people

    walk to work, shops, and transit.

    These guidelines describe the elements that willmake the center a place. To that end, the guide -lines:

    suggest techniques to create developmentthat is sustainable and transit accessiblecreate a grid of streets that will establish walk -able blocks with local services within shortdistancesestablish design parameters for public spacesto serve all communi esencourage excellence in the design of thebuildings that form the streets and open spac -es.



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    Design Objectives

    The Plan promotes mixed use, diverse communi esclustered around transit service, variety of urban publicspaces and protec on of environmental resources.Walkable communi es and an a rac ve public realm arehigh priori es. The priori es outlined in the White FlintSector Plan can be summarized in four interconnected


    Connec vity

    Improve how people connect to transit, services, andentertainment, and open space by:

    Establish a grid of streets to improve access for vehicles,pedestrians, and bicyclistsPromo ng con nuous building facades along streets,to de ne and ac vate the public realm;Providing reduced vehicular speeds to increasepedestrian safety;Improving safety at pedestrian crossings.


    Reduce our impact on the natural environment by:Improving air quality by crea ng walkable environmentsto reduce reliance on car usage;Promo ng innova ve stormwater management

    techniques and reducing imperviousness ;Promo ng energy conserva on and genera onas a primary building and public space designconsidera on;Encouraging building massing distribu on thatimproves air ow and access to natural light;Promi ng the integra on of recognizable sustainablecomponents into the design of buildings and publicplaces


    Apply sustainable principles to the way we build and howwe live by: Promo ng compact development and smarter buildings

    to reduce impact on the natural environment; Encouraging pedestrian ac vity by enhancing the

    connec ons between local ins tu ons, services, openspaces, and transit.


    Create a true mix of choices in how and where we live by: Recommending land use pa erns that create a mix of

    homes, jobs, shopping, and public places; Recommending the crea on of housing op ons that can

    accommodate a range of ages and family needs; Crea ng an a rac ve urban environment that will a ract

    people of all ages, incomes and ethnici es.

    The Design Guidelines will use these categories to organizethe descrip ons of the various planning areas, and thedescrip ons of the urban design elements that will shapethe future of White Flint.

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    Guidelines for Streets

    The guidelines incorporate the Road Codes dimensional standardsfor street sec ons and go beyond to further describe streetcharacter that is not covered in the Road Code. Any devia on fromthe Road Code standards will require a waiver. Final route andright-of-way details will be determined through regulatory review.Design objec ves will be:

    Hierarchical Street GridEstablish a grid of streets to improve access for vehicles, pedestri -ans, and bicyclists.

    Underground U li esAll u li es should be accomodated underneath sidewalk pavingwithin the ROW limits, to be coordinated by MCDOT and u litycompanies.

    Walkable BlocksCreate short blocks to expand pedestrian access, maximize buildingfrontage and increase sidewalk ac vity.

    Walkable Rockville PikeTransform Rockville Pike into an urban Boulevard lined with streetfacing buildings, a landscaped median, improved tree canopy, andsafe crosswalks.

    Safe Intersec onsRecommend crosswalks at all intersec ons to improve pedestrianaccess and safety.

    White Flint Sector Plan

    Page 19 - The Plan recommends transforming the area into a greaturban place by recon guring its mobility system. The exis ng streetnetwork will be recons tuted into a hierarchical grid system and theproposed new streets will form smaller grids that provide access tonew development. The transit system will expand to include local aswell as circulator bus service and convenient pedestrian access.

    Rockville Pike

    Sector PlanMin. R.O.W.: 150 Lanes: 6

    GuidelinesParking: O -peak

    Trees: 40-45 o.c.Sidewalk: Per RoadCodeSetback: 14 west side

    WMATA Easement east sideStreet Wall: 42-60 H. maxMedian: Planted with turning lanes

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    Nicholson LaneArterial Street

    Sector PlanMin. R.O.W.: 90 Lanes: 4

    GuidelinesParking: None

    Trees: 40-45 o.c.Sidewalk: Per RoadCodeSetback: NoneStreet Wall: 42-60 H. maxMedian: Turning lane

    Old Georgetown RoadArterial Street

    Sector PlanMin. R.O.W.: 120 Lanes: 4

    GuidelinesParking: O -peak

    Trees: 40-45 o.c.Sidewalk: Per RoadCodeSetback: NoneStreet Wall: 42-60 H. maxMedian: Planted with turning lanes


    Business StreetMarket Street

    Sector PlanMin. R.O.W.: 70 Lanes: 2

    GuidelinesParking: Both sides

    Trees: 40-45 o.c.Sidewalk: Per RoadCodeSetback: NoneStreet Wall: 42-60 H. maxMedian: None

    Sector PlanMin. R.O.W.: 70 Lanes: 2

    GuidelinesParking: Both sides

    Trees: 40-45 o.c.Sidewalk: Per RoadCodeSetback: 22 north sideStreet Wall: 42-60 H. maxMedian: None

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    Narrow EntranceMinimize width of entranceand egress lanes.

