when the judges ruled israel

In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

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…. When The Judges Ruled Israel. Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth. “…he did to her according to the vow which he had made”. Some Additional Closing Thoughts On Jephthah’s Vow. Jephthah certainly “gave his daughter” to the Lord [NO DOUBT] - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Page 2: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

When The Judges Ruled Israel

Page 3: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Jephthah certainly “gave his daughter” to the Lord [NO DOUBT] Was this “giving” = a burnt

offering? The text states in Judg.


Some Additional Closing Thoughts On Jephthah’s Vow

“…he did to her according to the vow which he had made”

Page 4: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

The text does not state she was slain and offered up in a fire

Many believe Jephthah “gave her” over to a celibate lifestyle in service to the Lord

The phrase in v. 39 “…and she had no relations with a man” is compelling

Some women did so “serve” 1 Sam 2:22

Some Additional Closing Thoughts On Jephthah’s Vow

Page 5: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

More “comparisons” others make… Hannah’s vow 1 Sam 1:11

Hannah pledged her son’s entire life to God as alive

Jephthah pledged a burnt offering… nothing could live through that

Some Additional Closing Thoughts On Jephthah’s Vow

Page 6: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

More “comparisons” others make… Abraham’s sacrifice Gen

22:2, 9-12 There is no comparison…

Abraham was commanded by God to offer Isaac up in a burnt offering

God knew Abraham was willing to obey a difficult command…He stopped him

Some Additional Closing Thoughts On Jephthah’s Vow

Page 7: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

The atrocity of a human sacrifice was not really seen until late in the Judean kings 2 Kings 16:3 21:6

It was so atrocious the record states it was one of their worst offenses

If Jephthah offered up his daughter, the record would mention, condemn it

Some Additional Closing Thoughts On Jephthah’s Vow

Page 8: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Would Israel’s daughters annually commemorate a human sacrifice?

It must have been something “proper”

They would not have paid homage to the act of a slain & sacrificed human… something described as an “abomination to the Lord”

Some Additional Closing Thoughts On Jephthah’s Vow

Page 9: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

A total dedication of a person to the service of Jehovah would be worthy of annual commemoration

She willingly sacrificed herself because of her father’s vow…she gave up her opportunity to be a mother

Some Additional Closing Thoughts On Jephthah’s Vow

Page 10: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

This appeared to be what grieved Jephthah so much

She was his only child…he would not be able to be a grandfather

As a comparison, Hannah had other children 1 Sam 2:21

Some Additional Closing Thoughts On Jephthah’s Vow

Page 11: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 12:1-7 The aftermath of defeating Ammon

The men of Ephraim complain v. 1 Just like before re: Gideon 8:1 The complaint was against Jephthah for

under-utilizing them against Ammon They threaten to burn down Jephthah’s

house upon him

Page 12: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 12:1-7 The aftermath of defeating Ammon

His answer to the men of Ephraim vv. 2-3 He states something not recorded in Judg 11 When the battle against Ammon began, he

summoned Ephraim to come help vv. 2-3a When he saw they weren’t going to respond,

he was forced to go ahead on his own v. 3b

Page 13: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 12:1-7 The aftermath of defeating Ammon

“Civil war” in Israel vv. 4-6 All of Gilead came to war against Ephraim…

Gilead prevailed v. 4a Apparently Gilead was willing to engage

Ephraim in battle because Ephraim had “slandered” Gilead v. 4b

Page 14: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 12:1-7 The aftermath of defeating Ammon

“Civil war” in Israel vv. 4-6 Gilead captured the fords of the Jordan to

prevent Ephraimites from escaping v. 5a Ephraimites trying to cross were subjected to

a “verbal test”…those exposed were slain Over 42,000 were slain vv. 5b-6

Page 15: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 12:1-7 Comparing Jephthah & Gideon

Both dealt with Ephraimite complaints Gideon praised Ephraim for their actions…

he told them they were important 8:1-3 Jephthah demanded to know what right they

had to complain…he proceeded to deal with them harshly & militarily 12:2-6

Page 16: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 12:1-7 Comparing Jephthah & Gideon

Both dealt with Ephraimite complaints The difference between these 2 judges may

lie in Ephraim’s response to a call for help Ephraim answered Gideon’s call 7:24-25 Ephraim did not answer Jephthah’s call


Page 17: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 12:1-7 He judged Israel only 6 years…he was

buried in Gilead after his death v. 7

Page 18: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Ibzan’s Judgeship Judg 12:8-10 The 9th judge was from Bethlehem

Most likely, the “Bethlehem” in Zebulun… Judah’s “Bethlehem” was noted Mic 5:2

He had 30 sons & 30 daughters who married “outside” (either outside his family or outside the nation of Israel)

Page 19: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Ibzan’s Judgeship Judg 12:8-10 If the spouses for his children came from

outside Israel, this would have been yet another indication of weak spiritual conditions in Israel Deut 7

He judged for 7 years before his death

Page 20: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Elon’s Judgeship Judg 12:11-12 The 10th judge was from Zebulun He judged Israel 10 years before his death

Page 21: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

Abdon’s Judgeship Judg 12:13-15 The 11th judge was from Ephraim He had 40 sons & 30 grandsons who rode

on 70 donkeys (wealth, social status) He judged Israel 8 years before his death

Page 22: When The Judges Ruled Israel

In The Days When The Judges RuledBiblical Studies From Judges & Ruth