what's really happening with the smart grid

What's Really Happening with the Smart Grid Mike Coop [email protected]

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Presentation by Mike Coop of heyCoop, LLC at the Smart Grid Council of Silicon Valley meeting on 21 April, 2010.


Page 1: What's REALLY Happening with the Smart Grid

What's Really Happening with the Smart Grid!

Mike [email protected]!

Page 2: What's REALLY Happening with the Smart Grid

Topics!– The Smart Grid—What Is It?!– Regulatory and standards landscape!– Home area network (HAN) communication

technologies!– Further background!

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Obligatory Smart Grid Slide!

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Where We’ll Focus Tonight!

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Smart Grid is Impossible to Cover Fully in a Half-hour!

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Smart Grid is Impossible to Cover Fully in a Half-hour!

Meaning, you’ll have homework!

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Are We Fighting!For Freedom?!

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Actually, We Are!

Are We Fighting!For Freedom?!

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Freedom From Foreign Oil!•  The goal of 2007’s Energy Independence and

Security Act (EISA 2007) is “to move the United States toward greater energy independence and security, to increase the production of clean renewable fuels, to protect consumers, to increase the efficiency of products, buildings, and vehicles, to promote research on and deploy greenhouse gas capture and storage options, and to improve the energy performance of the Federal Government, and for other purposes”!

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EISA 2007!•  Main goal is to eliminate dependence on foreign oil!•  Provides significant incentives for plug-in and hybrid

electric vehicles!•  Increases Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE)

standards—35 mpg fleet-wide by 2020!•  Requires 25% better efficiency for light bulbs by

2012 (effectively eliminating incandescent bulbs) and 200% better efficiency by 2020!

•  And pork…gotta have pork!•  All of which means SMART GRID!!

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What the Smart Grid is NOT!•  NOT a smart meter!

–  NOT Automated Meter Reading (AMR)!–  NOT Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)!

•  NOT the Home Area Network!–  NOT ZigBee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, 900 MHz, Bluetooth, or WiMAX!–  NOT Ethernet, HomePlug, HomeGrid, MoCA, or HomePNA!

•  NOT a bunch of other technologies and capabilities, all of which are are components of the Smart Grid!

•  Tonight, I’m focusing from inside the meter!

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What the Smart Grid IS!•  Provides quality power meeting 21st century needs!•  Accommodates all generation and storage options!•  Enables new products, services, and markets!•  Provides operational resilience against physical and

cyber attacks!•  Optimizes asset utilization and operating efficiency!•  Enables active participation by consumers in

demand response!

Adapted from IEEE P2030!

A digitized and intelligent version of the current power grid!

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Key Smart Grid Drivers!•  Utilities want more information from customers to

better forecast how generation will meet actual demand!

•  Consumers need real-time, appliance-level pricing and demand response information, from utilities and from third parties, in order to alter behavior, save money, and go green!

•  Governments want to encourage realization of environmental benefits by reducing noxious emissions (and votes…definitely votes)!

•  One key capability—Demand Response (DR)!

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Demand Response!•  “Reduction in the consumption of electric energy by customers

from their expected consumption in response to an increase in the price of electric energy or to incentive payments designed to induce lower consumption of electric energy”!

•  Dispatchable!–  Customer alters consumption due to direction from someone else!–  Includes rebates, compensation, and direct load control of

appliances!•  Non-dispatchable!

–  Customer alters consumption based on retail rate design that changes over time!

–  Includes time-of-use (TOU) pricing!

From FERC Order 719!

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How Will We Get There?!•  Government and regulatory!–  NIST, FERC, NARUC, DoE, States!

•  Standards Development Organizations!–  IEEE, ITU, ISO, IEC!

•  Industry!–  OpenSG, SAE, AHAM!

•  Many, many other standards, regulatory, policy, and grass roots efforts—including the Smart Grid Council of Silicon Valley!

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Government & Regulatory!•  National Institute of Standards & Technology!•  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission!•  National Association of Regulatory Utility

Commissioners!•  Department of Energy!•  Individual States!

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NIST!•  According to EISA 2007, NIST has "primary responsibility to coordinate

development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of smart grid devices and systems…”!

•  Smart Grid Interoperability Panel & Governing Board (SGIP/GB)!–  514 Participating & 62 Observing Member Organizations!–  25 member governance committee !

•  Domain Expert Working Groups (DEWGs)!–  Provide analysis in particular application domains; longer-term horizon!–  Identify gaps and overlaps!–  Develop use cases and white papers!

•  Priority Action Plans (PAPs)!–  Address gaps where standards (or extensions) are needed; shorter-term

horizon (think tiger team)!–  Try to disambiguate when multiple standards overlap!