    Access off Side StreetProvide side street accessto minimize traf c impact

    Wrapped Parking DeckPlace garage centrallywithin the block

    Access off AlleyMinimize curb cuts, providegarage access from alley

    Minimize Street ExposureReduce the amount of thegarage facade facing thestreet.

    Ground Floor FrontageIf possible, activate ground

    oor with retail or other uses.


    White Flint Sector Plan

    Page 55 - The Plan recommends encouraging provision of publicparking by private development through incen ves in the CR Zone.It also recommendsd establishing a parking management author -ity to assisit in the management of parking demand, and promoteshared parking e ciencies.

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    Guidelines for Open Space

    A successful public space system is made up of a variety of spaces or -ganized hierarchically; spaces of di erent size, use, and ownership.Large open green areas, frequent in suburban landscapes, are sup -plemented by smaller spaces in an urban environment. The WhiteFlint public space system will provide a range of public spaces tomeet a variety of needs. As the area develops, it is cri cal that meet -ing the public use space requirement works toward crea ng ac veurban places. Loca on and orienta on of open space must reinforcethe goal of crea ng spaces fronted with ac ve uses.

    All public use spaces should include some of the following designelements:

    High visibility from sidewalks, streets and buildingsAccessible to all

    Sustainable design na ve plants requiring minimal mainte - nance, manipula on of rainwater for natural irriga on, plantsthat provide pest control and require non-organic treatmentOpportuni es for shade or sun, with water elements to o er asensory change and so ening of urban noise and wind protec -

    onRange of ac ve and passive uses with the necessary infrastruc -ture to promote exibilityOpportuni es for art placementSeamless integra on with adjacent public right-of-way space.

    White Flint Sector Plan

    Page 22 - The Plan recommends a hierarchical open space systemin which each space contributes variety in func on and se ng. Arecrea on loop connects the public use spaces, which will include:

    an ac ve urban parka central civic greenurban plazas at each cluster of o ces, residences, or shopsa neighborhood green for each neighborhoodprivate recrea on space for each building

    Central Civic GreenPrimary open space for major celebra -

    ons and public gatherings.

    Neighborhood Open SpaceMee ng place and landmark openspace serving as focus for each neigh -borhood or district.

    Public Use SpacePlazas, small urban parks, and throughblock pedestrian ways provided andmaintained by individual projects aspart of the public use space require -ment.

    Ameni es and Facili esRoof gardens, recrea on rooms, bal -cony/terrace/deck/pa o, or day carefacili es provided by individual proper -

    es for the use of building occupants.

    Objec ves

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    Active Urban ParkA public park on the grounds of the Aqua c Center. New facili es will beinden ed and priori zed during the update of the Facility Master Plan forWall Park. Design features should include:

    Provisions for a variety of sports and tness ac vi es

    Loca ons for public art Designated areas for passive recrea onPreserva on of exis ng trees and an augmented tree bu er zone alongOld Georgetown Road and Nicholson LanePedestrian access to streets and sidewalks on all sides of the parkConsidera ons for the reloca on of the exis ng surface parking for theAqua c Center.

    Neighborhood Open SpacePrivately developed public use space that will serve as focal point for mostlyresiden al areas by providing a place for gatherings and informal ac vi es.Design features should include:

    Provide as part of the public use space requirement for proper es to bere-developedApproximately one half acre areaFlexible space for a variety of public gatherings with focal points andso er areasCould be provided as part of a public use spaces system

    Central Civic Green

    The Central Civic Green will be a publicly owned open space to be locatedwithin the Metro West District, on the same block as the Conference Center.This space will be designed for both individual enjoyment and large publicgatherings. The design of this space will require:

    Appropria on of a one to two acre area for this useFlexible space for a variety of public gatheringsLoca ons for public artMay incorporate the closing of adjacent streets for special eventsDecora ve ligh ng and paving

    Open Space Types

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    Open Space Types

    Urban Plazas

    Amenities and Facilities

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    Recreation Loop

    Open Space Types

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    Guidelines for Buildings

    Building design can enhance pedestrian ac vity. Various buildingcomponents can work together to ensure that public spaces arounda building are places where pedestrians can experience quality of place.

