where can you use . . . mechanical-drive turbines?

BOILER-FEED PUMP ADJUSTABLE-SPEED DRIVE A General Electric turbine, equipped with a special governor, provides any de- sired speed regulation. CENTRIFUGAL PU/.'.P EXPLOSION HAZARDS A mechanical-drive turbine can often eliminate the need for costly explosion-proof en- closures in explosive atmos- pheres. ROTARY KILN HOT OR DAMP ATMOS- PHERES A General Electric mechanical-drive turbine is not usually affected by high temperatures or excessive moisture. STAND-BY DRIVE As an aux- iliary drive for boiler pumps, fire-fighting equipment, etc., a small turbine starts fast, needs no warm up. BLOWERS A N D . COMPRES- SORS A General Electric mechanical-drive turbine can be used to operate high- speed blowers and compres- sors without gear reduction. GENERATOR ELECTRIC POWER FROM STEAM A small turbine, coupled to an electric gener- ator, can produce economical, by-product power. In mitny chemical plants where low-pressure steam is used for processing, General Electric mechanical-drive turbines are doing double duty—and producing worthwhile power savings. First, they act as reducing valves to bring high- pressure process steam down to utilization levels and, second, they provide low-cost power to drive a wide vari- ety of? processing machinery such as pumps, blowers, com- pressors, milling machinery, and kilns. Some of the appli- cation possibilities for small turbines in chemical plants are illustrratecl at the left. You can probably think of other uses in your own plant. Wherever you apply them, you'll find chat General Electric mechanical-drive turbines are simpl-e, efficient drives, easy to install and easy to maintain. They are not usually aiFected by hot or damp atmospheres and \rery often can be safely used in hazardous areas. They start fast, and their speed can be controlled within close limits. Take advantage of the savings they can provide now! QUICK DELIVERY Yes—you can get standard (single-stage, shaft-governed) turbines in a hurry—average delivery time is 15 weeks from receipt of order and complete application information. Ratings up to 800 hp are available. To be sure you select the right turbine for the right job, General Electric specialists are ready to help—specialists with a broad experience in chemical plant electrical equipment problems and with a thorough knowledge of turbines. Ask for their advice and recommendations. Apparatus Dept., General Electric Co., Schenectady 5, Ν. Υ. GENERAL « ELECTRIC 2420 CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS where can you use . . . mechanical-drive TURBINES? BALL MILL BLOWER

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Page 1: where can you use . . . mechanical-drive TURBINES?


ADJUSTABLE-SPEED DRIVE A Genera l Electric turbine, e q u i p p e d wi th a special governor , p rov ides any d e ­sired speed regu la t ion.


E X P L O S I O N H A Z A R D S A mechanica l -dr ive turbine can o f ten el iminate the need fo r costly exp los ion-proof en­closures in exp los ive atmos­pheres.


HOT OR D A M P ATMOS­PHERES A G e n e r a l Electric mechanical -dr ive turbine is not usually a f f ec ted by h igh t e m p e r a t u r e s or e x c e s s i v e moisture.

STAND-BY DRIVE As an aux ­i l i a ry dr ive fo r boi ler pumps, f i re- f ight ing equ ipment , etc., a smal l turbine starts fast , needs no warm up.

BLOWERS A N D . COMPRES­SORS A Genera l Electric mechanical-dr ive turb ine can be used to ope ra te h igh ­speed blowers and compres­sors without gear reduct ion.


ELECTRIC POWER F R O M S T E A M A s m a l l t u r b i n e , coup led to an electric gener ­a to r , can produce economical , by -p roduc t power .

In mitny chemical plants w h e r e low-pressure steam is used for processing, General Electr ic mechanical-drive turbines are doing double duty—and producing w o r t h w h i l e power savings. First, they act as reducing valves to b r ing h igh -pressure process steam d o w n to ut i l izat ion levels and, second, they provide low-cost power t o drive a wide vari­ety of? processing machinery such as pumps, blowers, com­pressors, milling machinery, and kilns. Some of the appli­cation possibilities for small turbines in chemical plants are illustrratecl a t the left. You can probably t h i n k of other uses i n your own plant. Wherever you apply them, you ' l l find cha t General Electric mechanical-drive turbines are simpl-e, efficient drives, easy to install and easy to maintain. They are not usually aiFected by hot or damp atmospheres and \rery often can be safely used in hazardous areas. They start fast, and their speed can be controlled w i t h i n close l imi ts . Take advantage of the savings they can provide now!

QUICK DELIVERY Y e s — y o u can g e t standard (s ingle-stage, sha f t - gove rned ) turbines in a h u r r y — a v e r a g e de l i ve ry t ime is 15 weeks f rom rece ip t o f o r d e r and c o m p l e t e app l i ca t i on in fo rmat ion . Ratings up t o 8 0 0 hp are a v a i l a b l e .

To be sure y o u select the r igh t turb ine f o r the r i gh t job , G e n e r a l Electric special ists a re r e a d y t o he lp—spec ia l i s t s wi th a b r o a d exper ience in chemical p l an t e lect r ica l equ ipment problems and w i th a thorough k n o w l e d g e of turbines. Ask f o r their adv ice a n d recommendat ions. Apparatus Dept., General Electric Co . , Schenectady 5, Ν. Υ.


where can you use . . .

mechanical-drive TURBINES?