when trinity moves to phase ii, we will first have to ... · he fasted for forty days and forty...


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Page 1: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of
Page 2: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2

Dear Friends, Towards the end of April, our national, civic, and diocesan leadership began to consider what a gradual return to business and social gatherings might look like. The bishops of The Episcopal Church have integrated guidelines from various healthcare and civil resources in their recommendations for congregations and other church institutions (such as church schools and church camps). The guidelines outline a series of phases towards a full return to public meetings and in-person worship. Every phase is related to CDC recommendations and governance decisions, which means that state and local timelines across the nation and dioceses may vary. However, most congregations, including Trinity, have been operating for the past several weeks in Phase I, characterized by a series of strategies intended to help slow the spread of the virus and protect membership. For example, we are livestreaming services and must keep our Sunday crew to only a handful of people who meet and operate by CDC recommendations for small group gatherings. When the timing and social indicators are right, Trinity can consider moving to Phase II, which would happen within the larger social context of the legal lifting of Governor Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” proclamation instituted at the end of March. The governor is lifting restrictions on businesses gradually. When restriction do become sufficiently modified, large group gatherings will still be prohibited and several CDC recommendations for gatherings of any kind will still be in place. However, in Phase II, small group gatherings (under 50 members) for worship and ministry meetings could occur, but only with the strict observance of social distancing guidelines. Those guidelines would include: 1) maintaining 6’ distance between people at all times, 2) all participants wearing non-medical grade masks, 3) no one 60 years old or above or with medical conditions that put them at greater risk, and 4) communion would be received in bread only. Phase III would look like returning to our usual in-person worship and social functioning. This would include a return to our usual educational opportunities, the return of Sunday School and Godly Play, the return of group meetings, and the return of public meetings to our campus (including the AA group). In Phase III, we would continue to urge good social hygiene and the use of hand sanitizer prior to receiving communion. Communicants could receive wine as well as bread in this phase. Many members of Trinity and visitors to our YouTube livestreamed services have asked if we can continue livestreaming our services even after we return to in-person worship. I think that is possible, but we would need to do some consultation on what it would take to make a permanent arrangement of the necessary equipment so that it does not inhibit the “traffic flow” of the worship experience. Right now everything is set up in the center aisle with cords going every which way they need to go. There could be a bit of cost involved in establishing a permanent fix, but we will look into all the possibilities.

Page 3: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to prepare procedures to ensure the sanitization and safety practices of service ministers such as altar guild members, greeters/ushers, acolytes, choir members, and money counters. Most of our active members in these ministries are 60 years old or older, so they would not be permitted to participate in Phase II in-person worship. Phase II requires a significant personal commitment from all participants to maintaining all CDC social hygiene and social distancing recommendations for small groups. Phase II worship services necessarily excludes participation by much of our membership and staff over 60 years of age. I would appreciate your input and reflection on this question: “Should Trinity plan for a Phase II initiative for some to gather (who meet the CDC recommendations) or wait for the full lifting of restriction in order for our full community to regather in Phase III?” Whatever we decide, there will be some portion of our community making a sacrifice on behalf of the rest – either younger folks remain home until all can join or older folks stay home while younger folks gather. Whatever we determine together, I tell you this with absolute certainty – when the time comes that we can all be together we are going to have the hugest celebration we can muster! I promise that there will be bells, trumpets, choir, and cake – LOTS of cake! In the meantime, I have prepared and included a chart summarizing the characteristics of the three phases that I have outlined above. As you consider the restrictions and requirements of a transition to Phase II, let me know if your questions and thoughts by emailing me HERE. I ask that we continue our prayers for all those affected by the coronavirus, their families, our first responders and healthcare workers, our civic leaders, those who are unemployed or facing financial challenges, and all those who labor every day to provide us with the food, social infrastructure, and support we need to endure through this time of global challenge. In Christ’s Peace, Pastor Rachel+ The Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton, Rector

Page 4: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

(Vestry Retreat 2016)

Page 5: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

General Service Schedule


8:00 AM

Morning Prayer Live Streamed

10:00 AM

Eucharist Service Live Streamed

Trinity’s YouTube Page

From the Senior Warden

Treasurer Tidbits &Stewardship Corner

Music Program News

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Wednesday Wisdom Fellowship

Daughters of the King

Auction Items Needed

Electronic Giving

Diaper Drive

Food Pantry Items Needed

Sunday Readings

Trinity Vestry

2019 Convention Delegates

Prayer List


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Page 6: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

Greetings, Trinity-at-Home Family,

I hope this month’s message finds you well, both physically and emotionally, as we continue to

weather the pandemic. It’s not easy to keep up the social distancing, mask-wearing, and extreme

handwashing practices which are keeping us all safe, but remember that we are doing this for each

other and the larger community. And it will eventually come to an end.