    Build-to lines: Establish minimum setbacks from the right-of-way where a percentage of the ground oor frontage must belocated.Podium height: The podium is the lower massing component of a mixed-use structure. It is the por on of the building locatedclosest to the street, and as such de nes the pedestrian levelspace. It is the tallest part of a building the pedestrian can see

    in White Flint the minimum should be three to ve oors of ac ve uses.Stepback or Podium setback: Distance the taller component of a building is set back into the property to separate it from thebase or podium. Generally this distance should be 10 to 15.Width of the taller por on: Reduces the perceived bulk of abuilding (discussed below)

    White Flint Sector Plan

    Page 21 - The Plan recommends a range of building heights to en -sure compa bility with a variety of exis ng condi ons, both withinand adjacent to the sector plan area. Maximum building heights of 300 feet are permi ed nearest the Metro sta on, tapering downto 40 feet or lower in close proximity to surrounding residen alneighborhoods.

    Buildings should be sited and designed with sensi vity for their ef -fect on light, shadows, and air circula on for the occupants of thoseand neighboring buildings.

    Building heigths and dis nc ve architecture should accentuateimportant intersec ons along Rockville Pike. Within each district,signature buildings near the maximum height are allowed and desir -able to create gateways or focal points.

    Building ComponentsMixed-use structures shall have a lower component (po -dium) that will de ne and contain the street and a tallercomponent (tower), to concentrate density upward.

    3. Podiums - The lower oors of a mixed use structure. Thisshall be the part of the structure establishing continuity withadjacent buildings. Height will vary: 2 to 5 stories, dependingon location - see district diagrams.

    2. Towers - Any portion of a mixed-use structure extendingabove the podium oors. Can accumulate density and stillallow for light and air ow. They shall be set back or locatedto reduce their impact on the streets below.Maximum height: 143 ft - see district diagrams for locations.

    1. Building Tops - Distintive building tops shall be encour -aged in towers reaching maximum height levels, or depend -ing on the prominence of their location in the area.




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    Mix of Building TypesVarious building types will combine to for a singleurban environment. Compa bility between buildingcomponents in adajacent structures will be impor -tant to establish con nuity in the urban realm.

    Smaller Buildings: Maintain continu-ity with adjacent building podiums, anduse their lower scale as transition tolower density neighborhoods adjacentto most planning areas.

    Larger Buildings: Podiums heightshall range between 2 and 5 oors,and will connect and/or transition toadjacent buildings.

    1. Transition BuildingsResidential3 Stories35 to 48 feet high

    2. Mixed-Use BuildingsRetail ground oor Of ce or residential above3 to 5 stories high

    3. Tower+ Base Mixed-UseRetail ground oor Of ce or residential above3 to 5 stories high100 to 250 feet high tower 3 2 1

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    Street De ning BuildingsPedestrian priority streets will be de ned by consistentstreet walls. Building podiums shall meet build-to lines onboth sides of the street where indicated on district maps.

    2. Street Wall - Permit breaks along street walls on blockfrontages 200 feet or longer. Breaks shall be away fromblock corners, and are not permited on retail priority streets.

    1. Podium Height -Shall range between 3 and 5 stories, asindicated on street sections.

    Building street wall to meet built-to line.




    3. Podiums - Podiums should meet built-to walls at corners.Facade articulation is strongly encouraged

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    Building TowersLoca on of building towers shall be carefully considered toreduce their visual impact on pedestrian priority streets.

    3. Corners - Tower full height may be expressed at corners,as part of building articulation. Street wall continuity must bemaintained through articulation.

    2. Street Wall Recess - Tower full height may be fullyshown in relation to frontal open space or setcback fromright-of-way.

    1. Setback - Encouraged on streets with right-of way of 70feet or less. Amount of setback shall be determined by build-ings structure, but shall be no less than 15 f eet.

    Possible Retail

    4. Tower Separation - Podiums should meet built-to wallsat corners. Facade articulation is strongly encouraged

    Upper Base Tower






    5. Tower Alignment - Tower face may align with podiumface along streets with righ-of-way 80 feet or greater.

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    Urban CornersDesign Guidelines include recommenda ons for crea ng urbancorners that are safer for pedestrian and convenient for safety andservice vehicles.

