what's next for opisboy - ipv6, freebsd and software defined network

What’s next for Opisboy? IPv6, FreeBSD and Software Defined Networks Affan Basalamah Traceroute Party 2013

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Presented at Traceroute Party, Jakarta 12-14 April. Sharing status updates on IPv6 implementation and FreeBSD, and sharing small glimpse on next trend on network: Software Defined Networking (SDN)


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What’s next for Opisboy?

IPv6, FreeBSD and

Software Defined Networks Affan Basalamah

Traceroute Party 2013

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# whoami

• Affan Basalamah

• IT Infra Manager

• Unit Sumber Daya

Informasi ITB

[email protected]

• @affanzbasalamah

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• Some status on IPv6 and FreeBSD

• Eye opening: Paradigma Masa Depan

• SDN – Software Defined Networking

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Status (1)

• IPv6 stack mulai stabil di berbagai OS dan

firmware (yg pernah saya dengar atau saya


– Router: Linux/BSD, Cisco, Juniper, Brocade, HP,

Huawei, Mikrotik, Force10, dsb

– Switch: Cisco Catalyst/Nexus, Juniper, Brocade,

HP, Huawei, Force10, dsb

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Status (2)

– Firewall: Cisco ASA, Juniper, Mikrotik

– Load Balancer: F5, Brocade ADX, Apache

Traffic Server, Nginx, Varnish, Apache

mod_proxy module

– OS: Windows 7/8, Server 2008R2/2012, Mac

OS X, Linux/BSD

– Hypervisor: vSphere 5.x, RHEV, Hyper-V

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Status (3)

• Koneksi: native backbone

• OpenIXP sudah IPv6

• ISP lain? Indosat? Telkom? Anyone?

• Temporary (permanently) solutions:


– bisa tunnel + peering BGP juga

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And then...

Saat ini semuanya berjalan, namun ada

beberapa hal yang menjadi penghalang:

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IPv6 tanpa DNS =~ sakit kepala

• Anda mau menghafal IP seperti ini?

– 2403:8000:2e3b:6738:a573:c1bd:4b6c:31b7

• Especially IN PTR

• Untuk melihat IP address packet yg disniff

• Untuk melihat access_log apache/squid

• Untuk melihat awstat/webalizer

• IN PTR creation harus diotomasi

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Happy Eyeball (2)

• Musti nunggu sampai semua browser

beres implementasinya

• Selama itu belum beres, mending disable

IPv6 utk end-user

• Atau IPv6 only aja sekalian, jalanin


– Aplikasi yg pakai literal IPv4 nggak akan jalan

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Slide happy eyeball

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Skema addressing IPv6

• Mau bikin baru?

• Atau ikut IPv4 addressing scheme

– biar gampang ingetnya

• IPv6 address cantik utk host berisi content:

– face:b00c (www.facebook.com)

– dead:beef

• Wajib pasang IPAM:

– GestioIP www.gestioip.net

– phpIPAM www.phpipam.net

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Orang aplikasi nggak mau tahu

• Gak peduli tentang IPv6, tahunya bisa

dibuka di mana saja

– Responsive web aja sudah repot, ngurus CSS

nya IE aja sudah repot, jangan disuruh

ngomong IPv6 ya

• Pasang web server di belakang LB

– LB dual stack IPv6, web server IPv4 only

• Test your apps

– Apps behavior behind LB

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Security Issues

• Beberapa issue yang muncul

• Bagaimana snort/IDS/IPS di IPv6?

• Port scanning is impossible

– mau coba nmap -sP subnet/64 ? :P

• Fragmentation attack

• RH0, source route

• Security compliance additional checklist

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Bandwidth accounting

• Torrent jalan di IPv6 lho, gimana inspectnya?

• Proxy cache squid?

– Stable version 2.7 tidak support IPv6,

– Version 3.2 dgn IPv6 tidak sestabil 2.7

• Squid bisa ditaruh di belakang SLB

– Tapi log cache nya gimana?

• Ini di enterprise sih, entah di telco urusan

charging/billing nya gimana

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User/client Provisioning

• DHCPv4 belum betul2 digantikan oleh


• Mau pakai apa?

– IPv6 RA (ICMPv6) atau DHCPv6?

• IPv6 RA gak ada DNS record nya

– (you don't say?)

• Security issue di ICMPv6

– Solusinya: SEND = Secure ND

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Itulah PR bagai opisboy

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Sejarah FreeBSD di ITB

• 1995? Saya juga agak lupa

• FreeBSD pertama saya: 2.2.1-RELEASE

• Sampai sekarang 9.1-RELEASE

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Dipakai untuk apa?

(dahulu & sekarang) • Core router -> router/switch branded

• Firewall/Gateway -> FW/gateway branded

• DNS server

• DHCP server

• MX server

• Web server

• Mailbox server

• Proxy cache server

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Kenapa pakai FreeBSD?