Trinity is also facing challenges during this time. Remember how overjoyed we were at the Annual

Meeting on January 26 to learn that we ended 2019 on sound financial footing and would have a

balanced budget for 2020? We were justifiably proud of ourselves and excited to move forward.

None of us foresaw how drastically things would change in three months. We are no longer able to

anticipate a balanced budget.

Many of you are continuing to keep up your pledges and contributions to Trinity, and for that we are

profoundly grateful. We still have expenses for such things as salaries, insurance, and utilities,

week after week, month after month. And now in May we face a major budget shortfall.

We were anticipating another successful Dinner/Auction fundraiser this month, and we were

expecting to make $10,000. The loss of those funds is a big hit to our 2020 budget.

I would like to propose a way to make up for that loss.

Most of us have received, or soon will receive, stimulus money from the federal government. For

those who have lost their jobs, this money will be a lifeline. For others of us, who haven’t lost jobs or

whose income is derived from pensions, social security, and the like, this money is more or less an

unexpected windfall. I would like to suggest that those of us who are able contribute a portion of

that windfall to a “COVID-19 Stimulus Relief for Trinity” fund.

If there are 20 families who can give $500, we would make up that $10,000. Or perhaps 100

families can give $100. Any amount will be gratefully accepted! If you choose to participate, please

mark your check for the “COVID-19 Stimulus Relief for Trinity” fund. If you contribute online, use the

“COVID-19 Stimulus Relief for Trinity” line in the Funds section of our donation page. Click HERE.

I will report back to you next month, when hopefully there will be better news about both the

pandemic and Trinity’s financial situation. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could close our budget gap

during May?!

Blessings to you all,

Carol Bartley, Senior Warden

Page 7: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

If you are like me it is hard to know what day it is, what week it is and what month it is right now as we are all getting used to this “new normal” that we seem to be living. It is certainly a different time that we are living into.

I want to take a moment to personally thank each of you that have found new ways to connect to Trinity and to continue to pay your pledge and make contributions, often in new ways. With our services being only live streamed, as you can imagine our plate and contribution dollars are down and through March our pledge dollars were also down, but only slightly under planned. So a huge thank you to all who have changed your given pattern to online via the donate now button on our webpage, signed up for automatic payments through Vanco (contact Kelly in the Church office if you would like to sign up now), or started texting your donation to 425-448-5814. If you are still mailing your checks into Trinity, thank you for this as well. I would request that you consider one of the online or electronic donation methods to help limit the handling of paper and mail in the office and the need for someone to physically go to the bank during this time of physical distancing.

As I discussed in last month’s Chimes, our fixed expenses continue and out Church office remains open and we continue to have services every Sunday, just live streamed, so that you can be connected to your Church family during this time. Many other congregations have no live streaming, are told to find a service online or have just their priest from home saying prayers. So, we are truly blessed to have Rev Rachel and her vision and drive to continue to operate as close to normal as possible. We are also blessed to have our technical team which include Emily, Troy and Nick, to help us facilitate the service life stream every Sunday morning.

So, you know, with income down, we have had to borrow from ourselves, via the dedicated funds savings to keep our cash flow going. We are tracking this and fully intend to replenish this when we are able. We have also applied for both the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loan/grant and EiDL loan through the SBA. We are currently working with People’s Bank for the PPP loan/grant and are awaiting notice back from the SBA on the EiDL loan. Our applications were not funding during the first round of government assistance, but we pray now that the second round has been opened, that funding will follow.

Finally, if you have been impacted during this time and can’t make your pledge, please know we fully understand. It would be helpful if you could reach out to me, the treasurer, or to Kelly in the office to let us know so that we can effectively plan for our cashflow. We know that these times are very fluid for everyone.

My prayer is that you are staying safe and healthy during this time. I look forward to worshiping along side you as soon as we can once again open the Church doors and sing together the Alleluias of praise to our God in unison and in person.