    3. Vehicle turning radius - After clearing on-street parking, effectiveturning radius should be 30 feet in the recommended con guration.

    2. Design Guidelines - Guidelines recommend a tighter corner radius (15 feet shown), a double ramp at the corner, and to waive thetruncation requirement in most urban streets. Ramps should alignwith path of fpedestran travel and street crossings.

    1. MCDOT -Higlighted area indicates sidewalks and required corner truncation per MCDOT standards at the intersection of two hypotheti -cal streets. A corner radius of 30 ft is shown. This standard requiresa single handicapped ramp (not shown) oriented t owards the center

    of the intersection.

    Focus Elements



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    Facade Arcticulation

    Facades shall be ar culated to promote pedestrian ac vity and enhanceoverall urban environment.

    Guidelines:Ground oor shall incorporate the buildings most public and ac ve1.spaces to ac vate the street.Facade organiza on should allow for ac ve ground oor uses to be vis -2.ible from the street. Frontages for retail use shall be as transparent asfeasible. Avoid long stretches of blank walls; if required, provide ar cu -la on to minimize their impact on the pedestrian realm.Provide ver cal ar cula on along street walls to reduce their visual3.length.Design building entrances to be prominent elements in the street front -4.age.


    Design new buildings for op mizing energy performance and resource con -serva on. All new development shall meet LEED standards.

    Wind generally accelerates down the face of a building making a podium a nec -essary component to divert downward winds before reaching pedestrian areas,therefore increasing comfort levels within the pedestrian zone.Long base walls can create a wind tunnel type of e ect if no ar cula on is pro -

    vided along with building elements to interrupt and disperse the wind ow.Wider spacing between the taller building por ons allows for sunlight to reachbetween buildings.Taller buildings with narrower oor plates will cast a longer shadow than a build -ing that is shorter and wider. A longer shadow moves faster across any singlepoint on the ground, reducing the impact of the building on adjacent pedestrianareas meaning taller narrower buildings have less impact than wider, shorterbuildings of similar oor area.Anchoring corners should be an integral building func on

    Addi onal Objec ves

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    Design Excellence

    Architectural design quality must improve beyond what has been builtrecently in the County, par cularly in the residen al sector. Good designenhances building sustainability, as more people will choose to live in at -trac ve and accessible structures. This will be especially important in theearly stages of White Flint growth, when it will compete for users with more

    established areas in the region.

    To achieve this, a diverse building product is needed to a ract the growththat has gone or may go to other jurisdic ons. Modern design, lo struc -tures, and innova ve building materials would aide in advancing the causeof be er design.

    To achieve a higher design standard, discussions between planning designsta and property owners will be strongly encouraged early in the designprocess. Buildings must always be considered in the context of the streetand established design goals for the sector. Owners must consider thesegoals when poten al tenants are courted. The pad lot parcels are no lon -ger viewed as sites for single story fast food na onal chains or drug stores.The architecture of these uses needs to t in with the vision outlined in theSector Plan.

    Design StrategiesUse contemporary building materialsCreate walls with higher percentages of glass to both lighten the struc -ture and improve building performance.Require excellence in the design of all public structures

    Architectural Character

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    DistrictsWhite Flint Sector Plan

    Page 26 - The Plan describes White Flint as an urban center including eight districts: Metro West, MetroEast, Mid-Pike, Nobe, Maple Avenue, Nebel, NRC, and White Flint Mall. It also describes individualdistricts as follows:

    Metro West and Metro East Districts: will form the core of White Flint at the Metro Sta on

    Mid-Pike District: envisoned as a regional marketplaceWhite Flint Mall District: has the greatest poten al for a series of new neighborhoods, includingtransit oriented development centered at the proposed MARC sta onNobe District: ve blocks that contain exis ng o ce development and new mixed-use developmentMaple Avenue, NRC, and Nebel Districts: house long term public uses such as the MontgomeryCounty Pre-release center, Washington Gas facility, or the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

    All districts have poten al to unify exis ng and new developments into a more coherent urban pa ern,and create new neighborhoods.


    Refer to the1. Guidelines for Streets (page 10)for general guidelines regarding urban streets,parking, and pedestrian links.Guidelines recommenda ons within the2.public R.O.W. require coordina on with theMontgomery County Department of Transpor -ta on.Proposed streets should be compa ble in3.character with business streets, and be con -

    structed to similar standards.Actual loca ons where retail opera ons are4.feasible will be discussed during the projectreview process.