• Handal utk appliance, nggak mati-mati

• Banyak fitur2 bagus dimasukkan ke sini

– ZFS, DTrace, fitur security OpenBSD

– Lebih mudah pakai ZFS di FreeBSD daripada di


• Konfigurasi sederhana (jika sudah tahu)

• Packaging dgn Ports itu sebenarnya paling

konsisten (namun bukan paling mudah)

• Performa (ini subjective sih)

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Kapan FreeBSD tidak dipakai?

• Aplikasi yang lebih mudah diinstall di


• Prefer RHEL/CentOS family (YMMV)

– RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Scientific Linux, Oracle


• Use Case:

– Application server

– HPC cluster, MPI, etc.

– Mailbox server (Zimbra)

– NMS server (Nagios/Cacti custom)

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Perkembangan FreeBSD ke depan


– Cloud computing

• VirtIO support di KVM, BSD Hypervisor

– High performance Network

• SMP firewall

• Netmap 10Gbps throughput on FreeBSD

– Storage

• ZFS berkembang terus, support TRIM SSD

– Appliances

• ARM, RaspPi

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Dan akhirnya saya mau cerita rencana ITB ke


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• Saat ini orang nggak terlalu peduli dgn

IPv6, FreeBSD, dan hal-hal lainnya

• Mereka lebih peduli bagaimana

– aplikasi saya segera running in minutes

– Startup saya bisa jalan

– Revenue masuk

• Maka dari itu redefinisi strategi IT

strategi infrastruktur IT

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Karakteristik infrastruktur

masa depan





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Itu namanya:


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Tapi cloud computing yang seperti apa?

Cloud yang mana?

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Bahkan Awan pun ada


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Apakah anda mau cloud anda adalah cloud

yang ini?

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Apakah install vSphere + vCloud Director itu

sudah bisa disebut cloud computing?

Atau install Proxmox VE itu sudah bisa

disebut cloud computing?

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Essential Characteristics

• On-demand self-service

• Broad network access

• Resource pooling

• Rapid elasticity

• Measured service

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Layanan Cloud Computing

SaaS – Software as a Service

PaaS – Platform as a Service

IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service

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Suka tidak suka, inilah karakteristik layanan

yang harus disediakan oleh infrastruktur

yang harus dibuat oleh opisboy

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Sudah bukan jamannya ngomong OS wars,

orang nggak peduli

Sudah bukan jamannya cuma mikir network

sebagai network saja

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“Datacenter Networks are in my way”

James Hamilton, AWS

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Infrastruktur harus didesain ulang untuk

mengakomodir itu semua keperluan itu

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IPv6, FreeBSD adalah merupakan bagian

kecil dari itu semua

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Apakah anda siap berpindah paradigma?

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Compute Cluster

Mgmt Inter




Network Cluster







Storage Cluster

I/O Inter

connect Disk Storage Memory Processor


as a Service

Software as

a Service

Platform as

a Service

Email File

Sharing HPC


Hosting Identity



Learning IS BigData



Self service

Portal OS/Hypervisor



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Network Blueprint

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IT Cloud Clusters

• IaaS: Hypervisor:

– VMware, RedHat, Citrix, OpenStack, etc

• PaaS: hosted Paas:

– OpenShift Enterprise, AppFrog, etc.

• SaaS: hosting platform, email hosting, etc.

• Cloud orchestration platform:

– vCloud Director, CloudForms, OpenStack

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Storage Clusters

• Scale out storage

– Large data scaling without interruption

• Automatic storage tiering

– SSD, SAS, SATA for high performance storage

• Network RAID for high availability

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Campus 1

Campus 2


IT Compute Cluster

& Storage Cluster

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Network Clusters

• Datacenter fabric

– 10 Gigabit Ethernet port curah

– TRILL/SPB – eliminate spanning tree

– Integrasi dgn hypervisor/cloud orchestration

• Core network: IP/MPLS/SDN

• Access network:

– virtual chassis LAN switching

– wireless mesh Wifi

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Campus 1

Campus 2




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Wa bil khusus networking

• Basic IP routing

– IPv4/v6 uni/multicast

• Advanced: MPLS on enterprise


• Next generation network

– Ethernet fabric

– SDN: Software Defined Network

(programmable network) OpenFlow

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Why all this complexity?

Technical Motives

Business Motives

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Technical Motives

• Orang ingin network yg flexible

• Derajat perubahan terlalu tinggi di cloud


• Network harus mampu mengikuti perubahan

• Tidak bisa dikonfigurasi manual lagi

– Automation on single device

– Orchestration on multiple devices

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Business Motives

• Orang mulai familiar dgn public cloud

– Bikin layanan di VPS -> no, bikin di EC2

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

– Pesan server virtual di Softlayer, bisa milih

mau spek seperti apa

– Masukin storagenya di S3 nya AWS (block


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Business Motives (2)

• Tapi begitu ngelihat invoice

bulanannya langsung manyun

– Ffffuuuu that's expensive, dolar


• Gak ada yg bikin ginian di


– Enterprise ingin punya beginian

tanpa kena recurring cost

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OK, sekarang apaan sih yang tadi diomongin