In His service,

David Kosar, Treasurer

Page 8: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

What a time this has been. I remember a homily over 30 years ago about how God seemed further away and less central to average Americans’ lives than in previous generations. The premise of the talk was how most of us in this country have and an “easy time” comparatively, since we had not had a war on our own soil since the mid 1800’s, that we had so many advantages over many of our fellow humans, and we relatively isolated from huge problems due to our location. This was, of course, before the plane attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and long before the COVID 19 pandemic. When people are in crisis, people turn to God. And they also turn to each other to provide support in new ways. We know that many people are suffering, and many more are at the very least inconvenienced by quarantine, so necessary yet so difficult. We hear of family members, friends, clergy, unable to visit loved ones and parishioners at their most needy hour due to the essential restrictions. Our isolation from one another seems to get a little harder each week — and that’s for those of us with computers who can do “Zoom” meetings and watch participate in church services from their kitchen tables. (I feel so bad for those of you without those means of connecting. At least we have phones.) Preparing music for Sunday worship (when I can’t actually be in the church with everyone) has been challenging, as well. However, it is gratifying to sit back on Sunday morning and take part “virtually” with so many. It does feel odd hearing my own playing and singing via recording, and hearing a small group of dedicated ministers provide the “congregational leadership” so folks can sing along at home. I can tell you, with a bit of pride, that we are “ahead of the curve” in several ways. Many churches record the services mid week and edit everything for Sundays, many live stream in a similar way. Some just have the priest giving a simple morning prayer from their living room, with no music, no one responding. Few I have seen (including some big east coast churches) provide a link to follow along the service bulletin like we do! It does make a difference. I am also grateful to so many of you who supported the Choir CD recording project for Trinity’s 125th anniversary, since we have been able to share some of it in our otherwise live streamed services. It looks as though we are going to be trying something new and different to enliven our next two major feasts - even though we will still most likely still be under necessary strict social distancing mandates, so unable to gather in person. May 31 (Pentecost) and June 7 (Trinity Sunday - our ‘feast day) will be special musical days in ways we have never done. I am researching ways to do a “virtual choir” of our own people, which will require some pre-recording, each person singing their part on their own at home, plus a lot of editing. It’s always interesting how tough challenges create new opportunities. I can’t promise it will work, but we are sure going to try! If anyone reading this is interested in helping with this project, please let me know.

Page 9: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

On a personal level, many of you know that, after my husband Joe’s stroke and heart issues of this past year, it has been necessary to sell our Edmonds condo and find a wheelchair accessible home. We have found a nice classic (built in 1918) house in Marysville that’s only a few minutes away from church. We had hoped to be all moved in by now, but discovered critical foundation repairs and improvements were needed before it was safe to move in (along with a grand piano and organ!), so we are still living out of suitcases in Joe’s folks’ condo in N. Everett while they are still in Arizona. We will be planning a house blessing and a big party as soon as possible, once we’re moved in and folks are allowed to congregate again. There will be lots of music sooner than we think! Lastly, I came across a beautiful bit of inspiration and hope from the famous Italian tenor, Andrea Bocelli. You may recall that Italy was especially hard hit by COVID 19, so I found this short video very moving. Click below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huTUOek4LgU Blessings to you all. Stay safe, smile a lot under those masks, and give thanks to God for each time you hear birds singing outside your window. David Spring, Music Director 206-261-0873 [email protected]

Page 10: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

Sorry to inform you that we won't be meeting again in May. Hopefully we will be able to be together again in June. On April 19th Pastier Rachel blessed 20 prayer shawl and 4 seafarer hats on the live streaming service. This brings the total of blessed shawls this month to 29 and a total for the year at 65, with 17 lap shawls and 5 seafarer hat. Unable to take shawls or lap shawls to hospice, the total remains the same at 47. Elta Morgan has been making lap shawls and one of her neighbors is suffering with terminal cancer. Without being able to bring the shawls to church, she blessed one as head of her household and presented him with the shawl. We can all do that if the need is great. Keep knitting and crocheting. Evie Beard received a call from a chaplain from Kaiser Permanente seeking prayer shawls. Pastier Rachel was going to follow up on it.