    Open Spaces

    Refer to the1. Guidelines for Open Space (page 14)for general guidelines regarding privately developedpublic use space that serves as neighborhood gath -ering space.The Sector Plan may recommend a certain amount2.of open space to be allocated for neighborhoodopen space, as part of the open space required byzoning.


    Refer to1. Guidelines for Buildings (page 18) for generalguidelines regarding loca on of street walls alongbuilt-to lines, building mass distribu on, facade ar cu -la on, and urban corners.Locate maximum building heights along Rockville Pike,2.closest to the Metro Sta on (see district diagrams).Priori ze the establishment of consistent street walls3.along public streets. Character at other adjacentstreets should be compa ble.

    Consider signature structures or signi cant building4. gestures at prominent loca onsLocate and size taller building components to reduce5.the impact of their cast shadows on streets and publicuse spaces.

    General Notes

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    Metro West District

    BoundariesNorth - Old Georgetown Road between RockvillePike and Old Old Georgetown RoadEast - Rockville Pike between Old GeorgetownRoad and Nicholson Lane

    West - Old Old Georgetown Road between OldGeorgetown Road and Nicholson LaneSouth - Nicholson Lane between Old OldGeorgetown Road and Rockville Pike

    FeaturesNorth Bethesda Conference CenterWall Park and the Aqua c CenterThe Wisconsin and The Grand Apartments

    Area54 Acre (approx)

    Allow for on-street parking along both sides of new business1.streets, and along Old Georgetown Road (to be approved byMCDOT).Re-aling Execu ve Blvd. to meet Mid-Pike Spine Street to the2.north.Create Market Street running east-west , north of the Confer -3.

    ence Center. Allow for a 22 setback from the public R.O.Wto create the Market Street Promenade.

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    Taller building components should eb concentrated close to1.the Metro sta on.Locate and size taller building components to reduce the2.impact of their cast shadows on streets and public usespaces below.Lower building components should meet built-to lines3.

    in areas shown. Smalle pocket urban spaces, and facadear cula on are encouraged, and wil be reviewd during teplan review process.

    Allow space along Execu ve Blvd, Old georgetown Rd,1.and Nicholson Lane for the crea on of the inner ring of the Recrea on Loop.Use setbacks along northern edge of Market Street for2.the Market Street Promenade.Coordinate Promenade with nal loca on of Civic3.

    Green.Provide signage as needed to indicate connec ons4.between the recrea on loop and i ts extensions intoneighboring districts.

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    Metro East District

    BoundariesNorth - Southern boundary of Maple AvenuedistrictEast - Nebel Street between Marinelli St. andMaple AvenueWest - Rockville Pike between Marinelli St. andthe southern boundary of Maple Avenue district.South - Marinelli Street between Rockville Pikeand Nebel Street

    FeaturesWhite Flint Metro Sta on.Market Street will run east-west through the cen -ter of the district.


    Coordinate new streets around Metro sta on with proposed1.northern Metro Entrance work.Ensure contuni ty of streetscape around districts perimeter.2.

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    Coordinate contunuity of recrea on loop around district,1.and its alignment with segments adjoining neighboringdistricts.Coordinate Promenade along McGrath Blvd with Market2.Street Promenade on the western side of Rockville Pike.Provide termina on for the Rockville Pike Promenade in3.coordina on with proposed new Metro sta on northernentrance.

    Ac va ng uses should line areas designated as built-to lines1.to ensure pedestrian ac vity along the outer perimeter of the district.

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    Mid-Pike Plaza District

    BoundariesNorth - Montrose ParkwayEast - Rockville Pike between Montrose Parkwayand Old Georgetown RoadWest - Old Old Georgetown Road betweenMontrose Parkway and Old Georgetown RoadSouth - Old Georgetown Road

    FeaturesDirect access to Montrose Parkway to the north

    Area29 Acre (approx)

    Proposed streets should be compa ble in character with business streets, and be1.constructed to similar standards.Allow for on-street parking along both sides of new business streets, and along2.Old Georgetown Road (to be approved by MCDOT).Retail loca ons indicated on diagram are intended to illustrate the need for retail3.ac vity to anchor development at key block corners. Market forces will dictate

    actual loca ons where retail opera ons are feasible; these will be discussed dur -ing the project review process.