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Basic IP Routing

• Makanan harian opisboy

• IPv4/v6 unicast/multicast routing

• Policy/Filter-based Forwarding

• Namun ada keterbatasannya

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MPLS on Enterprise

• Enterprise ingin punya network yg flexible

seperti Telco

• Namun nggak mau mengurusi


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• Saya punya IP camera di kampus, punya

RFID utk e-cash transaction, gimana agar

gak disniff, diportscan ama mahasiswa? Ya

bikin VRF sendiri

• Saya pengen jualan bandwidth ke

fakultas/lab dari ISP/provider, gimana agar

ISP gak tarik kabel satu-satu ke

fakultas/lab? Ya bikin VRF sendiri

• Itulah use case nya

• Dan njahit GRE tunnel itu malesin

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Campus 1

Campus 2


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• Tiba-tiba ada acara di Aula, ada

ISP/provider mau tarik kabel ke situ, perlu?

Nggak perlu pusing, ISP cukup terminasi

di datacenter, tembak L2VPN ke site. Beres.

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Campus 1

Campus 2


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• Network ITB banyak subnetnya (~ 400


• Datacenter (DC) ada di beberapa tempat

terpisah, gimana caranya mau bikin

Vmotion antar DC? Ya bikin VPLS di semua


• AP Wireless network di ITB sekarang

terpisah-pisah controllernya, gimana

caranya mau dijadikan satu controller saja

utk simplify config? Ya bikin VPLS

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Campus 1

Campus 2


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Datacenter Fabric Ethernet

• Compute cluster & storage cluster perlu

10 gigabit port curah yg low latency

• Full utilization w/ high availability without

spanning tree

• Logically flattened the network

• Terkoneksi dgn hypervisor/cloud

orchestration for VM visibility

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Campus 1

Campus 2




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Dan masuklah sebuah era baru yang


Software Defined Networking

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Software Defined Networking

(SDN) • Teknologi yg berjalan bersamaan dengan

cloud computing

• Implementasi ada beberapa

• Yg terpopuler saat ini: OpenFlow

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OpenFlow (1)

• Traditionally, control plane & forwarding

plane itu ada di satu box yg sama

– Control plane: ngurus management, routing

protocol (OSPF, BGP) -> routing table

– Forwarding plane: packet forwarding -> FIB,

forwarding table

• Sekarang control plane ini dipindahkan ke

satu controller

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OpenFlow (2)

• Decision routing diputuskan di controller ini

• Forwarding plane menerima perintah dari

controller ini, packet yg masuk itu harus


– Forward, drop, kirim ke controller, dsb

• Beberapa router menawarkan fitur

OpenFlow Hybrid Port

– Satu port bisa punya beberapa VLAN trunk

– Ada VLAN yg dimanage oleh router (tradisional),

ada yg dimanage oleh OpenFlow

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Control/Data Plane Separation

•Control / Management plane in a dedicated controller

•Networking devices perform forwarding and maintenance functions

•IP / SSL connectivity between controller and OpenFlow switch

•OpenFlow = Forwarding table (TCAM) download protocol

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Controller & Agents

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Apa hal menarik dari SDN?

• Opisboy bisa memutuskan network itu

dikonfigurasi seperti apa tanpa perlu

mengatur satu persatu devices secara


• Opisboy bahkan bisa memprogram

network itu seperti apa, baik secara

manual decision, maupun automated

decision (misal dari sistem cloud

computing: OpenStack, VMware)

• Setidaknya itu janji-janjinya sih

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Tantangannya apa? (1)

• Opisboy musti familiar dgn programming,

minimal mulai belajar

• Minimal coba install platform virtual


– OpenFlow Controller

– Open vSwitch

• Things can fail massively

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Tantangannya apa lagi?

• Troubleshoot tidak segampang tradisional

– Ada routing IGP/EGP -> RIB table

– Ada label MPLS -> MPLS label table, VPN


– Belum bicara troubleshooting VPLS yg susah

– Ada OpenFlow controller

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What’s the point of this?

• Apakah FreeBSD masih relevan? Masih!

– Menempatkan kemampuannya di tempat yg


• Apakah IPv6 masih relevan? Masih!

– Kompleksitasnya memerlukan inovasi dalam

pengelolaan IT

• Namun mereka harus dimasukkan dalam

big picture ini agar tetap relevan

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Jadi kita mau ngapain

sekarang? • Melihat networks & IT dengan paradigma


• Big picture: cloud computing, IT service, IT

as Innovation Enabler

• Arahkan pengembangan menuju

paradigma baru

• Let's innovate!

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Terima kasih!

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• Analysing Dual Stack Behaviour and IPv6 Quality – Geoff Huston &

George Michaelson - https://ripe64.ripe.net/presentations/78-2012-


• OpenFlow and SDN: hype, useful tools or panacea? – Ivan Pepelnjak

- https://ripe65.ripe.net/presentations/19-


• IPv6 Security – Scott Hogg & Eric Vyncke, Cisco Press -


• NIST Definition of Cloud Computing -