Page 11: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

Memories of the Way We Were and Events to Come Again Memories of fellowship, smells, sounds, tastes—laughter—quite talks—places we love to visit—people we enjoy being with —memories of good times together—praying , eating and fellowship. PRAYING Imagine we are together at St.Lukes Altar. The altar candles are lite. The Noonday Church bells chime. Service begins, then the Saint of the day; Saint Mark April 25 Almighty God, by the hand of Mark the evangelist you have given to your Church of Jesus Christ the Son of God: We thank you for this witness, and pray that we may be firmly grounded in its truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. MEMORIAL CANDLES are light for the those who are in need prayer. The service continues with the following Collect: Heavenly Father, send your Holy Spirit into our hearts, to direct and rule us according to your will, to comfort us in all our afflictions, to defend us from all error, and to lead us into all truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. LUNCHEON— We would be celebrating Rogation Days. Traditionally, these are the three days before Ascension Day on which the litany is sung or recited in a procession as an act of intercession. They originated in Vienna, France, in the 5th century when Bishop Mamertus introduced days of fasting and prayer to ward off a threading disaster. In England they were associated with the blessing of the fields at planting. Latin ROGATIO, asking or praying. LUNCHEON TODAY IS FOCUSED ON EARTH DAY AND THE HEAVENS. Luncheon consists of A Soup Bar and Salad Bar Party (Choice of 3 soups; Cauliflower made by Lorraine Dietel, Vegetable made by Julie Amdal and Meat Ball made by Nancy Smith). Dirt cake, and Star Cookies. The dirt cake is for ROGATION days and the star Cookies are for our guest presenter ASTRONOMER, Raymond Smith. (A COPY OF THE DIRT CAKE RECIPE WILL FOLLOW. IT’S A KID FRIENDLY, MAKE AHEAD DESSERT RECIPE, OREO DIRT PUDDING.)

Page 12: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

FELLOWSHIP-Today we welcome our guest presenter who is my husband A retired Physics Teacher and Astronomer, Raymond Smith As Seen From The Earth

Looking to the West at sunset, Venus is the very eye catching planet in the sky. It was brightest (-4.73 magnitude) on April 27th. Venus is the brightest in the evening about one month before it catches up to and passes between the Earth and the Sun, and is brightest again in the morning about one month after passing between the Earth and the Sun. At its brightest, Venus is 3.5 magnitudes brighter than Sirius, (The brightest star we see in the sky) which works out to be 25 times brighter to the human eye. This is brilliant enough to cast shadows on a dark night.

On May 7 the full moon will be 223,478 miles from the Earth, which is near perigee, it’s closest approach to the Earth. The orbit of the moon is elliptical and the distance from the Earth varies between 221,500 miles at perigee to 252,700 miles at apogee. YES, MELODY, if the full moon occurred at perigee it would be 31,200 miles closer than a full moon at apogee. Therefore it would appear bigger, approximately 1/10 bigger.

Pray for a clear night sky.

We thank Ray for his observations and dedications to the heavens. We look forward to a more in-depth discussion of astronomical phenomena in the future.

CLOSING PRAYER from the Book of Common Prayer page 840

We give you thanks, most gracious God, for the beauty of earth and sky and sea; for the richness of mountains, plains, and rivers; for the songs of birds and the loveliness of flowers. We praise you for these good gifts, and pray that we may safeguard them for our posterity. Grant that we may continue to grow in our grateful enjoyment of your abundant creation, to the honor and glory of your Name, now and for ever. Amen. OUR BLESSINGS OF MEMORIES SHARED THIS DAY. STAY SAFE UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN. As Rev. Rachel said “THINGS ARE CHANGED, NOT ENDED—AND WE MUST BE A PART OF THINGS CHANGED.”



Page 13: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of


This easy Dirt Cake is one of our favorite no bake desserts! Crushed Oreos are layered between a french vanilla pudding mixture for kid-friendly, make-ahead dessert recipe. Add gummy worms on top for a whimsical touch!


3 1/2 cups milk 8 oz cream cheese room temperature 2(3.4oz)packages Jello Instant 1 cup powdered sugar French Vanilla Pudding 8oz cool whip thawed in refrigerator

1 package Oreo cookies divided. Gummy worms optional I NSTRUCTIONS CRUSH THE OREOS: Remove 8 Oreos, place on a cutting board. Cut the cookies into small, 1/4” pieces, set aside. Put the remaining Oreos into the container of a food processor fit with an “S” blade. Process until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. If you don’t have a food processor, you can use a rolling pin. Set aside.