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    Locate maximum building heights along Rockville Pike. Concentrate tallest ele -1.ments around the south eastern corner of the district.Priori ze the establishment of consistent street walls along public streets. Char -2.acter at other adjacent streets should be compa ble.Consider signature structures or signi cant building gestures at prominent loca -3.

    ons, such as the corner of Rockville Pike and Old Georgetown Road, the corner

    of Old Georgetown Road and Old Old Georgetown Road, or the northern termi -nus of Mid-Pike Spine street.Locate and size taller building components to reduce the impact of their cast4.shadows on streets and public use spaces below.

    The Sector Plan recommends a combined total of one acre to be used as public1.open space for this district. Symbols designate approximate loca ons for possibleprominent public use spaces. Final loca ons for these, and also opportuni es forsupplementary (smaller) urban plazas and amenity spaces, should be establishedduring the project review process.Neighborhood open spaces should be de ned by surrounding building walls on2.

    at least three sides on a mid-block loca on, or two sides on a corner loca on.Spaces for public use should be located to reduce extended periods of shadow3.coverage from surrounding buildings.Provide signage along Mid-Pike Spine Streets sidewalk (either side) to indicate4.connec ons to the Recrea on Loop to the south, and the various public usespaces within the district.

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    NoBe District

    BoundariesNorth - Nicholson Lane between Execu ve Blvd.and Rockville PikeEast - Rockville Pike, betwen Nicholson Lane andHillery WayWest - Woodglen Drive from Nicholson Lane tosouthern sector plan boundarySouth - Southern sector plan boundary

    FeaturesNorth Bethesda Market ProjectWSSC water storage facility


    Streetscape elements along business streets should extend into proposed streets1.to ensure pedestrian con nuity.Encourage compa bility of and alignmets of streetscape elements between2.newly constructed and future developments along Rockville Pike.

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    Distribute ac va ng uses along designated built-to line to ensure pedestrian ac -1.va on along the more dense areas of the district, and to encourage pedestrian

    ac vity along Rockville Pike.

    Provide signage along designated recrea on loop extensions Spine Streets side -1.walk (either side) to indicate connec ons to the main ring of the Recrea on Loopto the north, and public use spaces in adjacent districts.

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    Maple Avenue District

    BoundariesNorth - Montrose ParkwayEast - Nebel Street bewteen Montrose Parkwayand extended Maple AvenueWest - Rockville Pike south of Montrose ParkwaySouth - Maple Avenue Extended

    FeaturesDirect access to Montrose Parkway

    Area24 Acre (approx)

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    Allow a signature element to be located on the corner of 1. Randolph Road and nebel Street, to serve as gateway tothe sector.

    Provide neighborhood open space to a ract pedestrian1. ac vity fron neighboring districts, and to serve futureresidents and

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    White Flint Design Guidelines | Dra | May 201038

    Nebel District

    BoundariesNorth - Montrose ParkwayEast - CSX Transporta on tracksWest - Nebel Street between Montrose Parkwayand Nicholson LaneSouth - Nicholson Lane

    FeaturesClose access to proposed MARC sta on

    Area23 Acre (approx)

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    Encourage signature building elements as part of new development at the inter -1.sec on between Nebel street and Old georgetown Road, and at the corner of Nebel and Randolph Road.

    Include public use space as part of new development to serve as termina on of 1.Old Georgetown Roads east end.Recosntruc on of Nebel street should include provisions for the recrea on loops2.inner ring.

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    White Flint Design Guidelines | Dra | May 201040

    NRC District

    BoundariesNorth - Marinelli Road between Rockville Pike andNebel StreetEast - Nebel Street bewteen Marinelli Street andNicholson LaneWest - Rockville Pike between Marinelli Street andNicholson LaneSouth - Nicholson Lane between Rockville Pikeand CSX Transporta on tracks

    FeaturesHome to the Nuclear Regulatory CommissionStrathmore Court Residen al DevelopmentWMATA Bus facility

    Area38 Acre (approx)

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    White Flint Mall District

    BoundariesNorth - Nicholson Lane, from Rockville Pike to CSXtracksEast - CSX Transporta on tracksWest - Rockville Pike between Nicholson Lane andHillery WaySouth - Hillery Way west of Rockville Pike, and thenorthern edge of Garret Park Estates to the eastof Rockvile Pike

    FeaturesWMATA Easement along western district edgeWhite Flint Malls main buildingWhite Flint Park on the southeastern corner

    Area88 Acre (approx)

    Encourage new development to include pedestrian connec ons to bridge be -1.tween the proposed Rockville Pike Promenade, and retail ac vity along extendedHu Court.Encourage development of a pedestrian link to connect the Rockville Pike Prom -2.enade with the proposed loca on of the MARC sta on along the eastern edge of the district.

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