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Category  Member  Affilia1on 

Category 1  Brian Markwalter  Consumer Electronics Associa8on Category 2  Tariq Samad  Honeywell Category 3  Todd RyAng  Panasonic Electric Works Laboratory of America Category 4  Rich Scholer  Ford Motor Company Category 5  George Bjelovuk  American Electric Power Category 6  Stephen Muchlinski  Tacoma Public U8li8es Category 7  Bob Saint  Na8onal Rural Electric Coopera8ve Associa8on (NRECA) Category 8  Chuck Shih  Edge Holdings LLC Category 9  Kenneth Van Meter  Lockheed Mar8n’s Energy Solu8ons Category 10  Ma[hew Theall  Intel Corpora8on Category 11  Vint Cerf  Google, Inc. Category 12  Le Tang  ABB Inc. Category 13  Wayne Longcore  Consumers Energy Category 14  Mladen Kezunovic  Texas A&M University Category 15  Perry Pederson  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Category 16  John Nunneley  SunSpec Alliance Category 17  Brent Hodges  Reliant Energy Category 18  John Caskey  Na8onal Electrical Manufacturers Assoc. (NEMA) Category 19  Paul Centolella  Public U8lity Commission of Ohio Category 20  Rik Drummond  Drummond Group Inc. Category 21  Jamshid Afnan  ISO New England, Inc. Category 22  Sco[ Ungerer  EnerTech Capital Category 23  John McDonald  GE Energy Category 23  Paul De Mar8ni  Southern California Edison Category 23  Mark McGranaghan  Electric Power Research Ins8tute 

SGIP Governing Board!

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NIST DEWGs!•  Transmission & distribution (TnD)!•  Home-to-grid (H2G)!•  Building-to-grid (B2G)!•  Industry-to-grid (I2G)!•  Vehicle-to-grid (V2G)!•  Business & policy (BnP)!

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NIST PAPs!0 "Meter Upgradeability Standard!1 "Role of IP in the Smart Grid!2 "Wireless Communications for the

Smart Grid!3 "Common Price Communication

Model!4 "Common Scheduling Mechanism!5 "Standard Meter Data Profiles!6 "Common Semantic Model for Meter

Data Tables!7 "Electric Storage Interconnection

Guidelines!8  CIM for Distribution Grid


9 "Standard DR and DER Signals!10 "Standard Energy Usage Information!11 "Common Object Models for Electric

Transportation!12 "IEC 61850 Objects/DNP3 Mapping!13 "Time Synchronization, IEC 61850

Objects/IEEE C37.118 Harmonization!

14 "Transmission and Distribution Power Systems Model Mapping!

15 "Harmonize Power Line Carrier Standards for Appliance Communications in the Home!

16  Wind Plant Communications!

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Other Government & Regulatory!•  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)!

–  Creates laws based on NIST’s recommendations!–  Wrote the National Action Plan on Demand Response!

•  National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)!–  Regulates telecom, energy, and water!–  Consists of representatives from all states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands!

•  DOE!–  Governs Energy Star, promote Energy Savers, will be involved in Home Star!–  Has stood up ARPA-E to motivate and fund U.S. energy research!

•  States!–  Individual states have taken a wide range of steps in Smart Grid, with Texas

and California leading the way!–  TX has decoupled T&D from retail; CA has just closed a round of comments

on proceeding R0812009!

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Standards Development Organizations and Industry Alliances!

SDOs!•  IEEE!•  ITU!•  ISO!•  IEC!

Industry Efforts!•  OpenSG!•  SEP 2.0!•  SAE!•  AHAM!•  SGCC!

MANY other efforts underway around the world!

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Wired HAN PLC Technologies!

Narrowband/Broadband!•  IEEE P1901 (HomePlug)!

–  Multiple flavors, ranging from low bitrate (C&C) to high bitrate (AV2, in draft)!

–  Combines MACs and PHYs from legacy HomePlug and HD-PLC Alliances!

•  ITU G.hn (HomeGrid)!–  New specification from ITU (G.

9960/9961, in draft); low bitrate G.hnem in development!

–  Single MAC/PHY for coaxial, powerline, phoneline!

Narrowband!•  G3!

–  Backed by Maxim and ERDF!•  LONWorks (ISO 14908)!

–  Backed primarily by Echelon and Enel!

•  Prime!–  Backed by TI and Iberdrola!

All five approaches are active in NIST PAP 15 and SAE efforts!IEEE and ITU have co-convened PLC4SG effort to stimulate coexistence discussions!For more, go to PAP 15!

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Wireless HAN Technologies!•  ZigBee!•  Z-Wave!•  Wi-Fi!•  Bluetooth!•  900 MHz!

Each wireless solution has pluses and minuses!–  Bitrate!–  Cost!–  Range!–  Reliability!

For more, go to PAP 02!

Unlike PLC, coexistence issues in wireless HAN technologies are nearly non-existent (save for interference, of course)!

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Speed Round Topics!•  You and your neighbor both charging your

PEVs at dinnertime may cause sparks…literally!

•  ZigBee has released the Smart Energy Profile 2.0 TRD (as of December); MRD has been available since last year!

•  EPA/Energy Star has begun a new Climate Controls initiative, replacing their earlier programmable thermostat work !

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Empower Yourself!•  NIST!

–  nist.gov/smartgrid!–  tinyurl.com/sgipflyer!–  Join SGIP!–  Find a PAP!

•  Smart Grid Knowledge!–  Search on “DoE Smart Grid” to find DoE’s “The Smart Grid:

An Introduction”!–  Hit smartgridlibrary.com to demystify the world of

acronyms!–  Hit powertochoose.org to see what a deregulated future

may look like here in California!

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Mike [email protected]!

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