MAKING THE PUDDING: In a medium bowl, whisk together milk and pudding. Set aside in the refrigerator. In a large bowl, cream together butter and cream cheese. Beat until well combined and smooth. Add powdered sugar and beat until smooth. Add pudding to the butter/cream cheese mixture (make sure it has set before adding), beat on low. Fold in cool whip until mixture is homogenous (uniform throughout).

ASSEMBLE: Layer the pudding mixture and cookies. Start by pouring 2 cups of pudding mixture into the bottom of a trifle dish spread it until level. Sprinkle 1/2 cups of cookie crumbs and 1/4 cup chopped cookies evenly over the pudding. Repeat using 2 cups of pudding,1/2 cup cookie crumbs and 1/4 cup chopped cookies on each layer. Add gummy worms on top, or on each layer. Be sure the final layer is cookie crumbs. Refrigerate overnight before serving. ENJOY!

Page 14: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

THE THINGS WE MISS THE MOST We promise to do as good a job as we did in person when we presented the Daughters of the King at church, however it’s not the same. Maybe this summer? Maybe when we can see everyone? THE THINGS WE MISS THE MOST We miss seeing each other’s faces in those popular places, in the nooks and crannies where we feel welcome to worship together. We miss seeing friends, hearing their voices and laughter while sitting in the Church Sanctuary on Sunday mornings. We miss being in the company of friends, the look on their faces and how they give us encouragement to our lives. It’s your faces and the connecting that we miss so much. When we have change there will always be HOPE, FAITH and LOVE. Let us pray: The Prayer of St. Francis Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow LOVE; Where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; Where there is doubt FAITH; Where there is despair, HOPE; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to LOVE. For it is in giving that we receive; it is pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying ghat we are born to eternal life. Amen. The Order of the Daughters of the King invites women to join us in prayer, service, and Evangelism in the service to our Trinity Church. Contact Nancy D. Smith, we would love for you to

join us! 425-743-1420 [email protected]

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As you know by now, we will NOT be holding our usual Dinner/Auction this spring.

Instead, when we are able hold our all-clear parish celebration dinner, we will include a

fabulous live auction as part of the evening. That means we are soliciting around 10 very

special items that are valued at $500 or more. We’re looking for things like the use of

vacation rentals; adventures, like the balloon ride from 2018; or an evening out, like last

year’s tickets to The Wiz with dinner and transportation included. Please start thinking NOW

about what you could contribute. Contact Carol Bartley (425-315-7484) or

[email protected] with your ideas. It will be wonderful to come together again and

have a great time with our Trinity family.

Page 16: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

Electronic giving is a convenient, easy solution when you don’t have cash or a checkbook.

Give in the moment with a fast, one-time donation

Schedule and manage recurring donations

Pay for events and activities using your debit/credit card or banking information

All these

electronic options are of course in addition to the standard ways of donating via cash or checks using the pew envelopes. Below are all the electronic options you now have available.

You can also watch these 2 very short videos on how to use the Mobile App and Text-to-Give options:

GivePlus+ App: https://vimeo.com/262292774

Text-to-Give: https://vimeo.com/262291796

Page 17: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

Supporting the Everett Gospel Mission

In 2019 the mission provided 10,000 “bed nights.” That’s the number of heads that hit a pillow dur-

ing the year. This means that The Mission Could Use More New Pillows!

They continue to need and appreciate the diapers and baby items you so graciously donate, but

there are other needs too. Here is a partial list of things they are always in need of, because when

folks leave they need to furnish a home from scratch:

New bed pillows

Tupperware-type containers (gently used is fine)

Pots, pans and kitchen items like can openers and utensils

Cleaning supplies for the whole house (Idea: put things in a laundry basket)

Dish towels and good bath towels (need not be new)


Our “diaper count” stands at 6,637! If you’re in the habit of throwing in a package of diapers when

you’re shopping, there’s no need to change that. Just please keep these other items in mind.

Some statistics: Of the folks in their Family building, 70% depart to permanent or transitional hous-

ing, and 20% return to living with relatives. So that’s 90% that move to stable housing.

Also, lately they have had a “Grey Tsunami” of folks aged 55-plus. This is often due to health cri-


We cannot forget that the residents at EGM are exposed to the Gospel! This fact alone changes

and heals many lives! Sometimes we forget this when discussing statistics. Lives are changed in

more ways than simply housing and income.

Questions? Give me a call -- Mary Heileson, 425-349-4849

Page 18: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

Items are needed for the Food Pantry that Kelly maintains in

the Church Office.

When bringing items in please keep the following things in mind:

please do not donate food that is expired

all outdated and expired foods will be thrown out

this is not the time to clean out your pantry

Any opened food items will be thrown out

Page 20: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of

May 24 Easter 7 Acts 1:6-14

1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 John 17:1-11

Psalm 68:1-10, 33-36

May 31 Pentecost Collect: O God, who on this day taught the hearts of your faithful

people by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit: Grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgment in all things, and evermore

to rejoice in his holy comfort; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Acts 2:1-21 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13

John 7:37-39 Psalm 104:25-35, 37

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1 year of Service Remaining Morgan Crosby Doug Lathom

Andraya LaFredo Julia VanderVegt

2 years of Service Remaining

Diana Baird Daniel Bauer - Junior Warden Carol Bartley - Senior Warrden

Lawrence Sylvester

3 year of Service Remaining Troy Andrews

Rhonda McGee Jacque Nason Rachael Olsen

Officers of the Corporation David Kosar (Treasurer)

Karen Curtis (Clerk of the Vestry)

Business Group Coordinator Evie Beard

Chair of The Endowment Committee

Harry Stengele

Parish Chancellor Sarah Mack

Diocesan Convention Delegates

Jerry Carson Don Stapleton Brian Wheeler Michelle Wheeler

Diocesan Convention Alternates

Carolyn Carson Bill Bartley

Carol Bartley Kirsten Finley

Regional Convener

Leann Harrison Torgerson

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Ryan Boyett - 5/4

Karen Curtis - 5/21

Ann Cruiksliank - 5/21

Doris McLennan - 5/30

Ron Chappell - 5/15

Janet Hallauer - 5/9

Stanley Flanders - 5/1

Pattipeg Harjo - 5/19

Mark Garcia - 5/21

Jaime Santael la - 5/13

Richard McGee - 5/29

Victoria Baker - 5/10

Rachael Bauer - 5/10

Will Mayes - 5/3

Jason Grace - 5/31

Lilly Zenie - 5/20

The Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton & the Rev. Nigel Taber-Hamilton - 5/1

John & Sally Galt - 5/17

James & Joanne Davis - 5/4

Benjamin & Diana Baird - 5/22

Ronald & Kirsten Zenie - 5/20

Stanley & Ann Flanders - 5/27

James & Jacque Nason - 5/3

Page 23: When Trinity moves to Phase II, we will first have to ... · He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Matthew 4:2 Dear Friends, Towards the end of


Let us pray for our own needs and those of others: Those who are ill or in need of prayer:

Blu T., Charise L., Louis D., Kara D., John D., Maliki S., Moses S., Milani S., Silas D., Kayleen S., Buzz B., Kerry S., Billie C., Barb L., Norma H., Doris Mc., Craig Mc., Lisa B., Genevieve E., Elaine A., Adam A., Julie A., Jean M., Carole., Guillermo O., Brian T., Donna L. Omar C., Brian T., Jann S., David K., Jamie M., Phillip N., Helmi H., Sharon S., Brett G., Laura O., Emily V., Mary T., Mary U., Liz Mc., Steve Mc., Bill B., Suzie F., Sandy C., Ron C., Julie A., Charles A., Laura., Ardeth B., Evan B., Olivia L. Tony D., Pat G., Erin F., Jared F., Julie R. Corrine G., John H., Stephen H., Harry E., Deborah E., Phillip M., Robyn B.,

For the victims and families of natural disasters around the world; for those who suffer from

chronic illnesses; for those who are caregivers for their loved ones and others.


M I L I T A R Y L I S T * *

For those on deployment, in the military and their families:

Mark Bove Jr - (friend of Deborah & Harry Estep)

Tad Carson - (son of Jerry & Carolyn Carson)

Darius Crisp – (nephew of Kelly DiCicco and David Kosar)

Arianna Coleman – (niece of Kelly DiCicco and David Kosar

Ryan French - (great nephew of Jenny Miller)

John Snyder - (son of Stu & Ellie Snyder)

George - (friend of Janet & John Hallauer)

Chaplain Jim Lewis - (nephew of Fr Wayne & Marie Bond)

* If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, and would like to be included on the Parish

Sick List, Please contact the Parish Office to be included.

** If you or someone you know is in the Military, and would like to be included on the Parish

Military List, Please contact the Parish Office to be included.